Pink Reality

Chapter Six

by BimboSam01

Tags: #bimbofication #exhibitionism #f/f #f/m #fantasy #urban_fantasy #ass_expansion #breast_expansion #growth #lactation #mass_hypnosis

November 9th, 2024.

If one was to walk by the Savallis house and hear the sound of scandalous girlish giggles emanating from within, a book club would likely be the last thing that would come to that person’s mind. But that was indeed what was happening; 8 milfs sat around in a circle, breasts jiggling in their tight tops as they chatted about the most recent book they were all asked to read.

Though they’d always gravitated toward spicy romance novels (at least that’s what they remembered), Lauren had been daring her friends to dive into the deep end and be a bit more adventurous lately. To call their latest novel porn was…perhaps a bit diminishing to its’ more nuanced content, but it wasn’t an entirely inaccurate description either.

This one had a bit more debauchery than they had read in other books, it involved plenty of bondage, sex toys, and orgies as well as passionate and intimate fucking between the two main characters. Most women their age would perhaps be embarrassed by recommending a book of this sort to their friends and talking about it with them, but these women had nothing to hide or be embarrassed about. They had no reason to be ashamed of their sexuality, many of them even took the derogatory term of Bimbo and owned it. Being a matured woman didn’t mean you had to stop wanting to look good or bad to stop being horny forever.

Manicured nails flipped through the pages of the book, the raunchy scenes flashing in each of the Bimbos memories as they reviewed various scenes from it together. Jill giggled as she fanned herself.

“Oh, Lauren, you’ve outdone yourself. I think you were feeling a little naughty when you recommended us this book! Even for me, the scene between the two of them in the hotel had me blushing.” Jill said. The other milfs nodded or hummed in agreement.

“I thought you ladies would like it! The same old same old can get a bit boring at times, so I thought something more adventurous was in order. I haven’t read a book that made me this hot under the collar in awhile, so I thought it’d be the perfect thing to spice up book club.” Lauren smiled.

“Everything was so detailed and excellently written. I’m normally only into the more intimate scenes, but even the orgy in the palace was extremely hot when placed into the context of the story. Surprisingly sexy!” One of the other milfs said. The Bimbos all twisted in their seats as their memories went wild with what they’d imagined that scene looking like in their head.

This was only a more extreme version of what they’d always been bringing to the book club meetings, it would never occur to them that sharing what was essentially porn with your platonic friends was weird or awkward. Sure, their discussion itself used as much euphemism and metaphor to refer to the scenes of the book as they could, but they all knew what each of them were thinking.

“God, yes! Armando and Gideon both making love to Anna and whispering how she was theirs was sooo hot, it drove me wild. I was such a mess after that.” One of the other ladies giggled. It seemed the latest meeting was a success! Perhaps Lauren would get even more adventurous with her picks in the future.

Grayson was doing okay, surprisingly. Shit had undoubtedly been insane, and her mother’s Bimbofication was also incredibly mortifying, but she felt weirdly not too panicked about it all. The body was surprisingly natural, like whatever had changed her had also made acclimating to this body as comfortable as possible. That was definitely kind of freaky.

Grayson was upset about this for sure, but she wasn’t going to feel too embarrassed about something that was entirely out of her control. No, she wasn’t a girly girl, and she certainly wasn’t a damn Bimbo, but people would think what they wanted to think. Her clothes had changed over night, so she wore what she had into public despite all the stares. Not an ideal situation to be sure, but there were worse things than being seen as slutty or being lusted after.

She had already been ridiculed for acting and dressing too much like a boy before, and was also made fun of by men for not being sexy enough, this was only the inverse of that. It was strange, you were going to get judged no matter which direction you went in. That made Grayson feel a bit better about all this

And despite herself, it excited her. Seeing all those eyes on her thighs, her ass, and her abs made her feel good, though she’d never admit it. Some of the guys who hit on her were horrible, but some were really nice and charming. Especially the Himbos. Something about this thing that changed people also gave them incredible charisma. But she didn’t blush like Sam, she talked with these Himbos and Bimbos and found that they were surprisingly normal. It seemed that it just made you more social and nice, more relaxed and confident as well.

And it felt good, too. Being in this body. Just walking around with all that weight in her chest and ass felt satisfying. And masturbating felt better too. It was like all sensations in general were just a little bit more intense. She felt everything more, both sensations and emotions in equal measure. Of course she disliked having her newfound femininity so pronounced and in the form of her almost embarrassingly large breasts, but at the same time they felt utterly electric to grope and push her hands against.

No, they hadn’t made any progress in their investigation. No, Grayson and Josh hadn’t even met this Rachel girl yet. Rachel was apparently still unsure of whether she wanted to distance herself from this whole operation or not. Perhaps it was a less stressful idea for the girl to just lay low unless shit really hit the fan.

Another thing was the tape. They’d gotten rid of the tape after Grayson suggested that the music was what changed her. She didn’t go into any detail beyond that, Sam didn’t need to know everything that happened. She did hear Grayson schlicking herself at the end there, embarrassingly. That was really all Sam needed to know.

The biggest thing to happen in this week, really, was that Grayson’s music had taken a turn. That tape absolutely haunted her, she still couldn’t stop thinking about it. A part of her wanted to hear it again. But she wasn’t dumb, she knew listening to it again could potentially be dangerous. So the alternative was to make a cover.

Her cheeks flushed red as she sang those husky, seductive vocals in the privacy of her own apartment. She felt a weird heat down in her core as she mimicked that singer’s moaning breaths. It was shameful to admit that Grayson had touched herself a couple of times while listening back to her cover of that tape. What was more shameful was that she’d posted the song online.

Not under her regular handle, of course. It was under a different name. Princess Bliss. That name alone had made Grayson flush with embarrassment. She had little idea why she was doing this. There was something about the chance that other people would hear this that kind of turned her on. And it was the tape that was physically tainted with whatever was causing this, so her making a cover was perfectly fine, for sure.

She’d gotten some views and comments. It wasn’t a lot, but it was enough to make the young woman’s head swim. People saying it sounded nice, that she had a good voice, even some people saying it was sexy. One person commented that they’d put it in their sex playlist. One that was public. Oh wow. Her pussy involuntarily twitched as she imagined a couple fucking to her song. What if other people used this playlist? What if the playlist was used at a strip club or an orgy or something?

Grayson whimpered into her pillow as she fingered her dripping pussy. Her renewed sex drive was definitely much more overwhelming for her than anything else, she at least had excuses for why she was dressed like that in public. But Sam would be weirded out if she found out Grayson was doing all this in secret, and if she knew how horny she really was. It was unlike the version of her that Sam thought she’d always known.

