Doctor Victoria Dominique, Jewel Thief

by DazzlingLady

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #sub:female

Victoria receives a visit from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Victoria sat on the couch in the living room of her spacious New York City apartment, sipping tea and reading emails on her laptop.

It was late on a Friday afternoon, and Victoria had recently arrived home after she had finished her final appointment of the day.

Doctor Victoria Dominique, PhD was a psychologist specializing in hypnosis.

The stunningly beautiful Victoria was still dressed for work; her long dark brown hair was in a bun, and she wore a blue silk blouse and short black skirt to go with stylish expensive black high heels. Her hair was in a bun, and she wore simple sapphire earrings, while an impressive sapphire pendant hung between her firm round breasts. As always, her most notable feature was her magnificent violet eyes.

Her doorbell chimed; Victoria set down her computer and tea cup, then rose and went to answer the door. Checking through the peephole she saw a tall woman wearing a very nicely-tailored black pantsuit with a pink silk top beneath her jacket. She was quite attractive, with shoulder length curly brown hair and brown eyes and light brown skin. Victoria’s sharp, sophisticated eye quickly appraised her visitor, guessing she had at least some middle-eastern heritage by her features. She wore expensive black designer shoes similar to Victoria’s, and her fingernails were nicely done in a deep maroon.

Smiling, the hypnotherapist opened the door.

“Hello, may I help you?” She asked.

“Hi, Doctor Dominique? I’m Special Agent Farah Meyer, F.B.I.” the woman said, holding up her identification.

Victoria studied it for a moment, then glanced at the badge and gun visible on the agent’s right hip beneath her jacket.

“What can I do for you, Agent Meyer?” She asked pleasantly.

Victoria was wary, always on the alert for law enforcement given her “extracurricular” activities.

It would be an understatement to say the Doctor Dominique did some unethical things with her clients.

“I’m with the Task Force on Art Theft, and I was hoping I could ask you some questions,” Agent Meyer said.

Victoria smiled up at her; Agent Meyer was three inches taller than her, after accounting for the fact that they both wore three inch heels. The doctor’s trained eye could already tell that Farah Meyer was educated and sophisticated in addition to beautiful; she would assume the agent was intelligent and quick-witted as well.

“Of course. Please, come in” Victoria said, stepping aside.

“Thank you Doctor” Agent Meyer said.

“Please, call me Victoria. Would you like some tea?” Victoria asked.

“Please, if it’s not too much trouble,” Agent Meyer replied graciously.

She looked around Victoria’s well-decorated living room as she sat on the couch, trying to get a sense of the apartment’s occupant while the doctor headed for the kitchen.

“So What brings you to my home, Agent Meyer?” Victoria asked through the window above the sink as she poured hot water from the kettle into a cup.

“I’m investigating a series of jewel heists over the past six months; you’ve probably heard about them on the news,” Agent Meyer replied.

“I remember something yes; apparently they’ve been very expertly done, not much evidence or many leads,” Victoria said as she returned and handed the tea to Agent Meyer.

“That’s true. The thieves have been very slick. Actually that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I recently got assigned to this case, and I’m trying to get some insights into the perpetrator’s mind,” Meyer replied, sipping her tea.

Victoria sat in a recliner across from Agent Meyer and picked up her own tea.

“I see; and you’re hoping I can help with that?” She asked.

“I am. You have an excellent reputation doctor—Victoria. You work with people who have high stress levels, and I’m sure this scumbag or group of scumbags has a lot of stress from their ‘job’. Wouldn’t you agree?” Meyer asked, making air quotes.

Victoria’s expression remained neutral for a moment; then she smiled.

“I don’t know about stress, but I would bet they are very intelligent,” she replied casually.

“Not smart enough; I’m going to catch them,” Agent Meyer said confidently.

Victoria raised an eyebrow slightly.

“I can tell you take your job very seriously, Agent Meyer,” Victoria said in her neutral therapist’s tone.

“I do. People who flaunt the law, who think they can just do as they please or take what they want whenever they want disgust me, and I love giving them their comeuppance,” Meyer said with a slight, cocky smirk.

Victoria noted that the agent’s eyes went briefly to the huge gemstone around her neck as she spoke.

