Crystal Mind

by DarthKyra

Tags: #consensual_kink #hypnosis #hypnotic_orgasms #pov:bottom #wholesome

A flash of green through the peephole, and her mind is caught.

This is a companion piece to Lazy Time. You don't have to read these in any order.

She started at the knock on her hotel door. She'd just arrived at the conference, and hadn't even had a chance to check in with the conference organizers to get her badge yet, much less unpack the bags that were sitting on the couch in the room. There was no one who should be knocking at her door.

The knock sounded again, and she moved over to peer out the peep hole. There was a green flash outside the hole, and she found herself reaching out, undoing the privacy latch and opening the door.

Her eyes were drawn to the green crystal on a chain that the man at the door held up. Part of her mind thought she'd seen it before. The rest of her mind was slowly emptying, being pulled into the crystal.

"Let me in, Emma," the man said, moving forward.

She stepped back, letting him into the room. He turned to latch the door, the crystal briefly disappearing. Emma blinked, trying to recover, to remember why this wasn't right.

Then the crystal was back, and she was caught in the green light, mind blanking.

"Yes, that's right," the man said softly. "You've seen this before, Emma. You know what power it has. You can see it pulling your mind, your thoughts, your will into its depths.  Little silver strands of thoughts running from your head into the crystal.  Can you see them, Emma?"

"Yes," she said softly, watching the glittery strands move from her mind to the slowly twisting green crystal. Each inch that disappeared into the crystal left her more blank, unable to move or think on her own.

"That's right, no thoughts, just blank, empty mind, sinking down into that comfortable darkness, hearing only my voice, letting it guide you down."

She stared, unable to speak or think, seeing the silver strands of her thoughts sink into the green crystal.

"When you see the last of your thoughts, your will, disappear into the crystal, you will tell me, Emma. The words will come naturally and easy, as they have before."

Emma stared at the crystal. She saw the last bit of silver exit her mind, sliding away and disappearing into the crystal with a final flash.  

"I am David's blank, lazy girl."  The words came out of nowhere, without thought.


"I am David's blank, lazy girl."


"I am David's blank, lazy girl."

"Who is David?"

"David is my Hypnotic Master."

"What do blank, lazy girls do for their Hypnotic Master?"

"Blank, lazy girls obey."

"Very good, Emma, very good.  Just drift for a moment, letting my words fill your blank mind. You know you must obey your Hypnotic Master, obey me."

She stared at the crystal as it was slowly lowered.  "You must keep must keep your eyes on the crystal, Emma."

It moved below her eyes, and Emma found herself sinking down, kneeling in front of the man, her eyes still fixed on the crystal. He rested it on something that didn't register with her mind, as she couldn't look away from the crystal to see what it was. Her Hypnotic Master had told her to keep her eyes on the crystal.  She obeyed her Hypnotic Master.

"Emma, your mind and your will are in the crystal," the voice said from behind her.  "You are my blank, lazy girl. Repeat."

"My mind and my will are in the crystal. I am your blank, lazy girl."

"Emma, blank, lazy girls obey their Hypnotic Master. Repeat."

"Blank, lazy girls obey their Hypnotic Master."


"Blank, lazy girls obey their Hypnotic Master."

She vaguely felt herself being moved, felt cloth whispering over her skin.


"Blank, lazy girls obey their Hypnotic Master."

Her breasts swung free, nipples hardening in the cool air. In some vague part of her mind, she knew she was aroused, but it didn't really matter. All that mattered was the crystal, and the words of her Hypnotic Master.

"Beautiful blank, lazy girl."

A thrill went through her at those words, her wetness increasing, hips jerking a little. Her eyes closed briefly, then shot open, needing to stay on the crystal.

Cloth slid up her thighs and hips, fingers trailing down her abdomen to dip under panties, flicking her clit. She moaned, wanting more.

The hands withdrew instead, and the something cold slid along one hip, then the other, and her panties fell away.  The air made her gasp again.

"Beautiful blank, lazy girl."

Her clit throbbed and her pussy clenched, pleasure spiking through her.  She wanted more, whining in her throat a bit.  She heard him chuckle, then felt him pushing her shoulders forward, and she bent over, eventually ending up on her hands and knees, keeping her eyes on the crystal as her Hypnotic Master had ordered.

