Master PC- Branching Out

Chapter 1- Discovery and Experimentation

by Cobalt Shifter

Tags: #dom:male #f/m #fantasy #m/m #multiple_partners #sub:female #growth

This is my take on the Master PC story type, which has been done dozens of times before. It’s a super fun tool that allows for any number of changes to be made, so am excited to see where this tale goes. Please enjoy my interpretation!

Disclaimer: All characters depicted are over 18 years of age. Do not read this or any other related erotic content if you are under the age of 18. This is a work of erotic fantasy and is entirely fictional. All situations depicted should not be replicated or attempted in real life without the knowing consent of all parties involved. Any similarity to real life individuals or scenarios are entirely coincidental and unintentional.

Chapter 1: Discovery and experimentation

Issac Hawkins walked into his dorm and let out a heavy sigh. Another shitty Thursday. Another day in the endless cycle he had been stuck in for 2 years. Class, game, sleep, repeat. College had not been the great freedom and leap into adulthood that he hoped it would be. He was 21, and spent the majority of his time in his dorm playing games, doing homework or nothing at all. He barely had any friends, most of which were online anyway, and his social presence was essentially nothing cause he moved across the country to be here.  He wasn’t exactly antisocial, but he wasn’t a fan of parties or big gatherings. He talked with quite a few of his classmates when he could, but he doubts any would call him a friend more than an acquaintance.

He went into his bedroom, slung his bag of books onto the floor and fell onto the bed, tired from his long day. He was ahead on his school work so atleast he didn’t have to worry about that today. None of his favorite games were having any interesting events or updates either though, so now he was sorta at loss of what to.  He pulled up his phone and started checking his socials. Nothing real interesting there either. There was some news about a crazy conspiracist who got on the news only to claim the world was changing dramatically and he was the only one who realized. What a nutjob. The rest of his feed were thirst traps and girls plugging their premium sites in the replies. He wasn’t against them or anything, he definitely subscribed to a few good ones in the past, he was just on a college budget. Besides, it wasn’t like it made him any less lonely jerking off to relative strangers over the internet.

Eventually Issac slumped from his bed to his computer desk and booted it up. Maybe he’d find some new game to play. As he was typing in his password, he somehow fucked it up and was immediately locked out of his account. “Greatttt,” he thought, “time for a password reset.” He went through the process and opened his email to get his reset code. It was then he noticed a new email, which was odd, since he was sure to filter his email very specifically to avoid spam. Some brand abbreviated CS, offering “A brand new look at reality”. Usually he would just delete it but the nature of it intrigued him. He clicked on it and read the pop up it came with. It was pretty simple, not too complicated or flashy.

Hello Issac,

You have been selected to receive a program that will grant you the ability to change reality around you. If you choose to ignore this, it will expire in 24 hours and you won’t remember it. However, if you do wish to change your reality, to improve your current life circumstances, to make things how you deem fit, try out this program. It is simple to use and we are sure that you can make good use of it; if you so choose. The program will be uninstalled if unused. If things get too out of hand, action will be taken, but do not let that deter you.

Best of luck, Cobalt Services.

Underneath it was a download link. Definitely not the safest of offers, but despite that, Issac couldn’t help but feel it was truthful. If it’s intention was harmful, it would have seemed much more enticing. But this offer was simple, and he figured it wouldn’t hurt. He downloaded it and saw it was called “Master PC”. Maybe it was all just a PC optimization? It was a relatively hefty download, but downloaded quickly, and once it did, it immediately launched. Issac had a sudden fear it really was malware and he was just hijacked, but then a green screen popped up saying “Welcome to your Master PC”

He clicked the start button and a disclaimer popped up.

Welcome new user. This program allows you to alter reality around you to whatever you wish. While this program may seem simple, do not under estimate it. The consequences of what you may do can be reversed, but the program can still be dangerous. Please be sure to read the settings accordingly and be sure you are not endangering yourself or others. If this program falls into the wrong hands, it will be deleted. Take care that is not stolen.