“Agent Meyer, I’m not sure I have the knowledge of the situation necessary to assist you,” Victoria said pleasantly.

“Actually, I think you might. I know you’re very intelligent, Victoria. Came up from nothing, graduated college on a scholarship, got your PhD. You had it tough; abusive father, siblings in trouble with the law, never enough to eat as a child. Not like me; I had it easy. Wealthy parents, I got to travel and do as I pleased. You probably hated people like me,” Agent Meyer said, again glancing at Victoria’s pendant.

The perceptive Victoria noted that Agent Meyer had more than a passing interest in her necklace.

Not that Doctor was surprised; she had stolen the pendant, after all.

“I don’t hold a person’s upbringing or the circumstances of their birth against them Farah—May I call you Farah?” Victoria asked.

“Of course,” Agent Meyer replied.

“May I ask your point, Farah?” Victoria inquired.

“My point is, you are a smart and resourceful woman who had nothing growing up; and your name has come up in my investigation” Farah said, meeting Victoria’s gaze as she spoke.

“Oh really? In jewel heist?” Victoria replied in surprise.

“Yes; several times in fact. There’s even some-admittedly circumstantial-evidence that puts you near one of the crime scenes during the robbery,” Farah said calmly.

“I see. And you believe that I am involved in these robberies?” Victoria asked equally calm.

The doctor casually reached up and grasped the long golden chain of her necklace about halfway up from the beautiful blue jewel.

“If you aren’t the mastermind behind them , then at the very least I think you know something, Doctor Dominique,” Agent Farah Meyer replied.

“Perhaps I should consult a lawyer,” Victoria said calmly.

She lifted the chain so the blue gemstone no longer rested against her body; giving the chain a subtle twist, the stone began to slowly spin, glittering brilliantly.

“That’s is definitely your right, doctor. But we are just chatting here,” Farah said with a slight smirk.

The agent’s eyes went to the gemstone for an instant before returning to Victoria’s face.

Victoria suppressed a smile as she anticipated capturing the beautiful agent’s will.

“You appear to be accusing me of being involved in a crime; aren’t I innocent until proven guilty?” Victoria asked casually.

She continued to subtly twist the chain, causing the stone to spin one way, then the other as it untwisted itself.

Again, Farah’s eyes went to the sapphire without her realizing it, just as Victoria had intended.

“Of course you are, Doctor. Are you refusing to answer any further questions?” Farah asked.

“Not at all; you are mistaken about me, Farah. I’d like to help you see that. I’m sure we can clear all this up…we just need to take a deep breath and relax…if you’ll just listen carefully to what I say, I am certain you will see that I am not who you think I am…”

Victoria said in a soothing voice.

The sapphire continued to spin.

“That’s a beautiful necklace, doctor. May I ask where you got it?” Farah said, eyes now on the stone.

The agent was hoping that bringing attention to the magnificent gem would make her suspect uncomfortable; Instead, it led her right into Victoria’s trap.

“Isn’t it lovely? The way it reflects the light…especially when it moves…it’s very soothing…look closer at it, Farah…see how it sparkles…” Victoria said, her voice a gentle monotone.

The doctor lifted the necklace higher and started it swinging gently before Farah’s eyes with graceful, practiced ease.

“Yes, I can see that…but you didn’t…answer where you got it from…” Farah said a bit slowly.

The sparkling stone combined with Victoria’s suddenly soothing voice had distracted her slightly.

Just the opening the wily therapist needed.

“You need to relax Farah…relax and listen closely to my voice. I will tell you where I got it…but first you must look closer…see how it sparkles…it’s so relaxing to simply look, to watch it swing back and forth…listen carefully to my voice…relaxing more and more with every word, with each swing back…and forth…”

Victoria said.

The doctor’s voice had become insistent, a rhythmic purr timed perfectly with the swing of the beautiful pendant.

Agent Farah Meyer was surprised and confused; a sudden wave of relaxation washed over her as the doctor spoke; Victoria’s voice was very pleasant, and the sapphire was indeed soothing to look at…Farah blinked, telling herself to focus on her interview.

“Doctor…one of the stolen gems… is a large sapphire. Can you tell me where you…you got that one?” Farah asked slowly, appearing a bit dazed by Victoria’s words flowing into her subconscious mind.

