Pink Reality

Chapter Four

by BimboSam01

Tags: #bimbofication #exhibitionism #f/f #f/m #fantasy #urban_fantasy #ass_expansion #breast_expansion #growth #lactation #mass_hypnosis

November 3rd, 2024.

Rachel Burrows hardly wanted to sound like her grandparents, all fire and brimstone, but it was becoming increasingly apparent with each passing day that this town was full of shady characters. ‘Sinners’ some more dogmatic people might’ve called them. Rachel couldn’t really disagree with them. And the scariest thing about it was that, fantastically, everyone acted like these women and men had always been there.

The women dressed scantily clad, leaving all their body on display like they had no respect for themselves! Worse were their breasts that had obviously been augmented, as some women had supposedly just grown these assets over night. Flirting with just any man that walked by, giggling like idiots. Vainly dressing themselves in fashionable clothing and makeup and jewelry that had likely cost them a pretty penny. Looking all pretty and cute. Ahem.

And there were a breed of men like them, they were arguably worse. Not loyal to any one woman, they chatted up any and everyone, wearing tight shirts and jeans that clung to their thick muscles something fierce. They made crude sexual jokes like teenage boys and regularly took off their shirts to reveal their hard, thick, pulsing muscles.

Rachel detested them to such a degree that they filled her thoughts an uncomfortable amount. She would be snuggling against her wonderful fiancé and a hot blush would cover her cheeks as her loins ached…with anger. Yes, that was it. She would ache between her legs with anger so bad that she wouldn’t be able to sleep for hours. It was awful.

It was a similar feeling to when she would be in the middle of her yoga class doing hip-thrusts and she would suddenly start thinking about her fiancé. Rachel would feel all empty between her ears and hot between her legs for a moment. Where was she, again?

Oh, yeah. The Bimbos. This new breed of sinful people had only started as an occasional sighting here and there; in only the past few days they’d started showing up everywhere. It was terrifying. What was more terrifying was that people she had once known long ago were now among these sinners. Had they been brainwashed? The idea was a bleak one.

Her fiancé, Robert, was among the people who hadn’t at all noticed this sudden increase in Bimbos and male whores, unfortunately, but he would see things clearly once they could no longer be ignored. He had made slightly mean spirited jokes at her expense when she’d frightfully mentioned the increasing number of sluts and manwhores. Despite that, he was still sweet and beautiful and caring, and she was soon going to be financially dependent on him, so she had to put up with him for better or worse anyway.

Due to her fiancé not taking her concerns seriously, Rachel had recently taken it into her own hands to figure out what had been going on with these Bimbos and male whores recently. Upon googling this phenomenon, she’d come upon the phrase “Himbo”, it was a useful phrase but the resulting images shown to her after she searched “Himbo sexual deviancy” did not sit right with the Christian woman at all. Rachel promptly cleared her search history after that.

Rachel had briefly considered discussing this with that cop Rick, who’d also expressed suspicion of this Bimbo invasion, but he was a bigot and a degenerate and definitely was not one to be trusted. Not to mention probably insane; he was always coming up with absurd conspiracies. In that case, was she acting like him by being so disturbed by these women? No, of course not. Something suddenly spreading everywhere like this couldn’t be ignored, and yet it was widely ignored by almost everyone. It was disturbing.

Now Rachel was out in the town, going to a cafe to meet with a woman a few years younger than her that she’d met online. This woman was a college student named Sam, and she’d asked online if anyone else had never heard of these Bimbos until the last month. This woman had practically screamed into the void, finding no one on the internet who’d responded to her but Rachel. Miraculously, they just so happened to live in the same town.

They’d met online before and decided it was best to meet in public. Rachel sat there slightly annoyed as she waited for Sam, until finally the green-haired girl came running into the cafe and apologized for her lateness. This wasn’t necessarily the ideal partner for Rachel. Sam had dyed hair, dressed quite androgynously and cursed much too casually. Probably a lesbian; she certainly came off that way. Not that Rachel was homophobic or anything, but she would’ve preferred someone more…align with her values. It still felt like she was alone in this situation.

They had only a few hours to talk, since Sam had to go see her sister for her birthday today, which was perfectly fine with Rachel. They didn’t exactly have much to talk about, this girl seemed out of her depth and was even more conspiratorial than Rick. She was twitchy, nervous. Sure, this Bimbo phenomenon was bizarre and sinister, but Sam claimed to have seen people and environments change before her eyes. Like witnessing the Mandela Effect in person. That couldn’t have been true, could it?

“We understand now that these are in fact physical changes, it seems like reality itself warps. Not just memories. So far, it’s just fi- just us four who are aware of what’s going on. I have no idea why. But we’re going to have to work together if we’re going to get through this.” The tired looking girl said, she didn’t look particularly confident.

“And how would we do that?” Rachel raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

“Well…first we have to understand what it is we’re fighting. That’s the most important step right now. Whatever this thing is, it affects not just individuals, but possibly supercharges locations that seemingly influence the people who enter. The lingerie store, that cafe, these are both places that changed their identity overnight and suddenly started catering to Bimbos. But honestly, it’s entirely possible that its’ the Bimbos that change these places rather than the other way around. One possibility is that people get converted and then their place of business retroactively changes to match their memory.”

