Doctor Victoria Dominique, Marriage Counselor

by DazzlingLady

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #f/m #humiliation #sub:female #sub:male

An attractive couple are more than simply clients of the beautiful Dr. Dominique.

Mike cursed as the traffic light turned red. He stopped his SUV and looked at his watch, cursing again. It was 5:17 on a Tuesday evening; Mike was on his way to his weekly therapy meeting which was supposed to begin at 5 o’clock. A junior executive at an ad agency, a meeting had run long causing him to be late. He was supposed to meet his wife Tori at the therapist’s office a few minutes before their appointment. He’d called Tori to tell her he was running late, of course, and predictably his wife had been irritated with him. Mike had angrily suggested that they just skip the session altogether, at which point their therapist Dr. Victoria Dominique had gotten on the phone. She politely but firmly informed Mike that it would be a bad idea to skip the session and that it was perfectly fine that he was running late; they were her last appointment of the day, and she and Tori could begin without him. Mike could easily join them as soon as he arrived, Dr. Dominique had assured him in her calm confident manner. Mike had reluctantly agreed, and now he was stuck in traffic on his way to the therapist’s office.

Mike and Tori had been married for almost ten years; like most marriages, it had started out strong, but lately their relationship had become strained. They were both in their mid thirties, and Mike had recently gotten a big promotion and began making great money. Unfortunately, this also meant that he had to work a lot of long hours, and Tori had begun to complain that he was neglecting her, that the “magic” in their relationship was fading. Mike had countered that he had to work all the long hours at the office to pay for their big home and all the nice things she always wanted, as well as have the money to support the child they were planning to have in the next year or two. Communication between them had slowly broken down until it became apparent that they were in need of help or they would be headed for a divorce.

Well, it’s not like I cheated on her, Mike told himself. Not that he hadn’t been tempted at times. There had been plenty of attractive women at the office over the years, several of them more than willing to fool around with a man like Mike. He was tall and handsome, with short dark hair and blue eyes. He was broad-shouldered and fit; he had been a football player in college, and still worked out regularly. He’d always resisted the temptation to stray from Tori however, and he was confident that she had been faithful as well.

He was sure that they could work through their problems, and his wife had been very pleased when he had suggested couples therapy. He had allowed his wife to choose the therapist, feeling that one was as good as another. He had been a bit surprised when Tori had chosen Dr. Dominique, a popular hypnotherapist, to counsel them. Mike had always been a bit skeptical of hypnosis to say the least, but Tori had always had a passing interest in fortune tellers, psychics and hypnosis. She had been very eager to try hypnosis as a way to get their issues in the open and improve their communication, so Mike had agreed to try Dr. Dominique.

He was surprise at the hypnotist’s sheer physical beauty at the initial consultation session. Tori was very attractive, five-feet-two inches tall, with a petite figure and short curly blond hair to go with her pretty baby blue eyes; Dr. Dominique on the other hand was Five-ten without the four inch heels she always wore, towering over his wife. Her long dark hair was always perfectly styled whether it was up or down, and she was well-dressed, usually in a short skirt and tight blouse. She was sophisticated, classy and extremely sexy at the same time. Mike could hardly take his eyes off the hypnotist that first day, noting her amazing tits, long legs and fantastic ass. Dr. Dominique’s most striking feature was her incredible violet eyes, the perfect accent to her stunning exotic beauty. He had gotten quite an erection during the first meeting, barely listening to a thing the hypnotist said. Tori had listened eagerly however, and to Mike’s relief she didn’t appear threatened in the least by the beautiful, sexy doctor. In fact, Tori had commented on how Dr. Dominique was gorgeous and sexy on the way home from the consultation.

They had agreed to begin seeing Dr. Dominique on Fridays at five, her final appointment slot of the day. It was a bit of strain for Mike to make it some weeks, but they had always made it on time until recently. They had been seeing Dr. Dominique for a few months when a regular meeting at Mike’s office was switched from Tuesday to Friday at four o’clock. It could run anywhere from thirty minutes on, and it had caused Mike to barely make the appointment the past three weeks, which had annoyed his wife and caused him stress and irritation. Today was the latest he had been yet; worse, he was starting to doubt that the hypnosis sessions were having any effect. Things had seemed to improve only slightly since they had begun to see Dr. Dominique. He rarely seemed to remember much from their sessions, often coming away with nothing but a hard on and thinking lecherous thoughts about Dr. Dominique. He frequently masturbated to her, sometimes in the car on the way home, which he could get away with since he and usually Tori drove to the appointments separately.

