Pink Reality
Chapter Two
by BimboSam01
Sam rubbed her eyes. The day was only half over and she already had a headache. Even a calm day like this had to be interrupted by some crap, didn’t it?
The stuff with the Bimbo’s (Grayson’s words, not hers) was perplexing, to say the least. Sam could’ve just written it off if it wasn’t for what happened with Jenn. Was this some sort of elaborate prank? Did she go back and edit her old pictures, or replace them with new ones?
It wasn’t something to be too concerned about, she told herself. She hadn’t even noticed any of this new crop of sexy ladies before, Grayson was acting like it was some kind of epidemic. It was probably nothing. But it always came back to Jenn. Were these women a part of some cult or something? Some kind of big booby cult. Sam couldn’t help but chuckle to herself.
Luckily, she didn’t have to ride her bike to her mom’s house. Grayson offered to drive her there, as long as Sam would notify her mom to make enough food for three. Grayson basically lived off a diet of cup ramen and chips, so it was no wonder she was practically drooling for this.
“Doesn’t your mom, you know, make food for a living?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, sure. But we’re always arguing about something. We have, like, totally opposite personalities. Plus, she has a stupid-ass boyfriend. It’s just weird going over there. And it’s totally never my fault, by the way.” Grayson said, even she cracked a smile at that outright lie.
It was true they did argue a lot, and her mom seemed to want to police everything her daughter did despite Grayson being a grown adult who could get tattoo’s or piercings if she wanted them.
“She’s still your mom. I’m sure she’d rather have you eat there than eat the crap you have at your place.” Sam said.
“Okay, shame me for being poor all you want. I’ll have you now that I have upgraded from cup ramen to shin ramen. I’m in an entirely new tax bracket.” Grayson said. Sam rolled her eyes.
“In any case, we should stop at your mom’s bakery on the way.” Sam said
“What, so we can make up?” The musician asked.
“So I can get a muffin.” Sam said simply.
“…Damn, now I want one too. Fine.” Grayson, grumbled. Sam flashed a little grin.
So they made a slight detour on the way; they wouldn’t have to turn back but it would just take longer to get to Sam’s house.
“You haven’t been talking to anyone else about the Bimbos, right?” Sam suddenly asked. Grayson shook her head.
“No, it didn’t seem like anyone else noticed, so I decided not to bring it up. It’d be kinda bizarre to act like a bunch of hot ladies walking around was some kind of crazy x-files shit to someone who doesn’t have context. I honestly was starting to think that maybe it might’ve been nothing, until you mentioned the stuff about the librarian. Are you sure…”
“I am absolutely positive she looked nothing like that the last time I saw her.” Sam intensely reiterated.
“Freaky.” Grayson simply muttered.
“Where else did you see these Bimbos, by the way?” Sam questioned her.
“All over the place. There’s not like a million of them or anything, but they’ve been popping up. The record shop, the boba place, the park. The sex toy shop.” Grayson said.
“What were you doing at a sex toy shop?” Sam chuckled through a wide grin.
“Filing my taxes. Now stifle yourself.” Grayson blushed. What was more embarrassing, that Grayson bought sex toys, or that she couldn’t wait for them to arrive by delivery?
So they drove on, unaware of the Pink fog all around them. It whizzed by and flew in every direction as it looked for pressure points and places the flying tendrils could exploit. And people. They could feel the supercharged panties in Grayson bag, so the Pink tentacles promptly changed directions away from where Grayson and Sam were headed. The panties were looking for their own pressure point to take hold of.
The two young women soon parked in front of Jill’s bakery, the shop owned by Grayson’s mom. It was a fairly popular place, which led to Grayson’s mom usually being extremely busy. Sam could tell Grayson was probably counting on that. Sam didn’t want to force the issue anyway, but it would be nice if Grayson and her mother chilled out about this whole thing.
“What is it this time, anyway?” Sam asked as they got out of the car.
“It’s nothing. She told me I should stop making music. She’s just mad I dropped out of college.” Grayson said. Sam nodded. That’ll do it.
“I could just go in-“
“Nah, it’s fine. I’m not gonna stand out here like some coward.” Grayson said. As they approached the building, a skinny young man on a bike approached the two of them. Sam groaned, not Rick.
“Hey, you two young ladies,” the local cop nervously said, “have you seen any suspicious behavior lately?” He asked.
“You know our names.” Sam said.
