The Candi Doll

Alternate Ending - A Happy Ending (For Some)

by BHFun

Tags: #cw:noncon #exhibitionism #humiliation #sexdoll #TG_Transformation #bondage #clothing #dom:male #growth #revenge #sub:female #sub:male #transformation #urban_fantasy

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This is one of two endings to this story. Please disregard chapter ten when reading this chapter.

Chapter Ten - A Happy Ending

Jack’s eyes gradually fluttered open. The beaming bright lights of the sterile medical recovery room forced the lawyer to filter in the light slowly. He noticed that he was lying on a wide medical recovery bed.

As the blurry definition of the room became sharper and his mind started to clear up, he shot upright in alarm. The final memories of his stepson putting him to sleep came flooding back, and Jack’s worst fears came to the forefront of his mind.

“Welcome back, Jack.” The lawyer turned his head and surprisingly found his beautiful redheaded stepdaughter, Emma, sitting beside him. His eyes immediately glanced down at his bare chest, and he was mightily relieved to see the huge mounds he had been carrying the last few months had disappeared.

“I’m back?” The relief of hearing his old, commanding voice overwhelmed him. He was no longer stuck inside a Candi Doll.

“You’re back,” Emma confirmed. “It’s over.”

After an awkward moment of silence, the pair hug in a warm embrace. Jack had no idea what had happened when he was knocked out, but his stepdaughter sitting beside him as he awoke told him that she had everything to do with it.

Peering over Emma’s shoulder, Jack raised an eyebrow as something caught his eye. In the corner of the room stood a tall human-sized doll box similar to the faux Barbie boxes that Jack was forced to ‘sleep’ in at the fraternity house.

Inside the box was the naked shape of a Candi Doll. She looked unfinished. Her breasts were almost nonexistent, the curvature of her waist was undefined, and there wasn’t a single strand of hair on the doll’s body. Curiously, the sex doll’s blue eyes were wide, and they darted around the room as if there was someone trapped inside. “Uhmm, Emma?” Jack asked.

The middle-aged lawyer didn’t need to speak further as Emma noticed where her stepfather was staring. “Ohh, yes, about that,” she said coyly. “I didn’t really have a choice.”

The pair seized their embrace, and Jack raised an eyebrow inquisitively. “When I came to check on you, I found you unconscious on the bed with Billy playing with his tablet device,” she started. “I knew I needed to stop it before it was too late, and I wrestled him to the ground.” Jack chuckled a little at her story. “I knew I had the little weakling subdued, but he wouldn’t stop wriggling and fighting me, so I kind of knocked him out.”

Jack slowly nodded. “Thank you,” he said, “Although that doesn’t explain that thing over there.” Jack had an idea where this conversation was heading, but he needed to make sure.

Emma looked over at the unfinished doll in her box. “Yea, well I kinda panicked when I saw him lying there on the floor. I didn’t know what he would do when he woke up. And then I found the empty shell Candi Doll over there. I accessed his tablet and found the doll was ready to transfer, so I kinda trapped his mind inside the doll.”

Emma was nervous and spoke coyly as if she wasn’t confident her stepfather would approve of her decisions. Jack chuckled and hugged the young redhead once more. “You did well, Emma. Now, tell me all you know. I need to know everything.” He said sternly.

The redhead nodded. “Yes, I will, Jack,” before grabbing the tablet on Jack’s bedside table and handing it to the newly cloned man. “But first, how about you finish off designing the doll?”

Jack took the tablet and grinned widely. He nodded and unlocked the tablet. ‘This was going to be fun,’ he thought as he went to work.

Back at the Thorne & Miller LLC offices, Jack confidently strode through the lobby, wearing his signature navy blue tailored suit. His redheaded stepdaughter matched him step for step beside him.

“Welcome back, Mr Thorne,” a well-built black security guard welcomed him. “I trust your vacation went well.” He scanned Jack’s ID badge.

Jack chuckled and straightened his tie. “It’s good to see you, Leroy. Yes, the trip was certainly eye-opening.” His comment prompted the redheaded beauty beside him to laugh.