Despite how much Mike enjoyed looking at the hypnotist, he was starting to doubt she was worth her very high weekly fee, which was three times that of any other hypnotist in the city. She did hold a PhD in psychology, something very few other hypnotists had, and her success rate and popularity were both impressive. Mike also had to admit that he and Tori’s sex life had improved since they had begun their hypnotherapy, which was nice.

And of course, Tori loved seeing Dr. Dominique. So Mike resolved to give it a few more sessions to make her happy, hoping things would turn around soon.

Mike sighed as he parked in front of Dr. Dominique’s office building, fully a half an hour late. He hurried inside and took the elevator up to her office. The outer office was dark, her receptionist having gone home for the day. He knocked gently on Dr. Dominique’s door before opening it and stepping inside, expecting to see Tori sitting in one of the very comfortable recliners, hypnotized, talking to Dr. Dominique.

Mike stopped dead in his tracks, shocked at what he saw; Dr. Victoria Dominique stood against the back wall of her spacious office, eyes closed, holding up her short black skirt. She wore no underwear. On her knees before the hypnotist was Tori, completely naked, her clothes tossed in a corner. She was enthusiastically eating the doctor’s exposed pussy. Victoria was moaning and panting, lost in the pleasure that Tori was giving her.

“What the hell is going on?” Mike bellowed angrily, hardly believing what he saw.

Victoria’s eyes snapped open.

“Oh, hello…mmm….Mike… I’m so glad you…. mmm…. could make it,” she said with a chuckle.

“You bitch! What the hell do you think you are doing?” Mike demanded flushing red.

“Why, I’m… mmm… enjoying Tori of course,” the hypnotist replied casually.

“Tori, damn it, get up! Get dressed!” Mike demanded, walking into the room.

Tori didn’t react, continuing to suck and lick at the hypnotist’s pussy.

“Sorry Mike… but… mmm… Tori can’t hear you right now… she can… mmm… only hear me… and she has to do as I command her to,” Victoria explained with a smug smile.

“You bitch, you can’t do this to my wife! You are going to be sorry when the authorities hear about this! Taking advantage of clients like this, who the fuck do you think you are?” Mike shouted.

He moved toward the women, intending to grab Tori and shake her from her trance.

“Oh Mike… you aren’t going to… mmm… tell anyone about this,” Victoria replied.

The hypnotist reached down and grasped Tori’s chin, gently forcing her to look up at her. Tori’s blue eyes locked with Victoria’s magnificent violet ones, and the naked blond froze.

“Slave Tori, stand up and go stand in the corner and watch. Watch your Mistress and fondle yourself until I give you further instructions,” Victoria ordered, pointing to the corner of the room.

“Yes, Mistress,” Tori replied immediately.

Mike watched horrified and fascinated as his wife rose and walked over to stand in the corner, eyes wide and vacant as she stared at Dr. Dominique. She began to gently massage her breasts, her nipples stiff.

“Tori, wake up! Snap out of it! Now, damn it! We are leaving,” Mike said in a loud and angry voice.

Tori didn’t respond, continuing to obey Victoria’s instructions.

The hypnotist laughed mockingly at Mike.

“You see Mike, what you don’t remember, what I have not allowed you to remember is that Tori is my slave… and so are you,” Victoria said ominously.

“What?” Mike asked, suddenly wary.

“That’s right… I haven’t been using my awesome skill as a hypnotist to help you, but rather to turn you and Tori into my slaves. Now you and your sweet little wife come here every Friday to worship me, your Mistress. Tori loves to eat my pussy, don’t you my little slut?” Victoria asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” Tori replied.

Mike suddenly realized the danger he was in; he had certainly been hypnotized by Victoria many times, and she could have planted any post-hypnotic suggestion in his mind that she desired, judging by the way Tori was acting. He backed away, his anger giving way to sudden fear and dread. He didn’t want to leave Tori here, but if he didn’t go now, he could miss his only chance to escape the obviously powerful and unethical hypnotist.

