Pink Reality
Chapter Three
by BimboSam01
October 28th, 2024.
“Pleasure~ Pleasure~ Pleasure~”
Those were the only words Josh Barkley remembered from his dream hours ago, soft feminine whispers that still echoed in his head. He could still practically feel her lips and her tongue on his ear and on his neck; his shivering back arched from a lightning-bolt of sudden arousal.
Waking up with a boner wasn’t exactly uncommon for a man his age, but that dream must’ve been different. He’d woke up harder than he’d possibly ever been, and it took some patience and negotiating with his body before his dick finally calmed down. Josh wouldn’t normally mind, but this simply was not the time for that. Josh had been pretty stressed lately.
The so-called actor had little true experience despite his aspirations, and now the time would soon come for him to finally star in an official production at his University, quite the big one as well.
It wouldn’t be until tomorrow that the play would officially be premiered to an audience, but even now at rehearsals, Josh still had butterflies in his stomach about the whole thing. It was what he’d wanted, but maybe they could postpone it until he was ready in a few decades or centuries?
“Earth to Joshua?” He heard as he was suddenly snapped out of his reverie. Hannah rolled her eyes; Josh blinked blankly at her for a moment until he came back to lucidity. Oh, yeah. They were backstage, practicing their lines for tomorrow. Hannah was wearing faded blue mom-jeans, sneakers, an X-Men t-shirt and her hair was light brown at the top and led down to dyed blonde hair. Her skin was tanned, as she’d been on holiday in Florida that past summer.
“Uh, sorry.” He muttered and rubbed his eyes. “Just tired, I guess.” Hannah sighed.
“Look, I get that. But all this hard work’s gonna pay off tomorrow, we can’t have you zoning out when we’re trying to put this together. By the way, you want to go over this section again? I wanna make sure you have your lines.” Hannah explained as she showed him the notes.
“I’ve got it down, I think I just need some rest. You know we’ve all been obsessing over this for ages. I think I’m starting to see the lines written in my eyelids when I sleep.” Josh joked. He only hoped he could remember to act at the same time. They were to star in their university’s production of a Shakespeare type-play. Before he’d read the play, Josh bad dismissed it as being ‘written by some old dude or whatever’.
But despite Josh not initially being interested in performing this kind of material, the actual plot and characters proved themselves to be quite intriguing. Tragedy, betrayal, powerful kings, that sort of thing. In any case, he got the lead part and he was damned if he wasn’t going to give it his all.
What also interested him (and made him very uneasy at the same time), was the romantic subplot his character would have. He wasn’t exactly a natural at comfortably expressing intimacy in his real life, let alone faking it convincingly on stage in front a live audience. But on the other hand, he got to kiss and hold Hannah. Even if it was incredibly chaste, there were worse things than that.
Josh was a mature adult, he wouldn’t normally get butterflies due to a simple scene of intimacy, but his head felt funny when Hannah kissed him. She was really helpful with giving him advice and pointers for his first public performance, and she was so talented herself. He wasn’t quite sure if he was in admiration of her ability to slip into a character, or jealous. Or both.
“Fair, I get what what you mean. This dialogue’s been so drilled into our heads I think ‘hark’ and ‘alas’ are going to permanently be a part of my vocabulary.” Hannah joked.
“Hey, I mean you could pull off an old timey vibe. Or, really any vibe. Your acting is like, insane, you make me wanna do better when I’m doing scenes with you.” He found himself blurting out. Hannah grinned.
“Thanks, I mean it’s just something you learn with practice and study like anything else. I come from an acting family, so I had a head start on you. You never told me, why do you want to act? You had no experience, right?” She asked. Josh nodded.
“I had one part in Highschool, I was pulled in last minute when I had hardly any interest in acting. It was a big part too. I guess it made me feel good, leading an audiences attention like that and captivating them. I supposed I liked acting just as much as anything else, that’s why I continued with it.” He shrugged. Hannah smiled.
“That’s a great reason! I can tell you really like it. And you’re definitely going to get better if you keep at it. What would you have done if you didn’t pursue acting?” She asked.
“I was actually planning on being a Hockey player, but that’s mainly cause my dad wanted me to be an athlete since I was a little kid. And I had five brothers who are also into sports, They trained me like crazy, too, I was the only kid in my fifth grade class with abs.” Josh said as Hannah chuckled. He neglected to mention that as a result, he basically didn’t know any girls until he was much older.
In the last few years since Highschool, he hadn’t really kept his athletic regimen up. Somewhat regretfully, those aforementioned abs weren’t as obvious and he was starting to transition from lean to more sort of pudgy. Not that it was a bad thing. Hannah was kind of a big girl too, not fat or anything, just big. Most of her weight seemed to go to her lower body, not that he noticed. Well, okay he noticed, but he didn’t mean to. With Sam and Grayson, she was the only woman he was friends with who wasn’t super skinny.
“Well, this has gotta be easy compared to hockey, right?” She asked. Well, the preparation was a lot more hectic and chaotic. But it was only acting. And he actually had fun, too! And, most importantly, he got to be around women.
