Uncommon Scents

Chapter 3

by Czarzhan

Tags: #comic_book #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #f/m #sub:female #happy_slaves #pheromones #scent

Uncommon Scents by Czarzhan

Chapter Three

It was two weeks later, at his new job, that Bob considered something was amiss. He was recording payments into the company ledger when he ran across a bill for a medical procedure. This, in itself, was not unusual. Medical expenses had their own special code in the database, and the entry was a simple matter. He would have entered it without a second thought, but then he saw the name of the patient: Olive Louise Ames.

Why was Carol’s company paying for a medical procedure for Liv? She didn’t even work for Carol. He looked over the bill more closely. ‘Extracting spinal fluid specimen for testing.’ What the hell was that for? He decided to ask Liv when he got home.

A folder slapped down on the desk, making Bob jump slightly. “A couple more receipts for you, Mr. Erickson,” the lady who dropped the folder stated with a smirk.

Bob smiled in return, noting the break in her normally stern demeanor. “Thank you, Ms. Callis.”

She made to step away, but paused. “Would you be offended if I called you Robert?”

Bob shrugged. “Except for the fact that it’s not my name.”

“What--? But I thought…”

“My parents actually named me Bob. It’s not short for anything.” Then he grinned. “But I don’t mind you using it. May I call you,” he stopped short. “I’m afraid I don’t know your first name.”

“Tessa,” she smiled.

“Ah,” now Bob understood. “Like Carol’s secretary.”

“Right, and I can’t really go by ‘Tessa C…’”

“Since the other Tessa’s last name is Collins,” he finished.


Bob nodded again. To most of the people in the office, Ms. Callis liked to present as a hard ass. Her auburn hair was pulled back in a severe bun. The business suits she wore, while stylish and doing little to hide the curves of her body, also did nothing to accentuate them. She always looked like she was prepared for a day in court rather than in the small cubicle farm Carol’s office building held. Bob was unsure if her choice of attire was the result of her having to use her last name to avoid confusion in the otherwise laid back office, or if the way she preferred to be addressed was an outgrowth of the image she wished to project with her wardrobe.

Now she had started opening up to him, which told him his “power” (Liv liked to call it the Bob Effect) had begun to affect her. ‘Let’s see if I can push her a little,’ he mused. He knew she hated nicknames. “Why don’t you go by T.C.?”

“T.C.?” she began to sneer.

“I like it!” he stated before she could say more, and watched her closely.

She slowly blinked, once, twice, as the scorn faded from her face. “You-- you like it?”

“Yeah. It suits you,” he replied with a smile.

“I-- I suppose I could give it a try.”

“That’s all I ask,” he smiled.

Shortly after Ms. Callis, or rather, “T.C.” wandered off, Willow from shipping stood in the entryway to Bob’s cubicle. Despite her height, over six feet tall, “willowy” was NOT a word you would use to describe her. She was somewhat curvy, but with large muscles and wide shoulders. Her blonde hair was close-cropped, and a pretty face hidden behind her wire-rimmed glasses. She was currently wearing brown coveralls. “Good morning, Bob,” she greeted him with a smile.

“Hey, Willow,” he replied. “What can I do for you?”

“When are you heading out to lunch?”

He checked the clock. “In about… ten minutes. Why?”

“Come find me down in the mail room. We can go together.”

“Sure. I’ll see you in ten minutes.”

Fifteen minutes later, Willow was bent over some crates in the shipping supply closet, her coveralls in a heap around her ankles, revealing the lingerie she had worn underneath. The panties were similarly down, allowing Bob easy access as he pistoned in and out of her pussy. “Ah! God! Just like that!! Don’t stop! Don’t stoooooooop!” she screamed through gritted teeth, trying with little success to keep her voice down.

Bob, meanwhile, did his best to oblige, keeping pace as his hips smack against her ass, with one hand between her shoulder blades to brace himself and the other in her short hair, having to grab scalp to get a grip. “Yes! Yeeesss!” he growled as he felt her pussy shudder in orgasm. “You’re my Amazon fuckdoll! Say it!”

“I am!” she cried. “I’m your Amazon fuckdoll! Master! Use your fuckdoll! Make me yours! AAAAAaaaaAAAAAGH!” as she came again. Bob came with her.