Sam poured over her little book of notes robotically. It was kind of sad, she was clearly fighting against something and had no idea what it even was. That scared Rachel, and she wondered if she just put herself into a situation that was far too dangerous for her. The best case scenario was that this girl was just crazy, but Rachel had a feeling that this wasn’t true. She’d seen those Bimbos appear in increasing numbers every morning, she’d seen acquaintances leave and then arrive the next day with bigger tits and a whole new wardrobe.

“That’s…a start, I suppose. And you say you know one person who has been affected and is still aware of everything? Isn’t that kind of…” Rachel started.

“I know. But he’s not going to spread it to us or anything. It’s not something like an airborne virus; it can’t be detected as far as we know and seemingly spreads at random. Some people could spend ages around a Bimbo’d person and not even get changed in the slightest. But some others appear to contract it from others, it’s totally random. And even those supposed supercharged points like the cafe or the lingerie store are hard to discern whether they just attract Bimbos, or they actually change people themselves. We’ve watched those places but have seen nothing so far.” Sam said, hardly looking up to Rachel from her little book.

“This is all rather grim, isn’t it?” Rachel dejectedly muttered. Sam shook her head.

“I’ve got my best agent doing research on what this thing could be. I’m sure she’ll turn something up.”

Grayson wasn’t turning up diddly shit. They’d scoured the internet, including the weird conspiracy sites and forums, and when that hadn’t worked they sent Grayson off to the library in their larger sister city. It was one of the oldest libraries in the country. Grayson was in the farthest, dustiest part of the library in the delusional hope that she could find anything. Was it scientific or magical in nature, if that was even a thing?

Sam had asked some friends and professors at the university to bring back evidence of anything even a little adjacent to her extremely selective description of what was going on, she had to be somewhat vague so they didn’t think she was crazy. Psychologists she knew too, they were tasked with uncovering if some kind of mass psychosis that could cause collective memory changes was possible. Sam had neglected to mention that this thing changed reality itself. One thing at a time.

They of course didn’t expect them to turn anything up, so Josh and Grayson were tasked with researching the more ridiculous options for what could be going on. Now Grayson was being led by one of the workers at the library who seemed to have an interest in old books about niche subjects. Banned books, he called them.

He was a slender, tan skinned man. He called himself Alan. He wore thick, comfortable winter clothes and circular glasses. He was twitchy.

“Back in the early days of settlers living in these parts, there were a few different schools of thought that led to certain minority groups being persecuted. You’re naturally going to immediately think of Witchcraft, but it wasn’t only that. It was any people that held any kind of information or interest that was considered forbidden or taboo.” He said as she followed him.

“What, like porn?” Grayson joked. He grinned.

“Some of it was pornographic. The type of thing they say is not suited for the common clay of America. Corruptive. People brought research they’d taken from Eastern and Middle Eastern countries and pooled them into several different books. Many of those books were controversial and hidden. Not many people know of this, they aren’t of particular interest.” He said. Sure, maybe because this was just some bullshit. But she had to take any thing that she could.

“Some of these books were used for research, presumably. Some group came in and said they’d paid us to use some of them. Well, pay me. I was the only one that knew about this exchange, and surprisingly they actually did bring the books back after only a few months. Guess their research wasn’t conclusive. But maybe it was something else. When they brought them back, I wrapped the books to keep these old raggedy things safe. I think. I haven’t opened them since. I got a weird feeling about them, they didn’t feel the same as when they were first here. Hmm, maybe it wasn’t the books I was trying to protect. Again, just a feeling.” He said uneasily. He had to have been pulling her leg, it was like he was trying to sound ominous.

“And you’re letting me open them because…” Grayson asked.

“Because I think they’re probably important. And they’re of no use here, they’re written in some weird language I’ve never seen. Maybe you can find someone who can read it. I haven’t been able to find anyone that can, nor can I find that group that came here, I don’t think they were from the government. Or at least they didn’t want people to know they have any affiliation.” He said.

Grayson gulped. This was a desperate measure, she just hoped this could actually turn anything up. And she felt that it would, somehow. Like something inside her was leading her to this moment. This whole thing was freaky, and she had a feeling this wasn’t going to be the end of it.

Everybody loved Aurora. That’s what they always said. Indeed, the beautiful young woman was always surrounded by admirers. Combined with her natural beauty, she’d always had that charismatic charm and sociable nature to her. Guys always asked her out, girls always invited her to parties.

They all wanted everyone else to know that they were friends with Aurora, that they were cool. And yet almost none of them had wished her birthday yet. Only family, her friend April, and a few of her countless ex-boyfriends had texted her anything at all today. No one had really asked Aurora her birthday. Thinking about it, very few really asked Aurora questions about herself at all.

She told herself she was just being dramatic. She knew she was going to go out and have a good time and leave all of those insecure thoughts behind her. Until they inevitably came back, as they always did.

