Doctor Victoria Dominique, Crime Fighter

by DazzlingLady

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #sub:female

Doctor Dominique walks in on an armed burglar in her office and takes control of the situation as only a True Hypnotist of her skill can.

(This story is based on the original by A Nony Mouse and is used with their permission and my endless gratitude. If not for reading the original version of this story many years ago, I would never have written hypno-fiction and I am honored to have Victoria Dominique as part of the True Hypnotism Universe)

Doctor Victoria Dominique parked her custom-painted dark purple BMW 7-Series sedan in her private space in the basement lot of her office building. It was almost midnight on a Friday evening; Victoria was on her way home from a dinner party, and she had decided to stop by her office to retrieve some files she had forgotten to bring with her when she had left that afternoon.

While she did not see clients on weekends, she sometimes went over their files at home on a Saturday or Sunday, if she had the time.

Doctor Dominique was a professional hypnotherapist; she was highly respected with a very successful practice in New York City. With her excellent reputation, openings in her schedule were rare, and she never had a shortage of clients willing to pay her high hourly fee.

Although she had a PhD in psychology, Victoria’s specialty was hypnosis; she was a true master of the craft. Doctor Dominique was known for her success with clients other hypnotherapists had failed to help.

Thirty-eight, Victoria Dominique was a stunningly beautiful woman; she was five-nine and slender with long, thick wavy dark brown hair and incredible violet eyes. The possessed a natural, classic beauty, with high sculpted cheekbones and full pouty lips. Her fair skin was smooth and flawless. She had a peerless, toned body, with large firm round breasts, a fantastic ass, long shapely legs and perfect sexy feet. Tonight her long hair was in an elegant updo, and she wore a low-cut purple silk blouse along with a short, tight black skirt. She had on a pair of dangling diamond earrings, and a very large amethyst solitaire pendant hung on a long fine gold chain around her neck. Her long fingernails were painted with a perfect french manicure, and a delicate diamond bracelet adorned her left wrist. She wore a pair of expensive, strappy black sandals with four-inch stiletto heels, and her toenails were painted a deep, dark purple. She wore a platinum toe ring on each foot; the one on her left middle toe was a smooth, plain band, while the one on her right second toe was set with a large amethyst.

Victoria was a very smart, witty, sophisticated and extremely confident woman; incredibly disarming, she was an expert at reading peoples’ moods and emotions, and helping them feel relaxed, comfortable and at ease. She was well-spoken and polite, and anyone who knew her would describe her as warm, friendly and caring.

Most of her empathy and kindness was feigned, however; in truth, Doctor Dominique was self-centered, arrogant and vain. She considered most people beneath her, viewing them as weak and easily manipulated.

Victoria had discovered her incredible talent for hypnosis during an an elective course in college; already very good at influencing and manipulating others, she quickly proved to be a natural with hypnotism. To her, it was an art and to her delight she found that she could quickly and easily place a person into a deep trance, and with conditioning through suggestion she could get them to do almost anything she wanted.

Victoria found that it gave her a thrill, a rush of power to influence and control another person’s thoughts and actions.

To control them completely.

To enslave them.

Throughout the rest of Victoria’s college career many of her fellow students and more than a few professors fell under her hypnotic influence and found themselves serving as her slaves and doing anything she commanded to assist her in attaining her goals.

By the time Victoria had obtained her PhD, she had honed her hypnotic skills to perfection; they had progressed far beyond the accepted limits of hypnotism, and her tireless research led her to the discovery of “True Hypnotism, which allowed her to truly enslave the wills of others. She discovered an underground community of True Hypnotists which she delighted in interacting with.

Victoria made incredible amounts of money acting as a “troubleshooter”, a mercenary hypnotist who used her skills to solve all manner of problems for wealthy clients.

After opening her hypnotherapy practice, she promptly began to take advantage of her clients, using her skills to utterly dominate them in her office and sometimes other locations.

Some she simply humiliated, turning them into her servants and simply enjoying the knowledge that she could do so.

The attractive ones, both men and women, often became her sex slaves. Of course, none of her clients ever had any conscious recollection of what she had done to them; Victoria was always careful to make certain that the memories of their servitude were hidden deep in their subconscious, along with a post-hypnotic trigger to instantly bring them under her power whenever she desired.

