The Candi Doll

A (Not So) Happy Ending

by BHFun

Tags: #cw:noncon #exhibitionism #humiliation #sexdoll #TG_Transformation #bondage #clothing #dom:male #growth #revenge #sub:female #sub:male #transformation #urban_fantasy

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This is one of two endings to this story.

Chapter Ten - A (Not So) Happy Ending

Jack’s eyes gradually fluttered open. The beaming bright lights of the sterile medical recovery room forced the lawyer to filter in the light slowly. He noticed that he was strangely in an upright position, and a shadowy figure stood opposite him.

As the shape of the man’s silhouette became clearer and sharper, Jack formed an internal sigh of relief when he found his own rugged face grinning back at him. They had done it; they had cloned and returned him to his rightful body, he thought.

He stared at his naked form before him. The facial resemblance was uncanny, although they had taken liberties with his physique. He had a chiseled, well-defined six-pack, and despite the cock on his original body being impressive enough, his new cock was thick and longer by at least two inches. Strangely, he was utterly erect despite feeling nothing below his neck.

“How are you feeling, Candi?” Jack’s elated joy immediately turned to bemused despair when he watched his mirror image speak without any input from his own mouth. The doppelganger’s grin grew wider before he clicked his fingers, and Jack suddenly felt the breeze on his naked body. Although he couldn’t move his head, the weight on his chest was unmistakable.

Jack attempted to step forward, to clench his fists, to move his head, but he was frozen in place. He couldn’t even close his eyes, only forced to stare helplessly ahead. His cloned body admired Jack for a moment before stepping out of sight. Jack’s eyes couldn’t follow his body without moving his head. He now notices the light-colored hair flowing down the side of his face.

Jack’s body spoke out of sight. “Our meticulous plan almost failed,” it felt surreal hearing his perfectly mimicked voice speak back at him. It was almost as if he were listening to a sound recording. But ultimately, it turned out better than we could have ever dreamed of. I can’t wait to show you the results.”

Jack’s cloned body stepped back into sight, wearing a perfectly tailored navy blue business suit. Jack recognized it as a suit he had received from his wife last Christmas. That bastard had been inside his house! “As you can see,” the man smugly spoke. “I am Jack Thorne, and you are Candi Cane, back in your rightful form, with some minor alterations.”

Jack’s clone disappeared from sight again and left the man seething. Had an impostor stolen his cloned body? Did he intend to steal Jack’s life and everything he had earned? Over his dead body! Jack shuddered; perhaps that was a poor turn of phrase in the current situation.

The lawyer’s former body rolled a large golden framed full-length mirror in front of the frozen man, and what he saw horrified him. Jack was unable to look away at the bimbo gazing back at him. Candi had definitely returned, but not the cute C-cup redhead he entered the clinic as. He was the blond slut his stepson had created back in Florida.

The long, platinum-blond hair had returned, sitting loosely atop his head. He had the wasp-thin waist and wide hips from before, and his feet were naturally arched, perching him on his toes.

There were some noticeable differences, however. The bimbo’s blue eyes were larger and more expressive. Her eyebrows were more highly arched, giving her a perpetual surprised expression. She strangely had a pair of black thick-rimmed glasses resting on her nose.

Candi’s lips were immensely thick and permanently pouting; the slight O shape in her natural expression perpetuated her confused appearance. Candi’s breasts were huge, at least two cup sizes larger than the bimbo had in Florida, and they defied gravity in a spherical beach ball appearance high on her chest. They must have been H cups. Jack was surprised he couldn’t see them in his peripheral vision.

There wasn’t a hair on the sex doll’s body below the eyebrows, and a new feature was present just above her perfectly shaped pussy. The doll had a circular tattoo on her bare pubic mound with the words ‘Office Use Only’ displayed. It gave the illusion that the tattoo was pressed into her skin with a stamp.

As Jack unwillingly gazed at his overtly sexualized sex doll physique, his former body rolled a matching gold-trimmed full-length mirror behind the blond, allowing the lawyer to stare at his new form from behind also.

His bright blond hair rolled down towards his midback. He could see the curvature of his gigantic tits from behind, the body flawlessly forming an hourglass shape; his wide bubble butt completed the set.

The centerpiece of the bimbo’s behind was the fresh tattoo on the small of her back, just below the loose trimmings of her blond hair. Directly above her ass, Jack’s circular company logo was printed, with the words ‘Property Of Jack Thorne’ written around it. He was owned by himself? Suddenly, Jack shuddered. Staring at his former face in the mirror behind him, he began to understand the ramifications of that tattoo.