“Why, I’m a jewel-thief of course. Now keep watching the beautiful gem as it swings back and forth…relaxing deeper…deeper with every swing…keep listening to my voice…you WILL keep your eyes on the gem Farah…you MUST keep watching it swinging back and forth…you CANNOT take your eyes off of it…you are so relaxed…” Victoria continued.

The hypnotist’s voice was firm and irresistible, penetrating deeply into the agent’s subconscious mind.

The pendant was slowly gaining speed as it swung, faceted surface glittering into the agent’s eyes.

“Wait, are-are you trying to h-hypnotize me…?” Farah asked, recalling Victoria’s specialty.

She was about to dismiss the idea as absurd, but became alarmed as suddenly a tingling feeling began to spread through her body and she began to involuntarily relax.

“I am hypnotizing you, Farah” Victoria replied with a smirk.

“You… you can’t do that. Stop…stop now, or I will…will… stop you…” Farah stammered.

She was surprised to find she could not take her eyes off the sapphire; they were riveted to it, following its rhythmic swing.

This can’t be happening Farah told herself as the tingling in her body increased.

A feeling of panic rose in her chest; the normally composed agent reach for her Glock, her movement sluggish.

“Oh no dear…your arms are very heavy…too heavy to lift…you are so relaxed…just let them hang limp at your sides…” Victoria said firmly.

The agent’s arm dropped back to her side, her pistol remaining in its holster.

“S-Stop…now, or I will…stop!” Farah said slowly.

The sapphire continued to swing, filling her vision.

“Just be quiet now Farah…you cannot move, you cannot speak…you must simply watch the pendant and keep listening to my voice,” Victoria said.

The hypnotist raised an eyebrow and smiled arrogantly as Agent Farah Meyer fell silent, her eyes helplessly following the swinging pendant.

The agent fought desperately to resist, but she could no longer move nor speak. Farah couldn’t believe she was being hypnotized! This was supposed to be impossible; she hadn’t even considered the possibility of Victoria using hypnosis on her… but watching the pendant was so relaxing… the beautiful doctor’s words were so powerful, so soothing. She stood still unable to do anything other than watch Victoria’s swinging pendant and listen to her voice.

“Farah, you are getting sleepy…your eyelids are growing heavy…heavy…” Victoria continued.

Farah’s eyelids instantly began to flutter; She grunted in frustration as she desperately struggled to keep them open.

Victoria let out a mocking chuckle.

“Your eyelids are so heavy…you are so sleepy…sleepy…you cannot stay awake…sleep, Farah. Sleep…” Victoria said firmly.

Agent Farah Meyer gave a whimper before her eyes slammed shut and she slumped back into Victoria’s couch.

Victoria smiled with satisfaction, letting her pendant drop back to her bosom. She took a moment to admire her latest conquest; a federal agent would be a very useful addition to her stable of slaves.

The arrogant doctor was going to especially enjoy enslaving and humiliating the beautiful and intelligent authority figure.

“Can you hear me Farah?” Victoria asked.

“Yes” the hypnotized agent murmured.

Doctor Victoria Dominique’s smiled wickedly.

“Listen to me very carefully Farah…” the hypnotist began.

Ten minutes later, Special Agent Farah Meyer’s eyes opened. She blinked and looked around; she was in Doctor Victoria Dominique’s living room, sitting on her couch. The agent felt strange, as if she had just awoken from a pleasant nap… remembered she had been interviewing Doctor Victoria Dominique, who she believed was involved in the jewel thefts she was investigating…Did I fall just fall asleep in the middle of interviewing a suspect? Farah wondered.

“Farah, are you ok?” Victoria asked politely.

Agent Meyer’s eyes focused on the smiling hypnotherapist sitting across from her.

“I…I’m fine. I must have…dozed off…?” Farah replied, genuinely confused.

Agent Meyer was mortified by the idea she might have fallen asleep in the middle of the interview; she had no memory of being hypnotized.

“You did; I know I’m boring, but my goodness,” Victoria laughed.

“I…I’m so sorry. I’ve never done that before” Farah replied, embarrassed.

“Don’t worry about it, Farah. You have bigger problems right now” Victoria said with a grin.

“Bigger problems? Meaning what?” Agent Meyer asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Me,” Victoria replied, matching her eyebrow raise.