Hypnotism was now both Victoria’s profession and her hobby. While she did of course help the majority of the people who came to see her, she continued to turn the ones she deemed worthy into her obedient slaves.

She did not rob them of anything other than their free will, although she could have easily done so; Victoria had more money than she needed, thanks to her thriving and lucrative practice and her mercenary hypnotist contracts.

She did it because she loved the power; nothing excited her more than having power over other people.

Victoria was always very careful to keep her extracurricular activities a secret; the National Guild of Hypnotists would be very interested in what often went on during her “sessions”, not to mention the families of her victims and of course the police.

Though none of her slaves consciously remembered that they were their hypnotherapist’s playthings after leaving her office, Victoria often made them aware of what was happening to them while they served her, so she could savor their fear and humiliation.

Doctor Dominique took the private elevator up to the twenty-fourth floor where her office suite was located. The building was quiet and mostly deserted this time of night.

Victoria hesitated before flipping on the lights in the outer office; she was very sharp, and she felt instantly that something was not right. In the dim light coming in the window, she could see that her receptionist’s desk was in disarray, papers scattered and drawers opened, as if it had been hastily searched.

As she realized that someone had broken into her office, Victoria noticed the door to her private office in which she saw clients was slightly open, and there was a faint light coming from inside, probably from her own desk lamp, she judged.

Victoria was about to turn on the lights and asses the damage, when she heard a faint noise inside her office.

The hypnotist froze; the burglar was still there, she realized.

A feeling of panic went through her; for an instant, she wanted to run away, to call the police and let them attempt catch the intruder.

She knew that was what she should do, that it was the sensible thing and that it was what most people would do.

Doctor Victoria Dominique was not most people.

She was superior in every way.

Victoria closed her eyes for a few seconds and took several slow, deep breaths.

She forced herself to calm down, dropping into a state of self-hypnosis and giving herself suggestions to be relaxed and focused.

Bringing herself out of trance, she opened her eyes and set her purse on the floor and crept up to the slightly open door.

Her heart was still beating a bit faster than normal despite her self-hypnosis as she peered through the opening.

Her desk lamp was indeed on, bathing the room in soft light. It took a moment for Victoria’s eyes to adjust before she spotted the intruder, crouched in the shadows beside her desk. The dark-clad figure had found her hidden floor safe, and was attempting to open it.

Much to Victoria’s surprise and annoyance, the intruder did exactly that. The hypnotist watched as they began to rifle through the safe’s contents, which Victoria knew was mostly business papers, along with her business checkbook and a rarely-used deposit bag.

Victoria watched for a moment to make certain that there was only one intruder, then stepped back and gathered her thoughts. She was still apprehensive, but much less so now.

Her fear had been mostly replaced with anger and indignation. She decided that this peasant was going to be very sorry that they’d broken into her office.

She took another moment to compose herself further and focus her thoughts on what she was going to do, and thanks to her iron discipline she quickly cleared her mind and got her emotions under tight control.

Victoria knew she had to be very cool and careful; the intruder was likely to be armed, and probably not stupid, since they had gotten past the door locks, alarm and then easily opened her safe. Resolving not to underestimate the intruder, Doctor Dominique took a deep breath, let it out slowly and walked into her office.

The intruder’s head snapped up to look at her; they quickly stood, pulling a large .44 magnum revolver from a jacket pocket and pointing it at Victoria.

“Oh my!” the hypnotist blurted in mock surprise.

Victoria looked startled and frightened; this was mostly feigned, however. She was a bit frightened; the large gun was quite an intimidating weapon.

However, she was also sizing up the intruder, taking in every detail.

They were a little shorter than Victoria, dressed all in black, including leather gloves and a ski mask. A long duster-style coat covered the burglar’s body, and they wore black combat boots. Victoria noted nice, large blue eyes behind the mask, and she could tell from them that the intruder was startled to see her. A small black duffel bag sat beside the open safe.

“Don’t move, bitch!” the intruder said in a harsh whisper.

Victoria could see that the would-be burglar was tense, but luckily was also professional enough that their finger was on the revolver’s trigger guard rather than the trigger itself.

