The Candi Doll

Chapter 8

by BHFun

Tags: #cw:noncon #exhibitionism #humiliation #sexdoll #TG_Transformation #bondage #clothing #dom:male #growth #revenge #sub:female #sub:male #transformation #urban_fantasy

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Chapter Eight

A week had passed since the frat house party where Jack’s stepdaughter made an unannounced visit, enquiring about her stepfather’s whereabouts, oblivious that he was frozen just a few feet from where she stood.

Jack had tasted freedom on the tip of his tongue, only to have it jerked away from him at the last moment, silently wailing in despair as he watched his biggest hope for escape walk out the door.

Since then, Billy had Jack settle into a regular routine. He woke at precisely 7 am and made breakfast for whichever frat brothers had woken up early. He then dressed in his ridiculously slutty maid uniform and began cleaning the common areas of the house. By 11 am, the entire house was sparkling clean, and Jack was allowed one hour to rest.

He made lunch for the brothers who were not attending classes before spending two hours inside the study room, ‘motivating’ the students with his oral techniques as they worked. At 3 pm, he dressed in whatever slutty outfit Billy had picked out for him and sauntered across campus to visit Professor Leech, who had started paying Billy for daily visits from his favorite sex doll.

Jack was currently on his way back from one such session, dressed as a pornographic secretary. He was wearing a white button-up blouse with the top three buttons missing entirely, presenting his mountainous braless cleavage for everyone on campus to witness. The blouse tapered in at the waist, showing off his impossible hourglass figure. A glossy black PVC skirt barely covered his bubble butt and indeed showed off his crotch if he ever bent at the waist. Black fishnet stockings decorated his legs, with the hem stopping mid-thigh, presenting a 2-inch gap between the tops of his stockings and the lower hem of his skirt. A pair of black buckle-up 5” stiletto heels completed his slutty secretary look and helped him walk with a seductive gait through the campus courtyard.

His ass was still sore from his most recent session, and his wrists still felt the effects of the harsh metal cuffs that were tightly wrapped around them not long ago. While the sex doll couldn’t bruise, Jack still felt pain the same way a human would, and he was still feeling the effects of the paddling punishment he received because he couldn’t recite the entire Declaration of Independence. In Jack’s defense, his enforced bimbo speech made it impossible for him to cite any historic text word for word in the presence of another man.

Jack was mindlessly recalling his punishment when he wasn’t paying attention to the path ahead and crashed into a student hurriedly walking in the opposite direction. The impact threw Jack backward onto the nearby grass, with his small clutch bag crashing to the ground, its contents strewn out along the path.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Jack heard a young man respond. The man held out his hand and helped the blond sex doll back to his high-heeled feet. Jack looked the bespectacled student up and down. He was skinny, perhaps too much so, and it was clear that he had never stepped foot inside a gym in his life. The man had shaggy brunette hair and a wiry, unkempt goatee beard. He was wearing a baggy t-shirt with the logo of a local heavy metal band displayed on the front, along with poorly fitted denim jeans.

The man knelt and started collecting Jack’s items from the floor, pausing as he picked up a small bright pink vibrating bullet. Jack gasped with humiliation. He thought he would have become numb to the embarrassment after everything he had gone through since arriving on campus. Still, his horror and bemusement were as fresh as ever. The nerdy man shrugged and slipped the item back inside Jack’s black purse.

Once the items were collected, the student returned the bag to Jack, who nodded in appreciation. The man stared at the blond slutty secretary, but Jack was unnerved at the lustful expression on his face. Most students on campus knew he was in the body of a Candi Doll and treated him as such. This man stared at him as though he had seen the most beautiful woman in the world, and he was unsure how to break the ice.

“You’re, huh, Candi, right?” the man asked nervously, “I’ve seen you walking through this courtyard before. My name is Keith,” he held out his hand to formally introduce himself to the blond. Jack slowly greeted the hand with his own and gave the nerd a polite handshake. “You took quite a fall there. Are you okay?” Keith asked with genuine concern. Jack was taken aback by the sincerity in the man’s voice, something he hadn’t heard for quite some time.

“Yes, yes, I’m totally fine,” the sex doll responded in his sweet, bimbo voice. Something in his brain told him he needed to return to the frat house, but it conflicted with a separate command not to risk offending a male student.

“Perhaps you should take a seat for a moment,” the bespectacled man didn’t wait for a response and led the secretary-clad Jack over to a bench on the side of the path.