“…Okay, Sam and Grayson. Have you seen any suspicious behavior.”
“Like what?” Grayson asked.
“Like all of the ‘ladies of the night’ I’ve been seeing lately. All dressed in provocative attire. Apparently, I was arresting them unlawfully. I guess they weren’t technically breaking any obscenity laws, but it was damn close.” The scruffy haired young man said. His blue eyes darted between them nervously. He couldn’t have been more than 8 years older than them, but he always tried to come off with some level of seniority and officialness.
Wait, he noticed the Bimbo’s, too?
“No, haven’t really seen anything.” Grayson shrugged. The man raised an eyebrow and inspected the two girls with his eyes. God, this guy was a dork. Grayson often wondered if he’d been a hall monitor when he was younger.
“But you’ve seen them?” Sam interrogated.
“Here and there, it’s like they came out of nowhere suddenly. And weirdly, no one else seems to have noticed their appearance but me. Strange, isn’t it?” He asked. Out of all the people, it would be this guy that noticed them, huh?
“Maybe you should look into it.” Grayson said. Rick nodded aggressively.
“Yeah, maybe ask around if they’ve always lived here, and if not, where they came from. And if they’ve always been like that. That’s a good start.” Sam said.
“…You reckon this is some kind of conspiracy?” Rick leaned in.
“Maybe.” Sam shrugged. Rick saluted them and biked away. This at least told them they weren’t the only ones who noticed. Sam had a feeling nothing would turn up about these women, if it was anything like with Jenn. Her social media totally just disappeared all the evidence that she was ever different.
“I can’t believe that guy’s the only other person who’s noticed this stuff.” Grayson groaned.
“That wasn’t a bad idea, though. We should ask around too. See if anyone’s noticed it happening to someone they know, or if they know a Bimbo.” Sam crossed her arms.
“We don’t really know that the other Bimbos were actually changed in the way Jenn was. Like, they could just be like that.” Grayson pointed out.
“That’s our most logical explanation for where they all came from for now, though.” Sam explained as they entered the bakery.
“Hey, Grayson! You brought Sam too!” The beaming woman behind the counter happily waved. Grayson nodded and sheepishly waved back as Sam pulled her further into the building.
God, this place smelled insane.
“Hey, Leslie.” Grayson said.
“Here to talk to your Mom?” Leslie asked. Grayson shrugged.
“Uh. Sorta. Sam mostly just wanted something.” She said, rubbing her neck. So the two of them spent the next few minutes looking through the various treats before them, Sam suggested sharing something so they would have room for dinner. In all honesty, she probably wanted to share cause she didn’t have enough money for more than one thing.
“You know you girls eat here free, right?” Sam heard as she looked up. Sam beamed, whereas Grayson offered an awkward grin and a wave as they were approached by a blonde, chubby woman in her 40’s.
“Hey, Mom.”
“It’s nice to see you again, Jill. We just wanted to support your business is all.” Sam said as she hugged them both close.
“I’m fine, I don’t need money from you, Sam. How are you doing? Are you getting enough to eat?” She looked over Sam’s skinny frame.
“Yeah, I’m good. We were actually just going to my mom’s house for di- uh, well, I mean.” Sam found herself saying. Grayson palmed her face. For once, Grayson wasn’t the one putting her foot in her mouth.
“Hah, that’s fine. You know I head to bed early on work days anyway, I usually have my ‘dinner’ during my break.” Jill said.
“Yeah, I knew you were busy, we just wanted to come and say hi. Maybe you’d be free next weekend, though?” Grayson said. Jill nodded.
“Yeah, maybe. By the way, Sam, ask your mother if there’s going to be book club soon. I’m not sure what the plan is.” She changed the subject.
“Right, got it.” Sam gave Jill a thumbs up before the older woman said her goodbyes and went back to work.
“Welp.” Grayson said. “Told you it would be weird.”
“Hey, she gave you free muffins. That has to count for something. Just give it time.” Sam said.
As Sam’s hand went for the door, her vision was soon entirely shrouded by jiggly, warm flesh quickly rushing right into her face.
“Oops, sorry! I’m such a klutz~” The large breasts’ owner squeaked, holding her hands to her mouth.
“No worries.” Sam muttered and blushed as she moved aside for the woman to come in. Another one of the Bimbos, she observed. Same ridiculous tits, same preference for tiny clothes. She looked out of place in a bakery like this, save for the cake she was packing in her tiny hotpants.