“Oh, I won’t! Please, j-just don’t h-hurt me,” Victoria said, making her voice quiver.

“Hands up! Do what I say and I won’t have to hurt you. I will, if you give me a reason, bitch,” the intruder promised, still whispering.

Victoria, still looking frightened, raised her hands. She could tell that the intruder was uncertain of what to do; she suspected that they had never been interrupted during a robbery before.

“What do you want?” she asked, doing her best to seem both intimidated and non-threatening.

“Shut the fuck up! Are you alone?” the intruder hissed, obviously rattled.

“Yes, I am; I promise I will cooperate. I will do whatever you say, just don’t hurt me,” Victoria said meekly.

“That’s a good girl,” the intruder said, relaxing a bit.

The gun remained pointed at Victoria.

“What do you want?” Victoria asked meekly again.

“What do you think, you stupid bitch? Money,” the intruder replied harshly.

They were standing about eight feet apart.

Victoria told herself to be patient, to just wait for her chance. She was confident she could handle this gutter rat; all she needed was to capture the thief’s attention for a moment.

“Please, just don’t hurt me. There is no reason for you to use that big, heavy gun,” Victoria said reasonably, her voice now much less shaky.

“Give me your money. Now,” the thief replied.

The intruder was clearly trying to disguise their voice, and Victoria suspected she knew why.

“Please, that gun is so big… so heavy. I-I don’t have any money with me, I’m sorry, but I will give you my pendant. It’s all I have, but It is very valuable,” Victoria offered, indicating her necklace.

The intruder’s eyes narrowed; a curt nod told Victoria to proceed.

The hypnotist slipped off her pendant with practiced ease and held it up so it dangled from its chain.

“Look closely at my pendant… It is very valuable. I will give it to you if you just lower your gun… I’m frightened by that big…heavy gun,” Victoria said smoothly.

She took a slow, cautious step toward the intruder, seeming timid and cowed.

The pendant turned slowly about on the end of its chain, glittering in the lamp light. The intruder seemed to relax just a bit more, obviously not feeling too threatened by Victoria.

Just as the wily hypnotist intended.

The mask-clad thief’s eyes were on the big gemstone, obviously intrigued and trying to assess its value.

“Here, take a closer look… it is very beautiful, the way it sparkles… it really draws your eyes…please, you really don’t want to shoot me with that big, heavy gun… just take the pendant and go,” Victoria said smoothly.

The hypnotist was subtly emphasizing certain words, her voice slowly becoming monotonous and soothing.

Oblivious to the danger they were in, the would-be thief motioned Victoria closer.

The hypnotist took two graceful steps so that she now stood only two feet from the intruder.

She smoothly raised the pendant to the thief’s eye-level, subtly twisting the chain and causing it to spin and glitter even more brilliantly, reflecting the light right into the burglar’s eyes.

“What kind of stone is that?” the intruder asked, still whispering.

“It is an amethyst, a very valuable one. It is far more valuable than that big, heavy gun…You can tell by the way it absorbs and reflects the light… it really draws your eyes… you really want to look at it…especially when it moves…,” Victoria suggested.

She noted with satisfaction that the gun barrel drooped just a bit as she started the pendant swinging gently back and forth.

“Amethyst? They aren’t worth that much,” the thief said skeptically.

The intruder’s eyes were indeed drawn to he magnificent gemstone, however.

Victoria could tell that the intruder was intrigued despite scoffing at the gem’s value.

“This one is… look closer at it… see how it sparkles… as it moves back and forth…back… and forth… it is very relaxing to watch…as it swings back and forth… it really draws your eyes…,” Victoria purred soothingly.

The pendant was slowly gaining speed, and Doctor Dominique expertly timed her words to the rhythm of its swing.

“That-that is not enough to make up for walking in on me,” the intruder rasped, clearly distracted by the spectacle of the glittering gemstone.

