Second In Command

Chapter 7

by ConsciousControlFreak

Tags: #dom:female #dom:male #mind_control

Katherine watched through her own, helpless eyes as her body aimlessly lingered around in Richard’s office.

To her, it felt like the walls were closing in—claustrophobically suffocating her with the reality of the decision ‘she’ had just made.

Katherine felt the unfamiliar weight of the wedding band on her ring finger…
Her body was wearing it proudly—despite her wanting to yank it right off!

Her eyes glanced lovingly at Richard—whose warm, encouraging smile sent a pleasurable tingle down her spine, awakening something deep within her that she had spent years trying to suppress.

“Let’s ditch work!” Richard said, his eyes glinting with excitement, “What do you say we skip the rest of the day, and get you settled into my place?”

*What?! He can’t be serious… Already?!*
Katherine felt her heart race.

Excitement… *It’s* excitement.
She felt her body—responding to *it’s* emotions, rather than her own.

“Yeah!” her voice squealed excitedly, “Let’s do it.”
Her high-heels echoed in the quiet room, as her body followed Richard out of the office.

Each sound, a reminder of her own secret, impending submission.

Minutes later, they were both already in his car, the city now a blur—passing by outside the window. 
Katherine’s mind raced.
Things were happening *way* too fast…

But the rational part of her felt distant, overshadowed by the excitement of her now-active subconscious, bubbling inside of her—the promise of a new life, just on the horizon.
On the street, nearly a block away from the office, Richard suddenly pulled over on the side of the road.
“Your place first?” Richard asked, glancing at her, “I can just have the moving crew meet us there, if you want.”

“But we’re *already* on our way,” her voice said matter-of-factly, confused, “So, *we* will beat them there, no?”
Richard winked one eye.

“You married a millionaire, Katherine.”
Katherine watched, as Richard selected the ‘Lightning Fast’ option. It cost an extra $299.99, but she watched, as they were instantly moved to immediate priority in the waiting line.

A mere 30 seconds later, the arrow on the GPS began moving in the direction of her condo, showing that the moving crew were already on their way.

Katherine would never even have *conceived* of such an indulgence!
Spending an extra 300 dollars, just to avoid 1 hour of wait time? Madness.
But the world worked differently for millionaires.
When they arrived, the sight of her familiar condo felt surreal.

The moving crew, already there, and waiting…
Empty boxes, provided by them, lined the hallway; waiting to be filled.

Katherine’s heart sank at the thought of abandoning her old condo, leaving it behind forever.

Richard stepped forward, his 6’2” presence large and commanding; and reassuring.
“He already got all his stuff out, right babe?” Richard asked proudly; clarifying.
“He sure did!” her voice answered, excitedly.
Richard took the lead—despite it being *her* home—and shook the hand of the two members of the moving crew.
“You guys can just clear everything out,” Richard ordered confidently.
As they entered the door to Katherine’s condo, Richard wrapped his hand around her waist possessively, pulling her close as they watched.
Her arm suddenly snatched his hand from her around her waist firmly, and—almost angrily—lowered his hand to her buttocks; encouraging him.
A split second later, Katherine felt his large hand engulfing her right cheek, giving it a firm squeeze.
Richard looked downward, exchanging a glance.
Her eyes returned fire, narrowing them mischievously.

“Let’s get down to the courthouse, Richard…” her voice whispered in a breathy sexy pur, “GOD! I want your last name right *now*!”
*You can’t do this… I have RIGHTS!*

“Well… Let’s make sure you have everything you need first,” Richard urged, concernedly.
“Oh, *Richard*… I have everything I need, right here…” her voice cooed, staring deeply into his blue eyes.
*I’m going to vomit.*

Katherine—the *real* Katherine—absolutely mortified at the cheesy line that just escaped her lips.
Katherine felt so ridiculous—forced into listening to the clicking noise of her  forcibly-adopted footwear—now repeatedly emanating steady, loud clacks, against the hardwood floors of the courthouse.
“You look stunning in dresses-and-heels, you know that?” Richard purred, his gaze lingering on her feet, legs, swinging hips, and rear-end.

Heat flooded her neck and cheeks.

Katherine felt the way her skin-and-spine tingled, the implication behind his compliment, giving her subconscious a twisted sense of pride and pleasure.

“Oh, *Richard*!” her voice giggled flirtatiously.
“*Mmm*… Love-the-way you blush…” Richard murmured, his voice thick with desire.

