Casey and Alexandria

A Tale of Two Hypnotists

by DazzlingLady

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #sub:female

“Hi Freckles; how was your workout?” Casey asked cheerfully as Alex entered the room.

Alexandria laughed, shaking her head at the tiny brunette sprawled on the couch in her luxury apartment’s living room.

It was almost eleven in the morning. Casey had clearly not been out of bed long; she wearing a pair of stylish blue jeans, the fabric ripped and distressed despite the fact that they were brand new, along with black t-shirt with the words “Eat More Ass” emblazoned on it in hot pink lettering. Her dark hair was in a messy ponytail, she wore no makeup and she was barefoot, her iron-and-fire-opal toe rings glittering. She had her iPad in one hand and a piece of cold pizza left over from the previous evening in the other.

A large coffee mug sat on the coffee table in front of Casey, already empty.

Even in her casual, slightly disheveled state Casey possessed a clean natural beauty, somehow looking radiant even as she took a large bite of the pizza.

“It went well; the gym in your complex is impressive,” Alex replied.

She exercised hard daily, practicing her martial arts and working hard to stay in top physical condition as her grandmother had taught her.

The young blonde flushed a bit as she spoke; she had found Casey attractive from the moment they’d met, which had been a bit surprising and confusing since Alexandria had never been seriously interested in a woman romantically before.

In the two weeks since she had come down from her grandmother’s home in the mountains to stay with Casey, Alexandria’s attraction to the older hypnotist had steadily grown.

“I wouldn’t know; I have never been in it,” Casey replied with a chuckle.

“Oh come on! You are in great shape, and I heard about how you spring around. Gymnasts have to workout a lot,” Alex replied skeptically.

“Okay, fair enough; I just don’t do my exercise in that gym,” Casey said.

Alex nodded.

“Well I am going to go shower and meditate for a bit,” she said.

“Sounds good. When you are done, would you mind if we had a little chat? I have something I want to discuss with you,” Casey replied.

“Of course. May I ask what it is?” Alex asked calmly.

Inside she was a bit nervous; ever since Casey had agreed to mentor her, Alex had been trying very hard do everything she could to impress “Tiny Tough”; she dearly wanted the other hypnotist to like her and to gain her approval.

“Relax, Freckles. It’s about a job; you are going to be working with me,” Casey said slyly.

Alex broke into a grin and actually let out a little squeal of delight.

“Really? Oh, Casey that is wonderful! Thank you!” Alex said excitedly.

Casey laughed.

“It’s what you’re here for, isn’t it? You are more than welcome. Now go, get showered and clear your mind, then we can talk over lunch,” Casey said, taking another bite of her pizza.

Alex shook her head again, amazed at the little woman’s ability to pack away food, especially junk food, and somehow stay fit. She turned and headed for the guest bathroom.

Casey watched as Alex walked away; the young blonde woman was stunning, even with her long hair in a bun and dressed in a blue sports bra, tight black workout pants and cross-trainers. At six feet tall, Alex was a full ten inches taller than Casey, and she had a magnificent strong, toned body and moved with a confident easy grace. Her fair skin was flawless, her nose and checks lightly freckled which of course led to Casey’s nickname for her, and she had pretty sapphire-blue eyes that were easy to fall into.

Alexandria was a skilled and powerful hypnotist; she was poised, confident and mature beyond her years. She was highly educated, an expert marital artist, and fluent in Spanish, Italian, French and Russian.

All that, and should wouldn’t even be twenty for two months.

Casey found her fascinating…and sexy as hell. While she was often attracted to women and frequently had sex with them, she’d never considered a true romantic relationship with one.

Until now.

Alexandria was special, and Casey had found herself thinking about her, fantasizing not just about making love to her but perhaps going on a real date…

Fuck, she’s a teenager. It’s just a silly crush. Get a grip, Tiny Tough! she admonished herself with a shake of her head.

Casey took a deep, breath and let it out slowly. Then she took a bite of her pizza and went back to reading her messages on her iPad.

Alexandria took a long hot shower, then went to her room and sat naked and cross-legged on the bed, her long thick hair wrapped in a towel atop her head. She closed her eyes and entered a state of deep hypnosis, focusing her mind and giving herself suggestions for confidence, clarity and calm.

The three C’s that her grandmother Nika had taught her as part of becoming a truly powerful hypnodomme.

Alexandria spent an hour meditating under self-hypnosis. After bringing herself out of her trance, she rose and went to the mirror on the closet door. She unwrapped the towel from around her head and made sure her hair was sufficiently dry, then picked up her high-quality boar bristle brush and took her time brushing her long golden hair until it was smooth and shiny. When she was satisfied, she slipped the diamond pendant she was wearing over her head and held it up so it dangled from its eighteen-carat white gold chain. The stone was an impressive two-and-a-half carat emerald-cut diamond, a beautiful clear stone that glittered brilliantly when she started it swinging gently back and forth. Alexandria’s hand didn’t so much as twitch, but the pendant quickly and smoothly gained speed, a dazzling display that when combined with her powerful, practiced hypnotic voice would capture first the attention, then the will of anyone she targeted.

Alexandria began to speak, running through an induction, practicing her words and tone of voice to keep them honed and sharp.

Finished her induction practice, Alexandria admired the beautiful gem for a moment; Nika had given it to when she was seventeen, after she had hypnotized her first subject without their consent. It had cost over forty thousand dollars; it was a gorgeous expression of her grandmother’s pride and love for her granddaughter, and Alexandria rarely took it off unless it was to hypnotize someone with it.

Nika had taught her to channel her hypnotic energy through the gem and use it to enhance her inner power; many hypnotists never learned to properly bond with their foci, and thus never got the most out of their talent. It was a skill that once learned, could be used to quickly empower any focus when performing an induction. Nika had also taught her that the more a hypnotist used a particular focus, the more it became empowered with their hypnotic energy and became easier for them to hypnotize people with.

Mistress Alexandria practiced regularly with her pendulum and she was very, very good with it. She was also very skilled at using her eyes to hypnotize, as well as various rapid and surprise inductions. Nika had taught her covert and conversational hypnotism as well, and she was an excellent student.

Her grandmother had also encouraged her predilection for going barefoot, explaining that it was a natural inclination among many true hypnotists and that if enhanced their power.

The only thing Alexandria lacked was experience; not only experience in the hypnosis community, but in life in general. She had led a fairly sheltered existence, and needed to learn about the world.

This of course was why she was living with Casey, at her grandmother’s request; the thought of the little fiery brunette hypnotist made Alexandria smile. She had been infatuated with Casey since they’d met, and had found herself fantasizing about her.

Alex flushed, embarrassed and aroused in equal measure; she had always been straight, or so she’d thought. Her romantic experience was limited; she’d had a boyfriend during the two years she’d gone to a public high school, and had lost her virginity with him at the age of sixteen. After she moved to Nika’s she had indulged her sexual desires with several of her grandmother’s male slaves, exploring and experiencing a multitude of positions and techniques in safety. She had even spent a few nights with Bridget, learning about sex between women. It had been an enjoyable experience, but Alexandria had preferred men.

Until now.

The tall, young blonde hypnotist had a full-blown crush on Casey.

Alexandria closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down so she could get dressed.

The image of Casey stubbornly forced its way into her head; the beautiful dark-haired hypnotist was so beautiful; her smile, her curves… Alexandria felt her nipples stiffen and her pulse quicken.

Reaching down between her legs, Alexandria began to stroke her wet pussy. A gasp escaped her lips, followed by a low moan. She began to stroke faster, imagining Casey standing in front of her topless, thought about taking her in her arms and kissing her deeply before moving to suck at Tiny Tough’s firm round breasts.

It wasn’t long before Alexandria had a powerful orgasm; she shuddered with pleasure, suppressing a shriek. She leaned against the wall and caught her breath; after she’d composed herself, she went into the closet and began to get dressed. She always wore pure white dresses, though the styles changed; length, straps, cut and material changed, but they were always white. Today, she selected a simple one, ankle-length cotton with a long slit on each side and thin straps. She pinned a portion of her hair back with a silver and pearl clip, and placed a plain silver band on her left thumb. She put on just a bit of makeup, including red lipstick; her toenails were ruby red, and she put a simple silver band on each middle toe.

Satisfied, she went out into the living room to find Casey sitting on the couch in the same spot where she’d left her.

Tiny Tough looked completely different.

She was now dressed in one of her own trademark bright, multi-colored dresses, the reds, oranges and yellows swirling together in a mesmerizing pattern; it was long and low-cut to show off her ample cleavage. Her hair was in a fancy braid on top of her head, and she wore sparkling ruby earrings. Her minimal makeup perfectly accentuated her natural beauty, and a fabulous large ruby surrounded by small diamonds glittered on a long platinum chain around her neck. A diamond and ruby bracelet adorned her right wrist. She had her bare feet tucked under her, and a pair of her typical strappy four-inch silver stiletto sandals sat on the floor in front of her.

