Second In Command

Chapter 6

by ConsciousControlFreak

Tags: #dom:female #dom:male #mind_control

Katherine had always hated being late to work, but today she hated it even more. Stepping out of her car, her tight dress clung to her body in all the wrong places—or maybe the right ones.

She felt exposed. The fabric of the dress, hugging her wide hips in ways she never would’ve chosen for herself.

Her body burst through the doors of ChemTech, mimicking Katherine’s actions from yesterday—but this time, she entered into *Richard’s* office.

*Please don’t do this… Not now… It’s far too soon.*

Richard looked, wide eyed, seeing the body of Katherine Westerbeck, entering his office. His gaze swept over her, lingering on her outfit.

“*Another* fight?” Richard asked, dumbfounded.

Katherine felt her mouth twist into a smirk, against her will.

“Our *final* fight,” her voice amended.

She felt her arms *moving*, her hand, unclasping her large, black purse.
Her fingers, grasping the papers…

“So, you two…?” Richard asked, poorly containing his sheer excitement.

“YUP!” her mouth exclaimed, forcefully shoving the divorce papers in Richard’s face.

*NO! I hate you…*

As her arm held out the divorce papers for Richard, his eyes widened in disbelief… then joy.

Katherine’s body stood there, still-and-silent, her arm continued holding out the paper as though it were offering up the proof of her freedom.

Richard hesitated—repeatedly shifting his glance between the face of his Vice President, and her divorce papers.

His breath quickened. Then, as-if he had been waiting for this moment his whole life, his face broke into a grin.

“I knew it…” Richard whispered—seemingly more to himself, than her—before reaching behind a small, hidden space, behind one of his horizontally-facing books, on his bookshelf.

Katherine felt her heart pound as he pulled out a small, velvet, ring box. He turned it over in his hands slowly, before opening it to reveal the glimmering engagement ring inside.

It wasn’t just any ring—it had an engraving on the band:
To Katherine, My True Love.

“I bought this three years ago,” Richard said, eyes never leaving hers, “I always *knew* you were the one. I just had to wait until the time was right.”

*Bastard! How DARE he just assume?!*

“Richard!” her voice squealed, her subconscious, completely betraying her, “That is the most *romantic* thing I’ve ever heard!”

*NO! Don’t tell him THAT! What’s wrong with you?!*

Richard dropped to one knee.

*This can’t be happening…*

“Katherine… Will you marry me?”

*NO! You have to tell him, NO! What are you doing?!*

Before Katherine could even fully comprehend the extent of this horror, her body had already reacted, all on its own.

Her mouth fell agape, tears spilling down her cheeks.

“Yes! Yes!” her mouth squealed, raw, emotional intensity, “Yes, Richard! A million times, YES!”

*You idiot! NO!*

Katherine resisted its control, but her subconscious maintained its hold effortlessly.

Her body held out her left hand, extended her fingers, and allowed Richard to slip on the wedding band.

*This is so wrong! You can’t just—*

Their lips met.

The kiss was not classy. It was not delicate or soft. It was *greedy*.
Moist. Slurpy. Lots and lots of tongue.

Richard’s tongue, tasting hers…

Katherine hated how submissive her subconscious was!
It was so… *passive*.

Her tongue, just hanging there…
Weak… Subservient… No agency of its own…

Letting Richard dominate…
Allowing him to *own* her tongue… To swirl it… Wrestle with it…

Lick, after tentative lick…
Giving him a taste of any-and-every part of her tongue he wanted.

Katherine, forced to taste him—the heat of his mouth, the slickness of their mingled saliva.

“*Mmph…*” her voice grunted pleasurably, showing Richard her approval.

She felt each sloppy, wet smooch in vivid detail, as though it were her own consensual action.

A thick trail of saliva lingered between their lips when they pulled apart with a loud, juicy smack. She could feel the residue standing on her lips, a tangible reminder of what just happened.

*This can NOT really be how you kiss… A person can only take so much.*

*“I’ve loved you for so long, Richard!” her voice gasped.

“I knew it…” Richard growled with knowing satisfaction.

“You waited for me, all these years!” her voice cried, “Richard… I love you!”

Katherine watched, as tears blurred her vision, her body leaning in for another kiss, her lips, trembling with desire.

*Oh my—What the fuck, NO!*

Katherine was trapped inside herself, was helpless… feeling every sensation.

The warmth of Richard’s lips…
The rejoining of their saliva…
The excess drool—escaping from the corner of her mouth.
*Stop it, stop it, STOP!*

Katherine begged internally, but she knew nothing would stop this.
Nothing could make her feel less of what was happening.

Her subconscious was finally reacting—unleashing four decades of pent-up, suppressed emotion.
And Katherine had to live every second of it.

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