Casey: A Tiny Tough Tale

by DazzlingLady

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #f/m #humiliation #sub:female #sub:male

Casey confronts a group of criminals who robbed a fellow hypnotist.

Five low-level mob enforcers sat around a table playing cards; they were laughing, eating and drinking as they played.

Earlier in the evening, they had raided a small money laundering operation that belonged to a rival, and they were celebrating the impressive take.

There were two beautiful young women with large tits dressed in sexy short skirts and crop tops on hand to wait on the them.

It was well after midnight; the hardened thugs were in a small room in the back of a small deli. They felt safe in their hideout, confident that nobody would bother them there. Just to be safe, they did post a lookout, a young man named Jimmy who was new to the crew.

He sat at a table in the closed and deserted deli, looking at his phone and listening to the group making noise in the back. He hated being stuck out there while they ate, drank, gambled and got blow jobs from the women, but he was the “new guy” so he was paying his dues.

Jimmy was so engrossed in his phone he didn’t hear lock on the front door being quickly and expertly picked.

The door opened, and a very short woman strode confidently into the dimly lit deli.

“What the Hell? Hey! We are closed!” Jimmy said, startled.

He stood, cursing himself. He was sure he’d locked the door! The others would kill him for this if they found out.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, I’m new in town and I’m lost. Can you help me?” the woman asked meekly.

She kept walking toward Jimmy without breaking stride, her heels clicking on the tiled floor.

The young thug eyed the beautiful woman. She looked to be in her mid-twenties and petite, no more than five-foot-one, with porcelain skin and pouty lips. She had dark brown stylishly layered shoulder-length hair and rich dark brown eyes. Diamonds dangled from her earlobes and a diamond bracelet adorned her right wrist, while a large diamond solitaire pendant hung on a long, thin white-gold chain around her neck. She wore a long, colorful floral-pattern dress, and very tall silver high-heeled sandals. Her toenails were painted metallic purple, and she wore a toe ring set with a sparkling fire opal on each middle toe.

“I…look, we are closed. My, uh, boss is in the back and he will be pissed if he sees you. You need to to go,” Jimmy said anxiously.

“Please…I need help. Your help. I’m Casey. Please, just relax. I am harmless,” she said meekly.

“Listen Casey, please just go. For your own good. I promise you, you need to leave,” Jimmy said, glancing nervously back toward the door leading to where his associates were celebrating.

He hoped none of them would hear him talking to Casey, or come out while she was still there.

“I’m sure I’ll be okay. Please, just relax…Relax and have a look at this…,” Casey said her voice smoothly changing to a slow, seductive monotone.

She moved gracefully to stand right in front of the obviously nervous young man. Casey gracefully lifted her large beautiful diamond solitaire pendant and spun it with her free hand. The magnificent gem glittered seductively, drawing Jimmy’s eyes.

“What…wow is that real?” Jimmy asked, impressed by the gorgeous gemstone despite his discomfort at the situation.

“Yes it is…it is so beautiful to look at…that’s it…just relax…relax and look at the beautiful diamond as you listen closely to the sound of my voice…relax deeper…deeper with every word I speak…feel yourself sinking…the wonderful feeling of relaxation spreading through your body…it feels so good to keep watching the diamond…,” Casey continued in a practiced, powerful monotone voice.

“Ma’am, Casey, please I…I really can’t let you be here…you…you need to go now…,” Jimmy said slowly.

He tried to look at Casey’s face as he spoke, but his eyes were drawn back to the spinning diamond. He felt a strange tingling sensation, almost as if he was absorbing energy radiating from the small, beautiful woman and channeled through the diamond.

“You are feeling now very relaxed…relaxing more and more with every word I speak…relaxing deeper…deeper…as you continue to look at the beautiful sparkling diamond…you are getting sleepy…very sleepy…relaxing deeper…your eyelids are heavy…very heavy…you are so sleepy…your eyelids are heavy…you cannot stay awake…” Casey continued.

Jimmy felt suddenly very tired; his eyelids seemed to be made of lead.

They began to flutter.

“What? Wait, you…you can’t…I…no…,” Jimmy mumbled.

“So relaxed…sleep now,” Casey said firmly.

“Mmmnnnfff….,” Jimmy tried to protest, then crumpled to the floor at Casey’s feet.

The beautiful young woman smirked, looking down at her latest conquest with a mixture of contempt and pity. He had gone under rather quickly; speed was one of the hallmarks of Casey’s inductions, setting her apart from many other true hypnotists.

The small woman had developed the ability to focus and radiate the pure hypnotic energy that all true hypnotists used and focus it through her diamond or her eyes, making her very powerful.

“Listen to me very carefully. You are completely, deeply relaxed. Deep asleep. You will obey all of my commands and answer any and all questions I ask you completely truthfully. What is your name?” Casey asked quietly.

“Jimmy,” he murmured.

“Jimmy, you will open your eyes and stand up, but remain deep in your trance,” Casey commanded.

“Yes ma’am,” the young man replied, rising and standing with his arms hanging limply at his sides, a dazed expression on his face.

Turning back to the front of the deli, Casey motioned to a person waiting outside.

The door opened, and an attractive blonde woman who was nearly a foot taller than Casey entered. She was graceful and very fit, dressed in a black pantsuit with her long hair in a bun.

