The Candi Doll

Chapter 2

by BHFun

Tags: #cw:noncon #exhibitionism #humiliation #sexdoll #TG_Transformation #bondage #clothing #dom:male #growth #revenge #sub:female #sub:male #transformation #urban_fantasy

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Chapter Two

Jack had utterly frozen. His own feminine manicured hand, with long bright pink talons on the end of each finger, rested against his plump, glossy, wide-open mouth. What the hell had they done to him? Was there some kind of mix-up? Was it a case of mistaken identity? No, it couldn't be; the doctor had said his name. The more Jack allowed his mind to reel off every possibility, the angrier he got. Eventually, it was too much for him to contain.

Screaming with his new high-pitched voice, he didn't hold back. "What the fuck have you degenerates done to me? Do you know who I am and who I have in my pocket? I am going to sue the living hell out of this place. You will be camping in a tent on the street before I am done with y-"

The doctor had had enough. "Candi Doll, sit down and don't speak until I give you permission."

When the doctor finished his interruption, the strangest sensation ran through Jack's newly feminized body. His glossy mouth closed, and he found his ability to talk muted. He still had an entire hoard of insults to hurl at the doctor, but no matter how hard he tried, his mouth would not cooperate. To enhance his anger even further, Jack felt control of his body disappear as he sat down demurely at the end of a medical bed.

"That's better." The doctor continued. "My name is Doctor Franks. I'm sorry I had to take these measures, but we must handle this delicate situation carefully, I'm sure you understand. It will do us no good to us if you scream the building down."

Jack's gorgeously crystal blue eyes narrowed, his arched eyebrows pointed higher on his head, a scowl appearing on his gorgeously cute face, but words continued to fail to escape his lips. Had the doctor drugged him? They could do many borderline-magical things with science these days, but controlling someone's body against their will remained in the realm of fiction as far as Jack understood.

"We thank you again for choosing the Life Assurance program with us at The New U Clinic. However, we didn't expect the demise of your original body so soon after you signed the contract." Jack had no choice but to sit patiently and listen to the tall man in the white coat. Jack wasn't entirely convinced that the man was all that tall or that he was just that much shorter than he used to be. Jack still only managed to comprehend half of what the doctor was telling him, using the rest of the time to envisage ways to bring the clinic to its knees when this was all said and done.

"It actually takes about 12 months to fully form a clone body. Clones are made from fully biological matter and don't just grow overnight. I do have some good news though, Mr Thorne." Through everything said so far, Jack doubted that any news coming from the doctor's mouth would be all that good. "Due to the unique nature of your case, we have expedited the growth of your clone, and it should be ready for you in about 6 months."

One year? Six months? Jack's seething anger was growing inside his nubile body. Why did they not explain this when he signed up for the program? It seems like some pretty important information that they conveniently forgot to deliver. What has happened to him now? What happened to his original body? Why the hell can't he yell out these questions? His thoughts zoomed at their usual million miles-per-second rate, and it was all the more frustrating that he couldn't verbalize them.

"But nonetheless, this has put us in a precarious dilemma. It is doubtful that you would have survived if we had put you in a coma in your original body for six months. The damage was just far too great. Your mind would only last about 2 hours in our 'Mind Transferral Pods' before it would start to receive major brain damage." Jack followed the man's explanation as best as he could, but questions and comments speeding through his mind meant that his brain often drifted off elsewhere.

"And so that puts us where we are now. Unfortunately, due to the massive expense of creating a clone body, we had no backup to transfer your mind to. We needed to act fast before your mind started to deconstruct, so we transferred your mind into the best available vessel."

Jack looked down at the perfectly shaped C-cup breasts sitting on his chest before gritting his teeth, staring coldly at the doctor. Best available vessel? He had tits! Godforsaken tits! How the hell was he going to be able to show up at the office like this? He would be the laughingstock of the entire building. Jack started to clench his fists, something he had frequently done in his original body, but gasped in pain when the long talons of his perfectly manicured pink fingernails dug into his hands.

