Frankie's Protege

Part 1 - The Hypnotist and The Teacher

by DazzlingLady

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #f/m #humiliation #sub:female #sub:male

Kara and Kaylee sat out on the deck watching a naked Doctor Francesca Russell picking up the empty bottles and cans from Kaylee’s party and putting them into a garbage bag.

Both young women wore bikinis; Kara’s was black and reasonably modest, while Kaylee’s was a skimpy red thong and a top that covered just a bit more than her nipples.
After hypnotizing Frankie, an angry Kara had made her do the same humiliating things she had forced Kaylee to do; the defeated hypnotist found herself worshipping Kaylee’s feet, as well as licking her asshole. Kaylee had laughed gleefully, taunting Frankie and thoroughly enjoying her downfall.

Frankie was stoic throughout the humiliation, as she worked in her mind to unravel Kara’s hypnotic suggestions.

While Kaylee was enthusiastic about her punishment, the perceptive Frankie noticed that Kara seemed uncomfortable giving her the humiliating commands. While she obviously had talent as a hypnotist, Kara did not seem like a hypnodomme at all; she was almost trepidatious.

Following Frankie’s worship of Kaylee, Kara had commanded her to prepare breakfast for the sisters, then gone home briefly to check the sitter and her twin boys.

Kara had originally planned to go shopping and run some other errands, but after the encounter with Frankie she had decided to spend some time with Kaylee and figure out what to do next. Kara gathered a few things and returned to Kaylee’s house, where she and Kaylee changed into their bikinis. She then commanded Frankie to serve them breakfast out on the deck; the sisters enjoyed their meal, sipping mimosas in the late morning sunshine while Frankie waited on them. After ordering her to clear their dishes, Kara had Frankie start cleaning up Kaylee’s mess of a yard.

The entire time, Frankie was continuing to slowly unravel Kara’s suggestions in her mind.

“I can believe she’s like sixty,” Kaylee said as they watched Frankie work.

The naked hypnotist really did have an amazing physique regardless of her age.

“Yes, it’s amazing what exercise and healthy eating will do,” Kara said with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh shut up! I’m hot and you know it,” Kaylee scoffed.

“Yes, and you are in you are in your twenties; wait ten years,” Kara retorted.

Both women were very attractive. However, the older and naturally curvier Kara was very health-conscious and exercised frequently while Kaylee ate junk food and went to the gym sporadically…and still had a killer body, which annoyed Kara to no end.

“Whatever. Looks like she’s done; I think she needs to spend some more time at my feet,” Kaylee said as Frankie approached.

“Kaylee, you had your fun,” Kara replied.

“Oh come on, sis—,“ Kaylee started.

“No. Please be quiet,” Kara said in her teacher’s voice.

Kaylee sniffed and crossed her arms, glaring at her big sister.

“I have finished cleaning up the yard Mistress Kara,” Frankie said demurely.

“Excellent. Thank you slave-Francesca. Kneel,” Kara ordered.

Frankie sank to her knees on the wooden deck.

“I’m going to ask you some questions and you will answer them completely and truthfully. Do you understand me?” Kara asked.

“Yes Mistress Kara,” Frankie agreed.

Kara proceeded to interrogate Frankie; she asked her about everything from her business to her family to her activities as a hypnodomme. Finally she asked what she had intended to do with Kaylee.

“I was planning to humiliate her, make her clean up my yard, apologize for being so rude and hope she learned her lesson,” Frankie said.

“Bitch,” Kaylee muttered.

“So you weren’t going to enslave her long-term?” Kara asked.

“No Mistress. I was planning to give her a trigger in case she needed to be reminded to respect her neighbor,” Frankie replied.

“See? She’s a bitch; we should keep her, and—,“ Kaylee began.

“Kaylee! Stop! That is not what I do; honestly I’m lucky I beat her. She’s very experienced and she just got caught off guard,” Kara admonished.

“You could be, you’re super good at it. Fuck, the things I would do if I had your skill! ” Kaylee sniffed.

She had always been jealous of her sister’s hypnotism; Kaylee had no talent for it at all.

Kara was secretly grateful that Kaylee had never developed any skill for hypnotism; her little sister was reckless, selfish and often lacked empathy. She could only imagine the havoc Kaylee would cause if she was a hypnotist.

“Kaylee, drop it. Besides, she has a point about your parties,” Kara said.

“Excuse me?” Kaylee said, indignant.

“Your parties are loud; your guests are inconsiderate and destructive. You were rude and irresponsible,” Kara admonished.