Keith sat the bimbo down before taking a seat beside her. Despite his soft demeanor, his eyes never left the buxom blond’s body. “I’ve seen you walking through the courtyard before. You’re always hanging out with those jocks and frat jerks, right?” He asked her. “Why do you hang out with them?”

Jack shuddered at the direct question. He parted her candy pink lips momentarily, but he wasn’t sure what he would say if he attempted to tell the poorly dressed student the truth. “Uhmm, like, it’s super duper complicated…” Jack managed to stutter out.

The young nerd raised an eyebrow. It was as though the student was trying to figure out if Jack was a huge slut who couldn’t keep her legs closed or a damsel who had gotten herself in a tough situation and needed saving. “Do you want to talk about it?” He prodded.

Jack softly bit his plump lower lip. He had no idea what security measures Billy had placed on his programming to prevent Jack from revealing the truth, but he realized this might be his best chance to bring his obnoxious stepson down. “Well, huhh, like, I…”

“There you are!” Jack’s heart sank when he heard the familiar ratty voice call out to him. He looked up and watched Billy approach him, wearing his now familiar Alpha Kappa Rho fraternity jacket. “We have been looking for you,” the chubby student complained. “What are you doing, hanging out with this loser.” Billy looked the bespectacled man up and down dismissively.

It was ironic, Jack thought. Billy had been seen as the loser, the outsider, the chubby nerd all throughout college. Popularity had gone to his disgusting stepson’s head, and he had forgotten how he used to be treated by his peers. In reality, Jack knew he would have been proud of his stepson’s new station in life if he had been back in his old body. However, with his newfound perspective, Billy’s attitude shift sickened the feminized man.

The blond sex doll found his window for escape narrowing and knew he needed to throw a hailmary. He quickly turned to the embarrassed nerd and spoke urgently. “Like, please, this is totally important!” he quipped. “I totally need to, like, suck your cock!” Jack’s bright blue eyes widened, and he clasped his manicured hand over his plump lips. That wasn’t what he intended to say.

Billy grinned when he noticed what Jack had attempted to do, and he was pleased to find that his security measures had kicked in effectively. He wrapped his arm over Jack’s shoulder and helped him to his feet. “Leave this loser alone, Candi,” he chuckled. “There are plenty of cocks for you to suck back home.” Jack had no words and helplessly followed the fraternity brother’s lead as Billy walked him back to the house.

Jack helplessly found himself back inside the Alpha Kappa Rho house and stared at the commotion taking place inside. The entire fraternity appeared to be in the living room, getting ready to go out. They were outfitted in an array of colorful smart shirts, and the room smelt like a brothel with various flavors of aftershave assaulting Jack’s nostrils.

The blond sex doll yelped out when Billy smacked in on the ass from behind. “Everyone’s getting ready,” the chubby student stated the obvious. “It’s Connor’s 22nd birthday today, and we’re all hitting the club to celebrate.” Jack looked back at his stepson in puzzlement before the 18-year-old grinned and flashed a plastic card in front of his feminized stepfather’s eyes. “Some dorks from the media department have set us up with some pretty sweet fake IDs,” Jack’s eyes widened as he wondered what Billy offered them to get that deal. As if he was reading the blond’s mind, Billy chuckled. “You have a meeting arranged with them on Monday.”

Jack groaned, but his reaction only fed further into Billy’s ego. A couple of fraternity brothers walked past and fist-bumped the former outcast while leering at the feminized man’s curvaceous body. “I’ve got to start getting ready,” Billy told the sex doll. Before he walked off, he handed the blond a pink shopping bag. “I bought you a new outfit for tonight.” He grinned. “You can thank me later.” Jack very much reckoned he wouldn’t be thanking Billy for anything that happened this evening. “Candi Doll, go get dressed in your new outfit and meet me down here.” Billy’s command kicked Jack into gear. Before he had any time to react, the transformed doll found himself helplessly heading towards the staircase to his next phase of humiliation.

Jack shivered as he waited in line with a well-dressed Billy and a handful of the tubby student’s frat brothers. It was an unusually chilly fall evening, and the cool breeze brushed against the transformed man’s bare skin. Whereas Billy looked smart and sophisticated in his black suit jacket and bow tie, perhaps a little overdressed for the popular nightclub, Jack was wearing a far more revealing getup.