The impostor inside Jack’s cloned body rolled the mirrors away, saving Jack from the horror of studying his new fate. Once the man returned, he stood before the frozen sex doll and tapped away on his phone. There was an ominous beep, and Jack felt something shift inside his brain. ‘Secretary mode activated and locked.’ His lips moved, and he spoke without any input from himself. The doll’s voice was even more ditzy and airheaded than before. No one would take a woman like this seriously; she was the epitome of sexuality.

Jack felt the control return to his feminized body. He could walk again. Tiptoeing towards his former body, the lawyer opened his plump pink lips and spoke. He wanted to demand who this man was and ask how he stole his body. However, the words that escaped her lips were anything but demands. “Sir, may Candi please ask you a question?”

Jack gasped and clenched his fists, only to be stabbed by the long nails protruding from his feminine fingers. There was no malice or urgency in the question. The voice sweetly asked for permission, and Jack found himself unable to speak until the impostor gave him a response. He was horrified at how he found himself speaking in the third person so naturally.

The man possessing Jack’s cloned body folded his arms and chuckled. He was clearly pleased with Jack’s new programming. “You may, Candi,” he replied to the sex doll.

Jack had been permitted to speak, and he wasn’t going to waste it. He had a million questions darting through his mind and needed answers for them all. “Like, who are you, Sir?” He asked sweetly. His big blue eyes widened. Jack’s permanently surprised expression somehow portrayed even more bemusement.

The man paused momentarily, taking in the awkward silence before unfolding his arms and casually pacing back and forth. “Well, that is the million-dollar question, isn’t it, Candi?” He asked rhetorically. “Who the hell am I if I am not the real Jack Thorne?”

Jack stood impatiently, barely even noticing how he was displaying his sex doll body so lewdly, proudly jutting his heavy chest forward as he waited for an answer. “We’ve met before. We’ve met several times, actually,” the man said cryptically. “I’ve even had that pretty mouth sucking my cock.” Jack groaned in humiliation, that didn’t exactly narrow it down.

“But I’ll give you a clue,” the impostor continued as he halted his pacing and grinned at the short sex doll before him. “We met in that Platinum Dollz strip club across from the airport. I’m the President of Alpha Kappa Rho.”

Jack’s doe-like eyes widened again, “Connor?” He sweetly asked. Now that Connor had revealed himself, Jack could see it. He was wearing Jack’s face and his new, improved cloned body, but his stature and demeanor were distinctly Connor’s.

“Bingo!” he laughed. “Surprised?” Surprised was an understatement. Jack was fuming, although his body didn’t seem to know how to convey it properly. “I’m sure you have plenty of questions. Don’t worry, princess. All will be revealed,” Connor taunted the feminized man. “However, I need to show you a few things first for it all to make sense. Your clothes are on the bed. Get dressed and meet me outside.”

Jack shook his pretty blond head but replied, “Yes, Sir.” His response was quiet and submissive, showing reverence to the young man who stole his body. None of this made sense to Jack. Billy must have had something to do with it; he told Jack he had no choice before everything went dark. What was going on?

Nonetheless, Connor had given him a command, and Jack’s new body needed to comply. He turned to the outfit on the bed as the new Jack watched for a moment, enjoying the sight of Candi’s bimbo body before he left the blond in the room alone, waiting outside.

Jack tottered on his 5” patent pink stiletto pumps closely behind his former body as they strode through the lobby of Jack’s law firm.

“Welcome back, Mr Thorne,” a large, well-dressed black man said as Jack and his impostor walked past. The security guard knew Jack well, and yet he never even made contact with the lawyer’s eyes inside his new sexualized body. “I trust you enjoyed your vacation?” He continued to address the man wearing Jack’s face.

Jack simply nodded, and the large security man glanced down at Jack’s heaving tits as he trailed behind. It was challenging to keep up in those heels, but that wasn’t the only hindrance. The sex doll wore a glossy white satin blouse that tapered in at the waist and had several buttons missing at the top, forcing the bimbo to expose half of her tits to everyone. The top stopped short at the belly button, revealing the humiliating tattoo on her lower back.

A candy-pink PVC knee-length pencil skirt covered the bimbo’s ass and legs but did everything to emphasize her assets. A cute pink g-string poked just above the waist trim of her skirt. She wore numerous tacky pink plastic bracelets on her left wrist, matching the large pink hoops in her ears and the PVC choker around her neck.

