Uncommon Scents

Chapter 2

by Czarzhan

Tags: #comic_book #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #f/m #sub:female #happy_slaves #pheromones #scent

Uncommon Scents by Czarzhan

Chapter Two

Two Days Ago

Carol approached the gym’s front desk. She had watched the comings and goings of the staff and patrons for the last few days. She was sure she was timing this right.

“Welcome to Peak Performance Gym,” the lady manning the desk greeted Carol. “How can I help you?”

“Hi,” Carol read her name tag, “Terri. Do you offer group plans? I run an office of twelve people, and I’m shopping around for a gym.”

Terri’s smile widened as she replied. “We most certainly do! Let me get you some membership forms!”

Carol held up a hand. “Actually, I’m still deciding on which gym I’m signing to. Could I get a look around, and a brochure and price list?”

Another woman was approaching the back of the desk and saw Terri’s smile falter. “Hi, I’m Liv,” she said as she grabbed a brochure. “I can give you a tour.” She glanced at Terri. “I was just about to go to lunch. I’ll show,” she looked at Carol expectantly.

“Carol Black,” she supplied.

“I’ll show Ms. Black around, then head out. Ms. Black?” she lead her away.

“Thank you,” she replied as she followed.

Liv gave Carol a short tour of the center’s Cardio room, Weight room, and the activity rooms where various classes were held. Throughout, Liv answered Carol’s questions about personal training options, nutrition counseling, and any other concerns she had. Several times, Liv offered to demonstrate various equipment, but Carol declined.

Liv was somewhat distracted by Carol’s perfume, however. She wondered why she hadn’t noticed it before, but now it smelled like she showered in the stuff. It didn’t smell bad, as fragrances went, but it was overwhelmingly strong. By the end of the tour, Liv just wanted to wrap it up and get away from her as soon as possible.

“It looks like you have everything,” Carol observed. “Could I see your locker rooms? Then I’ll get out of your hair.”

“Absolutely!” By this point, Liv would do anything to escape the olfactory assault. She was starting to feel a little dizzy. On entering, she was almost on automatic pilot as she stated, “These are our locker rooms, complete with private changing areas, showers, and secure lockers for storing your belongings while you work out."

“These are nice showers,” Carol noted, while watching Liv closely.

"Our showers are equipped with complimentary toiletries, and we provide fresh towels for your convenience," she recited, voice becoming monotone.

Carol quickly verified they were alone. She turned back to a dazed Liv, and stated, “I would like a demonstration.”

“… Demonstration..?” Liv blinked slowly.

“Yes. Demonstrate the shower for me.” Carol watched Liv take a second to process that, then stopped her as she began to move to the shower. “You need to get undressed for this demonstration.”


“Yes. You wouldn’t take a shower in your clothing. You need to take them off.”

“… Need… to…” Liv slowly but clumsily began to remove her garments. As the last article of clothing fell to the floor, she stood, eyes half-lidded, shoulders slumped. She made no move to continue from there.

“You can’t remember what you were doing, can you?” Carol asked, a smile playing across her lips at the other woman’s mindless haze.

“…What…,” Liv slurred, “What was I…?”

“The demonstration?”


“Yes,” Carol now had a wicked grin, “you wanted to demonstrate how unhesitatingly obedient you are when you get naked.”

“I did?” Liv focused on Carol’s words.

“Yes, you wanted to show how, when you’re nude, you instantly follow any command you are given, without even a hint of thought to refuse or resist. For example, lay on the floor and kiss my feet.”

Without a word, Liv dropped to her knees, then to her belly, and began kissing Carol’s shoes.

“Very nice. Now let’s demonstrate how you follow more complex commands.” She opened her pants and slid them and her panties to her knees. “I’m going to give you a set of instructions while you eat me out. Afterward, you will follow the instructions to the letter.” She watched Liv rise to her knees and bury her face in Carol’s crotch. “Mmm. Now listen carefully…”

A short time later...

The two women were dressed and about to leave the locker room. Liv watched Carol, a placid but focused expression on her face, as if yearning to be given her next order. Carol returned the look with a grim smile.