Aurora had slept in today; it was her birthday and she could decide what she wanted to do with her day. She said that knowing what she really wanted to do was go back to sleep.

Aurora wiped her tired eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. Much to the objection of basically everyone but Sam and her friend, Grayson (who thought it looked cool), she’d recently dyed her hair pitch black. Aurora wasn’t quite sure why, she supposed it just fit how she felt better. It clashed with her freckled face and soft blue eyes more, but in a way that she felt looked kind of dynamic.

Twenty. Aurora was now officially in her twenties, and yet she felt more like a lost kid than ever. Maybe for once she could forego being the life of the party and just spend all day curled under the blankets with a good book. Who was she kidding, when was the last time she let herself be alone for that long?

Anyway, her mom had been looking forward to spending some time with Aurora, and she’d already planned on making a cake and everything. The motherly Bimbo was as kind as her tits were big, Aurora couldn’t disappoint her like that. It was funny, her and her mom were basically best friends and she often confided to her mom about when life got hard. But lately, things had been different. Her feelings as of late were too complicated and abstract to really explain to her mom or anyone else.

In any case, Aurora couldn’t just stay in today because she also promised she’d go shopping with Sam. Despite being sisters and literal roommates, they rarely got to spend a substantial amount of time together. They were both always so busy, and when Aurora wasn’t busy with work she was being pulled from one party or vacation to another by her friends.

Aurora looked around, sister nowhere to be seen. They’d meet up later, but Aurora kind of wanted to be with her right now. Sam was one of the few people she actually wanted to see today. The dorm felt like a haunted house with just Aurora. She soon got dressed and did her makeup, making sure to put her contacts in. Her eyesight was similarly terrible to her sister’s, but there was no way she could be caught in glasses.

She’d told Sam contacts weren’t so bad, but her sister wasn’t ever having any of that. ‘I couldn’t touch my eyes like that. I couldn’t. I would throw up, I’d actually throw up’, Sam had laughed. Yeah, Aurora wasn’t a huge fan of it either.

As the college student made her way outside, her ears perked to the sound of someone approaching her from behind.

“Hey, Aurora!” The brown haired April beamed, jumping on her toes and waving to Aurora. She was still in her soccer wardrobe, knees socks, tiny shorts and all. Tiny shorts that accented her creamy, pale thighs nicely. Ahem. Aurora totally wasn’t into girls or anything, but she couldn’t help but always think that April looked adorable in this getup. April raised one bushy eyebrow as she asked Aurora what she was up to.

“So, birthday girl, what are we doing today?” April put her arm around Aurora’s shoulder and pulled the girl close, Aurora laughed and plugged her nose in response.

“Jesus, April, you smell!” Aurora said and pulled away. April shrugged. Yeah, she was just coming from practice after all. April was one of the stars of the team, and as a result she always got pushed harder than everyone else and was always drenched in sweat after practice as a result.

“Yeah, sorry about that. By the way, here. It’s nothing crazy. But don’t open it until later with your other presents”. April said as she handed Aurora a wrapped gift.

“Oh my god, thank you! You really didn’t have to, April.” Aurora said.

“Yeah, I did! It’s your birthday! Anyway, you wanna go out after I shower, ‘Rory?” She asked. Aurora shrugged.

“I’m going to see my mom today… but I actually did want to see you, I’m just not sure if my mom will want to have me longer after dinner. I totally wanna hang out, though. Actually, I was gonna go shopping with Sam before dinner, but all three of us could do that later instead!” Aurora figured out in her head as she talked, gradually hyping herself up. Maybe hanging out with April would get her out of this funk.

“Sure! That sounds super fun. You’re not doing anything with your other friends?” April cutely titled her head. Aurora shook her head.

“No. Definitely not, actually. I think I’m like, gonna start keeping a bit more to myself from now on. Besides some close friends, of course. Like you.” Aurora said. April raised a bushy eyebrow.

“…Is everything alright, ‘Rory? You’ve kinda been in your emo phase lately.” April said. Aurora laughed.

“No, no. Really, I’m fine.” God, she sounded like Sam when she said stuff like that. But she would probably be fine, it wasn’t like she was having any major problems in life. No, everything was going perfect, she supposed. That was, until a small group of fellow students approached the two of them. She was ashamed to admit it, but she felt compromised being seen with April. She was cool, but she was just April. Aurora hoped for her friends sake that they didn’t pay her any attention.

“Yo, Aurora!” Aurora had to fight back against her urge to sigh. Three guys and three girls: Braxton, Parker, Bradford, Blair, Ashleigh (pronounced ash-lay), and Kennedy. And yes, Sam and Grayson made fun of their WASPy-ass names basically any time Aurora brought her friends up.

“Ohmigod, you guys! What’s been up with you!?” Aurora feigned a smile as she went in to hug them. April’s eyes widened at the girl’s sudden in shift in mood.

“Didn’t we talk with you at Shelly’s last night? You were so crazy.”

“That wasn’t me. I actually felt kinda sick, so I didn’t go.” Aurora said. She actually hadn’t met up with them in a few weeks, had they not noticed?