But Grayson wouldn’t go farther than this, right? It was just one song, a cover as well. Any more and people could find out this was her, or she could gain too much traction and all those embarrassing, mortifying songs would be out in the public for anyone to listen to and witness Grayson’s sexual urges on display. That would be so bad.

But if it was so bad, why did the idea make her gushing cunt ache so good? Why had she cum to the idea multiple times over the last few days? And why did she feel so much hornier than the other Bimbos acted? The other Bimbos didn’t behave nearly as desperately horny as Grayson felt currently. Had all this just been building up inside of her before she’d been changed? These thoughts and all other possible thoughts were washed from Grayson’s mind for the moment as her orgasm came over her in a furiously intense wave of hot pleasure.

“Hhrrrghh fuuuuuck~” Grayson roared as hot juices squirted into her flexing hand. As she collapsed onto her bed and breathed a sigh of relief, her phone rang. It was Sam.

Sam was not doing okay, to say the least. She didn’t want to go too hard into the doom and gloom mindset, as that helped no one. However, staying optimistic wasn’t particularly easy either. At least Grayson and Josh had calmed her down, telling her that they were still themselves and that they were more determined than ever to stop whatever this thing was. And Aurora was now wearing a genuine smile that Sam hadn’t seen often from her sister since they were kids. But Sam still felt like they were messing with something far beyond anyone’s control or understanding.

Sam was currently doing some field research on the Bimbos while she waited for any of her colleagues from the university to come back to her on the books Grayson had found. It was in a language that they didn’t quite recognize, but figuring out the grammar, sentence structure, and what other languages that the characters resembled could perhaps lead them to some kind of translation.

She’d also sent Grayson’s music tape to her scientist friends at the university to see if they could find some kind of energy or radiation or literally anything inside the tape. It seemed the music itself may have been what transformed Grayson, so Grayson couldn’t keep it and Sam’s friends were told not to listen to it either.

She was now sat in the corner of the Luna cafe, looking through her notes as she called to check on Grayson again. Admittedly, Sam had probably been calling her too much, but Sam wanted to make sure her friend was okay.

“I told you, I’m good. I feel really, uh, you know, but besides that I feel normal. This stupid body…surprisingly, it didn’t take much getting used to. It feels weirdly natural, as scary as that is to say. All the clothes in my room have transformed since last week, and it all feels so nice and comfortable too. The thing is I don’t have the money to buy a whole new wardrobe.” Grayson said.

“Me and Josh could try chipping in for some clothes.” Sam suggested once again.

“Nah, it’s whatever. Shit’s so fucked, but I guess it’s not that bad. I’m not a librarian or a nun, so showing my legs or stomach a little isn’t that big of a deal…right?” Grayson sounded like she was trying to reassure herself.

“I mean, sure. Do you like looking like that, Grayson?” Sam hesitantly asked.

“Course not! I’m not some girly Bimbo that needs to be pretty and cute and looked at by guys all the time. For real. Not that being feminine is a bad thing. It’s just not for me. I mean, you wear makeup, and even dresses sometimes and you’re not a Bimbo.” Grayson said. This was giving Sam a headache, she could tell her friend was hiding something.

“Sure. Grayson, be honest with me. Do you feel being…changed like this has given you an urge to act more feminine or sexual?” Sam asked as she looked through her notes.

“Honestly, no. I just feel less stressed about what I should or shouldn’t look like, weirdly. The makeup and everything feels so automatic, natural. But that’s just because of the transformation, right?” Grayson asked.

“Definitely seems that way. You didn’t answer the other part.” Sam said.

“I don’t know. I wasn’t asexual before this, it’s not like I was ever above hitting on someone. Or being hit on. You don’t know everything about me.” Grayson said.

“You’re being defensive.” Sam sighed.

“I’m not. I haven’t done anything with anyone, since I was changed, if that’s what you’re asking. But it’s n-not like I was a virgin before this, anyway.” Grayson said.

“You’re not?” Sam asked.

“Y-yeah, I’m not a virgin.” Grayson said. Sure. That didn’t convince Sam even slightly.

“Grayson, do you understand why I’m worried that this thing may have changed you?” Sam asked. Grayson sighed.

“Yeah, but I swear I’m still me. No matter what happens, you’re still gonna have Grayson.” She said genuinely.

“I know, I’m just freaked out. I guess I’ll talk to you later.” Sam said.

“Yeah, no problem. By the way, Mom said hi.” Grayson said.

“Oh, I forgot about that. How’s everything with her?” Sam asked.

“She seems to be doing well. Probably has to do with all the boyfriends she has now. Getting a guy is definitely good for her, but I just don’t get how she finds all the time for every one of them. Actually, don’t answer that. Anyway, she seems chiller now. Nicer, even. We haven’t argued at all in a week, she’s even complimented how I look.” Grayson said.

“That’s good!  At least that’s one thing that’s come out of this. If anything new develops, tell me.” Sam told her friend.

“Totally.” Grayson said and hung up. Welp. Nothing about that conversation had really made Sam feel much better at all. She decided to go over her notes again in her head to put everything in order.

In the week since Grayson’s conversion, Bimbos had spread everywhere. They were everywhere you went, and places like Jill’s newly ‘renovated’ bakery only seemed to attract more and more of them. Not only were there more places specifically made for Bimbos and Himbos than before, but she’d even seem some represented on tv. It was like they were some kind of emerging subculture of people that was unique and distinct. With this emerging population and sense of identity (not that this seemed like anything new to anyone besides the few that could notice the changes occurring), there were actually rough estimations of the Bimbo populations numbers. That was convenient.

In Sam’s city of roughly 250,000 people, maybe about 10% of adults were now Bimbos and Himbos. That was slightly terrifying. Tens of thousands of these people were walking around, and there were only going to be more. Sam felt alone, so many had no idea this was being done to them. Thousands of people all horny and slutty and giggly.

Sam breathed deeply and went back to the notes. It wasn’t all bad. Her assessment of the Bimbos themselves was actually quite positive. She noticed no apparent loss of intelligence, which was an important factor. The idea of Bimbos and ‘Bimbofication’ was that you were turned into a vapid giggly idiot that wears pink and only cares about sex, but all evidence went against that. Bimbos and Himbos cared about other things, they just always inevitably came back around to sex. It was kind of a unifying force in their lives. There was also no sign of increased submissiveness in the Bimbos, many in fact seemed to act quite dominant toward males, while many others could be either submissive or dominant depending on the situation.