She locked the door and then moved to stand before the tiny hypnotist, lowering her eyes submissively.

“Janessa, search this gentleman,” Casey ordered.

“Yes Lady Casey,” Janessa said.

The tall blonde was Casey’s Thrall; she quickly and expertly patted down the hypnotized Jimmy, taking his phone, keys and wallet as well as a small revolver and a large folding knife. When she had finished, Janessa stepped back and positioned herself so she could watch both the front and the back of the establishment.

“Jimmy, how many people are in the back room?” Casey asked.

“Seven,” he murmured.

“How many of them are armed?” Casey asked.

“The five men will be carrying pistols and knives and such,” Jimmy said.

“And the other two?” Casey inquired.

“They are dancers from our club, here to wait on the crew,” Jimmy said.

“Oh, you mean strippers! I love strippers. I have always wanted to open my own strip club. Anyway I am getting distracted…Jimmy, you are going to go for a nice long walk. Head toward downtown. Be mindful of the traffic, don’t get hit. Use the crosswalks and mind the lights. You will count your steps and when you reach three thousand you will awaken. You will remember nothing that has taken place since I arrived. You will forget seeing me and forget being hypnotized. Now go,” Casey commanded, pointing at the door.

“Yes ma’am. One, two, three…,” the hypnotized young man said as he walked stiffly out of the deli.

Casey watched him go with a satisfied smile.

After he was gone, the tiny hypnotist turned and headed toward the back of the shop, motioning to Janessa to follow.

The men gambling and partying in the back had no idea what had just taken place out front; they were far too noisy, busy enjoying themselves.

The room grew suddenly quiet when the door opened and Casey swaggered in, followed by the nearly six-foot-tall Janessa.

“Hello boys. Got room for another?” Casey asked with a smirk.

“What the fuck? Who are you?” one of the men asked.

“Call me…Tiny Tough. So, can I play?” Casey said with a sweet smile.

Tiny Tough was a nickname Casey had been given by a fellow hypnotist after they had dueled; it had stuck, and now she used it as an alias and badge of honor.

“Tommy, escort this young lady out and then bring Jimmy in here so I can beat his skinny ass,” said one of the fatter men in his east coast accent, obviously the boss.

He was wearing an expensive but ill-fitting suit black suit, far too tight and rumpled as if he’d slept in it.

“Right. Let’s go little miss. You don’t belong here,” Tommy said, standing.

He was thinner and younger than his boss, his own black suit better-tailored.

“But I just got here. I want to play some cards. I bet I can beat every one of you,” Casey protested with a pout.

“Shut the fuck up. Move that cute little ass!” Tommy growled, reaching for her arm.

“I wouldn’t do that…” Casey warned.

She didn’t so much as flinch.

Tommy kept reaching for the small woman.

Before he could touch her, Janessa moved like lightning, grabbing Tommy’s arm and twisting it behind his back. She quickly had him immobilized, bent over and groaning in excruciating pain.

“See? I warned you” Casey said with a giggle.

The two strippers were standing near the table when Janessa had suddenly moved, and both gave startled yelps as they scurried over to stand near the wall.

They stood there watching wide-eyed at the unexpected turn of events.

“Okay, that’s enough!” The closest man to Casey said, rising to his feet.

Wearing a sweat-stained white shirt and red suspenders, he produced a small pistol and pointing at Casey as the rest of the men all rose from their seats.

“Let him go now!” He said, gesturing at Janessa with the weapon, the barrel moving from the hypnotist to her Thrall and back again.

The small hypnotist merely smirked in reply, smoothly raising her diamond pendant in response and walking toward him, spinning the gem with her free hand as she had done earlier when she had hypnotized Jimmy.

“Bitch, I will shoot you! Don’t move!” The gunman warned.

“No, my stupid friend,” Casey responded, “It is you who will not, who cannot move. Not a single muscle. You are frozen,” she said firmly.

She continued to advance confidently at the gunman, hypnotic power again flowing from her and through the diamond, into the man’s eyes as they were drawn to the gemstone.

“I’m warning you. I’ll fucking shoot you,” he said threateningly.

Casey smirked, raising her pendant higher and starting swinging gently; the diamond sparkled brilliantly as it ticked back and forth.

All the men’s eyes were reflexively drawn to it, as were the two strippers’ as well.

“Just relax…relax and look at the beautiful gem…relax and listen to my soothing voice…you cannot, will not shoot me,” said Casey in her powerful voice, projecting her hypnotic power over the whole group.

“I…I’m warning you bitch…stop n-now!” The gunman said slowly.

He was finding difficult to speak as Casey’s voice penetrated his mind; he felt sluggish, his body tingling as he began to relax involuntarily.

“You are frozen…completely unable to move. You cannot take even the smallest action, not even moving a finger. You are stuck, a motionless statue. You cannot move a muscle…you are frozen, a motionless statue, ” Casey purred as she continued to swing her pendant.

The gunman had heard enough; he pulled the trigger…or rather he tried to. He found to his amazement he could not; he struggled with all his might while Casey moved to stand right in front of him. He simply could not pull the trigger; his arm and hand were completely stiff, tingling as if they had fallen asleep.

Casey stood before him, staring into his eyes with her rich intense brown ones.

