Demonic Advertising

by DarthKyra

Tags: #consensual_kink #D/s #dom:male #f/m #hypnosis #sub:female #hypnotic_orgasms #wholesome

Melissa didn’t realize messing up an ad slogan would have such interesting results.

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“Cal- Calgon take me away,” Melissa finally managed to get out through her tears as she lay on her bed, exhausted from crying after the week from hell. Her pet project at work had been hijacked by one of her coworkers, and she had been pushed out, all her hard work being attributed to the coworker. Her car was on its last legs and the mechanic had quoted an absurd amount just to keep it running.
Then, the worst only a few hours before.  Her boyfriend, and dominant, whom she thought was going to propose to her, had instead unceremoniously dumped her via a text message, and not even one to her. Instead, it had been a message to the group chat of their scene friends. He'd been showing off the engagement ring he’d given to one of their mutual friends, Elli, who the text had described as his 'perfect submissive girl and fiancee'.
Melissa doubted that, she’d seen Elli at the various clubs they’d all played in.  But maybe she was different with The Jerk (she couldn’t call him by his name or Master now. He’d thrown away that right). She was regretting letting The Jerk play with other submissives, as she was guessing that’s how he and Elli had hooked up and he’d been cheating on Melissa.  Or who knows, he might have been cheating on Elli with Melissa, if they’d known each other that well to be engaged now. Melissa wasn’t about to ask, and her phone was off so she didn’t have to talk to anyone.
“Well, this is different.”
Melissa jumped as someone spoke in her bedroom.  She turned to find a gorgeous man standing next to her bed, wearing only a pair of black silk pants with an intriguing bulge at the front.  He was tall, his skin a dark tan, with long, silky black hair.  He looked like every sexual fantasy she’d ever had.  She opened her mouth, but had to swallow before she could speak, voice still thick with her tears.
“Who are you?”
He gave her a smile, his oddly violet eyes twinkling.  “I am the Incubus Kal’Kalgone, and you summoned me.”
Melissa blinked.  “What?” she finally asked, even as her body was urging her to kneel before this man. Incubus. Demon? Whatever, she wanted to kneel and submit,but she knew she had to fight that need.
He huffed out a frustrated breath. “I am the Incubus Kal’Kalgone.  You summoned me.”
She blinked. “I was joking,” she finally said. “I’ve said it lots of times.”
He cross his arms over his chest and scowled. “I know. You and millions of other women, and men, ever since I pissed off one of the succubi and she planted that slogan in the ear of an advertising executive.”  He growled. “Since it isn't my full name, it doesn’t summon me, but it does trigger my incubus needs if an adult says it, leaving me in a horny limbo.  For. Decades.”  He shifted. “You, my dear, are the first person in a very, very, long time to actually use my full name.  So here I am, at your service. And very much interested in servicing you. I’ve been denied for so long.”  He leered at her.
Melissa flushed at the arousal that went through her. “I…” she stopped, realizing that she had summoned him. His name was Kal’Kalgone, and she’d hiccuped and started over.
“Oh fuck -I summoned a demon. An incubus. Horny demons who seduce women in their sleep.” What a crappy end to a crappy week.
“Yes, you did and yes, I am,” he said. “Though the seduction is not always while women are asleep, despite what they would tell their male relatives who got all upset that a woman would indulge in her sexual needs against their narrow minded mores.”
Melissa shook her head.  “I… well, this would track my crappy week. Work hijacked, boyfriend proposes to someone else, car dead, and I summon a demon.”
“I would hope that I’m at least a happy thing. After all, I feed off sexual energy, so that does mean orgasms for you, my dear. I have watched and read modern media, and I know that is important to modern woman. And something some modern men apparently still think isn’t important for women.” He rolled his eyes.
“Is there a way to un-summon you?”  Kal’Kalgone go away, she thought, but not wanting to say it out loud. After all, with her crappy week, even demon induced orgasms would be a nice change.
“There is, but the best way to get rid of me is to give in to my power. Once I’ve been satiated, I usually disappear. Unless there is reason for me to stay.”  He uncrossed his arms and moved to sit on the bed, one hand reaching out to gently trace over her ankle. She couldn’t help the shiver that went through her. “Let me show you my power.”
