The Morning After

by Cobalt Shifter

Tags: #dom:female #f/m #hypnotic_amnesia

Daniel wakes up after a one night stand he seemingly can’t remember, and is charmed and controlled by the woman he wakes up to.

Disclaimer: All characters depicted are over 18 years of age. Do not read this or any other related erotic content if you are under the age of 18. This is a work of erotic fantasy and is entirely fictional. All situations depicted should not be replicated or attempted in real life without the knowing consent of all parties involved. Any similarity to real life individuals or scenarios are entirely coincidental and unintentional.

Tw: amnesia

Daniel woke up to bright light shining through the windows and right into his eyes. He immediately had to blink and shift so the single shaft of light wasn’t blinding him. He looked around and quickly realized he wasn’t in his apartment. First of all, he didn’t have a window facing the bed in his bedroom. His bedroom’s walls were boring and beige, and adorned with posters, with his tiny desk in the corner. This room was oozing luxury and glamour, a large open window visible from the bed with white lace curtains adorning it. There were practical white curtains on the sides, but whoever’s room this one clearly had a sense of elegance to them, with light gold trimming and patterns running along them. There was a white and gold dresser along the other wall with a mirror on the top. It was lined with discrete but beautiful gold jewelry. The queen bed was large enough for 2 people as well, which was a luxury compared to his twin bed in his cramped bedroom. It had a tufted headboard, beautiful duvet sheets and soft silk pillows. It was extremely comfortable, no wonder he slept in past sunrise.

Then Daniel remembered: the party. He had gone to a birthday party the night before, cause he was a friend of a friend of a friend and just happened to get invited. He didn’t have much to do that night anyway, having the weekend off from his 2 jobs and university schooling. He remembers going there and arriving late, he remembers socializing a bit with who he knew, realizing most of them were drunk already. He couldn’t drink anything with alcohol due to a medical condition, so he remembered feeling bummed that he was going to be a bit left out. He tried to find a quiet part of the party to hang out till some of the birthday activities started and then… nothing. Daniel couldn’t remember anything past that point. He couldn’t have drank anything, that’s impossible, he literally would have died. Was his water cup spiked? He hoped not. But he didn’t seem to feel sick in any way, if anything he felt more relaxed than ever.

He looked around for his phone but didn’t see it immediately around him. On either side of the bed was an elegant nightstand with white shade lamps resting upon them, the one to his right had a digital clock reading 11:39 AM. Definitely way later than he had ever slept in. He only had his loose boxers on, so clearly things had gotten more intimate with whoever he was with last night. He looked around the room and saw his shirt and jeans folded neatly onto a white cushioned chair in the corner opposite the door. The heard some kind of cooking happening outside the room. He tentatively pulled the sheets aside and got out of the bed. The floor was lined with an extremely well kept and soft carpet, which felt amazing to wiggle between his toes. He felt a little light headed as he stood, as if he hadn’t moved for days. He got his clothes on, which seemed to have been washed and taken great care of. Not finding his phone with them either, he tentatively exited the room.

He was greeted to an equally luxurious open concept living room and kitchen. The floor here was a light hardwood with porcelain tile dividing the kitchen from the spacious living room. There was a large white sectional sofa taking up most of the space, lined with comfy pillows and memory foam cushions. A sleek coffee table sat in the center in-front of a curved television sat upon a cabinet. To the left of the kitchen sat a beautiful dining room table with a vase of white roses in its center. In the kitchen there were white gloss cabinets framed perfectly along the wall. The countertops were made of white marble, with a few small plants and a bowl of fruit testing upon it. A subway tile backsplash lined the walls, with sleek stainless steel appliances and the bare minimum cutlery and cookware left out. It all looked so expensive and luxurious, Daniel began to wonder who the hell he ended up sleeping with last night. He couldn’t imagine someone with such high standards picking up a shabby guy like him. Speaking of which, he quickly saw the beautiful women cooking pancakes on the stove.

Cooking at the countertop stove, turned away from Daniel was a short woman with luscious split brown and blond flowing hair that went down her back. She was in an oversized t-shirt, any bottoms or curves hidden beneath it. He didn’t want to startle her as she was cooking, so he carefully sneaked his way to the couch and sat down. Soon after he sat, she seemed to realize he had entered.

“Good morning Daniel, pancakes will be ready soon.” She announced, startling Daniel. Her voice was velvet and smooth, and she spoke loudly but still with an incredibly soft tone. He spun around and she was now turned around, smiling at him. She seemed young but still older than him, probably 24 or 25, with a grace and beauty that gave her skin such a youthful look. She had vibrant blue green eyes, and a warm welcoming smile. Her makeup was fresh and natural, enhancing her features without being overpowering. The oversized t-shirt hung off one shoulder, showing off her smooth pale skin and a simple gold necklace with an intricate gold pendant hung at the bottom, dipping below the collar. A clear pearl orb sat at the center of the pendant, with something at its center, but he could not tell from this distance.

