Return of the Small Town Hypnotist

by DazzlingLady

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f

Jayde confronts both her past and her future, as she tries to decide exactly what she really wants out of life.

This story is written as a tribute the character “Jade Sampson” form the stories “Small Town Hypnotist” and “Stress Busters” by Neo Whyachi, with his blessing. She is the third of three characters created by other authors who inspired my own hypno-stories, and I am delighted that versions of all three now exist in my crazy universe. The character “Jayde” in my fictional universe is an imagining of where the original Jade might have ended up seventeen years after the events of “Small Town Hypnotist”. In it, Jayde confronts both her past and her future, as she tries to decide exactly what she really wants out of life.

Jayde sat on the couch in the living room of her nineteenth floor condo, located in the residential tower of the newly-finished true hypnotists’ club know as “The Spiral” in downtown Boise. The club wasn’t open yet, but Jayde and some of Arthur Winston’s other senior staff had already moved in.

She had just showered, after working out in the club’s well-equipped modern gym; she was wearing a plain grey short-cropped t-shirt that showed off her sexy sculpted abs along with short black athletic shorts. Her hair was still wet, the bottom four inches of her reverse pixie cut dyed a brilliant emerald green.

Jayde was idly scrolling on her phone, not really paying attention to what was on the screen; she was lost in thought, pondering the events that had taken place two days earlier at the Riverside hotel.

She and her partner Sylver had been soundly defeated and humiliated by a hypnotist-witch named Mariah.

Her boss, Arthur Winston, had not taken the overall defeat by Bell Beguile’s forces very well, and had ordered Jayde to stay in the building until he called her.

She had sullenly obeyed, not having much else to do at the moment.

Contrary to popular belief, Jayde was not under Arthur’s hypnotic control; in fact, she had never been hypnotized by Arthur Winston at any time.

Nor had anyone else.

Very few people knew it, but Arthur Winston was a con man.

A wealthy, smart, resourceful con man; he was a skilled businessman, and a good leader.

He was a failed hypnotist. He had wanted dearly to become a true hypnotist, but he just did not have the talent.

So, he entered the hypnotist community in a different way.

The secret of his power was that he could get people to do what he wanted without hypnosis; blackmail, extortion, bribery…not to mention his staff, particularly Jayde and Sylver.

Jayde didn’t know what Winston had on Sylver, but he knew what he had on her.

Too much; if the information ever got into the hands of the wrong people, Jayde would be screwed; she would end up in prison or even killed, especially without the perception of Arthur’s protection.

She had of course thought about simply hypnotizing Arthur Winston and making him walk off a cliff or selling him on the slave market; however, he was exceptionally wary and careful. Jayde suspected that if he disappeared, the incriminating information about Jayde would mysteriously surface, likely along with information about a lot of other people who did as Arthur Winston wanted. A further complication was that Jayde was unsure if she could fully trust Sylver; they had worked together for years, and he was a powerful hypnotist; Jayde considered him a friend, one of her few. However, if his loyalty to Winston was as strong as it often appeared, he would be a formidable obstacle, one Jayde was not certain she could easily overcome. In addition, Winston had the witch Claire Barnes on his payroll, and was allied with other hypnotists as well, the most formidable being Mistress Liliana, the Brazilian beauty who was universally feared and respected worldwide.

Jayde too was loyal to Arthur, after a fashion. He had found her when her world was crashing down; she had enemies closing from all sides, and no one to turn to for help.

Then Arthur had offered his assistance.

With his resources and allies, he helped Jayde defeat her enemies and then disappear, creating a new and admittedly comfortable life for her as his enforcer.

Lately, however, she had been having doubts; doubts about her association with Winston, doubts about herself and her place in the world, and doubts about her future.

The Battle of Boise had only exacerbated her doubts; Jayde believed strongly in The Spiral as an idea, but she did not support Arthur’s position and attitude toward hypnotism-for-hire. She didn’t believe it was something one man should, or could, control. She loved the idea of a more orderly and functional hypnotism community, with a universal place that all hypnotists could gather to network, meet with clients, duel and be safe from their enemies—and one another.

Jayde was pondering going against Arthur; it would be risky and could lead to her permanent downfall, but after she saw Bella’s group in action and what they were willing to risk she was starting to think it might be worth it.