Not only did Bimbos and Himbos seem no less intelligent than anyone else, but one’s individuality and personal style seemed to actually become more distinct once they were Bimbo’d. Sam imagined this was because Bimbos and Himbos seemed to care little about what was considered fashionable or unfashionable, or what was considered appropriate. Some of the women straight up looked like they could’ve been mistaken for prostitutes and arrested.

One other thing was lower verbal filter, they all talked in almost a stream of consciousness where they just said what was on their mind. A lot of the time, what was on their mind was pretty horny. Quite a few of the Bimbos had commented on how cute Sam would look if she showed off her body a little. Not in a judgmental way, more encouraging. She’d found it hard to hide her blush every time. The Himbos all looked like male models and were more charming and complimentary than dumb or thoughtless. They often asked her if she was okay or how she was doing, Sam had to reassure them that she wasn’t upset and just naturally looked disappointed with life. They were certainly not your typical meatheads.

Sam had talked with Josh, Grayson, and her sister a lot too. Besides seeming more relaxed and a bit more chipper, they all seemed just like themselves. There were some differences, sure. Aurora didn’t go out with friends as much and actually seemed okay just going on walks or going shopping by herself. The Aurora she previously knew would die if she was alone for more than 20 minutes.

Grayson was weirdly stubborn about just going out in the Bimbo’d clothes she had. She seemed simultaneously offended by the idea of being feminine (as usual) and the idea of changing her behavior due to being judged by others. So, while admittedly conflicted, she dressed in her default slutty clothes almost as a form of protest. Josh seemed basically exactly the same besides speaking his mind more and staring at Grayson. He totally denied doing this, of course.

Overall, many of the changes seemed so positive, and yet this was all so sinister. If only Sam had answers to any of this. And not that Sam was conservative or anything, but it would probably be best if not everyone was so laissez-faire about their sexuality. It was horribly awkward to just be openly horny all the time, it was especially embarrassing to see her friends and family all busty and scantily clad all the time. Have some decency and respect for Sam!

God, she was sounding like Rachel. Talking with her and Rick so much was making her kind of nutty. Sam needed to go hang out with someone normal and not Bimbo’d for her own sanity. Tessa. Tessa would be good. Maybe having a completely normal afternoon with her normal, un-Bimbo’d friend would calm Sam down.

The days since his transformation had been weird for Josh. Not bad. Definitely not bad, just weird and kind of stressful. This entire thing was bizarre, but there were quite a few developments in his life that he actually would’ve been nothing but thrilled about had they not been brought about by a strange, unknowable force that was seemingly changing people against their will. For one, the play and his lead performance in said play were met with critical acclaim. The problem was that the play had completely changed before the show started, and no one seemed to remember that fact besides him.

Jerking off and handjobs felt better now. Like, quite a bit better now. It was so smooth and the friction just felt so right, it was like a lightning bolt went off in his brain every time someone stroked it. And overall, he was hornier. He’d woken up grinding his cock into his mattress a few times after dreaming about Jamie, Hannah, and even Grayson. Their hot Bimbo bodies and their pretty faces. Occasionally, he’d wake up to find he’d already grinded himself to an orgasm.

He knew it was shameful to be thinking about his friend like that, but he couldn’t help what made his new “Himbo” cock twitch when he was sleeping. It’s not like he was conscious to realize what he was doing. And Grayson’s new body was incredible, her ass was even bigger than Jamie’s but more firm. Ahem. Stop that. Think about Hannah.

He’d gotten quite a few handjobs from Hannah, who seemed to just give them out for funsies now. He felt weird about it because he knew she wouldn’t have been doing this if she’d not been changed. But she seemed perfectly happy doing it, and Sam had suggested that the Bimbofication could have been hitting seemingly people at random because people had to accept it into themselves first. But that was just one theory. Josh tried to remember what it had felt like, the so-called Himbofication.

A feeling of satisfaction and confidence had washed over him, and he’d liked it. He’d liked it a lot, and he felt that weight on him and let it enter his body. Only then did his body start to change. So maybe the same thing had happened to everyone else, and they hadn’t been changed against their will. Grayson said she had no control over it, but when Sam asked Grayson if she outright rejected that feeling as it entered her body, Grayson just shrugged and said she wasn’t sure. Hmm.

In any case, there was one thing that kind of ruled. He was more fit than ever, and this wasn’t just nice on an aesthetic level. It was like all the effects of being fitter and healthier were taken into his body instantly. He felt less sick and tired, more refreshed and energized. He felt happier too, like that natural feeling you get when you start to go on walks more often and your body sends itself those feel-good chemicals. And he was stronger too. It was like he was in Hockey all over again, but this time with the body of an adult instead of a teenager.

He’d gotten quite a few looks and more than a few Bimbos and non-Bimbos coming up to him to flirt. He’d always been fit and relatively decent looking, he supposed, but it really boosted his self esteem having all these women admire his good looks. He’d turned them all down, however, as he had his eyes on someone else.

Josh was on his way to Jamie’s again. He felt weirdly relaxed about what had happened before. She called him up today, and he decided that he was absolutely determined to make it up to her. He was a stud with a rocking body and a slightly bigger dick than before and there was absolutely no way he was going to worry about his ability to fuck now.

And for what it was worth, Jamie had seemed enthusiastic as well. God, she was so cool. All that stress about performing with her had just melted away, she was too kind and understanding to be so superficial about Josh’s greenness. And she could obviously tell he’d been nervous about having sex, so the fact that she was still enthusiastic was encouraging.

One thing was Hannah. So far, she’d given him a few handies and they made out a few times. She hadn’t expressed any interest in a proper relationship and didn’t so far seem to want to do anything more extreme than handjobs, and some kissing and groping with Josh. Fair enough, he’d gotten much farther with her than he would’ve ever expected before. But should he have went and told Jamie?

He wasn’t sure what even he thought this was, let alone what she thought this was. Him and Jamie had only gone on one date, and they didn’t truly know until literally today that they would ever decide to see each other again. It was fine, Josh would just stop seeing Hannah after this. Crisis averted.

“Hey, Josh! Come on in, have a seat~” Jamie said as she opened the door. Naturally, she didn’t notice that he looked any different at all. That was kind of weird, though he understood why that was. He wondered how different her memory of the date was. It would’ve been real convenient if she remembered getting the boning of her life from him, but he’d already confirmed that wasn’t true on the phone. Jamie took Josh by the hand and pulled him into her apartment. She was dressed incredibly, just as before, the difference being that her curly hair seemed to have more pink streaks this time.

“I can’t tell you how much I’ve been wanting to do this! I felt bad having to end our last date short.” He said. Man, it always looked so cozy and smelled so good in her apartment. So sweet. Inhaling was like breathing in pure femininity.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. You’re here now.” Jamie smiled softly as they both sat down. She offered him some wine and they talked for awhile, he couldn’t help but smile every time he noticed her eyes gazing over his firm muscles and large thighs.