“Oh what-the-fuck-ever!” Kaylee huffed.

“She is not the first in the neighborhood to complain, is she? We both moved here recently; this has been her neighborhood for twenty years…and she’s a true hypnodomme. You are lucky I’m a hypnotist and I got the drop on her, Kaylee. You need to start thinking about the consequences of your actions. We are lucky to have these houses; dad didn’t have to give them to us. He would be disappointed in the way you are behaving,” Kara said quietly.

Kaylee flushed red with anger; their father had bought both the house she lived in as well as the one Kara now owned, and given them to his daughters when they graduated from college.

“Fuck, Kara! Whose side are you on? This bitch hypnotized me, made me give her a rim job! Why are you ragging on me? And don’t you dare lecture me about dad!” Kaylee huffed.

Kara’s face grew stern.

“Kaylee, you need to calm down and listen. Yes, she made you give her a rim job, and I made her give you one. She has been punished for what she did to you, and she punished you for your inconsiderate behavior,” Kara replied.

“Oh come on! It was just a fucking party. You never use your damn power, and now we have this bitch totally enslaved and you want to go easy on her. She humiliated me, your own sister!“ Kaylee said angrily.

“Kaylee, you need to settle down,” Kara warned in a quiet voice.

As the sisters argued, Frankie continued to tug at Kara’s suggestions, loosening the hold on her mind even further.

“Fuck that! This is your typical bullshit, thinking you’re better than me. Miss Kara, the perfect sister!” Kaylee yelled.

She started to get up from her chair.

“Sleep now Kaylee!” Kara said firmly, snapping her fingers.

Kaylee’s eyes immediately closed and she sank back into her deck chair, hypnotized.

Kara sighed and shook her head.

“Kaylee can be such an emotional brat sometimes,” she said, exasperated.

Frankie remained silent; she had nearly broken Kara’s hold on her mind.

“Francesca, I was thinking we should chat as hypnotists. You may stand up” Kara said, not unkindly.

“Thank you Mistress,” Frankie replied, rising to her feet.

The older woman stretched and rubbed her knees.

Frankie noted not for the first time that Kara was looking at her with more than a passing interest.

“Would you like to get dressed?” Kara asked.

“That is not necessary, Mistress. Thank you,” Frankie replied.

If Kara was interested in her naked body, the wily hypnotist wanted it to be a continual distraction.

“Suit yourself. I will say, you seem pretty comfortable naked. Have a seat,” Kara said.

“I am, actually. I am very in tune with my body,” Frankie replied, sitting in the chair beside Kara.

The two hypnotists began to chat amiably; Kara was curious about the true hypnosis community; she knew other people had the same skill she did, but she had never really interacted with any. She listened intently as Frankie told her about hypnodommes, hypnotism-for-hire, and hypno-dueling. She also told her about the hypnotist clubs The Spiral in Boise and The Pendulum in New York.

During the conversation, Frankie finally managed to wriggle free of Kara’s obedience suggestions.

However, she made no move to escape or hypnotize Kara.

Frankie was enjoying the conversation as well as Kara’s company, and she wanted to see where it led.

“Wow, I had no idea about all this; Kaylee would love it…and people really hypno-duel?” Kara asked.

“Yes; and you just won your first one,” Frankie said with a sheepish chuckle.

“More and more I’m realizing I was lucky,” Kara replied.

“Maybe a bit, but you did very well. I was surprised, which is extremely useful when going against another hypnotist,” Frankie said.

“Thank you. I…I’m not sorry for what I had to do to you, but I’m really glad you’re being so reasonable,” Kara said.

“You shouldn’t be sorry. I’m not sorry for what I did to Kaylee, but I was asking for what I got. I have embraced being a hypnodomme, and I got carried away. The best and most successful True Hypnotists I have met are careful and subtle; the ones who throw their power around too casually and let their arrogance get the better of them often seem to end up in an unpleasant or unexpected predicament…like I did today. It was a lesson I needed to learn firsthand,” Frankie replied, chuckling.

“Well, Kaylee was being a brat; she always has been, and it often bites her in the ass. Not respecting her neighbors and then finding out one is a hypnodomme is exactly the way she always does things. Then I get to bail her out. I don’t fault you for what you did… I just couldn’t let you continue,” Kara said.

“Of course not. Don’t worry, I am really not upset or angry with you…I’m angry and disappointed in myself. I should have more discipline. You and I are hypnotists, and we both just naturally did what Hypnotists do…but I got a little carried away over a minor transgression,” Frankie said.