Jayde’s phone vibrated, indicating a text message.

She saw that it was from her girlfriend, Jennika.

Hey babe, there was some cop here looking for somebody named Jessica Smart. They had a picture that looked like you when you were young, only blonde. Problem? it read.

“Shit,” Jayde muttered.

Doctor Jessica Smart was one of Jayde’s aliases from far back in her past. She had last used it to set up a hypnotherapy practice in Star, a small town outside Boise.

That had been Jayde’s M.O. for years; she’d move to a town, set up a hypnotherapy practice, then inevitably get herself into all sorts of trouble with her true hypnotism skills. She had delighted in manipulating and enslaving the people around her, making them do wild and ridiculous things, causing crazy situations and creating chaos for her own amusement. She always overstayed her welcome, and was often all but run out of town; her escapades had landed her in legal trouble more than once, and eventually she had been convicted of several crimes in a small town in Illinois, the name of which Jayde had forgotten. The town’s law enforcement had not been prepared to contain a hypnotist of Jayde’s skill, and she had escaped before being sentenced.

She had been on the run for years after that, always changing her name to something with the initials “J-S” and altering her appearance. Eventually, law enforcement caught up with her running a prostitution ring out of her practice in Nampa, using her most attractive clients and acting as their Madame. She was about to be arrested again, but Arthur Winston had intervened on her behalf; he had been following her chaotic and messy career as a hypnotist for some time, and he offered to take her into his organization in exchange for acting as his hypnotist-enforcer. For the past decade, she had done so, while indulging her love of inciting chaos as she travelled the country cleaning up Winston’s messes and punishing his enemies.

The past few years since turning forty, Jayde had begun to lose interest in sowing chaos and randomly hypnotizing people for her amusement. She began to want to do something with her life, something more meaningful and fulfilling.

Now, just when she was pondering going against Arthur Winston and trying to do something else with her life, her past was catching up with her again.

At least this was something she could deal with herself, and it would prove a welcome distraction.

Did the cop leave a number? Jayde texted Jennika back.

Her girlfriend replied by sending a picture of the business card the cop had left.

Jayde went pale when she saw the name.

Deputy U.S. Marshal Katie Thompson.

“Really, Katie? You want me so bad you became a Marshal?” Jayde said aloud in amazement.

Katie Thompson had been one of Jayde’s victims at her very first hypnotherapy practice, shortly after having gotten her PhD and hypnosis certification.

Jayde had turned the pretty, honor-student Katie into a rebellious Goth, simply for her own amusement; when Katie’s parents confronted Jayde about Katie’s new behavior, the smug hypnotist had turned her mother into her maid, and made Katie’s father her sex-slave. Jayde had run amok in the small town they lived in until Katie had figured out what Jayde had been up to and joined forces with her cousin Sally who was also a hypnotist, to bring Jayde down, clean up her mess and kick her out of town with post-hypnotic suggestions to behave.

The suggestions quickly weakened, and Jayde was soon up to her old tricks.

A few years later during Jayde’s criminal trial in Illinois, Katie and Sally had testified as witnesses for the prosecution against Jayde, helping to get her convicted.

Katie had taken Jayde’s escape personally, and had been trying to find her ever since, first by hiring private investigators, then by becoming one herself.

It had been years since Katie had last gotten close to Jayde, and now it looked she had taken things to another level, by becoming a U.S. Marshal.

“Okay, Deputy Thompson, you want to finish this, let’s finish it once and for all,” Jayde whispered.

Thank you babe, no problem. I will call her and clear it up. kisses Jayde texted Jennika back.

Jennika was a sweet, innocent and pretty blonde woman who owned an antique shop in Boise. She knew Jayde was a hypnotist, but not about her checkered past. It was the first lesbian relationship for both women, and not yet super-serious, but Jayde was enjoying it and didn’t want anything upsetting her girlfriend.

Jayde would also prefer not to have to hypnotize her.

She thought for a moment, then went to her bedroom and picked up a burner phone, registered to a Lily Sullivan, a false identity Jayde had used to set up the phone.

Jayde used it to dial Katie’s number.