“Tsk. These women…” An older lady mumbled.
“You’ve noticed them recently, too?” Sam asked.
“Recently? Hah! These women have been plaguing this town for years. Is there more than usual now?” The woman asked. Okay, weird. Maybe she was just grouping these new Bimbos in together with other scantily clad women, or was it the Jenn memory thing again?
“Told you they’re all over the place.” Grayson whispered as they walked out of the bakery.
“Did you hear what she said? She said they’d been here for years!” Sam pointed out. Grayson scratched her neck.
“I swear I’d never seen them until, like, a week ago.” She reiterated. Shit, now it was starting to look like they really had a mystery on their hands.
Lauren Sevallis was bored. She was happy with many things in her life, make no mistake about that, but she sometimes wondered if things could be better.
Every single weekday, Lauren slaved away at her monotonous office job, practically in a zombified state as she could hardly care less about her work. It had always just been a job, one that provided no real sense of satisfaction to her life aside from the mediocre paychecks.
She read in her spare time, mostly just adventure and romance novels. The ones with daring escapes that ended with deeply romantic, but ultimately softcore sex. The books with the kind of men and the kind of relationships that were mostly just reserved for fiction. Lauren had had a man like the charming, kind, beautiful men in those books, but that was long ago.
Her real passion was writing. Oh, it was just a hobby. One that Lauren cared about deeply and spent much of her free time doing, but just a hobby nonetheless. It provided the things she couldn’t have in life, and putting all of your brainpower and energy into writing served as a nice distraction from the stresses of life.
She’d never publish, obviously. She was hardly good enough, she was just a hobbyist after all. Maybe it was a bit of a dream. But it was too embarrassing to think about, baring your heart and soul over a page just for people to most likely ignore it all together. Or worse, hate it. In any case, she told herself that she preferred just writing for Lauren and only Lauren.
It helped her stop thinking about her husband, Julian, who’d passed away 10 years prior. She’d not dated or slept with a man since. It was lonely, but she couldn’t bare to try things again. That time had simply past.
And writing helped her stop worrying about her wallflower daughter, Sam. Okay, maybe wallflower was an exaggeration. But most of Sam’s friends were people she’d known since Middle School, and she never brought any young men over either. She seemed to always be busy with her work, shouldn’t college kids be partying?
Maybe it was for the best she wasn’t getting in any trouble with crazy parties or drugs or anything like that, or god forbid rushing into a relationship. She was still young, anyway. But Lauren just worried she’d end up being a lonely cat lady without a husband. Was she projecting? No, probably not. Right? Okay, maybe.
Whatever. She was content to host weekly book clubs, write romance stories with just enough sexiness (but nothing pornographic, of course), and care for her two daughters when they needed it. Aurora needed it less, she was by far the more adventurous and social. She was also pretty smart too, with a vast knowledge and interest in history; it just wasn’t everything for her.
Aurora had more proper relationships than Sam, but their intensity often led them to being pretty messy. Sam was withdrawn and never really talked about her life at all, whereas Aurora would often cry to her mother on the phone about boys. Lauren was always there to listen, but sometimes she wondered if Aurora couldn’t rush into things so much. Or at least call her at a reasonable hour instead of 4 AM. Lauren kind of wished both her daughters would occasionally bother to learn something from each other.
Now she was making dinner, nothing too fancy, but she thought she’d go all out since she was having guests over. Sam of course offered to help her, but she declined. Lauren usually had to make dinner for herself anyway, Sam acted like Lauren was slaving away for her or something.
“Sweetie, how have you been? Hey, Grayson, you still making music?” Lauren hugged her daughter and gestured for Sam and Grayson to sit down as they came in.
“Yeah, making music’s basically all I do.” Grayson said.
“Oh, is it going well?” Lauren asked. Grayson pondered this for a moment.
“I guess not. Some musicians would want people to listen to that music in return, but having a big fanbase would ruin my underground street-cred.” Grayson said sarcastically. It was just as well. Grayson’s music was horrible techno nonsense, Lauren thought. ‘Experimental’, as the kids were saying nowadays.
Both Grayson and Sam seemed distant while they ate dinner, like they were hiding something. Or trying to avoid talking about something. When Lauren asked about Grayson’s mom, she just shrugged sheepishly and instantly pivoted to mentioning that Jill was down for book club this week. Lauren had to give her a call, she’d totally been in zombie-mode this week and forgot to set a time for the book club.