“I’m glad everything’s going well, that’s fantastic!” Josh said as Jamie excitedly talked about the gains she’d been making in her career.

“I know, it’s crazy. It’s like I just woke up one day with this boost of confidence and I started to move on and get shit done.” She laughed. Josh reckoned he knew the reason why.

“Yeah, kind of the same thing happened to me. I had my first role the other day-“ Josh started; Jamie slapped her head.

“Oh, I forgot! The play! I’m such a Bimbo. How did it go?” She asked excitedly. Josh grinned.

“It went great, like way better than I expected. I just put it all out there and all that nervousness just kind of melted away. It seems like people really liked my performance.” He said. Jamie touched his hand.

“That’s awesome, and here you were saying you weren’t a real actor! I wish I could’ve went.” She said.

“You can come to my next one for sure.” Josh replied. She stroked his hand with her thumb.

“I’d love to come~” Jamie giggled, leaving no room to misinterpret her little euphemism as she stared into his eyes.

“Any time you’re ready.” He found himself saying.

“How about now?” Jamie purred. They both knew the reason they were both here, there was no point in delaying any longer. Needless to say, Josh wasn’t going to waste his shot this time. Surprisingly, Josh found himself making the first move as his face moved toward hers, their lips smacking and tongues dancing. She tasted so sweet and felt so soft; he softly groaned and the sound mingled nicely with her more feminine moans. Their hands gripped each other briefly, before her hand glided up to gently stroke and grip the rippling muscles on his upper arm.

Josh’s strong hands grabbed her legs to place them on the couch as he positioned himself on top of Jamie, moving his kisses to her neck. A soft whimper left Jamie’s lips and her body shuddered against him, hands caressing his back. Josh was quick to take off his shirt and Jamie soon followed, his kisses finding their way down to her chest. His lips met her tender, sensitive breasts as Jamie giggled deliciously in delighted approval.

“Ohhh~ Hmm~ Hehehe~” Jamie moaned. Josh couldn’t totally lie to himself. He still felt butterflies in his stomach, but his excitement and his determination to see this through overwhelmed those still-there feelings of doubt. God, her tits felt so good to squeeze and grab and tease as they grinded their bodies together. Josh tried to withhold a whimper of pleasure but couldn’t as her thick thighs rubbed against his rock hard bulge so good.

That was another thing, his cock hadn’t just gotten slightly bigger since the transformation. It was harder. And messier, with bigger loads of cum and more precum as well. It was kind of embarrassing, and it was even more embarrassing how horny getting his cock all messy in his own arousal made him. As he roughly massaged Jamie’s tits, one hand reached down to pull aside her soiled panties and rub her clit. Jamie mewled and whimpered with delight, Josh softly chuckled at the young woman’s goofy grin. Her hips gyrated and rocked with the rhythm of his strokes, before two large fingers entered her and her toes curled with the sudden shock of added pleasure.

“Mmmf~ Mmm, that’s it, Josh. You’re doing really good~” She moaned. Despite his newfound confidence, Jamie could still sense that he was new at this. She was clearly enjoying it, but her hands guided him and she rewarded him with bigger moans when he did something she liked. They moved together for awhile, rocking and groaning together as he fingered her. Finally, Jamie tugged at his pants until he understood what she wanted.

“Mmm, I wanna see it, baby~” Jamie cooed. Josh blushed as he pulled out his outrageously hard, slick, pulsing cock. Jamie just licked her lips and stared at Josh hungrily, as if to ask him what he was waiting for. He was kind of asking himself the same question. Slowly, Josh entered her and his eyes rolled back in pleasure. She moaned and guided him, encouraging him to go further and deeper.

It was so tight and yet she had no problem taking him deeper and deeper and deeper. Their bodies trembled together as her soaked walls gripped and massaged his burning, diamond-hard cock beautifully. This was the best thing he’d ever felt in his life. It was like entering hot, tight, wet heaven.

“Hrrrngh~ Hunnnngh~” Josh whimpered. His face blushed, but Jamie just cooed in his ear.

“Your moans are sexy~ That’s a good Himbo~”She giggled. Oh fuck, Josh wanted to cum right there. She wasn’t wrong, it was hard to feel like anything but a Himbo at this moment. His eyes rolled back again as she whispered soft little words of encouragement into his ears, her whispers so clicky-wet and husky.

‘Pleasure~ Pleasure~ Pleasure~ More~’, that mysterious voice whispered in the back of his head again. Josh wholeheartedly agreed.

Going out with Gabriel had felt so freeing for Aurora, she never knew until now what it was like to be with someone who had no expectations from her. He just wanted to be where she was and she wanted to be where he was. It was nice. He was clearly nervous, but even that was refreshing. A man she was on a date with actually caring how he came off to Aurora was pretty rare for her. April had always told her that a hottie like Aurora could play with any cute guy she wanted, and she didn’t have to keep going with those stuck up rich boys. She was completely right, but Aurora didn’t need to give her that satisfaction pf admitting so right now.

And April hit it off with Gabriel’s friend Chase as well. After the cute double date, they’d met with their respective dates one other time since then. Neither girl usually waited this long to fuck a guy they liked, that’s how they knew it must’ve been serious, not that either guy likely knew what that meant. Aurora and April had giddily talked about Gabriel and Chase on the phone and how much they were excited to take their relationships further, it only made sense to take the next step together with her bestie. They did everything together after all.

Of course, each guy was in for a surprise. It was only a cute double date at Gabriel’s place until the ladies started to get very touchy feely and neither guy could find the will to say no to the irresistible Bimbo kissing their neck and nibbling on their ear and gently stroking their chest.

“O-oh, damn~ Aurora, you’re crazy~” Gabriel moaned as Aurora wildly kissed and bit and licked every inch of flesh she could, as she manhandled his writhing body and pressed her hefty tits into him. Aurora giggled mischievously, this was generally the reaction you got from a man fucking a Bimbo for the first time.

“Y-yeah, you girls-“ Chase started, but April put one manicured finger over his lips.

“It’s okay, you can say it~ Bimbos~” April grinned. Chase shuddered. As each girl grinded and rubbed against their boyfriends, Gabriel and Chase groped and grabbed and slapped their girlfriends’ dense asscheeks. April and Aurora cooed and whined girlishly with pleasure in response.

