Second In Command

Chapter 2

by ConsciousControlFreak

Tags: #dom:female #dom:male #mind_control

Katherine burst through the front doors of ChemTech Industries, gripping her black leather purse so tightly her fingernails left imprints.

She stormed past the President’s office, her vision tunneled, too caught up in emotion to notice Richard Berryman’s gaze tracking her through the glass.

Reaching her office, she slammed the door behind her and collapsed into her chair with an audible huff.

*Yet another argument…*

She leaned back in her swivel chair, her mind fuming.
MEN! They just couldn’t seem to understand…

Their primitive, patriarchal, procreationist urges, seemingly hardwired into the very fabric of the male brain.
It wasn’t even like he was the breadwinner!
*She* out-earned *him*!

Why should SHE have to sacrifice her career because HE wanted a family?!
It was just so… absurd!
Katherine buried her face in her hands, letting out an exaggerated sigh.
The weight of the fight lingered on her mind; heavy and consuming.
Suddenly, her office door swung open without a knock.
Richard Berryman, President-and-CEO of ChemTech, strolled in as though it were the most natural thing in the world. The only person in the office who could get away with doing that.
“Another fight?” Richard asked, his tone light, almost teasing.
“YES!” Katherine blurted, her vulnerable emotions coming out involuntarily, “Brian! He’s just so…”
“I get it…” Richard said, his voice calm and soothing as he crossed the room.
He didn’t sit right away.

Instead, he wandered casually to the guest chair, creating a moment of hesitation before finally settling into it.
“Well… I *understand*, I should say,” he amended, “I can’t really say I ‘get’ it. I haven’t dated in over three years.”
Katherine’s brow furrowed.

“Richard, you’re the CEO. A millionaire. Surely, it can’t be *that* hard for you to find a woman…”
He shrugged.

“I could. But I’m looking for something serious. I don’t want some… *fling*.”
His gaze locked onto hers.

Instinctively, Katherine tried to look away.
But something deep inside her subconscious was burning… She couldn’t.
“I’ve got my eye on someone in particular…” he continued, his voice softening, “She’s smart, elegant… *beautiful*. I’ve gotten to know her quite well in the office, over the years…”
Before Katherine could react, Richard reached over, and took her hand in his.
His touch was gentle, almost tentative.

She knew she should pull away, but her hand remained in his.
Something within her was fighting… Fighting to keep her hand still.
*Why can’t I pull my hand away?*
She commanded her arm to pull back, but it didn’t.
As-if something inside of Katherine’s subconscious was refusing to let this moment of tension die.
Her heart raced, a strange and unsettling mix of guilt and curiosity flooding her senses.

*He’s the President… He could have anyone he wanted!*

That meant his feelings for her had to be real…
“I’ve seen how broken that marriage is,” Richard whispered, his thumb gently brushing the back of her hand, “You fight with him so much…”
Her cheeks flushed with heat.
“You could do better, Katherine…” Richard’s voice dropped, the words hanging between them like an unspoken invitation.
He didn’t need to spell it out—she could feel the weight of his gaze, boring into her soul.

“RICHARD!” Katherine exclaimed, trying to gather her thoughts, “I… I… You know I can’t—”
“Katherine, you’re blushing!” Richard teased.
His words only made it worse.
She felt the warmth crawling from her cheeks down to her neck.

Her heart raced as she allowed Richard to continue rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb—now making its way to delicately-massage her bare ring finger.
“Forget your wedding ring, Katherine?”
Her heart leapt into her throat.
*Had she really forgotten?*
“Oh… Oh, yeah. I was in a rush this morning and I—”
But the excuse sounded hollow, even to her.

It was as-if something within her subconscious told her to stop talking.
To let those words hang in the air. To allow herself to look silly… Vulnerable.
She hadn’t *consciously* forgotten—she’d left it sitting on her nightstand.
Her mind raced back to the argument with Brian.
*Had she wanted to forget?*
This wasn’t the first time she’d ‘forgotten’ her ring after an argument, either.
Almost like something in her subconscious was fighting with her.
Richard’s smile widened, knowing he’d caught her in a lie.
His gaze lingering on her face as though he could read her every thought.
Without another word, he released her hand and stood, his departure as smooth as his entrance.
And not a moment too soon. Katherine pressed a hand to her chest, feeling her heart hammering in her ribs.

She could barely catch her breath!

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