When Lauren asked Sam what she’d been up to, it was of course nothing but stuff like cell signaling and other nerd stuff that made Lauren go crosseyed. Bless Sam’s heart, she was a wonderful person, but she needed a life outside of Grayson. Lauren still listened intently, at least it was something Sam was passionate about.
She also told them what she’d been up to lately, not that really added up to much. The most notable thing that happened, which she told the girls about in detail, was that a bunch of those giggly Bimbos you sometimes see running around the city all congregated at a cafe she was at and kept hitting on everyone there, including the women.
It was a strange phenomenon of the last few years, it had to be this new generation of young women. At least Sam had more self respect than them.
Aside from that, there was one other thing they talked about. Both girls asked her if she’d noticed anything out of the ordinary in the last week. What the heck did that mean?
“Seen anything weird?” Lauren repeated back.
“Like, while you’re out and about. Is anything different than usual?” Sam asked.
“…No?” Lauren raised an eyebrow. Sam just nodded and didn’t press the issue, which only made Lauren more curious.
“Oh, okay.” She said simply.
“Is there something going on?”
“Uh, no, I was just asking is all.” Her daughter said. Sam saw her mother giving her a questioning glare, she promptly avoided Lauren’s stare to look at her phone.
“Uh, by the way, my phone’s about to die. Would you mind putting it on the charger? I think it’s in my bag.” Sam asked her. Lauren responded with a ‘Sure honey’ and left the room. Sam’s eyes darted wildly to Grayson, it definitely seemed like she wanted Lauren to leave the room so they could exchange something between each other. Whatever, she wasn’t going to pry.
Lauren made her way into the guest room, eyes scanning for Sam’s bag. ‘Lauren’, hushed whispers wormed their way into her ear. Immediately, she turned back around. No one was there. Of all the times to start going crazy… The older woman must have misheard. Or she was tired. Well, she was tired, she was always tired nowadays. That’s what happened when you were old and bored, she supposed.
Lauren’s eyes found the bag, it was just next to the door. She opened the bag and gasped, this was out of character for Sam. Her hand soon, hesitantly, pulled out a lacy pair of black panties. It was none of her business at all, but Sam wasn’t the type, right?
Maybe she was even more secretive than Lauren had thought. Was her oldest daughter hiding more salacious activities? She just carelessly had it at the top of her belongings. Was she planning to get with a boy straight after leaving? Lauren blushed, this seemed more like something you’d see sticking out of one of those Bimbo’s booty shorts rather than something in her nerdy daughter’s bag.
The Pink vibrated in her hand and slid across Lauren’s skin before seeping into it. Unknowingly, Lauren shivered as it soothed her. At least Sam was feeling sexy and confident, maybe she was breaking out of her shell after all. It would’ve made Lauren proud if it wasn’t something too awkward and personal for a mother to know about it. She rubbed it between her fingers. It was a finely made piece, very soft material.
“Hey, Mom, you there?” She jumped as she heard Sam’s voice come from the hallway. Lauren yelped and instinctively dropped the panties to the ground.
“Coming.” Lauren said as she quickly plugged in Sam’s phone and strode out of the room. Lauren’s hand still vibrated with warm, Pink energy. The three ate and talked for awhile, Lauren’s mind distracted from those panties currently on the floor of the guest room. She drank a little, not too much. She’d just always liked the taste of the stuff.
Regrettably, Sam and Grayson had to soon leave Lauren and go back to their own lives. She didn’t want to bother her busy daughter, but she wished she came over more often. Maybe she’d give Aurora a call later.
So Lauren sat back and relaxed for awhile, drinking more and thinking about life. Eventually, Lauren cleaned up and walked back into the hallway; she heard it again. ‘Lauren’, it whispered. She stepped back into the room, her apprehension was completely clouded by shock as she noticed that she’d stupidly forgotten Sam’s panties in the guest room.
Shit, she’d have to just tell Sam that her panties fell out of her bag. It was no issue, really, but she knew Sam would be deeply embarrassed by it. Lauren picked them up, only to be once again taken aback by their softness and pleasant warmth. They looked quite nice and finely made as well, she hoped Sam didn’t spend too much money on this.
