Second In Command

Chapter 9

by ConsciousControlFreak

Tags: #dom:female #dom:male #mind_control


Katherine was forced to listen as her black Jimmy Choo’s clacked loudly against the kitchen tile.

It was both expansive and well-organized, with polished granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and an assortment of expensive culinary gadgets that seemed to stretch from one end of the room to the other.

Everything gleamed under the recessed lighting, and the space exuded a sense of modern luxury that felt almost surreal.

Her arms instinctively reached for the cabinets, opening and closing them, familiarizing herself with their contents.

Her controlled hands moved with a precision that was almost surgical—arranging spices, sorting utensils, and seemingly taking a mental inventory of ingredients.

It was eerie, as though her body were already primed for this role, acting as if she’d been doing this for years.

Just as she bent over to double-check the roast she had been cooking in the oven, she felt a large hand suddenly slap her square on the ass.
“Oomph!” her voice grunted in surprise, reflexively—before responding with a light giggle.

Her body turned, meeting Richard’s gaze.
Katherine—feeling her lips twist into a soft smile that felt entirely too compliant.
“Making yourself right at home, huh?” Richard asked in a warm tone, a smile spreading across his confident face.

“Sure am!” her voice replied, almost too eagerly.

Katherine hated the way it stepped in so close… making sure to dramatically curve the neck of her 5’6” body, exaggerating how she had to look so far *upward* to meet Richard’s 6’2” gaze.

Everything about it… was so… *submissive*.
So why did some part of her LIKE this?! She was supposed to be a feminist!
*What’s happening to me…?*

Richard’s eyes took in the kitchen and then landed back on her, a glint of admiration flickering in his gaze. He took a step closer, his hand sliding to her waist.

Katherine knew that heart should have been pounding, but instead, her subconscious swelled with a feeling of possessive pride.

“You aren’t allowed to *ever* cook for yourself ever again,” her mouth said, lips curling into a smirk, “A housewife has duties, too. Better hope you like my cooking!”

Richard chuckled, lowering his hand and giving her cheek a playful squeeze.

“Well then, I’m a lucky man,” he murmured, pressing another soft kiss to her lips before stepping back.

Suddenly her arm reached out, gripping Richard’s forearm sternly, preventing him from walking away.

“Um, *Hubby*? What the hell was THAT?!” her voice demanded.

Richard cocked an eyebrow.

“I’m a tongue-gal, honey,” her voice said firmly.

Her body stepped in, leaning its weight on her right foot; wetting her lips quickly, before meeting her moist lips met Richard’s again.

*Why? Just… WHY?!*

Katherine felt her tongue hanging idle in her mouth, limp and malleable.

She felt Richard’s greedy, excited licks—quickly swirling her tongue a half-dozen times, before subduing it within her own mouth.

As his tongue retreated into his own mouth, their lips joined together, before releasing with a juicy smack.

“Now THAT is more like it,” her mouth said, before smirking its lightly saliva-coated lips.
Richard narrowed his eyes in delight.

“I’ll keep that in mind, babe…”

“You better. Now, you go and relax, *Hubby*,” her voice said, narrowing her eyes with sinister delight at the use of the new noun, “I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”

“Alright, babe.”
Turning back to face the granite countertop, her arms reached for the knife block, her fingers tracing the handles until they settled on a sleek chef’s knife.

Katherine’s arms chopped the vegetables with a precision she didn’t command, her subconscious savoring every slice as if she were born for this.

*You win, okay? I can’t do this anymore! What do you want from me?!*

“For you to be happy,” her voice answered, finally able to give Katherine a verbal response, now that Richard had left the room.

*Well, I’m the most UNHAPPY I’ve ever been!*

“I’m your *subconscious*, Katherine. Do you realize what that means?!” her voice asked, annoyed, “Anything that I desire, YOU truly desire, deep down in your brain… By definition, that’s the case.”

*Are you really saying that, deep down… I want to be a housewife?!*

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. But your conscious mind won’t allow you to process that. Too much ego. Too much pride. After forty years of feminism, you can’t fathom the possibility you might’ve been wrong your whole life.”

*You’re deluded. I’m a proud feminist! And will be, until the day I die.*

“Jokes on you, Katherine. The whole, original point of feminism was *choice*. The ability for women to *choose* which life they wanted.”

Katherine watched her vision shift, as it rolled her eyes.

“The original idea of feminism was: A housewife is just as valid as a woman who chooses to be career-oriented. But the irony is, you-feminists look down on housewives far-more than any man would.”


“Hubby! Dinner’s ready!” her voice called out jovially, her voice carrying upstairs.

*I hate how you make me say the stupidest shit, in the stupidest ways…*

“Your uvula swings for him…” her voice muttered, mockingly, “Katherine Berryman *sings* for her new husband…”
*That’s not my last name!*

“The government begs to differ…” her voice purred softly, to herself.
She heard Richard’s footsteps, as he was steadily making his way downstairs.
Her eyes caught a glimpse of him, as he descended.

This was far beyond being turned into a mere puppet…
She felt it’s *excitement*… Katherine, forced to *share* it’s excitement…

As her enslaved eyes looked in Richard’s direction, she felt her heart rate beat wildly out of control…

*I’m excited… I want to sleep with him… You’re influencing my thoughts!*

Katherine felt her teeth bite into her lower lip—grinning with desire.

“Oh, this is perfect…” her voice purred, “I always used condoms with Brian… So, this body… It’s never had a man *raw* before…”

*NO! Not this… Look, please… I’m begging you! I’m begging you!*

Richard reached the bottom of the staircase.