“You know where to go tomorrow night?” she asked Liv.

“Yes, ma’am. Subbasement Lab B at Auburn Regional Medical Center.”

“And what are you going to take?”

“The Dj’lbar portable gene scanner/sequencer that they are studying.”

“And where are you going to deliver it?”

“Deep Flight Parcel on Seventh Street. I will deliver the sequencer to you and receive any other orders you have for me at that time.”

Carol’s grin took on a bit more malice then. She knew it was petty, but she wouldn’t have had to resort to this if Midnight Mirage hadn’t ‘hung up the mask’ and left her wanting for a competent replacement. They had had a very lucrative business arrangement, both keeping their secret identities private, ostensibly to allow either side to walk away from the deal should they choose, Liv as Midnight Mirage, Carol as Toxinatrix. But Carol knew that Mirage’s nose could pick her out of a crowd whenever she liked, so she managed to get an image of Mirage with her mask off, without Mirage knowing. Then is was a simple matter of finding her, which she had done months earlier, before Mirage even decided to retire and end their arrangement.

The scent-nullifying agent she secreted to prevent Liv from recognizing her when she first entered the gym was something she could only maintain for a short time, as she couldn’t neutralize it’s detrimental effects if she wanted it to remain potent. She then started pushing out the perfume to mask the hypnotic agent she exposed Liv to.

“Now, will you remember any of these instructions when we walk through this door?” Carol indicated the entry to the locker room.

“No, ma’am.”

“Then why will you perform the actions I’ve laid out?”

“Because I wanted the challenge. I wanted to keep my skills sharp.”

“And if someone comes and asks you what you did with the sequencer that you stole?”

“I threw it in the sewer. I wasn’t interested it profit, I just wanted to keep my skills sharp,” Liv responded. Carol knew no one would come after Mirage if she managed the theft, but she put that in there just to screw with her. Midnight Mirage was always interested in profit.

Carol admired her handy work. “My very own sleeper operative. Unwitting thrall looks good on you. Ah, well. Off we go,” she walked out the door, Liv following. “Thank you for the tour, Liv. I will let you know my decision after I’ve had a chance to scout the other locations.”

“Okay,” Liv replied with a smile. “Thank you for considering Peak Performance Gym.”

Two Days Later

Liv rose from the tangle of bodies. “If you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment.”

“Appointment?” Bob asked. “For what?”

“Just meeting a friend for something. I’ve got to get showered and dressed.” And she retreated to the bathroom.

A bit later, while Bob, Cathy, and Michelle distracted each other, Liv exited the house by way of her bedroom window so the others wouldn’t see the package she was carrying. She quickly made her way to Seventh Street and then to Deep Flight Parcel.

Carol was waiting for her as she entered. “Hello, Liv.”

“Ms. Black?” Liv was surprised. “What are you doing here?”

Carol held out a hand. “I believe you have something for me.”

“Oh! Sure,” she quickly pulled from her messenger bag a plastic-wrapped package approximately the size of two stacked 10 lb cans and handed it over. As Carol secured it in her own bag, Liv blinked and shook herself slightly. “Wait. What’s going on?”

“Simple explanation,” Carol replied. “Follow me.” She led Liv to the back area of the store. The cashier behind the counter barely gave them a glance.

As she followed, she recognized the other woman’s scent. “Toxie?”

Carol grinned as they entered the break room. “There’s that bloodhound nose,” she replied, locking the door.

“What do you want?”

“Right now? I want you to demonstrate naked obedience for me.”

Liv blinked, then began disrobing. “Okay, Toxie.”

“You will address me as Ms. Black,” Carol stated, watching the clothing drop.

“Yes, Ms. Black.”

“You are absolutely certain that Carol Black and Toxinatrix are two different people and have nothing to do with one another, even if they do smell similar. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Ms. Black.”

“Unlock your phone and give it to me.” After Liv did so, Carol opened up the Contacts. “I’m putting a number in here labeled ‘Instructions’. Whenever you receive a text from that number, you will read the text, delete the text, follow the instructions from the text, and forget you received it. You will otherwise ignore that contact unless the instructions require you to text back. Understand?”

