A Matter of Taste
Chapter 1 - Something Different About You
by DoctorBlank
Hi! Longtime lurker, this is my first submission. More (much more) to come - hit me up for feedback or commissions, both are more than welcome!
"Last call!" Scott yelled, and rang the bell.
My date, Dan, was stealing glances at my cleavage and droning on about some podcast or something. I held up a finger to stop him. "I've got this one," I said. "Same again?"
"Um, sure."
I got up from the table, straightening my skirt, and headed to the bar. It was crowded for a Thursday, and Scott was busy getting last orders in. He glanced at me, and gave a nod.
While I waited, I looked at myself in the mirror behind the bar. It was late August in the city, so I was wearing as few clothes as possible. I fixed my short red hair, pushed my tits up a little. They looked even bigger than usual, even without a bra, and were practically falling out of my blouse. I looked goddamn sexy, if I say so myself. Fuckable. I figured if I was going to take Dan home with me – I hadn't gotten any for a few months, after all – it couldn't hurt to look my best.
"Erin." Scott stopped in front of me. Had he caught me checking myself out?
"Hey, Scott," I said, blushing a bit. "Two more pints of the black stuff."
"You got it." He went to pour the pints. Now that the bar was emptying out, it was quiet enough that we could talk. He leaned on his elbows as he waited for the pints to settle. "Still can't believe you came here of all places on your night off. This a date?" he asked.
I shrugged. "Figuring that out. But I like it here. And hey, free drinks, right? Riiiight?"
Scott laughed. He had a nice laugh, deep and musical. "I guess I can do that."
* * *
We'd worked together at Flanagan's for about a year now, both bartending, me sometimes waiting tables. Scott was some kind of musician or writer, but quiet. From what little he told me, he was getting over some girl who'd broken his heart.
I watched him now as he topped off the pints. He was cute enough. Dark curly hair, bright blue eyes, tall, a shy smile. We'd even had a drunken makeout once in the walk-in during a staff party a few months ago. I'd had one hand down his pants when the bar manager/owner Zelda walked in, looking for olives or whatever. Scott and I had hurriedly pulled apart, Zelda raised an eyebrow, and that was that. We hadn't talked about it since.
* * *
Scott put the pints down in front of me. "On the house. So. The date. How's it going?"
"Okay. He's… alright, I guess. Kinda boring."
"Kinda looks it. I mean, no offense. You planning on taking him home?"
"I think so. It's been awhile. Not like I have any other options." I reached for the pints. "I figure one last drink will help."
"Hang on," Scott said, touching me gently on the hand. "You're forgetting something." He turned, grabbed a whiskey bottle from the top shelf, and poured us each a shot. "Staff drinks before you go." Weird. I felt almost a tingle where he'd touched me.
He raised his glass. "Cheers!"
"Sláinte," I said. We clinked, downed our shots. Scott was silent for a moment, just looking at me.
"He's a lucky man, Erin," Scott said quietly. My cheeks burned again, and not just from the whiskey. I hoped the lights were dim enough that he didn't notice.
"Though you know," Scott said, leaning over the bar, inches from my ear, lowering his voice, "you could always take me home instead."
Something strange passed through me then, lust and warmth and… truth. I felt my nipples get hard against my blouse, my pussy get wet. I blinked at him, his words reverberating through me.
"I, um." I gathered up the pints. "I should get back."
"Alright," Scott said. I couldn't read his expression. "Have a good night, Erin."
"Yeah, uh, thanks."
* * *
Back at the table, I set the drinks down. I caught Dan looking down my blouse again as I sat, and I prayed he wouldn't notice my nipples through the silk. Still, I did up one of the buttons, as though it'd make a difference.
"So," Dan said, taking a sip of his Guinness, "what was that all about?"
"What was what?"
"You and the bartender. With the shots."