Daniel was truly stunned by the angel in front of him. She was gorgeous, and way out of his league, which just enhanced his questions on how the hell he ended up in her place. It took him a moment to be broken out of his awestruck daze.

“Oh, uhhhhh, hi there,” He uttered, stupidly. He immediately felt like an idiot but only thing he could do is try to salvage any chance he had with this gorgeous woman. “I’m sorry, I must have had a bad night, I don’t remember anything. What’s your name?” She seemed to give a knowing laugh as he admitted to his pitiful situation.

“It’s alright, it was a bit intense. My name’s Sophie!” she gave him a sweet smile and turned back to finishing the pancakes as the stove began to beep at her. “Ah, there we are!” She scooped up the last pancake onto a plate of 3 beautiful pancakes.

“Syrup? Blueberries?” she asked, gesturing to the appropriate additives on the side. Daniel was a bit startled that this beautiful angel had prepared him his favorite breakfast, down to the syrup and side of blueberries.

“Yes, please ma’am”  he quickly answered, and quickly bit his tongue. He hadn’t meant to call her ma’am, but it just seemed right for some reason given the circumstances. He had assumingly slept with her so I guess formalities were out of the question, but he was very afraid of being kicked out and having to do the walk of shame home, wherever the hell that was.

“Hehe, cute” she gave him a quick smirk as she added both the syrup and berries to his plate, and then her own plate which was set on the side. “Come sit, before the stack gets cold.”

He felt his body moving almost automatically, with an eagerness he hadn’t expected. It wasn’t a mad dash, but he seemed to move with haste, making it to the table before she did. He sat down at the table where his silverware had been set in place ahead of time. He put his hands in his lap, and awaited his plate. He got an even better look at her beauty up close, and could feel his jaw falling ever so slightly slack in awe. She set her plate across from him, and then his plate down in front of him, giving him a sweet smile as he looked up to her like an eager puppy.
                “Good boyyyy” she said, lightly tapping him in the center of his forehead as she did. Her praise sent a light pleasurable buzz through his body, but the poke sent a wave of that feeling through his body. His eyes rolled back, and he felt himself loosing focus. He then felt some memories of the night before return to him, as his vision went dark and he was enveloped in a flashback.

He had found an empty couch in a relatively quiet side room of the chaotic party. The loud of the main room could be vaguely heard, with occasionally cheering and chanting. “Going to this party was a mistake” he thought as he stared down at his phone, resting on 5%. He didn’t want to bail without giving some of his friends a ride home, but he definitely wasn’t looking forward to deal with his drunken friends throwing up and being unapologetically loud in his tiny car.

“Is this seat taken?” A sweet voice cut through the chaotic sound. Daniel looked up to see a gorgeous girl, with split blond and brown hair trailing down her shoulders. She was dressed in a simple black dress that went to her knees. She had a cool necklace with a golden pearl pendant at the center. 

“Seat’s empty” he said, patting it next to him while still looking up at her. As she sat  he realized his eyes were magnetized to her and had to shake his eyes to avoid staring. 

“SO, how do you know Richard?” She asked. She had such a cheery and peppy energy, it was hard to turn down a conversation despite his mood. Plus she was super pretty.

“I don’t really, just have some friends who invited me.” He said, “I was hoping this would be a little different. Loud drunken dance party isn’t really my scene. How about you?” 

“Oh I’m one of Rich’s former coworkers, and I definitely feel the same way.” She replied, turning all her focus onto him. “Being drunk almost never goes well, and guys are usually shitty dancers. Does the noises get to you? I know something that can help.”

Daniel was shocked by the level of concern and care this stranger was showing to him. His phone was on its last life, so he reckoned he was stuck in this conversation and turned to face her. 

“A little bit, but a tip would be really great.”

She seemed to have a nice smile to now having his full attention. 

“It’s all about clearing your mind and focusing on something else. You just breath in,” she closed her eyes and inhaled very deeply. Daniel tried averting his eyes from her chest, which had her cleavage pretty exposed with her lower cut dress. 

“And outttt” she let out a nice long exhale. Once she was done she opened here eyes vibrant. “Now you try” She said cheerily, looking to him eagerly. 

“Okayyy” he said, a bit hesitant. He couldn’t really say no with her right next to him. He inhaled deeply and shut his eyes. 