“Again, are you admitting your involvement in the heists?” Farah asked.

“I am. I masterminded them, as you suspected. Actually, eleven total robberies so far,” Victoria said smugly.

“I see…and why are you admitting this now?” Farah asked.

“Why not? You can’t do anything about it,” Victoria said, her tone one of sheer arrogance.

“Oh is that right, I can’t? How about I arrest you?” Farah said, rising and pulling handcuffs from her belt.

Victoria laughed and rolled her eyes.

“As if you could” the doctor said smugly.

“Stand up Doctor Dominique. You are under arrest on suspicion of grand theft. You have the right to remain silent…“ Agent Meyer began.

Victoria snorted.

“Farah dear, you are not in control of this situation. I am,” Victoria said with a dazzling smile.

“Oh really? Stand up, Doctor. Now,” Agent Meyer said forcefully, gesturing with the handcuffs.

“Farah, you will put those cuffs on the table. Now,” Victoria ordered casually.

Agent Meyer scoffed…and then found herself doing exactly as Victoria had said; a powerful, overwhelming urge to obey the Victoria suddenly overrode Farah’s will.

The cuffs clinked as the agent put the coffee table.

“What the hell?” Agent Meyer said in surprise.

She immediately reached for the cuffs.

“Farah, those handcuffs are far too heavy for you to pick up. They way a ton; no matter how you try you cannot lift them,” Victoria informed her.

“You are delusional, Doctor. Now stand up and-and-fuck…what the hell…” Agent Meyer said as she grabbed her cuffs.

They wouldn’t budge; it seemed they weighed a ton…just as Victoria suggested.

“Problem?” The Doctor asked sweetly.

“Damn it, what did you do? How is this possible?” Agent Meyer demanded.

“Hypnosis,” Victoria replied.

“Hypnosis? Bullshit!” Agent Meyer scoffed.

“Is it?” Victoria asked, nodding at the cuffs.

Agent Meyer grabbed them again, grunting with effort as she tried to pick them up. Finally she gave a frustrated shriek and stopped.

“Enough! Your parlor tricks are a waste of time. Get up! Now!” Agent Meyer ordered.

“How about you kneel instead? Get on your knees, Farah!” Victoria commanded.

“Ok bitch, that’s it! Get up or-or- oh my god!” Agent Meyer said, her expression going from angry to shocked.

Again she felt the overwhelming urge to obey Victoria; she simply KNEW she HAD to do as the smug doctor commanded.

Agent Farah Meyer sank to her knees.

“What is going on? What have you done to me?” Farah Meyer asked her voice quivering.

She tried to rise and failed, her own wishes again overridden by an irresistible urge to obey Victoria.

“I told you, I hypnotized you. You’re under the effects of several powerful post-hypnotic suggestions, buried deep in your subconscious mind. You’ve become my slave, Farah,” Victoria explained matter-of-factly.

“Slave? Fuck you! I’m nobody’s slave!” Farah said angrily.

“If I had a dollar for every time I heard that from someone… Tell me, if you are not a slave, then why are you kneeling before me?” Victoria asked.

“I…I…you can’t do this!” Farah fumed as she tried desperately to stand.

She simply could not.

The FBI agent was suddenly terrified as she realized the power the doctor now had over her. A suspect with a gun she could shoot back at; she was an expert in hand to hand combat, and was good with a knife.

But this…all it took was a softly spoken command and she was on her knees, helpless.

“You fucking bitch! Let me up! Now! This is illegal as hell, and…and I…I’ll—“ Farah said angrily, her composure gone.

“You’ll What? You can’t even stand up. You’ve become nothing, Farah. You’re mine, my puppet…my slave,” Victoria said evilly.

“Oh no…” Farah Meyer whispered as the reality of what was happening finally fully sank in.

Tears welled in the normally stoic agent’s eyes as her anger and frustration gave way to fear.

“Please, Doctor Dominique, don’t do this to me,” Farah pleaded, her composure gone.

“Not so cocky now are we, agent Meyer?” Victoria taunted.

“Please…I was just doing my job,” Farah said quietly.

“I don’t care about your job. Welcome to the world of hypnotism, Farah. I am your new mistress and you are now my slave, for as long as I wish,” Victoria said coldly.