Leroy glanced over at the well-dressed woman. “Are we allowing the enemy to visit today, Sir?” He asked Jack. He was referring to Emma’s job at the firm’s fiercest rival, Holloway & Rivers, and how Jack had always referred to her as ‘the enemy.’

Jack shook his head and smiled. “She’s not the enemy today, Leroy,” he corrected the security man. “We have some family business to attend to.”

Leroy nodded. “Very well, Sir. I’ll buzz you both in.” He confirmed before the pair heard a click and the door allowing them entry opened. He sighed deeply and straightened his tie one last time before he and his stepdaughter headed to the elevators.

The pair ascended to the top floor and walked along the executive corridor where the senior partners were housed. At the far end, they approached Jack’s office, but rather than entering the room, they knocked on the office door beside his own. This room belonged to his partner, David Miller.

Without waiting for a response, Jack entered the room and found his old friend and business partner tapping away on his computer behind the luxury oak desk. David glanced up and grinned as he watched the suited cloned man walk in.

“So, is it done?” He asked confidently. “Have you taken care of those loose ends?” He set his keyboard aside. David raised an eyebrow when he watched Jack’s stepdaughter follow him into the room. She was one of the loose ends David was talking about.

Jack chuckled and approached his business partner, placing an image on the table before him. David’s eyes widened as he was faced with a photo of his son, Connor Miller, unconscious, lying on a medical bed. “I’m still working on it, but it’s all coming together.”

“What..?” David started. “How? What have you done to my son?” His tone had immediately shifted from a joyous, jovial demeanor to a worried expression.

Emma laughed at the man’s comment, standing beside her stepfather. Jack glanced at the redhead and smirked. “Well, it turns out your macho son can’t even overpower a 100 lbs woman.” He teased.

As David opened his mouth to retort, Jack interrupted him by spreading several documents across the man’s desk. “You’re in a lot of trouble, David.” He warned. “You had a good thing going, but you fucked it all.”

The dark-haired lawyer picked up one document before glancing at the rest, his eyes bulging in horror. “How? Where did you get these?” He asked in a panic.

“Get what?” Jack responded nonchalantly. “Evidence of your illegal involvement with the New U Clinic?” He smiled. “Documents detailing payments between you and the New U CEO after my ‘accident’?”

David stuttered but couldn’t form a coherent response. “What do you think a jury will decide once they’ve been presented with all this evidence?”

“Although, I think the criminal justice system is the least of your worries,” Jack continued. His comment prompted David to raise an eyebrow quizzically. “The CEO of the New U Clinic has already been charged with several serious crimes.” Jack watched the color drain out of his business partner’s face. “As you know, he’s not a man you want to mess around. The last I heard, he had already placed a bounty on your head.”

“It looks like your future lies either in jail or the cemetery, David,” Jack really drove his point home. “You could try to outrun them, but eventually, you will end up in prison of six feet under.”

Jack and Emma looked back at each other, and Emma nodded to her stepfather. “However,” Jack placed a New U Clinic leaflet on the desk. “There is a way to hide your identity and live out the rest of your life without fear of retribution.” There was an awkward silence, but the manner in which the defeated man stared up at the former sex doll was all Jack needed to know. David would take the deal.

Halfway across town, Regina entered the salon for her routine monthly appointment. The middle-aged blond smiled at the receptionist as the young woman greeted her. “Hiya, Mrs Thorne. Take a seat at your usual station. Bella will be with you shortly.”

Regina nodded at the young bimbo and headed inside the empty salon. Golden Locks was an upmarket, exclusive business. They usually only had one or two appointments a day, but the price they charged kept them afloat. Regina could have never dreamed of booking a session here before she met Jack, but now she indulges in monthly sessions.

The blond sat in the comfortable salon chair and waited for her beautician to arrive. “Girl, has it been a month already?” Regina heard the pretty raven-black-haired Bella approach her from behind. Bella wasn’t your stereotypical high-end beauty specialist. With her jet-black hair and heavily tattooed arms and chest, she looked like she’d be more suited to fronting a heavy metal band than plumping up a wealthy trophy wife’s lips. However, her skills were second to none.

