Second In Command

Chapter 1

by ConsciousControlFreak

Tags: #dom:female #dom:male #mind_control

After being divorced, Katherine Westerbeck—Vice President of ChemTech Industries—steals an experimental chemical, designed to awaken a human-being’s subconscious mind.

(Chapter 1)

Beyond frustrated, Katherine Westerbeck slammed her large, black purse onto the countertop and angrily stormed into the living room of their shared, rented condo.

Marching in her white blouse, gray office slacks, and black ballet flats, the 5’6” Vice President balled both her fists.

Brian Gibson grit his teeth, falling in step behind his wife-of-ten-years, continuing the argument.

His higher-earning, maiden name-keeping wife—never willing to concede a single fight.

He clenched his jaw.
“Look, I’m just gonna’ say it,” Brian said flatly, his patience now finally exhausted.
Overweight for her height, the 165-pound, straight-haired brunette, whipped around with dramatic force and intensity.

She cocked an eyebrow at her husband, challenging.
“Katherine, you’re *forty*…” Brian said, as gently as he could, “If it doesn’t happen now… it might not *ever* happen.”
Katherine slapped both her hands to her sides, making a clapping noise; exasperated.
“Well then, Brian… maybe it won’t!” Katherine snapped, waving off the issue like it was nothing.
As the Vice President of ChemTech Industries, Katherine took her career very seriously.

Unapologetically-feminist and a workaholic, the very idea of leaving work, right before the busy quarter—and taking almost an entire year of maternity leave—just to go and raise a crying brat, was downright repulsive.
Living as a housewife…
Wholly dependent on the income of her husband…
Katherine shuddered at the thought.
“But, Katherine!” Brian exclaimed, sounding on the verge of tears, “Ten years, we’ve been arguing about this. There’s always *something* going on at work!”
“Well, yeah. I’m the Vice President of the company, Brian,” Katherine said matter-of-factly, “My job is very important.”
“More important than ME?!” Brian demanded.
“I can’t take a year off work. Not now… I just can’t.”
“You know how much I’ve always wanted a family…” Brian said, with obvious hurt in his voice.
“I mean… Maybe we could consider adoption?” Katherine asked.
Brian’s eyes widened.
Then, just as quickly, he narrowed them in disgust.
“WHAT?!” Katherine demanded defensively.
Katherine snapped to attention—verbal guns, at the ready.
She was a battle-hardened warrior at this point.

But this time, Brian didn’t take the bait.
He only sighed, his shoulders slumping—all the years of arguing, finally too much to bear.
He didn’t have it in him. He didn’t want to fight anymore.
His eyes flashed to their wedding photo, hanging on the living room wall.
And perhaps, if Katherine hadn’t been so preoccupied with ‘winning’ another argument…
She would’ve noticed the way Brian’s gaze lingered…
Resigned sadness, as-if he were already saying goodbye.
Their wedding photo seemed so distant to him now—two smiling faces, hopeful for a future that, deep down, he knew would never come.

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