Bimbo Car Air Freshener

by Cobalt Shifter

Tags: #exhibitionism #fantasy #growth #solo #lactation

Sandra is making a cross country trip and picks up a pink sparkly air freshener along the way. Before she knows it, she becomes a pink sparkly bimbo with only one thing on her mind.

Disclaimer: All characters depicted are over 18 years of age. Do not read this or any other related erotic content if you are under the age of 18. This is a work of erotic fantasy and is entirely fictional. All situations depicted should not be replicated or attempted in real life without the knowing consent of all parties involved. Any similarity to real life individuals or scenarios are entirely coincidental and unintentional.

Disclaimer: All characters depicted are over 18 years of age. Do not read this or any other related erotic content if you are under the age of 18. This is a work of erotic fantasy and is entirely fictional. All situations depicted should not be replicated or attempted in real life without the knowing consent of all parties involved. Any similarity to real life individuals or scenarios are entirely coincidental and unintentional.

Sandra pulled into the rest stop and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. She had just finished the day’s 9 hour drive and was exhausted. It had been a hot day with no clouds in sight, driving through empty, unshaded highways. She was moving cross country to be with her boyfriend, Domonic, who was a up and coming professional football player. His success meant they could finally live together financially, and Sandra couldn’t wait for this trip to be over. The majority of her things were on a moving truck, but she still had to drive herself in her car all the way there.

Sandra got out of her SUV to stretch, looking up at the moon and stars. Only one more day with 6 hours of driving, and then she’d get to enjoy the best rest ever at her boyfriend’s house. She pulled out her phone, and was about to text her boyfriend where she was staying the night (god forbid something happen to her here), when she realized she had stumbled upon the best rest stop yet. It was simple like all the rest, with a small park for kids and pets to play in after hours cooped up in their cars, with bathrooms and benches. The special thing about this one is that it had a simple gas station-store hybrid with a cute pink neon sign saying “The 141”, which was the mile marker on the stretch or interstate she was traveling on. There were plenty of parking spots, but the majority of the stop was empty, with only a few dozen cars and a single semitruck staying. She texted Domonic “Omg I lucked out this rest stop actually seems nice” She sent him a pic before walking over.

As Sandra headed towards the store, she was immediately reminded how starving she was. She had eaten the last of her food today, and was planning to detour through a small town tomorrow to get enough for her last leg of the journey, but it seemed like her problem was solved. Being away from a kitchen had been tough, as she was a definite foodie and missed her home baking and nightly cooking.

Sandra was on the safe side of thick, something she was proud of and not afraid to hide. She was currently wearing a black top that showed a bit of tummy, and loose fitting leggings, but not too loose to show off her decent curves. She wasn’t wearing a bra(cause why should she in the comfort of her own car) but she was usually around a DD. She tried to stay cute with short curly dark blonde hair that rarely passed her shoulders. She had her ears and septum pierced, and she wasn’t too flashy with her other accessories.

When entered the simple gas station and found it’s interior to be more like a grocery store than a gas station. They had some chilled produce with fruits and greens, a freezer section with sodas, drinks, and ice, aisles with snacks and junk food, some enticing candy by an empty register counter. She picked up a shopping basket by the door, another welcome surprise and began to stock up on what she needed. As she collected some fruits and other necessities, she could hear what she guessed what was the store keep from a curtained doorway behind the counter. It sounded like some excited shrieks and giggling, maybe they were playing a game to pass the time? She didn’t pay it much mind and continued her shopping.

This places had a bunch of brands she recognized, but quite a few she didn’t, such as a package of blueberries labeled “Betty’s Bossom Berries”. It had a promiscuous cartoon farm girl on the front, with blond pig tails and big boobs barely covered by a set of seemingly denim overalls. The berries were bigger then any she had seen before, so she grabbed some, despite the odd packaging. Another peculiar brand she recognized near the end of her perusal was a brand of milk, the only brand they had, called “Janet’s Jugs (of milk)” with pink bubble lettering on a plastic jug. No busty women this time, only an image of a cute winking cow next the cute text logo. It came by the quart or gallon, and they seemed to have a lot of it. Why would they stock milk if people are out on a road trip? Sandra had a cooler to keep her cold food safe, but she didn’t think too many other’s would have the same, nevertheless actually want milk. She was again, intrigued by it, so added a quart sized carton to her basket. It had been a quite a while since she had some classic milk and cookies, so she added some small cookie bites to her basket as well.

