Frankie's Neighborhood

by DazzlingLady

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #f/m #humiliation #sub:female #sub:male

Francesca becomes the neighborhood hypnodomme.

Doctor Francesca Russell arrived at her University Heights, Ohio home early on a Sunday evening after a three-day business trip and immediately headed up to her bathroom to shower.“ Put the luggage in the guest bedroom, then go home and resume your life until I call you,” Francesca said dismissively to the tall handsome middle-aged man who followed her in the door, not slowing as she ascended the stairs.

“Yes Mistress,” the man replied in deep voice, obediently carrying two large, heavy suitcases down the hall.

The man, Frankie’s ex-husband Richard, was long gone by the time Francesca or “Frankie” as most people called her, came down the stairs wearing a plush lavender robe. She poured herself a glass of wine and sat on the couch in her spacious living room, smiling contentedly as she sipped her drink.

Fifty-nine years old, Frankie was an M.D. psychiatrist; she had opened her own practice following college, and maintained it successfully for many years. While she enjoyed her work, she had developed and interest in hypnosis about ten years earlier after trying it as a way to control pain after sustaining a knee injury.

Intrigued by how effective hypnosis was, Frankie had started studying and became a certified hypnotist. Her desire to learn and master every technique led to her taking every course and reading every book she could find. Discovering she had a strong natural talent for hypnotism, she eventually switched to hypnotherapy full time. She managed to build a successful practice, starting with all the bored stay-at-home wives and mothers in her affluent neighborhood that wanted to stop smoking or lose weight.

One day while going to her car after working out late one evening, a man tried to mug Frankie. On a whim, she used the large diamond in her engagement ring as a focus and hypnotized the mugger; by the time the police arrived, Frankie had turned him into a blubbering baby, who couldn’t stop sobbing about his bad childhood. The experience had mad her curious about the accepted limits of hypnotism, and she began experimenting on her friends, and then her clients. Eventually, she became so confident in her ability to control peoples’ thoughts that she had hypnotized her ex-husband Richard and turned him into her slave. Frankie had been fed up with him constantly trying to get out of paying her alimony. As a professional hypnotherapist, it had been highly unethical to say the least when she had hypnotized Richard and then spent several sessions deeply conditioning him to obey her, effectively taking away his free will. He now lived his regular life, only without complaining about paying her now-ridiculously high alimony and ready to serve her whims anytime she called and spoke his trigger phrase. Now rather than her lover, he was her sex-slave; attentive, selfless and worshipful as opposed to during their marriage when he was selfish and boring in bed. Frankie of course kept her extra-curricular hypnosis very secret; sometimes her conscience would bother her and she considered not using her power for anything but helping her clients. Then by accident she had stumbled upon the underground community of “True Hypnotists”, and eventually had gotten invited to participate in a hypnosis-dueling tournament at a secret hypnotists’ club called The Spiral.

Her reservations and mild guilt about enslaving Richard had vanished after meeting the other True Hypnotists; most of them had multiple slaves and many of them had a special full-time “main slave” known in the community as a Thrall, so having Richard accompany her on the trip to serve her every whim had not been out of place at all.

Frankie had won her first duel, against young sultry woman named Ava Gold; she had lost her next two duels, which knocked her out of the double-elimination tournament. Still, Frankie was pleased with her performance; the duels had been close, and she felt like she had held her own even among more experienced hypnodommes.

Frankie finished her wine and went to bed, exhausted from her trip. She took a day to relax and reorient herself, then resumed seeing clients at her home office. The first couple days were pretty routine; she helped smokers quit and fat people lose weight. In truth, Frankie had a lot of disdain for overweight people; she was tired of their excuses and gluttony. Frankie herself was a very attractive petite woman, barely five feet in height, with short dark brown hair and rich brown eyes. She had a fantastic smile, and a toned, fit body that women twenty years younger would envy thanks to her almost fanatical nutrition and exercise regimen. A dedicated yogi, Frankie was a natural athlete. She participated in triathlons, and loved workout. Her breasts were actually a bit large for her frame, and while she’d had a breast-lift surgery a few years earlier, they were natural and still firm. She had pale, lightly freckled skin that still fairly smooth and almost wrinkle-free despite being nearly sixty.

Frankie was unsettled. Her trip had opened her eyes to a whole new world, populated by people who shared her incredible talent for hypnotism; she realized she was bored, and found herself thinking about getting into mercenary hypnosis like many of the hypnodommes she had met. She craved some excitement; Frankie had wasted too much of her life being a good wife and good citizen and never doing anything she truly wanted to do or take care of her own needs.

On her third day back things got a little more interesting.

Her last appointment of the day was supposed to be a teenager named Beth.

However her parents, Barry and Dana showed up instead, and they were unhappy with Frankie.

“Mr. and Mrs. Trenton, what a nice surprise! Have a seat. Where’s Beth?” Frankie asked pleasantly.

The couple sat across from Frankie in her spacious office located on the ground floor of her very nice, four bedroom craftsman-style home.

Barry and Dana Trenton lived in Frankie’s neighborhood, on the same street five houses down.

“What did you do to our daughter?” Barry Trenton demanded unceremoniously.

“Excuse me?” Frankie asked, startled.

While she’d certainly taken advantage of her clients at times, even humiliated them for her own amusement, she had never done so to Beth Trenton, nor any other seventeen year old client.

“You did something to Beth, filled her head with nonsense!” Dana huffed.

Frankie looked astonished. She liked Beth, and had been genuinely helping her.

“I…hypnotized Beth. I helped her manage her stress, just like you asked during our consultation…” Frankie said reasonably.

“Bullshit, you turned her into a damned liberal!” Barry said irritably.

“I…What?” Frankie asked, flabbergasted.

“Yes, she’s suddenly all interested women’s issues, gun control and birth control nonsense!” Dana said with contempt.

“I don’t understand…” Frankie said.

She was truly confused; she had never discussed politics with Beth.

“What don’t you understand?! Beth was a good girl until she started seeing you…you hypnotized this crap into her head!” Barry said loudly.

Frankie couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You think I what? Hypnotized Beth to think for herself?” Frankie asked with a grin.

“Don’t act all high and mighty Ms. Russel! We raised her better than this! Hypnotism! What were we thinking letting her talk us into this?!” Dana fumed.

“Doctor,” Frankie said quietly.

“What?” Barry asked.

“My name is Doctor Russel, thank you,” Frankie replied coolly.

Barry Trenton stared her down. Or tried to, at least.

Frankie’s intense gaze was inviolable, and he looked away first.

“What is it you would like me to do?” the hypnotherapist asked.

“For starters, we want our money back,” Barry said, still looking down.

“Then you can fix Beth. Give her values back,” Dana added.

“I am sorry, but sessions are non-refundable,” Frankie replied calmly.

“Well you are going to make an exception!” Dana said indignantly.

“Or what?” Frankie asked casually.

“Or we will call the cops and whatever group looks after cockamamie liberal unethical hypnotists!” Dana replied hotly.

“Oh I have a better idea,” Doctor Francesca Russel, True Hypnotist replied.

The hypnotherapist in Frankie yielded to the newly confident hypnodomme.

She smiled wickedly; she was through taking shit from anybody.

“You owe us nine-hundred dollars, Doctor!” Barry said, saying her title with contempt.

Some of his courage returned, and he raised his gaze to meet Frankie’s again.

“I’m sorry but all I did was help Beth. She has a mind of her own, and I’m sorry if you don’t agree with her opinions. But you need to calm down. Calm down…and relax,” Frankie said in a comforting voice.

“Don’t tell me to calm down! You turned our daughter into a looney liberal! You will fix it!” Dana said loudly.

“No need to yell…just relax…relax Dana; be calm, Barry…relax,” Frankie continued reasonably.

The hypnotist’s voice had become a gentle but firm monotone.

“Look lady, I don’t care what you say, just cough up our money, and—“ Barry began.

“It is so tiring being getting all worked up…relax…calm down…just listen to what I’m saying and relax…” Frankie continued smoothly without missing a beat.