More ominous warnings. “Not a bad sign at all” he mumbled to himself. He then clicked confirm and proceeded to a screen asking him so assign his profile a password. He put in a new unique password, out of caution if it was still a trick to steal all his information. He was then allowed into the Master Pc, and was greeted with a plethora of options. There was a “find subject” search bar, and underneath were several sections detailing users, subjects, information, presets, “General Changes” and “Previously Modified”. Now this is definitely something interesting. He clicked users and saw the only name being himself, listed as “Program Host”. He clicked his name for more details. He hadn’t inputted any of his personal information, only a password, yet it showed his full name, current location, age, height, weight, etc lining the left side of the screen. Several intimate, shockingly and precise features even he didn’t know about himself. “Okay, this is legit.” He said to himself. Taking up the majority of the right side of the screen was a 3D model of himself, sitting on his chair, hands at his computer. Below that in a smaller bubble was a top down blue-print like layout of his dorm with a small blip where he sat in the room. He could see another dot for his roommate Tyrone in the other half of the dorm, seemingly sleeping in his room. Next to that was a button that said “Edit”.

Issac clicked the edit button and all the options on the left side expanded to have text bubbles, sliders and buttons that allowed any values he wanted to go up or down. There was also a new search button at the top labelled Miscellaneous changes. “There’s no way …right?” he thought, realizing the implications of what could be done. He wasn’t exactly unhappy with how he looked currently. He was around 195 pounds, 5’9, and somewhat fit, doing what he had to do to stay below 200 pounds. However, if it could be better. He went to the settings about his hair; Brown, straight, and resting a bit past his ears. He didn’t really groom it much, thinking it too much of a hassle and usually kept it under a hat or a beanie. He slid the slider on Average hair length from 4 inches to 1.25 inches and saw the hair on the 3D model change to short and at the top of his head. His hair in real life was still the same length, but as he changed the setting he saw a “finalize changes” button under the model light up. Above that were 3 check boxes, labeled “Make changes instantaneously” , “Subject is unaware of changes”, and “Change effects history and surroundings” with only the first being checked. He unchecked the first and there was a slider of time ranging from 1 minute to 24 hours. He rechecked it and clicked Finalize, just to test it. It prompted him with his password, which was apparently required for any changes involving the Program host. He typed it in, and then pressed confirm.  

The program seemed to load this change instantaneously. His hair immediately evaporated into nothingness and matched what was shown on the model. It didn’t hurt or sting, it just vanished in his fingers.  “HOLY SHIT!” he yelled, jumping from his chair. He couldn’t believe it. The program had told him multiple times it could change reality but he just didn’t think it would happen. “Keep it downnnnn” he heard his roommate Tyrone shout through the thin walls. Issac in his panic, had forgotten that he was napping. “Sorryyyy.” Issac replied.

Suddenly he had a thought occur to him, “Well, it could change me, but what about someone else?”. He turned his attention back to the Master PC and went to the find subject bar and typed in Tyrone’s full name. It then showed a series of different of “Tyrone Dexter Fields” across the nation, but highlighted his roomates option as “most probable candidate” He clicked it and this time all the options were immediately editable for his disposal. One of the first options was Sexual Orientation, listed as Straight. It was one of the few things Issac didn’t like about Tyrone. Issac was bisexual and had honestly had a crush on Tyrone when he first moved in with him, and how couldn’t he? Tyrone was practically the definition of “Surfer dude”, tall, very fit with abs to match, curly blond hair, an even tan. He went to the gym and pool a bunch, but wasn’t super bulky either. Issac couldn’t help but be infatuated with him at first, but soon realized that he was just here to get with girls and was taking his time to finish school. He enjoyed the attention his good looks got him. He didn’t treat Issac or any of his hookups like shit, but was very quick to move on if something wasn’t going how he wanted anymore.

Issac decided to test the spectrum of this new program. He selected the orientation option and changed it to Gay, and also added “Often walks around his dorm room shirtless” to the Miscellaneous Changes section. That part was still a little vague and he wanted to see if the changes were as simple as it seemed. He then checked the “Subject is unaware of changes” and “Change effects history and surroundings” settings, and pressed Finalize. This time the program took a few seconds, with the buffering bar showing “Modifying history” as it completed. Issac heard Tyrone’s bedroom door opened, and Tyrone started going to the kitchen. Issac left his room, investigating what his changes had done to his roommate.