“Yes, Ms. Black.”

Carol place her hands on her hips and regarded the nude woman. “Tell me you enjoyed being used by me.”

“I enjoyed being used by you.”

“Now tell me you hope I’ll use you in the future.”

“I hope you’ll use me in the future.”

“Tell me you are mine, any time, any place, any way.”

“I am yours. Any time. Any place. Any way.”

“Now, say those three things again, but as you do, realize that they are true. Believe them with all your heart,” Carol commanded with a wicked grin.

Liv sighed and seemed to gather herself. Her eyes met Carol’s. “I really enjoyed being used by you, Ms. Black. I hope you will use me again in the future. I am yo--” she hesitated, then tried again. “I’m y--” She blinked several times. “I’m sorry, Ms. Black. I really enjoyed being used by you, and hope you’ll use me in the future, but I am not yours. I belong to Bob.”

Carol was incredulous! “Wha--? Who the hell is Bob!?”


The following day, at Peak Performance, Liv noticed Carol talking up Bob by the weight machine. Alarm bells went off in her head, which she quickly squelched. Why would the sight of Bob and Ms. Black talking be cause for concern? ‘Am I getting jealous? That’s silly,’ she mused. As she approached, Bob waved her over as Carol stepped away.

“Hey, Liv,” he began, “Thanks for the tip!”

“Uh, tip?”

“Yeah, Carol said you recommended me when she told you she was looking to hire an accountant. I’m going to head over tomorrow and fill out the paperwork.”

“Oh, uh, sure,” Liv replied, not really remembering passing along any tip. Before she could pursue that line of thought, Carol returned.

“Ah, Liv,” she began, “there you are. Bob, I need to use your trainer. Do you mind if I borrow her for a bit?”

Bob grinned. “Not at all. I just got here, so I’m gonna warm up on the treadmill.” To Liv he said, “See you in a bit?”

Liv nodded and followed Carol, feeling a small conflict still. Her curiosity about this supposed tip she gave Ms. Black was quickly smothered by the growing anticipation of being used by her. As Carol led her to the locker room, Liv couldn’t help but quiver with need, while not even sure what the other woman was going to use her (shiver) for.

Carol moved to her locker and disrobed. Glancing at Liv she stated, “Demonstrate naked obedience. Place your clothes in a locker. We’re taking a shower.” After collecting towels for both of them, Liv followed Carol to one of the larger individual stalls.

Under the running water, Carol had Liv use her tongue to clean her feet, pussy and ass while she washed other parts of her body in the more traditional manner. Then she had Liv act as a bench for her to sit on, each command fulfilled deepening her obedience to the villainess.

Legs in a lotus-fold sitting upon her former partner, Carol reached for the small waterproof case she brought with her along with the shampoo and soap into the shower. Pivoting on Liv’s back toward her head, Carol pushed Liv’s head forward so she faced downward, exposing more neck. “Now to see just what effect Bob is having on you.” Pulling an empty hypodermic from the case with a thick needle, she addressed the lower girl, “You need to hold very still, dear. I’m going to extract a bit of spinal fluid. It will be very painful, but if you move the needle may damage you. Understand?”

Liv audibly gulped. “Yes, Ms. Black.”

Carol brought the syringe tip to touch Liv’s neck, but hesitated. Then, with a grunt of frustration, she stood. “Ugh. We better do this in a proper lab or something. If I screw up here, I could accidentally do something really permanent to you,” she stated as she put away the needle. She then reach down to the other woman’s chin and gently brought her face back up so she could look her in the eye. “Not that I have an objection to doing something permanent to you, but if I do, I want it to be on purpose.”

“Yes, Ms. Black,” Liv replied.

Carol packed up her kit and had Liv get dressed. ‘Yes’, she thought to herself, ‘best to make sure she isn’t damaged. Bob is too much of an unknown, and Liv seems to be one of his favorites.’ She nodded, managing to convince herself that her actions were just out of caution, and not out of any concern for Bob’s feelings...

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