Both women were silent for a few seconds, admiring one another’s beauty.

“Wow you clean up nice, Freckles,” Casey said with a beaming smile.

“I was going to say the same thing about you, Tiny Tough,” Alex replied with a grin.

Casey found Alex’s deep blue eyes breathtaking; Alex found Casey’s smile heart-stopping.

“Come, sit. Would you like some coffee?” Casey asked, patting the couch beside her.

“Sure, thank you,” Alex said, sitting beside Casey, as close as she dared.

“Janessa, fetch Mistress Alex some coffee; a little cream and sugar,” Casey called.

“Yes Lady Casey,” Janessa replied from the kitchen.

Alex smiled and blushed slightly, please that Casey knew how she liked her coffee.

A moment later Casey’s thrall emerged with a steaming mug of wonderful smelling, high-quality coffee.

The sexy blonde woman was wearing a well-tailored black pantsuit and tall black heels; her blonde hair was in a tight bun, and her expression was the slightly dazed look of a hypno-slave.

Janessa handed the mug to Alex, who took it without acknowledging the slave just as her grandmother had taught her.

The blonde hypnotist closed her eyes and inhaled the coffee’s aroma, then took a sip.

“Mmmm, this is so good! Thank you,” she said to Casey.

“Of course; I’m glad you like it. So, are you ready to hear about our job?” Casey asked with a smile.

Alex nodded eagerly, then took another sip of her coffee.

“Alright, so a fixer from Seattle contacted me; normally, they work with Jing-Mei, but since she is unavailable while she is with your grandmother, they have asked me to take the job. It is a pretty big contract; they want a city councilwoman hypnotized into voting a certain way on an upcoming issue,” Casey said.

“I see,” Alex said with a nod.

“We will get the details when we get to Seattle and meet with the client; Alexandria, this could be dangerous. There are people this council woman is in bed with that are going to be upset when she votes, and they could try something. I know you can handle yourself, so don’t think I doubt you. Are you ready?” Casey asked seriously.

“Yes I am; I won’t let you down, Casey,” Alex said solemnly.

The younger hypnotist felt butterflies in her stomach; she was nervous about her first real hypnotism job, excited to be doing it with Lady Casey, and she wanted desperately to do well and gain her approval.

Calm down; focus and do your job, you can do this. Relax and stop acting like a star-struck little girl! You are a hypnodomme! Alex admonished herself.

“I know you won’t, Freckles. You will do awesome,” Casey replied with another of her dazzling smiles.

Alex flushed a bit and smiled back; she loved that Casey had a nickname for her.

Especially since it wasn’t “stretch” or “stilts” or some other unimaginative descriptor pertaining to her height.

“Thank you. So…when do we leave?” Alex asked.

“In about five hours; it is only a little over an hour flight from Boise. Still, we are in first-class; I fucking hate coach,” Casey replied.

Alex looked at her in wonder.

“We are flying?” she asked.

“Yes…Normally I love road trips, but this one is time sensitive,” Casey replied.

Alex broke into a huge grin.

“Oh! I’ve never been on a plane!” she squealed.

Casey laughed.

“Really? Never?” she asked.

“I have only been out of the state once, a road trip to Portland with my grandmother,” Alex replied.

“Wow! Okay well, like I said it is a short flight. Still, you are going to love it,” Casey said.

“Yes I am! I am so excited! I need to go pack,” Alex said, standing up.

“One thing, you will have to wear shoes. At least flip flops,” Casey said, standing up.

“I can live with that,” Alex said with a chuckle.

“Good. Alright, go pack. I will order in some food,” Casey said.

“I—thank you, Casey!” Alex said, wrapping the shorter woman in a hug.

“Of course dear. Now go, get packed,” Casey said with a laugh as she hugged back.

Alex hurried to her room.

Casey watched her go, grinning; for all her power and education, Alexandria still had an almost child-like sense of wonder about some things.

Casey found it cute and endearing.

She sighed and dismissed her lustful thoughts toward Alexandria, then went to pack her own things.

Four hours later Casey, Alex and Janessa were in the Boise airport waiting to board their flight.

Alex was fidgeting, her excitement obvious as they waited to board.

Again, Casey smiled at her friend’s innocent enthusiasm; she was subtly watching the statuesque blond, admiring her beauty and grace.

Janessa sat stoically, watching the room for possible threats and awaiting her mistress’s commands.

She also noted her mistress’s interest in

The blonde thrall had been Casey’s slave for almost three years, after trying to kill the diminutive hypnotist during a job. She was completely conditioned to serve and obey Casey, and an extremely capable bodyguard among many other duties. Unlike many who were enslaved by a hypnotist, Janessa did not serve as a sex-slave; Casey had several men in her apartment complex in her power that served her desires, along with anyone else who caught her fancy. While this occasionally included women, Janessa knew her mistress preferred men.

Until now.

Janessa was very observant, and in tune with her mistress’s moods, habits and preferences. She had noticed the mutual attraction between Casey and Alexandria with detached interest.

Janessa didn’t care one way or the other who her mistress was interested in romantically; all that mattered to her was how it affected her ability to serve and protect the hypnotist who owned her. She knew that Lady Casey would be extra protective of Alexandria, and her presence would affect her decision making during the job.

Janessa would need to be mindful of that fact and attempt to compensate for it if possible.

She had to protect Lady Casey.

When it was finally time to board, Casey and Janessa followed the eager Alexandria onto the plane, the thin white flip-flops she’s grudgingly worn clapping her heels rapidly.

“This is so cool!” she said as they stowed their carry-ons and got settled in the first class cabin.

Casey sat beside Alex, Janessa in the seat behind Casey.

“Enjoy it, Freckles,” Casey said, patting her hand and smiling.

Alex took it, lacing her fingers with Casey’s, and held it while the plane had taxied from the gate; she squeezed it a bit as they took off.

“Wow…” she breathed, still holding Casey’s hand as she looked out the window as the plane leveled out.

“Pretty awesome, isn’t it? I can remember the first time I flew, when I was like five or six; my parents took us to Disneyland…back when we were a typical family,” Casey remarked.

“I’ve always wanted to go,” Alex replied, turning from the window to look at her companion.

She was still holding Casey’s hand.

“After this job, how about we go?” the brunette hypnotist suggested with a smile.

“I’d like that,” Alex replied with a shy smile of her own.

A short time later a flight attendant came down the aisle, taking drink orders.

“I’ll take a beer, something dark please. Alex?” Casey said.

“Oh, could I get a vodka cranberry please?” Alex added.

“Certainly. May I just get a look at your I.D.’s?” the flight attendant asked with a friendly smile.

She was a young, pretty woman with short light brown hair and pale blue eyes.

Casey absently pulled out a driver’s license, one of her many fakes; it said her name was Anna Bright, the name she typically flew under.

Alex frowned; she’d used her real name and the only I.D. she had was her real driver’s license which would proclaim her age at nineteen years and ten months.

“Ma’am?” the flight attendant asked her as she handed Casey’s license back.

“Yes, of course. Oh my! You have the prettiest eyes!” Alex said, looking up at the the woman with a disarming smile.

She opened her own deep blue eyes wide.

“Well thank you,” the flight attendant replied with a smile, obviously flattered.

“It’s true…just let me look into them for a moment…they are so beautiful. Very relaxing to just look deeply into…that’s it…looking deeper…deeper…relaxing more and more with every word I speak…falling into my eyes and listening to my voice…you don’t need my identification…everything as fine…you will bring me my drink…,” Alexandria said in a quiet monotone as she stared up into the flight attendant’s eyes.

“I…I…yes…I will bring you your drink,” the woman agreed in a dazed voice.

Her eyes were slightly glazed and she no longer blinked as Alex’s hypnotic energy flowed into her and her soothing words penetrated her mind, bypassing her critical thought process.

“Wonderful, thank you!” Alex said cheerfully, breaking eye contact.

The flight attendant blinked a few times and focused on the smiling Alex.

She smiled back.

“One dark beer and one vodka-cranberry,” she said with a friendly nod before moving on.

“Nicely done, Mistress Alexandria,” Casey said.

Alex giggled.

“I know I shouldn’t do stuff like that, but it is just so…so…,” she said, searching for the right word.

“Satisfying?” Casey asked.

“Yes, satisfying is the right word,” Alex agreed.

A moment later the flight attendant brought them their drinks, and another one brought them blankets and pillows. The two hypnotists reclined their seats and snuggled under the blankets, enjoying their drinks and chatting for the short flight.