“Yes, Bella. Just the usual will do,” she said flatly. Regina enjoyed being pampered by an army of lesser women. Still, she disapproved of the bimbo small talk and cut it off whenever possible.

The gothic woman circled Regina slowly and methodically as if assessing the needed work. “Okay, I got it,” Bella said, placing her fingertips against Regina’s temple and gently massaging the side of her skull. The wealthy blond relaxed and put her arms on the armrest of the salon chair.

Suddenly, leather straps withdrew from the armrests and tightly wrapped themselves around Regina’s wrists, pulling them taut. The blond’s eyes widened. “What is the meaning of this?!” she exclaimed and attempted to wrestle her wrists free. “What sick game are you playing?” Regina was angry.

“Bella?!…” Regina cried out before she was interrupted.

“Shut up, slut.” Snapped back the gothic stylist. “I know all about you.”

Regina was gobsmacked. She had no idea what the crazed woman was talking about. The clacking of high-heeled steps echoed throughout the room as the black-haired woman and her colleagues left the building.

Before she could scream, Regina heard a set of very different footsteps enter the salon and begin to approach her. Tilting her head towards the door, the woman gasped as she watched her husband step closer. This wasn’t the redheaded sex doll version of her husband; this was the real deal. How was that possible? “Hello there, Regina. Surprised to see me?” Jack taunted her. “You’ve been a bad girl.”

“Jack? Is that you?” She asked. Her worried expression turned into a wide smile. “Babe, I’m so happy to see you. I finally have my Jack back.” However, Jack knew his wife long enough to know when she was putting on an act. She just wasn’t a great actress.

“Ohh, you’re happy to see me?” He teased.

“O- of course,” Regina stammered. “This is all I’ve ever wanted. I just wanted my Jack ba-mmphhh!” Her eyes widened as Jack pushed a giant pink ball gag between her lips and wedged them between Regina’s teeth. He efficiently secured the buckle behind her head.

“I think that’s enough lies from you, babe,” Jack said. “It’s time to let me speak.”

The lawyer folded his arms and enjoyed the sight of his wife thrashing about in the pink salon chair, attempting to loosen the secured straps or helplessly push the gag out with her tongue. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out, Regina?” He asked her rhetorically.

“You are married to one of the finest lawyers in the city, and your daughter isn’t so bad at her job, either. Did you really think you’d get away with this?”

Regina’s eyes widened at the mention of her daughter. “Mmrpphhh!” She tried to plead helplessly.

“I know everything, babe,” he grinned, leaning forward so she couldn’t avoid his face. “I know how you orchestrated the accident that destroyed my original body. I know how you signed those papers authorizing the use of experimental procedures,” he paused momentarily. “I know how you conspired with my business partner to take my entire fortune as he ran away with the business I built.”

“Unfortunately,” he smiled. “Neither of you are as smart as you thought you were.” Jack pulled out a large brown envelope. “I have the evidence right here. There is enough evidence to put you away for life. I’m not sure how you’d handle prison,” he teased. “The food isn’t great, and I don’t think orange is your color.”

Regina bit into the gag. She was terrified about what her future now held. “Of course, I can hide away these documents for you if you like,” his comment prompted the blond to nod her head wildly without hearing the stipulation.

Jack laughed. “Not so fast,” he warned her. “If I’m going to help you avoid justice, you’re going to be a good girl and do exactly what you’re told, aren’t you?” The graying-haired lawyer cupped his younger wife’s chin. There was still fire in her eyes, and he could see the hatred burn through them, but reluctantly, the gagged woman nodded her head.

Jack’s grin turned wider. “Good girl,” he said patronizingly. He reached back and unclasped the buckle behind her head, allowing the huge gag to pop out. The lawyer clicked his fingers. “You can return now, girls.” He shouts out.

The employees filtered back inside the building, and Bella stepped up towards Jack. The former sex doll slipped the stylist a wad of bills and a list of instructions. “I want you to complete everything on that list,” he ordered, and the stylist nodded with a sinister smile.