With her free hand, she stood on her tip-toes and reached up to lightly tap his forehead, even as she continued to swing the diamond in her other hand.

“Sleep!” she commanded.

The man’s eyes closed; Casey grabbed the gun from his hand as he collapsed to the filthy floor. The remaining thugs began to move…or tried to, at least. They too were feeling the effects of her hypnotism and too their surprise were barely able to move.

The speed at which her hypnosis took effect was impressive and terrifying.

Mass hypnosis was one of Casey’s specialties; few true hypnotists could match her prowess.

“You can’t shoot all of us before we shoot you,” the boss said, slowly drawing a pistol as his men moved with comical slowness to surround Casey.

The rest of the men began to laboriously draw pistols from beneath their jackets, their arms feeling heavy and tingling.

The man Janessa was holding groaned in pain as the tall blonde Thrall watched her Mistress work.

“I don’t need to. I don’t like guns,” Casey said with a mocking laugh.

She tossed the gun to the floor with contempt, even as her pendant continued to swing in her other hand.

“All I need you to do is listen…stand still… Listen to my voice…do not move…listen and relax…relaxing deeper with every word…you can no longer move at all…you must simply keep watching the glittering diamond…frozen helplessly in place… relaxing deeper and deeper…relaxing, sinking…deeper…going all the way down…into a wonderful state of deep, complete relaxation…,” Casey said as she continued to swing the diamond.

The men stopped moving. They stared blankly at her, enthralled by the glittering diamond and enchanted by her powerful voice.

The two strippers gaped in astonishment as they too were now under Casey’s hypnotic spell.

“That’s it…now I am going to count down from ten… with each number you will sink deeper into a wonderful relaxed state, and when I reach zero…. you will all fall deep sleep… Ten… Listening to my voice… Nine… my words are your thoughts… Eight… Echoing in your mind… Seven… No worries, cares or fears… Six… relaxing more and more as you watch the diamond… Five… sinking, dropping deeper… Four… My voice is now the only thing you can hear… Three… You are all feeling sleepy… Two… You can barely keep your eyes open… One… you cannot stay awake any longer… Zero…Sleep for me now,” Casey said soothingly.

Her power washed over the whole group and she snapped her fingers, the sound surprisingly loud coming from such a tiny woman.

The five men’s eyes snapped shut as they were hypnotized, and they dropped to the floor; the two strippers also went into trances, slumping against the wall and sliding to the floor.

The hypnotist had captured them all in the impressive display of mass-hypnosis.

All but one.

Casey turned to the man Janessa held; he’d fallen partially under, listening to her hypnotize the others but still semi-conscious due to Janessa’s painful armlock.

“Look at me, asshole,” Casey commanded him.

“Screw you bitch,” the man growled.

Janessa grabbed his hair and pulled his head up, forcing him to look at the hypnotist.

He gasped when his eyes met Casey’s.

“Sleep!” she said firmly, snapping her fingers beside his head.

Janessa released him as he wilted to the floor.

“Alright everyone, listen carefully; you are now completely relaxed. You are completely in my power and will accept my suggestions and obey my commands as if they were your own thoughts. You cannot resist me. You are deep, deep asleep and you will stay asleep until I say otherwise,” Casey said firmly.

Several of the people on the floor murmured in agreement.

With a satisfied smile, “Tiny Tough” surveyed the room. There was a table with an electronic money counter resting on it; beside the device was an enormous stack of neatly organized hundred-dollar bills. There were was another table containing food and various bottles of alcohol as well as a small amount of cocaine.

The hypnotized gangsters were all dressed in suits, mostly overweight and rough looking men; the two strippers were wearing six-inch platform heels to go with their sexy, revealing outfits.

Casey looked at Janessa and nodded at the unconscious men.

Without a word, the tall hypno-slave began to search them, taking their weapons, wallets and cell phones.

While Janessa performed her task, Casey perused the alcohol selection; she chose a very high quality whiskey and poured herself a glass, then sat at the table and put her feet on it, sipping the drink.

“They have some duffel bags in the corner; put the money in one and the stuff you took off them in another,” the little hypnotist commanded.

“Yes Lady Casey,” Janessa replied, moving to obey.

Casey then looked at the two women slumped against the wall; they were young and attractive enough, although they both sported far too much makeup for her taste, and their out-of-proportion tits were obviously fake.

“Alright ladies, how about a little entertainment? You will both open your eyes and stand up. When I snap my fingers, you will hear you favorite song in your head and dance for me as if you were at the club where you work. Do your best work, I want to see those sexy bodies,” Casey commanded.

The two hypnotized strippers rose, and Casey gave a loud snap.

The women, one blonde the other a redhead, began to seductively dance, slowly removing their clothes in a sexy display.

Both were obviously experienced professionals.

Casey watched, sipping her drink and enjoying the private little show. Both women had truly spectacular bodies fit and toned, and Casey commanded the redhead to perform a lap dance for her once they were naked, casually fondling the woman’s tits.

Janessa finished packing up the money and the mens’ possessions.

“Alright, everyone open your eyes and get on your knees. You too, ladies. Form a circle,” Casey commanded, seeing her Thrall had completed her task.

The men and two naked women obeyed, kneeling on the hard floor with blank expressions on their faces.