“Tell me, do you think you can break free of my control?” Kara asked, genuinely curious.

“Actually…I already have,” Frankie replied with an apologetic smile.

Kara looked surprised for a moment; then she laughed nervously.

“Of course you have,” she said warily.

She tensed slightly; Frankie could tell that Kara was concerned she was going to try something.

“Don’t worry, Kara. I told you I am not upset with you, and I meant it. I am enjoying the conversation. We might have gotten off to a rough start, but I really do just want to talk, get to know you better,” Frankie assured her.

Kara took a deep breath; Frankie recognized that she was using a self-hypnosis technique as the tension left her body.

She smiled at Frankie.

“I would like that,” Kara said, smiling.

“Wonderful. Now where were we?” Frankie asked.

“You were telling me about how my suggestions failed to hold you,” Kara said with chuckle.

“It isn’t that they “failed” exactly. One of the perils of making a subject aware while they are in your power, especially a hypnotist, is that they can try to unravel the suggestions binding their will. A “normal”, as we call non-hypnotists, probably couldn’t get free, but a hypnotist who has trained in self-hypnosis might be able to unravel your suggestions,” Frankie said.

“Especially a veteran hypnotist like you?” Kara asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I am experienced, yes; but if I hadn’t been aware, I would not have been able to get free. Keeping someone in trance is much more reliable, and almost impossible for a subject to escape from. Especially with regular reinforcement. Also, your suggestions could also have been…tighter. It just takes practice, like anything else,” Frankie replied with a smile.

“I suppose I should use my skills more, or they will never grow. I guess it is good that I met a more experienced hypnotist who can teach me these things,” Kara replied with a grin.

“It would be my pleasure, Kara. Woe, listen to me, I am lecturing you on practicing skills, when you are the teacher,” Frankie chuckled.

“I’m a high school Literature teacher, not a Master Hypnotist,” Kara laughed.

“I don’t know that I am a “Master”, but I would be happy to share my knowledge with you, if you are interested,” Frankie replied.

“I would really like that, Francesca,” Kara said.

“Please, call me Frankie,” the older hypnotist said with a wink.

“Okay, Frankie it is. So…I’ve never kept a slave long-term; I mean I have triggers in a few people, obviously,” Kara said, nodding at the hypnotized Kaylee.

“Oh come on…you haven’t enslaved your husband?” Frankie asked slyly.

“Well…lets just say he does the dishes and takes out the trash when I ask,” Kara said with a smirk.

“And I’ll bet he’s extremely…’attentive’ as well,” Frankie chuckled.

Kara blushed.

“He does okay,” she replied.

Frankie noted Kara’s uncomfortable reaction to her comment about her sex life; there might be something going on there she could exploit or have fun with in the future.
“So what happens now?” Frankie asked, changing the subject.

“Well first…Kaylee, when I snap my fingers you will awaken and go next door to Doctor Russell’s and clean up the mess your guests made in her yard. Then you will come right back here and report to me. Understand?” Kara asked.

“Yes Kara,” Kaylee murmured.

Kara snapped her fingers. Her sister’s eyes fluttered open. She scowled and defiantly crossed her arms. Kara sat quietly, raising an eyebrow. Kaylee began to fidget as she fought her sister’s suggestion. Kara continued to stare at her, a slight smirk on her lips. After about forty-five seconds Kaylee stood.

“Fine! You are both bitches!” She said angrily.

Kaylee stormed off, bare feet thumping the deck.

Kara sighed and shook her head.

“I don’t like using hypnosis on her, but she does need to learn a lesson. I realize that is what you were trying to do,” she said to Frankie.

“I went beyond teaching her a lesson. The hypnodomme in me took over; sometimes nothing is more satisfying than turning someone into a foot-slave, and I gave in to the temptation. I also recently discovered that I enjoy the company of women, and Kaylee is very sexy…as are you,” Frankie said casually.

Kara blushed again, obviously embarrassed.

“I…I’m straight, Frankie. And married,” she said quietly, as if trying to convince herself.

“I am straight too; I just see no reason to limit myself to men. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to change the subject; you were saying about Kaylee… ,” Frankie said diplomatically.

The trained psychologist had begun to wonder if Kara actually was a closet lesbian or at least bisexual, so she had steered the conversation back in a sexy direction to gauge Kara’s reaction and to plant a seed for the future.

“Anyway…Frankie, I would like you to give me your word you won’t hypnotize my sister. Also, I really would like to learn more about the true hypnosis community and…hypnosis-for-hire, ” Kara said tentatively.

