Uncommon Scents

Chapter 1

by Czarzhan

Tags: #comic_book #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #f/m #sub:female #happy_slaves #pheromones #scent

Uncommon Scents

Chapter 1

Liv was surprised to see *her* when she answered the door. "Michelle. I thought we weren't mixing business with our personal lives."

"And I thought you had retired."

"Last night was an exception. It won't happen again."

"And yet, here we are."

Liv sighed. "The deal hasn't changed. When we're both in costume, I'm fair game. But if you out me, your secret identity goes bye-bye, too. And we both know how Daddy dear would react to his precious angel running around in a mask."

"Fine. This isn't about that. Can I come in?" When Liv didn't move out of the doorway, she added, "Please?"

Please? That peaked the blonde's curiosity, and she let the other woman in. Closing the door, she asked, "What's going on?"

"I need your help. When we were... engaged last night--"

"'Engaged.' That's a good word for it," Liv chuckled.

"--you threw me over a car, and I fell on someone."

Uh-oh, Liv blinked, but kept a neutral expression. "I saw that. It looked like you face-planted right into his crotch," she added with a chuckle.

Michelle's cheeks colored a bit. "I wanted to make sure he's okay."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You have a nose that can put most bloodhounds to shame. I was hoping we could go back there and you could, maybe, track him from there?"

Liv couldn't resist the urge to needle the other woman. "So, the Stalwart Fury wants the help of a lowly thief like the Midnight Mirage to find a guy??"

Michelle glared at her ex-girlfriend. "Very funny."

Liv continued, "No, really, I've never seen this side of you before--" She stopped as she heard the faint sound of a bedroom door open. She moved to herd Michelle out. "Well, if I'm going to help, better do it now before the trail gets any colder..."

They almost got out the door before someone emerged from the hall, "I heard you talking but I couldn't make out what you said... Oh, sorry. I thought you were talking to me."

Shit, Liv thought on seeing the man, who was wearing briefs and not much else. Then she spied Michelle and the look of shocked recognition on her face. SHIT!!

"It's you," Michelle murmured, focus solely on the man.

Defeated, Liv sighed, "Bob, Michelle. Michelle, Bob."

Ignoring Liv, Michelle walked to Bob offering a hand to shake, never taking her eyes off of his. "...Hi. I'm Michelle."

He shook it. "Bob." He tilted his head to look past her at Liv. "Is she alright?"

Liv smirked and moved up beside her. "Wow, she is really dialed into you."

"But why?" His voice was low, as if afraid to rouse her.

"Hey, I told you you have a raw animal magnetism," she grinned at him, but he wasn't buying it.

"Tell me the truth, Liv," his voice remained soft, but carried an edge. "Why is she zoned out like this?"

Liv was about shrug and laugh it off, but the words just tumbled out of her mouth, "Probably the face full of musk she got when she jammed her head in your crotch last night, reinforced by your ambient scent you've laid out in the apartment since you started living here." She stood in shock, hand finally allowing itself to cover her mouth after she'd finished.

Bob struggled to process that, not yet noticing Liv's expression. "Wha--? Face in my--?" Last night, he had witnessed a fight between the heroine Stalwart Fury and the thief that called herself Midnight Mirage. At one point Mirage had executed a near perfect wrestling throw that sent Fury sailing over a car, right by where Bob was standing. Bob tried to move out of the way, but Fury stumbled on landing, knocking into him as she tried to regain her balance, the end result of which was him pushed up against a nearby building and her on her knees with her face directly in his lap.

Even more notable than having a superhero with her nose pressed against his genitals, was what happened when she started to pull away. She had grabbed his hips and began to lift her head, when suddenly she pulled him back in and inhaled deeply, then jerked back and realized how inappropriate that action was. There was an awkward moment, then she seemed to remember she was in the middle of a fight. She jumped to her feet and paused before jumping back into it with Midnight Mirage. "Please wait here," she said before jumping away. He didn't wait around.

"Wait, you're Stalwart Fury?"

A smile slowly spread across the brunette's face. "Yes, sir," she moaned softly, "I'm Stalwart Fury." She didn't mind that Bob knew her secret. She trusted Bob. She didn't know why she trusted him, but it didn't matter. She was just floating in a pleasant haze, and Bob was here, so everything was good.

Bob was still processing what Liv said. "What do you mean about pheromones? Why do you think it's me and not something else?"

Bob could see Liv didn't want to answer, but she replied, "I can smell them. It's definitely you."

Bob closed his eyes for a moment and took a few deep breaths. "Olive," he began slowly, using her full first name for the first time since she'd met him, "please. Explain to me what the hell is going on."