Connor led Jack up to the junior executive floor and walked towards a corner office at the far end of the building. Several men in the bullpen stopped whatever important call they were making to admire and stare at the cartoonish woman nervously tottering across the floor.

Approaching the corner office door, the sex doll froze in place. Jack gasped at the nameplate on the wooden door: William Jones - Junior Partner. Connor noticed the horrified look on the dumb bimbo’s face and laughed. “Yes, I know,” he said. “I was never a fan of Billy either. If it were up to me, we would have taken care of him. However, my father was insistent that we reward the dumbass for his role in all of this, so here we are.” Connor’s father? What did he have to do with this?

Jack saw his stepson the moment he entered the young man’s new office. However, what struck his attention more intensely was the image of a woman with bright red wavy hair on her knees between Billy’s legs, bobbing her head on his crotch.

The woman wore the same white blouse and pencil skirt Jack was wearing, but her skirt was a fiery red, along with her tall heels. Jack shuddered when his eyes gazed at the woman’s lower back to find an identical company logo tattoo he had seen on himself. Only this tattoo had the words ‘Property of William Jones’ written across the edge. What was going on?

“Ahh, it’s good to see you again, Candi,” Billy teased, looking up at the pair entering his office. “I hope the boss has been giving you a good tour,” he laughed to himself. “Anyway, I’d like to introduce you to Ruby.”

The redhead popped her head up from Billy’s crotch and glanced back at Jack and Connor. Her lips were almost as large as Candi’s and painted a shocking bright red. Her face was heavily made up, and her skin was smooth and flawless. Despite the obvious enhancements, Jack immediately noticed the face. “Emma?” He cooed out in his sweet valley girl accent.

“I didn’t tell you to stop, Ruby,” Billy commanded.

“Yes, Sir,” Whereas Jack’s voice had been entirely altered, Emma sounded just like her old self. She wrapped her enhanced lips around her brother’s cock again and began bobbing on his crotch.

Jack was seething. What had they done to his stepdaughter? He may have treated her harshly in the past, but she was the only one to help him when he needed it most, and she had a brilliant, sharp mind. None of this made sense to the transformed sex doll.

“I see you recognize your former stepdaughter,” Connor confirmed Jack’s fears. “She was never meant to be part of all this. However, the little bitch tried to ruin everything at the last minute.”

Jack stared in bemusement at the redhead sucking his stepson’s dick. That couldn’t be Emma. “After Billy put you to sleep, Emma tried to stop it. She put up a good fight and had Billy dead to rights. This twerp couldn’t even overpower his own sister.” Billy shrank in his seat a little as Connor laughed. “It wasn’t until I stepped in the room and injected her with a knockout formula that we had things back under control.”

Jack turned his head towards Connor wearing his face. Hearing these dreadful words being casually spoken by his former voice was surreal. “Anyway, we needed to think fast and tie up any loose ends, so Billy ended up transferring Emma into the body of a Candi Doll.” Billy grinned at Connor’s words and placed his hand on the back of the redhead’s head.

“Billy could have altered his sister’s appearance any way he wanted to,” Connor continued. “But for some unknown perverse reason, he chose to have her resemble her old form, with a few alterations.” Jack shuddered, and his mind reeled. What was the meaning of all this? There was something he was missing.

“This son of a bitch wanted to put the sex doll to work on the streets,” Connor brushed his chin as he continued explaining. “However, my father put a stop to that.” Candi’s eyebrow arched quizzically. There he was, mentioning his father again. What does his dad have to do with any of this? “He said she had a brilliant legal mind, and it would come in useful someday. He permitted Billy to take her on as his personal paralegal. Most of her intelligence is locked away inside that sex doll body, but it can be resurfaced when the time is right.” Jack couldn’t think of a more cruel fate for his stepdaughter. She had ten times the legal knowledge of her lazy brother, and now all that was trapped away, and she was forced to work for him. In some ways, Jack thought working the streets may have been a preferable fate.

“How are you getting on with those merger files? I need them asap,” Connor took on a more serious tone when he addressed Billy. It was a tone Jack was more used to hearing from his mouth.

“Ugh,” Billy said, pushing Ruby’s head to the base of his cock. “I’ll have them in your office by the end of the day, Sir.” Billy sounded nervous, as though he needed to impress his new boss.