After landing, they retrieved their luggage and then went to the rental car counter. A short time later Janessa was drove them to the Thompson Hotel in the Escalade that Casey had reserved.

They checked in under another of Casey’s false identities and went up to their luxury suite.

There were floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Puget Sound in the living room, and the larger bedroom had two queen-size beds while the smaller room had one.

“This place is amazing,” Alex beamed.

She and Casey were unpacking and getting settled in the larger bedroom, while Janessa was doing the same in the smaller bedroom.

“It is nice; I always stay here when I am in Seattle. This hotel is really close to Pike Place and a lot of other Seattle tourist traps. We can check some of them out after we finish the job,” Casey said, happy Alex was enjoying herself.

“That sounds great,” Alex said as she hung up a half-dozen white dresses in the closet.

She kicked off her flip-flops and took her toiletry bag into the larger of the suite’s two bathrooms.

“Well, I think we are all set. We meet the client tomorrow at eleven. How about we go to dinner? There is a fantastic restaurant downstairs,” Casey said.

“Sounds good to me. I’m ready,” Alex said cheerfully.

“Uh, Freckles…,” Casey said, pointing down.

Alex looked down at her bare feet, then gave an exaggerated sigh.

“Fine!” she huffed.

Casey laughed as she watched Alex slip on her flip-flops.

They left Janessa in the suite with instructions to order room-service for herself and then to go shopping after she ate, mainly for beer and Casey’s beloved snacks.

The two hypnotists got a table at Conversation, the hotel’s upscale restaurant; Casey ordered an IPA from a local brewery and Alex a glass of a Chardonnay.

The server did not ask them for I.D.

“This place is a bit fancy and pretentious for me, but they do fantastic duck. I suggest we start with the squash and sweet potato soup, it is awesome,” Casey said as Alex looked over the menu.

She had not been to a true fine dining restaurant, and she was amazed at the entrees and drink selection.

“Oooh, Manila Clams in coconut milk! That sounds so good! I am having that,” she said enthusiastically.

Casey smiled again at Alex’s innocent enthusiasm for things she had taken for granted for years.

They had a very pleasant meal. Alex had been staying with Casey a little over two weeks, and they had gotten to know each other fairly well over that time.

This evening they talked about their families, with Casey sharing some of the details of her rough childhood and how her parents had rested their hopes on her and her gymnastics career, followed by the trouble she had gotten into after she’d stopped competing. They compared their experiences training with Nika, swapping stories of how the Archdomina imparted her wisdom and advice. They discussed the true hypnotism community in Boise and the current situation with Arthur Winston; Casey explained how she had always been a loner, but now she found she really liked Domina Peggy, Mistress Jing-Mei, Mistress Bella and Sibyl Mariah, and that she was looking forward to getting to know them better and spend time with them.

“Is Mariah really a witch?” Alex asked, finishing her second glass of wine.

“She is, in addition to being an awesome hypnotist. She apparently turned her own aunt into a pig, although according to Bella the bitch completely deserved it,” Casey replied with a chuckle.

“I can’t wait to meet her, and Peggy and Bella too,” Alex replied.

“I can’t wait for them to meet you. They’ll like you, and I am sure you will like them too. Hopefully they will make some progress finding that cunt Donna, and have a plan for Arthur Winston when we get back,” Casey said.

“I know how eager you are to make them pay, Tiny Tough. But it’s only been a few weeks since the fight at the Riverside, right? They to rest, get their bearings and take some time to heal and decide what to do next. Patience,” Alex said with a smile.

“Ah yes, patience. My strong suit, as I am sure you’ve noticed!” Casey said with a straight face.

She and Alex share a genuine, heartfelt laugh. Their discussion turned to the contract they were about to take, and Casey gave Alex some pointers on how to act when they met the client as well as in other situations that might arise. Alex asked a lot of questions, eager to know as much as possible about what to expect and what Casey wanted of her during the job.

Eventually, they ordered an Apple Confit to split for dessert, and by then Alex had finished three glasses of wine and was a bit tipsy, which Casey found incredibly cute.

Normally at this point on a job, Casey would have picked out a man or perhaps a couple to hypnotize and take back to her room to serve her as sexually, dominating and degrading them for her own gratification; she had already identified several potential targets among the restaurant’s guests and staff, almost on reflex.

Looking at Alex, her fair skin red and her speech a bit slurred from the wine, she decided against it. No need to draw Alex into her depraved antics tonight. The young hypnotist needed her rest; tomorrow would be a big day for her.

For a fleeting instant, Casey found herself considering hypnotizing Alex and having her way with the sexy young woman…

No, damn it! What the fuck, Casey? I can’t believe you’d even think about doing that to Alex! Casey said to herself silently.

Her own cheeks flushed red with anger at her own thoughts.

Even as she admonished herself, her anger was intertwined with her lust toward Alex, and the image of the sexy blonde naked and kneeling, moving her head toward Casey’s waiting pussy kept forcing it’s way into her mind.

“Okay, Freckles. We need to get some sleep,” Casey said, rising.

Their bill was a little over two hundred dollars; Casey took a thick fold of bills from her purse, peeled off four one-hundred-dollar bills and left them on the table.

Alex rose slowly.

“Wow, the wine went straight to my head…although three glasses probably was a bit much,” she said, giggling as she swayed slightly.

“Probably, but I’m sure you can handle it. We will just walk slowly,” Casey said kindly.

They got into the elevator, and Alex kicked off her flip-flops as Casey hit the button for their floor.

“I hate those things!” She said petulantly.

“I like to go barefoot too, although I do like my sexy shoes too,” Casey chuckled.

She bent and undid the straps on her own sandals, removing them before picking them up along with Alex’s.

Alex smiled and the two hypnotists walked barefoot to their suite.

It was late in the evening, and Janessa was in her room asleep when they arrived. Casey tossed she and Alex’s shoes unceremoniously on the floor, then checked the fridge and cupboards in the room’s small kitchen, nodding approvingly at the beer and selection of snacks her thrall had acquired while Alex went into the bathroom.

The tall blonde hypnotist emerged a few moments later, completely naked except for her pendant. She smiled at Casey, and headed for the bedroom.

Casey smiled back, then swallowed hard as she felt herself getting aroused. She waited a moment, composing herself before following Alex.

Casey chuckled softly upon entering the room; Alex was face down on her bed, fast asleep.

“Good night Freckles,” Casey said softly, covering Alex with her blanket.

Casey stripped and tossed her clothes aside, crawling into her own bed.

An hour later she awoke; it took her a moment to get her bearings and recall where she was.

She could hear Alex moving restlessly in her bed; she was obviously having a hard time getting comfortable. Casey could also hear another faint sound, one that took her a moment to identify.

Alex was crying, she realized.

“Alex honey, are you okay?” Casey asked softly.

“Oh Casey I’m sorry! Did I wake you?” Alex asked.

“No you didn’t. Tell me what’s wrong,” Casey said kindly, turning on the lamp beside her bed.

The two naked women both sat up on the edge of their beds facing each other.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m sorry. Go back to sleep, I am fine,” Alex said, her eyes a bit red as she quickly composed herself.

“Alex, tell me what’s wrong. Please,” Casey said gently.

“Really, it’s nothing,” Alex said, taking a deep breath.

She was obviously embarrassed.

Casey rose and moved to sit beside her.

“Alex, talk to me. Or do I have to hypnotize you?” Casey said playfully, putting her hand on her companion’s leg.

Alex chuckled.

“As if you could,” She said, looking at Casey and smiling.

The two hypnotists locked stares, Casey’s rich brown eyes meeting Alex’s dazzling blue ones.

Their naturally dominant natures took over for a moment as each one considered attempting to hypnotize the other.

Instead, Alex put her hand on Casey’s.

“I just got…got a little homesick; I’ve felt it a little bit since I came to stay with you but it was mild. Tonight it just hit me, I guess,” she said softly.

“Oh honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you missed your home and grandparents that much,” Casey replied.

Alex snorted.

“Listen to me, I sound like a ten-year-old who has never been away from home. I know I’ve been sheltered in a lot of ways,” she said, wiping her eyes.

“Alex, it is absolutely fine. You were in a safe, wonderful home surrounded by people you love and you left it to live with me… a selfish, foul-mouthed, depraved little bitch,” Casey said quietly.

“Oh Case, that’s not true…well, you…you’re not…selfish,” Alex said with a wink.

Casey laughed. She also blushed a bit at Alex calling her “Case”; it was endearing and gave her a tingly feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“No, I’m just a foul-mouthed, depraved bitch,” Casey said with a laugh.

“You are a kind, funny, sweet, tough, powerful and amazing woman,” Alex whispered.