The doctor kicked off her expensive shoes to reveal her sexy, well cared-for feet and black toenails.

“Now, let’s start with my first lesson for new slaves—foot worship. I’m guessing you’ve never been at another woman’s feet in submission?” Victoria asked.

“No…Mistress,” Farah found herself saying, much to her own disgust.

She could hardly believe her predicament; hypnotized and enslaved by the doctor, but aware of her actions while being unable to control them.

“Kiss my feet slave,” Victoria commanded the beautiful FBI agent.

Farah went pale; she fought the command with everything she had…and then went to her hands and knees and began to kiss Victoria’s lovely feet.

“Mmm…that’s a good girl. You came to my home, believing you had power over me, that your badge and gun gave you power, but now you see what true power is” Victoria said with a laugh at her latest victim.

Doctor Victoria Dominique loved having power over others, and nothing excited her more than reducing someone who had believed they were powerful to nothing but a helpless slave.

“Please…just let me…go…I won’t…turn you in” Farah begged between kisses.

The agent was trembling, desperate just to get out of the situation.

“Why I would I do that? A gorgeous, resourceful federal agent in my power? You’re far too useful; and I’ll enjoy humiliating you far too much. Now take off your badge and gun and put them on the table. Your phone too. Then suck on my toes,” Victoria commanded.

Farah obeyed. When she removed her pistol from its holster, she tried to shoot the hypnotist…and found herself setting it on the table beside her badge. The new hypno-slave then resumed her foot worship.

Victoria sat back and enjoyed both the physical sensations and the feeling of power from having the strong female authority figure helplessly debasing herself.

Tears trickled from Farah’s eyes as she was reduced to a foot-slave.

Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, Victoria rose and walked to her home office; still compelled to worship her new Mistress’ feet, Farah crawled after her.

The office had two nice recliners and a comfortable couch along with Victoria’s desk.

“Now let’s have some real fun…” the doctor said, looking down at the broken woman at her feet.

Victoria sat on the couch and let Farah continue her foot worship for a few minutes.

“Alright my pet, stop. Don’t worry, eventually I will tell you that you like doing that…but not yet. Right now I want you to feel the humiliation. Now stand up and strip naked. Slowly,” the hypnotist ordered.

Farah rose and slipped off her heels; Victoria nodded approvingly at the agent’s lovely feet and bright blue toenails. Next her jacket and blouse hit the floor, followed by her skirt, revealing a tight sexy body and a red bra and thong. They joined Farah’s other clothing on the floor. A pink jewel glittered in a navel ring, and she had a tattoo of a tiger on her left shoulder. Her pussy hair was shaved, and she had a scar where her appendix had been removed.

“Oh my! You are lovely!” Victoria exclaimed, her own pussy growing wet.

The evil hypnotist often dominated her clients, both male and female, turning the most attractive ones into her sex slaves.

Farah flushed in embarrassment as she stood naked before her owner.

“Have you ever been with a woman my pet?” Victoria asked.

“No,” Farah replied.

“I’m not surprised. You seem too uptight, too prudish. That’s okay though, I like training new pussy-slaves. it’s going to be a long night I’m afraid,” Victoria said as she stood.

The hypnotist smiled as she seductively let her hair down, then began slowly to undress.

She was soon naked as except for her sapphire necklace, Agent Farah Meyer’s downfall.

“Back on your knees, my pet. I love having powerful people reduced to such a submissive position,” Victoria commanded.

“Yes Mistress,” Farah said as she reassumed a kneeling position before the hypnotist.

“Let’s start with the basics; licking pussy…” Victoria said, sitting and spreading her legs.

“ Go ahead, slave. Eat me,” the hypnotist commanded.

The next three hours saw the unscrupulous doctor training Farah in worshiping her body. Victoria immensely enjoyed sexually dominating the hapless FBI agent. Farah licked, sucked and nibbled every inch of Victoria’s body; she ate her pussy endlessly, sucked her tits, toes and everything in between, and even buried her face in the sexy hypnotist’s ass and licked. Victoria had orgasm after orgasm, moaning and screaming with pleasure as her slave worked.

Eventually Victoria was satisfied; she laid back on the couch, gasping and sweaty.

Farah knelt before her, hair a mess and a resigned, defeated expression on her tear-streaked face.

