Bella Beguile: Shadow of Vengeance

Chapter 1

by DazzlingLady

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #f/m #humiliation #sub:female #sub:male

Robin had been taking it easy and relaxing for a couple of weeks following Bella’s adventure at ChronoTech. She saw a few hypnotherapy clients at her office, including Nathan twice; the handsome young firefighter was a regular client for stress and anxiety management, and also served her as a sex-slave. He was typically her last appointment of the day, and after his session Robin usually spent the afternoon fucking him vigorously.

Nathan always left her office feeling happy, relaxed and relieved of his stress.

Upon returning home, Robin was excited and pleased when she logged onto her “work” laptop and found that Jennifer had emailed her about a job offer. She had been growing bored, and was eager for Bella’s next adventure.

She had passed on a job working with some smugglers; it would have taken place two days after the ChronoTech gig, and she generally did not take jobs so close together for a variety of safety and security reasons. She had been sorely tempted to accept the job, because in truth she had found the ChronoTech job almost too easy and was craving more excitement.

However, after discussing it with Jennifer, she had decided to pass. They agreed it was better to go longer than a couple days in between Bella’s appearances, and it would give her arm time to heal up completely.

A meeting between Bella and the potential client was scheduled at a downtown luxury condo that Robin leased under a fake identity for such occasions. She confirmed that Bella would attend, then closed her computer and headed downstairs to her home gym.

Robin did some light yoga and practiced some of her martial arts forms, then showered and packed a bag. After dressing in jeans and a t-shirt, she dialed a number on her cell phone.

“Hello?” a curious female voice answered.

“Hello, Harpy Hailey,” Robin said.

Upon hearing the post-hypnotic trigger, the young woman on the other end of the line went instantly into a hypnotic trance, under Robin’s control.

“I am yours to command, Mistress,” Hailey replied in a dazed voice.

“You will be at the condo in two hours,” Robin commanded.

“Yes Mistress,” Hailey agreed.

Robin unceremoniously disconnected the call; Hailey would awaken in in a few minutes with no memory of the short conversation.

The hypnotist went into her garage and got into her dark blue BMW rather than the silver Porsche 911 turbo beside it.

She drove first to an animal shelter across town, where she requested a meeting with the manager on duty to discuss a donation. Robin quickly found herself in a cramped office with a woman of about thirty named Lisa, a cheerful blond who was clearly committed to saving animals.

“So how can I help you, Robin?” Lisa had asked.

“Well you see Lisa, I’m a diamond dealer and I’m interested in donating to your program,” Robin said with a smile.

“Terrific! That is so wonderful,” Lisa said enthusiastically.

“I’m glad you agree; I have some conditions, so please listen very carefully,” Robin said in her most hypnotic voice.

“Of course; what do you need from me?” Lisa asked.

“First, I would like you to look at this,” Robin said, smoothly raising her hand.

She let a gorgeous diamond pendant dangle at Lisa’s eye-level, glittering as it turned slowly at the end of its delicate gold chain.

The blonde administrator gasped; the diamond was huge and clear, obviously of exceptional quality.

“That’s…wow, that’s beautiful!” She said.

“Yes, it is very beautiful…see how it sparkles…especially when it moves…” Robin said, her voice powerful and soothing.

The diamond began to swing gently back and forth before Lisa’s eyes, seemingly of its own volition; the hypnotist’s hand didn’t even twitch.

The huge stone reflected the office lights in a dazzling manner.

“It’s amazing…so, you are interesting in donating?” Lisa asked, her eyes drawn the the diamond.

She was now intrigued by the possibility that this woman had serious money.

“Yes I truly am…now just relax, Lisa…relax and watch the beautiful diamond…and listen to the sound of my voice,” Robin continued.

Lisa’s eyes were drawn to the glittering gemstone as Robin smoothly continued the induction. A moment later, the blonde fell silent, eyes going wide and unblinking.

Smiling, Robin lowered the pendant and put it in her pocket.

“Now we can have a little chat. Do you hear me Lisa?” the hypnotist asked, smiling.

“Yes ma’am,” Lisa replied.

“Wonderful. I am going to give you twenty-thousand dollars as a donation. You will make certain the money is recorded properly and gets into the shelter’s account to help take care of the animals. Do you understand, Lisa?” Robin asked.

“Yes ma’am,” the dazed woman replied.

“Good girl. You will awaken in five minutes; you will not remember my name or what I looked like, only that I anonymously donated this cash. Understood?” Robin asked.

“Yes ma’am,” Lisa said again.

“Very good. You will awaken feeling relaxed, refreshed and with renewed enthusiasm for your job,” Robin informed her.

The hypnotist set a thick envelope containing part of her fee from her previous job on Lisa’s desk, then rose and left.

Robin left the animal shelter and drove to the upscale storage facility, where she swapped the car tor her blue and silver luxury travel van, loaded with supplies and items she might need as Bella Beguile.