And a foul-mouthed, depraved bitch…Alex honey, what can I do for you?” Casey asked gently.

“Well…I…at grandma and grandpa’s there are communal sleeping areas in the loft above the great room. I mean, I had my own room, but I slept up there a lot…most nights. Usually with Maya or Riley or both. Usually nothing sexual, just sleeping,” Alex said.

“I remember that sleeping area; I did some of my depraved shit up there. In fact, I ate my first pu—never mind. Alex, you are welcome to sleep in bed with me,” Casey said with a grin.

She intertwined her fingers with Alex’s.

“Really? You wouldn’t mind?” Alex asked.

“Of course not. Come on, Freckles,” Casey said, rising and leading her to the other bed.

They climbed under the covers and snuggled together.

“Thank you Case,” Alex whispered.

“You are welcome, Alexandria,” Casey whispered back.

Their lips met in the darkness, and they shared a deep, passionate kiss. The attraction between them was palpable, their arousal radiating from their trembling bodies.

With a mutual effort, they broke the kiss.

“We should get some sleep,” Casey whispered, before things could progress further.

“Definitely; big day tomorrow, Tiny Tough. Good night,” Alex agreed.

“Good night,” Casey murmured.

The two beautiful hypnotists drifted off to sleep in a tangle of arms and legs, peacefully content to simply be touching.

“Wake up, you depraved little bitch,” Alex said sweetly the next morning.

Casey opened her eyes to see the tall blonde hypnotist standing over her, holding a cup of coffee from the trendy coffee shop in the hotel lobby in a to-go cup.

“Mmmm…hi. What time is it?” Casey groggily asked, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

“It is after eight. Here, it’s got an extra shot,” Alex replied, handing Casey the cup.

“Thank you,” Casey said, looking Alex over and taking a sip of the coffee.

It was just the way Casey liked it; black with three sugars.

The tall blonde hypnotist was usual gorgeous self, appearing relaxed, clear-eyed and refreshed. Her long hair was in a single intricate braid, and her long white dress had an oval-shaped cutout that showed off her rock hard abs. Her lips were ruby red, and she wore her customary simple silver thumb and toe rings, along with her magnificent diamond pendant.

“You got a pedi this morning?” Casey asked, looking down at Alex’s bare feet.

Her toenails were now a pretty baby blue rather than the deep red they had been the day before.

“Yes, the hotel has a salon so I went after I worked out. Like them?,” Alex asked, holding up her foot.

“Yes I do, they are very cute. You have really nice feet. What time did you get up?,” Casey smile and a yawn.

“Not as nice as yours, but thank you. I was up about six-thirty,” Alex replied.

“Crazy woman,” Casey muttered with a shake of her head.

She rose from the bed and took a long drink from her coffee.

“No crazier than you,” Alex replied, admiring Casey’s naked body before bending to give her a kiss on the cheek.

“Alex, about last night—,” Casey began.

“Casey, it’s ok. You were perfectly honorable and I slept like a baby in your arms. Thank you,” Alex replied with a smile.

“Of course, Freckles. The feeling is mutual, believe me. I just don’t want to rush anything, or do anything we will regret…I really, really like you Alexandria. I am supposed to mentor you as a hypnodomme, and… I have a way of fucking things up,” Casey replied softly.

“Casey, relax. We can take things slow. You can ask me out on a date after the job,” Alex said sweetly.

Casey blushed, opening her mouth to reply.

Before she could do so Alex bent and kissed her again, this time on her lips.

“Mmmm…,” Casey said as they kissed.

“Okay, get showered. I ordered you bacon and eggs, they’ll be up soon. Extra bacon of course,” Alex said.

“Yes, dear. Thank you,” Casey replied, heading for the bathroom with her coffee.

Alex smiled as she watched the short naked woman walk away.

Forty minutes later, Casey had emerged from the bedroom looking stunning, in a long V-neck dress that was red at the top and faded to orange then yellow at her ankles. Her minimal makeup was perfectly done, and her hair was in two braids that met behind her head and became a ponytail. She had on large, dangly diamond earrings, and very large diamond solitaire pendant similar to Alex’s hung on a white gold chain around her neck, though it was a princess cut rather than an emerald cut.

She wore a sparkling diamond bracelet, and large ruby and diamond ring on her left middle finger. Casey had put on her tallest pair of sandals, barely-there silver platforms with five inch heels. Her toenails were still trendy white, and her anti-magic fire opal toe rings glittered on her middle toes.

“Wow, you look amazing!” Alex said, looking Casey up and down.

“Thank you; it means a lot coming from a six-foot model-ninja-chick,” Casey replied with a grin and a curtsy.

Alex laughed.

“Anyway, I got a text from Jing-Mei’s fixer; everything is a go. We are meeting a man named Harrison Barnes at a house out in Clyde Hill. It is about a twenty-minute drive; come on, Janessa is getting the car,” Casey said, picking up her purse and heading for the door.

“Lead on, Lady Casey,” Alex said, following her mentor.

Janessa drove the two hypnotists out to the affluent suburb know as Clyde Hill. It was a neighborhood of high end boutique shops, expensive restaurants and coffee shops and very large, very expensive homes.

Janessa followed the Escalade’s GPS to the address her mistress had given her, driving to the top of a large hill and pulling into a circular driveway in front of a beautiful seven-thousand-square foot luxury home.

Janessa got out of the vehicle and opened the door for Casey, then walked around and did the same for Alex.

The two hypnotists walked sided-by-side up to the impressive, beautiful structure’s front door, Janessa following.

Casey pressed the doorbell, and a moment later the door was opened by an attractive, slender woman with long wavy red hair and green eyes; she wore a stylish short black skirt and black jacket, with a green silk blouse and black four-inch pumps. She appeared to be in her mid-thirties.

“Hello, you must be Lady Casey and Mistress Alexandria. I am Gabriella Barnes,” she said, politely offering her hand.

“A pleasure to meet you,” Casey said, shaking her hand.

“Hello,” Alex replied, taking her hand as well.

“Come in. My father is expecting you,” Gabriella said neutrally.

Casey and Alex shared a look as Gabriella led them and Janessa through the fabulous house; it had oak plank flooring and luxurious finishes throughout including Carrara marble, quartz and Italian porcelain. They entered a large room with several large, very comfortable-looking recliners arranged in a circle. Floor-to-ceiling book shelves lined two of the walls, and a beautiful wooden bar was against the wall opposite the door.

A tall, serious-looking man in an expensive custom-made dark blue suit rose from one of the chairs; his brown hair was mostly grey and cut in a military-style fade. He appeared to be in his fifties, broad-shouldered, clean-shaven and reasonably fit.

“Lady Casey, Mistress Alexandria, this is my father Harrison Barnes,” Gabriella said.

“Hello, Mr. Barnes,” Casey said cheerfully.

“Lady Casey, Mistress Alexandria thank you for coming. Welcome. It is a pleasure to meet you both,” Harrison Barnes said in a deep voice, extending his hand.

Casey took it, then Alex.

“Thank you sir,” Alex replied politely.

“Please sit. May I get you a drink?” Harrison asked.

Alex watched Casey, taking her cues from her.

“Yes please. Whatever you are drinking,” Casey said, sitting in one of the recliners.

Alex nodded at Harrison, and sat beside Casey; Gabriella took a seat beside her father’s chair as he went to the bar.

Janessa stood silently beside the door.

Harrison returned a moment later and handed each hypnotist and his daughter a glass of very high quality bourbon.

“Thank you,” Casey said, sipping the drink.

Alex did the same.

“Now, what can we do for you, Mr. Barnes?” Casey asked with beaming smile.

“Please call me Harrison, ma’am,” he replied.

Harrison Barnes spoke like someone who’d spent significant time in the military.

“Certainly, if you promise never call me “ma’am” again. It’s Casey,” the diminutive hypnotist replied, flashing anther disarming smile.

“Certainly, Casey. As I understand it, you and Mistress Alexandria can make people you hypnotize do things, think things. Implant ideas and commands in people’s minds. Control their actions and their thoughts. Is that accurate?” Harrison asked.

“Yes, that pretty much sums it up,” Casey said sweetly, taking another sip of her drink.

Gabriella snorted.

Casey raised an eyebrow, much like she’d seen Jing-Mei do many times.

“Ah, a skeptic?” she asked with a smirk.

“You could say that,” Gabriella replied haughtily.

“Gabriella—,” Harrison began.

“No, it’s okay. People often have trouble believing our power,” Casey said amiably.

“Without seeing it firsthand, can you blame them? I mean, hypnotism? Really? It sounds ridiculous,” Gabriella said with disdain.

Harrison looked mortified by his daughter’s rudeness, and was about to admonish her when Alex spoke, her anger flaring suddenly at the way Gabriella was speaking to Casey.