“Y-you Bimbos are so fucking hot~” Gabriel moaned. It really was a word Aurora and April had learned over time to find pride in instead of shame, they didn’t need to be ashamed or pretend to be something else. Being a Bimbo felt so good and was so fun! Gabriel rolled his eyes back and groaned as Aurora rubbed her crotch against his pulsing, raging bulge. Each man shuddered in pleasure as their bodies grew hotter with every rub and stroke of their chests and thighs, both Bimbos unknowingly pushing more and more pleasurable Pink energy into their bodies.

Panties were torn off and jeans were pulled down, Aurora and April giggling giddily as each man’s pulsing, rock-hard member was now standing proudly on full display. Each raging cock throbbed desperately, pulsing and swaying as each Bimbo laid their hot breaths on them.

“Hrrrngh~ Fuck~” Chase breathed, body shuddered as April’s wet lips just barely teased his steely erection. Each girl laid slow, soft, kisses on the tips and then the shafts before working their way down to gently caress the balls with their lips and stroking fingers. Each steely shaft grew harder, longer, more hot and desperate to fill something as each Bimbo infused them with Pink energy.

“Shiiit~ Aurora~” Gabriel gripped the couch and writhed in intense bliss. Their soft giggles were heavenly, they filled his ears and blocked out any rational thought he could’ve been having at that moment. All he could feel was hot, needful pleasure. Soon, each woman lowered their cunts onto their cocks. Aurora giggled and whispered soft, wet nothings into Gabriel’s ear as she trembled and whimpered in needy delight.

Each Bimbo took off the men’s shirts and rubbed and stroked their chests as they began to bounce in earnest. Delighted moans of pleasure left their lips as each shaft pumped and drilled into their molten, gushing cunts. Their tight walls massaged and graced each cock with hot, embracing pleasure.

“Ohhh~ Mmmf~ Bounce on your cock~ Fuck yes yes yess~” Aurora cooed as she bounced and rocked her hips against Gabriel, their rhythm and movements soon matching as every wave of pleasure was shared between them.

“Hrrrngg~ More~ More~” Gabriel softly groaned under his breath, getting exactly what he wanted as the growing Himbo’s muscles began to thicken and expand. His abs tightened and hardened, his thighs growing meatier and dense with hard-earned muscle. For a stud like him, getting girls wasn’t exactly hard work, but Aurora was something else entirely. She was something special, both in body and mind, she was probably one of the few girls who could make him nervous like this. Still, his body took over and all his worries washed away as Aurora’s thick Bimbo body melted into his.

“Yesss, stud, fuck this fucking cunt~” April groaned and grit her teeth as she bounced on Chase’s length. Her body was incredible, so thick and yet so hard and tight and sculpted to absolute perfection. He wanted to touch and lick over every length of her delicious body, but right now he was content with bouncing her on his cock and slapping her heavy buttcheeks. So firm and tight but so jiggly at the same time. His body grew and pumped up with more hard muscle and weight as his body started to match her musculature.

April took Aurora’s hand and they gripped each other tight as they bounced and rolled their hips with each other’s rhythm until all four of them were moving and fucking together as one unit. Both Bimbos stared at each other for a moment, eyes needy and lips babbling groans of pleasure. Their lips collided and their tongues hotly clashed, wetly exchanging kiss after kiss as their bodies bounced and writhed. Neither of them thought anything of fucking next to your best friend or making out with them while you bounced on two Himbo stud cocks. These were just the kinds of things best friends did.

“Nnnnfffuck~ Mmmm~ ‘Rory, this was a great idea~”

Tessa Wiseman wished she could just stay out here forever. She was sat on a bench in the park, infrequently taking a bite from her sandwich before she’d point her vintage Polaroid OneStep toward something and take a picture. It was a really nice day for this time of year too; it was all much better for the blonde college student than spending today working away in her family hotel. It was the biggest and most popular hotel in town, but her city wasn’t exactly New York and the hotel wasn’t exactly the Four Seasons. Her parents saved money by sending their kids all over the place to do various jobs in the hotel, and from their point of view it kept Tessa busy and not sitting around doing nothing.

Tessa was currently in a typical attire of comfortable but hipstery clothes, all colored in various hues of orange, yellow and brown to match the autumn season. Some said she was overly obsessed with aesthetics, but Tessa personally just saw the potential for art in everything. She didn’t understand why life had to be plain and boring. Of course, you had to be reasonable about aesthetics. It was all about finding what appealed to the average critical eye the most, you couldn’t just go over the top with everything. You had to capture the natural beauty of what you were capturing in your picture. It was just that Tessa sometimes wished life was a little more beautiful, maybe putting everything to picture would be easier.

Tessa had little idea why’d she’d been so down lately. Maybe it was this feeling of being pulled between what she wanted to do and her family’s business. Maybe it was the general state of the world or the fact that almost everywhere in this town was a gray, capitalist nightmare where not much art was to be found. Just highways and efficiency and no room for dreaming or beauty. Was she being overdramatic? Certainly, but that didn’t change how she felt. Everywhere you went in this city, all you saw was depressed, bored, indifferent faces and no sense of community or desire for anything beyond what they had around them.

In any case, it was due to Tessa’s need for the free nature of creative expression that she disliked working in the hotel, even though she did want to help her parents. But her parents wanted her to have financial stability, which you weren’t likely to get in any artistic endeavor, let alone photography.

“Hey, sis. How are you liking that camera I bought?” Tessa was soon startled awake from her thoughts as a serene voice greeted her from behind. It was her older sister, Beth. Tessa grinned and gestured for her sister to sit down. The Bimbo wore a thin, intricately patterned dress that clung tightly to her curves; it ended just above the knees and course showed off a generous amount of cleavage. She had braided hair, and on her left arm was a tattoo of several intertwined flowers that started at her shoulder and ended above her wrist.

Beth was a crystal healer, and into all sorts of other mystical mumbo jumbo, but she had a big heart and was the sister Tessa admired the most for doing what she wanted to and not bothering with the whole family business thing.

“Hey, sis! How’d you find me?” Tessa asked. Beth rolled her eyes.

“You think I don’t know my own sister? Mom told me you were taking a break, and I knew this is one of your favorite places to go. Plus, it’s great for taking pics on a day like this.” Beth grinned as she sat down and hugged her sister tight. God, those tits felt heavy as they pressed into Tessa.

“I’m that predictable, huh?” Tessa laughed.

“Yes, you are. And you didn’t answer my question about the camera.” Beth said.

“Oh, yeah. It’s super cool! I’ve never seen one of these that was pink before.” Tessa said as she turned the thing over in her hands. It was probably a previously owned model that someone had painted, but it still gave it a really unique look that made the little vintage camera pop. It was a bit too garish and unnecessarily brightly colored for Tessa’s taste, but it was better than being bland and boring.