“You are all very aroused; so very turned on. Being mentally dominated by me has made you very fucking horny. Your cocks are getting hard, your pussies getting wet. You are so horny. You will all begin to masturbate to thoughts of me now; when you cum, you will wake up; you will not remember that you were hypnotized, or any mention of my name other than “Tiny Tough”. Have a lovely night, fuck-heads,” Casey said with a laugh.

The tiny hypnotist watched as the men got out their erect cocks and began to stroke them, while the strippers gasped as they began to rub vigorously at their clits.

Satisfied, Casey motioned for Janessa to follow; the statuesque blonde picked up the two duffel bags and followed as Tiny Tough sauntered out the door.

“God damn it! Fucking find out! And find that idiot Jimmy! Now!” Anthony Colletti said angrily into his phone, then terminated the call without waiting for a response.

The mob boss had just found out someone had stolen over a quarter of a million dollars in cash from one of his crews—and no one seemed to know who was behind it.

All he had gotten from his men was that some small, beautiful woman calling herself “Tiny Tough” had walked into the deli and walked out with his cash.

Anthony was livid—and worried. He owed a cut of the cash to his boss, and he wouldn’t be happy if Anthony didn’t pay up.

His men had raided a money laundering operation that was being run by some high-class hypnotherapist who wanted to play gangster. She had fronted the cash to start the money laundering, and then had apparently branched out into jewel heists. Then word came that the FBI was looking into her, so Anthony took the opportunity to strike at her fledgling operation before she got too established.

Now, it appeared that her people had somehow struck right back in a perfect heist, one during which no one saw or heard anything! The money, both that he had ordered stolen and thousands of dollars of his own profits had simply vanished out the door with some mysterious woman, his men all left bewildered.

It never occurred to Anthony that they had been hypnotized.

He walked out onto the balcony of his luxury apartment and lit a cigar.

As he smoked his phone rang; he didn’t recognize the number.

“Yeah?” He answered warily.

“Hello Anthony. I have some information you might be interested in,” came a sexy female voice.

“And who the fuck is this?” he asked.

“Call me Tiny Tough. I know what happened to your money today,” she said sweetly.

“Oh yeah? How about you tell me about it then?” He said irritably.

“I’m willing to discuss it. For a fee of course. I’m in a limo out in front of your building right now. Come on down and we will have a little chat,” the woman offered.

“How stupid do you think I am? How about you come up here?” He retorted.

“Okay. I’ll be right up,” she said to Anthony’s surprise.

“Fine. Your information better good. And don’t even think about trying to pull anything,” he said, hanging up.

“Oh I wouldn’t dream of it,” Casey said sarcastically, seated in the back of a limousine out in front of Anthony’s building.

The brash young hypnotist opened the door of the car and stepped out, marching right up to the front door of the apartment building.

“Max!” Anthony yelled to his bodyguard and right-hand man as he went inside after hanging up on Casey.

A few minutes later he was seated in his study behind his impressive wooden desk.

Max, a tall handsome muscular young man in a dark suit showed a smiling Casey into the room, Janessa following.

The diminutive hypnotist was still wearing the same dress and sandals she had worn when robbing Anthony’s men earlier that evening, though she had put her hair into two short braids.

“Hello Anthony; I am Tiny Tough,” she said cheerfully.

The beautiful young woman didn’t approach the desk or offer to shake hands, and instead sat a luxurious arm chair across from Anthony, her Thrall standing against the wall beside the door.

Max stood against the wall beside Janessa.

Casey looked the short, well-dressed mobster over; he was around fifty, handsome with olive skin and graying black hair. He had hazel eyes and was reasonable fit, although he had a bit of gut from all the good food he no doubt ate.

“Alright, Miss. Tell me what you know and I will decide what it is worth,” Anthony said without preamble.

“Now hold on, aren’t you going to even offer me a drink?” Casey asked with pout.

Anthony sighed.

“Yes, pardon my lack of manners. It has been a…trying night. Can I offer you some wine?” he asked politely.

“I’ll take a beer if you have one,” Casey replied sweetly.

“Max,” Anthony said, gesturing to his man.

The bodyguard nodded left the room, returning momentarily with two bottles of expensive imported beer; Anthony and his guest were already deep in discussion.

“Thank you Max,” Casey said with a smile and a nod.

She took her beer, kicked off her sandals and drew her bare feet up onto the chair.

“Look, five thousand is more than fair!” Anthony said, obviously flustered and trying to remain calm.

“Tell you what, I’ll settle for twenty. Wow, this is good beer,” Casey replied with a grin.

“Twenty thousand? That’s ridiculous,” Anthony huffed.

“Oh come on, twenty grand is pocket money for a guy like you. I know how much you lost at that deli,” Casey replied, taking another drink from her bottle.

“Yes, and how is that? The name “Tiny Tough” came up during the robbery, actually. I am starting to think you had something to do with me getting ripped off,” Anthony said coolly.

“Yes, genius you got me. I stole your money. All by my little self,” Casey said sarcastically.

“You could have a crew, how the hell would I know?” Anthony scoffed.

“I’m fairly sure you don’t know shit about anything,” Casey replied with a wink.

The crime boss’s expression grew hard.

“Do you know who I am?” Anthony asked in a quiet, menacing voice.

“A petty mobster?” Casey replied sweetly.