“Deputy Thompson,” she heard Katie’s voice on the other end of the line.

“Oh, hello Deputy. My name is Lily Sullivan. I got this number from my antique dealer. We were chatting and she mentioned that the police were looking for a hypnotist named Jessica Smart. I know Doctor Smart; she runs her hypnotherapy practice out of her home over on Warm Springs. Is she…in trouble? She is a very sweet woman, helps a lot of people with her hypnotism” Jayde said, skillfully using a fake voice to make herself sound like a concerned older woman.

“Ms. Sullivan, we just need to ask…Doctor Smart…some questions. We can’t seem to find any contact information for her; I don’t suppose you would have a phone number or address for her or her practice,” Katie’s familiar voice replied.

“Oh, well I believe I have both right here. Yes, talk to her and you will see what nice lady she is,” Jayde replied, suppressing a smile.

She gave Katie Thompson the address of a house she actually did rent but barely used on Warm Springs Avenue in Boise. The house did have an office in it set-up for hypnotherapy, something that came in handy on occasion. Jayde also gave her the phone number for another burner phone. Both the house and phone were registered to “Smart Hypnosis, LLC”.

“Thank you Ms. Sullivan. May I ask you a few questions?” Katie asked.

“Certainly, I am always happy to help law enforcement,” Jayde/“Lily” replied.

“Thank you. Can you describe Jessica Smart?” Katie asked.

“Oh, well she’s quite attractive. Around forty, maybe. Part Japanese, I think. Her hair is usually dyed red, well past her shoulders,” Jayde said, smirking.

“Alright. And you are a client of hers?” Katie asked.

“That is correct, for about a year now. She help me get off cigarettes, and lose almost fifteen pounds,” Jayde said with satisfaction.

“That’s good, ma’am. Have noticed anything strange since you started seeing Ms. Smart? Strange urges, cravings, behavior that is out of character…?” Katie asked.

“Well, I will say my sex life has gotten better; but I think that’s due to the weight loss,” Jayde/“Lily” said with a chuckle.

“Alright. Have you ever heard anything negative about Ms. Smart? Other clients complaining, for example?” Katie asked next.

“Oh no dear, everyone loves Jessica; her sessions are much cheaper than other hypnotists in town, and she is much more skilled,” Jayde replied, suppressing the urge to chuckle.

“I see; Okay, thank you Ms. Sullivan. May I call you back at this number if I have any further questions?” Katie asked.

“Certainly, Deputy,” Jayde said.

“Thank you. Have a good rest of your day,” Deputy Katie Thompson said.

“Goodbye, Deputy,” Jayde said, then hung up.

She sat on her bed, waiting patiently.

Jayde smirked when the phone she gave Katie the number to began to vibrate about ten minutes later.

“Doctor Jessica Smart,” she answered it.

There was the briefest pause on the other end of the line.

“Hello Doctor Smart. My name is Kelly Taylor; I am interested in booking a hypnosis session,” a voice Jayde recognized as Katie Thompson’s said.

“Hello, Kelly. Thank you for calling! If you are interested in hypnosis, you have called the right person! What is it that you want to try hypnosis for?” Jayde asked in a completely different voice, this time sounding like a cheerful, professional woman.

“Well, I have been having problems with insomnia lately, and pills haven’t helped much, so I was hoping hypnosis might do the trick,” Katie/Kelly replied.

Oh, kudos to you Katie for not using smoking or weight-loss, Jayde thought to herself.

“Well I can definitely put you to sleep! How soon did you want to schedule? I just had a client of mine call up and unexpectedly cancel his session for tomorrow, if you would be interested and able to come in that soon,” Jayde/“Jessica” replied.

“That would actually be fantastic! What time is the opening?” Katie/“Kelly” asked.

“Ten a.m.; will that work for you, Kelly?” “Jessica” asked.

“Oh yes, I can be there then. Thank you, that would be great,” “Kelly” replied enthusiastically.

“Fantastic, I will put you down. Do you have a pen so I can give you the address?” Jayde/“Jessica” asked.

“Sure, go ahead,” “Kelly”/Katie replied.

Jayde gave Katie the address, then they exchanged goodbyes and hung up.

Jayde grinned.