She still fondled the panties, and her mind wandered to places she didn’t find all too pleasant. Despite herself, she envisioned her sweet, nerdy daughter dressing herself in all this overly expensive, uncharacteristically sexy lingerie just to impress a boy. Hopefully, she felt comfortable about this. And hopefully whoever she was dressing like this for wasn’t a scoundrel. Hopefully he was a nice, suave guy who would take care of her. Like the men in the novels Lauren read.
Lauren blushed as she imagined if one of those men were courting her sweet daughter. If only, but there existed very few men that kind or caring or manly in real life. One who would treat Sam right in bed and would actually care about making her feel good.
Okay, this was getting weird. Even if these thoughts did come from a good place, it was definitely better to think about something else. The Pink coiled around Lauren’s thoughts and gave them a gentle nudge.
She remembered when she was Sam’s age. She’d been different, but similar in some ways. She met Sam’s father at University and quickly fell in love before settling down with him. Before meeting him, things were a bit different. She wasn’t necessarily the most well-traveled girl on campus, so to speak, but she liked having fun with the guys from time to time.
Lauren sat down and breathed sharply, she felt kind of dizzy for some reason. Maybe it was the wine. She laid back to gather her bearings and looked over herself in the mirror. Her eyes traced over the wrinkles and worn skin, the tired eyes, the gray hairs. She’d sometimes look over these features with disdain, but she was an older woman after all. It was perfectly natural. That’s what she told herself. Where was she, again?
Oh yeah, her college days. She remembered when she was Sam’s age, things were a bit different for her. Lauren enjoyed hanging out with the boys, Sam’s father being one of them. They’d settled down eventually, but there was a time where they kept it casual and had fun doing that. You couldn’t blame them, particularly Lauren. She remembered having a modest- she remembered having a fairly attractive body. Nothing too crazy; but she’d had fine, healthy breasts. Squeezable.
Lauren blinked, her breasts felt tighter in her bra. The older woman twisted uncomfortably and adjusted her bra for a moment before it felt somewhat less restrictive. Anyway. Her breasts, that was one thing. She’d had quite the knockers in college, but they’d aged and sagged since then. Well, they’d maintained their perkiness better than some women’s at least.
Lauren looked over herself again. Sure, she was clearly an older woman, but it could’ve looked worse. The women in her book club certainly looked a bit older than her, Lauren at least had not allowed life to drag her down that much. Overall, she had a good life.
It helped that she was quite the catch in college. With a healthy, sizable ass and some pretty nice, knockout tits. Ones that had kept their shape and perkiness quite nicely. As Lauren looked over herself in the mirror, her body started to feel quite warm. It was just the alcohol, probably.
The Pink swirled from corner to corner of the room, quickly but methodically. Her desk changed from a worn, scratched brown to quite the nice desk. Pale blue and sleek, the contents on top of it also changed. They became prettier, nicer, girlier. Nothing infantilizing for an older woman, just somewhat more feminine. The rest of the room then started changing to fit the desk’s cleanness and color. The walls and carpet became much more appealing and prettier to look at, taking on some pleasant purples and blues.
The number of makeup accessories increased in volume, the small assortment of little things soon became a wider assortment that she used to doll herself up on nights out. She was allowed to be social and feel pretty, even as an older woman. It wasn’t a crime or anything.
Lauren held a hand to her face and smiled softly in the mirror. Looks weren’t everything, but she did feel lucky that she’d maintained her beauty over the years. And she didn’t mean that in a vain way, there was beauty in everyone. But hers just so happened to be on the inside and the outside.
She’d been startlingly lucky to have hardly aged at all, in a manner of speaking. It wasn’t hard to tell she was an older woman, but damn if she didn’t look fantastic for her age. Large, perky tits and a nice ass that only got fatter as she gained weight with age. She didn’t mind gaining weight as she got older, in fact it made her look hotter.
And she had been quite the hot little lady in college! She’d slept with just about all the guys on campus, even after she met her one and only stud. The man she’d married. Lauren blushed and fanned herself as she remembered their last group sex before making it official. Just hours after he proposed to her, they decided to have one last orgy before they’d be going steady for good.
The Pink nudged her again. Lauren breaths grew heavier as her body heated up. Well, that’s what they told everyone anyway. But they did like having some fun with other married couples from time to time, could you blame them? They were hot, horny, and were so open to each other that it didn’t make either jealous at all. It was a perfect relationship. She missed him. Him and that rockin’ body, and that really good dick.