Through the next several minutes of questions and (reluctant) answers, Liv revealed that she was aware that Bob unconsciously created pheromones that made people around him feel safe. This resulted in an aura of trust that people generally felt for him, growing stronger the more time people spent around him. Liv first noticed when he joined the gym she worked at. While the sensation felt good, she realized the probable long-term effects, but as she was aware of them, she felt she could get acclimated to the scent without suffering the effects.

When Bob had his hours cut back at his job and had to cancel his gym membership, Liv offered to put him on her employee membership as a permanent guest so he wouldn’t have to pay. Her manager informed her that while that was normally frowned on for non-family members, since it was Bob they would make an exception. When he let Liv know he would be moving because he could no longer afford his apartment, she offered her guest room without a second thought. She had even shelved her Midnight Mirage identity rather than reveal it to him.

“So you’re saying someone fully under the effects of this thing would be unable to refuse me?”

“Right,” Liv agreed. “Michelle here is probably putty in your hands.” A part of her hoped she could shift his focus back to the other woman.

No such luck. “What about you? Would you do anything I ask?”

Realizing she couldn’t NOT tell him the truth, Liv tried instead to give a non-answer answer. “It depends on what you asked me to do…”

“...And if I asked you to take off your shirt?”

“I could probably do that,” she replied, not really noticing as the shirt settled at her feet. It didn’t take long to register as Bob’s eyes settled on her bra-clad breasts. She also couldn’t seem to bring herself to cover her chest with her arms. That would block Bob’s view.

Michelle's blouse had also made it to the floor, although she still seemed to be zoned out. Bob didn’t waste the opportunity to make a side-by-side comparison of the two women’s bodies. Michelle was about 5’ 10” tall, with brown hair styled in a swing cut. Her build was athletic and lean, with strong muscle definition even when relaxed as she was now. She had C to D-cup breasts, a bit larger than average, but a sexy fit for her body.

Liv was 5’ 8” tall with medium length blonde hair. She also had some muscle definition but, where Michelle’s form would be described with straighter lines, Liv was all curves, with supple hips and large breasts. Speaking of breasts…

“Why do your tits look bigger than normal?” Bob puzzled.

Liv shrugged. “I normally wear a minimizer when I’m out of the house, and when I’m home I wear loose shirts which kind of hides the size.” She realized she was enjoying being under his gaze.

He got back on track. “But I can’t make you do something you don’t want to do, right? I couldn’t expect you to, say, give me a blowjob if I asked, right?”

“Right. I wouldn’t blow you if I didn’t want to,” she replied. But something niggled at the back of her mind, and it wormed its way to the front. She HAD to ask. “Would you… want a blowjob…?”

Bob chuckled. “Who wouldn’t want a beautiful girl to go down on him? Not that it matters. You’re a lesbian. I wouldn’t ask you to do that.”

“Right! Right. I’m a lesbian. But…” she paused, then her hands flew to her head. Not in pain, but as if she were trying to get hold of the direction her thoughts were going. I’m a lesbian. I like girls. I’m into girls. I’m not into guys. I don’t even trust most guys.

Bob isn’t most guys, another part of her countered. You trust him. He could be the exception. He as much as said he thought you were beautiful. And as much as said he would like a blowjob from a beautiful girl.

But he said he wouldn’t ask you because he thinks you wouldn’t want to.

But he wants it.

I want it.

And it hit her. She thought she could get acclimated and resist. She was wrong. She realized she would be anything he wanted her to be. A part of her reasoned that she should be appalled by that realization, but she didn’t. She felt no fear. She felt no apprehension.

She looked Bob in the eye and felt… safe.

She also felt horny.

Less than five seconds after she’d uttered “But…” she dropped to her knees, grabbed the front of his briefs, yanked them down, and her mouth engulfed his cock without hesitation. She slid her mouth several times over the length of his erect member, lips not quite reaching the base. She knew she was lacking in technique and hoped to make up for it with enthusiasm.

“Whoa! Liv…” Bob began.

She pulled herself off of his cock and grinned up at him. “It’s okay. I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t want to.” She glanced up at Michelle, still standing there. Before, it might have galled her to have the young heroine standing above her as she knelt there debasing herself. Now, however, she had other ideas.

“Hey, Michelle. Bob wants a blowjob and I’ve never done this before. Why don’t you come down here and give me some advice to do better.”

Michelle blinked and slowly turned her gaze to look at Liv. She roused and dropped down beside the other woman. She gripped his shaft and kissed the tip. Gesturing at Liv to follow her lead, both girls licked and kissed along either side of the dick. Michelle licked his balls as Liv engulfed him once more, moving at a slower pace. Then they switched places.