He glanced at his hypnotized wife and hesitated. A huge mistake when dealing with the wily Dr. Dominique. Victoria moved toward Mike so swiftly and gracefully she almost seemed to appear out of thin air. Startled, Mike looked at her, eyes wide.

Which was another big mistake.

Victoria’s unblinking violet eyes bored into Mike’s. He gaped at her in astonishment; her striking orbs seemed to almost blaze with hypnotic energy, riveting his gaze to hers.

“Do not move, Mike!” Victoria commanded firmly.

“NO!” Mike shouted.

He tried to back away, but he could not; he felt suddenly sluggish, as if he were under water. Before he could muster the willpower to tear his gaze from Victoria’s, she reached between her wonderful cleavage and pulled out the huge amethyst pendant she always wore, letting it dangle from its chain before Mike’s eyes.

“Well, well; a little defiant, are we? Well, I have just the thing for you, Mike. Remember this Mike? You love to look at my pendant, don’t you, dear?” the hypnotist purred.

The gemstone turned slowly about, glittering brilliantly. Mike’s eyes instantly locked on the purple gemstone. To his horror, he could not take them off its many-faceted surface.

“No, you can’t do this to us!” he protested.

“Of course I can, you pathetic excuse for a man,” Victoria said with a laugh.

She started the pendant swing gently back and forth. Mike’s eyes followed its movement.

“No, damn you…,” he growled, clearly incredibly frustrated.

It was all happening so fast. How could this woman be doing this? Mike wondered.

“See how the pendant pulls your eyes as it swings back… and forth… back… and forth… you eyelids are growing heavy… you are feeling very relaxed… relaxed and sleepy… Sleepy,” Victoria said in her practiced, soothing monotone.

To Mike’s horror, his shoulders slumped as a wave of relaxation washed over him, his eyelids suddenly feeling like they had lead weights attached to them. He was bright enough to realize that she had given him a post-hypnotic suggestion during a previous visit to surrender to her, to make him easy to quickly hypnotize.

Hypnotism didn’t work like this, like some damned movie! You have to fight her, to resist for Tori’s sake! Mike told himself firmly, attempting to tear his gaze from Victoria’s pendant.

He failed. Tori continued to watch, fondling herself.

“Please… Please, don’t do this… to us,” Mike begged.

“No point in begging Mike, although I do like it when my slaves beg… It is just so much easier to give in… to listen to my soothing voice and watch the pendant swing back and forth… back… and forth… You are so sleepy, Mike… you want to close your eyes and go into deep hypnosis for me… you need to close your eyes, but you cannot… not until I tell you to… you must listen to my voice and obey… listen and obey… Obey Me…,” Victoria chanted.

“I-I…no,” Mike said, still fighting Victoria’s hypnotic energy.

“Oh my, you are a strong one… but not strong enough… in fact, you are weak… your will is draining away… more with every word I speak…with each swing of the pendant back… and forth… you must obey me… obey… listen… and obey… I am going to count back from five, and when I say one, you will be hypnotized and you will obey my voice without resistance my Pet…,” the hypnotist informed him.

“H-hypnotized…obey…,” Mike agreed, his will breaking.

“Good… Five… your eyelids are so heavy…. You are so sleepy… Four… Sleepy… Three… My voice is the only thing you can hear… you must listen to me and obey… listen… and obey…Two… you cannot resist any longer… your will is gone… you must obey Mistress Dominique… one… you cannot stay awake, you are hypnotized Mike,” Victoria said, completing the induction.

Mike’s eyes slammed shut, and his head nodded forward. Smirking, Victoria dropped her pendant back between her breasts. As she did with all of her slaves, she had long ago given Mike a post-hypnotic trigger that would put him instantly into a deep hypnotic trance, but she very much enjoyed the act of hypnotizing another person against their will. It gave her an erotic thrill to watch them succumb slowly to her power, so she often hypnotized her previous victims with her eyes and pendant even though it was unnecessary.

Needless to say, the hypnotherapist had a very dark side, one that she indulged frequently in between her endless stop-smoking and weight-loss sessions.

Victoria Dominique loved nothing more than to be in control of others, to be completely in command of their thoughts and actions, their hearts and minds.