“I know, it was so pretty and unique looking that I just had to buy it. How do the pictures look?” Beth asked. Tessa showed her a few pictures and she smiled.

“These old cameras make everything look so cool, it’s like looking into another time or something.” Tessa said.

“Want me to take a picture of you?” Beth asked. Tessa nodded.

“Sure, that’s actually a great idea. I needed a pic of my outfit for my instagram today, anyway. Might as well use this for it.” She said.

“Y’know, taking cute pics of yourself when you should be on the job’s not gonna-“ Beth jokingly started, but Tessa just put her hand up and didn’t bother to let her sister finish.

“They’ve got no right to hit me with the ‘self obsessed’ lecture again when they make everything about their business and what we should be doing for their reputation.” Tessa sighed.

“Hey, I know, I know, if anyone can relate it’s me. Don’t stress too hard about it, they’ll turn around. Plus, your aura’s already misaligned as it is.” Beth said.

“I’m gonna misalign your aura if you don’t hurry up and take this pic.” Tessa jokingly said to her sister. The younger sister stared off so the flash of the camera didn’t blind her, and in a few quick moments Beth handed Tessa the camera back. Tessa pulled the picture from the bottom slot in the camera, her face turned white and a hand went to cover her mouth as her eyes widened.

“B-beth!? Wh-what the fuck? Look what th-the camera did! Why did it make me look like that?” Tessa gasped as she looked at the picture, quickly thrusting it into Beth’s hand. Beth’s eyes widened in alarm, before she took a look at the picture and her face softened.

“Oh, come on, you don’t look bad. You’re being overdramatic.” Beth laughed. Tessa was practically hyperventilating.

“Y-you don’t see it?” The horrified Tessa asked incredulously. It was scary, it was clearly Tessa and yet the person staring back at her couldn’t have been more different. They were huge, painted in bright, garish colors and dressed in the most ridiculously sexualized outfit Tessa had ever seen. And yet it couldn’t have been mistaken for anyone else. In a weird way, there was something deeply Tessa about it still. But this version looked…happier?

“What are you talking about? See what?” Beth raised an eyebrow and asked her sister as she gave the picture back. What Tessa was seeing in the picture…it was hard to put into words. It was like an imagined Bimbo version of Tessa, but two or maybe even three times more exaggerated than a Bimbo. But it wasn’t clearly doctored and it wasn’t a cartoon, it was shockingly real looking, as crazy as that seemed. And yet Beth claimed she couldn’t see a thing.

“Is this a prank you’re playing on me?” Tessa asked. Beth was the last person who’d do such a thing, but it made more sense than this camera printing a Bimbofied version of Tessa and Beth being magically unaware of that fact.

“…Uh, no. Are you okay? Do you wanna go lay down? If it’s stress that’s getting to you, I have some crystals for that.” Beth said, genuinely it did not seem like she had any idea what Tessa was talking about. Tessa quickly stuffed the camera back into her bag, still gripping the picture in her hand

“It’s nothing. I gotta go, I think.” Tessa said, she quickly hugged her sister and was soon off. Her mind raced through a million different things as she walked back to the hotel, that was seriously weird. It wasn’t likely to be a trick camera, every other picture she’d taken was normal. Maybe she was cracking up and just seeing things. That made the most sense. Tessa checked her phone. All of the images on her instagram were the same as ever, only the vintage camera’s picture was changed.

Tessa’s thoughts went back to what little she’d managed to piece together from what Grayson and Sam had talked to her about, at least the small details they’d felt comfortable relaying in their questions to her. There was something going on with Bimbos, according to them. Like, an increased number of them, right? What were they implying when they said that? Did they mean that people were becoming…

“Eep!” Tessa squeaked. She was too fixated with looking at the stupid picture that she didn’t notice the man in a suit before she smacked into him. As Tessa gazed up at the guy, she gradually realized the worried looking man was her father.

“Tessa!? I’ve been trying to call you for ages, why didn’t you answer your phone?” He asked as he helped his daughter up.

“I, uh, was preoccupied with something.” She managed to get out. He sighed, likely knowing that she was off on another ‘extended break’, but deciding it was best to not force the issue.

“Anyway, I need you now. I have two new staff members hired for maintenance and cleaning, and I want you to show them around. Their names are Mandy and Eric. They should be at the front desk now.” He told her. Tessa really did not have the mental space to tour two newbies around such a huge place, given the bizarre thing that had just happened, but she couldn’t just say no to her dad.

“S-sure, no problem.” She said.

“It wasn’t a request, it was a command. Now hurry, it’d look bad for us if you kept them waiting even longer.” He said. Tessa just nodded and sighed as she walked away. She soon made her way to the front desk and was greeted by an orange haired Bimbo and a Brown haired Himbo. More Bimbos and Himbos. Maybe there was something to Grayson and Sam’s theory. The Bimbo was dressed in a tiny green top that pressed so tightly against her breasts that her nipples could very clearly be seen. The white jean-shorts she wore were even smaller. She wore big golden hoop earrings and stepped around in outrageously tall heels. They must’ve been maybe six inches.

The Himbo was dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt (to show off his biceps, of course) and jean shorts, admittedly much less form fitting than the girl’s. His facial features were soft and yet handsome, he very much looked like the pretty-boy type. The both of them just looked bored and slightly frustrated from waiting so long, and yet when their eyes met Tessa’s, she felt electricity run down her back and an almost magnetic pull toward them. They were quite good looking, even for a Bimbo and Himbo. What were they doing working for a place like this?

“H-hello. I’m Tessa, I’m your guide for today. My apologies for keeping you two waiting, but I’m here now and I’m more than glad to show you everything you need to know about the hotel! We’re all really excited to have two new members of this crew.” Tessa tried to remain professional and brushed a lock of blonde hair behind her ear, her nerves were clearly obvious as soon as she opened her mouth.

“I’m Mandy!” The Bimbo’s mood changed instantly as Tessa introduced herself. Eric grinned softly and offered a small wave.

“I’m Eric. What’s that in your hand?” He asked.

“Oh, this? Oh, uh, it’s nothing!” Tessa said, her eyes widened as she suddenly realized she’d had the picture in her hand this entire time. She hastily went to put it in her purse, but the photo slipped out of her hand as it quickly darted for the bag.

“I’ve got it!” Mandy said, her hand faster than Tessa’s as she picked it up.

“Wow, nice picture! The old timey filter doesn’t really capture how stunning your makeup looks in real life, though. Love the bright yellow, seriously, it’s very daring. Not a lot of people, even Bimbos, go that bold.” Mandy said and handed Tessa back her picture.