“Oh, for real? I could’ve sworn you were there. You’re coming to Princeton’s party tonight, though, right? Everyone wants to see you.” The blonde pretty-boy named Braxton said. Yeah, cause like half the guys they knew had a crush on her.

“Yeah, for sure I’ll be there!” Aurora lied.

“Cool, cool. By the way, is your lakehouse’s renovations gonna be done in a few months? My lame-ass dad sold our summer home and the land it was on. Maybe your dad could get one of the bands on his label to play a show there too, that’d be sick.” Yes, she told them that she had a lakehouse. Yes, she said that her father was alive and was a prolific music producer. No, she had no idea why she said these things. Aurora tried to ignore the holes April was currently staring into the side of her head. Yeah, she might have fibbed from time to time. Or all the time.

Aurora had already felt like her body was gonna twist itself into a knot from all the anxiety she had building up inside of her, and it was only getting steadily worse. April definitely had to have felt weird about seeing the front Aurora put on in front of her so-called friends. It was kind of awkward between them as they eventually ended the conversation and agreed to meet up later, going their separate ways for now.

She was then on her way to her mother’s house, half looking forward to spending time with her family and half wanting today to already be over. Lauren beamed as she opened the door, the mother’s hair and makeup as immaculate as always; her taut winter sweater not at all hiding the incredible shape her breasts made in the fabric. And she’d never had work done either, her breasts had just naturally remained as perky as they’d always been.

“Happy birthday, baby~ Come in, it’s freezing out there. Why aren’t you wearing a jacket?” Her mother fretted over her as always as they hugged. Aurora just smiled and tried not to roll her eyes.

“Hey, mom. I’m not that cold, I’m fine.” Aurora said. Lauren never fretted this much over Sam, but Aurora was the baby despite only being younger than Sam by a year and some months. She was actually right, Aurora was pretty cold and had just forgotten to wear a jacket. In her flustered state after what happened with her friends, Aurora had gone straight to the bus stop and hadn’t bothered going back into her dorm. Lauren just rolled her eyes as if to say ‘young people’.

“Well, your skin’s ice cold, put yourself under a blanket so it doesn’t feel like I’m hugging a popsicle.” Lauren laughed. She kissed her daughter on the cheek and left a crimson mark before heading off into the kitchen. Aurora rolled her eyes as she noticed the way her mother’s tight pants were firmly wedgied between her hefty buttcheeks. The brown-haired bombshell simply couldn’t turn her Bimbo tendencies off.

Aurora curled up under a blanket and sat herself down in front of the little coffee table in the livingroom, thinking about her birthday. She’d always avoided having big parties despite definitely being popular enough to hold one. (This had been especially true in Highschool for her; where your life is more divorced from the real world, social circles are more interconnected and words like ‘popular’ hold actual weight). It was always the one time she preferred being more alone, for some reason.

Plus, it felt more special to just be with her family and have a nice home-cooked meal. Lauren had also apparently baked a cake as well instead of just buying one, she really didn’t have to. But Aurora wasn’t gonna complain, cause that sounded amazing.

“Any plans after this, birthday girl? I can’t imagine your friends don’t have anything planned, with how often they fly you out from one place to another.” Lauren asked.

“Uh, not really. I told them I just wanted to relax on my birthday. I guess I haven’t been up for that sort of thing lately.” Aurora said. Lauren just nodded and turned her slightly worried face away. Truthfully, it wasn’t like Aurora to be this guarded. It was very Sam of her. She kind of chuckled at that.

“Well, I’m always here if you’d like to talk about any of that.” Lauren said.

“Thanks.” Aurora simply said.

“You want a drink?” Her mother asked as she gestured to the alcohol.

“Uhhh, I don’t really…”

“Don’t play coy. I know you’ve been drinking with your friends forever. I was the same, I started when I was fifteen.” Her mother laughed. Aurora did too.

“…Yeah, alright, sure. Sixteen for me, actually.” Aurora shyly admittedly as her mother handed her a glass with some ice in it. As she sipped, a soft, pleased groan left her lips. Good stuff. Very good. And she wasn’t really super into wine or alcohol, she normally just drank socially. Aurora’s lips tingled hotly as she pulled the glass from her face. She blinked rapidly for a moment, eyes adjusting. It must have been a trick of the light, because it had almost looked like the liquid had briefly turned pink.

“Ope, that’ll be Sam.” Her mother said. As Aurora shrugged, their attention was drawn to a knock at the door.

It had probably been for the best that Aurora had postponed things until after her birthday ‘party’, as Sam’s meeting with Rachel had gone overlong. So far only four people in the world had noticed this phenomenon, and they all happened to be in this town. And three of them already knew each other. Bizarre.

Sure, their city had the biggest concentration of Bimbo’s but they’d been appearing all over the world in small and modest pockets. It was scary how fast things had developed, the Bimbo’s had transformed from maybe a dozen women to a sizable population. And now people they knew had gotten it too, namely Josh, but also a few other acquaintances and people they’d met before.