After several minutes, Bob moaned, “Oh, god. Here it comes!” Michelle, currently holding him in her mouth, picked up the pace. As he started to spasm, she caught two streams of jizz before Liv pulled her off to take her place and receive the rest.

As Liv swallowed, her own orgasm crashed through her, and a wave of bliss spread over her mind. She saw Michelle experiencing the same thing. As complete as she thought the control was when she dropped to her knees, it paled in comparison to the certainty she now felt regarding her place in the universe and Bob’s place at the center of it.

Several hours later...

Bob lay on a nest of pillows and blankets that had been gathered and piled in the living room, Liv and Michelle cuddled in on either side of him. He smiled at Liv. “God, I’ve wanted you for so long.”

“Now you can have me whenever you want, Master,” she replied.

“No. Not ‘Master’. I don’t think I’m ready for that. At least, not yet.”

“Sorry, Bob.”

He gave her a gentle kiss. He regarded Michelle. She was awake, wearing a sleepy smile. “What about this one?” he asked Liv. “She hasn’t said more than five words since that first blowjob.”

“Yeah,” Liv agreed, “she was never this much of a docile sex kitten when we were dating.”

“She’s a lesbian, too?”

“Bi. She swings both ways.”

“Why’d you two break up?”

Liv hesitated before answering. “She’s a superhero, I’m a super thief. We found each other’s secret identities at the same time, when I robbed the diamond exchange last year. She wanted to arrest me, and I told her I would out her if she did.”

“You blackmailed her?”

“Not my finest hour. I don’t blame her for breaking it off. But there were some harsh words exchanged. She called me a golddigger, even though I avoided businesses associated with her family. I called her a spoiled little rich girl, running around in a cape on Daddy’s dime.

“I really stung her with that one, and I immediately regretted saying it. We hadn’t said a thing to each other until she showed up here this morning.”

Bob glanced at Michelle, still wearing the same blissed out expression, showing she wasn’t really following the conversation. “So, who’s her father?”

“Antonin Preslig.”

“The billionaire?” Liv nodded. “Wait, this is Michelle Preslig? Holy shit. I just turned Michelle Preslig into a zombie fucktoy,” by his tone, he did NOT sound happy about this.

“It’s okay, Bob. It’s not permanent,” Liv reassured him. I hope. “Just tell her to wake up and be herself.”

“That’s all?”

“Pretty sure. You never know until you try.”

“‘You never know until you try.’ You’ve been saying that to me a lot these past couple months. Almost like you wanted me to make a move on you.”

“I-- I think, deep down, I did. I just didn’t realize it consciously.”

Bob nodded and focused on the other woman. “Michelle? Can you hear me?”

“Mmmmm, yes, sir…” she gave a languid moan.

“Good, good,” he continued. “Now, Michelle, I want you to think back to the woman you were when you entered this apartment, when Liv let you in.” He waited a beat. “I want you to wake up as that woman. Can you do that? You can remember everything that’s happened since that time, but I want you to be a fully awake and aware Michelle Preslig.” He waited a couple seconds to let her process that, then said, “Wake up. Now.”

Michelle blinked once.

And once again.

Then, she shrieked.

She jumped off the pillow nest and frantically searched for her clothes. “Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigodohmigodohmigod.”

Liv got to her feet and tried to soothe her. “Chelle, calm down.”

“DON’T tell me to calm down!” Michelle had managed to find her panties and one shoe. “Not after the floor, and the couch, and the, the breakfast bar, and on the kitchen counter—”

“Michelle, stop,” Bob said softly.

She stopped.

“Look at me,” he said. When she turn to him, he asked, “Why did you come here today?”

Michelle frowned. “To find Liv.”

“And why did you want to find her?”

“To ask for her help.”

“Help with what?” He could tell she didn’t want to give full answers.

“...Finding you.”

“Now, here is the important part. I want you to be completely honest, with me and with yourself, when you answer this question: Why did you want to find me?”

“...So I could give myself to you.”

“And was there anything you did once you found me that you didn’t want to do?”

She thought about the things that happened. Getting claimed by Bob, getting naked, getting fucked, being played with in so many ways… “I guess not.”

Liv stepped up and draped an arm over her shoulders. “Then why all the drama when he told you to wake up?”

She looked chagrined. “It seemed, I don’t know, expected. Old me would have been scandalized to be hypnotized into a random three-way, and since the other way I would react to a situation like this would have been to kick your ass, which was NOT going to happen, the freak out was the way to go.”

“So, are you good, now?” Bob asked.

Michelle blushed. “Yes, sir.”

“Well, I don’t know about you guys,” Liv commented, “but I’m starving! Let’s order some food, and we can discuss… everything.”


Shortly, the three were sitting at Liv’s dining table. Liv had ordered pizza and was currently wearing a baggy t-shirt and shorts to meet the delivery person.