He didn’t mean that in a creepy way, it was just that he spent the first 18 years or so of his life in locker rooms or packed in his oldest brother’s car with loads of their raucous friends and brothers. It was actually nice to be around people that weren’t a bunch of smelly meatheads. He’d always been so self conscious around women, he honestly had no idea what they actually looked for in a guy, as a romantic partner or even as a friend. Was he too manly, not manly enough? But here, none of that seemed to matter.
And yes, two of his friends were girls, but it was Grayson and Sam. He’d only been acquaintances with them until recently, and they were both pretty androgynous and uninterested in feminine things anyway. This was especially true for Grayson, who’d definitely had a “not like the other girls” streak since High-School.
In any case, it was nice. That was why he was hesitant with Hannah, despite how he was so smitten with her. And there was also the fact that she was way too good looking and talented for him.
“Definitely hurts less. I’ll be fine, I think I really do just need some rest. Then I’ll be ready for the craziness tomorrow.” He said.
“Your first time’s always nerve wracking. It’s nothing to be too worried about, but everyone worries. I still get butterflies every single time. The worst time was when I had to go nude in a production, though.” She mused as they both gathered their things to leave.
“That’s a thing?” Josh scratched his head.
“Yeah, it’s fairly common, the whole cast was nude for an important scene in Hair, if you’ve seen that. It was meant to be a symbol of, like, defiance and freedom. I think it was inspired by political demonstrations the creators had seen. Anyway, it wasn’t sexual or anything.” Hannah nodded. Josh laughed as an idea came to mind.
“Has there ever been any fucking on stage?”
“Hah! Like, real sex? I imagine not. Simulated, sure, but no real sex. I’d totally buy a ticket, though.” She laughed.
“Ha- wait, a sec.” Josh stopped himself as his phone notified him of a text. It was from Grayson.
Grayson hadn’t answered his texts the last few days, and now here she was suddenly messaging Josh and telling him that it was urgent. He asked her if she was okay, she just said that she was fine and he should meet her in the University’s arboretum. Slightly ominous.
Josh went to his dorm first to put his things away, if it was truly important then Grayson wouldn’t call the meeting off because of that. She was usually the late one anyway. As Josh came around to the garden, he noticed Grayson leaning against a tree, arms folded.
“You’re late, fucko.” She punched him in the arm. Okay, still the same Grayson. Josh shrugged.
“Sorry, I had theatre stuff. What’s up? You seemed worried.” He asked.
“I’m never worried, it’s chill. I just wanted to talk. Have you been out lately?” Grayson said.
“Yeah, out. Like, have you been to the park, the movies, the mall, whatever.”
“Lately? Not really. I’ve been so busy with school and theatre shit, I’ve hung out with my brothers at my dad’s house, but that’s not really going ‘out’. I’m going on a date with a girl later, that’s basically all I’ve got in the last few weeks. Why?” Josh’s bushy eyebrows furrowed as he eyed Grayson with suspicion. She backed away, sheepish.
“So, you haven’t noticed them? The Bimbo’s?” Grayson asked. Josh actually laughed.
“I’ve heard people talking about that, I have no idea what the hell they’re talking about. Is it some kind of trend?” Josh said. Grayson actually perked up at this.
“Honestly, I don’t think you’d believe me. It’s just something you’ll have to see for yourself.” She said.
“Grayson, you brought me all the way out here…”
“Okay, me and Sam have been noticing weird shit lately. People change over night, and all of their social media makes it look like it’s always been that way. And the weirdest part is no one but us seems to notice that anything’s different.” Grayson waved her arms about theatrically.
“What are you saying?” Josh asked.
“I’m saying that we think people are becoming super slutty and hot out of the blue and everyone but us acts like they were always like that”. Grayson said this nervously, like even she couldn’t fully believe her own words.
“Are you talking about, like Mandela effect stuff?” He asked.
“Yeah, but this is real.” Grayson huffed as she crossed her arms again.
“…You know you sound insane, right?” Josh cringed slightly.
“Yeah, I know. But it’s true. Did you watch the videos I sent you on your way here?”
“Of a bunch of hot chicks at the mall minding their own business? Yeah.” He said. Grayson growled.
“I’m gonna beat your ass.” She scowled at him. Josh held his hands up.
“Sorry, sorry. Unfortunately, I don’t really know about this professor’s wife. Can you confirm that anyone else has actually been changed? If this is some kind of mass mind control or something that you and Sam happen to be immune to, maybe you can find someone else you knew before who’s been changed.” He suggested reasonably. Grayson sighed.
“Yeah, that’s the thing, she’s the only reason why we’re even tripping about this. And I’m just taking Sam’s word for it, but I believe her one hundred percent.” It was not hard to understand why. Not only were they best friends, but Sam had a better head on her shoulders than the both of him. If she thought there was something going on, maybe there was something to this.
“I’ll talk with Sam later. But honestly, I can’t be worrying about some hypothetical hot lady conspiracy right now.” Josh explained.
“Yeah, that’s fair…” Grayson admitted. Josh felt a headache coming on. “We can talk about it more tomorrow. After your show.” She said.
“Oh, you’re still gonna show up?” He asked.
“Of course, no way we’d miss it. Even with all this stupid shit going on.” Grayson grinned. Josh sighed.