Mike and Tori were some of Victoria’s favorite slaves. They were both very attractive, both extremely vulnerable to her hypnotic suggestions.

Every Friday, Victoria spent a few hours being worshipped by the couple, unwinding from her long work week before sending them home with no memory of their servitude.

Today, she decided to try something a bit different.

“That’s it Mike… deep, deep asleep for me… Deeply hypnotized… you feel wonderful, completely relaxed… ready to listen and obey… listen and obey… listen… obey… obey Dr. Dominique,” the hypnotist said soothingly.

“Listen…obey….,” Mike murmured.

“Good boy… Now Mike, I am going to punish you for being late, and speaking rudely to me when you arrived. So, when I snap my fingers, you will be fully awake and aware of what has happened; however, you will still be compelled to obey me, to obey my voice, without hesitation. You will not be able to resist me; you will obey me whether you consciously wish to or not. Your will belongs to Mistress Dominique. You will obey Me, you must obey Me. You know this in your heart, Mike: you are my slave, my property. These instructions are permanent part of your sub-conscious, as of NOW and FOREVER. And remember my Pet, anytime you hear me say the phrase ‘Victoria’s Toy,’ you will instantly return to the deep hypnotic trance you are in now. Do you understand me, Slave?” Victoria asked.

She had recited the instructions with practiced ease, as she had given them many times before to her victims. Previously she had always left Mike and Tori in trances while they worshipped her, but today she wanted to humiliate Mike, wanted him to know what was happening to him and his wife, as punishment for being late.

“Yes, Mistress,” Mike said softly.

Victoria glanced at Tori, still helplessly watching and fondling herself. Then she casually snapped her fingers.

Mike started awake. He blinked and looked around. His eyes went wide when he saw the smug hypnotist.

“No,” he said, backing away.

He looked frightened, almost as if he might vomit.

Victoria felt an erotic shiver run through her.

“Oh yes, Slave,” she said, grinning.

Mike’s expression suddenly became one of rage; the former football player balled his fists.

“You bitch! I will kill you!” he shouted.

Mike was a strong man, and the hypnotist had no doubts that he could kill her with his bare hands.

“Don’t move,” Victoria commanded casually.

The hypnotist’s powerful voice echoed in his mind, and he felt an overwhelming compulsion to obey.

Mike froze, unable to take even a single step toward her.

“Damn it! Damn you!” he growled.

“Look at you: such a big strong man… you can’t even move without my permission,” VIctoria taunted.

“You fucking bitch!” Mike said, veins and muscles bulging as he struggled to move.

“You are no match for me, my Pet, no match for my hypnotism. You are a bit rude and crude though… you’re not even a man…you’re a jack-ass really. So why don’t you act like one? You are a jack-ass Mike, so act like just what you are,” Victoria commanded.

Mike instantly dropped to his hands and knees and began to bray like a jack-ass. He looked completely ridiculous. He could not stop, no matter how hard he tried.

“Much better. Tori honey, seeing Me dominate and humiliate Mike arouses you; the more you watch me dominate your husband the hotter you become, the more you want Me… you want to touch me, to worship Me more and more with each passing moment. You must masturbate to your Mistress now, Tori. However, you will only be able to reach the brink of orgasm… no matter how you try, you cannot cum until I give you permission, ” Victoria said.

“Yes, Mistress,” Tori gasped as she began to rub at her clit.

Smirking, the hypnotist turned back to the man she had turned into a farm animal with a simple command.

“Okay, you have proven what a jack-ass you are. Kneel before your Mistress, Slave Mike,” Victoria commanded.

He obeyed. Tears were trickling from the corners of his eyes and his face was red as he knelt before his Mistress.

“Crying? Pathetic! Lick my shoes, Slave. They were very expensive and you don’t really deserve to touch them, so you should feel honored,” Victoria said coldly.

Mike immediately went to his hands and knees again, unable to resist her command. He began to lick the hypnotist’s sexy four inch black sling-back heels.