“Oh really? Are you interested in doing a little mercenary hypnotism?” Frankie asked slyly.

“Yes, I actually am. I…I hear it is good money,” Kara said sheepishly.

“That’s great Kara! Yes, it is fantastic money. You have my word I won’t hypnotize Kaylee again, and I’d be delighted to help you in any way I can,” Frankie said with a comforting smile.

“Thank you, Frankie. Kaylee won’t be happy, but she’ll get over it. I’d say you two are even, wouldn’t you?” Kara asked, obviously still concerned about bad blood.

“Absolutely. Kara, I am not going to hold a grudge. Life is too short, and I’d rather get to know you and be friends than make an enemy,” the older hypnotist replied.

Frankie meant it; she was excited to have another hypnotist in her neighborhood, someone to share her hypnotic exploits with.

Kara was also an intelligent, educated—and sexy— woman.

Frankie intended to get to know her a lot better.

Kara and Frankie went back to their lives, with the addition that they planned to start meeting one night a week at Frankie’s house. Kara told her husband she was joining a book club so she could go spend time talking to Frankie, absorbing everything she could about the true hypnotism community, mercenary hypnosis contracts, and being a true hypnodomme.

The had quickly become friends; this of course made Kaylee angry, and she refused to speak to either of them.

“I wish I was more comfortable with having a long-term slave,” Kara remarked the first evening they had gotten together, sitting on Frankie’s couch, sipping wine and watching Lydia dust Frankie’s blinds.

“Trust me, I understand; it took me a long time to get comfortable using my power for more selfish pursuits. It’s a slippery slope though; the power is erotic, a rush, and once you’ve dominated someone…it is hard to stop. Especially as a woman, having the power we have. There is nothing like seeing a man who talked down to you on his knees,” Frankie replied.

“Oh I know. I have had people at my mercy and it is really hard to stop. Sometimes I am so tempted to hypnotize my students, the disrespectful little shits…but I haven’t so far. Anyway…have you had any luck finding a job we can do?” Kara asked, quietly as if she was afraid someone were listening.

Frankie chuckled.

“I’m working on one. Hypnosis-for-hire contracts take a bit to negotiate and finalize. Be patient,” Frankie said with a smile.

“Okay, sorry. I am just excited,” the schoolteacher-hypnotist said with a giggle.

“Well I do have a surprise; There is a hypno-dueling event in Cleveland Saturday night. I am going to participate. Would you like to come watch?” Frankie asked with a grin.

“Oh! Really?! Yes, I’d love to! Oh…what will I tell my husband…?” Kara asked with a frown.

“Tell him you’re going out. In your hypnotist’s voice,” Frankie said.

“I don’t want to do that…I’ll just say I’m going out with someone from book club, and I will let him go fishing Sunday,” Kara said.

“Ah Kara, hypnotist with a conscience,” Frankie teased her.

“Oh shush! So where is this event?” Kara asked.

“In a private auditorium set up in an old warehouse; it gets rented out for all kinds of shady and underground stuff. The hypnosis scene in Ohio is small, so this is rare. I’m taking on some hypnotist named Clark Valentine,” Frankie said with a smirk.

“What a name; he sounds pretentious…so how do we dress for something like this?” Kara asked.

“Formal; glamorous. Expensive dress, expensive shoes, jewelry. Get a mani-pedi,” Frankie said casually.

“I…I don’t have money for that…,” Kara said, embarrassed.

“Kara, True Hypnotists don’t care about money!” Frankie chided.

“Frankie, I’m not using hypnotism to get free clothes and a pedicure,” Kara said, aghast.

“Okay, okay… but Kara my dear, you get there if you hang out with me and in this world long enough,” Frankie replied matter-of-factly.

“I…I am just not ready yet, okay Frankie?” Kara said somewhat timidly.

“Of course, dear. No worries. In the meantime, I think I can help with the clothes and other things,” Frankie replied kindly.

She rose and went to her bedroom, returning a moment later and tossing something to Kara. The younger woman’s eyes went wide at the stack of hundred-dollar bills.

“That is five grand. Get whatever you need,” Frankie said, retaking her seat.

“Holy shit! Frankie I can’t take this!” Kara exclaimed.

“You can and you will,” Frankie said in her therapist’s voice.

“But—,“ Kara tried.

“No ‘buts’ damn it. Take the cash,” Frankie said firmly.

“I…thank you!” Kara said in awe.