“Honestly, I hope you guys are right. If even Sam’s gone crazy, that doesn’t bode super well for the rest of us.” He chuckled. This was only half a joke.
Maybe he would call off the date. It would be disappointing to cancel so soon before, but it was probably for the best. And it totally wasn’t because he was nervous! He needed rest. It totally didn’t have to do with the fact that he was an insecure virgin who was still stuck on a woman in his theatre group. One who probably had no interest in him.
Fuck it, he didn’t go on dates often. He had to bite the bullet, it probably wouldn’t be that bad. He hoped she was more lively than the people on the bus. Josh didn’t go out often nowadays, he’d never really noticed before now how…drained everyone looked. Everyone looked just as tired, depressed and checked out as he felt. Zombies staring out the window or at their phones emotionlessly. Josh wished his car wasn’t still in the shop.
It was funny. With the uber macho environment Josh had grown up in, you’d think him or one of his five brothers would know how to fix a car. It didn’t have to do with beating other dudes to a pulp, so probably not, now that he thought about it.
Finally, he hopped out of the bus and walked across across the street to the Luna Cafe. He’d never heard of this place before today; only hours before now had his date texted him and asked for a sudden venue change. She said it was her new favorite place, or something. It was a bit out of the way for him, but just as well. As long as this wasn’t some fancy restaurant he couldn’t afford.
He entered the small shop, it was humble but really quite nice. It was perfectly clean and polished like it was brand new, the interior was painted in various violets, lavenders, and baby blues that were all surprisingly tasteful. The walls were decorated in moon, star, and heart symbols; corny, but kind of cute. Was this some kind of cafe specifically for romantic dates or something? It seemed like kind of a strange location for a first date.
As he sat down, he took a look around at the other customers, as well as the staff. Many normal looking people, but there were also several women among the staff and the customers that were…
Bimbo’s. That’s what Grayson and some of the people in his theatre group had been talking about. He didn’t mean it in an insulting way, there was no other thing you could describe them ass. Ahem. As.
The booty shorts, the heels, the giant melon tits stuffed into tight bras and half-shirts, they had it all. On one hand, this place seemed weirdly classy for them. On the other hand, this was the perfect kind of place for them. They were giggly, too. They were just about the only people he’d seen since talking to Grayson that seemed happy.
“Hey, I’m Tiffany, what do you want?” Josh’s snapped out of his reverie as his attention was drawn to the tan skinned waitress. Definitely not one of the Bimbo’s. He blinked dumbly at her for a moment, and he could practically hear the sigh she was clearly fighting to keep from leaving her lips.
“Oh, uh, sorry. I’ll have tea, no sugar.” He stammered.
“Would you like some milk with that?” Tiffany asked.
“Oh, yeah. Milk.” He answered. He forgot that tea didn’t automatically come with milk. His former roommate who introduced him to tea (Josh never allowed himself to drink tea when he lived with his brothers, they would’ve most certainly called him gay or a girl for that) was British and had instilled into Josh that you simply couldn’t have a good ‘cuppa’ without milk.
Did women think you were gay if you liked tea?Josh had no idea. Maybe he should’ve ordered a black coffee or something for when his date arrived. For what it was worth, Tiffany didn’t seem to particularly care, she just nodded and walked off. It was a while of waiting before a feminine voice caught his attention.
“Josh! Hey, there! It’s me, Jamie!” Josh’s eyes widened; he was taken aback. Jamie? Did he know another Jamie? She didn’t look like the girl he’d talked to on that dating app.
He had to admit, if this was catfishing, this was the most positive case of catfishing ever. She was gorgeous; sparkling blue eyes, plump lips, and thick wavy locks that were dyed a mix of blonde and pink. Not to mention, a body that couldn’t be ignored. Similar to some of the other more busty women in this cafe, but their hips and thighs were no match for hers. Josh gulped.
Her fashion was quite bold; she wore massive pink cats-eye glasses, as well as a silky black dress with pink trim that clung to her curves very tightly. It was so thin and sheer you could see skin in many of the appropriate places. Her dress ended quite highly above the knees as well, and she wore black leather heels. Her lipstick was pink, albeit quite tastefully and subtly so, nothing too garish.
This couldn’t have been the girl who he’d set up the date with, right? Certainly no one this beautiful would agree to go on a date with him, right? And yet she looked similar enough. Same basic facial features, same hair besides the dyed pink streaks. Her glasses were similar, albeit bigger and more colorful. It was more than a boobjob, she must’ve gotten her whole body worked on since whenever those pictures on her profile were taken. Maybe they were older than he’d thought.
And maybe what Grayson had said about the Bimbo’s was true. He’d have to look back at Jamie’s dating profile later.
“O-oh, hey!” He waved sheepishly and smiled as Jamie sat down.
“It’s so nice to meet you! I’m super excited, I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t had the time to do anything fun like this. You’re way cuter in person, by the way.” Jamie winked. She was one to talk about that. Josh swallowed as he almost choked on his tea; his face was burning red.
“Th-thanks, I mean I try. Look at you, though, you’re incredible. I feel embarrassed only showing up in my regular clothes.” He complimented her.
