Casey and Alexandria

Partners in Hypnotism

by DazzlingLady

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #sub:female

“That’s it…just keep your eyes on the pretty diamond and listen to my voice…you are so relaxed now…the diamond is all you can see…my voice is the only thing you can hear…relaxing deeper…deeper…,” Lady Casey was saying.

Her voice was a soothing, insistent monotone.

The diminutive hypnotist was standing in the living room of a large two-story house in a nice residential neighborhood within easy walking-distance of Boise State University.

Casey was wearing one of her typical long colorful dresses; it had spaghetti-straps and faded from dark purple at the top to blue then red and orange and finally yellow at the bottom. Her hair was in a fancy ’updo, and she wore very expensive strappy silver sandals with four-inch stiletto heels. Her fingernails were painted in a French manicure, and she wore large drop-style sapphire earrings. Her makeup was minimal and accentuated her clean radiant beauty, and she wore a diamond bracelet on her left wrist. Her toenails were white; she had taken to having them painted that color as a tribute to her beloved girlfriend Alex. Her customary cold iron and fire-opal toe rings adorned her middle toes.

Casey was holding up her right hand; dangling from it was her favorite huge diamond solitaire pendant, spinning on the end of its chain.

The beautiful gemstone’s facets were splitting the light into many colors and reflecting it into the eyes of three attractive young women standing in front of Casey.

One was a tall, athletic brunette with long wavy hair and brown eyes. She was dressed casually in jeans and a red tank top along with red flip-flops; her hair was tied back in a messy ponytail. Her mouth hung open as her vacant gaze fixed on the spinning diamond.

Beside her was a sexy blonde with shoulder-length curly hair and big blue eyes which were looking glassy as she slipped into the depths of Casey’s hypnosis. She was Casey’s height and curvy but fit, with large round breasts and a nice ass; she was wearing a sky-blue crop top that showed of the silver piercing in her belly button, along with short denim shorts. She was barefoot, and her finger and toenails were perfectly painted dark pink. A gold anklet glittered on her right ankle.

The third member of the trio was a very pretty woman who appeared to be of Korean descent, though her green eyes spoke of mixed heritage; her dark hair was long and currently in a high ponytail, adorned with blue and orange ribbons. She wore a blue and white BSU cheerleading outfit and white sneakers, having just returned home from practice. She was very fit, though she was only an inch or two taller than Casey. She was frowning even as her expression was quickly becoming dazed; Casey could tell she possessed the strongest will of the three.

It wasn’t strong enough.

“S-stop…you..c-can’t…I…,” the woman in the cheerleader outfit stammered.

The tall brunette whimpered.

The blonde was silent, already nearly hypnotized.

The three young women had been sitting on the couch, discussing what they were going to do that evening. They were members of the Alpha Gamma sorority, and rented the house along with two other fellow students and sorority members; sororities at Boise State did not have chapter houses, as the university was considered a “commuter school”.

Casey had simply walked in the front door and begun her induction, holding up her spinning diamond and speaking in her practiced, powerful and irresistible hypnotic voice. The three young women had all reflexively stood, protesting her intrusion.

That was as far as they’d gotten.

The beautiful hypnotist’s words quickly penetrated their subconscious minds, and they suddenly found it difficult to think or speak, their bodies tingling as their muscles began to involuntarily relax.

“Noticing now your arms are completely relaxed…letting them just hang limply at your sides…feeling yourself sinking…dropping into a trance…listening to my words and watching the diamond spinning…noticing how soothing my voice is…how relaxing the sparkling diamond is to watch…you cannot take your eyes off of it…you cannot move…you cannot speak…you can only watch the diamond and listen to my voice…as you continue to relax deeper and deeper…your mind growing blank…empty of thoughts…ready to simply listen and obey…noticing now that your eyelids are growing heavy…even as you watch the diamond spinning…,” Casey continued smoothly.

The three women were silent; their eyelids immediately began to droop, their arms hanging limp and their shoulder slumping as they sank deeper into relaxation, deeper into hypnosis.

They saw only the diamond, reflecting the light into their eyes.

They heard only Casey’s voice, urging them to relax.

Their minds were empty of thoughts.

“That’s it…the harder you try to keep them open, the heavier they become…it will feel so good to just let them close and relax completely for me…for now you must keep them open until I tell you to close them…relaxing more and more…sinking deeper into relaxation…when I tell you to, you will close your eyes and relax completely for me. Your thoughts and desires will be gone; your minds will be blank and empty, awaiting my commands and suggestions…you will be hypnotized…I am going to count back from ‘five’, and when I say ‘one’, you will close your eyes and go into deep hypnosis for me…,” Casey purred.

Her voice was like silk; it was irresistible, penetrating the college students’ minds like water flowing into sand.

Few hypnotists could hypnotize three subjects against their will as easily as Lady Casey.

The diamond’s spin had begun to slow; Casey reached out with her mentalist’s powers and caused it to move faster, just as if she had spun it with her free hand.

The gemstone glittered, continuing to reflect the light into the coeds’ eyes along with the hypnotic energy Casey channeled through it.

The college students’ eyelids had begun to flutter as they struggled to keep their eyes open until Casey instructed them to close them.