“Would you like a demonstration?” she asked coolly.

Alexandria’s magnificent deep blue eyes were unblinking as she stared at Gabriella, who returned the stare with her own green-eyed gaze.

Harrison opened his mouth to intervene, but Casey held up her hand and gave him a warning look and he closed it.

Gabriella continued to match Alex’s intense stare for another moment.

Then she faltered; blinking, she looked away.

Alex continued to stare at her.

“That won’t be necessary,” Gabriella muttered.

Alex continued to stare at her.

“Alexandria,” Casey said softly.

Alex blinked and looked at her mentor.

Casey flashed her a comforting smile.

Alex smiled back, nodding slightly.

“Okay now that we settled that, let’s get down to business,” Casey said cheerfully.

“Thank you Lady Casey, Mistress Alexandria. You’ll have to forgive Gabriella, she hasn’t been as enthusiastic about hiring hypnotists to solve our problem as I am,” Harrison said, nodding to Casey to show his appreciation of her patience with his daughter’s behavior.

“I don’t need you to apologize for me,” Gabriella huffed at her father.

“Gabriella we have already discussed this, and—,” Harrison began sternly.

“We never finished the discussion! You know what, you are going to go through with this no matter what I say or think, so just do it. I have better things to do,” Gabriella cut him off.

She rose and walked quickly from the room.

For a moment Harrison looked as if he was going yell after her or perhaps follow his daughter from the room; instead he took a deep breath and composed himself.

“Now, where were we?” he asked.

“Mr. Barnes, we can postpone this meeting if you would like,” Casey said neutrally.

“No, that won’t be necessary thank you. I apologize, I should not have included Gabriella on this once she made her feelings on the idea clear. I would like to continue if that is acceptable to you ladies,” Harrison said stoically.

“Of course,” Casey replied with a comforting smile.

“Absolutely, Mr. Barnes. We are here to help, so just tell us what you need,” Alex added with a smile of her own.

Harrison looked relieved; he visibly relaxed and took a sip of his drink.

“Well, it is really quite simple. The Seattle City Council is voting on annexing some land I own through eminent domain, so they can sell it to a developer who wants to build condos, a sports complex and some other businesses on it. The swing vote is a woman named Abby Flores. She is in bed with the developer. Literally; she is having an affair with him. I would like you to make sure Abby Flores votes against the eminent domain proposal. I would also like her deeply humiliated, and on film if possible. Her voting against it will screw her lover, Greg Reynolds the developer,” he explained.

“We can do all that easily; you are comfortable with one-hundred-thousand?” Casey asked.

“As agreed, yes,” Harrison said with a nod.

Casey smiled.

“I believe we have a deal then,” she said.

“May I ask, what are you planning to do with your land?” Alexandria asked politely.

“A fair question. I am hoping to build a veterans’ complex, with a hospital and other services for vets, provided with private funding,” Harrison replied.

“That sounds awesome,” Casey said.

“That is ambitious…and wonderful. Mr. Barnes, after we save your land from these assholes I am going to ask my grandmother to donate to the project. She is very wealthy,” Alex added.

“That would be certainly appreciated, Mistress Alexandria,” Harrison replied with a nod.

“Please, just call me ‘Alex’. No need to—“ Alex began.

She was cut off by the sound of muffled gunshots coming from outside the house.

Harrison, Casey and Alex all stood instantly.

Janessa was beside Casey in a flash, her pistol in her hand.

More gunshots rang out.

“Ladies, please we should go this way. I have a few security people on the property,” Harrison said, producing a pistol from under his jacket and heading toward a door beside the bar.

Casey and Alex began to follow him when the door opened suddenly and three men dressed in black tactical clothes and combat gear entered the room, tasers and batons in their hands. They had submachine guns within easy reach hanging on slings

At the same time the door that Casey and Alex had entered the room through burst open as well, and six more men in similar gear entered.

“Surrender! Get down on the ground! Now!” one of the men shouted.

Harrison opened fire.

So did Janessa.

Casey kicked off her sandals and tumbled toward the bar, throwing herself up against it.

One of the three men in front of Harrison went down as he took three bullets to the chest. Another one fired a taser which hit Harrison, causing him to fall to the floor convulsing. The third was pointing his taser at Alex; he reflexively looked over as Casey gracefully leapt up onto the bar.

His blue eyes met her rich brown ones, and he gasped as she unleashed her mentalist flashes into him.

“You will shoot him with that taser,” she commanded him, pointing at the man next to him.

The man looked shocked as felt the irresistible compulsion to obey.

He fired the taser into his companion, who fell to the floor.

Janessa had flipped over a table and pulled Alex down behind it as she began to shoot at the six men who had entered the other side of the room.

One of them dropped while the other five advanced on her quickly, firing their submachine guns.

“Give up and nobody has to get hurt!” one of them shouted.

Janessa replied by firing several shots blindly from around the table.

Casey jumped off the bar and landed behind it, crouching to avoid the bullets and flying glass from the bottles being shattered. The man she had hit with her mentalist flashes leaned over the bar with a pistol in his hand.

Casey stood, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and hit him hard in the head with it.

The man dropped his gun, dazed from the blow.

Tossing the bottle away, Casey grabbed his hair and put her mouth to his ear.

“Relax and listen to my voice…you are relaxing deeper with every word I speak…you are very tired…sleepy…,” she began in her hypnotist’s voice.

Behind the overturned table, Janessa ejected the empty magazine from her pistol, wincing in pain from the bullet wound in her shoulder. Alex was bleeding from a graze on her forearm.

The hypnotist looked at Casey’s Thrall as she struggled to reload her weapon, blood pouring from her wound.

Alex patted Janessa reassuringly on the leg and tensed.

The men advancing on them switched from their submachine guns to their tasers and batons.

“We know one of you is hit; just come out quietly, and we won’t hurt you. I promise that you will get patched up and be let go in a couple days,” one of them said.

Suddenly, Alex came leaping gracefully over the overturned table, landing among the five men.

Casey had finished hypnotizing the man leaning over the bar, and watched in awe as Alexandria attacked the men.

The tall blonde woman moved with incredible speed and grace; she swept one man’s feet from under him, punching another of the men in the throat and spin-kicking a third in the face before they even reacted.

Alex blocked a swing from a baton, then ducked a second. She kicked the man on the ground in the face as he tried to rise, then did the splits and punched another man in the balls.

The gorgeous blonde hypnotist dodged, blocked, punched and kicked; she broke a man’s arm, then another’s nose. Quickly, four of the five were down on the floor, moaning or unconscious. The fifth Alex had in an armlock on his knees.

Her diamond pendant was in her free hand and she was swinging it before the man’s eyes as she performed a hypnotic induction.

“That’s it…so relaxed…so sleepy…your eyelids are so heavy…you cannot stay awake…you are hypnotized,” Alex said firmly, finishing her induction.

The man’s eyes closed and his head nodded. Alex released his arm and immediately looked for Casey, smiling when she saw the diminutive hypnotist climbing over the bar.

“Freckles, are you okay?” Casey asked.

“Case! Are you alright?” Alex asked at the same time.

Both women smiled.

“You’re bleeding!” Casey said with alarm, when she saw the wound on her friend’s arm.

“It is just a scratch, I’m fine. Janessa is worse,” Alex replied.

Harrison got to his feet and retrieved a large first aid kit from a cabinet.

“I was a trained medic, let me see to that shoulder, ma’am,” he said, going to Janessa.

The bullet had gone through, and he proceeded to stop the bleeding and bandage the wound.

Casey and Alex collected the intruders’ guns, and had them all kneel in a line in the middle of the room. The two who’d been shot were only stunned, as their body armor had stopped the bullets.

“There, you should be okay. Now I need to find Gabriella,” Harrison said as he finished dressing Janessa’s wound.

“Mr. Barnes, let me neutralize these men first,” Casey said reasonably.

“Your daughter very well may have been in on this,” Alex added indelicately.

“Excuse me?” Harrison asked, narrowing his eyes.

He tensed, angry at the implication.

“Harrison, she’s right. Your daughter might be involved; you are a worldly intelligent man, you have already thought it I’m sure,” Casey said.

“I…admit it’s possible,” Harrison replied grudgingly.

“Okay, then just give me a couple minutes; please bandage Alex’s arm. Janessa watch the doors. Alex, we need to discuss “tact” later, my love,” Casey said to her partner.

Alex blushed and nodded, looking mortified.

Casey winked at her and smiled.

Alex couldn’t help smiling back.

“Roger,” Harrison said, moving to Alex with the med kit.

Casey stood before the line of kneeling men. Some were injured worse than others, mainly from Alex’s Kung-Fu assault. Two were already in a trance, the one Casey put under near the bar and the one Alex had hypnotized after the fight had ended.