Connor cracked a smile. “Good.” He opened the door and moved aside for Jack to walk through. “Come, Candi. There is one more surprise I need to show you.” Jack reluctantly tottered behind his old body. He wasn’t sure he could handle any more surprises.

Connor had driven the feminized Jack to the Diamond Club. A private members club he knew all too well. He was one of the founding members. Most of the patrons were far wealthier than Jack, but his suave attitude and smooth talking opened the right doors for him. He definitely didn’t want those patrons seeing him looking like this.

With no alternative, he followed the sharply dressed Connor into the club. Connor registered Jack as a guest before they entered and approached a group of men in the main bar area. Jack recognized every man in the group, but chief among them was David Miller, his named partner. David beamed a smile towards Jack. The last time David saw him in this form, Jack’s breasts were being fondled and massaged by an important client in order to save a deal in his absence.

“Well, hello there,” David casually welcomed the pair. “Jessi, wasn’t it?” He grinned.

“Actually,” Connor interrupted. “It’s Candi. My new secretary.”

The conversation went over Jack’s blond head as he focused on the scantily-clad woman sullenly sitting on his named partner’s lap. Jack’s wife, Regina, was wearing nothing but a provocative semi-transparent latex bikini and a pair of silver 7” stiletto platform stripper heels. Her breasts were unmistakably enhanced at least four sizes above their previous DD cup. Her nipples were covered under the see-through material with silver star-shaped pasties. Her face was more heavily made up than Jack had ever seen it, with intricate eye makeup and slutty glittery red lips.

Regina had continually ‘enhanced’ herself in the pursuit of status and to cling to her youthful looks. Still, the way she looked today was anything but classy. Regina looked like a cheap whore. The expression on Jack’s wife’s face told him that she would rather be anywhere else than here.

“You look a little surprised, Jack,” David said. As David’s eyes rested on his sex doll body, Jack’s mind reeled. David knew he was in this body, which meant he knew he didn’t occupy his cloned body. How was he involved, and why was Jack’s wife sat on his lap?

Jack had so many questions and finally parted his plump lips to demand answers. Only, the question he asked wasn’t what he intended. “Can Candi please ask a question, Sir?” Jack turned his head and asked Connor sweetly. Why couldn’t he say what he wanted? What had those bastards done to him?

Connor laughed and shook his head. “Not this time, Candi,” he answered. Connor sat, and the remaining men stood up and left to give them some privacy. Jack’s impostor clicked his fingers and pointed to the floor beside him. “Take a seat, and let us explain.”

Jack wanted to scream at the pair. He wanted to demand answers and demand they give him his body back, but for all his attempts, he couldn’t will himself to speak. He hadn’t been given permission. Shuddering, he found himself tottering towards his new ‘boss’ and dropped demurely to his knees, kneeling beside Connor.

“She’s quite an obedient one,” David commented jovially.

“Yes, she is, Dad,” Connor replied. “She’s the perfect secretary.”

Jack’s eyes widened, and he glanced between the two men. Connor had called David’ dad,’ and then it all clicked inside the sex doll’s head. How had he not put the pieces together? Jack had first met Connor when the fraternity president was 6 years old, but he hadn’t seen the boy in over ten years. He was Connor Miller, David’s son.

“You’re probably wondering why your sweet upgraded wife is sitting on my lap,” David addressed Jack. Jack narrowed his eyes towards his partner. After what had happened to his stepdaughter, he had a pretty good idea. “However, it’s not what you think.” David laughed before wrapping his arm around Regina and squeezing her barely covered left breast. “You see, Regina here is the architect of your downfall.”

Jack’s bright blue eyes narrowed, and he noticed his wife’s head drop. What had she done?

“You couldn’t satisfy her, Jack,” David laughed, giving the scantily clad middle-aged woman’s tit another squeeze. “Regina wanted out of the marriage but knew she would lose everything in a divorce. You are a lawyer, after all.” Jack stared at Regina, but she refused to look back at him. The guilt on her face was all he needed to see to know the truth.

“She came to see me one day and gave me an enticing offer. If I were to help her remove you from the picture, I would retain 100% control of the company, and she would receive 100% of your fortune.” Jack shuddered; this sounded like some poorly planned out plot of a smutty fetish novel. “I helped the son of the New U Clinic’s CEO out of a real sticky spot, and the main man owed me a big favor. Regina engineered your little car accident and gave the clinic clear instructions to do whatever it took to save your life. I took it from there.”