The hypnotist paused for an instant, smirking as she enjoyed the spectacle of the confident, intelligent and self-assured young women falling helplessly under her power.

Very good…five…you are so relaxed, you are getting sleepy…four…your eyelids are so very heavy now, you can hardly keep them open…you want to close them so badly, but you cannot until I tell you to…three…you hear only my voice…two…you are sleepy…sleepy…your eyelids are heavy…very heavy…you cannot stay awake…one, close your eyes and sleep now. You are completely relaxed. You are hypnotized,” Casey declared, her voice firm yet gentle.

All three of her subjects’ eyes slammed shut and they let out long sighs as they sank into deep hypnotic trances; the brunette wilted to the floor, while the blonde fell back, sprawling onto the couch. The cheerleader remained standing though her head nodded and her shoulders slumped, a further testament to her willpower.

Smiling with satisfaction, Casey put her pendant around her neck and surveyed her latest conquests.

All three were lovely, though none nearly as beautiful or sexy as her beloved Alexandria.

Casey had hypnotized the women at the request of her latest client; it was an easy and lucrative job that she and Alex had taken on together.

It had been two weeks since Casey had led the effort to find and rescue Bella Beguile from Mercedes Jewel, and she had quickly grown board after returning to Boise.

She had spent several nights partying and having fun with the rest of the Fascinating Five after Domina Peggy had returned from her adventures in California, but Casey was never one to sit still or relax for too long.

The Fascinating Five had several things on their agenda, but recent events had made Peggy more cautious, and as her second-in-command Bella had agreed they should not rush into anything. They had many enemies, and the True Hypnotism community was an ever-evolving landscape that could be exceptionally dangerous to navigate.

Alex knew her girlfriend well; while waiting for Peggy to decide their next course of action, Casey would get agitated and start looking for entertainment that would in turn lead to chaos if she didn’t have something to do. So, when someone had approached Casey with an easy but fun hypnotism-for-hire gig right in Boise, Alex had encouraged her to accept it and offered to be her partner.

Casey, or Tiny Tough as she was known, looked at the hypnotized young women with a mixture of disdain and indifference. She came from a rough childhood, and college had never really been an option for her.

Despite her beauty and undeniable femininity, Casey was something of a tomboy and had never considered herself “girlie” or the sorority-type. She saw them as soft, sheltered and perhaps a bit weak.

Fuck, are you really jealous of these twits? Knock it off, Tiny Tough admonished herself.

Still, she admitted that a small part of her would have liked to live a more “typical” life, perhaps gone to college and been part of the gymnastics team.

You would have never discovered your powers…or met Freckles, she reminded herself.

Casey wouldn’t trade Alex for anything; even her formidable hypnotism and mentalism skills meant nothing compared to her beloved, and she would give them up in a heartbeat for Alex.

“Alright my little college girls, you will get on your knees in a line in front of me,” Casey commanded.

She watched as the three young women obeyed, assuming a kneeling position on the carpet before her.

“Very good. Now tell me, are all three of you Alpha…uh, Alpha Gammas…?” Casey asked.

“Yes ma’am,” all three women answered in unison.

Casey smiled; women from the Alpha Gamma sorority were what she was after.

Before she could give them anymore orders, she saw Alex descending the stairs.

The statuesque blonde was wearing a long, pristine white dress with thin straps and a large oval cutout the revealed her taut abs. It had a long slit up one side, and it was cut just low enough to tease the tops of her fantastic breasts. Alex was serenely beautiful, her fair lightly freckled skin flawless and her thick hair in a single long braid. She wore her favorite diamond pendant around her neck, and a pair of silver thumb rings. She was barefooted as usual, and her finger and toenails were the same ruby red as her lips, contrasting sharply with her skin and dress. She wore a silver toe ring on each middle toe.

Incredibly fit, Alex moved with the grace of a cat, and made not a sound as she walked down the steps like a pale beautiful ghost.

Following her was a short, pretty young woman with shoulder-length auburn hair and blue eyes which were wide and unblinking, indicating she was hypnotized. She was dressed in a long green and white striped skirt and a green long-sleeved top; her feet were bare and she wore black finger and toenail polish.

Behind her followed a taller woman with short black hair and green eyes; she also wore the dazed expression of someone who was hypnotized. She was also naked; she had a dancer’s body, fit and toned, and small but lovely breasts to go with her tight sexy ass. Her belly-button and nipples were pierced with silver jewelry, and she wore large silver hoop earrings. Her finger and toenails were a gunmetal color.

Following her was a tall, handsome and fit young man who had the build of a wide receiver. He had long dirty blonde hair tied in a loose ponytail, and his unblinking eyes were brown. He had a very nice cock, Casey noted; it was stiff as he followed the women down the stairs.

“Hi Freckles! Did they give you any trouble?” Casey asked cheerfully.

“None at all; the naked ones were having sex, so I just hypnotized them both,” Alex replied.

She bent and kissed her girlfriend on the lips.

Even with her four-inch heels, Casey was still about seven inches shorter than the six-foot Alex.

“Mmmmm…,” Casey said, closing her eyes and enjoying the kiss.