“You do not want to hurt me… the sound of my voice is very soothing… it feels wonderful to just relax and listen to my voice and watch the pendant as it swings back and forth… back… and forth… you are feeling very relaxed… you want to keep listening to my voice and relaxing more with each word I speak… relaxing more with each swing of the pendant… back… and forth… it is so easy to listen to my voice… it is very relaxing… you will notice that it is very difficult to hold up the that big, heavy gun…you will find you do not really want to do anything except listen to my voice and watch the sparkling amethyst swinging back… and forth,” the hypnotist continued firmly.

Victoria’s voice seemed to flow like honey around the thief, suddenly powerful and insistent.

The hypnotist could see the blue eyes behind the mask starting to take on a slightly vacant look. A look she recognized as that of someone who was falling under her power.

Like so many other helpless men and women had before, unable to resist Doctor Victoria Dominique.

“W-what?” the intruder asked, seeming suddenly confused.

“You must keep watching the amethyst… you cannot take your eyes off it… you must keep watching it swing back and forth as you continue to listen to my voice,” Victoria continued without missing a beat.

The intruder was being overwhelmed by Victoria’s hypnotic energy.

The gun dropped further as the pendant continued to sparkle dazzlingly, reflecting the light into the burglar’s eyes.

“You are so relaxed… that gun is so heavy… too heavy to hold much longer… so heavy now that when I tell you to drop it, you will my pet,” Victoria droned on.

The gun and the arm holding it dropped several more inches.

Too late, the intruder realized what was happening.

Victoria noted sudden panic in the blue eyes behind the mask, probably as they realized they could not take their gaze from the swinging pendant.

“N-no.. stop…stop!” the intruder stammered.

They sluggishly began to raise the gun, finger fumbling for the trigger.

“You will drop that gun now; it is much too heavy for you,” Victoria suggested.

The intruder’s eyes widened in surprise as the pistol slipped from their grasp and bounced on the thick carpet.

“N-nooo…,” they said slowly.

Very good… just keep listening to my voice and obey…it is very easy to listen and obey… listen and obey… listen… obey… noticing now you cannot move…. you cannot speak… you must keep listening to my voice and watching the pendant….,” Victoria continued.

The hypnotist’s voice was now like steel wrapped in silk; strong, beautiful and irresistible.

“Mmnnnf,” the intruder tried one more time to protest, then fell silent.

Struggle was useless; the intruder stood, arms hanging limp, eyes vacant and glassy as they followed the swinging pendant, seemingly rooted to the spot as they dropped into the depths of a hypnotic trance.

Helpless, unable to resist, able only to listen… and obey.

“Very good my pet… watch the beautiful jewel as it absorbs the light… absorbing your will along with it… with each swing of the pendant you relax deeper… you must obey my voice now… I am going to count back from “ten”, and when I reach “one”, you will be then be deeply hypnotized… completely in my power… you will obey me… Ten… you are getting sleepy… nine… your eyelids are getting heavy… eight… you are so relaxed… so sleepy… seven… your eyelids are heavy…very heavy… it will feel so wonderful to just close them and sleep when I tell you… six… you will continue to obey my voice even while you are asleep… five… you must obey me… four… you will listen and obey… listen and obey… three… my voice is now the only thing you can hear my pet… you will obey my voice from now on… two… you are sleepy… very sleepy… you eyelids are so heavy… you cannot stay awake… One, sleep my pet… you are deeply hypnotized and completely in my power now…,” Victoria finished her induction.

The intruder’s eyelids slammed shut.

They stood silently, head nodded forward, shoulders slumped.


Victoria let out a relieved sigh.

She took a moment to compose herself, then smiled smugly at her latest victim as she replaced her pendant around her neck.

No one resisted Victoria Dominique; especially not some lowly criminal.

Time for some fun, the thought. She was going to especially enjoy this.

“Can you hear me, my pet?” the hypnotist asked.

“Yes,” the intruder murmured.

“Wonderful; listen to me very carefully. You are deep, deep asleep; nothing will awaken you until I awaken you. You will now do anything I command; I am your Mistress, and you must obey me. Do you understand me?” Victoria asked firmly.

“Yes,” the intruder said.

“Good; now, let’s put you even deeper under my control. Kneel before me,” Victoria commanded.

The burglar assumed a kneeling position before the hypnotist, eyes still closed.