Jack was crestfallen. His partner and wife had conspired to eliminate him for what? Power and riches? Why hadn’t they just left him to die in that accident? “I’m sure you’re wondering why we went to all this trouble rather than letting you die in that shitty sports car of yours?” David grinned as though he was reading Jack’s mind. “It would have been too suspicious if we claimed everything you owned months after you died. We didn’t want a murder case coming back to haunt us, so here we are.”

Regina fidgeted uncomfortably on David’s lap; she wasn’t enjoying the story. “Unfortunately, Regina got greedy.” Jack’s named partner slipped his other hand along Regina’s bare stomach and rested on her barely covered pussy. “She wasn’t too pleased about her daughter becoming collateral damage and thought she could blackmail me into relinquishing Emma and giving up control of the firm.”

David laughed sadistically. “She seemed to forget that I was a pretty successful lawyer.” He grinned at Regina, but she kept her eyes cast downward. “I had kept receipts. I had proof that she was involved in your accident and that she gave permission to place you in that body. If anyone was going down for a long, long time, it was Regina here.”

“But we eventually came to a compromise,” Jack’s partner teased, rubbing his hand along the blond’s covered pussy, prompting a moan from her glittery mouth. “I would hide away any evidence of wrongdoing, and Regina would become my new trophy girlfriend.” His hand moved away from the woman’s crotch, and he cupped her other breast, squeezing them together. “Unfortunately, her assets were too small for my liking, but Regina was more than happy to get them fixed. Isn’t that right, princess?” He gave her tits another squeeze, and Regina moaned out softly.

Jack fidgeted on his knees. It didn’t matter what Regina had done; the thought of another man fondling his wife’s breasts angered the feminized man. However, he hadn’t been permitted to speak, so David continued.

“Unlike you, I wasn’t prepared to have some unemployed bitch sucking up my resources,” David taunted. “If Regina were to become my girlfriend, she would need to pay her own way.” His laugh was accompanied by Connor’s. “Luckily for her, I found her a job at a high-end strip club downtown. She’s heading there tonight, in fact.”

Now the getup made sense. Jack’s partner had turned his wife into a trashy stripper just because he could. Jack was furious. He looked up at his cloned body and sweetly asked. “May Candi speak, Sir?”

Connor patted the sex doll on her blond head. “You may.” He responded.

“You have to stop this right now, Sir!” Jack exclaimed in his sugary bimbo tone. “Candi will go to the police. You can’t just take Candi’s life!”

Both men laughed at Jack’s petulant attempts at resistance. “Ohh, really?” David asked. “Tell me, Candi. What’s your real name?”

Jack raised an eyebrow. He knew what answer he was going to give before he said it. “Candi’s name is Candi, Sir!” He groaned. “No, Her name is Candi!” He couldn’t verbalize his old name no matter how hard he tried.

“And tell me, what is Candi exactly?” The question sounded ominous, and Jack had a feeling David already knew the answer.

“Candi is a highly sophisticated and complex love doll created by Companion Dynamics. Candi is the property of Thorne & Miller LLC, and her current owner is Jack Thorne.” Jack shuddered. Despite having no say in the matter, those words definitely emanated from his plump lips.

David laughed at Jack’s response. “Yes, I think we will be fine.”

Jack’s impostor patted him on the head once more before standing up. “Come now, Candi. I think you’re all caught up,” he commanded. “It’s time to get to work. I can be quite the demanding boss.” He winked creepily at the blond. Jack shuddered; there had to be a way out of this.

“Yes, Sir,” he heard himself submissive say. He stood back on his 5” heels and watched David playing with his wife one last time before obediently following Connor out of the room. What had he done to deserve all this?

Two Weeks Later

Candi was busy filing her pretty pink French manicured nails when her office phone rang. She allowed it to ring twice before picking up the phone. “Good morning. This is Jack Thorne’s office. Candi speaking, like, how can Candi help?”

Candi grimaced. She had said that line a hundred times since starting work a fortnight ago, and it’s still no less humiliating now. The fact that she can’t even think of herself as Jack anymore added to the helpless embarrassment.

“Mr Moore, like, it’s so great to hear from you. Like, how’s the wife?” she asked enthusiastically. Candi had no interest in this man’s life, but she had been ‘programmed’ to overtly flirt with the clients. “Spending all your money? Well, maybe Candi should pay her a visit and talk to her.” Candi giggled innocently. She hated how she could only speak in the third person, but that was the least of her troubles. “She hates Candi? Like, why? Everyone totally loves Candi!” She played along. “Ohh, because of that? It was a total accident. Candi’s mouth like slipped or something.”