“Oh Kara honey, just wait until you’re doing hypnosis-for-hire. Five thousand is shoe money,” Frankie laughed.

“Damn….okay…so, can Kaylee come? She’d love it” Kara asked.

Frankie looked at her apologetically.

“Well, if she goes as a “groupie”, she’ll be fair game for any hypnotist who happens to want her. It probably isn’t a good idea,” Frankie said gently.

“Of course. She would probably get into trouble,” Kara agreed.

“I know want to make amends with your sister. She will come around, I’m sure… but this event really isn’t the place for it. It isn’t for her; it is for us…for you. Hypnotist you, not teacher you, sister you, wife and mother you. Hypnotist you,” Frankie said quietly.

Kara took a deep breath; he was quiet for a moment.

“Okay. Okay, let’s do it,” she said, nodding.

“Wonderful! I’ll make you an appointment with my nail tech for Saturday morning. Now, there are a lot of rules and protocols at a hypnotists’ gathering. Let me say, first of all I am by no means an expert on the hypnotist community; I am still learning too. I did pick up a lot of things on my recent trip. Honestly, most of it is fairly obvious. Common sense stuff, such as not tampering with another hypnotist’s property,” Frankie said with a smile.

“By “property” you mean their slaves?” Kara asked, returning the smile.

“Exactly. Owned slaves will typically have on a collar denoting them as belonging to someone. It is also against the rules to put another hypnotist under while at the event except in duel. The building is considered neutral ground; there are a lot of rivalries between ’tists, and they are always trying to establish dominance and control each other; so traditionally at official gatherings it is against the rules to use hypnosis on another guest who is recognized as a hypnotist. Security is usually very tight, and the punishment can be very severe,” Frankie replied.

Kara nodded, listening closely; she let her eyes roam Frankie’s athletic body as she listened. The schoolteacher-hypnotist thought she was being subtle about the crush she’d developed on Frankie.

The perceptive older woman was more than aware of Kara’s interest.

As Frankie continued to explain what to expect at the event, she had noted with satisfaction the way Kara had been sneaking glances at her when she thought Frankie wasn’t looking.

Ever since they had met, Frankie had suspected Kara was interested in women sexually. After spending so much time together, she was quite convinced, her trained therapist’s eye noting things in her behavior.

Frankie fully planned to seduce Kara at some point; the thought of a threesome with her and Jake got her pussy instantly wet. Wishing to encourage the younger woman to act on her desires, Frankie began to subtly act and dress a little more provocatively around Kara, making sure her makeup, hair and nails were always looking good and being sure to find reasons to bend over or let her tits almost fall out. She had been pleased to observe that Kara was having a harder and harder time concealing her interest.

However, Frankie was careful not to push too hard; she genuinely liked Kara and didn’t want her to be uncomfortable but rather come to admit her desires when she was ready.

Frankie simply wanted to help her be ready.

During the few days before the gathering, Frankie took Kara shopping for a dress and accessories, and continued to give her advice and answer her questions about what to expect and how to conduct herself.

Kara was clearly nervous, but also genuinely excited. She had been avoiding delving deeper into the world of true hypnosis for many years since discovering her talent, concentrating on her career and family. While she loved her husband and sons, her career had become less fulfilling as of late, and now she was finally ready to start exploring the hypnotist aspect of her life, thanks to the unexpected encounter with Frankie.

Kaylee had continued to give her the cold shoulder, although Kara was used to it. When Kaylee was mad at her she could go quite a while without speaking to her.
“If she doesn’t come around soon, I’ll just hypnotize her,” Kara thought to herself as she looked at dresses at a boutique with Frankie.

The young woman admonished herself; thinking like that would lead to exactly the kind of trouble she wanted to avoid; Kara was determined to balance her personal life with becoming a hypnodomme.

Saturday arrived; the two hypnotists were ready for their night out. Frankie arranged for Richard to drive she and Kara to the location of the hypno-dueling event in a luxurious Rolls-Royce she had rented. Both women looked fabulous; they had spent hours getting ready at Frankie’s house. Kara and Frankie each wore a long evening gown, Frankie in sparkling green and Kara sexy black. They both wore tall designer stiletto sandals along with plenty of tastefully-chosen jewelry, their hair in fancy ’updos.

Richard looked very handsome in a well-tailored dark grey suit, along with an ornate leather slave-collar. He would act as Frankie’s Thrall for the evening; she put him in a deep trance before they left the house.