“What do you…” Tessa trailed off. Something was horribly wrong. She’d assumed that Beth had seen the picture as the normal Tessa, but now here Mandy was saying the opposite. Panicked, Tessa pulled out her hand mirror and… nothing was changed. She still looked like the normal Tessa, no trace of…whatever Mandy had pointed out about her appearance.

No, she was just being paranoid, all Mandy had done was compliment her makeup. Admittedly, lemon yellow lipstick and eyeshadow were very bold, but everything she did portrayed the potential for artfulness and beauty in everything, which was reflected in her pictures. In the way that her pictures gave a different perspective to something that looked plain and mundane to the naked eye, her makeup transformed her facial features into an artwork of their own. Tessa pressed two fingers against her yellow painted lips, did they feel swollen? Nah. Tessa smiled a little, her lemon yellow nails matched her makeup quite nicely.

“Tessa?” Eric tilted his head. Tessa blinked rapidly for a moment before she came back to her senses. Her face softly flushed as she apologized and went straight to starting the tour. She really wanted to just get this over with, but it was at least easier being with these two. They were pretty easy to talk to.

“Wow, that’s incredible. It must be a dream owning a big fancy hotel like this.” Eric genuinely said in response to learning Tessa was the owner’s daughter. Tessa tried not to roll her eyes, it wasn’t exactly all it was cracked up to be.

“It’s certainly something. I’ll say I’d rather be a guest than anything. It’s definitely a much nicer workplace than most, but the place is pretty big and it can get kind of exhausting keeping track of everything that goes on. It’s hard work, but with us expanding our crew, that’ll be much less of a problem!” Tessa saved it at the end as she realized she wasn’t exactly selling the place to them.

“Hey, that’s fine with me! I’m not quick to complain about jobs, it’s hard enough to get one as it is when people see you and label you as a Bimbo, right? Not many places are hiring right now, and the ones that are often see certain types of people as not…appropriate for their image.” Mandy said. Tessa raised an eyebrow.

“Is it a dress code thing?” Tessa asked, breaths heavier. Her face was flushed slightly and she was starting to feel kind of hot all over, it was like a tingling sensation that moved down her back and wrapped around her chest and torso. Tessa had an obligation to finish the tour, however, so she had to just ignore it for now. Eric shook his head.

“I’ll wear whatever my job wants, that’s not the problem. If you look a certain way, you get a certain reputation. Some people really don’t like people like us who are more…” He trailed off.

“Liberated?” Mandy suggested. Eric laughed.

“Sure, I guess you could say that. A lot of people aren’t open minded once they see how you look and start assuming things about you.” He said.

“What we’re saying is that I have nowhere else to go after the Hooters closed down, so we’re really grateful for this opportunity. And we like sex too much to charge people for it, so prostitution is off the table for now.” Mandy said, it was up in the air whether this was a joke or not.

Tessa showed them around the place, explaining to the duo along the way what some of their duties would be as part of the maintenance and cleanup staff. After leaving one of the event areas, they got into the elevator and went up to look at some of the different types of guest rooms. Tessa threw her vest over her shoulder, skin visibly sweating.

“This place is amazing. I’ve never had the money to go to a hotel like this. Um, is everything alright?” Mandy raised an eyebrow at Tessa.

“Yeah, I think I’m getting a hot flash or something. But I feel okay, otherwise. You guys want to see the fanciest suite in the hotel? It takes up the entire top floor.” Tessa grinned. Mandy’s eyes widened.

“That sounds awesome! Do you get, like, famous people staying there?” Mandy asked as they went on their way to the penthouse suite.

“Sure, sometimes. It’s mostly just random rich businessmen that come into town for business reasons and want a big place they can party in the meantime. But the suite itself is way cooler than any of the guys that stay in it. The pool alone is bigger than some of the rooms. I’m definitely not supposed to, but I come up here sometimes with my friends.” Tessa chuckled and held a finger to her lips. They then found their way to the suite; Tessa pulled a unique looking key from her bag and opened the door to reveal the absolutely massive suite. Both Mandy and Eric’s eyes widened in awe at the place.

“Holy shit. The parties here must be sick. I bet it’s a bitch to clean, though.” Eric said. Tessa nodded, and then pressed a button that opened up one of the walls to reveal the outdoor patio. Tessa had been up here many times, she’d brought up friends and other employees here as well, it was always fun seeing their reactions. She always kept it low key, though. Wouldn’t want her parents finding out.

Wait, how could she have forgotten the party she’d had here? Yes, she remembered now, once when her father was away she’d invited loads of people up into the private suite. Well, it had initially not been too many people until some of those people invited friends of their own. That was a disaster to clean up. Tessa had never been in a more hectic party in her life. She did fondly remember all the dancing and singing and…sex?

Tessa had to sit down, her body was burning up. Something was wrong about how she remembered that party, but she couldn’t quite put together what. Tessa laid back on the sofa bed, the uncomfortable warmth starting to turn into an unbearable heat that made her legs weak and her vision a little blurry.

“Tessa!? What’s wrong?” Mandy squeaked as she and Eric ran to Tessa’s side.

“N-nothing. I just feel a little lightheaded. And hot. Really hot.” Tessa said, bleary eyed and looking through Mandy and Eric more than she was looking at them. And she felt suffocated, like her clothes were attempting to strangle her. Her chest especially was tight, as her breasts began to gradually pump up with more and more fat as they pushed out the front of her top further and further. Her nipples especially were felt hot, like two growing balls of fire emanating from the sensitive flesh and making them needy for relief.

“Hahhhh~” Tessa breathed, face flushed and sweating as she fanned herself off. Mandy quickly understood what to do and pulled Tessa’s shirt off until she was just in her lemon yellow bra. As Mandy helped her shirt off, a wave of Pink was released from her chest as it spread out onto the bed and then the carpet, making them softer and fluffier. Their colors became more appealing shades, prettier and brighter. From the carpet, the Pink spread further and began to paint the room in appealing reds and maroons.

“Honey, should we take you to the doctor?” Mandy asked. Tessa shook her head and asked for some water instead. Eric nodded and ran off before bringing back Tessa a glass. Tessa whimpered slightly and ground her hips into the bed for a second until Mandy got the hint and pulled her pants off.

“Mmmmah, better~” Tessa breathed as her legs were exposed to fresh air. Her exposed panties shrunk and hugged up against her twitching pussy even tighter. The panties pulsed and vibrated with burning, supercharged Pink energy for a moment. It sent a wave of hot pleasure through Tessa’s body as the white cotton panties changed into a bright neon yellow thong that just barely cupped her fattening, needy pussy lips. Tessa whimpered girlishly.