She loved the way Alex tasted.

They continued to kiss passionately for another moment before reluctantly stopping.

“So, it looks like we limited out,” Casey said, looking at Alex’s conquests.

Her girlfriend laughed.

“Case, they aren’t fish,” she chided.

Alex commanded the two women to kneel beside the ones Casey had hypnotized, and to listen to and obey Casey just they would her.

Their client had requested that they hypnotize five members of Alpha Gamma, and Casey indeed thought of them as a hunter or angler thought of their quarry.

Peering in the window after they’d arrived, Casey and Alex had observed the three women in the living room.

While Tiny Tough had simply walked in the front door, Alex had nimbly climbed up a tree beside the house, gotten onto the roof and then swung down inside through and open window in search of more subjects.

“They are whatever we tell them they are. What about the guy? Our clients only requested girls from the sorority,” Casey said.

“He has a nice penis; I figured you might want to play with it,” Alex said with a shrug.

While Casey had been with women before Alex, she had been basically heterosexual; she had never even considered a serious relationship with a woman, and had barely ever had one with a man.

After falling in love with Alex she had smoothly shifted gears and become a “full-time rug muncher” as she so delicately put it. However, Alex didn’t want Casey to give up something she enjoyed, and Alex herself liked a good cock once in a while.

Therefore, they occasionally shared one when the mood struck.

“Sure, as long as you play with it with me,” Casey replied with a smile.

Alex flushed; Casey’s smile was heart-stopping, and it never failed to give her a little tingle, a thrill of excitement.

“Of course,” she said with a laugh.

“First I suppose we need to deliver our catch. Did you make sure these two are Alpha Deltas?” Casey asked.

“Alpha Gammas, and yes,” Alex said, shaking her head and laughing again.

“Whatever. Stupid twits with enemies that are also twits but have too much money,” Casey shrugged.

Tiny Tough began to carefully give the five young women instructions, programming their subconscious minds to be turned over to she and Alex’s employer.

Alex nodded; she felt vaguely sorry for their victims, but she quickly dismissed any misgivings.

Her grandmother had raised her as a hypnodomme, and Alex accepted the strong prey on the weak in the world.

That didn’t mean she had to be sadistic or harm people unnecessarily, and though Casey had a rough and reckless exterior and a wicked streak Alex actually found quite sexy, Tiny Tough was not nearly as cruel as many other hypnotists. In fact, she was often sympathetic and even compassionate, even to people who didn’t deserve it.

Casey could also be a whirlwind of chaos and destruction when her blood was up. She was utterly fearless, and her powers seemed to grow when she was angry.

She had not flinched from making the witch Ruth MacLeod commit suicide after she had captured and tortured Bella for the Anti-Hypnotist Alliance.

Alex hadn’t been bothered in the slightest that Casey had made Ruth kill herself; in fact, she found it strangely…erotic.

Her girlfriend was ruthless, decisive and powerful.

Yeah, you probably should have your head examined, Alex told herself.

She shook her head ruefully, smiling as she watched Tiny Tough finish giving the five young women their instructions.

“Okay, they are all set. Would you call the client my love?” Casey asked, giving Alex another devastating smile.

Again, Alex flushed.

Her nipples stiffened and her pussy moistened.

Casey could make her so horny so quickly, it was maddening sometimes.

“Of course,” Alex replied, taking out her iPhone and turning away.

The blonde hypnodomme dialed a number and held the phone to her ear.

Casey smiled, noting her girlfriend’s arousal.

“Miss Stone? Hi, this is Mistress Alexandria. We have your order ready for delivery. Yes. We will be here. See you soon. Thank you. Goodbye,” Alex said.

“They will be here in ten minutes,” she told Casey.

“Perfect,” Tiny Tough replied, grinning.

She walked over to Alex and knelt on the carpet in front of her girlfriend.

“Case, what are you doing?” Alex asked as Casey fumbled with her dress.

“What does it look like? I can see you’re horny. I am being your personal slut,” Casey replied as she pulled down Alex’s white thong.

“Casey, we don’t—oh..OH!” Alex gasped as Casey lifted her dress and began to vigorously lick Alex’s wet pussy.

“Mmmmm….ah…oh yes! Hurry Case! Make me cum! Please!” Alex moaned.

Casey seized her girlfriend’s clit in her mouth and sucked hard, while using her fingers to tease the edges of Alex’s pussy.

Alex covered her mouth, muffling a loud wordless shriek as she orgasmed.

Smiling, Casey rose and took her trembling girlfriend in her arms.

“I love you,” she said.

“Mmmm….thank you…I love you,” Alex gasped.

The two hypnotists embraced, then Alex took Casey’s face in her hands and bent down to kiss her deeply.

“I needed that. I will return the favor later my love,” she said.

“I can’t wait,” Casey replied with a giggle.

Alex sent the young man, whose name was Thomas, upstairs to await further instructions.

A short time later the doorbell rang, and Casey opened the door to reveal two more female college students.

“Lady Casey? Mistress Alexandria? Hi, I am Catherine Stone,” said the first young woman.

Catherine held out her hand.