With her basket nearly fun, she approached the counter. She could still hear the sounds of the woman behind the curtain, seemingly enjoying whatever she was up to and saying words seemingly to herself that Sandra couldn’t make out from here. On the counter was a small hanging bell with a tassel, saying “If empty, ring for service”. Beneath that was another off brand, this time being some chocolate, labeled as “Deedee’s Dark Chocolate”.  It showed another cartoonish image of a voluptuous black women, this time hugging laid out and hugging a big heart shaped pillow, with nothing covering her up. There were no sensitive parts exposed, but Sandra was shocked that they allowed such marketing on their products here. After adding a bar of it to her basket(so what if it was a little lewd, she would kill for chocolate) Sandra gave the bell a quick pull. Ring ringgggg. It’s chime rung out and left a high pitched hum in the air as the back room ambience stopped.

“Just a moment!” She heard a voice shout from the back. There was a rustling of sheets or clothes of some sort, and then the curtain swung open. Behind it emerged a busty women in her 40’s, with a large Neon pink t-shirt failing to hide some clearly massive perky breasts. She has curled platinum Blonde hair, plump lips and bits of makeup across her face, as if she was half way through wiping it off. Printed onto her Shirt was the name Robin.

“Sorry bout that, find everything okay?” Robin had a high pitched country accent, which Sandra didn’t think was local, but it seemed this place was full of surprises.

“Yep, should be good. This is a cute rest stop you’ve got here, do you own it here?” Sandra tried to keep up casual conversation as the woman began to ring up her things.

“Well I’m not the owner, that’d be my Hubby. I just run the overnights and take care of stuff while he’s away.” Robin gave her a bright smile as her hands seemed to work on autopilot to scan and bag Sandra’s items. “We got a great thing going; I get to have relax and rest in the day, and during the night we get to hang out and play some games till he has to sleep!” Sandra could now hear a Tv starting up in the back, so she guessed that they basically lived her while they operated the place. Sandra wasn’t one to judge though, she certainly seemed happy.

“Sounds like a nice life! You have no idea how good all this good looks after 9 hours of driving. Your little pitstop is a godsend!” “Aww thanks sweetie!” Robin was finishing bagging the last of Sandra’s items, when Sandra noticed a pink sparkly car air freshener added to her bag. It was heart shaped, and had a similar bubbly text to some of the off brands she had seen in the shop. Imprinted on the center was the numbers “141”. It was covered in a flashy layer of fine glitter, which seemed to shine every color of the rainbow. She picked it up and showed it to Robin, “What’s this?”

A bright grin spread across her face “Oh don’t worry, it’s just a little something to remember us by. It’s on the house!” Sandra couldn’t really argue, it was a nice gesture. Plus, it did smell pretty good, having a strong lavender scent, and something else she couldn’t quite place. Robin finished ringing up her total and slid the bags over. Sandra paid, grabbed her bags and paid Robin farewell.

“Have a great night!” “You too!” Robin gave her a bright grin and proceeded back to her back room.

Sandra pulled her phone back out as she was proceeding back to her car, seeing a text back from Dom.

“Nice, seems cozy. Get your rest babe, can’t wait to see you tomorrow <3”

She sent back a flurry of hearts, and got her car ready for bed. She was able to flatten her back seats to make enough sleep to rest on. She began putting her food away, and realized that she had grabbed a bit too much items then what would fit in her cooler. The most she could fit in left out, how ironically, the blueberries and quart of milk. Out of fear of anything else spoiling, she figured she’d just make do and eat what she could as a midnight snack.

She hung up the sparkly pink air freshener under her rear view mirror, and laid down to rest for the night. She opened up the carton of “Betty’s Bosom Berries” and popped one in her mouth. They were about the size of grapes, and tasted absolutely delicious. “Damn!” she thought as she grabbed some more “Whatever they’re doing out here, its working!” Sandra rolled down her windows an inch for good air flow, and quickly finished the tin of blue berries. Still hungry she decided to try the odd milk with her cookies. She poured from the whole jug into her own personal cup, which had an open top wide enough for dunking cookies. There was only bit remaining after her cup was filled so she took a small sip to finish it off and it was divine. It tasted fresh and creamy, with a hint of something sweet, maybe honey? Sandra couldn’t quite place it. It was still cool, but as it touched her tongue, a warm feeling spread around her mouth, and spread along her throat as she swallowed. Even after just a sip, the sweet flavoring remained in her mouth, providing a pleasant after taste, and a desire for more.