She arrived at her condo a short time later and got ready for her meeting. She showered and then put on a maroon pantsuit, with ruby earrings and tall maroon pumps. Her gold pocket watch hung on its slide-chain around her neck, and her customary sapphire ring was swapped out for a gold one set with a very large red Topaz.

Hailey, Robin’s part-time house-slave and Nathan’s girlfriend arrived a short time later to attend her owner and her guests. Robin had Hailey change into a sexy harem-girl outfit and stand quietly by the wall until called for.

Next Jennifer had arrived; she would remain in a bedroom with a phone and nine-millimeter pistol handy in case Bella got in trouble.

“Thank you for coming, Jen” Robin said, hugging her friend.

“Of course. You know I have your back,” Jennifer replied, kissing Robin on her lips and then heading into the bedroom.

The hypnotist removed her shoes and sat quietly on the floor for moment as she allowed her mindset to shift from Robin to Bella. She had just stood up and slipped on her heels when the doorbell rang.

Bella commanded Hailey to answer the door. The bald beauty obeyed, showing in a very attractive woman with short red hair and green eyes; she wore a dark green blouse and a black pencil skirt to go with four inch black stiletto sandals. Her fingernails were silver, her toenails were black, and the only jewelry she wore was a beautiful diamond and emerald bracelet and a gold anklet.

“Hello, I’m Bella! Welcome,” Bella said with a big smile, offering her hand.

“Thank you. I’m Megan,” the woman replied, taking Bella’s hand.

“Nice to meet you Megan. Please come in. Have a seat, Hailey will fetch you anything you’d like to drink,” Bella said cheerfully.

“This is a fantastic place you have Bella. You have wonderful taste,” Megan said, admiring Bella’s classy and expensively decorated living room as she sat on the couch.

“Oh thank you. Please, have a drink,” Bella said.

“Okay, I’d love some bourbon, if it’s not too much trouble,” Megan said.

“Absolutely no trouble. Hailey, fetch my guest a bourbon and a finger of scotch for me” Bella commanded, snapping her fingers.

“Yes Mistress” Hailey said, moving quickly to obey.

Her guest watched in a bit of awe as the hypno-slave fixed the drinks and served them. Bella dismissed her with a wave.

“Is she…?” Megan asked as she watched Hailey go back to her spot against the wall.

“Hypnotized? Yes” Bella replied with a smile, sitting in a recliner opposite Megan and sipping her scotch.

“And you can make her do…?” Megan asked.

“Anything I want,” Bella replied sweetly.

“Really?” Megan asked, a bit of skepticism in her voice.

“Easily. Would you like a demonstration?” Bella asked casually.

“If it isn’t too much trouble. I am not trying to insult you, Bella. Your reputation is impeccable. I must admit, I am just extremely curious,” Megan replied.

“It is quite alright. My ego may be massive, but it isn’t fragile. Curiosity is understandable; what I do goes far beyond the accepted limitations of hypnotism. Clients often like to see some proof that I can deliver what I claim. What shall we have miss Hailey do?” Robin asked slyly.

Megan chuckled.

“This is all new to me; I am sure anything you choose will be just fine,” she replied, her skepticism showing again.

This time Bella chuckled.

“Hailey, come stand over here and remove your clothes,” Bella commanded casually.

“Yes Mistress,” Hailey said, moving to stand between the two women and shedding her clothes.

“Get down on your hands and knees, Hailey. You will serve as my ottoman,” Bella commanded.

“Yes Mistress,” Hailey said, assuming the position before Bella.

The hypnotist put her feet up on the hypno-slave’s back.

“Impressive. So if I may ask, how did Hailey end up enslaved to you?” Megan asked.

“Let’s just say she drew my ire, and that usually doesn’t end well for people. Especially spoiled, entitled and vapid young women like Hailey,” Bella replied haughtily.

The two women locked eyes.

Bella’s comment wasn’t just an explanation; not a threat so much as a mild warning.

“Don’t fuck with me or you will end up like Hailey here,” The hypnotist managed to silently convey.

Megan smiled.

“I understand. That makes things quite clear,” she replied.

There was no hostility or defensiveness in Megan’s voice; she kept her expression carefully neutral.

In truth, Bella was impressed with her poker face; she could tell Megan was a strong, confident alpha personality, and she wanted as much information about the situation as she could get.

Bella appreciated the sentiment, and truly understood Megan’s skepticism. She had encountered it often at the beginning of a job, and it didn’t bother her a bit.

“Of course. Do you have any more questions?” the hypnotist asked pleasantly.

“Obviously acting as a foot rest is inconsequential. Can you make her steal?” Megan asked.

“Easily,” Bella replied, finishing her scotch.

“Kill?” Megan asked, lowering her voice.

“Herself or someone else? Either way, yes” Bella said casually.

“I see. Thank you for indulging my curiosity, Bella. From one professional to another,” Megan replied, nodding with respect.

“Of course. Hailey, you may return to your spot,” Bella replied.

The naked young woman rose and went back to stand in her designated place.