"Oh," I said, "That's just Scott. We work together." I glanced back at the bar and caught Scott's eye. He smiled. Was he watching us? "It's this, like, tradition we have here. Staff drinks. We do it at the end of every shift. Since I'm not closing tonight, well…"
"I know all that," Dan huffed. "But it looked like he whispered something to you."
"Oh, that." I felt another pulse of heat in my pussy, remembering Scott's words. "Just an inside joke. It was nothing."
Dan scowled and took another sip of his drink. "I mean, it looked like it was something."
"Hey," I said, reaching across the table and laying a hand on his arm. "I've here with you, Dan. I'm leaving with you. Okay?" I said softly.
Dan smiled at that, his voice softening too. "Alright. Yeah."
He started talking again, mostly to himself. My thoughts drifted as I watched Scott cleaning glasses. There was something different about him since that time in the walk-in, I decided. Even in his black uniform shirt and tie, he seemed bigger now, somehow, more fit. His smile was a little wider, his eyes a little brighter. He even smelled better. And that voice. That was different, too. So deep, so resonant, so masculine, almost… commanding.
I shivered, hoping Dan wouldn't notice. He didn't. Scott's words played over and over in my mind, like I could still hear him.
You could always take me home instead. So deep. I felt that… something run through me again. Was I just that drunk? Was that all it was?
You could always take me home instead. So resonant. I glanced over at Scott again, and he caught me looking. I took a long drink. Fuck me, was he sexy now.
You could always take me home instead. So masculine. I wondered what he looked like out of those clothes. What his dick looked like. In my limited experience with it, it had been a pretty nice one.
You could always take me home instead. So commanding. His voice… it was like I wanted to do whatever he said. Like I had to do what he said.
You could always take me home instead. So true. Scott was… he was right. I could always take him home instead.
And yet. I looked over at Dan, still droning on. I was here with him, though. I was supposed to go home with him, I… wasn't I? I was supposed to take him back to my apartment and… and fuck him. Right? Dan was attractive enough, and nice enough, and–
You could always take me home instead.
Fuck it. I drained my glass and stood. Dan finally stopped talking and looked up. "What's up?" he said.
"Just headed to the ladies'."
"What? Why?" His eyes crawled over me. "You look so fucking good already."
"I just… need a minute. 'Kay?"
"Alright, cool. I'll finish up, and call the taxi while you're getting ready."
"Yeah, um, sure," I mumbled, and dashed off, my heels clicking on the hardwood floor.
* * *
The bathroom was surprisingly clean, for once. The fluorescents flickered as I studied myself in the mirror, looking into my wide green eyes. They seemed slightly glazed, but also brighter, somehow. I did look fucking good. Dan was right about that, at least.
I touched myself through my panties. I was still so fucking wet. I imagined Scott coming in, pushing me against the sink, lifting up my skirt, pushing my panties aside. Watching myself in the mirror, moaning as he filled me with one stroke. Watching my big tits as his big, hard dick completely filled me. Fucked me. Owned me.
"Fuck me, Scott," I whispered to myself. I gripped the sink with both hands, shuddering, almost cumming as in my mind he came inside me, stretching me, filling up my pussy.
That settled it. I cleaned up, flushed, and went to break the news.
* * *
Dan was sitting at the table when I got back, his drink still unfinished. He was playing with his phone and looked up as I approached. "Hey, the, uh, taxi is gonna be about half an hour. I figured we could chill here, I could finish my drink while we wait. Or, you know, if you'd rather go to yours, we could just walk it. You live pretty close by, right?"
"I'm, I do, but, well, no," I said, picking up my purse. "I sort of changed my mind."
Dan stood up, angry and wobbling a bit. "Changed your mind?! The fuck's that supposed to mean?"
"Please don't shout," I said. "I changed my mind. I'm not going home with you tonight."
"Oh." Dan's face fell. "Um, I mean, that's okay. So, maybe another time? It was kinda fast, and we could–"
"No, Dan." I shook my head. "I'm not going home with you. Ever." I looked across at Scott, who was watching us. The rest of the bar had emptied out.