She dipped a cookie in, dunking almost the entire cookie till it began to touch her fingers, and then she ate it. It was still just as good with the cookie, but the cookie seemed to conflict with the flavor. Even though she dunked the whole thing, the cookie seemed to barely absorb the milk, and provided a crunch that conflicted with the smooth texture of the milk. She dipped another and before putting it into her mouth, she say how the milk slowly dripped off the cookie, somehow not even adhering to its surface, only adding a slight change in color, and an even less noticeable change of texture. Sandra had a few more cookies before she realized she would much prefer the milk alone. It was getting late and she didn’t want to finish the cookies tonight. She picked up her cup and began to down it. She wasn’t a drink chugging pro, but as she lifted the cup more and more, she continued to drink without issue. The coldness as it touch her lips quickly became a warm, almost too hot feeling as she swallowed more and more and more, until; her cup was empty.

She took a deep breath through her mouth and it was like taking a breath of cool air on a hot summer day. The sensation was still buzzing in her body, but it was slowly going from an intense tingling, to a warm buzz that spread from her mouth and neck lower and lower. She inspected her drink and not a single droplet was left, seeming all perfectly pouring out of her metal cup. She was a little confused how it all left the cup but seemed to coat the inside of her mouth in a creamy milk after taste, but as she licked the inside of her mouth to taste every last bit, she realized she didn’t care. She laid herself out and caresses her own body as the warm sensation spread from her chest down, with every inch soon feeling a light buzz. Her eyes quickly shut, her body relaxing in the pleasant feeling, quickly feel into a blissful slumber.

During the night, Sandra began to dream. It started with her in a massive white bed, sat in the center staring up at a wonderful lace canopy above her. There was nothing beyond the space, just an empty black void, with sparkles of a distant lights and shimmering. She suddenly felt an urge; an urge to touch. Her fingers happily drifted between her legs and she began to finger herself. The feeling was pure ecstasy, with every dip her fingers took into her, a shiver went down her spine and her back arched. As the continued to touch, she could feel herself changing. Her skin became more sensitive as it rubbed against satin sheets. She could feel her hair lengthening, growing beyond her shoulders, going from small, cute curls, to long magnificent flowing hair. It went from her cute dirty blond to a luscious platinum blonde, with streaks of pink running far down its impressive length, all the way to her stomach. The surrounding around her began to glow, as she changed, the black voice becoming a white expanse m She should have been shocked and confused, the part of her consciousness that knew that this was a dream was confused, but instead, she ignored her shifting reality and continued to touch.

She could see her breasts begin to swell and grow, her hands groping herself as she grew. The feeling was incredible, and the more she grew the more sensitive she was and the better it felt. Part of her argue that she needed to stop, but she wasn’t in control. She could see the rest of her body swelling as well, her hips and thighs growing to accentuate her curves, and give her an undeniable ass. She climbed closer and closer to orgasm, still fighting part of the her that wanted this to happen. Finally, the damn broke and she began to cum, feeling the rush of euphoria overwhelming her as her body grew and swelled, warm milk leaking from her nipples as she feverishly groped herself. The milk felt warm and electricity on her sensitive skin, and only intensified the feeling of orgasm. The environment around her was now glowing a bright vibrant pink, even the sleek satin sheets had become bright neon pink beneath her. She let out a high pitched squeal that drifted off into blankness as her mind went blank, and vision began to fade as . She could have sworn she heard a slight whisper in the back of her mind say “accept your future” before she drifted away into unconsciousness.