Despite his professional demeanor throughout the interaction, the doctor couldn't help but reveal a tight-lipped grin when he witnessed Jack's reaction. While it was clear that the patient would not appreciate the results, the clinic had made several scientific breakthroughs to achieve this, and Doctor Franks was incredibly proud of what they had accomplished.

"Companion Dynamics have made fantastic strides in robotics manufacturing over the last decade, and their work in artificial intelligence is breathtaking. They created a self-regeneration core battery cell, which can theoretically last over 100 years without needing to recharge." Companion Dynamics? Wasn't that the sex doll company? What the hell did any of this have to do with Jack's current situ- Oh no, they hadn't?!

Doctor Franks' eyes lit up when he saw the light bulb go off in Jack's head as he finally pieced it together. "The Candi Doll v3 is Companion Dynamics' latest model. The doll is built with the finest bio-synthetic material; it truly feels like human skin." A sex doll? Those bastards had transferred his mind into a sex doll! Jack started rubbing his hands against the surface of his bare legs; he wasn't just going to sue their asses off; he was going to bury them six feet under.

"Now, you are probably wondering how it's possible that you are sitting there patiently without rudely interrupting me." Doctor Franks starts to get to the crux of Jack's anger. "These pleasure units are all fitted with state-of-the-art programmable software, which is what separates them from all other pleasure dolls on the market." Jack stared at the doctor in disbelief. How was he sitting here in a clinic recovery room listening to a doctor talk about the marvels of sex doll technology?

The doctor continued, "But don't worry. We have placed your mind in a specially designed Candi Doll unit, and all of that incredible programming will be blocked before you leave here." Doctor Franks let out a smile, a far more empathetic smile than Jack had seen previously. "So only the real Jack Thorne will be inside that pretty head, and in six months, you will be back in your familiar body."

In the grand scheme of things, six months really wasn't a long period of time, but no matter how reassuring the doctor attempted to sound, the idea of being trapped in the body of a sex doll for six months horrified Jack. If anything good were going to come out of this, it would be the life of comfort he would live after suing the New U Clinic for everything it's worth. "Now, Candi Doll, you can speak and freely move from now on but may not raise your voice."

As soon as the command took hold, Jack parted his lips, and an audible high-pitched sigh came out of his pretty plump lips. He immediately rose to his feet, the unfamiliar sensations of his new breasts on his chest almost causing him to topple forward. It was his turn to express to the doctor what he thought about this entire disaster.

"I am telling you right now. I am not leaving this clinic in this damn body. Find me a suitable replacement, or you will regret ever doing business with Mr Jack Thorpe!" He pressed his perfectly manicured forefinger against the doctor's chest as he ranted, but the muted inside voice he expressed his anger with made the entire scene appear incredibly comical.

"If you don't start moving that smug ass of yours and repair this situation, I am heading straight out of this clinic and to the press. Your reputation will be destroyed overnight." Jack calmly continued, frustrated that his furious demands were being spoken in his new muted, high-pitched, sensual voice.

Doctor Franks, for his part, didn't seem overly concerned by Jack's threats and paused with his arms folded. When Jack had finished his toned-down tirade, the doctor stepped up to the vanity table over to the side of the bed and picked up a clipboard containing various documents. He stepped back in front of a bemused Jack. "I apologize in advance for this, Mr Thorne." The doctor spoke solemnly, speaking again before Jack could question him. "Candi Doll, take this pen and clipboard and sign all three pages on the dotted line using your correct signature."

Jack's eyes widened, feeling his body take automatic control once again. As though he is a passenger in his body, he witnesses his dainty hands take the offered clipboard from Doctor Franks and sign each page without even acknowledging what is written on it. The doctor snatched the clipboard back immediately after Jack signed the final document. "What the fuck did I just sign?" Despite the highly feminine tone in his voice, the venom in which he spat out that last question showed that Jack Thorne was undoubtedly inside this sexy body.

"This is just our insurance, Mr Thorne." Doctor Franks started explaining. "The first document you signed permitted us to make drastic decisions on your behalf whenever there is an imminent threat to your life. The second document acknowledges that you understand the risks of signing up for this program. If your body is unavailable for transfer when needed, we can insert your mind into the next available vessel until your body is ready. The final and most important document promises that you will never publicly slander our company's good name, and doing so will allow us to seek damages of $1 billion."