“At the count of three, you will open your eyes and stare into my eyes. My beautiful, captivating eyes will capture you- and your heart- and you will continue to stare deep into them. You will belong to me, heart and soul. From that moment on, any time I look into your eyes and tell you to ‘obey’, you will instantly become helpless, utterly unable to resist me; you will accept any and all commands and suggestions I give you. One…two…three… look into the eyes of your new Mistress!” Victoria commanded.

The captive criminal’s eyes blinked open to instantly be captured by the deep violet eyes of Doctor Dominique. The hypnotist’s incredible gaze bored into the intruder’s blue eyes.

Victoria’s will completely overwhelmed the burglar’s already hypnotized mind.

Resistance was impossible; Victoria’s eyes were now the hapless burglar’s whole world.

The intruder stared blankly, mouth hanging slightly open.

Satisfied, Victoria casually picked up the revolver and stepped back.

“Now stand up, my puppet. Let’s have a look at you; remove your duster and take off your mask,” the hypnotist ordered.

Completely unable to resist Victoria’s orders, the intruder rose and threw down the heavy coat and pulled off the dark knit mask.

Victoria smiled approvingly, for as she had suspected what was revealed was a beautiful young woman.

The perceptive doctor had been fairly certain that the intruder was female, and she was pleased that she was an attractive one. She was athletic, with a fantastic dancer’s body. Her long blond hair was in a tight bun, and she wore a snug black body suit.

Victoria was excited; she had captured a real prize.

The fact that the now deeply mesmerized beauty had been trying to rob her at gunpoint made it all the sweeter that she was now a slave.

She stood still, staring vacantly, awaiting her Mistress’ orders.

“What is your name, my dear?” Victoria asked.

“Tanya, Mistress,” the young woman immediately responded.

“What a delightful name! Tell me Tanya, do you consider yourself a professional thief?” Victoria asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” Tanya replied.

“I see; and were you hired by someone to rob me? Were you after something specific?” Victoria asked.

She hoped that this was a random burglary attempt, but the Victoria also believed in being thorough and not taking unnecessary chances.

“No, Mistress. I was not hired or looking for anything specific,” the hypnotized beauty replied.

Victoria smiled; this would be nice and neat, with her in complete control of the situation.

The hypnotist loved to be in control.

“Tell me, how did you open my safe so easily?” Victoria inquired.

The hypnotist noted that the expensive safe was simply open; there were no tools, nor was it damaged in any way.

“I got a job at the safe manufacturer and stole the master combinations along with a list of customers who had purchased that model safe and had it installed,” Tanya responded.

“Well, well, how resourceful! I am afraid that now it is time for you to see how resourceful I am. When I snap my fingers, you will awaken from your trance. You will be completely, wide awake; however, you will not remember that I hypnotized you or anything that happened while you were in your trance. You will be completely, totally compelled to obey all of my commands. You will not be able to resist my orders. You will simply know in your heart that you must obey me, even if you consciously do not wish to. You will simply be unable to resist my commands. You must obey Victoria Dominique. I am your Mistress. You will not consciously remember these instructions; your subconscious will remember them for you, and compel you to obey me,” Victoria instructed.

She could hardly wait to see the young woman’s reaction to her predicament; the doctor felt her pussy moistening in anticipation.

Victoria leaned in and gave the entranced blond a long, passionate kiss; then she held up her hand in front of Tanya’s face.


Tanya started awake, blinking rapidly.

“What the hell? I said fucking hands up!,” she said.

She looked stunned as she suddenly realized it was Victoria who held the gun.

Her gun.

Tanya looked confused as she realized she no longer wore her coat or mask.

“Hello, Tanya,” Victoria said calmly.

“How do you know my name? What the fuck is going on?” the sexy young blonde demanded.

“What is going on is you have become my slave, Tanya. How does that make you feel?” Victoria said with an evil smile.

Slave? What are you talking about? Bitch, I am nobody’s slave! If you hadn’t gotten my gun somehow, I would show you how much of a slave I am,” Tanya fumed.

She was obviously angry and confused.

“Give it your best shot, dear,” Victoria challenged.

The hypnotist calmly flipped out the weapon’s cylinder and pushed the ejection rod, throwing all of the bullets onto the carpet.