Sandra awoke to the sound of a woodpecker striking a tree, making her shoot up from her calm slumber. The sun was already up, piercing the trees surrounding the cozy rest stop. She quickly, a bit panicked, checked the time on her phone. Not only was her phone nearly dead, but she slept in an hour and a half later than she meant to. She never set her alarm last night, she was too relaxed after her cup of milk that she completely forgot her nightly routine. As she woke up in a bit of a panic, she began to slowly realize some other stuff. Firstly, she was *wet*. She sometimes woke up a bit moist after pleasurable dreams, but they were never like this. It felt like she had just been filled and thoroughly fucked, but that was definitely not the case. She also quickly noticed that her hair had changed a bit, being a more bright shade of blonde, and stretching a few inches to where it just sat on her shoulders. She ran her hands through it to inspect her new locks, and it sent a chill up her spine. It felt weirdly good, like a head scratch from a lover she hadn’t seen in a long time.

As she fiddled with her hair, she noticed the last and most prevalent thing: her boobs were noticeable bigger, and fuller. They were practically spilling out of her white tank top, which had been loose before she went to bed, with her nipples poking through the thin fabric. As she sat up they jiggled and swayed with her every move. She gave them a slight poke and they rippled like a water bed across her chest. They were so full and seemingly close to bursting, but even that poke sent a warm ripple across her skin and down her body. It was like a strong heartbeat connected deeply to her pleasure center, and she felt her thighs clench a bit instinctively. This was definitely new… but not bad. She put a hand on her breast and just held it for a moment, the feeling sensing a quick flash of pleasure, followed by a comfortable sensation. She gave herself a quick grope before snapping back to what she was meant to be doing.

She was only 6 hours away from getting to be with her boyfriend, and she was already behind schedule. She quickly began to organize her car back into the way it was so she could safely store all her luggage with out risk of anything getting damaged. She snacked on some of the other foods she had bought the night before but nothing seemed to satisfy her. After she was done, she pulled up to the gas pump of the convenience store, and couldn’t help being drawn back to the bright sign. It was seemingly spotless in the daylight, and seemed exceeding vibrant compared to the surroundings. Sandra could feel her cravings starting again for some more good food before she was off on the road and couldn’t help herself. She grabbed a jacket to cover up, it just barely managed to zip and keep her chest covered, and then quickly ran in. She didn’t even bother grabbing a basket, she quickly went to the produce area, grabbed 2 cartons of juicy blue berries, and a gallon jug of her new favorite milk.

At the counter was a strong, tall, rugged looking man. He stood about a foot taller than Sandra, had a thorough tan, and large, weathered hands. He was wearing a flannel shirt with somewhat dirty overalls. He had a somewhat messy head of hair, and a curled mustache with a decent beard around his chin. Sandra wasn’t usually attracted to burly older men, but her mind began to wander. His groin was just below the counter, but that didn’t stop her from imaging what he was packing. His hands could easily hold both her arms in one, and take control however he wished. He reminded her of Domonic, if he were older, bigger, and hunkier. Just imagining Domonic bigger and stronger sent her mind daydreaming about how it’ll feel to finally be touched by him and his big strong hand. She’d get to ravish him and suck his girthy co-

“Hello Missy, you’re looking lovely this morning.” A gruff voice broke her out of her horny daze. Sandra shook her head, immediately embarrassed she had spaced out staring at a stranger’s hands. She guessed this was Robin’s husband, since he shared her heavy accent.

“Thanks, I definitely don’t feel lovely. This morning has been… odd” she placed her things sheepishly on the counter and stared at the floor to avoid eye contact.

“It’s alright Ma’am, you’re not the first to come through here tired and dazed.” He rang up her items and slid her bag over. Wanting to get out of this embarrassing scenario, she just threw a 20 in to the counter and tried to leave swiftly.

“Hey, a bit of advice Ma’am?” She slowed and turned to him before she left.

“Take your time on the rest on your journey. No need to stress yourself.” He seemed to give her a knowing smirk, with his eyes leering at her body. She gave a small nod and quickly left the store. As she walked back to her car, she took his words to heart. Take her time… maybe she would.

She quickly sent a text to her boyfriend that she was on the road, and started her drive. Once she was back on the highway, she began to relax. The road was luckily pretty clear today, and with a mostly straight path. There were more clouds in the sky, but even the faint bits of sunlight that made it through seemed to land on her new glittery air freshener, and cause an array of rainbow refractions to spread across the interior of our car.  Not only did it give her car a nice new sparkle, it filled her car with a strong lavender scent. Every deep breath she took, Sandra felt a warm calmness wash through her, and a slight fuzziness go through her mind.