“You quack, I swear we will ruin you for this!” Dana said angrily.

“That’s it, I’m reporting you!” Barry added.

Frankie just kept speaking in a soft but firm monotone, talking to their unconscious minds. Her words slipped past their defenses as the couple ranted. They didn’t realize the danger as their subconscious minds heard Frankie’s words even if they were not actively listening.

“Barry, Dana you are so tired…so relaxed…you are growing sleepy…sleepy…” she went on as the two continued to threaten and berate her.

Soon their speech slowed, words slurring; Frankie smiled as their eyelids began to droop.

“That’s it…you’re all tired out from being angry…so tired…so sleepy you can’t stay awake…” Frankie said.

“Is she…I…sleepy…hyp-hypno…” mumbled Barry.

“Oh no…the bitch is…hypnotizing…us…” Dana muttered as her face fell forward onto Frankie’s desk with a comical soft thump.

“No…you…can’t…you bitch…I will…” Barry stammered.

Sleep Barry,” Frankie said, her voice dripping with contempt.

Barry’s eyes slammed shut and he joined his wife in a trance.

Frankie grinned evilly.

“It would appear that the two of you could use some hypnotherapy yourselves. You want me to act unethical, you got it. Barry, Dana please listen very carefully…” she began.

Frankie quickly took the couple deeper into a hypnosis with practiced ease, and then stripped away their free wills, making them utterly unable to resist her commands.

She was aggravated; she honestly had not messed with their daughter’s views, even though she agreed with them, and she resented the couple’s accusations. The hypnotist had resolved never again to let anyone disrespect or mistreat her. Her resolve had only grown stronger after her recent trip and spending time with other True Hypnotists.

Barry and Dana were going to be very sorry they had drawn the ire of Doctor Francesca Russell.

“Okay Barry, Dana when I snap my fingers, you’re going to both open your eyes, get on your knees and kiss my feet; you won’t be able to stop until I tell you to. Got it?” Frankie asked.

“Yes,” Barry murmured.

“Yes ma’am,” Dana whispered.

Smirking, Frankie sauntered around and sat on the edge her desk facing the hypnotized couple. She kicked off her flip flops and gave a loud SNAP!

Barry and Dana both opened their eyes. They shared a look of bewilderment, then immediately knelt and began to kiss Frankie’s bare feet.

“Barry…what happened? What am I…doing?!” Dana asked in a panic.

“She…hypnotized…us…the bitch!” Barry growled between kisses.

“You should feel honored, I was a foot model years ago, when I was in college. You are lucky I have such nice feet. Anyway, no more talking. Listen, and listen carefully: when you step outside of my house, you will awaken and forget I hypnotized you. You will no longer be upset. In fact, you will like me. You will like me very, very much. You are both very happy and grateful for how I help Beth. Dana, you will encourage Beth to keep coming to see me. In addition, anytime I come into your salon, you will want to do my hair or mani-pedi, and you will be happy to do this for free, because you are just so grateful to me for helping Beth. Understood, Dana?” Frankie asked.

“Yes Doctor,” Dana said with a sob as she continued to kiss.

The hypnotized woman was aware of her predicament, and could feel Frankie’s commands and suggestions taking hold in her mind.

And there was nothing she could do about it.

“Very good. Now Barry, you will be my handy man; you will wash my car every week, do repairs around my house, mow my yard, and maintain my pool, along with any other chores I have for you. You will be happy to do it for me, because you are so grateful to me for helping Beth. Understand?” Frankie informed the man as he continued to kiss her feet.

“Yes Doctor,” Barry said, on the verge of tears.

The man was enraged and humiliated; he would have assaulted Frankie if he could…but he could not. He simply had to obey her. The frustration was immense, and Barry had never felt so small and helpless.

Just as Frankie intended.

Likewise, Dana was grunting with her efforts to stop what she was doing. She felt like a passenger in her own body; the hypnotist was in complete control, and Dana was her puppet. She began to sob openly.

The couple continued their foot worship.

“Good. If either of you ever hear me- and only me- say ‘ungrateful assholes’ you will immediately go into deep hypnosis for me, ready to obey my commands, utterly unable to resist me. From now on, you will be supportive of Beth in everything she does, you will respect her beliefs and opinions and you will let her keep seeing me and paying for it as long as she wishes to,” Frankie added.

Barry and Dana continued to kiss helplessly.

“Okay, I’d say that covers it, my little foot-slaves. Get up and get out of my office. Go home you miserable jerks,” Frankie ordered.

“You are an awful, evil woman!” Dana shrieked as she rose.

“You bitch, I am going to kill you!” Barry declared, tears trickling down his face.

“Oh really? I think you are going to do exactly what I told you to do. You got off lightly, Barry. I could have do so, so much worse to you and your bitch wife. Now get out of my sight!” Frankie commanded, pointing.

The hypnotist laughed mockingly at the couple as they departed.

Well, that was fun Frankie thought with a smirk.

She grinned as she felt a rush of power, which led to her becoming quite aroused.

Reaching for her phone, she intended to call Richard to come over and satisfy her physical needs.

Frankie grinned wider.

This might take a while, she thought as she dialed the phone.

Almost two weeks passed after the incident with the Trentons. Frankie went about her business, seeing clients and pondering her next move as a hypnodomme.

She managed to find a simple hypnotism-for-hire job, hypnotizing a woman on a homeowners’ association board into voting a certain way on a proposal to build a park in the subdivision.

The woman’s name was Alicia Hartley; Frankie had gone to her house and introduced herself, pretending to be interested in buying a house in the neighborhood.

Alicia was was around forty, the wife of a successful business attorney. She was a fit and attractive woman with short dark brown hair and brown eyes. Frankie quickly assessed that Alicia was a snob and a busy-body; she would enjoy hypnotizing her.

Alicia had invited Frankie in for coffee so they could chat about the neighborhood.

“So Doctor Russell, do you have an office nearby?” Alicia asked as they sat on her comfortable couch sipping coffee.

“I see my clients in my home actually; and please call me Frankie,” the hypnotist replied with a smile.

“Oh, how nice. I suppose you don’t see more than one or two people at a time, so there won’t be any issues with cars parked on the street,” Alicia replied with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, cars won’t be a problem at all, so you can relax,” Frankie said calmly.

“That’s good to hear. Are you married Frankie?” Alicia asked, nodding at the magnificent sapphire ring on the hypnotist’s finger.

“I’m divorced. Although I suppose this does give the impression otherwise,” Frankie replied, seeing her opening.

She casually raised her hand as she spoke, showing off the ring.

Frankie slowly moved her hand left and right. Alicia’s eyes reflexively tracked the twinkling jewel.

“That’s right. Keep watching my ring,” she purred; she raised and lowered her hand and Alicia’s eyes followed along.

“Is that a sapphire?” Alicia asked, not realizing the danger.

“Yes it is; it is beautiful isn’t it? Alicia, watching my ring and listening to my voice, that all other sights and sounds will fade away… All your worries… All your stress… just fading away…As you watch my ring and listen to my voice… It is so beautiful… So relaxing… So easy to watch my ring… As you continue to listen to my voice… Listen to and obey my words…” Frankie continued, her gentle but firm words filling Alicia’s mind.

“Okay, enough about the…the ring…so tell me—“ Alicia began.

She blinked, finding it difficult to concentrate between the sparkling sapphire and Frankie’s soothing voice.

“Just keep your eyes on the ring…falling deeper and deeper into the sapphire… deeper and deeper…going into a nice relaxed trance… deeper… Hearing nothing but my words… Listening only to my voice… Feel yourself falling into the sapphire… Falling into the reflections… Falling into the sparkles…” Frankie continued, her voice getting stronger as she spoke.

Frankie continued to move her hand gently to and fro.

Blue sparkles and reflections filled Alicia’s vision as her eyes followed the ring. Her mind was going blank as she relaxed, her thoughts slipping away.

“Wait, stop. Stop, are you trying to hyp-hypnotize—“ the housewife stammered.