They arrived at the nondescript warehouse and bypassed the line, as Frankie’s name was on the list as a duelist. She and Kara were given small gold pocket-watch charm bracelets, proclaiming their status as true hypnotists. Richard’s collar indicated he was Frankie’s property and off limits to other hypnotists.

Inside the warehouse had been transformed into a magnificent lounge; it was large, with very spacious and comfortable booth-style tables. There was an impressive bar at one end, a stage at the other. Kara’s jaw dropped at the sight of all the beautiful people, expensive clothes, jewelry and decadence. There were scantily clad or naked women wearing slave collars; there were super fit men, often shirtless and some wearing only speedos with their slave collars, obviously the servants of one hypnotist or another.

The servers were all gorgeous, extremely sexy and fit young women, wearing white lingerie and fluffy angel wings. They moved gracefully around, their wings never getting in the way as they took orders and served drinks.

Frankie laughed at her companion’s reaction as they sat at her reserved table.

Richard stood behind Frankie, face impassive; in his trance, he was unimpressed by the environment.

He was focused only on serving and protecting his Mistress and her friend.

“Hello! I’m Daniella, I’m your serving-angel tonight. May I get you ladies some drinks?” a tall stunning brunette asked after they were seated.

“Two glasses of red wine please,” Frankie said with a smile.

“Right away Mistress Francesca,” Daniella said, gliding away on her five inch heels.

“Frankie this is insane!” Kara said, finally finding her tongue.

“It’s wonderful, isn’t it? You should see the Spiral. Anyway, don’t be shy. Mingle, order anything you like, hypnotize anyone you like as long as they aren’t wearing a collar or charm…,” Frankie said with a wink.

Kara just laughed and shook her head as Daniella brought their drinks. They sat and people watched, enjoying their wine. Several hypnotists stopped by their table and introduced themselves, chatting politely and wishing Frankie luck before moving on.

“Is it me, or are far more True Hypnotists women?” Kara asked.

“Actually yes; apparently it is something like eight out of ten; the talent seems to favor women strongly,” Frankie replied.

She had learned that little bit of information on her trip to The Spiral Club.

“Really? Well, it is nice we finally have the advantage at something over men,” Kara chuckled.

“Isn’t that the truth!” Frankie agreed, raising her wineglass.

The lounge grew quiet as the lights went dim; a pretty young woman with short black hair dressed in a sexy red bustier, short red skirt and red heels came onstage to announce the evening’s first duel.

The first participant was Mistress Carol-Lynn; a gorgeous woman in her late twenties, she had shoulder length light brown hair that perfectly framed her face and accentuated beautiful brown eyes that seemed to reflect the light with a golden sparkle. Carol-Lynn had flawless skin and pouty lips that seemed made for smirking. She was dressed in a sexy dark green blouse with a plunging neckline that teased the tops of her lovely breasts. A black skirt reached her mid calf, and she wore black hose and five-inch black stilettos. Her fingernails were a deep crimson, and she wore a beautiful emerald pendant and a gold bracelet.

Her opponent was a man named Master Alistair; a handsome British man of perhaps forty, he was tall with dark green eyes and short dark brown hair and a neatly trimmed goatee. He wore an expensive custom made black suit with a midnight purple tie and matching pocket-silk. His shoes were Italian leather, and he wore a gold and onyx signet ring on his right hand. He had an air of smug cockiness about him, and he looked at Carol-Lynn as if she were his next meal.

There was a five minute period for spectators to place bets; Frankie had Jake go put five thousand dollars on Mistress Carol-Lynn.

“She will destroy him,” Frankie told Kara with a wink.

Kara smiled, her excitement obvious.

The duel got under way; the evening’s matches were “anything goes” rather than the more formal pendulum-only style often used in tournaments.

The two hypnotists locked eyes, both preferring to use them as their focus, and began their inductions.

Carol-Lynn’s voice was a gentle but insistent monotone, delivered with practiced skill. Her rich brown eyes were deep inviting pools.

Alistair’s style was much more authoritarian; it was obvious he had no respect for his opponent, and he quickly took the lead as Carol-Lynn’s eyelids began to droop first.
“That’s it my dear…just give in and relax…,” he said, smug satisfaction creeping into his voice.

Carol-Lynn’s eyelids fluttered, and for a moment it appeared the duel would be over quickly with Alistair the victor.

You are the one relaxing, Alistair…you can feel it…my words are so comforting…you just want relax deeper…deeper with every word I speak…your whole body tingling as you look deeper…deeper into my eyes…,” Carol-Lynn said, segueing smoothly from her gentle tone to a more forceful one.