She was a gorgeous African-American woman, with flawless medium-dark skin and a dazzling smile. Her dark eyes were rich brown, and her hair was perfectly styled in a long afro that reached her shoulders. She wore a stylish, tight purple silk blouse and a short black skirt. A gold bracelet adorned her wrist, and she had a gold chain with a large purple diamond pendant around her neck. She wore tall tan designer platform sandals, and her finger and toenails were professionally painted a deep crimson.

She carried a slender black briefcase.

“It is nice to meet you,” Casey replied, shaking Catherine’s hand.

Alex did the same.

“It is great to meet you both! This is Candice,” Catherine said, introducing her companion.

Candice was a short, pretty brunette with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a pair of tight designer jeans and a long-sleeved top cut to show off her spectacular abs. She had on black flip-flops and wore very little makeup; her only jewelry was a silver ring on her left thumb, and gold hoop earrings.

Casey immediately recognized her a gymnast.

She felt a fresh pang of jealousy mixed with regret.

Then she looked at Alex, who smiled down at her.

The feelings vanished.

“Nice to meet you as well, Candice. Please come in and see your merchandise,” Casey said.

The two newcomers stepped inside, both giggling in wonder at the sight of the five hypnotized women on their knees, one of which was naked.

“Fantastic! They got Alison, Peyton, Brittany, Megan and Meghan,” Catherine said to Candice with glee.

“Two of these are “Megan”? Seriously?” Casey asked in exasperation.

Catherine and Candice both laughed.

“Yes, but the naked one is “Meghan” with an “h” in it,” Candice explained.

“Of course it is,” Casey said dryly.

Alex chuckled and patted her girlfriend’s arm.

“And they will do anything we say?” Catherine asked.

Casey nodded.

“I renamed them one through five, just so you know; I couldn’t care less about their names. And yes, as soon as I tell them to, they will become your completely obedient slaves. You won’t be able to give them any new programming, but they will obey without question or hesitation as long as you don’t tell them to do anything seriously dangerous. I installed some limits. They won’t just fuck any guy you tell them to hop on, or hurt themselves. They will eat pussy or ass, and obviously nudity isn’t an issue,” she replied.

“Would you like a quick demonstration?” Alex asked.

“If that is okay with you, we would love one,” Catherine replied respectfully.

Alex nodded.

“Alright, number One you are a chicken. Number Two, you are a pig. Number three, you are a goat. Number four, you are a cow. Number five, you are a jackass. You will act like the animal I assigned you now,” she commanded.

Immediately, the hypnotized young women each began to imitate the animals Alex had suggested to them.

Catherine and Candice watched, fascinated.

Then they laughed.


“Oh, my fucking god, it is like a farm!” Catherine cackled.

“A farm for tacky girls,” Candice hooted.

She pulled her phone from her purse and began to film the young women as they continued helplessly acting like animals.

Casey and Alex smiled at their clients’ amusement.

“Okay ladies, that’s enough! You are no longer animals. Get back on your knees,” Alex commanded loudly after a chair was overturned and a lamp broken.

The hypnotized young women obeyed.

“That was amazing!” Candice beamed.

“That was nothing. You will be able to make them do almost anything you want, until midnight. Then they will snap out of their trances and not remember a thing,” Casey replied.

“Holy shit we are going to have so much fun with them! This is going to be the best prank ever!” Catherine declared.

“So your sorority had them hypnotized so you can what, humiliate them and film it?” Casey asked, mildly curious.

“Exactly. We are Gamma Gammas; Alpha Gamma is our big rival. We try to out-prank each other every year. They got us good last year with some porn stars…it was a whole thing… anyway, this year we needed something great, and my aunt suggested we have them hypnotized. I guess you helped her get what she wanted in her divorce a few years back, so she recommended you Lady Casey,” Catherine said.

Casey was thoughtful.

“Donya Stone? She is your aunt?” she asked.

“Yes,” Catherine said with a nod.

“Fantastic! How is she?” Casey asked.

She had genuinely liked Donya, and had enjoyed dealing with her abusive husband for her.

“She is doing great! She says a big reason why she is so good is you, Lady Casey,” Catherine replied.

“I was happy to help; your aunt is an amazing woman. She is an economist, right?” Casey asked, uncharacteristically blushing.

“Yes, she is,” Catherine nodded.

While Casey and Catherine were talking, Alex and Candice had begun to chat as well.

Candice was asking specific questions about the limitations of the hypnotism, and Alex was inquiring about exactly what Candice and Catherine were planning.

“Oh, you know just embarrassing stuff we can film them doing. Making them dress up in slave costumes and French Maid outfits. Serving us food, cleaning our house. Giving us pedis…maybe some mildly dirty stuff. Nothing that will get us expelled or get them in trouble with the law,” Candice was saying.

“Well, feel free to do as you please with them; we don’t care. But it is good that you are keeping consequences in mind,” Alex replied with a wink.

“And remember, do not ever mention our names or tell anyone anything about us without our permission. I believe we have made it clear what will happen if you do,” Casey added so both clients could hear her.

Catherine swallowed hard; both she and Candice nodded.

The consequences Casey had shared with them were distasteful at best, horrifying at worst.