Jack was satisfied and left the salon without looking back at his backstabbing wife. Bella rubbed her hands together and approached the bound blond. “No, Jack, please. I’m sorry..” The lawyer could hear his wife desperately plead as he exited the building. It felt good to reclaim his power.

One Month Later

Jack entered the Platinum Dollz gentlemen’s club with a great sense of anticipation. He led a small group of junior partners into the club, each of them with a shit-eating grin on their faces.

It had been a tumultuous period of change at Thorne & Miller LLC since one of the named partners, David Miller, disappeared without a trace on the back of a warrant for his arrest. Jack tried his best to steer the corporate ship through these rough seas and decided to bring some of the partners to the club for some quality bonding time.

“This is a company expense, boys,” Jack declared. “So nothing is off-limits. Go have a little fun.” The four men accompanying him clapped and cheered in jubilation.

Jack’s eyes fell onto the pair of blonds on the main stage, and he stepped closer to get a better view. The busty women looked identical. They both barely looked older than twenty, but each of them seemingly had every cosmetic procedure known to man.

Their hair was platinum blond, big and wavy, and flowing freely down their backs, stopping just above their ass. Both women had big blue eyes, with the thinnest dark high arching eyebrows. They had a small button nose and plump, permanently glossed, enticing lips.

The G cup basketballs on their chest entirely defied gravity and looked extreme against their nubile athletic bodies. They had pert heart-shaped asses, and their smooth legs appeared to travel a mile until they culminated in their high-heeled feet.

The pair were dressed in white and red latex nurse outfits, with the inbuilt corset resting just beneath their mammoth tits. Their bare breasts had red tape in the pattern of a cross taped over their nipples to maintain some sense of modesty.

The busty twins were sharing a single pole, performing a show for the smattering of early evening patrons already sat watching them. They looked exactly alike, the only difference being the names displayed on the red chokers around their necks. One dancer was called Destiny, and the other was named Charity.

No one seemed to notice that both women were actually highly advanced Companion Dynamics Candi Dolls. A proximity feature ensured the women were never further than 10 feet from each other, meaning they were always advertised as a pair.

“What do you think?” One of Jack’s junior partners stood beside him. “How about we take those two to a private room and enjoy them as a group?” Jack laughed at the man’s suggestion.

Jack patted his colleague on the back. “Knock yourself out,” he encouraged the man. “However, I have my sights set on someone else.” Jack winked before taking his leave. Destiny watched the suited lawyer stride past the stage and seemed to recognize him. Unable to call out, she tried to plead with him with her big blue eyes as her companion ran her tongue along her neck. Jack smiled wider but never stopped to acknowledge the dancer. He had other matters to attend to.

One of the scantily clad cocktail waitresses led Jack to a private room and sat him down. “Just wait here, Mr Thorne,” she said sweetly. “Your purchase will be with you shortly.” Jack smiled and nodded, watching the auburn-haired woman leave the curtained area, enjoying the way her g-string emphasized the curve of her asscheeks.

Jack relaxed against the backrest of the comfortable red sofa and enjoyed the moment of tranquility. It had been a long month putting all the pieces for his revenge together, and tonight was the first time he could see his efforts bear fruits. Everyone who wronged him would pay for their indiscretions in the worst way.

Two minutes later, the curtain ruffled, and Jack grinned widely. A ridiculous pink-haired bimbo tottered into the room. She was the epitome of a designed bimbo. Long, straight, unnaturally bright pink hair framed her face. She had cartoonish big blue eyes, with thick pink eyebrows. She had a cute, tiny button nose matched with bright pink lips so large they dominated the lower half of her face. Her upper cupid-bow lip almost brushed against her nose, forming a permanent confused pout. She wore tacky pink plastic hoop earrings and a cute barbell piercing in her tongue.

She wore a candy pink string bikini, which helped to display the F-cup melons on her chest, obviously fake and filled with plastic, with her taut nipples protruding through the bikini top. A sexy silver barbell piercing in the woman’s navel drew attention to her wasp-like waist, and a candy pink high-rising string bikini thong barely covered her hairless pussy. The Platinum Dollz logo was tattooed just above her bare mound, marking her as the club’s property.