“Ah Katie, I haven’t given you any thought for years, but you just had to keep coming after me. Now I am looking forward to humiliating you properly,” Jayde said with a chuckle.

The next morning, Jayde got ready for her “session” with “Kelly Taylor”. She dressed in a nice black pantsuit and stylish high heeled black sandals; she put on a high quality long red wig, along with thick-rimmed black glasses with plain glass lenses. She skillfully applied her makeup to further alter her appearance; it had been twelve years since Jayde and Katie had come face-to-face when Katie had almost caught her Portland, and Jayde was hopeful that Katie would not be instantly sure it was her when they met.

At 9:00 a.m., Jayde went to the Spiral’s parking garage and got into her two-year-old grey Mercedes C-Class and drove to her house on Warm Springs. She parked her car around the block, so that if she needed to bolt she could cut through her yard and her neighbors’ as well to get to her vehicle. She then walked around to her house and went inside and made sure the office was ready to receive visitors.

Satisfied, she settled down to wait, idly twirling an old, plain gold pocket-watch on its chain.

It was the same one Jayde had used to hypnotize Katie into becoming Goth all those years earlier; she thought it would be only appropriate to use it on her again.

The doorbell rang five minutes before ten o’clock; Jayde answered the door, pausing when she saw not Katie Thompson standing before her, but a beautiful blonde woman with a familiar face.

Jayde started, barely concealing her surprise when she realized who the woman was.

She was Katie Thompson’s cousin.

Sally Spears, the hypnotist.

Seventeen years ago, Sally had come to Jayde to see about treating an eating disorder she had developed while working as a young model; ironically, Jayde had suggested to Sally she not focus full-time on modeling but instead on becoming a hypnotherapist.

It had been one of Jayde’s typically whimsical and random suggestions, and it had proven to be her downfall.

Sally had immediately begun to study hypnosis, and had proved to be a natural, a powerful true hypnotist. She had teamed up with Katie, and the pair had captured Jayde. Sally then hypnotized Jayde and put an end to her shenanigans. First, she commanded Jayde to undo all the crazy and humiliating things she had done to her clients around town, making her remove her post-hypnotic suggestions and freeing them from her influence.

Then Sally commanded Jayde to pack up and leave town.

Sally had commanded Jayde remove her suggestions from everyone except Sally herself. The young blonde had decided she enjoyed practicing hypnosis and helping people, and after defeating Jayde she went on to become a successful hypnotherapist, while Katie had gone to law school.

A few years later, Sally had also assisted Katie as she pursued Jayde following her escape from custody in Illinois; along the way, if Katie found some other unscrupulous hypnotist, Sally would use her skills to help set things right. She had become more aware of the true hypnotist community, dueling several other hypnotists and winning.

Sally had become skilled at finding and removing other hypnotists’ post-hypnotic suggestions, making her a valuable asset in Katie’s pursuits.

Now standing before Jayde, Sally was thirty-seven and still gorgeous; a tall and fit blonde, she was curvier than when Jayde had last seen her. Sally was wearing a short black skirt and a red silk blouse, and she had big beautiful blue eyes. Her long hair was in a ponytail, and she wore tall, sexy red pumps. Simple gold hoops adorned her ears, and she wore a gold anklet on her left ankle.

In truth, if Jayde hadn’t been thinking about Sally recently, she might not have recognized this woman as her right away.

“Hello, Kelly? I am Doctor Jessica Smart. Please come in,” Jayde said cheerfully.

“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice,” Sally/“Kelly” said, smiling.

The perceptive Jayde could see that Sally was subtly searching her face, trying to decide if she was indeed Jayde.

“Oh, no problem. Follow me back to my office. So, do you have any experience with hypnosis?” Jayde/“Jessica” asked.

“No, not really. Just seeing the guys at fair making people cluck like chickens,” Sally/“Kelly” replied.

“Oh, well that is certainly one of the fun aspects of the craft,” Jayde replied, leading Sally back to her office.

Jayde tensed, her hand resting on her watch in her jacket pocket, like a gunfighter in the old west about to draw.

Sally coming to the session rather than Katie changed things; she was a hypnotist, and that meant Katie wanted to fight fire with fire.