Lauren purred as her body grew more pleasantly warm. She trembled for a moment as her pussy twitched. Man, all that sex talk was starting to make her kind of horny. Lauren looked to her hand to see that it was still gripping the panties. Silly her. They’re your daughters, put them down. But man, they looked nice. Like the kind of thing she would’ve worn in college to turn on the guys. That time had long since past, but she did kind of miss dressing all sexy and slutty. Her eyes darted to the sexy panties again. Maybe…
No they were her daughter’s. That was weird, right? The Pink stroked her mind again and Lauren shivered in pleasant, tingling warmth. Well, she was going to clean them anyway. It couldn’t hurt to just try them on. Lauren’s toes curled as she eyed those panties. Sam was a cutie, but she was still an innocent, sweet young woman. This kind of attire was made for a seasoned, mature woman that knew her body.
Lauren looked over her hot, squeezable curves. It just felt right. The woman stood up uneasily, fairly drunk and even more horny. Her cunt twitched again as it started to ache in anticipation for being held by soft, silky perfection in the form of fabric. Quickly, she pulled her pants off and then her own damp underwear.
Had her shirt shrunk? No, she’d been wearing a half-shirt the whole night. Of course she’d been. Man, what was in that drink?
Slowly, seductively, Lauren pulled the panties up her legs and purred at the lacy softness. As it hugged her fat cooch, the older woman actually whimpered and pulled it tighter against her snatch. Fuck, it felt good and looked even better. Lauren’s eyes poured all over body; she felt fucking hot. Hot like she hadn’t felt in years.
Her hand hovered over her panties, before they pulled at the edges. No, she was drunk and horny but she still had enough sense not to touch herself in her daughter’s underwear. Her snatch felt really hot and really good, and her hot milf body (as the kids said), also looked really hot and really damn good. Lauren turned around, a soft giggle left her lips as she watched her booty sway and bounce slightly in the panties. They hugged her curves deliciously.
She needed to lay down and put her mind to something else, she told herself. Lauren sat herself down on her bed and picked up the book she’d been reading. She felt weird tonight, just relaxing and reading would probably straighten her head out.
The book felt heavier in her hands as it vibrated with pure energy, radiating hot waves of Pink that Lauren could not see and could only barely feel. As she opened the pages, Lauren remembered where the story was going when she’d last left off.
The plot: Christine Stone was a journalist researching illegal diamond smuggling in South America, Hunter Blake was the soldier of fortune she’d hired to protect her after she got caught in the middle things and was on the run. She was the dignified, stuck-up type while he the rowdy, adventurous swashbuckler who got under her skin.
Lauren didn’t know how she’d managed to get this far without a sex scene, not even a single kiss! Sure, the romantic tension between them made it hotter when they finally would get together, but things had been too dry up to this point. And then, finally, the two of these characters were seeming to go somewhere.
Caught in the rain after escaping from the villains, they ran aimlessly until they found an abandoned shack. Weathering out the harsh storm, they were forced to cuddle up for warmth.
‘Hunter was an older man, ten years Christine’s senior. He was hairy, rough, grizzled, skin worn with years of conflict. But beneath that exterior were soft, twinkling eyes that wandered over Christine’s creamy ivory skin with desperate longing.’
Lauren’s fingers ignited hotly with Pink as they held the pages, and then the printed words themselves began to swirl and rearrange in front of her eyes as the page grew blurry. The older woman blinked; the page was perfectly normal. Weird, maybe she was more inebriated than she thought.
‘Their eyes were fiery, chests rising and falling in anticipation. Blake and Christine could no longer hold back their feelings.’ Lauren’s eyes went from word to word with increasing speed as the love between the two lovers couldn’t be contained.
‘Their eyes met, and then their lips. Fingers entwined as their bodies furiously collided. Hands roaming, exploring every inch of each other with desperate abandon.’
Lauren’s pussy twitched and twinged in response, her nipples aching with a growing heat as her eyes couldn’t stop themselves from reading.
‘Wasting no time, Christine’s hand fumbled for his belt until she got to it and his pants were hastily pulled down his ankles. Hungrily, she eyed his furious, raging cock. Nine inches of solid, rock-hard girth. She ached between her lower lips, her mouth wet with desire as she lunged for his length. Her lips were like soft pillows, pampering his cock as her tongue swirled around and licked and worshipped every inch of his steely shaft.’