His perfectly shaped round breasts were encased in a faux leather bright pink string bikini top. Rather than running over his shoulders, the straps connected to a white choker with pink trim around his slim neck. The choker had his adopted name, ‘CANDI,’ emblazoned in pink block capitals across the front. A pair of matching leather hotpants wrapped snuggly around his hips. They were designed to give Jack a slight wedgie and advertise the curve of his flawlessly designed rear. A pair of pink 6” platform stripper heels completed the slutty look.

The group eventually reached the front of the line and gleefully filtered in as the bouncers accepted their fake IDs, and they were ushered inside. Moments before Jack stepped to the front, Billy handed him a plastic card, “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you,” he remarked with a grin. The manner of Billy’s smirk did nothing to settle Jack down.

The large, dark-skinned security guard looked down at the scantily clad blond, and his natural scowl instantly turned into a wide smile. “Well, hello there, little lady,” he spoke as the blond handed him her ID. The tone and condescension in the man’s voice made Jack’s skin crawl, but he remained silent as the bouncer examined his ID.

“Is this some kind of joke,” the man laughed. Jack stared at him confusedly when he witnessed his stepson snicker beside him. “Candi Cumbottom?” The bald bouncer asked with amusement. “This ID even tells me that you’re 19. Sorry, doll, I just can’t let you in.” He reasoned.

Jack groaned. Why would Billy hand him a fake ID that marked him as underage? Was it an oversight? Jack somehow doubted it. Suddenly, something clicked inside Jack’s sex doll body, and new programming began to kick in. The feminized man leaned in and pressed his dainty hand against the large bouncer’s crotch. “Please, Sir, I’ll do, like, anything to get in.”

The bald man’s eyes widened, but he did nothing to stop the buxom blond. “Anything, eh?” He asked slowly.

Jack couldn’t control himself. He needed to get inside the club, and his body would do whatever it took to get inside. “Totally anything,” he whispered in his sweet valley girl voice.

The bouncer looked over to his colleague, who nodded his approval before eyeing the bimbo up and down. “I’ll have to catch you later to take you up on your offer. For now, how about you flash those pretty little tits of yours.” He requested.

Jack parted his full lips. He wasn’t in the relative privacy of the fraternity house anymore; he was out in public, with hundreds of young partygoers lining up behind him. Nonetheless, his body had a mission, and it knew what it needed to do. Jacks hands grabbed both cups of his string bikini and immediately pulled them down, revealing his huge, fake breasts to the bouncer, causing a cheer from the rowdy crowd behind him.

The bouncer reached out and squeezed Jack’s displayed bosom, eliciting a high-pitched gasp from the blond sex doll before nodding his approval. “Very good. You can go in,” he decided. “Just don’t go getting into any trouble, Candi Cumbottom.” He grinned, patting the bimbo on the ass as he stepped aside and allowed her entry.

Jack waited for Billy to join him before stepping inside the dim club. After making their way through the coat check, the nightclub opened out into one large dancefloor, with multiple bars scattered along the edges. Pink strobe lighting gave everything a seedy feel, and fast electronic music vibrated throughout Jack’s body.

Jack had always enjoyed clubbing and partying in his teens and twenties, but those days were firmly behind him, and the thumping environment made him feel nauseous. Billy walks Jack over to a quieter private area the frat had rented out for the evening. A drink was soon placed in the buxom blond’s hand, and he downed the fruity concoction in one gulp.

His drink was shortly replaced with another, and Jack finished the next in equal time. After the third drink, Jack realized that his body was unable to feel the effects of alcohol. He didn’t feel drunk at all. Regardless, whenever Jack finished a drink, a fraternity brother quickly replaced it with another, ensuring he was never empty-handed.

An hour into the party, Jack noticed the birthday boy, Connor, sitting in the private booth, talking to a beautiful young woman with curly dark blond hair. The woman wore a shimmering black halter minidress and 4” high heels. The fraternity president held his hand on the blond’s leg and whispered in her ear. The unknown woman appeared to enjoy what she was hearing and giggled in response.

Jack was lost in the scene until he felt an arm wrap around his bare waist. “Beautiful, isn’t she?” Billy whispered in the sex doll’s ear, referring to the woman chuckling at the fraternity president’s jokes. “Tara Harlock,” he continued, “She’s the most popular girl on campus. Head of the cheerleader squad and incredibly smart.” Billy spoke with admiration. It was clear that Billy had feelings for the woman, and his voice had a tint of jealousy.