Sandra snacked on the berries as she watched the road, each one being an explosion of juicy flavor in her mouth. They were so juicy and sweet, it wasn’t before long that she had eaten an entire tin without realizing. She set the second one aside, not meaning to burn through her food so quickly, and tried to focus back to the road. Her mind continued to linger on her dream, her tits, and a growing need between her legs. She could feel herself getting wetter, with her hand that wasn’t on the wheel drifting to her tits and growingly wet slit. The longer she was driving, the more a fire burned in her chest. It was like an itch begging to be scratched, and touched. She was only lightly running her hand over her chest, and felt like a feather running along her breasts. Sandra took her hands away and tried to just focus on the road. But even then, she could feel with every breath she took, her breasts pulsed and she could feel them getting heavier. They were still contained by her tank top, but it was beginning to strain against her chests.  She tried to adjust her top, pulling it off her chest so it could breath, but as she released, it snapped tightly against her sensitive breasts, It sent a shockwave of pleasure through her body, making her  tense, slightly veering her car from her instinctual jolt. She was able to recover, and luckily there was no one around, but she defiantly didn’t wanna crash cause she was horny

“Jesus,” her breathes quickened as she recovered from both the possible crash and rush that even adjusting her clothes had caused. “I need to take care of this…’

She pulled off the interstate at the next exit and decided to take a  moment to alleviate the intense burning need growing inside her. She found a empty parking lot of an empty shopping center and as soon as she put her car in park, her hand rushed to her legs. Her fingers were immediately covered in her dripping wetness from sticking her hands down her shorts. She immediately was squirming and wriggling in her seat. She struggled to adjust her seat back so she could be more comfortable pleasuring herself, but once she managed, she was trapped in a lustful need to pleasure herself. Her fingers plunged deeply into her slit, greedily filling herself with 3 fingers almost immediately. She usually liked to tease herself and build up, but she wasn’t even thinking about it. All she was interested in was finally cumming.

Her mind wandered to Domonic, and flashed back to the last time they had fucked before he travelled across the country for training. His big strong arms holding her arms above her head, and was absolutely plowing her. He was able to hold her against the headboard with one hand, and cup her tits and rub her clit with the other. She wanted his cock so bad right now, but her fingers were a good enough substitute for now. It took only about a minute of thinking about her boyfriend before she was cumming and squirting into her shorts, which she hadn’t even bothered to remove. During her euphoric orgasm, she watched as her own breasts swelled, and with the flexing of her chest during her orgasm, it ripped open her tank top. She now had an unobstructed view of her enormous tits, and they were easily double the size they had been the day before. She was confusion on how quickly faded as she groped them tightly and immediately climaxed again. It felt as though her entire chest was electrified and a single touch sent a shock through her whole body.  Her breasts didn’t swell any further this time as she gripped and groped them tight, but she was still overwhelmed by one of the strongest orgasm she had ever experienced, and passed out from the rush.

Sandra wandered back to dream land, and this time, she was in a similar void, this time with a small warm white light, instead of starting in total darkness. In front of her was a mirror that seemed to encompass and entire wall of the space. Before, she saw herself as she was just before passing out; bustier, blonder, and undeniably sluttier. Sandra felt a bit of shame seeing herself like this. She didn’t like showing off her sexual side, preferring to share that intimacy with her partner. She tried to cover herself up, but as her hands went to cover her tits, they began to feel and massage her own tits, against her own will. She tries to stop herself but she was only able to pry her hand away a moment before it seemed to magnetize back to her tits, groping even more feverishly then before. She looked to her reflection, which she could now see was grinning with glee. She heard a distant voice, very similar to her own speak out somewhere in the void.

“Come on Sandi, give in, its dumb to fight the change.” The voice was like hers, but had a more seductive tone, and was higher pitched.

Sandra felt her other hand wandering between her legs. It was still insanely sensitive, and she could feel her body fingering herself, completely out of her control. She tried to look past her tits to see, but her tits were swelling again from the growing pleasure.

“Nooo, mmhhmmm, please, stop it!” She tried to argue against whatever was controlling her. She looked up to the reflection and saw herself changing more. Her tits were getting bigger, her hips and thighs thickened. She could feel the skin on the expanding parts of herself growing more and more sensitive, tingling with every move. She couldn’t deny how good it felt, and how electrifying and pleasurable it felt, but she still tried to fight it. She willed her body to stop and pull away it was as if the connection had been severed, yet she could still feel every touch.