“I want you all to look at me,” Casey said in a commanding voice.

The men mostly complied; the two that stubbornly didn’t look at the brunette hypnotist did so after Harrison walked over and hit them on the back with the butt of his pistol.

“Listen to me very carefully. You are feeling very tired from your exertions. You need to rest, to relax…” Casey began in a soothing monotone.

She began to sway her hands back and forth slowly, fluttering her fingers gracefully.

“Relaxing deeper with every word I speak. Your body feels so tired, it feels heavy…heavy…feel yourself sinking into the floor…you cares and your pain fading away as you continue to relax…the heaviness in your body is pleasant; you cannot move, do not want to move…you feel wonderful, heavy and relaxed…all your pains, worries and fears are gone…you want only to remain there on the floor…your mind empty…blank…you will not move, speak or think until I tell you to,” Casey said, her voice resonating with power.

The men’s eyes became glassy; they no longer blinked and they took on dazed expressions. They slumped as the tension left their muscles, collapsing to the floor.

Harrison joined them, having finished putting a bandage on Alex’s arm.

“Oops,” Casey said with a chuckle, “Harrison, you and only you will wake up now!”

He sat up groggily, then stood with a sheepish expression on his face.

“I guess I got a demonstration after all. Very impressive Lady Casey,” he said.

“That was amazing,” Alex congratulated her, bending and kissing her cheek.

“I try,” Casey said with mock humility.

“With all due respect, can we go find my daughter now? If she’s in on this she needs to answer for it, and if she’s not I need to make sure she’s ok,” Harrison said.

“Yes, these bozos are no threat now. Janessa, stay here and watch them please,” Casey said.

“Yes Lady Casey,” Janessa said.

“I’ll take point,” Harrison said, putting his pistol away and taking one of the intruder’s submachine guns.

Casey nodded; she and Alex followed him out the door. They made their way slowly and quietly down a hallway, pausing to check rooms as they went.

Approaching the end of the hallway, they could hear Gabriella’s voice on the other side, speaking loudly and rapidly.

“The men should have them any minute. I will call you back when my father and his troubleshooters are under control,” she said, her voice muffled.

Harrison turned to the two hypnotists and pointed at the door and held up three fingers.

Casey and Alex both nodded.

Harrison lowered his fingers one by one, then kicked the door in and stepped through it.

Casey and Alex followed him.

Gabriella was standing behind a desk, having just ended a call on her cell phone.

There were two men in suits with her.

“Father! Damn it, I should have known… Listen to me, I am doing this for our own good, both of us—,” Gabriella began.

“Oh no, don’t say that! You are doing this for you and your greed, Gabriella. It’s over. Your men are neutralized. Surrender,” Harrison cut her off.

“I can’t do that, I’m sorry,” his daughter replied.

The men in the suits moved suddenly, both going for Harrison before he could raise his gun.

Alex intercepted one, hitting him in the stomach and face and easily deflecting his counter punches.

Gabriella produced a taser and pointed it at Casey.

“Don’t move or I will use this,” she said as her father and Alex brawled with her goons.

Casey fixed her with an intense look and gestured with her left hand, using her mentalist powers to yank the taser out of Gabriella’s hand and send it flying across the room to land on the carpet.

Gabriella looked shocked; seeing Alex brutally beat the man she was fighting into unconsciousness and her father with her other goon in a sleeper hold, she moved around the desk and tried to flee.

Casey cut her off, look up at her with intensity.

“What, you think you are going to hypnotize me?” Gabriella scoffed.

Casey unleashed her mentalist flashes into the woman’s eyes.

“Do not move unless I tell you to” she snarled.

Gabriella looked shocked, and froze.

Casey took a step toward her, releasing more flashes.

“Slap yourself in your face. Hard,” she ordered.

The woman helplessly obeyed, gasping in pain and stumbling back a step.

“Again!” Casey said firmly, hitting her with another stream of flashes and taking another step.

Again, Gabriella slapped herself and staggered back a step.

“That’s it! You are weak!” Casey taunted, unleashing more flashes.

The sheer force of her power and anger rocked Gabriella back another step.

Casey kept pace with her.

“Pathetic! You are a coward! You are weak!” Casey shouted.

As she spoke each sentence, she blasted Gabriella with with her power and took a step forward.

Each time the little flashes hit her in the face, Gabriella backed up a step.

She hit the wall and stopped.

Casey marched up to her, a steady stream of power flowing from her eyes into Gabriella’s as she looked up at her, rage on her face.

“You hurt my Alex!” she said angrily.

Gabriella’s head made a thump as it was pinned to the wall by the sheer force of the tiny woman’s rage.

Casey continued to send her power into her, only now it was pure hypnotic energy.

Gabriella’s eyes were vacant and she began to drool; blood trickled from Casey’s nostril as she continued.

“Case…Case, please stop…Casey!” Alex said in a soft but firm voice.

Casey gasped as she ceased her mental assault.

Gabriella slid to the floor, eyes unblinking and her expression blank.

“I…I’m sorry, I just…lost my temper,” Casey said, looking at Alex.

Smiling, the tall blonde held out her arms and Casey went to her.

They hugged tightly for a moment.

Harrison went to Gabriella.

“Is she…is she okay?” he asked, crouching and touching his daughter’s face.

“She should be fine. Just…stunned. Her mind will be completely blank for awhile,” Casey replied.

She was breathing heavily; using her mentalist powers was tiring, and she exerted herself well beyond her normal limits when she had started using raw hypnotic power rather than her mentalist flashes.

“Can you…question her?” Harrison asked.

“We can implant suggestions, make her obedient. When her faculties return a bit, we can question her and get the truth,” Casey replied.

“Alright; I will go get a bottle of something and you give her whatever…suggestions…are necessary. Then we can wait for her faculties to return,” Harrison said.

“Get some beer if you have any,” Casey said.

As Harrison left the room, a smiling Alex took Casey’s face in her hands, then bent and kissed her deeply.

An hour later, Gabriella was stripped to her underwear and kneeling in the middle of the study. Her expression was still blank, as she was deeply hypnotized. Casey had programmed her to obey her, Alex and Harrison and answer any questions put to her truthfully.

Harrison had checked the rest of the grounds, finding all four of his security men dead, killed by his daughter’s mercenaries.

Casey sat on the desk cross-legged, drinking her second beer. She was a bit pale, her energy still depleted. Alex stood quietly beside her with a hand on her shoulder, and Harrison was standing over his daughter, frowning.

He had finished questioning her, not at all happy with her answers.

Gabriella was indeed working with Abby Flores and Greg Reynolds; she believed her father was going to squander his fortune in his pursuit of charity and his idealism. Her job was to stop his “troubleshooters” as they were calling Alex and Casey.

“Alright, piece of cake. The game is still on. Have her call Abby and tell her that she captured us. Then we go and take care of her while her guard is down,” Casey said.

“That simple?” Harrison asked.

“Yes, that simple,” Alex replied, agreeing with Casey.

“I am not going to tell you how to do your job, of course,” Harrison said.

“We just need her address,” Casey said, standing up.

She promptly lost her balance, and Alex caught her.

“I have her address,” Harrison said, eyeing Casey with a look of concern.

“Wow, I am a bit dizzy. I really overdid it,” Casey said.

“Okay Case, you need to rest,” Alex said, easing her into a chair.

“Maybe we can get her in the morning,” Casey allowed.

“No…I will get her tonight,” Alex said slowly.

“Absolutely not!” Casey said seriously.

She tried to stand, but got dizzy and sat back down.

“Casey, I can handle it. I will go over to her house and wait for her to come home,” Alex said reasonably.

“No way! I am supposed to look after you! It is too dangerous!” Casey said with agitation.

“Casey, you are not well. You need rest. This is not a two-hypnotist job anyway. I can handle Abby Flores. It’s not like she has goons or minions. She is just a woman,” Alex said gently.

Alex bent and kissed Casey’s forehead.

“Don’t worry, Harrison and Janessa will be here. Gabriella’s mercenaries are still hypnotized and we can wipe their memories when I get back,” she said.

“Alex, no. Please,” Casey whispered.

“I will be fine, I promise. You said you believed in my abilities,” Alexandria replied reasonably.

“Alex, damn it I said no! You will stay here!” Casey said, unleashing her mentalist flashes into Alex’s eyes.

Alex chuckled.

“Mentalism doesn’t work on me,” she said.

“Wait, what?” Casey asked, dumbfounded.

“I have no idea why; Grandma was going to train me on resisting a mentalist, and when she hit me with the power it had no effect. We never figured out why I am immune,” Alex replied.

Tears filled Casey’s eyes.

She sighed.