Tanya looked incredulous; Victoria smirked in reply.

“You asked for it, bitch,” Tanya said menacingly.

She got into some kind of martial arts stance, then moved toward the hypnotist raising a fist to strike.

“Stop,” Victoria said casually.

Tanya froze. She looked shocked.

“What the fuck?” she demanded, struggling to move.

Her muscles simply wouldn’t respond.

“What’s the matter, dear? Not so tough all of a sudden?” Victoria taunted.

Tanya grunted in frustration as she continued to struggle to move.

“Get back down on your knees. I like you in that nice, worshipful position,” Victoria ordered, tossing the pistol onto the floor behind her.

Victoria’s command seemed to echo in Tanya’s mind, and she felt a sudden overwhelming compulsion to obey.

Tanya sank to her knees.

She looked suddenly afraid; she had no idea why the beautiful dark-haired woman was able to make her do such a thing with only a softly spoken word.

She inexplicably knew she had to obey Victoria.

Tanya tried to stand and failed, unable to resist the hypnotist’s command to kneel.

“H-how?” Tanya asked, an incredulous expression on her face.

“Let down that gorgeous hair of yours,” Victoria ordered next.

Again Tanya obeyed, her long hair tumbling down her back.

Victoria’s words were soft but powerful; no matter how hard Tanya tried, she could not resist the commands the hypnotist was giving her.

They seemed to override her own weaker thoughts and desires.

“That’s much better; now we’ll begin your training, my pet,” Victoria said smugly.

“What do you mean training? What is going on? What the fuck happened?” Tanya asked, her voice quivering.

She looked even more frightened.

Victoria felt even more aroused; she loved the look of fear in her victims’ eyes.

She found it erotic and exciting.

“Lesson number one; foot worship. Get down and lick my foot, Slave,” Victoria commanded, extending her right foot toward the kneeling woman.

Again, Tanya struggled to resist, but she could not; it was as if Victoria’s voice was inside her head. She went to her hands and knees and began to lick the sexy sandal and foot of the hypnotist.

“What has…happened…to me? What have…you done to me?” Tanya spat out as she licked.

“I hypnotized you; you broke into the wrong office, you stupid slut. You came here to steal from me, but instead I have stolen something from you; your freedom and your will,” Victoria explained with an evil laugh.

“H-hypnotized?…N-no…impossible,” Tanya said, helplessly continuing to lick.

The young woman was stunned; she could hardly believe what was happening.

“Oh yes, I am afraid it is quite possible, dear; now, I could just turn you in to the police, but I am not going to. They are busy, and I don’t want to waste their time with such a pathetic excuse for a thief. No, I am going to punish you myself,” Victoria said ominously.

“Wait…I-I’m sorry…please… don’t do this to me… I wasn’t… going to… hurt you, I swear… I’m sorry,“ Tanya said, panic in her voice.

“Oh no, dear; you are not sorry yet, but I promise you will be. Don’t just lick, slave; kiss my sexy feet as well. Both of them,” Victoria ordered.

The hypnotist turned and walked slowly across the room, forcing Tanya to crawl across the carpet after her like a pet, continuing to kiss and lick at her feet.

Victoria reached the couch and sat, slipping off her sandals.

“Now really worship the feet of your Mistress, slave-Tanya. Kiss every part of them, suck each toe,” Victoria commanded.

Tanya obeyed; a tear trickled down her left cheek as she worshipped Victoria’s sexy bare feet. The hypnotist smiled.

“This is what you get for breaking into my office, and pointing a gun at me, you little cunt. You thought you were tough and powerful with your pathetic gun, didn’t you? Now you see that compared to me you are nothing. You are just a foot-slave. You are now my toy, my helpless plaything. I can do whatever I want with you, make you do anything I wish. You are my slave,” Victoria taunted.

Tanya began to sob.

Victoria laughed at her.

The hypnotist sat calmly for several minutes, watching the young woman humiliate herself.

“Okay, that’s enough for now, slave. Let’s move on, shall we? I want to see that tight little body of yours. Stand up and remove all of your clothes. Slowly,” Victoria commanded.

Sniffling, Tanya rose.

She slowly stripped naked while the smirking hypnotist watched.