“Just give in, Sandi” She heard the voice emanating from right behind her “It will be so much easier then fighting it. Just give your mind up, you’ll get to feel this good all the time.”

Her hands, out of her own control, groped her tits even harder. The hand between her legs began to rub her clit with an increased page. Given what she had just experienced in the real world, she definitely should have cum by now, but something wouldn’t let her. She had a terrible feeling what that was, and instead of resisting, she finally gave in. She groped her own tits, and shoved her fingers deeper, and immediately came with a bright flash of blissful pleasure.

Sandra woke up in a daze, with her tits bathing in the sun. She took a deep breath and the strong smell of the air freshener filled her lungs. Her hands were still down her shorts, still damp from her squirting, and her slit was still dripping with her own juices as well. Glancing at the clock, she was only out for roughly 15 minutes or so. Sandra noticed a bit of white fluid leaking from her new bouncy titties. She picked up a droplet and brought it to her lips. The sweet taste of her new favorite milk immediately sent regenerative buzz of energy through her body. It gave her a clarity of mind, and as she saw herself with tits out and absolutely soaked panties, she realized she should show her boyfriend. It seemed like the most reasonable thing to do. She grabbed her phone and took a few of the sluttiest selfie she could, showing off her new perfect titties and dripping slit. Now that she could see her own pussy, she could see her own creamy cum leaking out, along with squirt and other wetness covering her thighs. It made her so happy to see herself make such a yummy mess.

She sent the pics with the caption “Thinking of you babe ;) can’t wait for you to fuck me”. She got out of her car and went to her trunk to get some new clothes. She was unbothered that she was practically nude in the middle of this parking lot. There was a calm wind, but with her heightened sensitive skin the cool breeze felt like a freezing gust. It felt good though, with the wind flowing along her tits and between her legs, sending a chill down her spine. She opened her back trunk, and found her suitcase of clothes. She grabbed her biggest comfy hoodie, which was finally something big enough to hide her new rack. She grabbed some panties, going for a more simple pair, since she didn’t wanna soak any of her cuter, sexier pairs yet. As she was going through her suitcase, she found her personal dildo, vibrator, and a towel, and brought them back to her front seat.

Sandra sat down to the buzzing of her phone as her boyfriend was sending her a barrage of texts.

“Babe???? What happened?” “Why are your tits so big?” “Sandra please this isn’t like you”

Something about that rubbed her the wrong way. It wasn’t like her… but then she realized how much the name Sandra didn’t fit her. It didn’t sound fun. She decided to send back “Dont worry babe, Im happier then ever ;) also call me Sandi now, I think itll sound better while ur fucking me”

Her phone sent the message right as it ran out of battery, and she set it aside, she’d put it on the charger after she got herself situated. Sandi decided to get a new set up for the rest of the journey. She set down her towel on her seat, so she wouldn’t be leaking on her car seat. She then slid her dildo inside her, which was a realistic dildo with veins and a bulging head. Every small vein and detail felt incredible inside her. It sent her body squirming. It slid in easily with her still dripping wet onto the pavement outside her car. She gripped it with her pussy, and quickly put on her panties to keep it held inside her. She picked a more loose pair but it seems her ass had grown as well, as it was still tight around her waist. It filled its need though, and kept the end of the dildo in place. She sat down in her chair, making it feel like she was riding a nice thick dick. Now she was ready to continue on her journey.

Sandi put her car back in drive and got back on the road. The thrum of the engine shook the car in a way that sent a vibrating thrum through the dildo, which felt amazing. She was able to focus on the road, with the dildo sating the ever burning need inside her. This didn’t stop her hands from wandering to her tits, or moving to rub her clit as she slowly bounced on the plastic cock. She had drained her cup of milk dry, so occasionally she just took a swig out of the gallon jug instead. With every swig she felt her tits seemingly fill more and more, and growing stains slowly emerged on her hoodie as she slowly leaked more milk. She had eaten almost all her food, even though nothing satisfied her like the blueberries did.