“Hold it for a few seconds,” she instructed, as her voice took on a much calmer, and supportive. “And let it out.” He exhaled, and did feel his mind clear a bit as he did. 

“Good! And again; In…” she continued to instruct him. He was going to do the one breath, but it did have a bit of merit so he continued. 

“There you go, hold it just like that… and out” With this exhale he felt even more of his mind clear, the thoughts about the party and music fading away. 

“Innnnn….” He breathed in even deeper than before, focusing on her elegant voice. “And outttt” he breathed out.

“Good boyyy, now sleep” and she tapped him on the center of his forehead, and his mind went blank.

Daniel returned to consciousness to see Sophie sitting across from him. She had a kinda mischievous smile as he was brought out of his blank state. She has started eating her stack, and was already through half her pancakes.

“Eat up cutie, it’s getting cold.”  Daniel felt himself grab his fork and begin to eat. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to, but once he was told to, he felt like he had to do it now that he was told to. He felt like he should be trying to leave, but he felt comfortable with Sophie, and was more curious as to what had happened the night before.

“Thanks for breakfast and everything,” He sheepishly avoided eye contact with the beautiful girl across from him. “Sorry I wasn’t up sooner, I just needed a lot of rest I guess.

“Oh its no problem. You were really tuckered out after last night so I took care of your clothes for you. Your phone was dead so its charging over on the counter, but you can stay as long as you need to till you’re fully rested.” Daniel was shocked by the hospitality, he surely thought she was just gonna kick him out after breakfast.

“Thanks, ” he was genuinely at loss. “Your place is really beautiful.” He was terrible at small talk and was just trying to keep things going in between bites. She had nearly finished and he was barely through his first pancake.

“Aww thanks! I put a lot of work into it making it just how I wanted. I believe it’s really important where you’re living to be happy.” She finished her plate and brought it to the sink. Daniel noticed she had some black lace panties under her shirt as she walked away. He only stared for a moment before returning to his plate. He wanted to get a better look but he felt like he didn’t have any other choice than to focus on his food before doing anything else. He could hear her move over to the couch and have a seat. Daniel began eating faster, but his mind still lingered. What happened last night? What brought him here? He still remembered meeting Sophie now, but anything beyond that was just… nothing. Even just trying to remember made his body go slack and he went blank.

Eventually he finished his plate and placed it in the sink. He saw Sophie chilling on the couch on her phone. He realized he could easily just grab his phone and go now, but he was intrigued by this girl. She had a sense of mysticism and carefreeness to her, and he was drawn to her. He wanted to know more, about her and the night before. He approached her on the couch and meant to sat next to her, but felt an urge to kneel before her on the floor, so he did so. She immediately took notice, a bit inquisitive but something seemed to click as he kneeled and was shocked by his own actions.

“Ahh, woops, guess that behavior is still going hehe. It’s alright darling, you can sit up here.” She patted the space next to her on the couch. He could feel the blush rushing to his cheeks. Why did he do that? He didn’t know. It felt good though; the same pleasurable feeling from earlier had begun to spread from his knees up through his body. Not too intense, but was a nice warm buzz. As he got up to move to the couch, that feeling faded, but was replaced with a warm pulse through his body as he sat on the couch next to Sophie.

“That’s a Good Boyyyy” she said as she booped him in the center of his forehead again. This time the pleasurable wave from before was stronger, and made his entire body relax and fall limp. His eyes shut as he slumped against the couch, and felt another memory of the previous night come back to him.

Daniel woke up on the couch of the party. His body had a warm fuzzy feeling from head to toe, as he stretched and woke up. The music of the party slowly began to come back, but the music itself had a much calmer energy than it had been before. It must have been atleast an hour lately. He began to shifted and realized that his head was propped up on the lap of the mystery girl. She was running her fingers through his short hair, greeting him with a smile.

“There you areeee, nice and slowly now.” She whispered down to him as she scratched his head. Daniel felt himself waking up and sitting up from her lap, and leaning on the other side of the couch.

“Hey, sorry, I just kinda passed out there. How long was I out?” His eyes were a bit droopy, but his mind felt clear and empty. He felt relaxed but was beginning to panic that he had just woken up in a random girls lap.

“Oh not that long, maybe 45 minutes. It’s alright, breathing exercises can make you fall asleep real quick if you’re tired and stressed out. I’ve dealt with this more times than I could count. Just take it slow cutie.” She was typing on her phone as her hand rubbed his thigh. Daniel was still in a bit of shock, but he didn’t protest. He had a warm fuzzy feeling from head to toe, which was very a welcome difference from the stressed and tense feeling he had at most moments. After about a minute, the mystery girl stood up.