“Yes ma’am,” Catherine said.

“Absolutely,” Candice agreed.

Casey smiled.

“Excellent! Then it is time for you to take your merchandise…,” she said.

Catherine nodded, then lifted and opened her briefcase.

“One hundred and twenty-five thousand, as we agreed,” she said, displaying the stacks of one-hundred-dollar bills.

Casey nodded.

“If I may ask…where did you get that kind of cash?” Alex inquired politely.

Catherine laughed as she closed the briefcase.

“Everyone in our sorority has parents who are wealthy BSU alumni; we skimmed from our trust funds and allowances,” she said with a wink.

Alex and Casey both shook their heads and laughed.

Catherine handed Casey the briefcase.

“Oh, and here is that other thing you requested,” Candice said, handing Alex a slip of paper.

“Thank you. Emma Marten,” Alex said, reading the name on the paper.

“Yes, she is exactly what you were looking for. I can guarantee that she is on the third floor of the library right now. Northeast corner in the very back. She has dirty blonde hair and is actually pretty cute. Wears thick rimmed glasses and mostly jeans and t-shirts. She comes from a poor family; studying to become an engineer,” Candice said.

“Perfect. Thank you,” Alex said, smiling and nodding.

“Okay, listen up One, Two, Three, Four and Five! When I snap my fingers, you will immediately fall under the command of Catherine Stone and Candice Greenfield. You will obey them exactly the same as you obey me, with the limitations I gave you earlier. Do you understand me?” Casey asked.

“Yes ma’am,” the hypnotized young women answered in almost total unison.

Casey winked at Catherine, then gave a loud snap.

“Okay, they are all yours. Remember, they will snap out of it a midnight,” she reminded.

“Got it; thank you so much Lady Casey, Mistress Alexandria!” Catherine said enthusiastically.

“It was our pleasure. Enjoy,” Alex replied.

“Okay…One, Two, Three, Four and Five…get up and follow me,” Catherine commanded.

The hypnotized young women obeyed, following Catherine and Candice outside to their waiting van.

“That was fun,” Casey said with a chuckle.

“They are probably going to get themselves into trouble; the hypnotized girls are going to be pissed,” Alex laughed.

“I don’t give a fuck. A job is a job. Now, let’s go find your…Emma?” Casey asked.

“Yes, Emma Marten is her name. Are you sure you are okay with this?” Alex asked.

“Of course, Freckles; why wouldn’t I be? If it makes you happy, it makes me happy,” Casey replied with a smile.

Alex flushed, feeling aroused again.

“Come on,” she said.

They went outside and got into Casey’s Ferrari Sergio; Tiny Tough hit ninety-five miles per hour going the one mile to the BSU campus.

“Oh shit!” she cursed as she pulled into the parking lot near the library.

“What?” Alex asked.

“We forgot to fuck Thomas. He is standing upstairs awaiting orders,” she said, laughing.

Alex joined her.

“He will wake up from his trance eventually. I didn’t hypnotize him too deeply,” she said nonchalantly.

“Fuck, can you imagine the blue balls he’s going to have?” Casey giggled.

“I almost feel sorry for him,” Alex replied with a smirk.

The two hypnotists went up the steps into the library and stepped inside.

They had gone about ten feet when a young woman, likely a student, stopped them.

She was short and cute although slightly overweight. She had curly shoulder-length brown hair and wore black slacks and a pink blouse, along with stylish glasses and sensible black flats.

Her name tag read “Sandra”.

“Excuse me, but you have to wear shoes in here,” she said to Alex.

The blonde hypnotist frowned, glancing down at her bare feet.

“Oh, come on, she has such cute feet; who is going to hurt?” Casey said reasonably.

She flashed a dazzling smile at the woman.

“I am sorry, but rules are rules. She has to put shoes on, or I will have to ask her to leave!” Sandra huffed, unimpressed.

Damn you need to get fucked, Casey thought irritably.

“Alex, you go talk to Emma, I am going to help Sandra here relax,” she said, handing Alex the briefcase.

Alex chuckled as she took it.

“Of course, my love. I will text you when I am finished,” she said.

She bent and kissed Casey on the lips, then headed for the stairs.

“Hey! Come back here!” Sandra said indignantly.

“Sandra, look at me,” Casey said firmly.

The library employee reflexively looked at Tiny Tough.

Just in time to get hit by a stream of hypnotic mentalist flashes.

“Shut up, take off your shoes and follow me,” Casey commanded.

Stunned, Sandra obeyed.

She slipped off her shoes and followed Casey silently outside in her bare feet.

Casey quickly led her out to her Ferrari.

“Get in the passenger seat,” Casey commanded, unleashing more flashes into Sandra’s eyes.

Again, the woman obeyed. Her expression was a mixture of fear and anger.

Casey casually removed her pendant, holding up so the huge gem dangled before Sandra’s eyes.

“Watch the diamond…,” the hypnotist began an induction.

Using her mentalist power, she telekinetically started the diamond spinning rapidly on the end of its chain.

Casey quickly put Sandra into a deep hypnotic trance, then drove back to the house where she and Alex had left Thomas.