Dan followed my gaze. "What, him?! The fucking bartender?! Is that it?!"
"It doesn't matter," I said. "You and me, we're done. Alright?"
"I can't fucking–! Fuck!" Dan downed the last of his drink and slammed the glass down on the table. "Fuck this!" He stomped to the door and kicked it open. "The fuck," he muttered to himself, walking out into the night. I locked the door behind him and took a seat at the bar.
Scott gave me a curious look. "I gotta agree with the guy, Erin," he said. "The fuck?"
Instead of answering, I reached forward, grabbed his tie, and kissed him, hard. My eyes slid closed. God damn did he taste good. His lips were warm, yielding, and sweet as he started kissing me back. He even smelled amazing, almost… primal. Animal. Male. I started to get lightheaded.
I don't know how long we kissed, but we eventually separated, both of us breathing hard.
"Erin, again," he panted. "The fuck?"
"You said I could always take you home instead." I gave a predatory smile, then said in my lowest, sexiest purr, "So I am."
"That was just a joke!"
"Not to me," I said. I pushed my arms together, making my tits even bigger. Scott looked down, and now he was the one blushing. Fuck, he was cute. "I've seen how you look at me. Remember that time in the walk-in? I know you've wanted me."
"I mean, yeah, you're pretty, I just–"
I pulled his face to mine. We were forehead to forehead, and it took everything in me not to kiss him again. "Say it, Scott," I purred. "Say you've wanted me."
"I–I've wanted you."
"You wanted to fuck me."
"I wanted to fuck you."
"I wanted it too. Tell me," I said.
"Erin, you're drunk, we shouldn't–"
"No," I said firmly. "No, I'm not. Now tell me. Tell me like you did before, after we took the shots. How much I want it. Tell me how much I want to fuck you."
"Erin," he said. "I… fine." He leaned in, one hand on the back of my neck, his breath hot. He lowered his voice. "You want to fuck me," he rumbled in my ear. "So much."
"Yessss…" My body throbbed, filled again with warmth and lust. My thoughts grew hazy. "More, please!" I moaned. "Tell me what to do!"
"You want to show me your tits."
"Yes! Want to show you… uhnn… my tits. Please! Ohh! Play with my tits!"
"You want to be naked with me. You want to see me naked."
"Yes!" I leaned forward on my barstool. My hand found my pussy and started rubbing it. "I want to show you my body! I want to see all of you!"
"You want to see my cock. You want to suck it."
"Fffffuuuck!" I was getting so close now, my other hand pulling my blouse aside and pinching a hard nipple. "So much! I want to suck you! I want to taste you!"
"You want me to fuck you. You want me to fuck your cunt."
I rubbed faster, images of him fucking me flickering through my mind. "I want you to fuck me!" I saw myself riding his dick… his cock, him taking me from behind, watching him gently sliding into me then leaning in for a kiss, our chests pressed together. I could almost feel his weight on me. "Ohfuck, please, Scott, fuck me! Fuck my cunt! Take me! Please make me cum on your cock! Cum in me!"
Scott pulled back. I came, shaking, one hand pulling my nipple, the other with three fingers buried deep in my pussy, then slumped forward.
* * *
I must have passed out for a minute. When I woke, there were two new shots of whiskey on the bar. Scott had come around and was sitting on the stool next to mine. He watched me with a look somewhere between curiosity and concern, one hand resting on my back, moving in slow circles. I felt strangely clearheaded for the first time in a while.
"That was… interesting," he said. He noticed me eyeing the shots. "Looked like you could use one more."
"Y'cn say that again," I mumbled. "Fuckin' hell. I've never cum that hard before."
"Speaking of, what was that last part?"
"What last part?" I asked. "I was kinda, you know, not all there."
"The… the 'cum in me!' part?"
"Ah. That just came out. It's something I've always had a fantasy about. I've never done… that. With a guy before."
"Would you… want to?" I said, getting shy. "I mean, do that? With me? Would you really want to fuck me?"