“Just relax Alicia…relax and fall into my ring…into my ring and be wrapped around my finger… being drawn into the sapphire and wrapped around my finger… Wrapped around my finger… You are wrapped around my finger…” Frankie said soothingly.

“I…I…am wrapped…” Alicia mumbled, eyes following the ring.

Frankie snapped her fingers. Alicia went stiff, silent and unmoving. She stared into space, her face blank, eyes unblinking.

“You are wrapped around my finger and will do whatever I command… You are wrapped around my finger and will obey me… You must obey…You will obey my every command…” Frankie said firmly.

“I will obey your every command,” repeated the now hypnotized Alicia.

Frankie smoothly and efficiently programmed Alicia to vote the way her client wished on the on the proposed park for the subdivision.

Finished her task, Frankie eyed the pretentious and snooty Alicia.

“Alright Alicia, get on your knees and kiss my ass,” the hypnotist commanded.

Frankie dropped her shorts, revealing a sexy pink thong. She turned around so the hypnotized woman could alternately kiss each of her pale ass cheeks.

“That’s a good girl, Alicia. Now I am going to leave, and you will wake up in five minutes. You will forget I was here,” Frankie commanded.

“Yes ma’am,” Alicia agreed.

Smiling smugly, Frankie sauntered out of Alicia’s house, leaving the hypnotized woman on her knees.

It had been a very easy, unexciting job; however, it was also a ten-thousand-dollar profit for twenty minutes of “work”.

In truth, she was even more bored than before. The tournament had been exciting and being around the True-Hypnotism world was fun and glamorous. It had made her feel young and sexy.

A few days after the homeowners’ association job, Frankie was out in her front yard watching Barry wash her Lexus; she was wearing flip-flops, denim cut-offs and a pink bikini top. The perceptive Frankie noted that her neighbor across the street, a man named Jake, was sneaking glances her way. She smiled; he was around forty, and while he probably knew she was older than him, he probably had no idea she was almost sixty.

Not that she looked it, of course…but still. Frankie admitted she loved the attention from the attractive, strong and much younger man. She knew Jake was recently divorced, his wife having moved out a few months earlier.

Jake was working on a nice-looking blue muscle car of some kind in his side driveway. Frankie had waved to him occasionally but they had hardly spoken the five years that they had been neighbors. The hypnotist found herself growing aroused.

Why not? Frankie thought, admiring Jake’s muscled body.

Smiling, she walked casually across the street toward him.

“Hi there!” Frankie said cheerfully.

“Oh, Hi Doctor Russel,” Jake said, returning the smile.

Up close, he was quite handsome, a rugged and fit man with short slightly-graying brown hair and blue eyes.

“I was just admiring your car and was hoping I could take a closer look. Oh and please, call me Frankie” she added, her demeanor comforting and pleasant.

“Of course. Are you a car person?” Jake asked.

“A little bit; my father liked to restore cars. A just got back from a trip during which a friend of mine got a beautiful fully restored ’69 Camaro,” Frankie replied, leaning over to look at the engine.

“That’s a nice one; this is a ’68 Charger. I just redid the transmission,” Jake said.

The car was beautifully painted dark blue and had silver rims.

“It’s fantastic! You do all the work?” Frankie asked, genuinely impressed.

“Yes ma’am. I own 3 body shops, and…I might have a problem,” he chuckled pointed to the open garage.

Three other classic muscle cars sat side by side in various stages of restoration.

“Nothing wrong with pursuing what you love” Frankie replied with a disarming smile.

“So… Barry Trenton is…helping you out?” Jake asked, obviously curious about Barry washing Frankie’s car.

Barry was known in the neighborhood for being a bit hard to get along with, to say the least.

“Yes, they owe me some money for treating their daughter so I’m allowing them to work it off,” Frankie replied casually.

“That’s nice of you. So you’re a psychologist?” He asked.

Frankie pretended not to notice the way Jake was checking her out, and she suppressed a grin at the bulge the grew in his jeans.

“Actually I am a psychiatrist; but I gave that up. I’m also a Master Hypnotist and work primarily as a hypnotherapist,” Frankie replied.

“You’re a hypnotist? Like at the fair?” Jake asked, obviously surprised.

Frankie chuckled.

“Well, it’s similar yes, but I’m a bit more…advanced than that,” she said with a smile.

“Right, of course. Sorry. So… can you… help a guy quit smoking?” Jake asked a bit timidly.

“Easily. I have noticed you smoke. Is quitting something you’d like to do?” Frankie asked kindly.

“I…I uh, well I’m not sure about hypnosis but, I uh, should quit…” Jake said, flushing.

“Relax Jake. It’s okay, I’d love to help you quit,” Frankie said, her voice soothing and comforting, looking confidently into his eyes.

She touched his arm lightly, a hypnotic “anchoring” technique.

“Really? Okay, that’d be great. Do I need to call for an appointment?” Jake asked.

“If you have the time, we can do it right now” Frankie offered, maintaining her gaze and soothing tone.

She gripped his arm slightly tighter, smiling warmly.

“Now? I…Okay…okay sure” Jake Agreed, smiling as he relaxed a bit.

Frankie’s touch was warm and soothing, her demeanor completely disarming.

Jake was a deer in headlights, the hypnotist’s next prey.

“Jake, would you like to do it in your home or my office?” The hypnotist asked.

“Uh, we can do it here. Come on it, I’ll just wash up,” Jake replied, leading Frankie inside.

“Barry, when you have finished with the car you may go for the day,” Frankie called to the man working in her driveway.

The hypnotist turned and followed Jake into his house, smiling broadly.

“Yes Doctor Russell!” Barry the hypno-slave replied, but she’d already turned her back on him.

Inside Jake’s house, Frankie waited on the couch while he washed up. His house was neat and orderly; it was a large 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom affair, with a big backyard and a pool. In truth Frankie had to admit it was nicer than she’d expected.

“Okay, what do I do?” Jake asked as he returned from cleaning his hands.

“Just lay on the couch. Get nice and comfortable,” Frankie instructed, standing up.

Jake stretched out on the couch, hands folded on his stomach.

Frankie slipped off her trusty, huge diamond pendant and held it up so it dangled at the end of its chain above Jake’s eyes. The stone had once been mounted in her engagement ring.

“Now just relax Jake. Relax and look at my diamond…” she said soothingly.

“Really? ‘Watch the swinging diamond?’ I thought that was movie hocus-pocus” Jake said with a slight chuckle.

Frankie smiled.

“It is a bit of a cliche, I will admit. But it works. It is just something for you to focus your eyes on. Just watch the diamond, and listen to the sound of my voice,” the hypnotist said soothingly.

Frankie performed a simple induction, and Jake went under quickly and deeply. He was highly suggestible, just as she had hoped. Smirking, Frankie replaced her pendant around her neck and sat on a recliner opposite her latest prize.

She had been intending to simply enslave him and use him as a fuck toy…but she looked around the house and grew thoughtful. She spent a few minutes deepening his trance, then took a seat on a recliner opposite where he was laying.

“Jake, I’m going to ask you some questions, and you will answer me completely truthfully. Do you understand me?” She asked in a firm voice.

“Yes ma’am,” Jake murmured.

Frankie questioned him for an hour, about his life, family, divorce.

Frankie soon realized Jake was truly just a nice, decent and hard-working man. A bit of a chauvinist in a charming manly man way, but a good man.

His soon to be legally ex-wife Lydia was a raging bitch who didn’t work, cheated on him and was trying to take his money, business and other assets. Furthermore, she was trying to turn their daughter against him. Lydia was claiming Jake abuses her, which under hypnosis he couldn’t lie to Frankie about and she quickly found out he was innocent and being raked over the coals by his spiteful and selfish wife.

Frankie found she genuinely liked Jake, and decided she was going to help him.

“Jake, do you find me attractive?” she asked quietly.

“Yes ma’am,” he answered immediately.

Frankie was relieved and delighted.

“You know I’m older than you?” she asked.

“Yes ma’am,” Jake answered.