“Okay, ready to go?” She turned to him cheerily. She had a simple car keychain in her hand, and offered the other to pull him off the couch.

“Where are we going?” Daniel asked, tentatively. He wasn’t one for one night stands, but this was hardly your standard flirt and hookup.

“I’ve decided I’m taking you back to my place silly. It’s clear that you aren’t fit for a loud party like this, so you can come back to my place and just relax till you’re ready to discuss more private stuff.” She twirled back and forth while waiting for him to grab her hand, letting the skirt of her dress lift and spin a bit. Daniel couldn’t believe his luck, not only did he have an excuse to bail on the party, but he was going with an incredibly cute and beautiful girl who for some reason wanted to take care of him. He grabbed her hand and mostly pulled himself up. When he stood at full height he had to look down ever so slightly to meet her gaze, but it felt like the opposite; like he was the one looking up to her in search of guidance.

“Good boy. Now, follow” she spun around and left the room. Daniel found himself closely following her, like he was bound to her by a leash. They left the empty side room and entered the main party room. They navigated through the crowd of dancers, mostly groups chatting while swaying with the music and occasionally singing along. His eyes were locked to his guiding angel as she weaved through the crowd with grace. Sometimes they would be slightly separated, but somehow he knew the quickest path to get through the crowds and back to her, and always caught up between 2 or 3 paces with her. Eventually they ended up outside the villa that the party was taking place, till they stopped next to an expensive looking silver sports car. The mystery girl clicked keyfob and the doors opened.

“Get in,” her voice was silvery smooth, and immediately the music in the background seemed to go completely silent, and all Daniel could hear was his own heartbeat, and her. He got in the passenger side and shut the door gently. The interior was filled with white leather seats, sleek paneling and golden highlights. His mystery mistress entered the car, and closed her door.

“See? That wasn’t so bad. Now, the drive is about 30 minutes so I’ll let you rest if you want, but up to you.” Daniel was a bit confused by her offer. He wanted to ask her so many question, but after a second of evaluating himself, he realized he felt a bit weak. The party atmosphere had done way more of a number on him than he thought. He realized that maybe now that he had some rest, his body wanted to go back to that.

“Uhh some more rest would be great yeah. But you can play some music or whatever I wont care.” He went to grab his phone to entertain himself and sadly found it dead.

“Oh don’t worry, you wont need that for the ride. I don’t have a charger in me but I have some at my place. Sweet dreams~” as he turned to say thanks, her finger again poked him in the center of his forehead, and he felt himself leaning back in the chair, going blank, and letting his whole body rest.

Daniel awoke again, and found himself sitting in Sophie’s lap, just as he was in the memory from last night. He was layed out straight on the couch, which he hadn’t been before his memory trip, although he didn’t feel the need to change that. Some part of him was perfectly content just laying here, staring up at Sophie’s pretty face. But it was clear something was afoot, and somehow Sophie had gained complete control over him.

“So, it’s time I answer some questions.” Sophie said as she started to play with his hair. “You can ask away, just don’t panic or overthink anything.” Daniel didn’t know where to start.

“What did you do to me at the party? Did you drug me?” He was mostly afraid that at any moment his body was gonna have some kind of visceral reaction to whatever may have been in his system. After he learned he couldn’t drink alcohol, he stayed completely away from any drug.

“No no silly, I didn’t drug you. I just helped you relax.”

“and how did you do that to me?”

“It’s all with the power of suggestion. Once you’re told to do something, its easier to do it. It’s easier for some then others, but you were the quickest to fall I’ve come across, which means you’ve got a lot going on. And boy do you.” She looked down at him in her lap with a deep level of concern and care, taking a moment to place her hand on his shoulder in a way that let himself relax.

“Wait, how do you know I’ve got a lot going on?” Daniel was having more questions by the second, but one subject at a time.

“You told me. Well, I asked you, and then you told me.”

“How were you able to do that?”

She seemed a bit reluctant to answer, and took a pause before continuing. “It’s a long story. Basically my parents are rich and spoil me endlessly, and since I don’t need a job, I devote my time to being a free therapist to help whoever I find who may be in need of some mental support. I specialize in hypnosis. It allows me to go deep into people’s true thoughts and help them improve their lives.”

“I usually go to big events like the party to find people struggling and getting drunk to drown the pain. But then I found you in that quiet side room, dark and alone, and I could tell that you needed some help. So I started my process, and you fell super quick. Usually people need a few minutes to be relaxed enough for the trance to work, but you took 3 breaths…” She again, looked at him with a gaze that had knew what a tough time Daniel was having. “While you were under, asked you questions and had you answer truthfully. You told me about you taking double jobs struggling to get by, going to university with no idea why, your shitty friends, and just lonely you had been… I realized you needed my help more than anyone at that stupid party.” Daniel could see a slight tear forming in her eyes, which didn’t help with his own eyes beginning to water.