“It’s time to give the birthday boy his gift,” Jack’s big blue eyes widened when he heard his stepson’s whisper. “Candi Doll, strut over to Connor and give him the best lapdance of his life. Don’t take no for an answer.” The 18-year-old commanded.

Jack felt his shoulder pin back and chest thrust forward. He started walking towards the birthday boy and his date. Before Jack knew what he was doing, his cleavage was in the 22-year-old man’s face. “It’s time for your present, big boy,” Jack said seductively, licking his glossy plump lips.

“Not now, Candi,” Connor responded with annoyance. He attempted to push the blond sex doll aside, but Jack held firm and inserted himself between Connor’s legs, using his hands to spread them further apart. The dark-blond head cheerleader rolled her eyes and stared disapprovingly at the slutty sex doll’s antics. As Jack began to grind up against the birthday boy’s crotch, his pretty date shook her head and stormed off.

The fraternity president tried to follow her, but the doll pushed him back down with a strength she had never demonstrated before. Jack continued to dance to the music, straddling Connor’s lap and pushing his fake tits into the Senior’s face. Eventually, he lowered his bikini top and allowed the fraternity president to nibble on his sensitive pert nipples. As reluctant as Connor appeared when Jack started dancing, he gave in quickly and began to enjoy the attention he received from the busty doll.

A small crowd gathered to enjoy the scene of the topless blond sex doll grinding against the fraternity president, giving him the greatest lapdance of his young life. Jack noticed the pretty head cheerleader was now standing next to Billy and chuckled as the newly popular man whispered in her ear. Billy noticed Jack staring back at him and grinned before strolling over to his dancing, transformed stepfather.

“I’m gonna head somewhere a little quieter with Tara,” Billy whispered in Jack’s ear, quiet enough to prevent the drunk fraternity leader from overhearing. “I need you to keep Connor busy for an hour. Candi Doll, take Connor to the bathroom and do whatever it takes to keep him busy.” He chuckled as he implanted the command before returning to his new date and leading her towards a more secluded area in the club.

Jack immediately stopped dancing, although he knew what was about to follow would be much worse. He turned around and sat on Connor’s lap. “Let’s, like, go somewhere quieter and have a little fun,” he giggled in the birthday boy’s ear, taking him by the hand and leading him out of the VIP area. Connor didn’t argue, although he did scan the room for his former date and groaned when he found she was nowhere to be seen. That was a problem for another day, Connor decided; he had a horny sex doll to take care of first. His fraternity brothers cheered and chanted his name as the couple left for the nearby bathrooms.

Once inside the men’s bathroom, the pair scuttled inside a private cubicle. Jack’s body pushed up against the drunk man’s own as his long-fingernailed hands fumbled with the belt buckle of Connor’s pants. When the blond sex doll had the man’s pants undone, Jack slid down to his knees and lowered Connor’s lower garment, exposing the birthday boy’s semi-erect penis in his face.

As Jack’s glossy plush lips wrapped around the shaft, the member soon stood fully to attention. Jack bobbed his platinum-blond-haired head up and down, and Connor rested his hand on the bimbo’s mane. Jack heard Connor groan but humiliatingly noticed his own body flush with building pleasure the further the student’s cock entered his throat.

“Mmm, fuck, Candi.” Connor commented, “You are a real pro at this.” Jack let out a slutty moan when the fraternity leader complimented his cocksucking skills. Billy had implanted so many positive reinforcements inside the doll’s programming that Jack couldn’t deny the pleasure despite his disgust over the act.

“I’m ready,” the dark-haired man told his blond cocksucking companion. Jack immediately halted and lifted his mouth away from the glistening rigid shaft with an audible pop. He stood on his tall platform heels and bent over the toilet stall. Connor wriggled the doll’s bright pink hotpants and revealed her smooth, bald, perfect pussy.

“Aghh,” Jack moaned softly, feeling the tip of the thick cock glide along his own slick ever ready slit. Connor pushed inside the sex doll’s main orifice, and Jack felt his mind cloud over. It was impossible for the transformed man to think straight when he was being fucked; his only goal was pleasure.

Connor steadily fucked the bimbo, gripping her loose hair tightly and thrusting with an ever-increasing speed. Jack began to cry lustfully with each push, and his moans soon turned into screams of unadulterated pleasure.