“You are either really brave, or really stupid. Don’t think I won’t mess up that pretty face,” Anthony said.

“Awww, do you really think I’m pretty?” Casey asked with mock excitement.

“Don’t fuck with me bitch!” Anthony yelled, losing his cool and banging his fist on the desk.

“You think I’m afraid of you?” Casey scoffed.

“You should be. I’m not the type of man you should insult in his own home,” Anthony replied dangerously.

“And I’m not the type of woman you should underestimate anywhere,” Casey replied coolly.

“We are done here. Max—,“ Anthony started to say, rising from his chair.

“Stop!” commanded Casey.

Anthony reflexively froze.

With surprising speed, Janessa snapped a kick into Max’s head, then another into his chest, blasting the breath from his lungs, then a third into his balls, dropping him to the floor. She casually snapped a kick into his face as her tried to stand, knocking back to the floor.

“I’d stay down,” Casey advised him calmly.

Anthony looked stunned.

“You fucking bitch!” he snarled..

“Anthony, look at me,” Casey said softly.

She stood up from her chair, fingering her diamond pendant.

Anthony’s eyes reflexively followed her hand as she traced a shiny silver nail along her pendant’s chain, up and down.

“I want you to relax, Anthony; you need relax and listen to my voice…you will calm down and listen to me,” Casey said, hypnotic energy radiating from the tiny woman.

Anthony frowned; he felt a pleasant tingle suddenly spreading through him as Casey’s words resonated in his head.

“I…I am going to—,” Anthony began angrily.

“You are going to be quiet, Anthony. You will will listen to me…,” Casey said firmly.

She lowered her hand from her necklace and walked toward him. The diminutive brunette hypnotist locked eyes with Anthony. He found that he couldn’t help but stare back into her deep brown pools.

“You are crazy bitch,” he replied unsteadily.

“And you look sleepy, Anthony. Very sleepy, actually. You really need to relax, and listen to my voice…relax…,” Casey purred, moving closer.

She lifted her pendant from her chest and let it turn slowly about on the end of its chain, sparkling as it reflected the lamplight.

The gemstone’s many facets glittered, reflecting in the deep pools of Casey’s eyes.

“No I’m…not…,” Anthony protested, his anger fading as he suddenly indeed began to feel sleepy.

He frowned as he felt a wave of relaxation wash over him.

“Are you sure?” Casey asked softly, “You really look very sleepy. I bet you feel sleepy, too…very sleepy…just relax and let go…you are very tired,”

“I’m not…no…,” he mumbled docilely.

“Yes, you are Anthony. You are sleepy…very sleepy… your eyelids are growing heavy… very heavy…all you want to do is close your eyes and fall asleep…deep, deep asleep… your eyelids are so heavy now…as you continue relaxing more and more…,” Casey continued soothingly.

Anthony tried to speak, but he couldn’t think enough to form the words.

Casey’s words filled his mind and his entire body was tingling as relaxed, the tension leaving his muscles.

The sparkling diamond and Casey’s rich brown eyes filled his vision even as his heavy eyelids fluttered.

The bitch is right, I am sleepy. Fuck, she is hypnotizing me, he thought with dismay.

Suddenly, all he wanted to do was…

“Sleep now!” Casey commanded.

She snapped her fingers loudly twice.

Anthony’s eyes closed and he slumped over his desk.

She immediately rose and walked back to where Janessa stood over Max. The tall blonde Thrall reached down and pulled the groaning Max to his knees by his hair.

“Have a look at this Max…,” Casey said, dangling her diamond pendant before his eyes and spinning it with her free hand.

The tiny woman quickly hypnotized Max as well, then quickly and expertly deepened both he and Anthony’s trances to be sure they were completely under her control.

“Both of you strip and get on your knees,” Casey commanded the two men.

She picked up her beer, settled back into her chair and drew her feet up under her once again.

Janessa moved to stand beside her Mistress as the two men removed their clothes and assumed kneeling positions.

“Alright Max, Anthony when I snap my fingers, you will become awake and aware but you will remain completely in my power; you will obey my every command. If I snap my fingers and say “sleep” you will instantly return to the deep hypnotic state you are now in,” Casey informed the two men.

She took a swig of her beer and casually snapped her fingers.

Anthony and Max awoke from their trances.

“What the holy fuck?”” Anthony demanded, starting to rise.

“Oh no asshole, you will stay down on your knees. That goes for both of you,” Casey ordered casually, taking another drink.

“You crazy bitch! What have you done?” Anthony demanded as he sank back to his knees.

“Boss, I can’t get up,” Max growled in frustration.

“Of course you can’t, moron. I hypnotized you. I want you on your knees,” Casey explained.

“What the fuck are you talking about you stupid broad?” Anthony demanded.

He sputtered with frustration as he tried to stand up.

“You better watch how you speak to your new Mistress, slave,” Casey said, setting down her bottle.

“Slave? You bitch, undo this right now or I will—,” Anthony began.

“Shut your mouth, slave. Be quiet and listen. You sent your goons to steal from Victoria Dominique. She really didn’t appreciate it, so she asked me to take her money back, and to teach you a lesson. Anthony, you will crawl to me and kiss my feet,” Casey commanded.

The hypnotist shifted in her seat, extending her bare feet toward the helplessly crawling, naked mobster.