“Is that an issue for you?” she asked.

“I…Yes, a bit… maybe..” he stammered.

Frankie frowned.

“Why?” she asked sternly.

“Because it’s not typical; I…people might talk if I went out with an older woman,” he replied.

Frankie snorted quietly. Men! People and their stupid social hang-ups! she thought with irritation.

“Jake, I am disappointed in you. However, you are going to make it up to me. Listen to me very carefully: my age and our age difference is not an issue, understand? You have no worries or inhibitions about my age. Any reservations you had are now gone. My age is simply not an issue. You find me to be an interesting, very attractive woman. You want to get to know me better. You are a strong and confident man, you don’t care what anyone thinks about what you choose to do. When I awaken you, you are going to ask me out on a date; you want to make sure we have a great time together. You will make a reservation at that new French place in town for eight and pick me up at seven-thirty sharp in your Mustang, I like that better than your Charger. You will shave and wear your best suit, and bring me roses. You will not consciously remember the instructions I just gave you, but you will follow them and believe they are you own ideas. Got it?” Frankie said firmly.

“Yes ma’am,” he agreed.

“Excellent. You are doing wonderful Jake. Just stay nice and relaxed for me. Feeling so good…Now let’s talk about your smoking…” Frankie said next.

She went through a standard stop-smoking session before awakening Jake from his trance.

Frankie smiled as Jake awkwardly fumbled through asking her out, turning beet red as he finally got the words out.

“Jake, I would love to go out with you,” Frankie had replied, putting a comforting hand on his arm before heading back to her house.

A few hours later, Jake was getting ready for his date with Frankie. He looked handsome in his suit, and he was amazed that he’d had no desire to smoke since his session with the lovely hypnotist earlier. He was thrilled she’d said yes when he asked her out; this would be his first date since Lydia had left. He picked up the roses that he’d bought when he went out to get a haircut and checked for his wallet and keys before heading to the garage.

He got into his red Mustang and drove across the street. He went up to the door and rang the bell.

A smiling Frankie answered, looking gorgeous in a snug white sparkly dress and towering, sexy sandals which comically brought her up to five-foot-five. She wore her diamond pendant, emerald earrings and an expensive gold and emerald toe ring. She had gone to the salon and had Dana give her a pedicure, her toenails dark green.

“Wow! You look great,” Jake said, handing her the roses.

“Thank you! You look very handsome yourself. Come in!” Frankie said, taking the flowers.

Jake followed her inside and waited while she put the flowers in a vase.

“Your home is really nice,” he said.

“Thank you very much. I try,” she said with a chuckle, grabbing her purse and a shawl.

One of her clients, a young woman name Sara, was an excellent housekeeper…although she didn’t know it.

They had a fantastic time at dinner; the food was excellent, and she and Jake had a lot in common such as their failed marriages. Following dinner, they went to a jazz club and had a few drinks, after which Jake offered to let her drive home. Frankie accepted, and had a blast in the tricked-out Mustang. When they were nearly home, red and blue lights began flashing in the rear-view mirror.

“Shit!” Jake said. He went to the glove box for his registration.

“Relax, dear. This is no problem,” Frankie said with a smile.

Jake watched Frankie take off her necklace as the cop approached the door.

She rolled down the window.

“Hello officer,” she said cheerfully.

“License and registration please ma’am,” the middle-aged officer said gruffly.

“What’s the problem?” Frankie said making no move to comply.

“I have you going sixty-six in a thirty-five. License and registration,” the officer said firmly.

“I bet you are tired, officer. Have a look at this,” Frankie said, raising her pendant and giving it a spin.

The huge diamond sparkled, reflecting the red and blue light from the patrol car, drawing the policeman’s eyes to it. Jake watched in utter amazement as his date smoothly and easily put the cop under hypnosis.

“That’s better,” she said, winking at Jake.

“Frankie…?” Jake asked anxiously.

“Relax, honey. Watch,” she said.

Frankie turned to cop.

“Can you hear me, officer Mills?” She asked, reading his name tag.

“Yes ma’am,” Mills replied, eyes closed.

“Excellent. Listen to me carefully: when I snap my fingers you will go back to your car and get in the driver’s seat. Then you will wake up and forget all about me, this car or making this stop. Do you understand?” Frankie asked.

“Yes ma’am,” the cop murmured.

“Good boy. Now give me the memory card from your recorder,” she ordered.

“Yes Ma’am,” the cop agreed, handing it over.

“Thank you. Oh, and one more thing: If you ever see this car breaking the law, you will ignore it. You will not pull it over for speeding or any other traffic violation. Now go,” Frankie commanded with a dismissive wave.

“Yes ma’am,” Officer Mills said, walking stiffly to his cruiser.

The hypnotist turned to her date with a mischievous smile and winked.

“Frankie! You…I…what did you do…?” Jake asked, obviously a little freaked out.

“I hypnotized him silly. Hypnotist,” she said, pointing at herself playfully.

“You…you can’t do that!” Jake protested.

“Of course I can,” Frankie said sweetly.

“Frankie, I don’t think you should have—“ Jake began.

The hypnotist rolled her eyes.

“Muscle car guy,” she said firmly.

Jake looked surprised and went silent. His eyes closed and his head nodded, falling deep under hypnosis thanks to a trigger Frankie had given him during their session.

Frankie smiled as she put the car in gear and sped off.

Jake awoke from his trance a short time later to find himself sitting on his couch; he had changed into casual clothes, although he didn’t remember doing so. Frankie sat beside him smiling. She too had changed into shorts and a tank top; she was barefoot and had put one of the roses he’d given her in her hair. She held two beers.

“Hello, baby,” she said, handing him one.

“Uh, hi…” Jake said, obviously confused as he took the beer.

He didn’t recall coming home or changing, but he felt fantastic.

“We need to chat,” Frankie said, sipping her beer.

“Okay…you hypnotized me, didn’t you?” Jake asked, sipping his own beer.

“Just for a little bit. I wanted to get home so we could talk comfortably,” she replied.

“You just…hypnotized that cop,” Jake said.

“I am a hypnotist. He was going to give me a ticket,” she said with a laugh.

“I…I guess so…it’s just, uh, I mean…” Jake stammered.

“You didn’t know it worked that way? It doesn’t for most hypnotists. I’m a True Hypnotist,” Frankie said casually.

“True Hypnotist?” he asked.

“Get comfy baby, I’ll explain everything,” Frankie said soothingly.

She snuggled against him, drawing her feet up onto the couch.

Jake relaxed a bit, leaning back and taking a long drink. He listened while Frankie explained about true hypnotism and her power.

“You can really force people to obey commands? Anything you want?” He asked skeptical.

“Jake darling, you saw what I did to the policeman” she said slyly.

“Yeah, but you’re talking like you can make people do things…against their will, completely against their own desires…” he said.

“I can” Frankie said simply.

“Oh come on, that was just stage hypnotism or a trick…” Jake said.

“Oh really? Muscle car guy” Frankie said smugly, sending him into a deep trance.

A moment later, Jake awoke to find himself kneeling in front of a smirking Frankie.

He grunted as he tried to stand…and found he couldn’t.

“Something wrong, Jake?” She asked.

“What did you do?” he asked.

“I hypnotized you, silly” Frankie replied.

“I…I guess you did. Um, can I get up now?” Jake asked.

“Oh, no no no. Sorry honey. I just explained to you that I’m a hypnodomme…” she replied casually.

“Wait, what do you mean?” Jake asked warily.

“What I mean is, you doubted my power. So now I’m going to teach you a lesson,” Frankie said with a smirk.

“Francesca, that’s not necessary, I get it…” Jake said, trying not to panic.

Again he tried to stand.

Again he failed.

“Oh don’t worry. I’ll go easy on you,” Frankie said.

Staring into his eyes, she poured beer all over her bare feet, something she saw one of the hypnotists she hung out with on her trip do.

“Have a drink Jack. Lick it off my feet. Suck it from my toes…” Frankie said in a sultry voice.

Jake tried to resist, but he couldn’t. He wasn’t sure he wanted to anyway.