A couple hundred Bimbos in her city alone, and that wasn’t counting the Himbos that had started to appear in near equal quantities. Grayson and Josh had talked with the Himbos the most, as those two didn’t get nearly as flustered as Sam did when interacting with the Himbos. Sam still blushed at the memory of her stammering and stuttering while ‘interrogating’ one of these musclebound Romeos. Grayson was never gonna let Sam live that down, was she?

But she had to put all that aside for now, this was her sister’s day and she wasn’t going to ruin it with bullshit from real life. She could ignore all this crap going on for a few hours, right? As the door opened, the color instantly drained from Sam’s face. God, dammit. Sam thought she’d be fine, it’d only been a week since they’d last talked, right?

A feeling of horrible guilt and anxiety coursed through Sam’s entire body as she feigned a smile and laid her eyes on the new Lauren. Her heavy tits could not be hidden or contained by her thick winter sweater. She was wearing makeup, including fairly daring, crimson red lipstick. When she was just at home? And big hoop earrings, too. And her eyes, they looked…more bright and alive. Less tired, with no signs of crows feet or other wrinkles around them.

If there was one relief, it was that her mother’s body was well covered due to how cold it was. Not that it disguised how swollen her endowments were.

“Hey there, dear~ Come in, come in. Aren’t you cold? I swear, do I need to buy you two some warm clothes?” Lauren rolled her eyes as Sam walked in. Aurora waved.

“N-no, I have plenty. Uh, how’s everything going, by the way? You feeling good?” Sam asked, trying not to convey her panic on her face.

“Uh, fine. Pretty good, actually. Why?” Lauren tilted her head.

“Oh, just wondering. Is that wine?” Sam asked.

“Yup, you want some?” Lauren asked. Her mother drinking with an under-21 Aurora was…not necessarily out of character, but it was unexpected. It was probably just because it was Aurora’s birthday, but it was the first possible indicator that more than Lauren’s appearance had changed. She’d never offered Sam a drink, at least, and Sam was actually twenty one.

“Uh, sure. Yeah, just a li- woah, that’s a lot. Happy birthday, by the way, sis.” Sam said as she sipped from her drink. Aurora smiled back softly.

“Thanks. You okay? You look sick?” Aurora whispered. Sam shook her head.

“No, no, I’m good. Just tired, I guess.” Sam, said as she looked back to her mom. She felt so bad. Lauren had no idea what had happened to her. Sure, there were worse things in the world than growing a rocking body over night, but them being so out of their control or awareness made it so much more sinister. It was just so wrong and violating to change someone’s memory and personality and body over night.

Even if the Bimbos seemed to be having a generally pretty good time. God, did that mean her mom was…sexually active now? Gross, she was old! Sam had to investigate further.

“Aurora, has mom uh, been seeing anyone lately?” Sam asked as Lauren went into the kitchen. Aurora laughed.

“Are dogs furry?” She rhetorically asked.

“Who is it right now?”

“She has like 5 regular boyfriends now, right? Or was it six?” Aurora scratched her chin. Oh, good lord.

Overall, Aurora’s birthday had been mostly painless so far, despite how weird Sam was kind of acting. She had some cake, hung out with her family, and opened some modest presents. Sam had given her some reproductions of large historical maps. Roman empire, pre-unification China, really cool stuff Aurora could put up on their wall.

Her mother gave her a cookbook of old historical recipes from all over the world. Many were medieval or even older. The Asian and Hispanic foods seemed to have more flavorful ingredients. Aurora didn’t feel particularly tempted to find out what English food in 2024 tasted like, let alone English food in 1780.

Then she’d opened April’s gift. Wrapped around the present within the wrapper was a piece of paper that said: “It’s not much but I did my best”. It was a beautifully made horse miniature that April had presumably whittled from wood. Aurora wanted to cry. April was very aware of Aurora’s former horse obsession, something she’d abandoned and labeled as childish, despite the fact that she still had all her horses in a box in her closet.

Now her and Sam were at the mall; they were waiting for April after being at their mom’s for shorter than Aurora thought they would. Either Sam really wanted to go shopping, or she really didn’t want to be with Mom for too long. Had they been having an argument? That basically never happened with them, if it was between anyone it would usually be Aurora and Lauren.

Sam definitely seemed distracted by something else; she was normally quite perceptive and would be able to tell something was off with Aurora. Lauren and April certainly were able to. But if Aurora couldn’t even tell her mother how she felt, it was for the best that Sam didn’t pry anyway.

“Earth to Samwise?” Aurora waved her hand in front of the distantly staring Sam.

“Oh, sorry. I’ve kind of…had something on my mind. What’s up?” Sam asked.

“Oh, nothing. Just making sure you were still with us.” Aurora joked.

“Okay. Are you having a good birthday, by the way? I feel like I’m not exactly thrilling company.” Sam said.

“You’re my sister. And for once, I don’t feel like doing anything crazy, anyway. I feel like I have less energy the older I get.” Aurora said.