Clever Katie; sending in your cousin to hypnotize me again. Except, she’s out of her league this time, Jayde thought smugly.

As they entered the office, Jayde spun around, bringing her hand up and letting her watch dangle before Sally’s eyes, smoothly starting it swinging.

Sally Spears smiled; she too had her hand raised, a beautiful emerald pendant dangling from a gold chain.

Jayde recognized it as the pendant Sally had hypnotized her with years ago; it was already swinging back and forth, glittering brilliantly.

“Hello Jade,” Sally said.

Back when Sally had first met her, Jayde spelled her name without the “y”. She had added it after partnering with Sylver, partially as a cover and partly for symmetry.

“Sally Spears. You look as beautiful as ever,” Jayde replied with a smile.

She ripped off her wig and glasses and tossed them aside.

“That was a pretty good disguise; I was only maybe fifty-percent sure it was you. You look pretty good yourself,” Sally said, smiling back.

“Why thank you, dear. You and Katie just couldn’t let me be, huh?” Jayde asked.

“Sorry, but you are too dangerous and have too much to answer for,” Sally said seriously.

“Well, let’s see if you can make me, then. Follow the watch with your eyes,” Jayde said in her most soothing voice.

“You remember this emerald, don’t you Jayde? How it hypnotized you before. Just relax and watch it swing back…and forth…,” Sally countered in her own hypno-voice.

“The watch really draws your eyes, Sally. You want to look at it, to follow its movements…the way it reflects the light is so soothing…very relaxing…,”Jayde continued.

“Watching the pretty emerald swing back and forth for me Jade…feel yourself relaxing deeper…deeper with every swing…,” Sally said, her voice soft but powerful.

Both women could feel the other’s power; both felt their body begin to tingle slightly as they started to relax.

Each one swung their pendulum smoothly and skillfully.

However, the wily Jayde was the far more experienced duelist; she noted neither one had brought attention to their voice into the duel yet, and she realized that if Katie was halfway competent, that she was nearby and Sally was likely wearing a wire.

“Listen carefully, closely to my voice…you are feeling very relaxed…relaxing deeper with every word I speak…sinking into my words, they are so soothing…relaxing…relaxing deeper…deeper as you keep listening closely to my voice…,” Jayde said, subtly switching tactics.

“Just keep watching the emerald, Jayde…your eyes are drawn to it…watch it swing back and forth…you are getting sleepy…your eyelids are growing heavy…,” Sally said firmly.

She was going for the knockout.

Too soon.

Jayde indeed felt an urge to watch the emerald, and her eyes strayed to it once. She tore them away, and while her eyelids had taken on a slightly heavy feeling she knew she would be able to outlast Sally Spears.

“As you continue to listen to my words you are relaxing deeper and deeper…sinking into my words…dropping…falling…relaxing deeper…deeper…that’s it…your body feeling heavy…as you sink deeper…deeper into relaxation…dropping deeper…down…into my soothing words…,” Jayde continued smoothly.

Sally’s shoulders visibly slumped a bit, and the cadence of her voice slowed.

“You are…sleepy…sleepy…your eyelids so heavy…you…watch the emerald…swinging back…and forth…sleepy…,” she said.

The heavy feeling in Jayde’s eyelids increased; however, Sally was now on the verge of entering a trance herself.

“So relaxed now…you are feeling sleepy…so sleepy…your eyelids are growing heavy…I am going to count back from five, and when I say “one” you will fall deep, deep asleep and obey all my commands…,” Jayde said, her voice still strong despite her now fluttering eyelids.

“You…cannot…stay awake…you will…will…,” Sally mumbled.

Her eyelids were now half-closed, and she felt the tingling in her muscles increase as a sensation of slowly sinking came over her.

“Five…continuing to relax more and more with every word I speak…four…sinking…dropping…falling deeper…deeper in pleasant, warm relaxation…three…my voice is now all that you can hear…two…you cannot stay awake…you are so sleepy, your eyelids so heavy…one, Katie, Sally SLEEP NOW! You are hypnotized,” Jayde said loudly and firmly.

Sally Spears whimpered and fell to the floor at Jayde’s feet.