*I can’t believe this is happening…*
Katherine—horrified at how easily she had been stripped of everything, reduced to an obedient plaything, simply because of one vial of liquid.

She was supposed to be a Vice President—empowered, and in control.

Yet here she was, walking the aisles of a courthouse in high heels, driven by her subconscious’s desires.

Not a puppet. Not a robot. Not a mindless zombie…
Katherine *felt* every step—no different than how she felt, walking normally.
Those stupid, velvety insoles… supporting her arches, with every step.
At the front desk, the clerk raised an eyebrow.

“Soooo…You’re filing for a *marriage* license today?” the female clerk asked, a little confused.

“Sure am!” her voice answered; grinning widely, like an idiot.

“Oh, okay!” the clerk answered, with a chuckle, “I was just a little confused. At first, I thought I was filing you for a *divorce*… Because your *divorce* notarization was from today, as well.”

*This is fucking humiliating…*

“Yup! After all these years, I just couldn’t wait a single second longer!”

A hint of amusement flickered in the clerk’s eyes.

“Oh, I can see that!”

Her eyes looked up to Richard, and her mouth smiled.
Richard responded by firmly squeezing her right asscheek again.

As they stepped out of the courthouse, Katherine felt the cold metal of the door handle slip from her hand, the sound of the minimal traffic in their mid-sized city greeting them.
She hated how everything felt real…
She wasn’t just a puppet… She was truly, being *controlled*.
“Welp, it’s official!” Richard said cheerfully, “You’re *Misses* Berryman now!”
Her body suddenly stopped walking.
Richard responded, by removing his hand from her waist and buttocks.
“We’ll donate $200K to charity to celebrate!” her voice declared suddenly, tone upbeat, “It’ll be our first, public action as a married couple!”

The words echoed in her mind like a death knell, each syllable tolling the loss of her independence.

“Mister, and Misses Berryman…” her voice continued, enthusiastically, “And I want to cover the entire cost!”
*ALL my money?! Why?! Why are you giving up everything?!*

Katherine’s mind internally screamed as the realization washed over her.

It was giving away everything—planning to dump her bank account, her independence, her very identity as a career woman.

*WHY?! Why are you doing this?!*

“Wait…” Richard said, confusion creasing his brow, “Don’t you want me to at least put up *half*?”

“NOPE! No independence. No security. No backup plan. I’m all in,” her voice insisted, exuding confidence that felt entirely foreign to Katherine.

This entity was sinister…

With access to the inner-workings of Katherine’s brain and thoughts, her subconscious knew *exactly* what lifelines it needed to sever, in order to elicit change.

Her life savings… They were a key component of her old identity.

“I want to be your *housewife*, Richard…” her voice purred in a low voice, “The dedication to my work, is what *killed* my last marriage. And I’m not gonna’ let that happen again.”
Richard showed a face that looked half-pleased, half-concerned.
“Katherine! You don’t have to—”
“Deep-down… Subconsciously… I’ve always known that I need to learn how to *depend* on a man…” her voice purred, thick with emotion, “To allow myself to be vulnerable… A healthy marriage requires trust and faith.”

“Katherine! You know I *love* you… But don’t have to do THAT!” Richard exclaimed, concern flickering across his face.
“But I *want* to…” her voice purred.

Katherine watch-and-felt, with her body, as it leaned into Richard…
She felt her own heart-rate, rocketing…

“Yeah, but—” Richard started to say.
Her head leaned in, interrupting Richard, by covering his mouth with a soft kiss.

“I don’t *want* to know that I have a backup plan, waiting for me…” her mouth whispered, “I want to know that I’m truly all-in on this marriage… Devoted to *you*, Richard… For the rest of my life…”

“I don’t want you to give up all the money you saved…”
Her mouth leaned in and kissed him again.

“I married a millionaire, remember?” her voice asked, mocking.

“You sure did…” Richard purred in agreement.

*NO! I don’t want this! You’re not my subconscious! I don’t want this!*

“Let me do this, Richard…” her mouth whispered, “Let me allow my previously-feminist-self, to trust a man… To let me trust a man, deep down… To protect-and-provide, for his housewife…”
After several seconds of stern-faced silence, Richard smiled.
“Does that mean I have to find a new VP?”

Her voice chuckled, tears of happiness streaming down her cheeks.
Her head silently nodded, and the two shared in another, wet smooch.
The sound of her Jimmy Choo’s echoed along the pavement as they walked to Richard’s waiting car, each step driving home the permanence of her choices.
The march toward her new life, reverberating in every click. 
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