“Shit, I can relate to that. By the way…did you put on new lipstick while we’ve been talking?”Sam asked. Before Aurora could answer, they then saw two approaching figures in the distance: A brown haired young woman who pretty much always dressed like she was ready for Soccer practice regardless of the occasion, and a pale, shaggy haired man that wore a suit and tie everywhere he went like he thought he was that fastfood review guy on Youtube. April and Rick.

“Uhhh, April?” Aurora asked as her eyes darted to Rick. April sighed.

“Yeah, I know. He wanted to talk to you two.” April said. The man folded his arms and glared at the two sisters smugly.

“I’ve been doing a considerable amount of…research lately. You know, on a lot of those whores that have been cropping up. This weird, degenerate Chinese conspiracy. You know the women I’m speaking of. The ones that seem like they would have Onlyfans but they don’t; believe me, I checked. For every single one.” He started, Aurora covered her mouth in a desperate attempt to not laugh.

“Anyway, you’ve seen them. Their lack of standards, their lack of taste and modesty. The way they’ve been converting normal Christian women into a bunch of cheap marxists, and then everyone just forgets about it! In my research, it seems you’ve interviewed a lot of those same degenerates. You’re a lot more aware of what’s going on than you let on, am I right, Sam?” Rick monologued, venom on his tongue as the mortified April buried her face into her hands and Aurora stared at him in shock. God, April’s brother was a fucking weirdo.

Sam looked more tired and annoyed than anything. Her eyes studied the ground as it looked like she was mulling over something in her head, before she got up and walked toward Rick.

“Alright, you got me. I wasn’t trying to trick you or anything. I just wanted to know where we stood before I talked to you about…this whole thing.” Sam started. She was definitely pulling his leg so he’d be satisfied and leave them alone, right? Instead, he nodded and the two soon went off. Sam explained that Aurora and April could go off and do whatever, and that she’d meet back up with them in 40 minutes.

Okay, weird. They definitely had something to talk about, but maybe it was about something secret instead of whatever bullshit Bimbo conspiracy Rick was going on about.

“I hate that fuckass so much. I’m swear I’m gonna beat him up when he comes back.” April groaned.

“How the hell are you two related, by the way?” Aurora giggled as she asked April. Her athletic friend shrugged.

“Your guess is as good as mine.” She said.

“By the way, I wanted to thank you for the present.” Aurora said. She could tell April had put a lot of time and care into it. And she decided to leave it at that, she decided that she didn’t really need or want to bring the embarrassing run-in they had with Aurora’s other friends.

“Yeah, no problem! I kinda didn’t want you to open the present when I was right there cause I was worried you wouldn’t like it. I couldn’t think of anything to get you until I remembered all the horse stuff you used to have.” She said.

“Still have. I just…felt kinda embarrassed having that stuff everywhere now that I’m in college.” Aurora shrugged.

“Hey, I still have stuffed animals, who cares about that stuff, right?” April said. Aurora smiled. The two friends then decided to commence the shopping that her and Sam were supposed to be doing. They couldn’t buy 90% of the stuff they would want, but it was fun to peruse. And in any case, it was a way to waste time until Sam finished whatever the hell she was doing with Rick. God help her.

On their way toward the store, Aurora yelped and hid behind her. Before April could ask, she realized what all the commotion was. She had to laugh a little. It was Gabriel. Curly black hair, tanned skin, glasses, kinda skinny. Not exactly the most immaculately dressed, he had on baggy blue jeans and a striped baby-blue and white shirt that looked like something one of the Beach Boys would wear. And it was covered in cat hair.

And yet Aurora was absolutely obsessed with him, despite the fact that she could get with any guy she wanted. But that was the problem, those weren’t the guys she wanted, not really. She really only got the with the wealthy, chiseled types because it was what was appropriate for her. It would be seen as lunching down from Aurora’s friends if she got with someone like Gabriel. It was kinda cute how smitten she was with him, though.

“Really?” April asked.

“I’m gonna die. I don’t wanna talk to him right now.” Aurora said.


“But I really really want to. Take me away.” Aurora said. April rolled her eyes. The two avoided him for now and entered the store, eyes gazing through all the different cute dresses and heels and purses. Some of them were more Aurora’s speed, and some of them were clearly there to draw Bimbos into the store.

“Whoa, look at this one!” April chuckled a little and pointed toward a pair of panties and stockings to match. The underwear was outrageously tiny and paper thin, designed with an intricate black floral pattern that was admittedly quite beautiful. The panties had a cute little black bow on each end. The stockings had a similar design.

“This one’s a bit much, isn’t it?” Aurora laughed. The pattern itself was quite nice, though. As both of the amused young women stared at the garment, they felt a subtle, pleasant heat deep in their core as it spread out to every inch of their bodies. God, this store was kinda warm.

“I mean…it’s kinda cute. This is just the kinda thing you’d wear in the bedroom for your boyfriend, right?” April said.

“Or girlfriend. Anyway, not so sure. I can definitely imagine some of the Bimbos just wearing this under their skirt or shorts casually, though.” Aurora giggled. The Bimbos were kinda goofy, but they were a lot of fun and they weren’t hurting anybody. All of the hateful and prudish people like April’s brother were so frustrating.