“Oh, don’t be. I just like dressing like this! Fashion’s kind of my thing. My apologies for coming late, by the way.” She said. Josh waved her off.
“Hey, no worries. I’m glad someone showed up at all.” He said.
“Oh, I know, people ghosting on you is so annoying. Happens to me all the time. It’s like, do you wanna get laid or not?” Josh almost spit out his drink again. Jamie grinned slightly, she definitely found the man’s shyness cute.
“They’re for sure missing out. You said you work in fashion? That’s pretty impressive.” He decided to change the subject.
“Yeah, being a little worker bee in ‘the industry’ doesn’t feel impressive, but I’ve got big plans beyond this. You’re impressive yourself, an actor?” She asked. Josh laughed a little.
“Hardly, I haven’t even acted in my first real part yet. Not a lot of opportunities for anything besides my little theatre group in this city. Once I graduate, I’m going to move to California and actually start auditioning seriously.” He clarified.
The date went surprisingly well from there, all things considered. He was funny and nice, and only had to push down the thoughts that she was too good for him a couple times. She was great too, really funny and charming, and she did much of the talking for him. Her prudish sister and stuck-up coworkers seemed to be at the forefront of her anecdotes, she probably got some flack for how much cleavage she seemed to like displaying.
He talked about himself a little more, about how he was working hard on his first role. Jamie seemed genuinely excited, and even asked if she could come and watch. They weren’t even done with their first date, surely she was just being nice. Jamie grinned as her hand went to grab his.
“I’m having a lot of fun, by the way. Usually, guys that I go on dates with seem pretty uninterested in anything that’s not themselves. Guys that are selfish like that are always terrible in bed, too.” She giggled.
“I-I can imagine, yeah.” He gulped.
“Do you wanna get out of this stuffy place and hang out at my apartment? Maybe you’ll be more relaxed on a nice, soft couch.” She said. Did he look as nervous as he felt?
Maybe it was naive of him to think a woman like this would be averse to getting freaky on the first date, but he seriously felt like a deer caught in the headlights at this moment. But was his horniness starting to overpower his nervousness about the situation? A little.
‘Pleasure~’. A shiver ran down Josh’s back, like a feminine finger gently tracing over his skin. What was that? Just a really strong sense memory of his dream?
What was he thinking about? Oh, yeah, Jamie. It wouldn’t hurt, right? She was so nice and so beautiful and seemingly very down. He had to get over his fear of intimacy somehow, someone this nice and beautiful definitely wasn’t a bad first. Josh grinned.
“Yeah, that sounds great. Really great.” He said. She giggled and took him by the hand as they paid and went for the door. Jamie ran out the cafe and to her motorbike, surprisingly fast in her heels.
She had a motorbike? Damn, Jamie was cool. Josh was a little flustered as sat behind her and hung on for dear life as they sped off. On one hand, his dad would’ve chastised him for sitting in the back ‘like a girl’. Let alone on a motorbike that was bright pink. On the other hand, none of the neanderthals in his family could ever get with a hottie like this. Dammit, even when Josh was with a woman, he couldn’t not think about what other guys thought.
“Did I ever tell you you’re the coolest person I’ve ever met?” Josh yelled over the sound of the motorbike, Jamie laughed.
“Yeah, I’m the coolest person I’ve met too! You’re pretty close, though.” She giggled.
As they parked and made their way into the building, that nervous feeling crept back into Josh’s stomach. He was really doing this? He’d never have full on sex before, he would surely be awful. She’d probably hate him for being a limp dicked weenie, right? Hell, what if he was reading too much into things and she literally just wanted to hang out? Actually, that’d be better. Maybe they could play Mario Kart or something instead. That was at least one thing he was good at.
They soon came into her apartment, it was a very cozy place. Low lighting that was easy on the eyes, the room was colored in tasteful purples and soft pinks, and the carpet was absurdly soft. It was a very cute place. All of her furniture and appliances were very cutesy and girly, but at all in an overbearing way. He wondered where she got some of stuff. Jamie lit some candles, and the scent instantly hit Josh’s nose something fierce. The air smelt sweet, like someone was baking cake in the kitchen.
Josh let his curiosity get the better of him in the end; he peered into the room at the end of the hallway. Grinning softly to himself, he gazed over the room with its’ various fabrics and other assorted things strewn all over the bed and floor. At least he now knew she wasn’t totally perfect.
Shit, he shouldn’t have been poking into her privacy like this.
“Oh, we won’t be doing anything in there, if that’s what you had in mind. It really is a disaster in there, sorry about that!” Jamie laughed as she came up behind Josh. Shit, busted.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to be snooping.” Josh blushed.
“Hey, I get your line of thinking, no worries.”Jamie winked as she closed the door to the bedroom. Then they made their way to the couch; it was absurdly smooth and soft. She poured them both a glass of wine; Josh was more into beer but this was quite good. It was sweet, really sweet. Her tastes certainly weren’t minimal, in fashion or decoration or otherwise.