“Katie, if you can hear me you will obey my voice. You will open your eyes and come to the door of the house. now. Sally, you are deep asleep; you will lay there and await my orders,” Jayde said firmly.

She bent and opened Sally’s blouse to reveal a sexy, lacy bra and as expected, a microphone. Jayde smiled, stepping over her and heading for the front door.

Jayde opened the door, and was delighted to see Katie Thompson walking slowly up the sidewalk, wearing a nice blue pantsuit and conservative heels along with a dazed expression.

Now thirty-three, she was still very pretty, her brown hair in a tight bun.

“Hello my pet; come in. Follow me,” Jayde said with a snicker, holding the door open and leading Katie back to the office.

“Alright, before we go any further tell me Katie, do you have any other backup nearby?” Jayde asked.

“No…” Katie Thompson replied.

“Excellent. Why don’t you get on your knees, Katie. You too, Sally. Open your eyes and kneel beside your cousin,” Jayde commanded.

Both women assumed a kneeling position before Jayde; the victorious hypnotist sat on her desk.

“Alright you two, listen very carefully. We are going to put you even deeper into trance, to make sure you cannot get free of my control. I want you both to imagine yourselves at the top of a small staircase. There are five steps, and I am going to count back from five; with each number, you take a step down and you will sink deeper into my power, and a piece of your will is going to just drain away. When I say “zero”, you will reach the bottom and be utterly, completely in my power. Totally unable to resist me, obeying all my commands and accepting any suggestions I give you. Five, step down…sinking deeper, deeper into trance…four, step down…relaxing even more…three, step down…utterly, completely obedient, unable to resist my voice…two, step down…you free will is almost gone; you will obey me, you must obey me…one, step down…your will is gone…zero, Katie and Sally you are now mine!” Jayde said.

Before her, both women’s mouths hung open, their eyes wide and staring.

Jayde smirked; she knew that inside a tiny part of each of them was probably panicking, screaming as they tried to regain control of themselves.

She was confident they would not.

“Okay, when I snap my fingers, Katie and Sally you will both come out of your trance. You will be wide awake and aware, but you will still be completely in my power. You will be utterly compelled to obey all my commands, and your minds will be open and accept my suggestions. It will not matter what you wish to do, your subconscious minds will compel you to obey me. If you hear me say “Bad Police Procedural”, you will instantly go back into deep hypnosis for me,” Jayde said firmly.

She smirked; she was going to enjoy this.

Jayde gave a loud snap.

Katie and Sally both started awake.

“Oh no,” Sally said softly.

“Fuck,” Katie growled.

“Hello ladies,” Jayde said with a smirk.

“Jade, you fucking bitch! Let us go, now! You are a criminal, and I am taking you in!” Katie said hotly.

Jayde laughed.

“Seriously, Katie? Like that will happen. I have gotten away from you for fifteen years, you didn’t really think you were going to catch me now, did you?” she mocked.

“Listen, you can’t just do whatever you want! There are consequences,” Katie said angrily.

Jayde laughed again.

“Oh, I know. I have been on the run ever since Illinois, partially thanks to you two,” she replied.

“You brought that on yourself! You use your power to hurt and torment people!” Sally said angrily.

“Oh for fuck’s sake, Sally! Grow up! It’s power! You have it too! Don’t tell me you’ve never used it for personal gain or amusement,”Jayde scoffed.

“I would not!” Sally protested.

Jayde raised an eyebrow; unbeknownst to her, she did it exactly in the same manner as her sister Jing-Mei.

“Oh really? Sally, you will tell us some of the times you used hypnotism for your own gain or amusement. You will tell the truth,” Jayde ordered.

Sally clamped her mouth shut; she began to tremble, turning red as she tried to resist.

“I used hypnotism to get a better deal on my car, I used it to get the neighbor boy to mow my yard, I used it to get better terms on the lease for my office, I have used it to get out of tickets—,” Sally said in a rush.

Jayde chuckled.

“I have done that a few times. That’s enough, Sally. See Katie, your precious cousin is a hypocrite—hypnocrite, maybe?” she said with a bemused smile.

“Katie, I’m sorry,” Sally said, tears in her eyes.

“Damn it Sally, you are just like her!” Katie fumed.