The two continued to fuck for ten minutes until a loud knock on their toilet stall door interrupted them. “What are you two doing in there? Get out here!” A booming voice echoed around the bathroom. Jack recognized the voice as the bouncer who let them in. Connor ignored the command and continued to fuck Jack with furor, eliciting further cries of pleasure from his bimbo sex doll.

The security guard banged on the door several more times, but Connor didn’t stop until he let out a long, low groan and cum inside his doll’s pussy. Jack responded to the orgasm with a mind-bending climax of his own.

Once the couple had finished, they redressed and exited the toilet stall. The burly black bouncer greeted them with his arms folded. He grabbed them both by the arms and threw them out of the club, ending their evening at the party.

When they returned home, Connor and Candi went inside Connor’s bedroom for round two. Once they had climaxed a second time, Connor kicked the sex doll out of the room and fell asleep.

When Jack roamed downstairs, he found his revolting stepson, Billy, reclining on an armchair in the common room. “Ohh, hey Candi. It sounded like you were having fun upstairs,” he laughed to himself. Jack rolled his beautiful blue eyes and began walking towards the kitchen when the chubby student stopped him. “Candi Doll, stand next to my chair and freeze.”

Jack clenched his fists, but his body soon obeyed the command, and he found himself standing up straight, unable to move. “I have to thank you for distracting Connor there. I really owe you one,” he said, although Jack knew how empty that gratitude was. “I had the night of my life. I’m meeting Tara for lunch tomorrow afternoon,” he said with a self-assured confidence Jack had never seen in his stepson before.

Billy reclined the armchair further back until he was practically lying down. “I’m gonna close my eyes for a bit,” he told the frozen sex doll. “Just stand there and look pretty until I awaken. I might even give you the day off tomorrow,” he laughed before closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep, leaving the transformed man to stand on display.

Jack was stuck frozen in place for four hours before he felt a strange sensation run through his spine. He was used to unusual bodily sensations, but he hadn’t felt anything like this before. Suddenly, his body started moving on its own, heading out of the common room and away from his drunk, sleeping stepson.

The first thing that came to Jack’s mind was that one of the fraternity brothers had stolen Billy’s phone and decided to mess with the app. It felt more peculiar when the blond, barely-dressed doll strode past the stairs and towards the front door. Was somebody stealing him?

His blue eyes widened, and he began to panic. He tried to call out, but his voice was muted, and his feet continued to step forward without hesitation. A white sports car was parked outside the impressive Greek house, and Jack found himself heading directly for it. He couldn’t distinguish the silhouette sitting on the driver’s seat, but he had a bad feeling about it.

Jack walked over to the passenger side and opened the door, sitting beside the unknown driver. As the blond sex doll turned his head, Jack’s sparkling blue eyes widened in surprise. “Emma?” He exclaimed, staring in astonishment at his beautiful brunette stepdaughter smiling back at him.

“Hello, Jack,” he heard in response, “Let’s get out of here.”

Emma silently drove away from campus. It wasn’t until they were safely out of town that she finally began to open up. “I knew it was you the moment I saw you standing there in the corner,” she explained. “Who else would have brought a state-of-the-art sex doll to college? The model you are inhabiting hasn’t even been released yet.”

Jack continued to listen. He had never been so happy to see the daughter he had treated so poorly in the past. “But, how did you…?” He stuttered.

“How did I hack your system?” She completed his question. “I have a friend who owes me a favor. He has a little thing for me, to be honest,” she laughed. “Anyway, he’s super smart with this kind of technology. He managed to find a back door inside your operating system. I managed to disable Billy’s control and install my own.” Jack shuddered. He knew he was in the body of a love doll, but all this talk of uploading data to his operating system made him feel more like an object than a human.

Jack clenched his fists as he thought about his obnoxious loser stepson, gasping at the pain of his long pink fingernails digging into his palms. “Thank you for collecting me,” he started. “But I swear, as soon as I get home, that piece of shit will get what’s coming to him.” Jack spat out. “I am going to destroy his puny little worthless li-”

“Candi doll, shut up,” Jack’s eyes widened as he was immediately silenced at Emma’s command, his lips sealed shut. “Sorry, Jack,” Emma chuckled. “It’s a long drive back to California, and I can’t deal with you prattling on the entire journey.” She reasoned. Jack sat back in frustration as he silently stared ahead, with his stepdaughter driving him back home and toward his old life.

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