“I don’t want to take up too much of your time. Shall we discuss business?” Megan asked, sipping her bourbon.

“That sounds lovely. Hailey, refresh our drinks,” Bella said, smiling.

Bella and Megan had a pleasant and efficient conversation about the job; Megan was a go-between for a group of people who imported and sold counterfeit electronics, among other less-than-legal activities. They were looking for someone to recover a shipment of goods in stolen from them by a rival group. Megan had heard that Bella Beguile could do so easier, cheaper and less messy than a group of armed men.

“You are correct about that,” Bella had assured her after hearing the details.

An hour later they had reached an agreement, and Bella walked Megan to the door.

“Thank you, Bella. It was fantastic meeting you. I will transfer the first half of your fee to your account right away,” Megan said.

“Thank you, Megan. It was lovely meeting you as well. I will see you tomorrow evening,” Bella replied with a smile.

The two women shook hands before Megan departed; Bella checked out Megan’s sexy legs and fantastic ass one last time before shutting the door.

Bella had been unable to tell if Megan was into women, but she intended to find out after the job was completed.

“Well that went well,” Jennifer said from behind Bella after she’d closed the door.

The mercenary hypnotist turned to see her friend, wearing only a black G-string bikini bottom, leaning casually against the wall in the hallway, arms casually folded.

“It did. The pay is good and it is nothing I can’t handle,” Bella agreed.

“Bells, this one does sound a bit dangerous,” Jennifer said with concern.

“No more dangerous than hijacking a truck,” Bella countered as she casually began to undress.

“I remember saying that was dangerous too,” Jennifer replied.

Bella chuckled.

“Yes you did. But it was fine, and this will be fine too. I have you watching my back. And think of the money; your cut of two-hundred grand is pretty good. That will cover a lot of tuition,” Bella replied with a wink, now wearing only a dark blue thong.

“Isn’t that the truth. Okay, let’s go discuss it in the hot tub,” Jennifer replied, grinning.

“Hailey fetch us some champagne,” Bella ordered as she followed Jennifer back to the master suite.

“Yes Mistress,” the slave replied.

Bella discussed the job at length in her hot tub with Jennifer over a few glasses of champagne. Jennifer had made a case to call off the job as she often did, playing devil’s advocate. Ultimately Bella decided to go through with it; it was just the kind of action and excitement she was craving.

“Thank you for always looking out for me, Jen” Bella said, placing her hand on Jennifer’s leg.

“Of course, Bells. You look after me too,” Jennifer had replied, putting her hand on top of Bella’s.

The two women shared a passionate kiss. However, they stopped before going any further; despite the frequent casual sex they both engaged in, they had managed not to cloud their relationship by having sex up to this point. Bella and Jennifer both agreed that was for the best.

However, their mutual respect for their relationship did nothing to alleviate their arousal.

Hailey was quite busy for the next hour, licking first Jennifer’s pussy and then Bella’s until both women had cum.

After Hailey had cleaned up and dressed, Bella sent her on her way. She and Jennifer fell asleep together in the huge bed in the condo’s master bedroom, eating chocolate and discussing the purchase of a new car for Jennifer’s daughter Faith.

The next morning Bella rose early, careful not to wake Jennifer. She ate a banana, and then went down to the building’s gym and exercised, then back up to the condo to shower. She dressed in simple white shorts and a blue tank top, then went out and sat cross-legged on the balcony and hypnotized herself. She spent some time contemplating the evening’s job, anticipating possibilities and focusing her mind.

Bella emerged from her trance feeling relaxed, confident and powerful. Going back inside, she smelled the glorious aroma of fresh coffee. Going into the kitchen, she found Jennifer, clad in a plush robe and sitting at the island counter sipping coffee and looking at her phone.

“Good morning Bells. Coffee?” she asked, looking up with a smile.

“Yes, thank you,” Bella replied, joining her friend.

Jennifer poured her a cup and they sat for a few minutes, enjoying the high quality coffee in silence.

“Promise you’ll be careful tonight?” Jennifer finally said.

“I promise, Jen” Bella said, kissing her on the cheek.

“You better. I am going to hold you to that. Now, let’s go get some breakfast. Your treat,” Jennifer replied with a grin.

“Sounds great to me,” Bella laughed.

Bella returned to the condo a couple hours later; after they’d had breakfast, Jennifer had to go to her studio to teach a class.

Bella checked on her costume and made sure it was ready, then laid down and took a two-hour nap. When she woke up, she did some more yoga and then soaked in the hot tub to make sure her body would be ready for the coming exertions. She ate a carb-heavy early dinner, then showered and got dressed in her costume, minus her mask and pulling sweats over the rest of the blue and silver, leather and sheer-paneled outfit. Then she sat an quietly meditated in a trance until it was time to go.

When the sun had started to sink below the horizon, Bella went down and got into her van, driving to a largely deserted industrial area on the edge of the city. Parking the van among several other vans belonging to an HVAC company, Bella removed her sweats and put on her mask, then slipped into the shadows and made her way toward her target.

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