Casey smirked at Max as his boss began to kiss her small, sexy bare feet.

She let him continue for a moment, then ordered him to prostrate himself before her.

Anthony whimpered from his face down position, suddenly filled with fear. The powerful crime boss had never been so helpless or humiliated in his entire life.

A smirking Casey got out of the chair and bent, smacking his bare ass hard three times, chuckling.

“Now you are a handsome man Max. You will tell me the truth, do you find me attractive?” Casey asked the bodyguard slyly.

“Yes…” the kneeling Max answered quietly.

“Excellent. As you look at me, you are becoming more and more aroused. So very horny for me. You want me desperately Max,” Casey said seductively.

“Yes, I want you,” Max agreed helplessly, flushing red.

His cock began to stiffen quickly.

“Come over here and sit in this chair,” Casey commanded him, pointing to an empty chair beside her.

The hypnotized man obeyed.

Casey rose and walked over to him, hiking up her dress and unceremoniously mounted his cock.

“Do not move. You may not, cannot cum without my permission,” she whispered in his ear.

Then the petite woman began to ride him roughly; she moaned loudly as she moved up and down.

Casey orgasmed quickly; she continued to ride Max until she had cum a second time, then she got off of Max’s still-erect cock and straightened her dress.

“Your turn, Janessa,” Casey told her Thrall.

“Thank you Mistress,” Janessa replied, smiling.

The tall, pretty blonde quickly took off her clothes and proceeded to sit on Max’s cock.

Janessa rode him even more harshly than Casey had; both she and Max grunted like animals as she fucked him.

Casey wandered around Anthony’s study while her slave enjoyed herself, looking in drawers and examining the artwork adorning the walls.

Janessa let out a long primal moan as she orgasmed. She go off of Max and began to get dressed.

“Alright, Max and Anthony get back on your knees” Casey commanded, sitting in Anthony’s chair behind his desk.

The two men obeyed. Max’s cock was still hard.

“Sleep!” Casey said, snapping her fingers.

Both men’s eyes closed and their heads nodded as they went back into hypnotic trances.

“Max, you will remain very aroused. Anthony, you are becoming aroused as well. You want me badly, and the fact that I have so easily dominated you makes you very horny,” Casey said in a sultry voice.

Anthony grunted as his cock too began to stiffen.

Casey smirked.

“That’s better. Now you will both start jerking off to me. You will not be able to stop or cum until I command you to,” Casey said firmly

The kneeling men began to helplessly stroke their cocks as they looked at the beautiful woman behind the desk.

Casey stood, taking two cigars from the humidor on Anthony’s desk, snipping off the ends with the cutter that sat beside it.

“Keep it up, you are doing very well. As you stroke, my words are penetrating deep into your minds, becoming a permanent part of your subconscious. Do you understand me, boys?” she asked.

“Yes Mistress,” Anthony grunted.

Max also agreed, his assent a choked gurgle as he frantically masturbated to his Mistress.

“Good boys. Two minutes after I leave, you will both cum. I want you to remember how helpless and humiliated you feel, how easily I took control of your minds. You will remember that I could make you anything I chose, taken anything from you and made you happy about it. I want you to know that you got off easy this time. You will remember the name “Tiny Tough” and know that she is not someone to be fucked with. Furthermore, you will not have any desire to involve yourself in any of Victoria Dominique’s activities ever again, or I will be back and I will do much, much worse to you. Got it, tough guys?” Casey asked firmly.

“Yes Mistress,” Both men said as they continued their helpless jerking off.

“Alrighty then, you two have a wonderful evening,” Casey said with a laugh.

The tiny hypnotist held out her hand and Janessa handed her a phone. Casey quickly sent a text message and handed Janessa the phone back, then picked up her sandals and swept out of the room.

Janessa followed like a loyal pet.

Casey and Janessa exited the building a few moments later and got into a waiting black limousine.

“Good evening Casey. How did it go?” Victoria Dominique asked as they joined her in the luxury vehicle.

The beautiful hypnotherapist was dressed in a dark blue blouse and a tight, short black skirt along with very expensive tall shiny black high heels. Her long, thick dark hair was down, cascading past her shoulders. Her favorite amethyst pendant hung around her neck, matching her astonishing violet eyes.

Beside her sat Tanya, her gorgeous blonde-haired blue-eyed hypno-slave and bodyguard, dressed in a snug black bodysuit, her hair in a tight bun.

“It went well; Anthony is an arrogant and weak little man. He got the message, although I am still not quite sure why you didn’t deal with this yourself. You are more than capable,” Casey replied with a raised eyebrow.

She offered one of the cigars she’d taken from Anthony’s desk; the purple-eyed hypnotist took it with a smile.

Janessa produced a lighter and lit the cigars for the two powerful hypnotists.

“Thank you. While I am an excellent hypnotist, one of the best even, you are something else entirely my beautiful Tiny Tough. You are exactly the person I needed for this situation,” Victoria said with a chuckle.

She took a long drag on the cigar; it was excellent, made with very fine expensive tobacco.

If she was honest with herself, Victoria would have had a difficult time pulling off what Casey had done; mass-hypnosis was difficult and tiring at best for most true hypnotists.

Victoria preferred more subtle, one-on-one interactions with her subjects; situations where she could take her time and really savor her control over their mind.