“No, she isn’t. She isn’t as powerful, and hasn’t had the training and experience. However, she could be…,” Jayde remarked.

A wicked idea came to her.

“No, I am not! I would never do the things she’s done to people! For money, for amusement! She’s sick,” Sally said angrily.

“Sally, you are one step away from being just like me; the arrogant, beautiful model with skill at hypnotism. Sally, stand up and take off all of your clothes. Now,” Jayde commanded.

Sally clenched her jaw, taking on a stoic expression as she obeyed.

Jayde watched in amusement as the sexy blonde stripped naked, revealing neatly-trimmed pussy hair and a blue crystal navel-piercing.

“Very nice, Sally! You are gorgeous. Nice tits; I wish mine were that big,” Jayde complemented.

She casually fondled her own small breasts.

“Leave her alone, bitch!” Katie growled.

“Oh my! Katie, I forgot you were there! What, you care about Sally all of a sudden? I doubt it; you just accused her of being like me. You know what I think? I think you dislike her almost as much as you dislike me. She’s gorgeous, she’s successful…and she’s a hypnotist. And you hate her for it, don’t you? You’ve just been using her all these years to help you take out other hypnotists. Be honest now, little Katie,” Jayde said.

“I…I…yes, I hate hypnotists! I hate that Sally became one! She is very useful for taking other hypnotists down. But it’s your fault she is a hypnotist, bitch! It was you who suggested it to her that she become one when you had her hypnotized. She trusted you, came to you for help just like I did!” Katie said angrily.

“An interesting and valid point; Sally, I could suggest you give up hypnotism. Since it was originally my idea, your mind will accept the idea readily. I could make you not want to be a hypnotist and give up your power; I bet Katie would like that, wouldn’t you Katie?” Jayde said slyly.

“Yes…,” Katie replied, the words forcing themselves from her lips.

Sally began to cry.

“Sally, I will give you a choice; give up your power for your ungrateful cousin and I will let the two of you go. Or keep your power, Katie here becomes my slave and you become my apprentice,” Jayde said evilly.

“What?! Fuck you! Sally, tell her there’s no way—,” Katie began angrily.

“Be silent!” Jayde ordered her.

Katie instantly went quiet.

“Come on Sally, what do you say? All you have to do is sacrifice your ungrateful cousin,” Jayde asked.

Sally was still crying.

“I…I…,” she stammered.

Smirking, Jayde stood and quickly undressed, revealing her own taut, sexy body.

She walked seductively up to Sally, never breaking eye contact.

“Give in, Mistress Sally. Leave hypnotherapy behind. You are so beautiful, still young…you can have anything…it is your choice…” Jayde purred.

She leaned in, her lips brushing Sally’s.

Jayde’s hand lightly teased the blonde’s vulva.

The temptation was too strong.

“I…I…yes,” Sally whispered, seduced by the promise of power and Jayde’s confidence and beauty.

Katie let out a choked gurgle.

Jayde laughed.

She’d won again.

“Wise decision…Mistress Sally. Now you are very, very aroused. You want me. Kiss me,” Jayde said firmly.

She began to rub Sally’s pussy harder.

Sally flushed and kissed Jayde deeply, then moved to suck at her tits.

Katie watched helplessly, tears on her cheeks as the two hypnotists pleasured another, moaning and shrieking.

Eventually, they lay on the floor in a tangle of arms and legs panting and sweaty, each having cum twice.

“Well that was lovely,” Jayde said as she caught her breath.

“I…I have never been with a woman before, but I was always curious,” Sally said with a chuckle.

“Well, you did very well. I just got into girls myself recently,” Jayde replied, rising to her feet.

She looked at Katie, still kneeling helplessly; the Deputy Marshal wore a resigned, defeated look.

“Oh, don’t worry Katie. I am not keeping you as a slave and I am not taking your vapid cousin as my apprentice. I just wanted to make a point, wanted you to see that she’s a hypnodomme at heart and she’d sell you out for her own gain if things got messy. Oh, and of course I wanted to fuck her. She was a model after all,” Jayde told her.

“Wait, what?” Sally asked, sitting up with an indignant expression on her face.

“Sleep now, Sally,” Jayde said dismissively, snapping her fingers.