Willow had been an early conquest for Bob. Less than a week after he started at the company, she seemed to just fall right into his influence. She let him know she was available almost immediately, and now tried to get in one to two trysts per day. This was the first time she tried to surprise him with the sexy underwear under her work clothes.

After they finished, he had her clean him up, then stand at attention, coveralls and panties still at her feet and the sheer teddy leaving nothing to the imagination. He slowly walked around her, hand sliding lightly down an arm or across her ass, as if inspecting a thoroughbred before purchase. She was blushing from forehead to nipple. It was humiliating. It was degrading.

It was a hidden fantasy Bob had uncovered the second time he had her in a blissed out trance.

He moved around to the front and stepped back, tapping his chin as if considering something. Finally, he spoke, “Yeah, I think I’ll keep you.” and watched her come again just from that. It was the simple things, y’know?


“I’m home.”

Liv wore only a cropped Peak Performance t-shirt and red thong panties as she stepped up and gave Bob a peck on the cheek. “Dinner’s almost ready,” she informed him as she took his briefcase.

He wrapped his now-free hand around her waist before she could go very far. “What kind of greeting is that?” and he pulled her in for a much deeper kiss.

“Welcome home, sir,” she grinned after he released her lips.

He didn’t let her go right away, his free hand snaking under her crop top, grabbing a bra-free tit. He watched her face as she closes her eyes and tilts her head back, enjoying the feel of his groping, the sense of his finger and thumb pinching and lightly twisting the erect nipple. He watched her get lost in the moment, almost missing Cathy’s approach.

“Hi,” she grinned. “Do you like my t-shirt?” She held her arms out to the side for him to examine the almost-too-tight T, which seemed to be struggling to contain her obviously braless tits.

“I like what it’s holding,” he quipped, then read the stylized lettering. “‘BSG Club’?”

Cathy grinned and turned around to show him the back, which read, “Bob’s Sexy Girls.” In much smaller print on the bottom near the hem were the words, “This garment and its contents are the property of Bob.”

“Cute. I take it this is not the only one of these?” he inquired.

“My brother owns a silk-screen shop,” she replied. “He designed them. I asked him to print a couple in each size as samples. When I get a more accurate count of the membership, I’ll order the sizes we need.”

“Your brother?” he asked, to which she nodded. “And how did he react when you had him add the ‘Property of Bob’ bit at the bottom?”

“He gave me a dirty look and called me lucky.”

Bob was nonplussed. “Huh?”

Liv smirked. “Her brother is Steven. From the gym? Remember, one of the gay guys that was crushing on you?”

“Oh,” Bob chuckled. To Liv, “Have you gotten one yet?”

She nodded. “Tank top. Grabbed one for Michelle, too. Show off those muscles.” She made for the dinner table. “Let’s eat.”

As he followed, Bob mused, “Speaking of muscles, you should order an extra-large tank for this girl at work.”

Liv laughed. “New conquest? Well, we knew that was going to happen, where ever you spent a lot of time.”

“Yeah, but this girl was into me practically from the moment she met me on my second day. The others have started warming to me, especially now that they’ve all started at the gym--”

“Increased exposure,” Liv supplied, handing him the plates.

“--but none of the others have really ‘dialed in’ yet, as you put it, Liv,” Bob continued as he set the plates while Liv got the flatware. “Although, I have been gently pushing my limits with some of them. And I haven’t even seen Willow at the gym at all.”

Liv’s blinked in surprise. “Willow? Really tall muscle girl, short blonde hair, glasses?”

“You know her?”

She laughed as they took their seats. “She’s been coming to Peak Performance for years! You’ve never met her because she’s shy and only works out in the middle of the night. She’s Dave’s sister, and since he’s the manager he gave her a key. She is not a tiny girl. Better make her shirt a 3X at least.”

“I’ll make a note,” Cathy replied as she served the food. “So she’s been getting low key exposed to residual Bob Effect every time she worked out for the last several months? I guess she was really primed when she finally met you!”

Bob nodded. “I guess that explains it.”