The bimbo’s ass was almost as exaggerated as her fake tits and pink thigh-high fishnet stockings decorated her slim, long legs. A pair of 8” patent pink platform stripper heels clung to her feet to complete the look.

“Hiya, Master,” the woman said with a fake valley girl accent. How would you like Bambi to serve y-?” Her big blue eyes widened further as she noticed the man sitting before her. She brought her long, perfectly pink, manicured hand to her mouth.

“Hello, Billy,” Jack replied with satisfaction. “You’ve turned out great.”

“You better get started,” the lawyer commanded, and Billy couldn’t stop himself from approaching his stepfather and pressing his new bimbo body against the masculine cloned physique. “How have you found your new career?”

Billy had spent the last two weeks acting like the perfect eager bimbo he presented himself as. However, as he danced for his hated stepdad, he found that he could strangely say what he was thinking, albeit in a sweet bimbo accent. “This is torture. You can’t do this to me. Just, like, change me back!” he pleaded sweetly as he danced on Jack’s lap.

“Ohh, but I’ve heard great things about your enthusiasm here,” Jack teased.

Billy shuddered. He had been the most popular attraction at Platinum Dollz since he left the clinic two weeks ago, partly due to his enthusiastic and pleasing attitude. “You can’t leave me like this, Master. It’s cruel and not fair!” He whined. Billy was conditioned to refer to all men as ‘Sir’ or ‘Master.’

“It’s not fair, Billy?” Jack laughed. “I think you’ve forgotten what you subjected me to back in Florida. Do you think that was fair?” Billy didn’t respond. The pink-haired bimbo automatically removed her string bikini top to reveal the huge tits with each nipple pierced. “What you did to me would have broken a lesser man,” Jack continued to enjoy the reversed fortunes.

“But let’s pretend Florida never happened.” He continued cryptically. “Let’s go back to that clinic when you rendered me unconscious. If Emma had never interrupted and foiled your plan, what did you have in store for me?” He grabbed Billy’s newly enhanced tits and groped them happily after being manhandled so many times himself when he was trapped in the love doll body.

“I’m serious,” Billy pleaded. “I only planned to permanently trap you as a Candi Doll as retribution for all the ways you belittled me growing up.” The pink-haired doll gasped. “No, what I meant was that I also wanted to trap my bitchy sister inside the body of a sex doll. She always treated me as lesser, and I wanted to control her…” Billy placed his feminine hand over his mouth. He couldn’t stop telling the truth, no matter how hard he tried.

“Mmm,” Jack moaned as he squeezed the doll’s bare tits together. “I guess I would call this karmic justice, don’t you think?” He asked Billy, but the stripper never responded. “Anyway, this isn’t all I paid for,” he said, fishing out his cock from his suit pants. “Time to get on your knees and show off your skills.”

The candy-pink-haired bimbo slipped her topless body off the lawyer’s lap and knelt between his legs. Billy ran his pierced tongue along his over-inflated, shiny pink lips before wrapping them around Jack’s balls. Jack was always proud of his member, but this new and improved body gave him a cock that would make every man jealous. He grabbed the bimbo doll by the hair and ‘helped’ her to wrap her plush lips around his impressive 9” rigid member.

“Mmm, fuck. Those lips!” Jack exclaimed, guiding his cock further down the bimbo’s throat. Billy no longer had a gag reflex, and his throat immediately tightened around whatever shaft was inside him, no matter the size.

“You know,” Jack remarked casually. “I saw David and Connor performing on stage as I walked in.” Billy raised a pink eyebrow at the mention of his co-conspirators, but he never stopped servicing the dick. “I think they’re going to be popular.” He chuckled moments before his cock began to twitch. Billy’s programmed cocksucking skills had brought Jack to the edge of orgasm in record-fast time, and it wasn’t long before he started shooting his load down the new doll’s throat.