“Hey there big guy” Tyrone said, shooting Issac a smirk, “Nice haircut!” Issac was confused for a second and then remembered his own change. Tyrone had his tanktop crumpled in his hand and seemed to be getting ready to head out somewhere. His 6 back abs were glistening and were hard for Issac not to stare.

“Oh, yeah. Just tryin something new.” He almost never got haircuts so was hoping that it wouldn’t draw too much attention. “Where are you off to?”

“Off to the gay bar, it’s almost happy hour” Tyrone said, grabbing his keychain. “Am hoping to get lucky so won’t be back tonight. Have fun having the place to yourself, hotshot” He shot Issac a wink and walked out the door. Issac was a little stunned but it made sense if he was gay he’d be a bit more flirtatious towards him. Him heading to the gay bar was also relatively consistent, he had just switched his hookup spot from the beach an hour or so away to somewhere more local.

“Well… this program definitely works.” Issac pondered. He grabbed a drink from the fridge and went back to his computer. He mind buzzed with possible changes and statistics he could make. The Miscellaneous section had worked perfectly, and now that he knew the changes were no longer limited to certain settings and values, anything was possible. His look at Tyrone’s abs had done 2 things to him: 1) It inspired him to likely make some changes to himself, and 2) He wanted to get himself laid and find someone to have some fun with.

He decided to start with himself. He went and adjusted his weight from 195 to 160 pounds, and changed his muscle definition from 20% to 45%. He had seen Tyrone’s at 75% and felt that was a reasonable point to put himself at. He changed his height to 6’1, and tweaked his hair a bit more to be more styled. He then scrolled further down and found the more sexual settings. There was the obvious things like sensitivity, dick length and girth, which he increased from 5 to 7.5 inches and got a bit thicker. But there was some things Issac hadn’t even considered like “refraction period”, “erection density”, “orgasm strength”, and “fluid amount”. He increased all those bit by bit, not going too insane with the changes in case there were unintended consequences. He remembered all those warnings. He also added some miscellaneous changes giving him more control over his erections and orgasms. He checked the “Modify History and Surroundings” and “Instantaneous Change” boxes and left the “Subject is Unaware of changes” blank, curious to that combination.

He clicked Finalize, typed in his password and clicked confirm. The changes took a few moments, but were instantly apparent. Issac felt himself shift upward in his chair from his improved height, the bits of fat around his stomach retracted and vanished. His muscles grew and strengthened, which he expected it to be painful but it was a shockingly warm feeling, like he had pressed a heated rice sock against his body. The feelings in his pelvic region were equally warm, but more pleasurable as his nerve endings were multiplied and extended. It certainly felt way better than he thought it would. Issac began to strip to take a look at himself. He didn’t quite have 6 pack abs but his stomach was taught and no longer had small gut. His arms were more defined and stronger as well. He spotted a set of dumbbells by his bed, which hadn’t been there before. Issac tried to think back to when he got them and he suddenly remembered getting them few weeks after arriving to college, and using them nearly every day since to build the muscles he now had. It was a routine he had been doing for months and months, and yet he didn’t remember it to that moment. It gave Issac a weird chill down his spine, realizing the power of the Master PC. It had implanted these memories into his head. Did they really happen? Or had he just been given the muscles and those memories were a lie to explain how he had been given his muscles?

He tried not to linger on it, but the implications on changing history the wrong way worried him. What if he wished for a German accent and it change the outcome of WW2? He hoped the program would know not to go to such extremes, but there was no way to be sure.