Sally’s eyes closed and she wilted back to the floor.

“I want you to know that I had you, Katie. I could have done anything to you, made you do anything. However, I am going to let you go. I am going to wipe Sally’s memory and send you both on your way; she will believe that your lead didn’t pan out. You have a nice career ahead of you, if you would give up your obsession with me. I am trying to move on with my life. You do the same. Leave me alone. I have no more ill will toward you, but so help me if you come after me again you will be nothing but my ass-licking slave for the rest of your life, and I will train Sally to be the nastiest hypnodomme you’ve ever seen. Got it? Can you just let this, let me go?” Jayde asked firmly.

Katie looked incredulous.

Jayde crossed her arms, waiting.

“I can. For Sally’s sake; and mine, I suppose. Fine. You win. I will back off if you let us go. You have my word,” Katie growled.

She was smart enough to take the out when it was offered.

“Smart move, Katie. Now, I do want one thing from you. Strip naked and crawl to me and kiss my feet, “ Jayde commanded.

Scowling, Katie felt an overwhelming compulsion to obey. She removed her clothes to reveal her pale but fit body, before crawling to where the smirking Jayde stood and lavishing kisses on her sexy feet.

Jayde watched with immense satisfaction as the woman who had pursued her for almost fifteen years debased herself, letting her continue for several minutes.

“Think of this as a little reminder, a preview of what will happen if you come after me again. Now stop; you may get up, get dressed and sit on the couch while I alter Sally’s memories. Then I will free you of my control, and you can leave,” Jayde said smugly.

Katie rose. She stared at the smirking hypnotist.

“Thank you,” she said grudgingly, moving to pick up her clothes.

Jayde nodded in acknowledgment, then went to where Sally lay.

In the back of her mind, she was wondering about her own actions; she had fully intended to let Sally betray her cousin and turn Katie into her newest pet, but something stopped her.

I must be going soft…or evolving; I have no idea which, she thought to herself.

Jayde altered Sally’s memory so she believed that they’d found Jessica Smart to be a legitimate hypnotherapist. She then used the trigger she’d given Katie earlier to put her under and removed her suggestions; she strongly considered leaving a trigger buried deep in Katie’s subconscious, but decided against it.

Without reinforcement it would fade, and Jayde actually wanted to play this one honestly, for reasons she still didn’t fully understand.

Twenty minutes later, Katie and Sally were leaving Boise in their rented black Ford Edge.

“I’m sorry it wasn’t Jade, Katie. We will find her,” Sally said.

She remembered only that Jessica Smart was a redheaded hypnotherapist, not the fugitive Katie was after.

“No, we won’t; I am giving this one up, Sally. Jade is gone. I am not going to waste any more time on her, mine or yours. We have lives to live. I can’t keep dragging you all over the country looking for her,” Katie replied.

“Really? Are you sure?” Sally asked, surprised.

She frowned; she knew her cousin, and she never would have thought Katie would give up until Jayde was in prison.

“Really. Go back to helping people, Sally. You are a good hypnotist, nothing like her,” Katie replied.

She had trouble keeping her composure as she said it, now knowing her cousin was secretly a hypnodomme at heart, no better than Jayde.

“Some of the people she fucked over were my family and friends too, but If…If you are sure, Katie, then…okay. I think that is a good idea. We might never find her; maybe she finally wised up,” Sally said slowly.

Of course you think it is a good idea, bitch. You have a life to go back to and power that you love to use to take advantage of people…you were going to sacrifice me that cunt to save your precious power and gain some more… I am going to be watching you…you better stay on the straight and narrow, because when I when catch you using your hypnotism unethically I will throw your bleach-blonde ass in jail, cousin or not, Deputy U.S. Marshal Katie Thompson thought angrily.

“Maybe she did. People can change,” Katie replied, outwardly calm.

As she drove, she was seething internally; she was replaying the memory of becoming Jayde’s foot-slave over and over again. After all these years, being so close to catching her, she could hardly believe she had ended up hypnotized and naked, on her hands and knees kissing that bitch’s feet!

Oh Jayde, you stupid bitch; I am not giving up on you. No, I just need to replace the hypnotist on my team and then you’re mine, Katie thought to herself as they drove.

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