Frankie giggled as her date began to lick and suck beer from her bare feet.

“Mmmm…good boy. I bet you won’t doubt me again, will you?” she asked.

“No…ma’am…” Jake replied as he continued to lick beer from her feet.

“That’s a very good boy. When I snap my fingers, you will be free of my power…for now,” Frankie said.

She casually raised her hand and gave a loud SNAP!

Jake actually stayed at her feet another moment, kissing and sucking her toes.

Frankie giggled.

“I guess you’re not mad at me for that?” She asked.

“Nope,” Jake said rejoining her on the couch.

He took a sip of his beer.

“I was asking for it; I’m sorry I doubted you,” he added, grinning.

“You are a very enlightened man. A lot of guys would get all angry and huffy and indignant,” Frankie said.

“No point; you can make me do anything you like. And I like you. Besides, you have cute little feet, I’d kiss them anyway without being hypnotized. And it’s kind of…sexy, you being in control,” Jake said.

He leaned in to kiss her. Frankie let him, and they shared a passionate kiss.

“Let me get a couple more beers; I want to show you something,” Frankie whispered.

“Okay,” Jake said with a smile.

Frankie went into his kitchen and returned with two more bottles, handing one to Jake.

“Thank you, gorgeous,” he said.

Jake was really enjoying spending time with Frankie; it was exciting and different and…erotic.

“It has been a wonderful evening, Jake. I really like you. I got you something…a gift,” Frankie said with a grin.

“Oh? You didn’t need to do that. It has been a great night; hopefully it’s not over…” Jake replied, flushing a bit.

“Oh I promise it isn’t…come on out, spiteful bitch!” Frankie called.

Jake watched open-mouthed as his still-legal wife Lydia, a gorgeous thirty-seven-year old blonde, walked in stiffly from the hallway; she was naked her blue eyes wide and unblinking, obviously hypnotized.

“Surprise!” Frankie said with a smile.

“Holy shit! You hypnotized Lydia?! When?” Jake asked, incredulous.

“While you were getting a haircut. I got her address from you while I had you under for your ‘stop smoking’ session,” Frankie explained, sipping her beer.

“Wait…you can make her…?“ he began.

“Do anything I—or you—want” Frankie replied.

Jake broke into big grin and kissed her passionately again.

“Wow…I’m glad you’re happy,” she said giggling.

“Are you kidding? Can I…we…fuck with her?” He asked.

“Of course honey. Lydia, when I snap my fingers, you will be wide awake and aware. You will still be utterly compelled to obey my every command without hesitation or question, whether you want to or not,” Frankie said firmly.

She gave a loud SNAP!

Lydia started awake.

“Jake? What the fuck?!” Lydia demanded.

She started again as she realized she was naked.

“Where are my clothes? What’s going on?!” She shrieked.

“You’re right, she’s loud…” Frankie said to Jake.

The hypnotist and her date shared a smile before she turned her attention to her latest victim.

“Jake, you fucking asshole! You kidnapped me with the old shrink from across the street?!” Lydia said angrily.

“Actually I did it on my own. And my name is Doctor Francesca Russel…bitch,” Frankie said coolly.

“Fuck you both, I’m leaving! Where are my clothes? Where’s my phone? I’m so fucking calling the cops!” Lydia fumed.

She spun and headed for the door, grabbing a blanket off a chair and wrapping it around her as she went.

“Freeze Lydia. Do not move,” Frankie said calmly.

“Fuck you, I’m—“ Lydia began.

She grunted in surprise as she suddenly couldn’t move a muscle.

“What the FUCK?” She yelled as she struggled to move.

“Drop the blanket and come back over here. Now!” Frankie commanded.

“What the hell? What’s going on? What did you do to me?!” Lydia demanded as she obeyed.

Frankie smirked and Jake was grinning broadly as Lydia moved to stand before them naked.

“She hypnotized you,” Jake said with a chuckle.

“Hypnotized? Are you fucking serious? Hypnosis isn’t real!” Lydia said angrily.

“Oh really? Then why are you still standing there naked?” Frankie asked smugly.

“I…I…you must have…drugged me, or…” Lydia stammered.

She suddenly looked more frightened than angry.

“She hypnotized you. Frankie is an awesome hypnotist, and she can make you do anything she wants to,” Jake said.

“No…no it’s not possible…” Lydia said quietly.

She trembled as she tried to back away, held fast by Frankie’s suggestions.

“Kneel,” Frankie ordered calmly.

Lydia looked mortified as she sank to her knees.

“Wait, Stop, please! Whatever Jake told you is bullshit, and—“ she began.

“Save it. We chatted this afternoon while you were deep under hypnosis and you told me everything I wanted to know. I’m aware of the truth…and what an awful selfish bitch you are,” Frankie cut her off.

“Fuck you! You old cunt! I will scratch your eyes out!” Lydia shrieked, flushing red with anger.

She grunted as she futilely tried to stand.

“You’ll do nothing but what I…no what we command. You will obey Jake’s commands as well. And you will address me as ‘Mistress’ and Jake as ‘Master’ you got that, slave?” Frankie said, standing and looking down at the kneeling woman.

“Y-Yes…Yes Mistress…” Lydia stammered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Better. Now you have a lot to make up for; you’ve caused Jake a lot of trouble. Emotional pain, hurt him financially, hurt his reputation, his business and his relationship with his daughter… plus cheating and constantly lying…” Frankie said with disgust.

“Master please, I’m so sorry! Don’t let her do this to me,” Lydia begged Jake.

Jake looked at his soon-to-be-ex-wife coldly. He waited a moment before speaking.

“What’s next Frankie?” He asked, taking his hypnotist-date’s hand.

“Well hypnotic domination is an art, really. I recently had a chance to watch and learn and participate with some exceptionally talented hypnodommes. So let’s start with the basics; something simple, fun and humiliating enough that she’ll start to learn her new place. Lydia, crawl to me and kiss my feet” she commanded.

“I will not!” Lydia yelled.

Then she did exactly what Frankie had commanded.

“Foot worship is a good place to start. Something most slaves would never want to do, and it’s utterly submissive and humiliating. Slave-Lydia, suck my toes as well”

Frankie ordered casually, smiling at Jake.

Lydia began to sob as she obeyed.

Jake smiled back. A bulge grew in his pants as he watched his wife worshipping Frankie’s feet.

Frankie reached over and unzipped Jake’s pants.

“Let’s let this guy out to join in,” She said playfully.

The hypnotist was pleased at the size of Jake’s erect cock; he was truly well endowed.

Jake moaned with pleasure as Frankie began to stroke him.

“Oh Frankie…I can’t hold on very long,” he gasped.

“I will have do something about that later. Lydia, kneel before Jake and do not move. Jake honey, stand up,” Frankie said.

She continued to stroke Jake’s cock as he stood. Lydia stopped her foot-worship and knelt in front of Jake. Grinning wickedly, Frankie continued to stroke Jake’s cock until he gasped loudly; his cock spasmed and he shot his load into Lydia’s face. Frankie giggled as she moved his cock around, making certain to get cum all over the helpless blonde’s face.

Lydia began to sob again.

“Oh quit the crying Lydia! We are just getting started! Go wash your face and come right back and suck Jake hard again,” Frankie ordered.

“Are you ok?” She asked Jake gently while Lydia was gone.

“Holy shit yes; that felt good in so many ways. I loved seeing her at your feet…and I can’t think of anything better than shooting my load in her smug lying face,” he said.

Frankie leaned in and kissed him passionately.

“Excellent. I have plenty more in mind,” she said with a smile.

“What a hell of a first date!” Jake said with a laugh as Lydia returned and took him in her mouth.

Frankie giggled and took off her top, and gently guiding Jake to suck at her tits while Lydia worked on his cock. It didn’t take long for Jake to get stiff again. Soon, they were both naked; Lydia, who had always refused to suck Jake’s cock during their marriage now found herself doing so with forced enthusiasm.

“That’s it you bitch, take him all in. Faster, Lydia!” Frankie instructed.