Her voice had remained steady despite Alistair’s induction affecting her. She forced her eyes open wider.

Alistair faltered at her sudden surge.

“…I relax, no…you relax for me, dear…,” he stammered.

Now Alistair’s eyelids fluttered.

Carol-Lynn grinned wolfishly.

“You are very sleepy Alistair…very relaxed…you just want to close your eyes…close your eyes and…SLEEP!” Carol-Lynn said firmly.

She snapped her fingers and Alistair’s eyes slammed shut and he wilted at her feet.

Carol-Lynn shook off the drowsiness she obviously felt from Alistair’s induction and then waved to the crowd, who began to cheer and applaud.

Frankie and Kara watched as the young, talented hypnotist had Alistair stand up and strip naked.

“Alright my English friend, you thought you were going to get to fuck me, didn’t you?” Carol-Lynn asked.

She pointed to his erect cock.

“Yes…,” Alistair replied.

“That’s ‘yes, Mistress,’ slave. Got that?” Carol-Lynn asked with a wink at the crowd.

The audience cheered.

“Yes Mistress,” Alistair agreed.

“Well too bad. I don’t fuck pigs like you. How about a little rim-job instead?” Carol-Lynn said next.

Grinning, the hypnodomme lifted her skirt, revealing her garters along with her pale sexy ass and tiny black g-string.

“Eat my ass, Alistair!” Carol-Lynn commanded.

The audience cheered as the entranced man debased himself.

Kara wore a surprised expression as she looked around at the obviously enthusiastic crowd.

“It takes some getting used to. People at these things are comfortable, even eager for depravity,” Frankie told her.

She nodded toward a nearby table where an attractive blonde woman had hiked up her skirt and was shamelessly riding a man’s cock, facing away from him so they could both see the stage.

“Is she even hypnotized?” Kara asked, turning red.

“No, I don’t believe so. They are just getting into the atmosphere,” Frankie replied with a chuckle.

She had learned that orgies and public sexual acts were fairly common during true hypnotist gatherings.

Around them, people were kissing passionately; two men were receiving blow jobs, one from a naked and collared red headed woman, the other from a naked and collared young blonde man.

“Are you alright?” Frankie asked Kara gently.

“Yes…yes, I just need to adjust my expectations,” Kara replied with a sheepish grin.

“It’s okay, dear. It took me a while to get used to the way things can get when hypnotists gather,” Frankie replied comfortingly.

She put her hand on Kara’s.

“Thank you. I’m good, Frankie,” Kara said, smiling.

On stage, Alistair was continuing his ass-worship.

The audience cheered, enjoying the depravity.

Carol-Lynn eventually eventually asked for a male volunteer from the crowd to come up and get his cock sucked; she chose a handsome olive-skinned bald man, who gleefully let Alistair suck him off at Carol-Lynn’s direction.

After making her defeated opponent swallow the man’s load, Carol-Lynn allowed Alistair to masturbate to her. The crowd cheered him on as he shot his load onto Carol-Lynn’s shoes.

The hypnotist promptly made him lick them clean.

“Now go back to your table and awaken,” Carol-Lynn commanded him.

The crowd cheered as he obeyed, turning bright red and hurrying from the room after coming out of his trance.

Carol-Lynn stepped down off the stage and joined a young woman at her table; they shared a deep, passionate kiss. Caro-Lynn’s partner was a hypnotist Frankie had met before, a gorgeous twenty-seven year old Filipino-Irish woman named Deanna. She had long, layered wavy dark brown hair and sultry brown eyes; she was wearing a classy, long dark purple evening gown and very tall black heels. Frankie caught her eye and nodded, raising her glass. Both she and Carol-Lynn returned the gesture.

Frankie then went and collected her winnings, giving the whole ten thousand to Kara.

“Bet it all on me,” She said with a wink.

“Frankie, I don’t want to see you humiliated like that…,” Kara said, aghast.

“Have a little faith, my darling. I’ve done this before. And not every hypnotist is so hard on their opponent after they beat them. A lot of them respect one another and just give playful suggestions after a win. Carol-Lynn was a little harsh, but Alistair is a prick. Besides, if I lose I can handle eating a little ass…you know that,” Frankie said with a grin.

Kara smiled weakly, clearly worried. She went and placed the bet while Frankie had Gabriella bring more wine.

While Kara was away from the table, Frankie motioned Richard over to her.

The hypnotized man approached and bent down to listen.