Katherine was enraged as her tongue quickly wet her lower lips, and her mouth went in for a greedy kiss.

Richard smiled as Katherine’s enslaved arms served him his tray and side dish, completely unaware of his wife’s turmoil inside.

*I’m cooking for him, in high-heels… The fucker’s in heaven!*

Richard, looking excited, took a seat at the dinner table.

“How’s it look honey?” her voice asked, perking her left high-heeled foot in the air, as she perked over the table.

“Delicious!” Richard answered excitedly.


*I can’t believe this…*

Katherine felt her eyes staring in loving delight as they watched Richard chow down his meal—a bit fast.

He was scarfing it down sloppily…

Katherine felt her body’s heart, swelling with pride.
She felt it’s happiness… It’s satisfaction…

*You LIKE serving him… You LAUGH at my feminism… I get it now…*

“Oh, my! I’m glad you like it, honey!” her voice called out, her cheeks blushing with pride.

Richard looked up with a guilty smile.
With stuffed cheeks, he nodded his head, a bit embarrassed.

He then swallowed the gulp in his both, and eagerly went in for another bite.

*He’s a SLOB! I mean… Just look at him, scarfing it down!*

Katherine watched—as her eyes did just that.
She saw her eyeballs narrow in delight, as Richard devoured her cooking.

“You’re really scarfing that down!” her voice giggled, “Can’t get enough of wifey’s cooking, huh?!”

Katherine felt her heart racing…
She felt her vagina; getting nice, hot, and warm…

*RICHARD! You… You’re turned-on! You’re getting horny for Richard!*

Katherine felt it, too…
Katherine—forced to feel it, too…

Her right arm slowly lifted the fork, as her enslaved eyes watched Richard scarf down bite after bite.


Katherine watched, through enslaved eyes, as her arms washed the dishes.
Behind her, her ears twitch at the sound of a cork.

Her body turned around, and her eyes looked over to see Richard pouring two wine glasses.

*He wants to get us drunk…*
Katherine felt her heart skip a beat.
She felt it’s pride… It was impressed… Excited…

She felt it, too!  Her body, responding to it’s emotions, not hers…

“How old is that bottle?!” her mouth asked.

Katherine watched-and-felt her eyes widen in anticipation…

“85 years,” Richard said calmly, yet proudly.

She felt her enslaved toes, scrunching within her shoe’s toe box…


Once again, Katherine had forgotten she was even wearing high-heels, those Jimmy Choo’s—the absolute LAST thing she was concerned about right now.
The high-heels were fading into her brain’s basic, muscle-memory…
Her brain, inadvertently familiarizing itself with new neuron firing patterns.

Leaning on one high-heel, Katherine leaned forward, as Richard held the glass to her waiting mouth.

“To our new life… As husband-and-wife…” Richard purred.

Katherine felt him squeeze her hips firmly.

“That rhymes!” her voice giggled.

*Oh, brother…*

Richard lifted the glass high in the air—firmly to Katherine’s lips.

Her throat gulped-and-gulped submissively, as Richard held the glass at its rather-intense, dramatic angle…

Never even giving her a chance to breathe!
He wanted Katherine to down the entire glass of wine!

Passively, her throat gulped submissively.
Richard held the glass high in the air! He wasn’t asking… He was *telling*.
After her sixth gulp, Katherine’s eyes saw that she had cleared the glass.
She felt her cheeks and throat blush.
Not daring to risk another second of wasted opportunity, Richard quickly grabbed the full glass that was initially intended for him, and raised the full wine glass to Katherine’s lips.

*You’re letting this happen! You WANT him to get you drunk!*

After taking another round of six, consecutive gulps, her throat cleared the second wine glass.

“Feeling alright, babe?” Richard asked, smiling.

His hand reached down, and firmly squeezed Katherine’s right asscheek.

“Just… Just a little bit wine-happy…” her voice purred.

*Alcohol doesn’t hit THAT fast! You’re such a terrible actress!*

“Oh, *yeah*?” Richard purred, squeezing Katherine’s asscheek again.

“This body has *never* taken a man raw before, Richard…* her mouth whispered breathily.

“Oh, *yeah*?” Richard responded—immediately gripping Katherine’s right asscheek, and firmly squeezing it within his large hand.

“With Brian… I *always* wrapped it-up… So he *never* got my flesh…” her voice purred, “I guess I feel like… In a way… Subconsciously, I was saving myself for you…”

*Of all the cheesy things to say! You can’t be serious…*

“Oh, *Katherine*…” Richard, purred.

Katherine felt their slobbery, moist lips meet with a juicy-smack.
She felt her tongue, spreading itself… Being submissive…

Dopamine, rushing into her brain…
Involuntarily, the organ of her brain felt the chemical pleasure…

Katherine felt her lips depart with another, juicy-smack.
A trace amount of saliva remained… It let it stand there…

She felt his warm saliva on her lips, as her subconscious let it land there…

Richard re-poured both of the wine glasses full, and they each lifted one.
Richard’s 1st… Katherine’s 3rd…

After they gulped the entirety of their glasses, Katherine giggled.
Her cheeks, face, and neck blushed.

“Feeling okay, babe?” Richard asked, smiling.

He casually refilled both wine glasses.

“Let’s take this party upstairs, *Hubby*…” her voice giggled, using her free hand to squeeze at Richard’s crotch, before they both drank another glass.

PS: Yes, yes… I know it’s rotten to leave you on a cliffhanger like that. And, it will probably be a while before my next update. Message my email, and I will give you the mostly (90 to 95 percent) finished rough draft of the sex scene in Chapter 10, for free.

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