“Please be fuckin’ careful,” she whispered.

“I promise. Now you promise me you will rest. You made yourself ill,” Alex said seriously

* * *

“I promise, Freckles,” Casey replied, smiling back.“Okay then. Have Gabriella make that call to Abby,” Alex said.

Casey nodded.

“Gabriella, listen to me…” Tiny Tough addressed the kneeling hypnotized woman.

Harrison had remained quiet during the exchange.

Alex turned to him.

“Harrison, would you mind getting me that address please?” she asked politely.

An hour later, Alex was standing on the front porch of Abby Flores’ large gated community home, a small backpack slung over one shoulder. She casually pressed the doorbell.

She waited a moment then pressed it again.

No answer.

Alex stepped off the porch and walked around the side of the house. She agilely climbed over the fence and into the house’s side yard. She crouched beside the fence for a moment, the grass cool beneath her bare feet. She rose slowly and went to a door that would lead into the three-car garage.

Alex took a deep breath, then kicked the door in.

She waited calmly for a moment; when there was no reaction, she stepped inside.

The garage was empty of vehicles, with shelves full of neatly organized sporting gear, camping equipment and tools.

After pulling the door closed, Alex walked silently across the concrete floor to the door leading into the kitchen. Turning the handle, she found it unlocked.

Mistress Alexandria stepped into her target’s house like a white shadow.

Forty minutes after Alex had arrived, Abby Flores pulled her Mercedes into her garage and headed into her kitchen. She tossed her purse and keys onto the counter and kicked off her pumps. She got a bottle of water from the refrigerator and headed into the living room, then upstairs to her bedroom.

Abby was very happy; Gabriella Barnes had called to say that her father was taken care of. Her husband was out of town on a steelhead fishing trip with their son, and was meeting her lover and partner in crime Greg Reynolds later so they could have an early victory celebration.

Upon entering her bedroom Abby dropped her water bottle in surprise, startled to see Alexandria sitting cross-legged on her bed, eyes closed and hands folded in her lap.

“Hello Abby. I hope you don’t mind I let myself in,” she said without opening her eyes.

“Who the fuck are you?” the council woman asked.

Alex opened her eyes.

“My name is Alexandria. Oh my, you are pretty. No wonder Greg Reynolds is sleeping with you,” she replied.

Forty-seven, Abby Flores was a short and pretty woman of Hispanic descent. She had a curvy figure, with shoulder-length wavy dark hair streaked with caramel highlights. She had hazel eyes and thin lips currently forming a frown.

She was wearing a stylish dark green blouse and a short black skirt, her finger and toenails done in french tips.

“Excuse me? Do you know who I am?” Abby asked, her voice low and threatening.

“Oh, the old “do you know who I am” threat. How original,” Alex scoffed getting up off the bed gracefully.

She was a pale, beautiful ghost.

“That’s it, I am calling the police!” Abby said, pulling her cellphone from her skirt pocket.

Alex was on her in a flash, knocking the phone from her hand.

“You bitch!” Abby snarled.

She made a fist and threw a clumsy punch at Alex.

The blonde hypnotist easily blocked the blow.

Abby threw another punch.

Again Alex blocked it with little effort.

Shrieking with rage, Abby swung wildly a third time.

Alex blocked yet again, this time countering with a sharp blow to Abby’s stomach, making the councilwoman gasp and double over.

Alex grabbed Abby’s hair and pulled her upright.

“Ah! Let go of me!” Abby grunted.

Alex slapped her across the face.

“Please look at this,” she said with frightening calm.

Alex kept ahold of Abby’s hair and slipped off her diamond pendant with her free hand, letting it dangle before the councilwoman’s eyes.

“Wait, stop…” Abby protested as she tried to pull away.

Alex casually brought her knee up into Abby’s chest, blasting the air from her lungs.

“Don’t speak. Listen to my voice and watch the diamond,” the towering blonde hypnotist said calmly.

She started the diamond swinging slowly before Abby’s eyes, causing it to glitter brilliantly in the sunlight coming in the bedroom window.

Abby grunted, her eyes drawn to the diamond as Alex projected hypnotic energy through the gem.

“That’s it…watch the diamond swing back and forth…relax, Abby…relax deeper…deeper with each swing back and forth…deeper and deeper…let the sparkling diamond help you relax…keep watching is swinging back…and forth…,” Alex said in a smooth monotone voice.

“I…what…what?” Abby stammered.

She began to panic as she realized this was one of the hypnotists Gabriella’s father had hired; she again tried to pull away, but Alex held firmly onto her hair.

“Feeling so relaxed…deeper and deeper with every word I say…let all the tension drain from your body…relaxing more and more as you continue to watch the diamond swing back and forth…let go and relax deeper…deeper…let all your fears, worries and cares fade away…the pain will stop…all you have to do is relax…deeper…deeper…,” Alex continued.

The diamond continued to swing back and forth, Abby’s eyes riveted to it.

The council woman whimpered; she could feel Alex’s hypnotic energy flowing into her.

A wave of relaxation washed over her, her shoulders slumping and her body tingling as her thoughts began to grow clouded.

“No…no…stop…,” she mumbled.

“So relaxed now Abby…you are getting sleepy…your eyelids are getting heavy…it is so hard to keep them open…when I tell you to close them, you will…so relaxed now…so sleepy…your eyelids are very heavy…heavy…you cannot stay awake any longer Abby…you will close your eyes now…close your eyes and sleep,” Alex said firmly.

Abby mumbled something unintelligible, her eyelids fluttering before snapping shut.

Alex released Abby’s hair and let her fall to the carpet.

She smiled with satisfaction as she replace her pendant around her neck.

“Can you hear me Abby?” she asked.

“Yes,” the woman murmured from the floor.

“You are deep, deep asleep. Nothing will awaken you until I awaken you. I want you to listen to me very carefully. You are completely in my power, and will obey all my commands. You must obey me, you cannot resist me. You will obey me, Abby. I am now your Mistress. Do you understand me?” Alex asked.

“Yes…Mistress…,” Abby murmured from the floor at Alex’s feet.

“Good. Open your eyes and remain deep asleep, completely hypnotized. Stand up,” Alex commanded.

Abby obeyed, her eyes vacant and glassy.

“You have been a very bad girl Abby. We know about your deal with Gabriella to betray her father and your plans with Greg Reynolds, not to mention your affair with him. So now you get to be punished. And of course, you are going to vote against seizing Harrison Barnes’s land. Listen very carefully; when I snap my fingers you will be wide awake and aware, but you will still obey my commands. You will not be able to resist my orders. It will be as if my words were your own thoughts. If I, and only I, say ‘Bad Councilwoman’ you will instantly return to a deep hypnotized state, ready to accept my suggestions and obey my commands. You will not remember being hypnotized. Do you understand me, Abby?” Alex asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” Abby replied.

“Good girl,” Alex said.

The hypnotist snapped her fingers loudly.

Abby started awake.

“What the hell? Who are you? Why are you in my bedroom?” she demanded, blinking her dry eyes.

“I am Alexandria. Mistress Alexandria to you. I am a hypnotist, and you have become my slave,” the beautiful white-clad young woman explained casually.

Abby snorted.

“I see, you are one of Harrison Barnes’s “troubleshooters”. You think you can hypnotize me?” she scoffed.

“I already have, Abby. You are a lying, dishonest politician and a cheating wife. Now you get punished,” Alex replied.

“Fuck you! Get out of my house!” Abby replied angrily.

“You will remove all of your clothe, Abby. Strip naked. Now,” Alex ordered.

What? You wish you pervert, I will…will…,” Abby trailed off, a stunned look on her face.

She felt an overwhelming compulsion to obey Alex’s command.

She trembled as she began to unbutton her blouse, her hands moving against her own wishes.

Alex smiled.

“I…what the hell, why can’t I stop…what did you do…?” Abby asked in a panic as she dropped her blouse to the floor, the lowered her skirt.

“I told you I hypnotized you,” Alex replied casually.

“No, this can’t be…this isn’t possible!” Abby said, her voice trembling as she unhooked her bra.

“That’s better. You have a nice body. Now get on your knees,” Alex commanded after the councilwoman was naked.

“Wait, stop this. Please, I can pay you—,” Abby began reasonably.

She sank to her knees.

“I’m sorry dear, this is not a negotiation. You are going to have to take your medicine,” Alex replied.

“You bitch! I will have you fucking killed, you can’t do this to me! Let me up NOW!” Abby shrieked.

Alex laughed at her, her inner hypnodomme enjoying the sight of the powerful woman helpless and on her knees.

“Oh will you? I don’t think so, slave. In fact, what you are going to do is kiss my feet. And you will address me as “Mistress” from now on,” the hypnotist said firmly.