Melissa sucked in a breath as arousal flooded her again. “I… I shouldn’t.”
“Don’t tell me that even now women have to hide their own wants and desires behind facades to appease men’s fragile egos.”  He paused. “Oh, he was one of those, wasn’t he. Making you suppress your self for his own selfish needs, ridiculing your desires and wants as beneath him? How do I know?” He voiced her unasked question. “I’m a seduction demon, we can tell what turns on our partners, and can glean your past experiences to ensure we don’t create issues. After all, if I just took what I wanted, and you didn’t enjoy it, or if I caused you pain that you didn't enjoy, it deprives me of your orgasmic energy, as only orgasms you enjoy create the necessary energy for me." He trailed a finger down the top of her foot. "And if you don't enjoy it, why would you summon me again? And I do want you to want to summon again me to provide service.”  His finger moved back up to trace around her ankle bone, and she fought not to melt into the gentle touch.
“So the stories of sex with sleeping women?”
“Some women wanted to have pleasure in their dreams so they could honestly state they were not aware of what I was doing. Some women were full participants but only said they weren’t to appease the men in their lives.  Some women truly enjoy being seduced in their sleep, or in a half sleep, and that created better pleasure for all.”  He smiled. “Like you, they were Daughters of Hypnos, needing to be seduced in mind before their body was ready.”
“I…” Melissa stopped. Daughter of Hypnos. Not a term she’d heard before but it was true, she had a hypnosis kink and being tranced was a turn on for her, more than anything else. The Jerk had put her down for it, so she’d repressed her needs and tried to enjoy what he needed.
“He was an idiot.”  Kal’Kalgone’s fingers traced up her leg to her knee. “Let me show you what you need, let me seduce your mind and body to the pleasure of us both.”
She should not do this. Should not give into a demon named for bath products, but even as she thought that, she knew she had already the moment he’d said he was an incubus, maybe before then.  Still.
“What exactly would agreeing mean?” she made herself ask.
Kal’Kalgone smiled. “I would seduce your mind into a trance, and then your body, using your orgasms to feed my decades long hunger.”
“Just ordering to orgasm or actual sexual acts? And for how long?”
He smiled wider. “Both. As for what kind of sexual acts, fucking you, fingering you, eating you out, having you suck me.  And until I’m satiated. Or your body can’t handle more and I let you drift into sleep. I know our reputation, but I don’t drain women to their death.  As I said, I want to be summoned again, and again.” He lightly traced around her kneecap.
Melissa swallowed. “Okay,” she finally said. “I accept on those terms.”
Kal’Kalgone smiled, fingers stroking her legs still. “Good girl,” he said lowly, sending a shiver through her. “You know what I am,” he said, his voice still low, soothing and compelling. Melissa found herself staring into his violet eyes, unable to look away as she felt her arousal ramping up, and conversely her body relaxing. 
“You know what I will do for you, Daughter of Hypnos, once you have surrendered to my power.  You know you don’t need to think anymore, don’t need to worry about what is happening.  Just surrender, mind, body, will.” 
His hand trailed down to gently massage the tendon at the back of her ankle, sending waves of pleasure through her that relaxed her, and she felt herself sinking, mentally.  She didn’t need to think, just relax, let go.  She wanted this, needed it.
She was entitled to her surrender.
He waved his free hand, and she sucked in a breath as she was suddenly naked, open to his gaze.  His other hand still massaged her ankle and his voice was soothing, urging her to give in, as a Daughter of Hypnos, to surrender her mind and body to Kal’Kalgone.  She felt her thoughts slow, her mind surrendering to him. 
“What are you?” he asked, his hands sliding up her legs to her thighs.
“A Daughter of Hypnos,” she said, still staring into his eyes.
“And what does a Daughter of Hypnos do for her incubus?”
“Surrender,” she breathed as she closed her eyes, letting him have her mind, her body, her will.
“Oh, so wonderful,” he said, his fingers sliding up and into her, stroking her clit.  “Surrender, and come.”