He was broken out of this train of thought by seeing his new enhanced dick, which was definitely more impressive then before. He put his hand along his shaft and immediately felt it being more sensitive, even while soft. His new nerves reacted as if his hand was cold and sent a chill up his stomach. He decided to test his mental control and willed himself to get hard. His new cock immediately complied and got harder than he ever had been before. He stroked himself and the extra inches were certainly more sensitive, even if it was a bit of an adjustment. He looked at himself on the Master PC Subject viewer and was thoroughly impressed with how he looked. He still resembled himself, but definitely a more refined version of himself, most likely worthy of Tyrone’s attention when he got back as well. He hadn’t considered that till then, but seeing himself and stroking his cock was making him horny, and he quickly wanted to test these things out as soon as possible. He could make a quick change and make Tyrone come back, but that was for another time. For now, he wanted a lady partner to sate his new needs.

The universe seems to grant him his wish as his phone resting on the desk buzzes. He opens it to see a text from Lynn, one of his class mates. It read, “Hey, do you have the notes from todays Biology lecture that I can borrow? I couldn’t make it.” She hadn’t been there today, but she rarely was. She had his number from a group project they were in, and this wasn’t the first time she had asked him for notes. Issac realized what an opportunity he had on his hand. Lynn hadn’t been on his radar because she had a boyfriend, or atleast she did. They broke up nearly a month ago, and he had been sure to be kind to her since then, even if she still seemed a very dismissive of him. She was pretty attractive as is, but he knew with his program he could improve her even more so. She was 23, and very focused on her fitness. She probably missed the mornings class because she was at the gym or yoga. She would be a great person to test with.

He types up a reply, “Yep, u can come get it whenever ur free”, and then gets to work on making a plan. He searched up Lynn, and found that she was across campus and slowly making her way over. The Visualizer showed her in a jacket and jeans, walking along some kind of sidewalk. He went into her details and began to improve her body. She didn’t have too much muscle, but had very little body fat. He didn’t feel a need to tweak that in any way, but her bust could use some work. It listed her breast size as 32B, so he increased it up to 38DD. He could see the changes visualized on her as she walked, and he watched eagerly till they reached a good size. It was a bit hard to tell through her jacket, but her boobs still seemed solid. He then realized there was a nudity toggle on the Visualizer, a thing he wished he had seen earlier to experiment on himself with. He toggled it off and got a great look at Lynn’s nude body, her new breasts hanging high and tight to her chest Issac was a fan of bouncing so he decreased their tenderness a bit to give them a bit more fluidity, and it certainly did the trick. Her boobs went from a light bump with step, to a clear bounce that would grab any onlooker’s attention. He watched a few modifiers change as he did so, such as the strength of her back muscles and her walk seemed to slow a bit as well. He hadn’t even implanted the changes yet but the program was giving him such an in-depth prediction to how these changes would affect her.

Her ass and legs was pretty solid from her constant yoga, so he let those be for now. He was more excited to test the mental changes. He went into the mental section and saw a bunch of textboxes he could add and modify at his will. Hobbys, friends, IQ, mental status, crushes. He went to crushes just to see if he was on the list. He didn’t see his name initially, but he was there, a bit lower then he would have hopped though, resting at 16th. The ones above him consisted of some of the football team, celebrities, and even her ex, who was sitting at #5. Apparently even a breakup is enough to keep someone on your mind. He was able to click and drag himself up to #2, the first slot being taken up by a film celebrity he was even infatuated with, which he felt was fair enough to leave. He was quite the specimen. He removed some of the local crushes from the list, including her ex, but let the celebrities and names he didn’t recognize stay. He also lowered her inhibitions, and her suggestibility.

He decided to add some special features to her miscellaneous features. He added “Likes to spend time at Issac’s dorm” “Is gradually more attracted to Issac the longer they are in the room” and “gets more turned on every time she hears the word ‘Lime’”. He wanted to test specific phrases and orders and see how that would affect things. He decided to not make all the changes instantaneous and made it so they would occur over the next 10 minutes. He left the other 2 final boxes blank as well just to gage her reaction on how she would like these new changes. He was double checking all the settings when he noticed Lynn’s nude model making her way up the stairs to his dorm building which means it was time. He hit Finalize, put his clothes back on from the floor and got ready to have a fun fling with Lynn. Even with his new control of his dick, he couldn’t help getting hard just thinking about it.

Thank you for reading my story! Please let me know what you think! You can give direct feedback along with early access to more stories on my Patreon, any support is greatly appreciated!

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