“Plus, out of anyone there, you were actually pretty cute. So I took you here, gave you a fun night to get forget all your troubles just for a night, and let you get as much rest as you needed.” Her hand spread from his shoulder to his neck as she began to do a bit of massages. He then saw a hickey resting just under his collarbone.

“Sooo, we did fuck?” he bluntly asked. This made her laugh quite a bit

“Hahaha, yes we did. Don’t worry, you were consenting. I just haven’t given you that memory back.” She said, while moving her hands to run down his chest. Even over his t-shirt, her fingers sent tingles along his body as he grew bit by bit more excited.

“’Given it back’? When will that happen?” He was still confused, but her being a hypnotist made him suspect that she had done something to his brain. He wasn’t against it, but he was just confused for now.

“That depends on you. I have a proposition for you.” She said, taking her hands away and getting more serious. “If you want to, you can decide to walk out of here right now, and I’ll let you have all your memories back. It wouldn’t cost you anything, and you won’t ever see me again. However, I asked you some other questions, and learned that you didn’t seem to mind this.” She looked down at him and gave him a smirk.  “Part of you, ‘finds being overpowered by a super cute girl super sexy’, your words not mine. That only read to a bit of a rabbit hole of what kinky stuff you’re into and I have a feeling we would go very well together.”

For the first time since he had been there, Daniel saw a bit of blush entering Sophie’s cheeks.

“So, only if you want, I want you to be my boyfriend. You can quit your jobs, you can move in here, you can live with me. I’ll take care of whatever you need, as long as you’re okay with letting me hypnotize you and play with you however I want.” She had become even more flustered and embarrassed now, her cheeks almost entirely blush. “We’ll still do normal couple stuff, but with my ‘clients’ I make it very clear I never want to be sexual with them. In fact, I have a specific suggestion I’m able to implant so that they avoid that train of thought entirely with me. You’re different though… Last night you were so willing, so cooperative, so gentle, and soooo good in bed,” He felt her thighs squeeze together at that bit,  “that I can’t resist giving how I feel a shot…”.

Daniel was stunned, he thought he was going to be in a kidnapped boytoy scenario, but it had done a complete 180. This miraculous girl had gone out of her way to offer him freedom in life, simply cause she learned how tough his life was. He never told anyone what he went through on a daily basis, what he did to get where he was, and how much he had sacrificed for other to keep them happy.

“So, Daniel, I will ask you this free of influence, will you be my boyfriend?” As she asked this, a hint of nervousness in her voice, she snapped her fingers above his head. Daniel felt the mental locks keeping his body in place immediately break. He felt his mind expand, and immediately a barrage thoughts ran through his mind. He shot up and sat upward on the couch, which startled Sophie a bit, but she seemed more eager for his response. Daniel turned to face her as the question returned to his mind, “Will you be my boyfriend?” His thoughts bounced around in his brain at a million miles an hour. But for every question he posed, the answer still seemed clear.

“Yes!” He declared, “Yes I would love to be your boyfriend!”  Sophie’s ecstatic smile returned to her face, and she reached her arms around him and gave him a big hug. Daniel returned the hug, and as the hug broke, she immediately began to give him quick kisses to his face over and over. Daniel was overjoyed by his luck of finding such a cute and sweet girl that seemed to like him just as much as he had immediately fancied her. As they were kissing, Sophie playfully pushed him down flat onto the couch, and positioned herself to now be sitting on his chest.

“Thank you Daniel, thank you so much!” She was vibrant with energy, and was shaking her hands, trying to hide her obvious excitement. She took a moment to calm herself, take a deep breath, and returned her focus back to him. Her confident, refined energy returned in an instant, and she immediately reminded him of her mental control over him.

“Now, I’m dying to have a bit of fun with you, so time to test some triggers.” She purred as she bent down above him. Daniels heart began to race, but not out of fear. It was out of excitement, knowing what would be coming next, while not knowing what his new hypnotist girlfriend was going to do to him. She tapped the center of his forehead, his body was overtaken with a warm pleasurable buzz, and he went deep into a blissful trance.

To be continued…?

Thank you for reading my story! I wanted to take a more simple mind control story, and tried to dip into bits of amnesia. There may be a sequel to this story if requested, so let me know what you think! You can get early access to more stories on my Patreon, any support is greatly appreciated!


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