“Feeling better, honey?” Mandy sweetly asked, face lined with genuine concern. Tessa nodded lazily. At the very edge of her vision, she could see a lock of hair turn from blonde to a bright, cartoonish lemon yellow. Pretty. Her aching tiddies pumped up further and further with fattening, thickening flesh until the teardrop breasts started to droop further down her chest with their sheer weight.

The rest of her body hardened and tightened with a reasonable amount of musculature to help her manage the massive, still-growing breasts as they now reached just beyond the size of her head. The tits were heavy and starting to become cartoonishly large, and yet they were still so perky and healthy looking, no signs of wrinkles or stretching or sagging at all. Tessa’s eyes lazily looked around the room, seeing it all red and pink and cozy. Why were they in the Love Suite, again? There was only the three of them, she wasn’t bringing around loads of boys like usual. Oh, yeah, she was showing the newbies the Love Suite. It was a nice excuse to lowkey brag about all the secret boyfriends and girlfriends she brought up here to have some fun with. Oh, if only her dad knew.

Well, he did know. She was the one who suggested this room get converted into a suite for the more wealthy guests to host lewd affairs, and it was undoubtedly a success. They paid absurd amounts of money to hold their raunchy parties and orgies here, and often. Her dad had been hesitant about it at first, but he couldn’t deny it was a great selling point.

And she loved coming up here, it was so fun to bring stuffy nerds and businessmen and her more prudish friends, and turn them into sweating, flushed, panting, pleasure-drunk works of art. She had loads of pictures of her friends and boytoys completely spent and blissed out after a long night of passionate fucking, and those were only the pictures she didn’t post. Much to her parents heavy disapproval, she had erotic photoshoots up here. Her and some Bimbo model friends playing and going into all kinds of different sexy poses for the cameras. It wasn’t porn though, Tessa always made sure it was as artful as possible. The body and sexuality were beautiful things, they didn’t have to just be mindless indulgences.

She sometimes brought her sister as well, of course it was nothing incestuous, just them looking like hot pieces of pure feminine sexuality together. Her parents used to forbid her from using this place for her photoshoots, but they eventually realized that doing so would completely destroy all reason she had to keep working for the family business at all. They now supported her pursuit of expressing her art freely, and as a result she was more than happy to support their business. What was she doing? Last she remembered, Mandy and Eric were cooling down her body with wet hand towels. She couldn’t quite remember why, and even that memory was now fading from her mind. Currently, they were stroking her body, planting wet kisses all over neck and shoulders.

“Ohhh~ Mmm~ Wh-wha?” She softly moaned in an equal mix of pleasure and confusion, before it came back to her. As a reward for joining the hotel’s staff, Tessa decided to bring up Mandy and Eric for a congratulatory fuck. Tessa was getting so horny and pent up during the absurdly long hotel tour, she needed some kind of break. She began to sit higher on the bed, for a few reasons. One was that her ass and thighs had plumped and fattened up to beyond BBL levels, and were only just now finishing up their growth. For the next change, her body painlessly stretched out until her 5’3 frame was now an even 6’0.

“Mmm~ God, applying for this job was a great idea. I’ve never seen a Bimbo so…Bimbo.” Eric laughed, at a loss for words on how to describe Tessa. She was simply a Bimbo but…more. Her parents couldn’t deny it and had a long time ago decided that Tessa was unique and couldn’t be reasonably expected to fit into their mold perfectly. Not when she had tits like that. She would’ve been fired from this job for indecency ages ago if this place wasn’t owned by her family in the first place. Not that her father didn’t try to get her to cover up as much as he could.

Currently, she was wearing fishnets over her fat, teardrop tits. Her nipples were covered in pasties, while her thick, gushing cunt was tightly hugged by a tiny thong that wedgied between her asscheeks and just barely kept her pussy folds from being shown. Over it, she was wearing a cute tiny skirt that only partially covered her panties. The skirt was black with yellow trimming, and had cute little yellow heart patterns on the edges. Tessa also was wearing six inch golden heels, giant yellow hoop earrings that were easily a few times bigger than her ears, a yellow choker, and kneesocks.

“Ahhh~ Nnngh~ Mandyy~” Tessa whined as Mandy sucked on her fat, sensitive nipples. A sharp wave of volcanic pleasure crashed into the Bimbo’s trembling body as her cunt gushed hot juices into her panties. It was a lot for Mandy to handle, but given how irresistible Tessa’s titanic tits were, she was eager for the challenge. Each thick, swinging breast was a couple times larger than her head, so wide and dense that Tessa couldn’t put one arm around both breasts at the same time. They looked so perky and round and delicious, it was easy to see why they made both Eric and Mandy’s mouths genuinely water at the hot orbs of sensitive, needy flesh.

Eric frantically pulled off his shorts and boxers, his cock raging and desperate for attention as the hard member throbbed and bounced needily. His soft, pleading eyes met Tessa’s as he asked if she was ready. The lemon colored Bimbo smiled. She was going to turn both of these sluts into her sweaty, needy, wildly rutting, blissed-out masterpieces. It would only be temporary until the next time they played, but pictures lasted forever. Tessa giggled and went into her purse to grab her camera. Then she saw that cute picture Beth took of her. There was something important about this ordinary picture, but Tessa couldn’t quite remember what it was. Deciding it was best to think about it later, she pulled out her camera and grinned mischievously at Eric.

“Bring that cock here, slut~”

Sam groaned in annoyance as she stared at her phone, though admittedly she didn’t know why she expected Tessa of all people to answer her texts punctually. Still, she was on edge was really looking forward to hanging out with her friend, particularly given the fact that it was a person close to her that hadn’t been Bimbo’d yet. Aurora and the others were safe and seemed more or less like the same people, but she didn’t feel at peace being around them anymore. Just seeing what happened to Aurora and Grayson made Sam feel a kind of despair grow deep inside of her.

Josh had made it seem like the Bimbo thing had just opened and revealed something that was already inside of him, he explained that he felt more confident and willing to express himself now. Yeah, no shit, that tends to happen when you become hotter and buffer, man. Sam sighed.

Hmm, finally. Tessa texted back. It seemed she was in a good mood as well. Sam and Tessa talked for a moment, her friend explained that she expected today to suck but she’d made friends with some new coworkers and her parents were starting to somewhat chill out on her. That was great, though it seemed kind of sudden.

‘By the way, that vintage camera Beth got me was really cool. Want me to send some pictures I took with it before you come over?’ Tessa asked.

‘Yeah, definitely.’ Sam said. Her face went pale white as the pictures rolled in.

“What. The. Fuck.”

To Be Continued.


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