Her body was glorious, fit and strong yet still feminine and sexy.

Tanya’s navel was pierced, a blue crystal glittering in the lamplight; her pussy was shaved and her toenails painted a lovely sky blue.

“Very nice; what spectacular tits! Now get back on your knees; it is time for your next lesson,” Victoria commanded.

Tanya sank once more to her knees.

“Please, I’m sorry, don’t to this to me. Please,” Tanya begged, tears in her eyes.

“Begging won’t help you dear, but I do love it when my slaves grovel. Feel free to continue,” the hypnotist said coldly.

Tanya’s lip began to quiver; tears trickled down her cheeks.

Victoria rose, staring down at the kneeling woman with a wicked smile on her lips. She turned around and bent over, lifting her skirt to reveal the full, round white cheeks of her sexy ass.

She wore no underwear.

“Kiss my ass, my little master criminal,” Victoria commanded.

The hypnotist wiggled seductively.

Unable to resist, Tanya began to alternately kiss each of her new mistress’s firm ass cheeks.

Victoria laughed.

“You are a pathetic little cunt. You were very easy to hypnotize, Tanya; very easy to turn into my obedient little slave,” Victoria taunted.

The hypnotist was obviously enjoying herself.

“Fuck you, you bitch!” Tanya shrieked between kisses, her frustration boiling over.

The blond, horrified by her own actions, was struggling desperately to stop what she was doing, to resist, but she could not.

She continued to kiss Victoria’s ass.

“I see you have not learned your place yet; how about a little extra credit lesson?” Victoria asked, utterly unfazed by Tanya’s outburst.

Reaching behind her, the hypnotist grasped her ass cheeks and slowly pulled them apart.

“I think you know what to do, my pet; it is time to give your mistress a rim job. You will lick my asshole,” Victoria whispered.

Tanya tried to resist with every fiber of her being; it amounted to only a second’s hesitation. Tears began to flow freely down her cheeks as she began to flick her tongue into and around Victoria’s asshole.

“Oh, come on slut, you can do better than that,” Victoria said, thrusting her ass into Tanya’s face.

Sobbing, helpless to resist, Tanya buried her face in the hypnotist’s sexy ass and began to lick vigorously.

“Mmm, good girl! See, you are learning! Very good, keep it up! Harder, dear…deeper…. yes, that’s it; very good!” Victoria said.

The hypnotist moaned with pleasure.

Tanya continued to sob as she worshipped her new Mistress.

“Mmm… Oh, don’t cry Tanya; it won’t do you any good… this is your life now, serving and worshipping me. You won’t even remember any of this…unless I want you to. Don’t worry, your life won’t change too much; every so often you will get a phone call from me and you will simply have to return here and worship me,” Victoria explained casually.

Tanya began to cry harder, her sobs muffled as she continued to eat the hypnotist’s ass.

Victoria was unmoved; in fact, Tanya’s crying only aroused her more. She enjoyed her new slave’s attention for several more minutes, reveling in the humiliation she was inflicting on the would-be thief.

“Okay, stop, my little slut. That is enough…for now,” the hypnotist finally gasped.

Victoria stood and turned around to face the kneeling blonde.

Tanya knelt before her, face streaked with tears, chest hitching.

Smiling evilly, Victoria slowly removed her clothes, revealing her own spectacular naked body. The stunning hypnotist then let down her lustrous hair, shaking her head so it cascaded down her back and around her shoulders in soft waves.

“Look at me, my pet. Look at the beautiful body of your Mistress. Worship me with your eyes,” Victoria commanded.

Tanya obeyed, looking up at Victoria; her eyes roamed the hypnotist’s body.

It was impossible not to be awed by Victoria’s incredible physique; much to her own disgust, Tanya quickly became aroused, her nipples stiffening as she stared at the woman who had enslaved and humiliated her.

The perceptive Doctor Dominique noticed her physical reaction and smiled; she reached down and casually fondled one of Tanya’s breasts.

“I can see you have the proper appreciation for my body, slave. Tell me, have you ever eaten pussy before?” Victoria asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” Tanya replied, her face turning red.

“Wonderful! Then you know what to do to please your Mistress,” Victoria said.