Lauren’s breath hitched, pussy twitching more with every word. Her fingers hovered over Sam’s panties as a girlish mewl left her lips. A part of her brain was wondering if this was spicier than she was used to. Was it? It was harder to think when you were so horny, her brain swam and tried to find an answer until it decided that it didn’t really care. She felt kind of dizzy, but in a good way. She felt sexy.
Lauren whimpered, hair growing longer and silkier as it draped over her shoulders. Her blushing face suddenly looked more made-up than before, complimenting her new hoop earrings perfectly. One freshly manicured hand moved up to pull off her shirt, but she soon remembered she hadn’t been wearing a shirt or a bra. Silly her.
“Oh~” Finally, her fingers rubbed over her swollen snatch through her panties and she softly gasped at how hot and dripping it was. The gushing cunt was practically molten with lust, aching and burning as it begged her to keep reading. Keep rubbing. Harder, harder, faster. Keep it going, girl. You’re doing so good.
Lauren growled, body trembling and hips thrusting as they started to find their rhythm and synchronized with the gyrations her fingers were making on her horny clit. She moved her panties aside and plunged three fingers deep into her soaked, burning cunt. Her eyes went glazed and hazy as she released a loud, guttural groan. Faster, harder, deeper.
“Hhnnnnngrrgh~” Lauren roared. Her tits swelled, plumping up and pumping themselves full of soft flesh. More, more, more, her nipples ached with unbearable heat as they begged for some attention. Her body tightened, firmer and harder and slimmer, but soft in just the right places. Her thighs and glutes thickened further, they felt so hot and tingly after being pumped with a healthy dose of Pink.
The scene in the book grew more graphic, Blake thrust into Christine from behind, thrusting into her with furious, desperate intensity. They screamed and roared and cried to the heavens as their love for each other was clear in their lustful howls. Lauren missed getting fucked like that.
Sure, she had fun in town with the various boytoys, but it wasn’t the same as her husband. Her eyes grew cloudy and looked up toward nothing in particular as her body trembled with wave after wave of terrible, overwhelming lust. She remembered his body, his abs, his beautiful blue eyes. The way he would hold Lauren and whisper into her ear as he came inside her.
Lauren’s hand reached for a vibrator she hadn’t remembered she had on her dresser until just this moment. As it whirred to life, Pink energy swirled around it and lengthened it inch by inch until it was fairly sizable to a woman of her nature.
“Ahhhhhghh~” Lauren howled as her molten cunt gushed. It squirted its’ hot feminine juices once, twice, three times as her fat Bimbo body shook and shivered with unbearable waves of burning bliss. The book dropped out of her hand and onto the floor, momentarily forgotten as her still-trembling body recovered from her heavy climax.
“Ohhh~ Good lord~” The older woman cooed. After a few minutes, Lauren’s head felt a little more clear. She felt good. Sticky with sweat, tired, and warm, but good. And hot. After the daily stresses of life, it was nice to cool down by yourself and not have to care about pleasuring another man. Not that it wasn’t easy for her.
Lauren uneasily got up onto shaky legs; as she steadied herself, she looked around her room and bit her lip. She felt like she was forgetting something, but her brain was still a little fuzzy from her orgasm.
Oh yeah, the book club! Lauren picked up her phone, eyes wandering back to the mirror as she did so. God, those new panties she bought the other day looked sexy. For the life of her, she couldn’t remember where she’d gotten it, but Lauren would figure it out later.
Maybe she’d ask one of her friends she liked going out on the town with. She loved the members of her book club, but it was a different kind of fun to be out flirting and looking sexy with likeminded women. People called them “Bimbo’s”, as an insult. Lauren always rolled her eyes at that. As if their lives were anyone else’s business.
That’s why she’d always raised her two girls to not judge others who were just being themselves. Lauren held a hand to her face as she remembered with some embarrassment all the awkward teacher-parent meetings; as their always eyes widened when they saw Lauren. They probably had wondered if she was even allowed to look that hot at a school. The bodacious mom always wore a coat when going to these things, it wasn’t her fault she still had an obviously great figure even with one on.
Lauren giggled softly as she called up the various members of the book club. She couldn’t wait for the next meeting, she had so much spicy, smutty romance to show them. Maybe they’d even read them together.
To Be Continued…
Sam: 0.0
Grayson: 0.0
Jill: 0.0
Jenn: 1.0
Lauren: 1.0