She led the hypnotized woman upstairs to where the naked football player waited, his cock still stiff.

“Tell me Sandra, when did you last have sex?” Casey asked.

“Over six months ago,” Sandra replied in a dazed voice.

“Oh my! That is too long. Do you find Thomas here attractive?” Casey asked.

“Yes ma’am,” Sandra said, looking at the handsome naked man.

“Would you like him to fuck you?” Casey asked slyly.

“Yes ma’am,” Sandra answered eagerly.

“Excellent! Thomas, listen to me very carefully. You are very attracted to Sandra here. You really want to fuck her, and make her feel good. You want to make her feel like a desired and special woman. Don’t you?” Casey asked.

“Yes Mistress!” Thomas said enthusiastically.

“Excellent! Sandra, you are very horny for Thomas; you want him badly, you want him to fuck you silly,” Casey suggested next.

“Yes!” the hypnotized woman gasped.

Sandra flushed as she began to get aroused.

“Alright my dears, after I leave the room you will both awaken. You will not remember me, or being hypnotized. You will believe you met at the library and were very attracted to each other. You will want each other desperately, and fuck three times; Thomas you will be a respectful, attentive lover and do anything Sandra would like. When you are finished you will both feel content and fulfilled, happy to have met and had some fun together. Do you both understand?” Casey asked.

“Yes Mistress!” Thomas said, flushing.

“Yes ma’am!” agreed Sandra breathlessly.

Casey smiled, the spun on her heel and left the room. By the time she reached the front door, she could hear the couple fucking. Thomas was enthusiastically pounding Sandra, grunting with the effort and enjoying himself immensely.

Sandra was shrieking with pleasure as he thrust.

Satisfied, Casey left them to their fun.

While Casey was playing matchmaker, Alex had gone up to the third floor of the library to find Emma Marten. She found the young woman right where Candice had told her to look.

Emma was surrounded by open books, furiously typing away on her laptop.

She was wearing a faded pink t-shirt and worn blue jeans. Her hair was in a ponytail, and a pair of thin white flip-flops that had seen better days was on the floor in front of her, her bare feet tucked under her as she sat cross-legged on the library couch.

Alex walked silently up to Emma and stood in front of her.

The young woman didn’t notice her.

“Hello Emma. May I speak to you for a moment?” Alex asked quietly.

Emma jumped; she looked up, clearly startled to see Alex standing there.

“OH! I, uh, I guess…,” she stammered.

Emma’s mouth hung open as she looked more closely at the gorgeous young woman towering over her.

“I am Alex. May I sit?” the statuesque hypnotist asked with a comforting smile.

“Uh…sure,” Emma asked, obviously bewildered.

She uncrossed her legs, putting her bare feet on the floor.

“Thank you. So, I have heard you are going to become an engineer, is that right?” Alex asked politely.

“Oh, I, uh yeah. Yes, I would like to. I don’t know if I can swing graduate school though. It is so expensive and I will have a tone of debt from my undergraduate degree when I finish next year,” Emma replied.

She glanced around, obviously wary.

“I have heard you are extremely smart. What about scholarships?” Alex asked.

“Well, there are some, but there is a lot of competition. Even if I get all the ones I applied for I will still have to borrow a lot,” Emma replied.

Her face was red, and she was clearly very nervous.

Alex smiled at her.

“Relax dear,” she said.

The hypnotist casually picked up her foot and put it on top of Emma’s. Before the college student could jerk hers away, Alex activated her tactile-hypnotism.

“Just relax and listen to my voice; let all the tension in your body simply drain away,” the hypnotist said soothingly.

The hypnotist rubbed her bare foot slowly across the top of Emma’s foot, back and forth. Hypnotic energy flowed from Alex into Emma.

A large sigh escaped Emma’s lips and she slumped back into the couch, the tension leaving her muscles.

“Very good, Emma. Nice and relaxed. Safe and warm. Just sitting and listening,” Alex continued.

She continued to rub her bare foot on Emma’s.

The college student sighed again as she dropped into a trance.

Alex smiled.

“Alright Emma, listen to me very carefully. You are a strong, confident woman. You deserve to be happy, and get the education you want. I am giving you this briefcase; the money inside is to pay for your education, so you don’t have to go into debt. When I snap my fingers, you will awaken and feel relaxed refreshed and confident, and want to let me help you,” the hypnotist said.

“Yes…,” Emma agreed.

Alex casually snapped her fingers, taking her foot off Emma’s.

Emma jerked awake. She blinked rapidly and looked at Alex as a tremendous feeling of peace and confidence flooded through her.

She did not realize she’d been hypnotized.

Smiling, Alex opened the briefcase.

“What? I—I you are giving that to me?” Emma gasped.

Alex nodded.

“I am. I want to help you become an engineer,” she replied.

“I can’t believe it! But why? Why me?” Emma asked.

“Because I don’t need it, and you do. You are a smart young woman, and you don’t need to come out of college in debt. I want to see more smart women get a chance to be great,” Alex explained with a smile.

“I…thank you!” Emma replied, tears of happiness in her eyes.