She pulling out all the stops, though he had a feeling she was the type of person that would’ve been lighting candles and drinking wine by herself anyway. They say close together, talking in hushed tones as her eyes scanned his face. Her hands softly began to to stroke his and he shivered a little, she could definitely feel how nervous he was if she somehow couldn’t see it.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” She whispered. Josh nodded, face flushed and grinning. She leaned in slowly, lips making the most intoxicating sound as they softly pressed against his. Not his first kiss by a longshot, but the best he’d had in awhile. Probably ever.
Josh melted a little, sinking into her embrace as she leaned into him and began to kiss again, and then again. His lips felt hot and heavy as she pulled away from him, what was in that lipstick? He inhaled heavily, a rush of air entered him that made him feel tingly and dizzy. He blinked rapidly, Jamie had his head in such a spin that he was seeing pink for a moment.
Josh’s eyes practically rolled back as her hand reached up and gently stroked his hair. His hands instinctively went to her back, he began to gently trace her skin with his fingers. Jamie purred. His heart was beating hard and fast in his chest, his body should have been relaxing, and yet it it was tensing.
She planted kisses all over his neck and face, before she ventured down further and pulled Josh’s shirt up to kiss all over his chest. Josh trembled, an audible moan actually leaving his lips. He turned bright red in shame, but she seemed to like it. Jamie’s giggles and coos were like heavenly music to his ears, and yet he couldn’t help but feel pure horror at what was about to happen.
He wasn’t at all prepared for this, he was going to fuck it up. He was bad at sex. Probably. He didn’t have a condom, he didn’t think to bring it on the first date. She was probably on birth control, but still.
‘Pleasure~’, that word abruptly came back into his head.
“Oh, fuck~” The young man moaned as her tongue flicked his nipple. Jamie went back up, lips colliding with his again. She tasted sweet and made his head feel dizzy. Her hand sunk lower, and as her hand grabbed his crotch his entire body tensed even further. Against the wishes of his hardening, furiously twitching cock, Josh spoke up.
“I-I, wait, can we stop?” He found himself saying in a panic. Holy fuck, he was such a dork. Jamie was sympathetic, staring at him with those big, soft eyes as he explained that he felt under the weather and that maybe they could do this another time. She smiled gently and was enthusiastic about meeting up again, but she was probably just being nice. He fucked this whole thing up, dammit.
Now Josh actually did feel sick. Jamie offered to drive him home but he explained that home was close and he could just walk. Which was a lie. As Josh took the bus home, he was filled with guilt and embarrassment. His body felt weirdly hot, as well. Was he actually getting sick? He needed to lay down.
Josh immediately crashed onto his bed as soon as be came back in the dorm. He just needed to rest and focus on the play tomorrow. He couldn’t be thinking about Bimbo’s or the fact that his date had possibly turned into one of them. He did look at her dating profile again before he went to sleep.
Same as the girl he met at the cafe. He didn’t recognize her at all when she pulled up to the place, so this wasn’t just another person he matched with that he confused with someone else. Was Grayson right? Fuck it, just go to sleep. There were more important things to worry about than conspiracies or fucking things up with a charismatic bombshell who has the biggest natural tits you’ve ever- go to sleep.
The tendrils snaked around Josh’s sleeping form, stroking his body and marinating him with more energy. More Pink pumped into him, one bit at a time as it tapped into the small reserve that Jamie had inadvertently pumped into him. Different sources of Pink feeding on each other and growing. Slowly. Pushing, but not bursting and releasing itself entirely.
As he slept, the flab that had grown in the years since quitting sports flattened a bit. His body remained fairly fit and toned, but it pulled the years back a little in that regard. Not just a reminder of its past glory but something approaching what it had once been, admittedly this physique was more fitting to an adult. But he still had more to grow, and the Pink wasn’t done releasing. Not by a longshot.
Today was the day. Josh was a bundle of nerves, but he was in fact looking forward to it. He was confident in everyone he was working with, he was confident in Hannah. This would be success. He was actually excited that Sam and Grayson would be coming, as well.
His mind briefly went to the Bimbo thing, and then Jamie. His thoughts were so hectic with everything that was going on, Josh barely registered how his body had subtly changed overnight when he looked in the mirror. Had he been working out in his sleep? Josh kinda looked like he had a pump after lifting at the gym. Weird. Maybe he was just feeling himself today and thought he looked better than normal?
Later that night, Josh was there with everyone setting up for the show. They’d gone through these motions several times, but in the panic of the moment his mind still went over everything he had to do, again and again. He certainly had butterflies in his stomach, but it was the good kind, probably.
Everyone else there was under their own pressure, even if most were more used to this than Josh. Many of the cast members and some of the staff had been complaining ever since Josh came in that they were feeling really hot. They opened a few windows and the door at first; they stopped when other people came in and complained that it was way too cold.
They still had some time before the show, so Josh asked if he could dip out to talk to Sam and Grayson. The two of them were outside, leaning against a wall with two young women that Josh wasn’t yet familiar with.
One was a tall girl in a leather jacket, jeans, and black leather boots. She had a nose piercing and one on her lip, as well as the stud things down the length of her ear. She looked mixed, maybe part Indian or something. The other had light brown hair, and wore black dress pants, and a white turtleneck sweater with a thin beige vest over it. She was carrying a pretty pricey looking camera in her hands.