“Now, what was this about pushing limits?” Liv wanted to know. But before Bob could begin, her phone chimed an incoming message alert. On checking it, she jumped up. “Oh! Gotta run!” She quickly gave Bob a kiss and sprinted for the door. “Be back soon!”

“O...kay,” he replied to the door as it closed. To Cathy, he asked, “Any idea what that was about?”

“Not a clue,” she chuckled. Then she noted the time. “Oh, no!”

“What? What’s wrong?”

“I have to leave for work in twenty minutes,” she frowned.


“So,” she replied, “you’ll be here all alone.”

“...I think I’ll be okay.”

“Are you sure? I could call in…”

“You just want to take advantage of having me all to yourself.”

“Well… yeah,” she laughed.

“You shouldn’t skip work, but,” he grinned, “we still have twenty minutes.”

She gave a seductive smile and leaned in close, “Well, then, to paraphrase your favorite movie: Is there anything you’d like to do with me? Or, more to the point, to me?” She bit her lower lip.

He leered at her straining T. “Your tits are really stuffed in there. Let’s see if we can stuff a bit more between them…”

* * *

The next night, on hearing a knock at the door, Bob muttered, “Pause. Not you, the show.” He then called out, “It’s open, Michelle.” As she stepped in, he patted the seat on the couch beside him. “Have a seat.”

As she moved to the indicated spot, she realized they were not alone. Bob had his ankles crossed on the back of the lady kneeling before him worshiping his manhood. “Should I ask, sir?”

“This is Willow,” he replied. Gesturing for Michelle to draw close so he could whisper, he continued. “She gets off on being treated like an object.” Then, louder. “Unpause.”

Without stopping her ministrations, Willow raised a hand holding the TV remote and pressed the “Play” button, restarting the movie on the screen. Bob then draped an arm around Michelle’s shoulders. “Wanna make out?”

Glancing at Willow, she replied, “I would love to, but I need to talk to you about something.”

“Go ahead.”

Michelle grimaced. “Um. It has to do with…” she silently mouthed the words, “secret identities.”

“Ah,” he glanced at the blonde head moving up and down his shaft. “Okay. Willow, focus on what is being said on the show and ignore anything we say until I address you directly.” He gave the brunette next to him a thoughtful smile. Remembering Michelle had a brother who was deaf, he gestured, ‘Sign language?

Michelle blinked, then signed, ‘Were you aware that Liv started thieving again?

What? Are you sure?

She nodded. ‘When I was patrolling, I stumbled across her exiting Apex Technology by way of the roof last night. No alarms had gone off, but she had no business being there and when I called out to her, she bolted.

He turned toward her. At least, as much he could while allowing Willow to continue her ministrations. ‘Did you talk to her? Maybe it wasn’t—

It was her.’ Michelle’s expression left no room for doubt. ‘I chased her over a dozen rooftops. And she was fast, too. Faster than I’d seen her run before. I guess that should have been a clue.

What do you mean? What happened?

I’d almost caught her, and she vanished. Turns out I was chasing one of her mirages.’ At Bob’s confused look, she explained, ‘Aside from her other powers and abilities, Midnight Mirage can make these… doppelganger illusions of herself, that she can send off as decoys.

You lost her?

She shrugged. ‘I don’t even know when she switched out the decoy. At no point did I see two of her…

Bob’s brow furrowed. ‘You think she’s back in the game?

I don’t know. I mean, she stopped when you moved in with her to protect you from any backlash from that life. Something I completely agree with, even of she were a hero instead of a thief. You’re too important to risk. The point is,’ she clarified as he rolled his eyes, ‘we need to talk to her. We need to find out what’s going on.

The two turned to look as they heard the door open. It was Liv. “Okay, Willow,” Bob stated as he brought his feet back to the floor, “that’s enough. Thank you for the head, but I have private things I need to discuss with these ladies. Go home.”

Willow rose to her feet, keeping eye contact with Bob. “Yes, Master.” She licked her lips with a smile and moved to leave, grabbing her shirt from the couch arm. As she pulled it over her head, Liv murmured a greeting as she passed. She nodded in reply, then called back as she reached the door, “I’ll see you at work tomorrow?”

“Yup,” he replied. “Goodnight.” After the door closed, his gaze fell on Liv. “Sit, woman. We need to talk.”