She cried out and pleasure washed through her, sinking her mind deeper into his control.  She could feel him absorbing her energy, and it turned her on, that her arousal was his fuel.
“Come,” he said again, and she sank more as she cried out, fully in his power, no thoughts, no will of her own.
Just his.
He slid into her, stretching her, sending more pleasure through her as he thrust and thrust, murmuring words of praise and encouragement even as he ordered her not to come until he allowed it.  She whimpered, but obeyed, moving at his orders, stopping when he ordered.  She didn’t know how long he controlled her until he commanded her to come, releasing the pent up pleasure in a wave that kept going as he kept commanding. 
A stray thought that she shouldn’t be able to keep coming was driven out by his command to come again, and she did, all thoughts wiped out in her obedience.
Later, she would recall being on her knees, sucking his cock, then on her back as he fucked her again, then riding his face as he ate her out, in other positions she would never have considered, all at his command.  Her pleasure was his to command as well, as she was only able to come when he allowed it.
In the moment, she didn’t care. He commanded, she obeyed, like a good Daughter of Hypnos.  Her obedience, and his praise of it, increased her pleasure when she obeyed his commands to come. 
She felt like she could spend the rest of her life in this obedience-pleasure state, submitting her mind, body, and will to Kal'Kalgone.
Turning her onto her stomach and raising her hips so she was on her knees before him, he entered her again, holding her back from coming, building her higher and higher until he released her orgasm, her energy, and she screamed as she came, feeding him one last burst of energy before she slid into sleep, exhausted, hearing him praise her before it all went black.
Melissa woke to someone stroking her hair and sunlight streaming into her room.  She stretched, feeling pleasantly sore and absolutely satisfied.   She remembered the night, the incubus she had summoned.  Had she really had sex with demon named Kal’Kalgone? Or was that just a very horny dream?
A chuckle in her ear sent tingles down her spine.  “I was very much real, my sweet Daughter of Hypnos, and I thank you for your energy.  I’ll happily come at your call anytime.”
She opened her eyes, but whoever had been in her room was gone.  The room was clean, and she was dressed in her usual nightgown.
If it wasn’t for some of the bruises on her hips and at least one hickie on her breasts, she would really think it was a dream.
She lay back in the bed, closing her eyes and letting herself remember until she had to get up to grab some food, her stomach making it clear she need fuel to make up for her sex filled night.  That involved actual sex demon summoning,
"Well," she muttred, "at least the sex demon made sure I came, and came, and came. Unlike some people, he definitely left me satisfied."
Two days later, she got more satisfaction when in the group chat (that she hasn’t left yet) Elli dumped The Jerk. He immediately tried to come crawling back to Melissa, but she while his begging satisfied her hurt soul, no fucking way was she taking him back.  She blocked his number, left the group chat, and felt like a weight had lifted off her shoulders.
Three weeks later, after her colleague had been exposed for stealing her project at work and her car had miraculously managed to be repaired for much less than had been quoted, Melissa came to a decision.
On Friday night, she locked all her doors and stripped naked, kneeling on the floor next to her bed.  Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she spoke clearly.
“Kal’Kalgone, take me away.”
A body appeared at her back, pressing against her as familiar dark tan hands came around to cup her breasts.
“I will happily take your mind and will away, Daughter of Hypnos,” a familiar voice said.  ‘I’m so glad you have summoned me again.”
“After last time, and what I suspect you did for my life, the least I can do is summon you again.”  She pushed into his hands.
His fingers tweaked her nipples. “Mm.  How could I not reward someone who gave so generously of her mind and body at our previous encounter?”
Melissa gasped as she felt herself dropping in anticipation of surrender, arousal rising. “Hoping I would summon you again?”
“And my hopes were granted,” he purred into her ear.  “Same terms as last time?”
He stroked her breasts and stomach.  “Then surrender to me, Daughter of Hypnos,” he said, his voice dragging her mind down again.  “Give me your mind, your body, your will.” He pushed her forward until she was on her hands and knees.
“Yes, Master,” she whispered as she surrendered, letting Kal’Kalgon take her away.
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