“Yes…yes Mistress,” Abby said, her voice a choked sob as she went to her hands and knees and began kiss Alex’s bare feet.

Alex turned and walked to Abby’s king size bed. Abby crawled to her and continued to kiss her feet.

“Foot-worship is humiliation one-oh-one. Don’t just lick, slave. Suck on my toes. I got a pedicure just for you,” Alex said with a chuckle.

Abby began to sob as she obeyed, her dignity gone. Alex enjoyed the foot worship for several minutes, occasionally giving the woman pointers or instructions on how to do a better job.

“You are a passable foot-slave, but you need a lot of training. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time. Let’s move on to the next lesson. Kiss you way up my legs and eat me,” Alex commanded.

“Oh please no. I…I am not a lesbian,” Abby whimpered pathetically.

“You are whatever I say you are, slave. Eat me. Now!” Alex replied firmly.

The crying naked city councilwoman began to kiss her way up Alex’s legs.

“Take your time, dear. That’s it. Good girl,” Alex said.

She laid back, lifting her dress and closing her eyes. She wore no underwear, her blonde pussy hair trimmed into a neat strip.

Alexandria gasped as Abby began to lick tentatively at her pussy.

“Mmmm…yes, that’s it…you love my pussy, Abby…it is the best thing you ever tasted…you can’t get enough! Lick me harder…suck my clit…yes…,” Alex said, moaning.

Abby began to lick and suck enthusiastically at Alex’s pussy as the hypnotist’s suggestions took hold.

Alex lay moaning and shrieking with pleasure as Abby continued to work her pussy.

The hypnotist was imagining it was Casey who was eating her.

Eventually she had a powerful orgasm, followed by a second.

Alex let Abby continue, shuddering with pleasure.

“Oh…OH! Yes…YES!” Alex yelled as she cummed a third time.

Alex grabbed Abby’s hair, pressing her face into her pussy reveling in her power as she debased the older woman.

“Go get cleaned up and get dressed,” Alex commanded after she had recovered.

“Yes Mistress,” the broken Abby replied.

Alex straightened her dress and went to the small camera she had brought and set up, reviewing the footage of the council woman worshipping her. Satisfied, she placed the camera in her backpack.

“Alright, listen carefully my bad Councilwoman,” Alex said when Abby had finished dressing.

Abby’s eyes slammed shut as she went into a deep hypnotic trance upon hearing the trigger phrase.

“You will awaken five minutes after I leave. You will not remember me being here or being hypnotized. You will forget everything that took place while you were hypnotized. You will go about your business normally, and believe that Gabriella took care of her father as planned. When the city council meets to vote, you WILL vote against taking Mr. Barnes’s land. You will have a change of heart at the last minute and vote against taking the land. After the meeting, you will call a press conference and admit to your collusion and affair with Greg Reynolds. You will not be able to stop yourself from doing these things no matter how hard you try. These suggestions are now locked in your mind permanently, and you will follow them even though you will not consciously remember them,” Alex said firmly.

Abby stood silently, her mind helplessly absorbing the hypnotist’s words.

Satisfied, Alex picked up her backpack and left, leaving Abby Flores hypnotized in the middle of her bedroom.

While Alex was gone taking care of Abby, Casey did as she promised and took it easy, resting in a recliner and chatting with Harrison.

She started to feel better about an hour after Alex had left, so she went and checked on Janessa. Her Thrall was relieved that her owner had not insisted on going with Alex. Her wound was very sore, but Harrison was sure that she would be ok if they kept it clean.

After making sure Janessa would be ok, Casey carefully erased the memories of Gabriella’s still-hypnotized goons, sending them back to their lives believing they had accomplished their mission.

The men were in for a surprise, as the mischievous Tiny Tough gave each of them a suggestion to buy a tube of Icy Hot the next time they were in a store and then go home an masturbate with it.

It was one of her signature post-hypnotic suggestions for men who annoyed her.

“I must say, you ladies are amazing,” Harrison commented after the men left.

He and Casey were house’s large living room. Gabriella was still hypnotized, now dressed in casual clothes and standing against the wall awaiting further commands from Casey.

“We have our moments. So…what do you want done with her?” Casey asked, looking at Gabriella.

“Well…I was hoping maybe you could give her an…attitude adjustment?” Harrison asked slowly.

“Of course; I can make it as mild or drastic as you like,” Casey replied with a wink.

“Well, maybe just make her a little more…respectful…loyal…,” Harrison began slowly.

“Obedient?” Casey asked slyly.

“Obedient would be fantastic. I don’t want to alter her personality or take away her free will; I just want her to be a team player. Maybe be a little more appreciative of what she has,” he explained.

“Don’t worry, Harrison. I can do that, no problem. She will be the same person just more cooperative and supportive of your goals. But first, I would like to blow off a little steam, and I can tell you would too,” Casey said seductively.

She rose and walked over to where he sat on the couch.

Grinning, she casually reached down and unzipped his pants.

“Lady Casey…I…I am not sure this is a good idea…,” he stammered.

Harrison flushed.

“Why? We are both consenting adults. You are fucking gorgeous, and you want me,” she replied with a chuckle.

To accentuate her point, she pulled his large erect cock out of his pants.

“I…you are very beautiful, but what about Gabriella?” he asked, nodding at his daughter.

“Forget her; she won’t remember anything we don’t want her to. Just relax and enjoy this. Or do I have to hypnotize you?” Casey whispered.

She flashed her devastating smile began to stroke his cock.

“That…that isn’t necessary. Are you sure?,” Harrison asked with chuckle.

The chuckle became a moan as Casey climbed onto the couch, hiked up her dress and mounted him.

She stared into his eyes as she slid slowly down his shaft.

“Oh, yes…” she moaned as she began to move up and down, slowly at first.

Soon she was bobbing rapidly, shrieking with pleasure as Harrison moaned and grunted beneath her.

Casey was a frenzy of motion as Harrison shot his load a moment before she had a powerful orgasm.

“Oh yes, YES!” she yelled, laying against him with a shudder.

“That…that was fantastic,” Harrison said as he caught his breath.

“Yes it was,” Casey murmured.

She had been thinking about Alexandria as she was fucking her client.

By the time Alex returned, Casey was snuggled beneath a blanket on a comfortable recliner, dozing.

Janessa was laying on the couch asleep.

Harrison sat chatting with Gabriella, her memory and attitude both having been expertly altered by Casey.

The two hypnotists hugged, with Casey glad Alex returned safely and Alex glad to see Casey was feeling better.

Alex handed Harrison the memory card with the video of Abby worshipping her feet and eating her pussy; the camera had been perfectly placed so that Alex’s face was never in the frame.

“I’m sure that her confession at the press conference will ruin her and make it impossible for Reynolds to come after my land again. If not, I will use this. Thank you both. Your money will be transferred first thing tomorrow,” Harrison said.

“It was our pleasure. Call if we can be of service again,” Casey said with a chuckle.

“I will speak to my grandmother about donating to your project,” Alex added, smiling.

Harrison offered his hand, and both hypnotists shook it.

Casey drove them back to the hotel. She sent Janessa to bed to rest.

“I’m tired; how about room service and a movie?” she suggested, kicking off her sandals.

“That sounds lovely,” Alex said with a smile.

Casey called and ordered some food, then both she and Alex slipped out of their dresses and into their pajamas; Alex’s was simple white babydoll style nightgown, while Casey’s was a large black t-shirt that read “Lick More Pussy” in pink letters.

Casey insisted on checking and re-bandaging Alex’s arm.

Soon the two hypnotists were snuggled into bed together, munching on their food and enjoying each others’ company.

“I was worried about you. You made yourself sick,” Alex said.

“I know, I’m sorry. I was so angry that you got hurt, Freckles,” Casey replied.

“I understand. Thank you Case,” Alex replied.

The two women looked at each other for a moment, then kissed passionately.

Things would have progressed but Casey broke the kiss with an effort.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” she whispered.

“So are you; why did you stop?” Alex asked.

“Alex, I really like you. A lot. But we have to take this slow. Your grandmother is trusting me to mentor you, and I am almost nine years older than you. You are so young…are you sure this is what you want?” she asked gently.

“Casey you are the most amazing, wonderful person I have ever met. Yes. I want this. I want you. I understand your reservations and I appreciate you looking out for me. I am an adult and you are not taking advantage of me. But we can take it slow. I want you to be comfortable too. Just tell me, do you want me?” Alex asked, gently stroking Casey’s cheek.

“I do,” Casey whispered.

Alex broke into a huge smile.

“Alright, then let’s enjoy our food and fall asleep in each others’ arms. Tomorrow you can take me on a date,” she said.

“That sounds fucking awesome,” Casey replied with a grin.

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