“Thank you. It was my pleasure,” Casey said, smiling and nodding in acknowledgment of the compliment.

She blew a few impressive smoke rings as she enjoyed her cigar.

Among the hypnotism community Lady Casey, or “Tiny Tough” as she was known, was something of a specialist; she was a hypnotist with unmatched skill in hypnotizing people quickly as well as one of the best at using mass hypnosis effectively. Casey was also known to be a skilled hypno-duelist, very difficult to hypnotize and skilled at putting other hypnotists into trance.

Tiny Tough was reputed to be fearless, clever and utterly ruthless. She was an enforcer, called on to deal with problems that were either beyond the talents of a typical hypnotist, or dangerous enough that other hypnotists refused the job. In addition, she was often called on to deal with another hypnotist.

Casey didn’t take jobs for money; she did them for the excitement, the challenge and the thrill.

In truth, Casey had gone easy on Anthony and Max; when Victoria hired her, she had requested that she recover the money and make a point, but not go so far that the mobster and his allies would feel like they needed to come after her; a warning was all she wanted.

Casey had delivered quickly, smoothly and perfectly.

She had given the cash taken from the deli to Victoria before going to visit Anthony, keeping seventy-five thousand for expenses, as they had agreed beforehand.

“So where can I drop you?” Victoria asked, as they smoked.

“The Plaza, please. I have a flight tomorrow out to Boise,” Casey replied, finishing her cigar.

“Oh? What is of interest to you in that quaint little city?” Victoria asked with a raised eyebrow.

“That’s where I am from, believe it or not. There is a new hypnotists’ club, The Spiral, opening there. They have offered me a VIP membership, so I am going to check it out. They are hosting a hypnosis-dueling tournament,” Casey replied.

“The Spiral… that is the club Arthur Winston is opening, yes? Be wary of him, he thinks he controls the true hypnotism community, especially hypnosis-for-hire. He’s dangerous,” Victoria said.

“So am I,” Casey replied with a wink.

She was openly admiring Victoria’s long sexy legs and firm round breasts.

“Yes you are,” Victoria agreed with a sultry smile.

She licked her lips as she appreciated Casey’s head-to-toe beauty.

The dark hypnotherapist took a final slow drag on her cigar and set it in the car’s ash tray, then slipped off her shoe and ran her bare foot up Casey’s leg.

Casey smiled; she reached down and took Victoria’s foot in her hands and began to massage it gently.

“I have a very nice suite, if you would like to come up for a night cap,” she said slyly.

“I would love that,” Victoria replied moving to sit beside Casey.

The two hypnotists kissed passionately; when they arrived at the hotel, they barely made it to Casey’s suite before they tore one another’s clothes off and climbed into the huge bed, pausing only to put Janessa and Tanya to sleep on the couch with triggers.

Both women were skilled lovers, and they pleasured each other long into the night, having orgasm after orgasm until they had fallen asleep in a sweaty tangle of arms and legs and sheets.

The next morning, the two beautiful hypnotists went at it again, having passionate sex until they were both quivering and moaning with pleasure. Once they had satisfied each other, they ordered room service and shared a nice leisurely breakfast with Tanya and Janessa waiting on them. By check-out time Casey and Victoria were showered and dressed, each perfectly put together as they rode the elevator down to the lobby.

Janessa and Tanya carried Casey’s luggage; they all got into Victoria’s limousine, which the hypnotherapist had drive to the airport to drop Casey off.

“Thank you for everything you did…everything,” Victoria said with a sly grin.

The little Casey had been an absolute firecracker in bed.

“It was all my pleasure…all of it,” Casey replied.

“Be careful, Tiny Tough. Call me if you need anything. Good luck in the tournament,” Victoria said with a warm smile.

“I will. You do the same. Thank you, Victoria,” Casey replied with a grin of her own.

The two hypnotists shared one more passionate kiss, then Casey got out of the limousine and walked into the airport with Janessa following, carrying her two large suitcases.

A few days later in a large office located in the back of an upscale strip club called The Cinnamon Teal, a crime boss named Raffaello Lucio sat behind his desk looking over figures in an old-fashioned hand-written ledger. He was in his late fifties, a tall and handsome olive-skinned man with a short, greying neatly-groomed beard. His close-cropped thinning black hair had much less grey than his beard, and he had intense pale blue eyes. A bit overweight, he nevertheless looked very classy in an custom grey pinstripe suit.

Raffaello looked up as his office door opened and an exasperated-looking woman walked in and sat on the small leather couch against the wall.

“Hello Anna. I assume you have something important, since you just barged in without knocking,” Raffaello said dryly.

Anna snorted; she was the crime boss’ right hand woman; a ruthless and clever woman, she had started out as a stripper in the very club they were in when she was twenty-two. Over time she had impressed Raffaello with more than her dancing, to the point he started seeking her advice and eventually giving her tasks.

Now thirty, Anna had risen to become one of Raffaello’s most trusted advisors and lieutenants. She was a gorgeous redhead, with fetching green eyes and a marvelous body; her long legs and fantastic tits were only made more inviting by the low-cut dark green silk blouse and short black skirt she had on. Her hair was cut in a short inverted bob, and she wore simple diamond earrings and emerald green sandals with four inch heels. Her finger and toenails were painted a deep metallic green.