In the corner, Tori began to pant and moan as she continued to masturbate to Victoria. The hypnotist walked slowly over to where Tori stood, writhing in pleasure and frustration. Mike crawled behind her, continuing to lick her shoes. Victoria took Tori’s face in her hands, leaned in and kissed her passionately, shoving the shorter woman against the wall. Tori enthusiastically returned the kiss, her left hand trembling as it touched her beautiful Mistress’ face while she continued to work her own pussy with her right. Finally after a moment Victoria shoved Tori away as if discarding a bag of garbage. The naked blond gasped and fell to the floor, inflamed with passion for the hypnotist. She writhed on the floor, furiously masturbating, whimpering in frustration on the verge of her release.

Mike helplessly continued to lick Victoria’s shoes. The hypnotist walked to the middle of the room. Again Mike crawled after her.

“Tori, crawl to me now,” Victoria commanded.

The naked young woman obeyed instantly, joining her husband at the hypnotist’s feet.

“Now both of stand up. Mike, remove all of your clothes, my slaves are naked when the serve me,” she commanded next.

The couple quickly obeyed, both standing naked before their Mistress. Mike looked embarrassed; he was sporting an impressive erection, despite the anger and frustration he currently felt toward Victoria.

“Now undress me, slaves. Slowly,” the hypnotist commanded.

The couple obeyed, Victoria’s expensive tight silk blouse and short skirt joining her victims’ clothes on the floor, followed by her sexy black lace bra and pumps.

“Please, just let us go—,” Mike started to say.

He was unable to take his eyes from his Mistress’ amazing naked body, despite his predicament.

“I did not give you permission to speak to Me, Slave. Now both of you, get down on your hands and knees and worship my feet,” Victoria cut him off.

They immediately obeyed, kissing and licking at the hypnotist’s sexy bare feet. Victoria laughed mockingly at them as she walked to the big comfortable couch and sat.

“That’s it, my Pets; worship each toe,” she suggested.

Tori took her right foot, Mike her left, and the hypnotized couple began to delicately suck at their Mistress’ toes, one at a time.

“Carefully, don’t mess up my nail polish. I have a social event later this evening and I am wearing some fantastic new sandals and a custom made new toe ring, and I want my feet to look their best,” Victoria said with a chuckle, indicating her professionally painted dark purple toenails.

She stretched and sighed contentedly, enjoying the moment, watching the couple humiliate themselves.

“Don’t worry Mike, I won’t allow you to remember this when I finally let you leave. Normally, you really enjoy serving and worshipping Me, just like Tori is right now. But today I felt like humiliating you, showing you just how small and weak you are. Allowing you see how easily I have stolen you and your wife’s free wills, how easily I have reduced you to nothing more than my foot-slave with a few simple hypnotic suggestions. You and Tori are my property, Mike, my playthings. Forever,” Victoria said with an evil chuckle.

“Fuck… you…,” Mike managed to growl.

Victoria only laughed.

“That’s the idea, dear,” she said.

Victoria rose, moving back to the center of the room.

“Tori, you may now work your way slowly back up to my pussy. Mike, move behind me and kiss my ass,” Victoria commanded.

Tori began so slowly kiss and caress her way up her Mistress’ sexy legs, as Mike moved behind her and began to kiss her fantastic bare ass. Victoria gasped with pleasure as Tori reached her pussy and began to enthusiastically lick.

“That’s it, dear, my pussy is delicious… you love to eat your Mistress’ pussy, don’t you Tori… you love to worship Me, to give me pleasure,” Victoria said with a moan.

Tori responded, licking harder, sucking the beautiful dark haired woman’s

clit and working her pussy with her fingers as well as her tongue.

“Mike, now you will eat my ass,” Victoria commanded.

She reached back and spread apart her cheeks.

“Get your face in there, Mike; don’t be shy,” the hypnotist said with a chuckle.

Mike tried desperately to resist but simply could not; he had to obey the doctor, he knew. Horrified and completely humiliated, he pressed his face into Victoria’s ass and began to lick.

“Mmmm… that’s it my pets, worship me…. Worship me…. Mmm… Very good…Yes… oh, yes… worship me my obedient little sex slaves… yes, yes, YES!” Victoria said loudly, moaning and panting, her excitement rising.

The young couple continued to worship their Mistress for what seemed like an eternity; finally, Victoria reached a big orgasm.

“Get away from me, slaves! You are worthless!” Victoria commanded, shuddering in ecstasy.

Mike and Tori quickly scrambled away from her; the hypnotist took a moment to compose her self, sighing contentedly.