“It is my pleasure, honey. Really. Now, you can’t just walk into your bank and deposit a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars; they will want to know where you got it. If you are comfortable giving me your account number, I have an accountant who can deposit the money as a scholarship,” Alex offered.

“Absolutely! Here, take a check,” Emma said, taking her checkbook from her backpack.

She tore out a check and handed it to Alex.

Alex smiled and took it.

“Thank you dear. You have my word I will have it put into your account by tomorrow. Here, take this and buy some things you have been wanting or need,” she said, handing Emma a stack of bills totaling ten-thousand dollars.

“What? I—really?” Emma exclaimed, her eyes wide.

“Yes. Treat yourself. Get whatever you’d like. Clothes, a trip to the salon, books, a new computer. Anything you need,” Alex said kindly.

“I don’t know what to say. Thank you,” Emma said, tears running down her face.

She stood and held out her arms.

Smiling, Alex rose and embraced the young woman.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Emma whispered.

“You are very welcome honey. Just promise me you will keep studying hard, okay?” Alex replied.

“I promise, Alex. I won’t let you down,” Emma said wiping her eyes after their hug.

“What is your number? I will text you mine. If you need anything in the future, you may call me,” Alex said, taking her phone from her purse and putting Emma’s check inside.

She would give the check to Lavea and have her use the account number printed on it to electronically deposit one-hundred-twenty-five-thousand dollars into Emma’s checking account as a scholarship from one of the dummy corporations she used to launder and hide the Fascinating Five’s money.

Emma gave Alex her phone number, and the hypnotist texted hers to back.

“I really just—I can’t believe this,” Emma said.

“I am just glad I could help you. I do need to be going, but I will text you when the money goes in your account,” Alex said with a smile.

“Who are you? Some kind of angel?” Emma asked, still bewildered by what was happening.

Alex laughed.

“Hardly. I am just a…friend. Have a great rest of your day Emma,” she said.

The tall sexy hypnotist turned and walked silently away, vanishing like a ghost and leaving Emma looking dumbfounded at the cash in her hand.

Alex was smiling as she rode down in the elevator; she enjoyed randomly helping people like Emma. She saw it as a way of offsetting some of the things she did as a hypnodomme, balancing the pleasure she took from dominating and humiliating people.

She stepped outside the library and descended the steps, the concrete warm beneath her feet.

Casey was standing at the bottom of the steps waiting for her.

“How did it go Freckles?” she asked.

“Perfectly. Thank you. I assume that Sandra got laid?” Alex asked in reply.

“Oh she got pounded good and enjoyed every second of it,” Casey confirmed with a wink.

In her hand was a pair of thin white flip-flops that she kept in her car for Alex.

“Why did you bring those?” Alex asked, eyeing the footwear with distaste.

“I was thinking we could go for a walk on the greenbelt since we are here. That is a lot of pavement,” Casey replied, dropping the flip-flops in front of Alex.

The tall blonde hypnotist sighed and slipped them on.

Casey took her girlfriend’s hand and they walked together across the university campus toward a bridge that went over the Boise river and onto a path that followed the flowing water.

“So you turn twenty next week, huh?” Casey asked innocently.

“Case, I told you I don’t want a big birthday party,” Alex sighed.

“Too bad; Mariah and Peggy are planning one. I am staying out of it. I did get you something though. I want you to have it tonight,” Casey said, taking a small box wrapped in purple sparkly paper from her purse.

Alex stopped and took the box, blushing.

“Thank you Case. You didn’t have to get me anything,” she said with cute shyness as she took the box.

Casey smiled.

Even with all her power and the things she’d done to people, Alex still could seem innocent.

It was one of the many things Casey loved about her.

“Of course I did; I love you, Alex. More than I have ever loved anyone. Happy birthday,” she said.

Alex leaned down and kissed Casey, then opened the gift.

“A key?” she asked, holding up the small copper-colored object.

It wasn’t a car key, Alex knew.

She didn’t like to drive.

“Yes, it goes to your new place,” Casey said happily.

Alex looked at her blankly.

“I don’t understand,” she said.

“I bought you—us—a new house,” Casey replied.

“What? Why? We already have your amazing condo,” Alex said.

“It is too small, and I want us to make a home together. Decorate it together, move into it together. It is in Peggy’s neighborhood, across from Mariah’s new place. Seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms. They wanted three million, but I hypnotized the owner into selling for two-and-a-half. Happy birthday Freckles,” Casey said with satisfaction.

“Casey that is wonderful! Thank you so much! I love that…and I love you!” Alex replied happily.

She leaned in and kissed her girlfriend again, more passionately this time.

“It is a big step, buying a place together…are you sure you want me?” Alex whispered.

“Freckles, I have never been more sure of anything in my life. You are my partner in everything. I want you. I love you. Period,” Casey replied sweetly.

“I love you Casey,” Alex replied happily.

They kissed deeply again.

“Fucking lesbians,” a male voice said with disgust.

Startled, Casey and Alex broke their kiss and looked over to see a man in his late thirties, dressed in jeans, cowboy boots, a camouflage button-up shirt and a hunter orange trucker cap looking at them with disapproval.