"Beautiful blank, lazy girl."

She spasmed again, moaning, wanting more.

"Emma, blank, lazy girls obey their Hypnotic Master. Repeat."

"Blank, lazy girls obey their Hypnotic Master."


"Blank, lazy girls obey their Hypnotic Master."

"Emma, blank, lazy girls do not come without permission. Repeat."

She gasped as he slid into her, hot and hard, her pussy clenching around him. "Blank, lazy girls do not come without permission."

He slid out of her slowly, then back in. "Repeat."

"Blank, lazy girls do not come without permission."

Another thrust. "repeat."

"Blank, lazy girls do not come without permission."

Over and over, he thrust into her, driving her closer to orgasm, but each time she got close, he would drag her back from the brink by having her repeat the mantra. "Blank, lazy girls do not come without permission." It came out in a near sob as her body screamed to be able to come, but couldn't.

His voice was in her ear, even as he thrust into her again.

"Emma, come for your Hypnotic Master."

She screamed, sobbing out her release as the world went white around her, breath hitching as each wave crashed into her. She felt him still thrusting into her, felt his final thrust as he came inside her, his moans mingling with her whimpers.

She opened eyes she didn't remember closing, the green crystal catching her gaze. She stared at it as her breathing slowed, aware of his hands gently stoking over her back.  "You don't have to keep your eyes on the crystal now, Emma. You can lie down when you are ready."

She kept staring at the crystal, aftershocks running through her.  She felt him pull out of her, his hands still running over her.  She slid to one side, lying down, eyes focused on nothing as she kept breathing. His hands kept stroking her.

"You can start to come up now, Emily, rising higher and higher back to awareness.  Your mind and your will are returning to you from the crystal as you become more and more aware of the world around you, remembering everything that you need to remember.  The crystal will have no power, Emily, when you awaken."

She took in a breath, feeling more awake, eyes blinking more.

"Awake at the count of five, Emily. One. Two. Three. Four. Five." he snapped his fingers. "Wide awake."

Emily blinked rapidly, still lethargic, as she turned her head and stared at the man behind her. "Damn," she said with a smile.

Her husband smiled back. "You enjoy that, hon?" He asked.

"God," she said, sitting up, letting him help her. She leaned against him. "I'm guessing that was one of my fantasies?"

"You don't remember emailing it to me?"

"Dave, you know I rarely remember the fantasies I email to you as the result of that suggestion."  Emily stretched, glancing around the hotel room they had both checked into barely an hour before. "I remember checking in, with you. And then when we got to the room, you said... something. Next thing I recall, I was alone in the room and someone knocked on the door. I saw the gem," she turned to look at it, lying on a box. It gleamed in the hotel lights, but she didn't feel any compulsion to look at it.

"It only held your gaze during that scene."

"Well, it was impossible to look away from while it did.  And I had no idea who you were, other than my Hypnotic Master. Not that that's new," she added with a smile.

Dave chuckled. "What is Emma?"

"Emma is David's blank, lazy girl," she said automatically.  She frowned and smacked him. "No fair."

"Yes fair."  He leaned in. "So, was that a good start to the erotic hypnosis convention?"

"Mmm, yes," she replied. "But I don't know how you'll top that for the next four days."

David gave her a sly grin. "Oh, with your 'help' over the past few months, I think I can."  He leaned in. "Speaking of, I think it's time to get ready for tomorrow's big event.  Emma, lazy time, darling."

Her breath caught as she started to protest, but the trigger pulled her down, her eyes half-closing as she started slipped into trance. "Look at the crystal, Emma," David ordered.

Opening her eyes, she stared at the crystal, unable to look away as she sank further into trance.

"That's right, Emma, further and further down, your mind and will slipping into the crystal, no thoughts but my thoughts, no words but my words."  He paused. "When you have no thoughts but my thoughts, no words but my words, then you will tell me, Emma. You will say the words you know you must say."

She stared at the crystal, her mind blanking more and more. Finally, she heard herself saying, "I am David's blank, lazy girl."

"Well done, Emma."  He leaned in and said something else, but the world went dark and fuzzy.

When she woke, she was lying on the bed, Dave tapping away at his computer next to her. Emily stretched, taking in his smug grin when he looked at her.

This was going to be a fun few days.

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