“Well, that’s a start. But you are going to have to do much better before I let you go back to your lives for another week,” Victoria said.

She paused a moment, letting her long dark hair out of it’s tight bun and moving to lean against her desk.

“Tori come to me…,” the hypnotist commanded.

The hypnotized blond obeyed, moving to stand before her Mistress.

“You like my breasts, don’t you dear?” Victoria purred.

“Yes Mistress,”

“Then worship them, dear. Suck on my tits,” Victoria commanded.

Tori obeyed, sucking and nibbling at her nipples, gently rubbing and massaging her firm, round tits.

Mike watched sullenly. Victoria smirked at him, casually reaching out to grasp Tori’s nipples and twist them, making the blond gasp. She then took Tori’s right hand and moved it to her vagina; Tori began to work the hypnotist’s pussy again without prompting. Smiling, Victoria began to casually massage Tori’s tits

“Mike, why don’t you lick Tori’s asshole now? I want to see that. Do it,” the hypnotist commanded.

Mike moved to obey, kneeling behind his wife and eating her ass, even as she continued to worship Victoria’s tits. He grunted with displeasure; the subject of anal sex had never come up in his marriage, and before today Mike had never eaten anyone’s ass before. At least not that he remembered, he realized. The unscrupulous hypnotist likely had made him do so before.

Tori’s moans of pleasure now joined Victoria’s as the hypnotic orgy continued for several long minutes.

“You are quite a good little ass-licker, Mike,” Victoria taunted.

Mike continued to helplessly eat his wife’s asshole. Tori seemed to be genuinely enjoying what was taking place.

“Tori, stop sucking my tits,” Victoria whispered.

Tori obeyed. The hypnotist took Tori’s face in her hands and pulled her in, kissing her passionately. Then she led Tori to the couch, Mike following his wife’s ass.

“Kneel, Slaves,” Victoria commanded, sitting on the couch.

The hypnotized couple obeyed, kneeling side by side before her. Tori fidgeted, extremely aroused by the mere sight of Mistress Victoria.

“Well, Mike, I hope you’ve enjoyed being conscious for this session and seeing how helpless you are before me as well as what a good obedient little slut Tori is,” Victoria said with a smirk.

Humiliated and broken, Mike clamped his mouth shut, just wanting the whole experience to be over.

“I am a little pressed for time, so we will have to move this along, my pets. Mike, you are now Victoria’s Toy,” the hypnotist said.

Mike suddenly went stiff, his eyes wide and unblinking.


Smiling, Victoria lifted her pendant from between her bare breasts and held it up before her slaves, swinging it gently back and forth.

Both of her slaves’ eyes were locked onto the glittering amethyst, following it’s every move.

“Look at the pendant my pets, and listen to my voice. You both want me desperately… you love me, your Mistress… you want me, want to satisfy me sexually… you want to worship me and please me… you desire only Victoria Dominique… you are my sex slaves… you want to be my sex slaves… you want me… you must please me… However, neither of you will cum without My permission. You will not be able to reach orgasm; you will be stuck right at the edge of your climax, completely unable to cum without My permission… do you understand me, my little sluts?,” Victoria asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” they replied in union.

Mike’s penis was fully erect and straining, Tori trembling with desire.

Victoria dropped her pendant back between her breasts and stood.

“Mike, lay on the couch,” Victoria commanded.

Mike obeyed. Without ceremony, the hypnotist mounted him, impaling herself on his large cock as Tori watched. Victoria began to move up and down slowly, moaning. Mike bucked against her, grateful to touch his Mistress.

“Tori… sit on Mike’s face… so he can eat your pussy… face Me… good girl,” Victoria gasped.

Tori practically leapt to obey, panting as Mike began to lick her pussy. Victoria passionately kissed the sexy blond on the lips before guiding her face lower, to her chest, where Tori began suck and lick at her Mistress’ tits. Victoria rode Mike roughly, her tempo slowly increasing. He continued to eat his wife’s pussy as his Mistress had her way with him. Tori gasped, Victoria shrieked and screamed.

“You are both pathetic! Worthless! You don’t deserve to be in the same room with me, much less touch me!” the hypnotist yelled.