A soft gasp left Aurora’s lips as she unconsciously felt a pleasant, warm tingle swim up to her breasts and caress her nipples. April huffed as her hips bucked slightly and her rear began to feel warmer and softer.

“Yeah, there’s no way I’d be caught dead in something like this. Is that…” April’s eyes darted to a bespectacled girl with shaggy blonde hair in the distance; she seemed to be looking at a dress. The young woman’s eyes widened fearfully, before she quickly ran off.

“G-grayson? Was that Grayson?” Aurora gasped.

“Well, whoever it was, she clearly wanted to be left alone.” April shrugged.

“Still, this doesn’t seem like the type of place Grayson would ever go to. She hates girly stuff.” Aurora said. She laughed, Sam would have a field day if she knew Grayson was here. But ultimately, she decided to respect their mutual friend’s privacy.

“Weird.” April said, as they moved on from

The panties and stocking. Aurora rubbed her chest uncomfortably, completely unaware of the gradual swelling taking place. April was equally unaware of her thickening, hardening thighs and her stomach becoming more toned, more defined. She was a Soccer star after all, just being reasonably athletic wouldn’t cut it.

April’s brain felt kind of fuzzy and weird, but pleasant. As they looked through the various items that the store offered, her mind went back to her Soccer practices. While Soccer players generally trended toward more slender physiques, April’s training prioritized endurance, stamina, and power in her kicks. Thicker legs personally made perfect sense for her, and as a result, she had a bigger and more toned ass. Not large with fat or flab, but dense muscle.

She huffed. April always felt really good after practice. All hot and worked up, whole body feeling like jelly. Was it weird to say working out made her kind of…horny sometimes? Not in a weird fetishistic way, it was more like the way your body involuntarily reacts when you’re riding a bike or a horse or something. Or when you’re riding a bus and your underwear is pulled tight and giving you a wedgie and you can feel all the rocking and moving on your crotch. Ahem.

“Wanna go try some stuff on? Just for fun.” Aurora said. April swallowed and nodded as Aurora’s voice brought her back to reality.

“Yeah, that sounds good.” She simply said. They looked through skirts and tops and other things that looked cute, stuff that was more their style and not in line with some of the clothes they’d seen that catered toward the Bimbo population.

Did they liked being called Bimbos? While being an insult, apparently many of them used the word as well. She supposed it was like reappropriating a word and having it empower you instead of be used against you. It was kind of inspiring how confident and secure many of them were, the ones she’d met didn’t really let stuff like that get to them.

“Do you wanna wait outside, or…” April started.

“Nah, we can go in together.” Aurora casually said. They’d been friends forever, they’d traded clothes and played dressup before. This wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for them. They both started to strip, Aurora’s eyes widening as April revealed her ripped, toned stomach.

“Holy shit! Look at those abs! You look like a gladiator or something.” Aurora laughed as her hands instinctively went to touch April’s bare abs. She shuddered slightly at her touch and smiled.

“I try. Coach says I need to lose some weight, though.” April said.

“Yeah, right! You’re like the best player on the team, it’s clearly working for you.” Aurora argued. April just blushed slightly and beamed. Then off went her pants, so now she was only in panties and a sports bra. All that toned, creamy skin. And those thighs were like tree trunks! They almost seemed to be getting bigger by the minute. April looked…Aurora’s brain tried to search for the right word. Delicious. That was all that you could say, Aurora felt like she could eat her right up.

Was that a weird thought? No, April was undoubtedly attractive, regardless of whether or not Aurora liked women. And she didn’t. Sure, her eyes lingered on the way April’s panties were wedged perfectly in the valley between her dense, athletic butt cheeks. But she was just admiring her hard work.

“‘Rory?” April tilted her head.

“Oh, yeah, right.” Aurora said as she began to strip as well. Her breasts flopped out as she pulled off her shirt. That was…normal. Aurora had always been fairly blessed in that regard, her tiddies were probably a reason why guys were always hounding her. Admittedly, she never turned them away. Having all the most popular guys constantly wanting to be with her made Aurora feel wanted. For awhile, at least.

It felt good taking her top off, her breasts felt weirdly hot right now. Particularly Aurora’s nipples. Soon, both of their bras came off and they both admired each other’s curves. In a mutual respect way. You know, April had pretty decent breasts herself. Not like Aurora’s, but nothing to sneeze at.

“Put these on. They’d look super cute on you. If you can fit those big old tiddies in ‘em.” April laughed. Aurora rolled her eyes. Come on, her tiddies weren’t that big.

“Gimme.” Aurora said as April handed her the bra. Okay, maybe they were that big. Or the bra had shrunk, or both. It wasn’t too bad though, it was snug at first but Aurora soon got used to the way it hugged and lifted her breasts. Aurora made a curious hum as she looked through some of the clothes. There were more thongs and tights and yoga shorts than she’d remembered picking. They did kind of haphazardly put stuff into the bag, though. And anyways, it was all pretty cute.