Lydia moved her head frantically as she struggled to take Jake’s above average cock all the way in.

Both Frankie and Jake laughed as she sputtered a bit.

“Oh my, she needs a lot of practice!” Frankie said

Before Jake could cum again, Frankie had Lydia stop. The hypnotist had Jake sit on the couch and then she whispered Jake’s trigger into his ear. Once he was under, she took control of his cock, suggesting that he could not cum without her permission. Then she removed the rest of her clothes and awakened Jake with a snap of her fingers.

“Now we can really get started,” Frankie said with a grin as she slowly mounted Jake’s cock.

He moaned as Frankie began to ride him enthusiastically. The hypnotist orgasmed three times, each one louder and harder than the previous one, accompanied by moans of pleasure that grew into screams of ecstasy. Finally, she got off Jake, sitting beside him gasping.

“Oh my fucking god! That was awesome!” Frankie said, her taking Jake’s hand in her own.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it…” Jake said with a chuckle at his still erect cock.

Frankie riding him had been pleasurable…to a point. Jake was stuck at the edge, on the verge of orgasm but quite unable to without the hypnotist’s permission.

“Oh Jake don’t worry! It is going to be a long night and I am going to need you to stay stiff for me for a while. A long while,” the insatiable hypnotist said with a grin.

“Your wish is my command,” Jake said playfully.

“Yes, it is…” Frankie replied as she began to gently, slowly stroke Jake’s cock.

Jake closed his eyes and moaned at the pleasurable torture.

“How would you like to fuck Lydia in her ass?” Frankie whispered into Jake’s ear as she continued to tease his cock.

“I…I would really…REALLY like that…” he gasped.

“Lydia, stand up and bend over the side of the couch…” Frankie ordered with an evil smile.

Lydia obeyed.

“Go ahead Jake, she’s all yours,” Frankie said.

Jake rose and moved to stand behind his wife.

Frankie watched as he began to ass-fuck Lydia, grunting with pleasure as he degraded the woman who had tried to ruin his life.

He orgasmed quickly; Frankie sent him to shower, then put Lydia on her knees and commanded her to eat her pussy until he returned.

Frankie and Jake had a fantastic night together with Lydia serving as their fuck-toy. She had always refused to suck Jake’s cock during their marriage, but now Lydia found herself doing so several times over the course of the night. She also ate Frankie’s pussy, as well both her and Jake’s assholes.

Frankie and Jake made love enthusiastically; Jake had a hard time keeping up with the hypnotist; she put him under and took control of his cock so he needed her permission to cum, and she dominated both he and Lydia, enjoying her power. She let Jake do as he pleased with Lydia, which included him ass-fucking her again. Eventually they were all exhausted; Frankie put Lydia to sleep at the foot of the bed on a blanket like a dog.

They slept late; Frankie commanded Lydia to shower and make breakfast to serve them in bed. While the hypno-slave was gone she rode Jake’s cock enthusiastically, cumming several times before allowing him to do so.

They enjoyed a leisurely breakfast in bed, then showered together; Jake was a big strong man and Frankie was tiny, so after the shower he easily picked her up and sat her on the counter and fucked her again.

They spent the day relaxing and fucking, with Lydia serving their every whim; Jake jerked off in her face again, and watched with delight as Frankie trained her more thoroughly in the art of foot-worship.

Jake and Frankie talked a lot, about a lot of different subjects. The hypnotist patiently answered his many questions; he was utterly fascinated with her as a woman and as a hypnodomme.

Over dinner, the discussion turned to their relationship.

“Honestly what I’m really interested in is claiming a Thrall,” Frankie said, taking a bite of the salmon Lydia had prepared.

The blonde slave was on all fours eating her dinner from a plate on the floor.

“A Thrall…you mean me?” Jake asked.

“It’s an option for you…” Frankie replied seriously.

She went on to explain the very special place a Thrall had in a hypnodomme’s entourage.

“I…don’t know…” Jake said slowly, clearly intrigued.

While the prospect was frightening, Jake had to admit he was excited by the idea as well.

“It’s not something that you need to worry about now honey. I’m not going to enslave you against your will,” Frankie assured him.

Even though I easily could she thought to herself.

They they continued their discussion, tabling the subject of a Thrall. Frankie had considered planting the idea of of becoming her Thrall in Jake’s subconscious as a hypnotic suggestion, but decided against it. The hypnotist hoped he would decide to submit willingly, as it would make the Mistress-Thrall bond much stronger and more fulfilling. Frankie was was eager and impatient to continue her journey as a hypnodomme, but she was also disciplined and wise enough to know it would be better to let the idea germinate in Jake’s mind and allow him to come to the decision naturally.

Frankie and Jake truly got along well; they had similar senses of humor, laughing often, and liked a lot of the same activities and entertainment. Jake was intelligent, educated and polite. While he had an obvious self-confidence issue, it was nothing that Frankie couldn’t fix.

They both wanted to pursue a relationship, so they agreed on a semi-open situation that could include sex slaves hypnotized by Frankie, both male and female.

“I understand that this is all a lot to take in, Jake. I really don’t want to pressure you into anything,” Frankie said gently, putting her hand on his.

“Thank you, Frankie. I really like you. I am genuinely glad to get to know you and I am really enjoying spending time together. You are an amazing woman. And…I promise I will seriously think about becoming your Thrall,” Jake replied with a smile.

Frankie was genuinely surprised; she knew he had a naturally submissive nature, but he was also a “man’s man” and she hadn’t expected him to even consider the idea of becoming her Thrall, at least not so soon.

“Thank you, Jake. You are a wonderfully open-minded man in addition to being sexy as hell,” Frankie replied with a grin.

Jake admitted to himself that while the thought of truly giving up his free will was terrifying, it was also strangely tempting. Frankie was an intelligent, powerful, sexy woman; she was very comforting to be around, and she radiated confidence. If he submitted to her, she would do all the thinking and decision making. He wouldn’t have to worry about anything except making his Mistress happy, and she would take care of him.

That fact that she wanted him to do it willingly, even though she could have easily enslaved him somehow made the idea even more enticing.

All he would have to do was trust Frankie completely.

Surprisingly it was something Jake could see himself doing.

“Frankie…after we get my divorce settled…I was wondering, maybe in a couple weeks we could go see my daughter and you could have a…’chat’ with her? You know, make her listen to me?” Jake asked tentatively.

“Of course, darling. We can change her mind as much as you like,” Frankie replied with a reassuring smile.

“I don’t want to humiliate her or anything, just make her see what her mother is really like and understand that I love her,” he said.

“Jake, it’s no problem. Relax, honey. Now take me upstairs and fuck me. Lydia you will clean up from dinner then join us,” Frankie commanded.

“Yes Mistress,” Lydia said, rising and starting to clear the table.

Frankie giggled as Jake picked her up and carried her upstairs.

It looked like their “date” was going to stretch into a third day.

A couple of weeks passed; Frankie and Jake settled into their new relationship, spending many evenings and nights in one another’s homes.

Frankie made Lydia dismiss her entire case in the divorce and admit her lies and other transgressions to anyone who would listen. Jake got all their assets, and Frankie had commanded Lydia to move into the guest cottage behind his house to serve as his maid, cook and general slave. To outsiders, the story was Lydia was working off her debt and had nowhere else to go, so Jake let her live in the cottage in exchange for being a housekeeper.

They made plans to go visit Jake’s daughter in Columbus where she attended school. However, first Jake had to go on a trip to buy some new equipment for one of his shops. He invited Frankie along, but she had stayed home to see clients and keep an eye on Lydia, who was still adjusting to her new life as a full-time menial slave. With her boyfriend gone, Frankie indulged her hypnodomme side. Thursday evening she had her ex-husband-turned-slave Richard come over and fuck her while Jake was gone; more appropriately, she fucked him in a chair facing away from him so she didn’t have to look at his face.