“Now my pet, you are very aroused; the more you look at me, the more aroused you get. You want me desperately, I am the sexiest woman you’ve ever seen! You are so very horny now Farah! Touch yourself, rub your clit and say you want me, you want to serve me!” Victoria said forcefully after she had recovered.

“Yes…I want you Mistress! You are so sexy! I want you! I want you! Yes!” Farah gasped, rubbing her own pussy.

The FBI agent was incredibly aroused, and also disgusted with herself.

“Then cum, and know in your heart you are MINE! Cum and say it! You are MINE, FOREVER!” Victoria said excitedly.

“Oh yes! I am yours! YOURS! FOREVER!” Farah shrieked as she orgasmed.

The beautiful agent collapsed, shuddering and sobbing as she became completely Victoria’s slave.

“That’s a good girl; go ahead and cry yourself to sleep. When you awaken everything will be okay. You will be mine, and I will take care of you. You will serve me, worship me, obey me…now go to sleep,” Victoria whispered, stroking Farah’s hair.

A few hours later, Special Agent Farah Meyer left Victoria’s building, looking a bit disheveled, carry her shoes. She got into her government issued sedan and drove away.

Farah now belonged heart and mind to Victoria Dominique, although she didn’t consciously remember it at the moment. Farah believed she was leaving from her first lesbian encounter with a classy woman who’d picked her up in a bar; however, a post-hypnotic trigger buried deep in Farah’s subconscious would place her instantly under Victoria’s complete control any time the hypnotist chose.

Up her apartment, Victoria soaked in her jetted tub while pondering the day’s events. She had interrogated Farah thoroughly about her knowledge of the jewel heists, then made sure she’d never tell anyone about Victoria’s involvement. The beautiful FBI agent would be a great addition to Victoria’s stable of slaves.

Victoria had also discovered that Farah’s source was a fence, a man named Jason Silver, whom Victoria had worked with on the robberies. He had given Farah information on Victoria in effort to save his own neck.

Victoria would of course have to pay the snitch a visit, and show him what happened when you double-cross a hypnotist.

Doctor Victoria Dominique had only recently gotten involved in jewel thefts. While the hypnotist had never been interested in petty robbery, she had been looking for some excitement and decided to plan a robbery for her own amusement. Victoria masterminded her first heist using a combination of her hypnotic talents and the skills of one of her slaves, a cat burglar named Tanya. The robbery had gone smoothly, and afterward, the thefts had become something of a hobby for Victoria.

Victoria had no need of the jewels she had stolen; the hypnotist already owned hundreds of thousands of dollars in high quality jewelry. After a heist, Victoria fenced most of the loot through Jason Silver, though she of course kept select pieces that caught her fancy such as the magnificent sapphire she’d hypnotized Farah with. After paying the fence his cut, Victoria laundered her profits through two high class gentleman’s clubs she owned under a fake identity.

Victoria was annoyed; she thought she’d been careful enough to avoid being connected to the robberies. More than likely Jason had done something unrelated to Victoria to get on Farah’s radar, and that had led her to the hypnotist. She realized she had been sloppy working with scum like Jason Silver, and she had a mess to clean up.

“Jason, you just made the top of my to-do list. I should have just hypnotized you when we made our arrangement. I guess that is what I get for being lazy. My mistake. One I shall promptly rectify…” Victoria said aloud, picking up one of the three iPhones on the table beside the tub and dialing.

“You are Mistress Victoria’s slave girl!” The hypnotist said firmly when a female voice answered.

On the other end of the line, Tanya went instantly into a deep hypnotic trance, completely under Victoria’s control.

“I serve and obey you, Mistress Victoria,” the cat burglar replied.

“Meet me at my office in one hour. Be dressed and ready for action. I have a job for you,” Victoria commanded.

“Yes Mistress,” Tanya agreed.

Victoria disconnected the call without a word, then rose from the tub and dried off. She walked into her bedroom and entered her enormous closet; she needed to choose an outfit for the evening’s festivities.

The evil hypnotist smiled as she surveyed her massive collection of clothes and shoes; she was actually glad that Jason Silver had betrayed her.

Victoria Dominique thoroughly enjoyed punishing people who crossed her, and she always wanted to look her best while doing it.

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