As she took her place beside Bob opposite Michelle, she gestured toward the door. “Master?”

“I caught that, too,” Michelle agreed with a smirk.

“It’s just—” Bob began.

“I think,” Liv interrupted, “our dear Master is starting to realize how much he likes being in charge.”

“That’s not--” he tried again.

This time Michelle cut him off, teasing, “I think you’re right, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. Look at that blush!”

“Enough!” Bob laughed, as the ladies broke into giggles. He quickly pulled himself together. “Okay, both of you. You want me in charge? Fine. How about this: focus and drop for me.” He glanced to either side, watching the two as the expression drained from their faces. “Liv, keep dropping deeper and deeper.” He turned to the other woman. “Michelle, wake up,” he commanded, reaching up to lightly twist a nipple through her shirt. She eeped, and he sent her to the kitchen for three bottles of water.

He returned his attention to Liv. After taking a few more minutes to deepen her trance, he asked her if she had broken in to Apex Technology the night before, to which she answered, “Yes.”

“Why?” Bob inquired.

“To acquire the XM-3621C controller board they had there.”

“But why did you break in in the first place?”

“Ms. Black needed it for a project.”

“Carol?” Bob muttered.

“Your boss?” Michelle asked.

Bob thought about the medical invoice that crossed his desk the day before. “What else has she told you to do?”

“She told me to acquire the Djl’bar med scanner from Auburn Regional Hospital. She told me to deliver it to her at Deep Flight Parcel. She told me to know that she and Toxinatrix were different people, even if they smelled the same.”

“Toxinatrix?!” Michelle gasped, but Bob motioned her to be quiet.

Liv wasn’t finished. “She told me to enjoy being used by her. She told me to look forward to being used by her in the future. She also told me to tell her I was hers, any time, any place, and in any way, but I couldn’t, of course.”

Bob felt a shiver run down his spine and out of the corner of his eye saw Michelle give a similar reaction. Slowly, he asked, “And… and why not?”

Liv gave a dreamy smile. “Because I belong to you.”

Michelle kept her voice down even as she began to freak out. “Shit! Shit! This is bad, sir. Toxinatrix! Fuck!” She stood and began to pace around the room.

“I get that this is bad news,” Bob said to the pacing heroine, “but I don’t really know anything about Tox… Toxinatrix?” He puzzled at the unfamiliar name.

“I only got the name after questioning some lackeys when I stopped a robbery a couple months back. I didn’t get anything more, though. They were scared to death of her. She runs a small crime ring, dealing in stolen property and sometimes drugs.”

“And has hired me as her accountant for, I guess, her front business,” Bob muttered.

“We had no clues as to who she really is. This would be a real break, in any other circumstance.”

“What do you mean?”

“We can’t report this, at least not right now. Doing so puts you at risk.”

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Michelle!”

“I’m serious, sir! Based on what her lackeys thought of her, who knows how she’ll react if she finds out you were involved. Not to mention if you get swept up when the police raid the front business. And what if that leads to what you can do becoming public? We really can’t risk it, sir.”

“Okay, okay. But let’s table that for a moment. Liv,” he addressed the entranced woman, “if you belong to me, why are you following her orders?”

“She told you she was borrowing me.”

“When--?” he began, then it hit him. “Oh my god, that was weeks ago. Okay, Liv, listen to me carefully: I am taking you back from Ms. Black. You are no longer on loan to her. Any triggers she has implanted are now null and void. And suggestions or orders she has given you are hereby undone. You have full conscious memory of everything you have done under her influence and will freely give me that information should I ask for it. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Bob.”

“Good,” he nodded. “Now, I’m going to count down from five. When I reach one, you will be fully awake. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.” He reached for and softly caressed her cheek. “Are you okay?” he asked gently.

Liv closed her eyes and leaned into the hand. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes. “Yeah. I’m okay.” She began to scowl. “I can’t believe Toxie did that to me.”

“What all did she make you do?” Bob asked.

“And what are we going to do about it?” Michelle added.

“About that…” Liv began.

To be continued

Sorry I haven't been updating lately. I have a good idea how I will wrap this story up (at least, this phase of the story), so I will try to get that out in a more timely manner. Thank you for your patience.


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