She decided to take Friday evening all to herself. She ordered in dinner after checking on Lydia and caught up on some of her favorite tv series while drinking wine and painting her toenails. Before bed, she called Lydia and ordered her to come eat her; after she’d orgasmed twice she sent Lydia home and settled in to sleep.

Frankie was awoken at 11:00 by throbbing bass music and loud shouts and screams coming from next door. A young woman had recently rented the house, and had thrown loud parties the past 2 nights that had kept Frankie awake. It was well after 2:00 am when she finally got to sleep.

Frankie was an early riser, up at 5:45 to exercise and get ready for her day. She got up Saturday morning and did her hour of yoga and cardio, then made an egg white omelette and ate it on her back patio. While she ate, she noticed a half-dozen beer bottles and cans on her grass, obviously thrown over the fence during the party.

Frowning, she finished her food then went inside to get a bag to pick up the trash.

Frankie stopped.

No, she decided, I am not cleaning that up. I’m a hypnodomme she thought angrily.

Frankie showered, put on some cut-offs and a pink tank top. She threw her hair into a ponytail and put her diamond pendant on. She decided against shoes, and walked over to the neighbor’s house.

It was 7:45 am.

Frankie rang the bell and waited. Five minutes went by and she rang it again. Then a third time. Finally she heard muffled grumbling and the door cracked open.

“What?!” An irritable female voice said.

“Good morning! I’m Francesca Russel from next door. You must be my new neighbor…Kaylee, right?” Frankie said cheerfully.

The door opened a bit wider; Frankie saw a pretty long-haired brunette, maybe twenty-four, with blue eyes. Kaylee looked a bit disheveled and tired, barefoot and wearing a long wrinkled blue t-shirt.

“Uh-Huh. What can I do for you Francesca?” She asked slowly.

“Please, call me Frankie” she said, holding out her hand.

Kaylee squinted and took it.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Kaylee. I was hoping we could have a little chat about your parties…?” Frankie said pleasantly.

“What about them?” Kaylee asked.

“Well, they have been keeping me up, and now your guests have thrown trash into my yard,” Frankie said calmly.

Kaylee just looked at her blankly.

“So…” Frankie prompted after a moment.

“What? What do you want from me?” Kaylee asked irritably.

“Well, first I’d like an apology for disturbing my sleep and your guests’ behavior. Second, I deserve a thank you for not calling the police, and third I want you to come clean up my yard,” Frankie said coolly:

Kaylee laughed.

“You wish. It’s too early for your old lady crap. Go away,” Kaylee scoffed, moving to close the door.

Frankie blocked it with her leg.

“Excuse me; we aren’t done. Now you owe me a second apology for being rude” she said.

“Move your leg bitch!” Kaylee snarled.

“I’m going to give you one more chance. If you don’t do as I’ve requested you’ll be very sorry,” Frankie warned.

“What? Fuck off, you can’t prove anything! Call the cops, I’ll tell them you’re trespassing and bothering me when I’m trying to sleep!” Kaylee said.

“Really? You’re upset I bothered your sleep? That’s ironic, don’t you think? Okay have it your way. I warned you. Remember that,” Frankie said.

“Don’t threaten me, I ain’t scared of your old ass. Go away!” Kaylee snarled.

Frankie smiled and moved her leg.

“You should’ve just come and partied, loosen up!” Kaylee said with a mocking laugh before slamming the door.

Frankie took a deep breath and walked off the porch. She walked around the side of Kaylee’s house, the grass cool on her bare feet. She went through the slightly open gate into the backyard, which was covered in empty cans and bottles.

Unsurprisingly, the back door was unlocked. Frankie opened it and went inside, entering Kaylee’s kitchen, which was also trashed. She walked slowly into the cluttered living room, avoiding bottles and clothes on the carpet. She turned and crept quietly up the stairs.

Once on the second floor she could hear some light snoring coming from an open door. Frankie walked carefully to peer inside the Master bedroom and saw Kaylee sprawled on a king size bed asleep, the source of the snoring. Smiling wickedly, Frankie crept up to Kaylee’s bed and leaned over the young woman.

“Kaylee listen carefully…listen to my soothing voice…” she began very softly in her hypnotist’s voice.

Kaylee made a slight noise and moved a bit, but kept snoring. Frankie continued her induction, and after a few minutes the snoring stopped as Kaylee went from regular sleep to hypnosis.

Frankie sat gently on the bed.

“Can you hear me Kaylee?” She asked.

“Yes,” the young woman murmured.

Frankie smiled.

“Wonderful. I need you to just relax…relax deeper…deeper with each word I speak…” Frankie said softly.

She took Kaylee deeper and gave her suggestions to obey her every command even when awake and aware, as well as a basic trigger that would send her back into hypnosis.

“Kaylee, when I snap my fingers you will get up and go take a nice hot shower. When you are finished, you will awaken from your trance and forget I’m here. You will feel wonderfully refreshed, and you will not consciously remember the commands and suggestions I’ve given you. Your subconscious will remember them, and compel you to follow them, regardless of you own will or desires. Do you understand?” Frankie asked.

“Yes,” Kaylee murmured.

“Good girl” Frankie said.

She gave a loud SNAP.

Kaylee rose and went into the bathroom. A moment later Frankie heard the shower start.

The hypnotist took the opportunity to snoop through Kaylee’s possessions. She found a pipe and a bit of weed, a high quality vibrator, a small 9mm pistol which she removed all the bullets from and put them in her pocket, and Kaylee’s iPhone.

After her snooping, Frankie sat casually on the end of Kaylee’s bed, crossing her legs and waiting.

About fifteen minutes passed; Kaylee emerged from the bathroom wearing a nice robe and a towel on her head.

She jumped in surprise and let out a yelp, startled by Frankie sitting calming on her bed.

“What the Hell? You crazy bitch! Get out of my house!” Kaylee yelled.

Frankie grinned.

“No,” she said.

“Oh my fucking god, you broke into my house?!” Kaylee said angrily.

“Not exactly. The door wasn’t locked, so I let myself in,” Frankie explained.

“Look, get out now or I’m calling the cops!”

“No, and no you won’t,” Frankie replied smugly.

“Bitch!” Kaylee said, grabbing her phone of the bed and punching the unlock code.

“Drop the phone Kaylee,” Frankie said casually.

The device bounced in the carpet.

“Shit!” Kaylee said, bending to retrieve it.

“Kaylee that phone is much too heavy for you, you cannot lift it off the ground,” Frankie said.

Kaylee grunted in frustration.

“What the hell?” She growled, unable to lift the phone. It felt like it weighed a ton.

Frankie laughed, enjoying her little game.

“Bitch! What did you do?” Kaylee demanded.

“I warned you that you’d be sorry if you didn’t do as I asked,” Frankie replied.

“Fuck you!” Kaylee went to her night stand and opened the drawer, grabbing the pistol Frankie had found.

“Get out! Now!” Kaylee said, pointing the gun at Frankie.

“No,” the hypnotist replied calmly.

“I’ll fucking shoot you!” Kaylee said angrily.

Frankie laughed at her.

“Bitch, I mean it,” Kaylee said.

“You can’t shoot me” Frankie said.

She took the bullets from her pocket and dropped them to the carpet with a smug smile.

“What…?” Kaylee said.

She ejected the magazine and checked it.


“You bitch! I’ll fucking beat your ass!” She shrieked, throwing the gun aside and moved quickly toward Frankie with her fist raised, the towel falling off her head.

“Stop,” Frankie said quietly but firmly.

Kaylee froze as she felt an overwhelming compulsion to obey Frankie.

“How…?” Kaylee asked, suddenly fearful as she tried to move and simply could not.

“I hypnotized you,” Frankie replied casually.

“Hypnotized…? No…” Kaylee said quietly.

“I’m afraid so honey. You’ve become my slave. Now kneel,” Frankie commanded.

Dumbfounded, Kaylee sank to her knees before the hypnotist.

Frankie smiled; she was going to enjoy training her new pet.

She took Kaylee downstairs to the living room; she brought the hypnotized young woman’s iPhone as well,setting it on the coffee table.