Internally Candi tried not to remember the time she gave the client a blowjob in front of his wife in his own house, but those images came flashing back. “Well, okay. Tell her Candi said hi. Candi will transfer you now, Sir.” Candi tapped away on the phone with her nails until her ‘boss’ answered the call. “Mr Thorne. Like, Candi has Mr Moore on the line. Shall Candi transfer him now?” She asked reverently. “Of course, Sir.” Candi transferred the call and hung up the phone.

Candi returned to absently filing her nails when she heard the click-clacking of high-heeled footsteps heading towards her. Staring up, Candi watched in awe as Ruby tottered in her direction, holding a collection of loose papers. It was difficult to imagine this enhanced sex pot was Candi’s highly intelligent and quick-witted stepdaughter, reduced to acting like a sex toy for her dumb asshole brother.

It was clear Billy was attempting to push the boundaries of the company’s acceptable uniform policy. Ruby wasn’t wearing a traditional blouse. Instead, she wore a red strapless crop top stretching over her sizable tits. Two barbell nipple piercings could be seen poking through the fabric. They were Billy’s latest modifications.

The chubby college dropout had been decorating Ruby’s body increasingly with more jewelry. She already had a barbell inside her tongue and several piercings along the lobes of her ears. Her navel was decorated with a pretty red jewel. Her navel piercing had a gold chain that ran towards her crotch and attached to Ruby’s hoop clit piercing.

The sex doll was wearing a black latex pencil skirt along with 7” black stripper heels. She dumped the files on Candi’s desk. “Thanks, Ruby. Mr Thorn was expecting these,” Candi said jovially.

Ruby narrowed her eyes at her former stepdad. “Don’t you dare call me Ruby. My name is Ruby! Aughhh!” She groaned out in frustration. Ruby still blamed Candi for what happened to her.

Billy enjoyed keeping plenty of feistiness inside his sister, but that was a luxury Candi couldn’t enjoy. “Like, that’s what Candi said,” Candi giggled. “Candi totally loves those new piercings.”

Ruby cried out in frustration. “Just stay away from me, Candi!” She turned around in anger and tottered back towards the elevators. Candi gasped when she saw Ruby’s skirt from behind. There was a hole cut out, revealing her entire ass, and a distinctive red jewel from a princess butt plug could be seen nestled between her ass cheeks.

“Ruby, like, wait!” Candi called out. She needed to fight her programming. “We can, like, help each- ughhh….” As she continued to wrestle against her conditioning, Candi felt her bald pussy tingle needily. Urgently, she slid her hand under her skirt and began masturbating at her desk.

Ruby turned around and shook her head at Candi’s obscene actions. She turned back and stepped inside the elevator, leaving Candi to masturbate by herself. Whenever she fought too hard against her programming, the outcome was always the same, and her boss always knew.

“Candi,” Jack’s voice sounded through the intercom. “You’ve been a bad girl.” He warned her. “How about you head to my office, and we can discuss your punishment.”

Candi shuddered. “Yes, Sir,” she replied. She hated being punished.

Candi rose to her high-heeled feet and straightened her pink skirt before walking to her boss’ office. She timidly knocked on the door and entered.

Connor had his feet on the expensive oak desk, casually smoking a cigar. Candi closed the door and stood in the doorway with her head high, arms behind her back, and her huge chest thrust forward.

“Candi, do you remember what I said would happen if you tried to break your programming again?” Connor asked her patiently.

Candi’s expressive blue eyes widened, and she parted her slutty big lips. “No, Sir. Please. Candi is super sorry. Candi won’t do it again!”

Connor laughed at his sex doll secretary’s pleas. “That’s not good enough, Candi. I am a man of my word.” He opened a drawer and pulled out a semi-transparent rubber bikini set similar to what Regina was wearing at the members club. “It looks like you are going to be spending a little more time with that wife of yours,” he chuckled. “A couple of months working weekends on the pole might be punishment enough.”

Candi wanted to argue but knew any resistance would prolong the punishment further. Reluctantly, she took the stripper-wear and left Connor’s office. Was this her life now? Was this Emma’s life now? What about Regina? Aren’t these stories supposed to deliver karmic justice and provide a happy ending? Not this time.

The End.

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