“You really think his influence is that far reaching?” Michelle inquired.

“Think about it,” Liv replied. “Everybody at the gym loves him. Even the guys. Steven and Glen practically fall over themselves trying to assist him if he’s looking for help. Dillon, too, and he’s not even gay.

“When I put Bob on my employee membership the club manager, Dave, called me into his office to reprimand me. But once he found out it was for Bob, he was suddenly all smiles.”

“Then why did he lose his job?” Michelle countered. “If what you’re saying is true, shouldn’t they have been bending over backwards to keep him?” She saw Bob’s embarrassed look and Liv holding back laughter. “What?”

“You want to field this one?” Liv asked Bob.

He nodded, then turned to Michelle. “Up until about six months ago, I was an in-house accountant for a certain large firm. One day my manager, Shaundra, calls me into her office and says she has to cut back my hours and pull my login privileges. She assured me thing it would be a short-term thing.

“Two weeks later, she fires me without cause! I was in shock and didn’t try to fight it. Two days after, she calls me and told me she had just resigned as well. She said the company was about to be closed down by the SEC, and most of the staff was likely to be arrested. She had spent the previous two weeks removing my name from the system so nothing would fall on me. She said she was sure lower ranked employees like me would be cleared eventually, but she didn’t want to see me go through that. I didn’t understand at the time why she would do that, but now it makes sense.”

“What company,” Michelle asked.

“Cathbert and Swinty.”

Michelle blinked. “Oh, wow. I read about that. Some scandal about defrauding government agencies.” She nodded. “If your manager shielded you from the backlash, that would only make sense if she were under your spell.”

There was a knock at the door, and Liv jumped up. “Food’s here!” She bounced over to the door. The hinges were on the side toward the table, the Michelle and Bob couldn’t see who was there when it opened. “Hey!” they heard Liv say to the delivery person, and vaguely heard a voice responding. “Thank you so much! Did you log off like I said?” Another muffled response. “Awesome! You won’t regret it, I promise. Check this out,” Liv stepped back.

Bob and Michelle, still sitting undressed at the table, realized Liv had just invited somebody in. Michelle grabbed the chair where she sat and turned it so she was facing away from the door. Bob took the more expedient course and moved one of the paper plates on the table to his lap. “Jesus, Liv!” he exclaimed.

The twenty-something woman who entered wore a DoorDash vest over her regular clothes, her honey-blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. She stepped from behind the door and froze on seeing the naked man and woman at the table. “Ah! Whoa…” Before she could do more, Liv draped an arm across her shoulders.

“Cathy, you know Bob, right? From the gym?” Liv supplied.

On realizing who the naked man before her was, Cathy’s shock and embarrassment melted away, and a smile crossed her lips. “Oh. Hi, Bob.” Bob waved halfheartedly, his own blush still going strong.

“So,” Liv continued, “we were talking about fantasies, and Bob here mentioned one he had where a strawberry-blonde Dasher would sit on his lap and give him a big kiss…” Cathy continued gazing at Bob for a few seconds before sparing Liv a questioning glance. On seeing Liv’s encouraging nod, she approached Bob with an expression that seemed to be one part predator, two parts prey.

“Is this seat taken?” she smirked as she slid easily onto his lap. Bob laid hands on her thigh and ass. His nervousness was gone. He knew he was in control. But he still felt he should give her an out.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” In answer, she brought her lips to his. What began with tenderness quickly increased in fervor. But before Bob was even completely hard again, the necking and petting pushed Cathy past the edge, causing her to shriek and grown into his mouth. She broke the kiss by throwing her head back, shuddering on his lap, hand gripping his shoulder as he steadied her.

‘Did she just cum?’ Michelle mouthed to Liv, who grinned back at her and waggled her eyebrows.

Liv leaned in close and stage-whispered in Cathy’s ear. “Just so you know, Michelle over there and I have started a group dedicated to doing absolutely anything and everything Bob wants us to. I bet if you fuck Bob right now, he’d let you be part of his sexy girl club.”

Cathy lightly stroked Bob’s shaft, which had been against the side of her thigh and was now fully erect. Keeping his gaze, she rose from his lap, hooked her thumbs in her waistband, pushed down and stepped out of her pants and panties in a smooth motion. She then straddled Bob lap, lowering herself directly onto his cock. As she continued working her hips, she doffed her vest, shirt, and bra, then leaned in to press her generous tits to his face.

Liv had moved to sit beside Michelle, who had her elbow on the table and rested her head on her hand. Michelle muttered to the other woman, “You know, normally the order is Strip, Fuck, Cum. This is the first time I think I’ve seen Cum, Fuck, Strip.”

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