She was making progress though. It was about an hour past noon now and the road was a bit more crowded. She occasionally looked to some of the passerby and shot some of the more attractive men a wink. She had brief fantasies of how their cocks would feel. But her mind went back to her goal: Get to Domonic. She needed him. She need his dick. Even with all her precautions, she felt her pussy twitch at the thought of her boyfriend’s cock inside her. She still had plenty of time on the road, she should take her time, she thought.

Sandi pulled to the side of the road, leaned back in her chair. Her eyes fell on the heart shaped air freshener. She only just now realized how cute it was, and how good it made her car smell. It was also a heart, which reminded her of her love for Domonic and his cock. It didn’t take much pressure from her vibrator to make her cum again, her wet juices immediately soaking the panties and towels. Regardless, she kept going, and came again And again, and again, and again. With each one her body changed to match the reflection of her dream. Bigger tits, blonder hair, bigger curves. Both sets of lips, mouth and pussy lips, grew plumper and thicker. The perfect bimbo to please her boyfriends needs. Eventually her need to cum was sated, but this didn’t stop her from repeating this pattern a few more times on the way to her boyfriend…

Domonic was nervous. His girlfriend sent him a sexy pic hours ago, looking like she had become a stripper, and was acting very happy about it. After that, none of his texts were going through. It was nearly midnight, and he was getting really worried. There were hundreds of miles between where she had stayed for the night and his place. He nervously paced around his living room, waiting for some response from her. Suddenly, a ray of headlights entered his driveway. He ran to the door, and a sense of relief rushed over him as he saw his girlfriends car. He couldn’t make out much from his door, but there was a bright pink sparkle hanging from her mirror.

He ran outside to greet his girlfriend and make sure she was okay, and was shocked by who emerged from her car. As they stepped out an wave of different scents bombarded his sense. There was a strong lavender scent, something that resembled milk, and the undeniable scent of sweat and cum. The woman before him resembled the picture he was sent, but it was still a stark difference from the sexpot he was greeted with now. Her hair went from her head to her belly, was a bright platinum blonde and was luscious and curled the whole way. There were streaks of neon pink through out it, and she seemed to have makeup and plump lips of a similar shade. Domonic was greeted with tits that were the size of pumpkins, and were bigger then he could grab with a single hand. Hell, he doubted even both hands would be able to reach around her. In the center of each was a enlarged nipple, with an areola the size of his palm, and bits of white fluid leaking from them. Between her extremely voluptuous and thick thighs was a dildo, almost entirely covered in white cream leaking from her pussy.  It was barely held in place by a straining pair of panties. It was clear it was very fresh as well…

“Hiya Honeyyyyyy,” the walking sex symbol exclaimed, spreading her arms out in a hug. “I’m hereeeeeeeee!”.

She walked up to him, and too stunned to move, Domonic was enveloped in her enormous tits. They felt warm and squished against his face, his arm instinctually wrapped around what he hoped was still his girlfriend, and she let out a sensual moan when he did.

“Mmmmm I missed you, like, soooo much baby!” she gave him a quick peck on the lips snuggled back into the hug,

“I… I don’t understand, Sandra what happened?!?” Domonic tried to come to his senses about the whole ordeal. Surely this wasn’t his old high school sweet heart, the one who was too shy to play spin the bottle at a party.

“Hmmmmm I don’t know! There's only, like, one thing I do know though…” She released him the hug and reached between her legs. He looked as she pulled out the dildo, and a thick glob of creamy goodness leaked out of her. Sandi’s body trembled like she had just been shocked as she removed it, letting out a loud moan. Luckily it was late, so no one was around to see the bombshell bimbo relieving herself. She threw it aside and licked off a bit of cream that had gotten on her fingers.

“There, I made myself all wet and ready for you, Dommy. Now, time to fuck your bimbo girlfriend!” She bit her lip and began to pull Domonic inside, grabbing him by the waist of his pants. Domonic was pulled out of his shock and quickly realized what was happening. This was real, right? He wasn’t sure if he was dreaming. There weren’t many other logical explanations for what was happening, but he decided that it wasn’t worth arguing with. As his dick began to grow in his pants, he focused on the more important thing at hand. He had a dripping wet, gorgeous sexy bimbo, who was maybe once his girlfriend, wanting to fuck him. Dream or not, he wasn’t gonna pass on that.  

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