“You will keep a close eye on Mistress Kara while I am onstage. Make sure no one bothers her and she has anything she needs. Understand?” She asked.

“Yes, Mistress Francesca,” the hypnotized man replied.

Kara returned, and then it was time for her to duel; she went up on stage and waved to the audience as she was announced.

Frankie was facing a man named Clark Valentine; a gorgeous man with the looks of a model, he was twenty-five, with short red hair and blue eyes. He was clean-shaven with a strong jawline and a big disarming smile. He wore khaki pants, with a white shirt and a vest that matched his pants. He towered over Frankie, fully ten inches taller than her.

He radiated a smug confidence, waving to the crowd.

Kara shifted nervously as several people in the audience expressed admiration for Clark, impressed with the young hypnotist.

Then the duel began; Frankie offered Clark her hand, a friendly gesture of respect.

Grinning and looking down at the diminutive hypnodomme, the young man reflexively took it.

“Look in my eyes, feel my touch, relax and…SLEEP!” Frankie said in a loud, commanding voice as she stared hard into Clark’s eyes.

Frankie yanked his arm hard toward her, the pulled it down.

Clark gasped in shock; his eyes snapped shut and he collapsed at Frankie’s feet.

The audience was stunned; most of them had ever seen such a rapid induction pulled off in a duel.

“Amateur. Not worth my time,” Frankie said to the audience, holding her nose as if something smelled bad.

The victorious hypnotist stepped over Clark Valentine and walked off the stage, waving as the crowd erupted in cheers.

When she returned to the table, Kara stood and hugged her. She was flushed, and Frankie realized she was aroused.

“Did you enjoy that Kara?” She asked, smiling.

“Yes, that was…incredible. You are amazing,” Kara replied, awed by Frankie’s performance.

Over the course of the evening, her eyes had been opened to a new world.

A world she found exciting…one she wanted to be a part of.

“Thank you Kara. I saw a hypnotist named Peggy do something similar at the tournament in Boise. By the way, you are pretty amazing too,” Frankie said quietly.

She put her hand on Kara’s.

Kara didn’t pull away.

She looked at Frankie, who smiled alluringly.

“Relax Kara…,” Frankie said.

Under the table, she slipped off her sandal and slid her bare foot up Kara’s leg.

“Frankie…I…I’m not gay…,” she said in a quivering voice.

“Of course you are,” Frankie replied.

“I..I’m married…,” Kara said.

“Yes you are,” Frankie said, smiling and continuing to slide her foot up and into Kara’s lap while staring deep into her eyes.

“Frankie…,” Kara said.

“Kara, I know you like me…you liked watching me worship Kaylee’s feet, watching me lick her asshole. You like making me do it…You wished it was you I was worshiping…come to a private room with me…,” Frankie purred.

She moved her foot slowly back down Kara’s other leg.

“I… I’m not hypnotized…,” Kara said firmly.

“No…you’re very horny…for me…,” Frankie said suggestively.

“I…Okay…,” Kara said, her voice barely audible.

Frankie rose and told Richard to remain by their table, then led Kara toward the back of the lounge where there were several doors. Frankie handed an attendant a hundred-dollar bill, and he gave her a key, which she used to open one of the doors and lead Kara into a small private room. It was well-furnished with a mini bar, chairs and a bed.
The rooms were mainly for hypnotists that wanted privacy with their slaves.

Frankie and Kara kissed, then guided Kara toward a settee. A few moments later Kara was shrieking with pleasure, holding up her gown while Frankie knelt before her enthusiastically eating her pussy. She’d never imagined just how much different a woman between her legs could be.

Frankie had started slowly, using her hands, kissing her, arousing Kara further. She had fondled her tits, fingering her pussy before moving down to slowly begin licking, then adding her fingers, increasing intensity and urgency until she was using both her hand and mouth to work Kara into a screaming, writhing frenzy.

Kara had been overwhelmed; she’d been wanting to be with a woman most of her life, and suddenly here she was.

It was better than she’d ever imagined.

After Kara recovered from her fourth orgasm, Frankie gently guided her in returning the favor.

The two hypnotists emerged from the room an hour later, smiling and holding hands.

They returned to their table and had another drink, then slowly made their way to the door, pausing along the way to chat and meet other hypnotists; many people offered Frankie congratulations on her impressive defeat of Clark.

Eventually, Frankie and Kara left the warehouse; Richard drove them back to their neighborhood while they sipped champaign.

He dropped Kara off first; Frankie walked her to the door, kissing her new girlfriend good night before allowing Richard to drive her home.

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