Even though Jack had not been commanded to stay silent like he had before, his pretty pink lips couldn't find the will to utter a response. He had been royally screwed by the doctor and the clinic he worked for. He would be a complete joke if he ever made a trip to the office, and what the hell would his poker buddies say when they saw him for the first time?

"Now, Mr Thorne, there is only one thing left to do before your wife arrives to pick you up. We can't have you running around naked in public now, can we?" Jack was still too shell-shocked to respond to Doctor Franks's condescending comments, so the doctor continued. "There are some clothes for you to wear home in the bathroom just over there. I apologize in advance for the outfit. We only had the outfit the doll arrived in. Once you are fully dressed, I will have your command block in place. You won't have to worry about anyone accessing the doll's features.

Features? Jack didn't know much about these high-tech sex dolls. Why would he? He had a smoking hot wife at home. But how many features can a glorified sex toy really have? He really didn't want to see what was waiting for him in that bathroom, but anything would be better than the flawless naked frame he stood in. His choices had been taken from him, and he would have to face the music. With a deep sigh, he wordlessly trotted over to the bathroom door. Doctor Franks attempted to hide a smile as best he could, watching that perfect sex doll ass walking away from him.

A little over half an hour later, Doctor Franks was busy discussing essential details with Regina Thorne just as the bathroom door opened. Regina stopped mid-sentence, and an eery silence filled the room as the clothed sex doll walked back into the recovery room.

"Mrs Thorne," the doctor started. "I would like to reintroduce you to your husband, Mr Jack Thorne." Jack stepped forward, stumbling in the ridiculous shoes he was wearing, adding to his obvious embarrassment. Regina attempted to hide the amused look when staring at her husband for the first time in his temporary body, but Jack knew her too well to see behind her fake empathy.

Regina had gone to great lengths to ensure that she could continue living the luxurious lifestyle she was accustomed to, including giving in to most of Jack's perverse demands. Despite her intelligence and faded dreams, Jack had always considered her a trophy and did not attempt to hide that fact in front of his friends. Resentment had started to build for some time in Regina, and this was the perfect antidote she needed to see her husband brought down a peg or two. She knew that this was temporary, and she would have to play the game if she didn't want Jack throwing her out on her ass the moment he returned to his body, but she was going to secretly enjoy his torment.

Regina strode up to her husband, watching him tug on the hemline of his extremely short black leather skirt. He looked super uncomfortable, wearing a bright pink plunging button-up top that emphasized his modest chest and a leather miniskirt that only reached the middle of his thighs. His feet were encased in 4" bright pink stiletto pumps that he was undoubtedly having trouble standing in. He tried to lean forward and kiss his wife, but she halted him by pressing a finger to his lips.

"This is a lot to process, Jack. Let's get you home, and we find you some more comfortable clothes." Jack was alarmed by her sudden abruptness. Regina had never rejected a kiss from him before. He narrowed his eyes, looking straight into his wife's eyes, seeing the joy hidden behind them. He didn't even need to direct his eyes downward now, being much the same height as his wife. "Fuck, let's just go. I can't be around this damn place any longer!" Jack exclaimed.

Regina couldn't believe that her macho husband was concealed inside such a cute, feminine body, but his language, the inflection in his high-pitched voice, and the way his shoulders slouched, it was definitely Jack's mind inside that pretty head.

"I have briefed your wife on the next steps while you were changing, Mr Thorne. With the information pack I've given her, you will be able to receive a temporary ID, and there is a credit card inside that will allow you to buy yourself a new wardrobe. All part of the service." The doctor chimed in calmly as if this was just a run-of-the-mill occurrence. His smugness tempted Jack to punch him in the mouth, but he restrained himself.

"Come on, Regina. Let's go," Jack said dismissively, ignoring the doctor on his way out and summoning his wife to follow him.

"Thank you for saving my husband's life, doctor," Regina whispered, observing her husband awkwardly totter out of the recovery room. She smiled freely as she followed behind him.

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