“She is on her way from the airport,” Anna said without preamble.

“Oh, Isabella? Excellent. When will she arrive?” Raffaello asked, closing his ledger.

“Any minute. Raffaello, is this really necessary?” Anna asked, crossing her legs.

She began to shake her foot, a sign that she was irritated.

It was a sign Raffaello knew quite well.

“Is what necessary?” he asked amiably.

“Bringing in this…woman. We don’t need her to deal with a rogue hypnotherapist that thinks she’s a gangster,” Anna scoffed.

“Victoria Dominique is far more than a “rogue hypnotherapist”, my dear Anna. True Hypnotists are a tricky and powerful breed, and had I known that Anthony was antagonizing one, I would have stopped him. No, we cannot go after her directly in our normal fashion, not after she sent her colleague to deliver her message. This calls for finesse; what’s the saying? Fight fire with fire? Yes, that is what we will do,” Raffaello said with a smile.

Anna snorted.

“Anna dear, I know you don’t like this, and that you think true hypnotism is all a bunch of hooey, but I assure you it is quite real, very powerful and not to be taken lightly. We are doing this my way, end of discussion,” Raffaello said sternly but kindly.

Anna scowled; before she could argue further, there was a knock at the door.

“Enter,” Raffaello said, standing.

Anna remained seated as the door opened and a tall, beautiful olive-skinned woman strode into the office.

She had long, wavy caramel brown hair that reached almost her mid-back and deep hazel eyes to go with her high sculpted cheekbones and full pouty lips. She had a curvy but fit figure, and she was wearing a shimmering maroon sheath dress and matching five-inch maroon heels that pushed her height past six feet. She wore a pair of dangling diamond earrings, and around her neck was a stunning, beautiful pear-shaped emerald solitaire pendant. It was the largest emerald Anna had ever seen, and it was difficult not to stare at it resting between the woman’s ample breasts.

“Hello. I am Isabella,” she said with a dazzling smile..

“Hello Isabella, welcome. I am Raffaello, and this is Anna. It is an honor to finally meet you!” the crime boss said, walking around his desk and offering his hand.

As he did he gave Anna a subtle look, and his lieutenant also stood.

“Raffaello, Anna buonasera; it is a pleasure to meet you both,” Isabella replied, shaking both their hands.

She had just a hint of an Italian accent, and she radiated confidence and sophistication.

“Please, sit. Would you like a drink?” Raffaello asked, as they all took their seats.

“No, grazie. I am tired and would like to go to my hotel and sleep after our meeting, if that isn’t too presumptuous of me. The jet lag is very tiring,” She said politely, sitting in a chair opposite Raffaello.

“Of course. I trust your flight was smooth?” Raffaello asked.

“Indeed. The jet was lovely. Thank you,” Isabella replied.

She crossed her legs and smiled; Anna had to admit the woman was fascinating despite her skepticism; her every word and movement was a seduction.

“Excellent. I will keep this short so you can get some rest. As I said when we spoke on the phone, I have a little problem with a hypnotist that I need dealt with. I will gladly pay your fee and give you any and all resources you require to eliminate the threat,” Raffaello said.

“Victoria Dominique will be a difficult task; she has quite a reputation. However, she has grown complacent and soft. I can handle her. Have no fear Mr. Lucio, she will not trouble you much longer,” Isabella said confidently.

“Of that I am certain; you have quite a reputation as well. We can discuss the details over a late dinner tonight after you have rested, if you like,” Raffaello replied.

“That sounds perfect,” Isabella agreed with a smile and a nod.

Fifty years old, Isabella had been a true hypnotist for many years. She had mainly worked for various crime bosses and other shadowy individuals in Europe, and was a special retainer for the mafia.

Isabella had grown bored lately, and was looking forward to the challenge of taking down someone as powerful as Victoria Dominique.

The beautiful Italian hypnotist idly fingered her beautiful emerald pendant; it was a potent artifact known as the “Envious Tear”, a legendary gemstone reputed to store, enhance and project hypnotizing energy. It had been in her family for years, passed down from mother to daughter along with their hypnotic traditions.

It was reputed to be one of a matched pair; to Isabella’s knowledge its sister stone had not been seen in years.

Anna had kept her expression carefully neutral throughout the exchange; she was not thrilled at all with her boss bringing in this outsider on something she was certain she could handle.

Anna had found the idea that a hypnotist had somehow been behind the theft at the deli and Anthony’s humiliation ridiculous, and the solution of bringing in their own hypnotist as a counter even more ridiculous.

Anna didn’t believe in “True Hypnotism”.

She waited patiently for the short meeting to end, again standing and shaking Isabella’s hand before the hypnotist left.

Rafaello walked Isabella out of his office, escorting her to the chauffeured car he had assigned to drive her around while she was in town.

After they had left the room, Anna took out her phone and dialed.

“Porter, I need you to look into somebody for me. A woman, Isabella Bellini. She is in a suite at The Westin. Everything you can get. No, she’s working for Raffaello, but I don’t trust her. Get back to me when you can. Thank you,” Anna said.

She disconnected the call and checked the compact Glock nine millimeter pistol she always carried in her waistband.

Anna planned to deal with Victoria Dominique herself, and she was going to do it her way.

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