“Hey, Josh, this is Vic and Tessa. Tessa’s here to take pictures for the university paper.” Sam introduced the two of them.
“Yeah, they always put on a great show here. You’re one of the leads, right? That’s really exciting, are you nervous?” Tessa asked. Josh shrugged and grinned.
“Not really. You’ve done it so many times in preparation that doing it live doesn’t really feel different.” He totally lied as he shook hands with the both of them, wincing slightly as Vic gripped his.
“Anyway, I’m going to dip soon, I’m here cause I wanted to catch up with my two best girls.” Vic said jovially as she pulled Grayson toward her. Grayson rolled her eyes.
“You two look so cute together, I’m gonna need another picture.” Tessa laughed as she pointed it to the both of them. Grayson covered her face.
“No photographic evidence that I exist, please.” Grayson groaned. Tessa laughed.
“I don’t know why you’re so camera shy, girl. You know you look pretty.” She said. Grayson winced, like the word ‘pretty’ was poison to her.
“Oy, get off it, you two.” Sam waved at them dismissively.
“Alright, I’m off. I’ll see you two sometime. Don’t let the Bimbo’s bite. And break a leg, Josh.” Vic grinned as she walked off. Josh titled his head.
“Just her idea of a joke. She and Tessa…” Sam trailed off.
“They’re worried about there being a sudden increase in the Bimbo’s lately, but it doesn’t feel that way to me. They’ve always been around, right?” Tessa asked rhetorically. Josh looked to Sam and Grayson, trying not to give away to Tessa the alarms that were currently going off between the three of them. The word Bimbo left Tessa’s mouth as naturally as any other word. Why the hell was she acting like they’d always been a thing?
“Anyway, pose for the camera. I wanna have a picture of you before you became famous.” Tessa laughed. Josh just rolled his eyes and did a flex with his arm.
“This what you had in mind?” Josh asked.
“Not even a little, but you have some great guns, so might as well.” Tessa chuckled as she rapidly took a series of pictures. Josh would have a talk with Sam and Grayson after this, but he had to go back inside soon. It was unfortunate that they couldn’t talk in private with the two other girls there, he’d have a talk with them after the show if he wasn’t too exhausted.
As Josh came back into the building, he was taken aback by how hot it was. Like the collective body heat of everyone in there had been steadily rising while he was outside. Hannah was in costume just the same as Josh. She leaned against a wall as she fanned herself off. Her costume looked tighter than it had before, pressing up onto her fairly sized breasts and squeezing them tightly.
“Who the hell set a fire in here? I’m burning up. And it’s god damn 30 degrees outside.” She breathed. Josh shifted uncomfortably as he stepped into the furnace that was the backstage. People ran back and forth as they went from task to task, making sure everything was perfect before the show started. Some rushed themselves into their costumes or makeup, others paced back and forth as they still ran their lines back in their head.
All of their faces were flushed, skin slightly damp with perspiration. Was this just the pressure of performing getting to everyone? No, there was a rising heat within all of them, a heat that would have no choice but to burst out from them at some point.
Josh picked out the script from his bag, going over it one more time would straighten it all out in his mind. The last two days had been so weird and hectic, he had a hard time putting it all together in his head. As he flipped open the pages, Josh blinked dumbly. No, his eyes weren’t the fooling him. The words. The words themselves were shifting. And as they did, so did his memory.
Immune was not exactly the operative word for any of those three, let alone Josh. They had their own resistances in different ways, Josh’s memory as fortified as Sam and Grayson’s until he tapped into the Pink like this. It did not delete or replace, it only moved things around. And he let it in, he increasingly let it in as he tried to remember. Desperate to remember, the insecure young man was desperate to get this performance right so he could prove himself. He tried to grasp onto his memory, and he just so happened to grab the wrong ones. Well, not wrong for too long.
The Pink found a hole in Josh’s resistance and rushed through it. It calmed and soothed his psyche, and turned his nervousness and panic at messing this up into resolve to do this right. That resolve, that determination could only manifest in one way, through unthinking confidence.
As Josh let himself start to accept his situation more, he accepted more of the Pink into himself. As he did so, Josh let himself remember the changing script. There was no time for second guessing or wondering why these conflicting thoughts were fighting each other in his mind. It was confusing, but it didn’t have to be. He just had to remember the script, the one tunneling into the forefront of his subconscious, the one he was currently looking at. He was fully determined to see this thing through. Josh dropped the script, his hand and then soon his entire body was hot and radiating with Pink.
“Uh, Hannah?” Josh croaked.
“Yeah?” Hannah raised a questioning eyebrow as she strode over.
“Is this script the right one?” He asked. She looked over it.
“Seems like it. Why?”
“Oh, nothing. That stuff about the king’s concubines, it’s a lot more important to the plot than I remember. I don’t know, I think that was an older draft or something. My head feels kinda funny.” He rubbed the side of his face.
“Please wait until after the play’s over to crack up, alright?”
Sam was a bundle of nerves. What had been happening and slowly escalating these last few days was nothing short of perplexing, stressful, and scary. On top of that, Josh seemed pretty nervous too, hopefully his performance and everything went as smoothly as possible.