So they both tried on various different skirts and bras and cute tops that firmly hugged their curves while still looking tasteful and not overly ‘slutty’, as if that word held any weight. April and Aurora didn’t just fuck anyone, but that word was thrown around regardless. After looking at themselves looking all sexy in all of those cute clothes, Aurora’s head started to swim a little. She felt lightheaded, and maybe more than a little horny, as embarrassing as that was to say.

“Ugh, you’d look so cute in these!” April said as she showed Aurora the panties and stocking they’d oggled so much earlier.

“Aren’t these pretty expensive?” Aurora asked. April laughed.

“It’s your birthday! I could tell you really wanted it. We could split on it, and take turns wearing it. Consider it a birthday present. Or half of one.” April suggested. That was honestly a pretty good idea.

This wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for them, they did a lot of stuff together. She remembered the few times her and April had watched porn together, curling under the blanket and touching themselves. Sometimes, their fingers would drift toward each other and they would lock hands as they rode out their orgasms. It wasn’t gay or anything, they just did everything together. They were tight like that. It was like when they practiced kissing on each other sometimes.

“Yeah, sure. Normally, I’m broke, but I have some extra money that Mom gave me as a present.” Aurora said. She stood back and looked over April as she stripped naked again. God, she was a cold drink of water. Tree trunk thighs, healthy but thick buttcheeks, and tits that couldn’t be compared to Aurora’s melons but were impressive nonetheless. Man, they both looked hot. April especially, Aurora felt tempted to run her tongue over every inch of her sculpted, creamy smooth body.

Okay, maybe they were both a little gay sometimes. Sure, her and April played and had fun every now and then, but she wanted a boyfriend. A man that she’d connect with genuinely. All of those boytoys her rich friends set her up with were fun, but it was ultimately an empty pleasure. And she felt kind of pressured into it, like it was expected of her. Maybe Aurora would ask out Gabriel after all, her ‘friends’ be damned.

Aurora yelped and then giggled softly as April smacked her ass. Most of this stuff they had to put back, but those cute lacy panties were definitely coming home with them. It made Aurora kinda horny just thinking about it. She wondered what the awkward Gabriel would think. Not that she’d been any less awkward around him, but Aurora felt strangely confident all of a sudden. Despite how much she just wanted to lay someone down and play with them, she actually really wanted to get something going with him.

So they bought the clothes and left the store, eyes following them all the way. Dressed in their normal wear of half-shirts, with Aurora wearing a short plaid skirt and April wearing tiny spandex shorts. Both of them were modestly sized heels.

Aurora used to feel self conscious about eyes being drawn to her like this, but it honestly felt good being the center of attention without needing to ‘earn it’ or be something you weren’t. Just looking and dressing the way that made her feel good was enough to draw eyes toward her. She didn’t need to make herself the life of the party just for people to give her the time of day. That had always been true, but it was suddenly more clear to her now.

“Hey, ‘Rory, this is the happiest I’ve seen you all day!” April grinned as she noticed the smile on her friends’ face. Aurora shrugged.

“Yeah, I dunno. I guess hanging out with you and Sam really did lift my mood. I’m glad I didn’t just spend all day cooped up in my dorm and sleeping like I wanted to.” Aurora chuckled. Miraculously, Gabriel was still in the same place as before. He was sat down, eating with his friends just on the edge of the cafeteria.

“Hey, there~” Aurora caught his attention and waved. He looked like he might pass out.

“A-Aurora! Hey. What’s…what’s up?” He asked. He was cute, clearly trying not gaze all over Aurora’s breasts or shapely thighs.

“It’s my birthday, just out having fun with April and my sis.” She said. Gabriel nodded.

“Awesome, happy birthday. For sure.” He said, clearly trying to come up with some kind of coherent thought.

“Would you like to come along with us? We’re just gonna be hanging out, maybe we could see a movie or something?” She asked directly. Gabriel’s eyes widened, he didn’t even look to his friends before he answered.

“Yeah, I’d love to. I don’t really have anything else to do.” His friends probably would’ve been offended by that if they didn’t completely relate to him right now. If anything, they looked more jealous.

“Awesome, it’s gonna be so fun having another person with us.” Aurora grinned and wrapped her arm around Gabriel’s as she led them away. April folded her arms, she really needed to find a guy too.

“Hey, you’re cute. Wanna come along?” She asked one of Gabriel’s friends.

“Hell yeah! I mean, sure.” He stammered. His eyes practically stared holes into her tight abs. April giggled as she led him away, following after Aurora and Gabriel.

“I’m April, by the way.”

Well, it was a lot. Sam hadn’t quite been sure what to relay with Rick and what not to relay. It was entirely possible that he would end up being a liability, but they needed as many allies as they could muster. Grayson wouldn’t be happy about it, though.

Now he’d gone off, thankfully. Maybe she could actually spend time with her sister now. The green haired young woman walked back to the spot and waited for Aurora and April. maybe she should’ve just called Aurora.

Ah, there she was. Wait. And…fuck, that was April with her. Oh my fucking God.

“Oh, god dammit”.

To Be Continued…

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