Victoria grabbed Tori’s nipples and twisted them hard, making the blond squeal in ecstasy, even as she slammed herself down on Mike again and again.

“Oh Mistress!” Tori moaned.

She continued to alternate between kissing her Mistress and sucking at her tits. Mike occasionally let out a muffled moan, as the two women continued to kiss and caress each other.

Victoria laughed as her slaves were both stuck at the edge of orgasm, unable to cum though they desperately wanted to.

“Worship me! Worship me Slaves!” she cried out.

Nearly an hour passed before Victoria finally had a huge orgasm. She shoved Tori roughly off the couch, and rose. Mike grunted with exhaustion as she dismounted, his cock still erect and straining.

Tori whimpered on the floor, so aroused she could barely move.

Victoria stretched contentedly.

“Okay my pets, listen to me. Mike, stand up now. Tori, kneel in front of your husband,” she commanded.

They pair obeyed, both sweaty and trembling.

“Tori, look adoringly at Mike. Mike, look at me and begin to masturbate to me. With each stroke, you will say: ‘Victoria is my Mistress.’ At the count of three, you will have as massive orgasm. You will finally cum, and you will shoot your load all over Tori’s face,” Victoria instructed.

“Yes, Mistress,” Mike whispered.

He seized his cock and began to pump furiously, staring at his Mistress.

“Victoria is my Mistress,” he began to chant.

Tori continued to look up at her husband, his shaft inches from her face.

Victoria smiled. She allowed Mike to continue for over five minutes, enjoying the spectacle before her. Mike grunted with frustration as he stroked and chanted, desperate to cum.

“One…two…three! Cum Slave!” Victoria finally said.

Mike let out a relieved moan as he shot his load all over Tori’s face. His wife barely flinched, continuing to look up at him as her Mistress had commanded.

“Very good; Tori, use your top to clean up your face, then get down on your hands and knees and worship my sexy feet. You love my feet, Tori. My feet are your whole world,” Victoria commanded.

Mike stood breathing heavily as his wife obeyed the hypnotist’s command, crawling first to her shirt and wiping Mike’s cum from her face, then crawling to Victoria and kissing a licking at her feet once again.

“I… love your… feet Mistress…,” Tori said between kisses.

“Thank you, my pathetic little foot-slave. Tori, stick your ass up in the air,” Victoria commanded next.

Tori looked ridiculous as she obeyed, her ass high in the air even as she continued to kiss the hypnotist’s bare feet.

“Mike, kneel down and eat Tori’s ass. Tori, this will give intense pleasure. Nothing makes you happier, and hornier, than kissing my feet and having one of my slaves lick your ass. At the count of three, you will have a huge orgasm,” Victoria instructed.

Both slaves obeyed, Mike spreading Tori’s cheeks with his hands and burying his face in her ass. Tori gasped and moaned between kisses.

“Please, Mistress… Please… Please…,” Tori begged.

She began to sob, her body wracked with pleasure and frustration. Touching the smooth skin of Victoria’s feet with her lips sent waves of ecstasy through her.

“I love it when you beg, my Pet. One, two, three… cum now!” the hypnotist commanded.

Tori screamed as she finally climaxed, collapsing to the floor, panting.

“Mike, stop and stand up. Get up, Tori,” Victoria commanded.

As her slaves obeyed, she walked over to the mini fridge behind her desk and got a bottle of water, taking a long drink. The hypnotist glanced at the wall clock; she had just over an hour before her social event. Time to get rid of these low-class toys.

“Okay, my slaves, listen to me very, very carefully. I am going to give you some new parting commands tonight…,” Victoria began.

Ten minutes later, Mike and Tori were walking to their cars. They both felt wonderful, relaxed and refreshed. Finally, Mike felt as if the therapy had helped them, although he still couldn’t seem to remember too many details of the hypnosis session. Well, it doesn’t matter, Mike told himself. He felt good, Tori seemed happy. He found himself looking forward to next week’s session. He resolved not to be late. Strangely, he found himself looking longingly at Tori’s ass as she went to her sedan. Maybe he’d offer to toss her salad tonight; it would be something new, he thought.

Not surprisingly, he found himself masturbating to Dr. Victoria Dominique as he drove home. He would have been surprised to know that his wife was doing the same.

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