Sam wasn’t really the pinnacle of knowledge when it came to the arts, that was more Aurora’s thing, looking at old culture and art through a historical context. Sam was more here for Josh, it was a good thing he played a significant part. She could only stomach old English for so long. Or ‘Early Modern English’, as Aurora often corrected her.
It seemed to be about the exiled ‘royal mistress’ of some king, who was then brought back at his request and how this caused turmoil within his sphere of influence. Concubines and polygamy in general were taboo during this era, much less tolerated than they had been before the influence of the Roman Catholic church, but kings like the one in this play were notorious womanizer’s who had many mistresses despite the controversy.
Surprisingly, Sam found herself interested. The costuming was quite detailed and well done, and a lot of the actors here were acting their asses off. When Josh stepped out, Sam had a big grin on her face. He looked like a different person on stage, it was like he was this character. There remained on his face none of the self doubt she’d seen before, and his resolve seemed to deepen his watched his fellow actors recite their lines.
The play went on, focusing on the drama and various dynamics between the king (played by Josh), his various royal mistresses, and the actual Queen herself. Even Grayson seemed to be into it; the audience watched intently as the Queen vowed to sow turmoil amongst the King’s mistresses and the King himself.
Sam was so focused on the story that it took her longer than she would’ve like to admit that something seemed…strange. The mistresses clothes were more more form fitting and the dresses revealing the bottoms of their legs. Was she just remembering wrong? No, those dresses were definitely shorter.
Then came the next scene, Josh entered and his mistresses draped over him, planting kisses all over his neck and face. Sam covered her mouth to contain a laugh, he definitely had to have been flustered by that in rehearsals. Their eyes lingered over him longingly, hands stroking his arms. Sam understood things being kinda horny when he was alone with them in their chambers, but the writing started to get more suggestive even in scenes where it didn’t belong at at all.
It would be a normal scene of exposition, and then there would be an exchange of suggestive dialogue or reference to them making love in his chambers later. Things definitely seemed more sexually charged than they had at the beginning of the play, and Sam wasn’t really sure if any of it was relevant to the plot at all.
Increasingly, this tense story of the dynamics between the mistresses and the queen became sidetracked by longing stares, kisses, and suggestive dialogue that seemed to just be there gratuitously. Did Josh not tell them about this aspect of the play because he was embarrassed? But why would he invite them in the first place?
The women’s dresses were now much shorter, this had to not be historically accurate, right? With every scene, the various costumes shrunk slightly, becoming shorter and more form fitting. Panicked, Sam looked around to see everyone but Grayson not react to this at all. This was not right at all.
It was strange, everything seemed so clear. The entire cast was pitch perfect, that newer script had to be the right one. There was no time for confusion or second guessing himself, he wasn’t going to ruin this play for everybody. Excitedly, Josh ran into the backstage after his most recent scene finished. It was exhilarating, performing in front of everyone and baring his soul for the world.
It was like there was something beyond himself, keeping him calm and focused. He liked this feeling, everyone of his fellow castmembers beamed wildly at him like he had just done something incredible.
“Holy shit, you’re killing it! It’s like night and day between this and rehearsals, what happened?” Hannah hugged him. Was that makeup she was wearing period accurate?
“I just let it all go. I’m not holding anything back, I guess. I owe it to you guys to do my best, right?” He was right, it was about more than him or his insecurity or his fragile ego. There was no second guessing. And it felt good, he was having fun just being relaxed with himself like this.
Josh blinked? Did everyone…look different? Yes, but they were just following the script. King Edwin II’s mistresses were busty, purposefully well built so they could please him adequately. And his male servants were appropriately well built so they could please them while Edwin was tied up in other affairs. Yes, this all made sense, he thought.
He didn’t consider why the male castmembers muscles thickening and hardening, or why Hannah’s tits were increasingly stretching the confines of her costume. Josh blushed, he always tried to be respectful and not show too much attention to her sizable breasts, but man they looked delicious. All of the rubbing and groping and kissing from the female castmembers during the play was starting to make him hot and bothered, despite how used to it he should’ve been from rehearsals.
He wasn’t the only one hot and bothered, a few of the players with bit parts spent most of their downtime between the few scenes they shared by embracing and making out behind stage. All of this nervous tension and pent up energy releasing from every one in the cast. Like they had something within them that was just waiting to burst out. Josh could sympathize.
He was rushed out again, and it all came into place, the words spilling from his mouth as naturally his own name. The entire audiences attention was drawn to him, captivated and enthralled with his performance. Even Grayson and Sam’s mouths were wide open in shock, of course it was because they awes by his performance. Sam mouthed some words Josh wasn’t quite sure of, as she gazed in shock at his body and then Hannah’s curvy frame. It almost looked like ‘what the fuck’.
Outwardly, Josh was the stoic Edwin II. Inwardly, he was grinning like a mad idiot. It was like a dream, maybe it was a dream, everything was so out of focus besides this play and how good he felt just doing something he loved.
The play itself was less sunshine and rainbows, of course he knew that the ending would inevitably end in a darkly ironic tragedy. That being said, before then he had one last romantic scene with one of his mistresses, played by Hannah. Josh laid Hannah down, and beyond the veil of her character performance, he could see a softness in her eyes that encouraged him. Her character would then put her mouth to his ear and whisper something to him that the audience would not hear.