“Now then, first lesson…” Frankie said.

She made Kaylee worship her feet, enjoying the rush of power from humiliating the young woman.

“Please…I’m sorry…I was rude…and the noise…please don’t do this to me…” Kaylee begged between kisses.

“I’m sure you are; sorry that you didn’t realize you being rude to someone more powerful than you” Frankie said coldly.

Kaylee began to sob.

The hypnotist made her continue for several more minutes.

“Okay back on your knees,” she ordered finally.

Kaylee obeyed.

“Please, I’m sorry, I’ll clean up the bottles and—“ she whispered.

“Yes you will. Later,” Frankie cut her off.

The older woman stood.

“Have you ever eaten ass before?” Frankie asked.

“N-no Mistress…” Kaylee said.

“Well it’s time you tried it,” Frankie said, undoing her shorts.

“You…you’re a monster!” Kaylee said, horrified.

Frankie pauses.

Kaylee leapt to her feet and ran for the door.

“I suppose I am a monster…” Frankie said thoughtfully as she jogged after Kaylee.

The younger woman was halfway down the block.

“Freeze Kaylee!” Frankie called, cursing herself for forgetting to tell her not to move.

Kaylee froze.

“Drop your robe and come back here,” Frankie ordered next.

Kaylee obeyed, walking down the street naked. Frankie took her back inside.

“Kneel. Do not move unless I tell you to” she ordered.

Kaylee obeyed, sinking to her knees.

“Where did you think you were you going?” Frankie asked smugly.

“M-My sister’s house” Kaylee said.

“Oh your sister lives in the neighborhood? Is she as much of a brat as you?” Frankie asked.

“No. She’s married, has twins. She’s a teacher,” Kaylee said.

“How nice, maybe I’ll meet her…” Frankie said.

“Please don’t!” Kaylee said.

Frankie smiled a wicked smile.

“Please, leave her alone!” Kaylee begged.

“We will see; maybe if you give me a good rim job I will leave her alone,” Frankie said.

She dropped her shorts and turned around, spreading her cheeks.

“Go on Kaylee, get in there,” Frankie said seductively.

Whimpering, the helpless young woman pressed her face in between Frankie’s cheeks and began to lick her asshole.

Frankie giggled in delight, thoroughly enjoying humiliating the brat who had been rude and disrespectful to her.

Eventually, Frankie ordered Kaylee back into a kneeling position. The young woman looked miserable and defeated.

“I warned you that you would be sorry, didn’t I?” Frankie taunted the young woman.

“Yes, you were right. Please, I am sorry okay? I will clean up your yard. Please, don’t do this to me,” Kaylee begged.

“I do like the begging…But, I am afraid I have a few more lessons for you before I release you,” Frankie said evilly.

Before Frankie could give any more commands, Kaylee’s phone began to buzz.

The hypnotist picked it up.

“Who is Kara?” She asked

Kaylee struggled desperately not to answer.

“Answer me!” Frankie said.

“My sister. Please, you said you would leave her alone if I ate your ass!” Kaylee whispered.

“Do not speak,” Frankie ordered her.

Grinning wickedly, she answered the phone.

“Kaylee’s phone”

“Who is this?” Kara asked.

“This is Francesca, Kaylee’s neighbor. Your sister drank a bit too much at her party last night, and she’s pretty sick…” Frankie said.

“I’m coming over,” Kara said.

“Oh don’t go out of your way, she’s fine—“ Frankie started to say.

“I’ll be there as soon as I get my kids in the house with the sitter,” Kara said, hanging up.

“Damn it,” Frankie said, tossing the phone on the table.

“Kaylee go sit at your kitchen table. Do not speak or get up until I say. If you hear the words “sleep now” you will instantly go into deep hypnosis. Now go!” Frankie commanded.

Kaylee began to cry as she obeyed.

Frankie went and locked the hall bathroom door and shut it, then sat on Kaylee’s couch.

A few minutes later Kara walked through the front door, obviously having a key.

“Hello Kara, I’m Francesca. Call me Frankie,” the hypnotist said, rising and offering her hand.

“Hi. Where’s my sister?” Kara said, not shaking and obviously not interested in pleasantries.

She was tall with short dark hair and big blue eyes. She was dressed casually in capris, a tank top and flip flops.

“She’s in the hall bathroom, throwing up again” Frankie said.

Kara went immediately to the bathroom door, trying the handle.

“Kaylee honey, are you ok?” Kara asked.

Frankie rolled her eyes and followed; she would probably have to hypnotize Kara.

‘Kaylee?” Kara called.

“She’s pretty sick…” Frankie said.

“Kaylee?” Kara called again.

“Kara, just relax—“ Frankie began.

“I’m not going to relax, I found Kaylee’s robe in the middle of the street, and I don’t know you, but you’re in her house,” Kara cut her off.

“Please relax, and—“ Frankie tried again.

Both she and Kara jumped when a loud crash came from the kitchen.

Damn, Frankie thought, Kaylee somehow made a noise!

Kara’s eyes narrowed. She moved back into the living room.

Frankie sighed.

“Kaylee come in here,” the hypnotist called.

The young naked woman entered the living room.

“Kaylee, what’s going on?” Kara asked, obviously upset at the sight of her sister.

“What is going on is this: Kaylee, grab your sister now! Hold her tightly facing me,” Frankie commanded.

“I’m sorry Kara,” Kaylee said as she obeyed.

“Kaylee what the hell?” Kara asked, surprised.

“She hypnotized me,” Kaylee replied.

“And now I’m going to hypnotize you as well, Kara. Look into my eyes!” Frankie said firmly.

Kara struggled against her sisters grasp.

She seemed unfazed by the revelation Kaylee was hypnotized.

“Kaylee, sleep!… sleep now!…deep asleep!” Kara said firmly, trying various obvious triggers.

Kaylee let go of her sister and wilted to the floor, hypnotized.

“Sloppy, Frankie. You should always tell a subject that only you can trigger them. And be more creative,” Kara said smugly.

Frankie looked shocked, silently cursing herself for not making Kaylee’s trigger exclusive. She had been in a hurry, and been sloppy.

“Relax, Kara…Relax and look into my eyes…” Frankie said, staring intensely at Kara.

“No, you look into my eyes and SLEEP!” Kara retorted firmly, her big blue eyes boring into Frankie’s.

Frankie gasped as she felt a wave of powerful hypnotic energy flow into her. She wasn’t prepared at all to take on another hypnotist, and the surprise induction worked perfectly.

Frankie fell silent, eyes slamming shut.

Kara blew a relieved sigh; she’d never encountered another true hypnotist before, and was both astonished and pleased she’d been able to turn the tables.

“Okay Frankie, listen carefully…” she began.

Frankie awoke from her trance; she was naked and on her knees in Kaylee’s living room. Kaylee and Kara sat in front of her on the couch. Kaylee was dressed in a tank top and jeans, smirking.

Oh shit Frankie thought.

She suddenly realized that she’d let her power go to her head. She had been arrogant, overconfident and reckless, and now she was in trouble because of it.

“Hello again. Now we will see how you like being a slave,” Kara said.

“Oh I forgot to mention, my sister is a hypnotist. Apparently a better one than you,” Kaylee cackled.

Frankie gritted her teeth; she could still speak, but she held her tongue.

“We are going to have a little chat. But first, since you made my little sister walk down the street naked, you’re going to do the same. Go walk to the end of the block and back. Slowly. Don’t speak to anyone. That old pervert Mr. Thomas will love this, I’m sure he’s out drinking his coffee on his porch,” Kara said.

“That’s a good little bitch” ,Kaylee said with a mocking wave.

Frankie rose and obeyed; the hypnotist was not a prude, and being naked in public didn’t bother her. She even smiled and waved at a gaping Mr. Thomas as she passed.

Frankie’s powerful mind was already working at unraveling Kara’s suggestions and breaking her hold on her will.

“Okay, now that that’s out of the way, let’s discuss what else you did to Kaylee. Now kneel down again,” Kara commanded.

Frankie sank to her knees.


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