He brought my face to his and kissed me again. His voice dropped. "Really really want to. I want to fuck you so much, Erin."
As he spoke, I felt my… my cunt getting wet again. "My cunt is so wet for you," I moaned. I've never liked that word, but now it felt right. "You live upstairs, right?"
"Yes…?" he said, his voice normal again.
"So," I said, grabbing my shot off the bar. He did the same, and we toasted and drank. I gave him a peck on the lips. "I want you. Right now. You're closer. Take me to bed, idiot."
* * *
Scott and I locked up and went around back, where he unlocked a heavy steel door and let us inside. Scott lived in an apartment above the bar. Our boss Zelda owned the whole building, and rented the upstairs floors to college students and to his employees. Scott, who was both at the time, had lucked out and gotten in. I was on the waiting list, but managed to find a place a few blocks away in the meantime, so I could at least walk to work. The only problem was…
"Ffuuuuck," I said, looking up the darkened stairwell and letting out a breath. "What floor are you?"
"Nine. There's is an old elevator we can try, but it breaks down a lot. I haven't had the best of luck with it."
"Nah, I'm good." I looked down at my heels. "Any chance you could carry me?"
"Sure." He turned around and bent his knees.
I laughed. "Dude, I was joking."
"I wasn't. Hop on."
So I did. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist, and up we went.
I buried my face in his neck as we climbed and inhaled his scent, kissing the spot behind his ear. I managed to sneak a few feels of his body on the way – nice and solid, big but not too big. I reminded myself to ask him what was up with all this.
* * *
He set me down outside his door. "What, not going to carry me over the threshold?" I said.
He smiled and swung the door open. "Think it's a little early for that."
"Fine," I said, mock-hurt, marching past him and giving him a playful punch on the shoulder. I looked around. A well-worn couch and armchair, coffee table, TV, a small kitchen, and a back hallway that led to where I guessed the bathroom and bedroom were. "Huh. Thought it'd be bigger."
"It's the city. You get what you pay for."
I kicked off my shoes and flopped down on the couch, curling my legs under me. I patted the cushion. "Come sit. We need to talk." I said.
Scott seemed hesitant. "You want something first? Some water? Or I could fix you a drink? Think there's some cheap vodka in the freezer, or-"
I shook my head. "I'm good, man. C'mere." He sat. "So?" I began.
"So. What's going on with you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Dude. Scott. You know what I mean. There's something, I don't know, different about you these last few months. I thought you were cute, back when we made out in the walk-in. But now? Everything's off. Not in a bad way! I liked you then. But you're different now. Something's going on." I undid his tie, started unbuttoning his work shirt. "You're bigger." I ran my hand up his chest, playing with the soft hair covering his pecs, then ran it down one of his legs. "Like you've been working out. And you smell amazing." I kissed his neck, breathing deep. He was sweating a bit. "Like pheromones or something. You make me so fucking horny." I laid my head in his lap. "Plus whatever it is with your voice."
"My voice?"
I slapped his leg. "Don't be an idiot, you idiot. I know you did… something to me at the bar. When you lower your voice, it's like it… it goes through my whole body. My nipples get hard. My pussy… my cunt gets wet. My mind gets all fuzzy, and I can barely think. It's like I want to do whatever you tell me. Like I have to do it, like you're commanding me. And it feels so fucking good when you do." I started stroking him through his pants. His cock was already hard, and felt even bigger than I'd imagined it.
Scott sighed and started playing with my hair. "Yeah, I wondered when somebody would notice. Really didn't think it'd be you."
I kept stroking. Fuck, he was so big. "Will you tell, me, then?" I kissed his cock through the fabric of his slacks and raised my eyes to his. "Please, Scott?"
He paused, then, "Okay. Deal. But first, Erin?"
His voice dropped. "Take off your clothes."
Thanks for reading! Stick around, we'll be right back!
Thank you! And yes to both. Chapter 2 is coming very soon. It’s more than twice as long as this one, and it’s all about, well, what’s going on with Scott.