“You’ve got this, stud~” Hannah giggled. Josh gulped, his hand shakily turned her chin to him so that their lips were only inches from apart. A brief moment of lucidity hit the young man as he wondered if he could really go through with this. Then his lips pressed against hers, so soft and wet and perfect, not unlike Jamie’s. To his surprise, Hannah actually moaned. Was that in the script. Instinctively, he groaned as well, their tongues finding each other.
Hannah grabbed his back and pulled him even closer into her, both of them practically melting into each other. That fuzziness in Josh’s head grew further, clouding his thoughts and pulling another moan from his lips. Their bodies squirmed and trembled with desires, hips rolling and bucking against each other with increased passion. The audience gasped, but were enraptured just the same.
Soon, the scene regrettably ended, and Josh was now backstage wrestling with his pounding heart and his rock hard erection. Hannah was across from him, grinning like an idiot and silently giving Josh the thumbs up while she attempted to catch her breath.
“That was fucking insane, you two were so hot! You had the audience clutching their pearls!” One of the girls laughed. Josh grinned softly.
“Shit, I think I went a little too hard. Want me to give you a quick one before your next scene? I think we have like five minutes.” Hannah whispered to him, somehow as innocently as that suggestion could possibly be said. She made a quick pumping motion with her hand so he knew exactly what she had in mind. Josh trembled. That sounded amazing.
“Fuck, yeah. I mean, yeah, I can’t go out there with a tent like this.” Josh laughed breathlessly. Hannah took him by the hand and smiled. As they ran to the dressing room, her tits bounced ludicrously beneath her shortening costume. She had some banging legs, no doubt, but was this era-appropriate? Fuck, were her tits always this huge? Whatever.
Josh gasped as she quickly pulled his cock out of his costume, regarding the well sized member before she started to steadily stroke it in earnest. Shit, her hand was smooth. So smooth and soft; so many strokes and pumps that just fried the young man’s brain and created wonderfully hot friction with his diamond-hard erection. A whimper left Josh’s lips, his hips thrusting with Hannah’s strokes.
“Do-hahhh~ Do you guys normally do this?” He joked. Hannah nodded.
“Yeah, after a steamy scene, you kinda have to. Can’t just let the guys go out there all bricked up. Not that I mind.” She said casually, before she planted a playful kiss on Josh’s tip. He shivered.
“Theatre is awesome~” Josh chuckled weakly.
Sam felt…bad. Her mind was racing through so many different ideas and emotions that she could hardly focus on any one thing and form some kind of intellectual thought. She just felt bad. And confused, and much more scared than before. She saw people change before her eyes. She saw Josh change, his eyes cloud as he seemed like a man possessed. No one else in the audience seemed to be at all disturbed by the breasts that plumped larger and larger, inch by inch as they pushed against the costume’s fabric.
They didn’t notice the shrinking dresses and shirts, the muscles and abs that grew more defined and hardened before everyone’s very eyes. Or the bulges. The actors weren’t supposed to be wearing shirts and pants that tight, were they?
The dresses became more form fitting, hugging the women’s curves deliciously and showing off their growing backsides. Their tight and flat asses plumped and inched out farther and farther, bouncing outward as they grew fat and thick.
Her and Grayson were now outside after the show had ended, they stared off silently as they wondered what they could do. Could they do anything? Were they just going insane, like this was some shared mental break or something, what the fuck was going on?
“So it goes without saying that you saw all that, right?” Sam asked.
“No shit.” Grayson said bluntly.
“Wow, that play was…risqué. It was real interesting, though. I kinda dug it.” They heard a young woman say as people filed out of the building. It seemed from everyone that the reception was pretty positive, with lots of praise given to the compelling romantic scenes. Some praised it’s commitment to the romantic and carnal passion of the scenes as they were written, not watering down the intense emotions of the characters at all. Yeah, sure.
Soon, Josh stepped out, a sort of dazed and pleased smile on his face. He grinned dumbly at the both of them and waved. He was in his casual clothes now, they hugged his body tighter than she’d ever seen before, even back when he was working out regularly. His shirt was practically painted to his chest and abs, his legs thicker and meatier and harder, like massive tree trunks. His arm muscles were insanely thick and defined. His entire body was overall bigger, tighter, harder, and better looking. His facial features were sharper, more masculine but at the same time kind of…pretty?
“Did you guys like it?” He asked. Sam was at a loss for words. She’d thought he was one of the ones that could notice everything that was going on.
“Josh, I-“ Sam started.
“Dude, what the actual fuck. Y-you’re huge. You were all huge. Well, you weren’t, but now you are. Did you even fucking notice what was going on? I don’t even know what to think, my head fucking hurts and I’m freaked the fuck out.” Grayson sat down. The cloudy look in Josh’s eyes faded as he gazed at the both of them, the girls were just scared and confused and looking to him for any sign that Josh was still in there.
“Oh, shit…That was all real?” Josh sheepishly said. Grayson smacked herself in the head.
“You dumb fuck…”
To Be Continued.