Beside him was a woman around his age in short denim shorts and an American-flag tank top along with black flip-flops. Her brown hair was in a ponytail, sticking out from the back of a pink camouflage hat.

The couple had been walking up the greenbelt, and stopped when they saw the two beautiful women kissing.

They both wore disgusted scowls.

“Excuse me?” Alex asked calmly.

“Eat shit you fucking rednecks,” Casey said less tactfully.

“You two are disgusting! You are sinning right out here where decent people are trying to enjoy themselves!” the woman replied angrily.

“Fuck you,” Casey shot back.

“Hey cunt, you can’t talk to my wife like that! I will slap the shit out of you,” the man said.

“Try it,” Casey said.

“Call her a cunt again and I will kick your ass,” Alex said at the same time.

“Oh right, the big tough girl is going to kick my ass,” the man scoffed at her.

“Take your disgusting behavior somewhere else!” the woman fumed.

Casey took a step toward them, her heel clacking ominously on the paved path.

Alex could feel her sudden anger radiating from her lover.

She took a deep breath a let herself relax.

“You know what honey, let’s just go. We can leave these people in their ignorant little world,” Alex said reasonably.

Casey was fuming, but she looked at Alex and felt a sense of calm wash over her.

Alex could always sooth her.

Casey took a deep breath of her own.

She smiled and nodded.

“Okay my love,” she agreed.

“Yes, move on…cunt,” the man said.

Alex’s expression changed from serene to angry in an instant. Before Casey could react, she kicked off her flip-flops and dashed toward the man. She kicked him in the balls, stomach and chest with impressive speed and grace, making him stumble back. Alex pursued him, punching him in the stomach, chest and face twice. The blows came so quickly the man could not react fast enough to block or dodge them. Alex performed a spinning kick that smashed into his face, then swept his feet dropping him to the grass in a bloody heap. She almost casually brought her foot down on his groin.

Cole grunted in pain and began to gag.

“Cole!” the woman shrieked.

She moved toward Alex, but Casey stepped in front of her.

“Move it runt, or I will—“ the woman began.

“You will strip naked then go jump in the river,” Casey said firmly, unleashing her mentalist flashes into the woman’s eyes.

The woman looked stunned, then shrieked in frustration as she began to undress.

“Oh my god! What have you done to me? You—you’re a witch!” she said in a panic.

Casey laughed at her.

“Hypnotist,” she corrected.

Alex crouched and casually laid her hand on the groaning Cole’s arm.

“Just relax… relax and listen to my voice…you feel wonderful…calm…your pain is fading away as you sink into a trance…relaxing deeper…deeper…,” she said soothingly.

Hypnotic energy flowed from Alex into Cole.

“Relax…,” he mumbled.

His now crying and naked wife was moving stiffly toward the nearby river.

“Cole, help me! She put a spell on me!” she shrieked.

Alex continued to speak in her soothing hypnotic voice.

“Yes, very good. You are so relaxed…you will obey me now…you will get up, strip naked and go jump in the river with your wife,” she suggested.

The hypnotized Cole rose unsteadily to his feet and began to undress.

His wife shrieked as she leapt off the five foot embankment into the chilly Boise river.

Casey and Alex watched, satisfied smiles on their faces as Cole joined her a moment later.

The shock of the cold water woke him from the trance Alex had put him in.

“Now where were we?” Casey asked as Alex gathered up the couple’s clothing and stuffed it into a nearby garbage can.

She picked up her girlfriend’s flip flops, then kicked off her own sandals and picked them up as well.

“You were telling me about our new house,” the tall blonde hypnotist replied, taking her flip-flops and then Casey’s hand and leading her back down the path the way they’d come.

Cole and his wife splashed wildly, screaming threats and curses as they tried to climb up the steep muddy bank.

The hypnotists ignored them.

“Even better, let’s go see it,” Casey replied.

“That sounds wonderful. But first…,” Alex said, leading Casey off the path and across the cool grass to a small shady stand of trees beside the water.

Casey giggled as Alex knelt in front of her and reached under her dress, pulling down her purple thong just as Casey had done with hers earlier.

Tiny Tough moaned softly as Alex lifted her dress and began to eat her pussy.

She vigorously licked and sucked at Casey’s clit, and it didn’t take the small brunette long to cum. Alex continued to lick, quickly bringing her girlfriend to a second more powerful orgasm.

“Oh fuck yes! Alex you are amazing!” Casey said loudly, trembling in ecstasy.

“I know, darling,” Alex replied with a giggle, pulling up Casey’s thong and straightening her dress.

“Well that was good for starters; now let’s go properly christen every room in our new place. Tomorrow we can go pick out furniture, towels, curtains…all that girlie shit,” Casey said.

Alex rose and took Casey’s hands in her own.

Her dark blue eyes met her lover’s rich brown ones.

“Thank you for loving me,” she said softly.

“Thank you for loving me,” Casey replied.

The sexy hypnotists shared a gentle, tender kiss.

“Now let’s go fuck,” Casey said, flashing a smile that nearly made Alex swoon.

The hypnotists shared a laugh and picked up their respective sandals; Alex took Casey’s hand and they walked together barefoot into the next stage of their relationship as lovers, friends and partners.

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