After Jack finished, he patted the bimbo on the head before readjusting himself. “Well worth the price,” he commented. “You’ll be making your new owners a lot of money, seeing as you’ll never age. You are a doll, after all.” Jack laughed as Billy’s eyes widened; the thought of a lifetime sucking cock had dawned on him. “I’ll be visiting again, Bambi. Thanks for the show.” The powerful lawyer stood, grinning at the kneeling helpless love doll, and left the room to find his colleagues.

The following day, Jack had gathered the partners inside the boardroom ahead of an extremely important meeting. “Thank you, Gentlemen, for joining me.” He started the meeting wearing a traditional tailored navy blue suit and tie.

“As you are aware, David Miller has been charged in absentia with several federal crimes, and I have made the difficult decision to remove his name from the company and terminate his employment.” He spoke with a professional baritone.

There was a murmur of chatter among the partners, but they had expected this decision. The question was, who was going to replace him?

“I have had to make several difficult decisions over the last few weeks, none more so than the one I am about to make,” Jack continued. The law head paused momentarily as the meeting room door opened.

Jack smiled at the image of the woman who stepped through the doorway. “Excuse me, Sir,” she said. While her words were reverent and submissive, her tone was of reluctance and begrudgement. “I have the files you requested.”

“Ahh, good, come on in,” Jack replied. “Gentlemen, I believe you have all met my wife and new secretary, Regina.” There was a collective gasp. The partners had met Regina before, but she didn’t look anything like the blond bimbo she resembled now.

Her blond hair had been lightened to the extent that it was almost white. She had received so much Botox that her face looked frozen in a permanently pouting position. Speaking of pouting, her bright red lips were plumped to an extreme degree. Jack insisted on lip implants to prevent their size from ever shrinking.

Regina wore red hoop earrings and a leather red choker around her neck. Her tits had received a considerable enhancement and boob lift. They looked inviting tucked away in the low-cut white corsetted blouse. Her high waist red latex pencil skirt and 6” patent red strappy high heels complemented the outfit. Regina had her tendons shortened to help her walk in such extreme heels. The downside was that she always needed heels to walk nowadays.

She approached her husband and boss and placed the file on the glass table before him. Jack openly smacked the blond on her latex-clad rear, eliciting a yelp from her fat, red lips. Regina glared back at her husband. She wanted to slap him across the face, but he still had that incriminating evidence locked away in his safe. Until she found a way to access the safe and destroy the documents, she knew she had to obey her empowered husband.

To the partners’ disapproval, Regina tottered out of the room and went back to work. As she strode past them, they all enjoyed the shape of her silhouette.

“Right, back to the topic in hand,” Jack returned their attention. “As I was saying, David Miller’s name will no longer be shown on our building again. That leaves to me the task of finding a new name partner.” Suddenly, the room was abuzz with anticipation. Everyone in the room believed they had a shot at becoming the new joint head of the firm.

“This candidate has shown tremendous intellect and a sharp legal mind over the last few months. I don’t believe there is a man in this office, including myself, who can match their legal knowledge.” The room was excited. “Without further ado, I’d like to announce our new named partner, my daughter, Emma Thorne!”

There was a collective gasp at the announcement, and the meeting room door opened once again. This time, a beautiful redheaded woman wearing a shapely navy blue tailored suit, similar to the tone of her stepfather’s, stepped into the room.

Contrary to the bimbo that preceded her, Emma had modest C-cup breasts entirely covered by her blouse. She looked sharp and sophisticated. Jack had introduced her as his daughter, and the last few weeks made that official. She had changed her last name to match his and had the lawyer legally recognized as her dad. She had never felt closer to Jack; he had just rewarded her with the biggest of promotions.

“Emma has the smarts and determination required to succeed,” as Jack spoke, it was clear his decision wasn’t entirely welcomed. “However, some of you may struggle to have a strong, young woman as your new boss. If so, I suggest you leave the room now.” Jack made his position known loud and clear.

There was an awkward pause for an extended period, but no one stood up and walked away. Emma placed her hands on the meeting room table. “Well, Gentlemen. Shall we get started, then?” The redhead smiled at her father, and he nodded. Thorne & Thorne LLC was open for business, and everything was exactly how it should be.

The End.


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