She sat on the couch, grabbed Tanya’s hair and used it to pull her face toward her wet, waiting pussy.

“Eat me, slut,” Victoria commanded, leaning back and spreading her legs.

Tanya obeyed, moving to lick at Victoria’s pussy, teasing her clit with her tongue before sucking vigorously at it.

“Mmm… yes! That’s it! Yes, eat me… eat me, slut! Harder!” Victoria said loudly.

Tanya increased her efforts, licking harder and deeper as well as sucking at the hypnotist’s clit and teasing her labia.

“Mmm…ah… harder! Harder, slut!… Use your fucking fingers too! Yes! Yes, YES!” Victoria screamed.

The blond continued to eat her Mistress’ pussy for what seemed like an eternity, working it with her tongue and fingers.

“Yes! That’s it, you worthless little slut! Suck my clit! Worship me, worship me!,” Victoria shouted as she finally had a massive orgasm.

The hypnotist grabbed Tanya’s hair, pulling it roughly and shoving the blonde’s face into her pussy so she could cum on it.

Then she roughly pushed Tanya to the floor.

“Mmm… on your hands and knees, slave,” Victoria commanded, panting.

Tanya obeyed.

Victoria put her feet on her back as if she were an ottoman.

“Now, my little slut, who do you serve?” Victoria asked, stretching and giving a contented sigh.

“You, Mistress,” Tanya replied, subdued.

“Thats right, slut; you serve me. Forever, if I desire it. Now say it,” Victoria commanded.

“I will serve you forever, Mistress, if it is your desire,” Tanya said.

“Again, my Slave,”

“I will serve you forever, Mistress,”

“Louder, cunt!”

“I will serve you forever, Mistress,” Tanya said loudly.

She was resigned to her fate, completely humiliated on her hands and knees with Victoria’s sexy bare feet on her back.

“Again slave; louder!” Victoria commanded.


The hypnotist laughed.

“I do so love to hear those words, my pet. Now let’s make sure you never break free of my control. Back on your knees, slave,” Victoria commanded, putting her feet down.

The hypnotist stood, looking down on the kneeling, naked blond.

“Look into my eyes, Tanya,” Victoria commanded, leveling the awesome power of her deep violet eyes on the helpless slave.

Tanya’s blue eyes went wide as they met Victoria’s incredible gaze.

“You will obey me!” Mistress Dominique commanded in a powerful voice.

“Yes… Mistress… I… Will… Obey… You…,” Tanya responded quietly, now so totally, deeply entranced she could barley form the words to reply without her Mistress’ instructions.

“Wonderful. Tanya, when you leave my office you will awaken and forget everything that has happened in my office tonight. You will forget that I was here, that you were hypnotized and that you have become my slave. However, if you ever hear me, and only me, say in person or over the phone, ‘You are Mistress Victoria’s Slave Girl’, you will instantly fall under my power just as you are now. You will then remember everything that has happened to you. You will also remember that you are my slave, and you must obey and serve me in any way that I choose. You will simply have to obey my every command. These instructions are now in your heart and mind forever,” Victoria said with such force that Tanya cowered slightly.

“Y-yes… M-M-Mistress,” Tanya whispered, awed.

Tears were rolling freely down her cheeks; she knew that she was now truly Victoria’s slave, forever.

“Just remember, you brought this on yourself. This is what you get for trying to play cat burglar. Now you will go write your cell phone number and address on the pad on my desk. Then get your phone out of your jacket and get out of my sight, you worthless cunt,” Victoria commanded.

Crying, her free will completely gone, Tanya obeyed.

She wrote down her number and address, then retrieved her cell phone from the pocket of her duster.

She did not get dressed; her Mistress had not commanded her to.

“Welcome to slavery, dear. See you soon,” the hypnotist said mockingly as Tanya left the office.

Doctor Victoria Dominique leaned back on the plush, comfortable couch and chuckled.

It had been an exciting night; the hypnotist smiled as she imagined Tanya coming out of her trance, naked, carrying only her cell phone and not having a clue what had happened to her.

“I wonder if crime-fighting is always this easy; maybe I should become a cop,” the hypnotist said to herself with a chuckle.


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