For The Band

Chapter 3

by BHFun

Tags: #cw:noncon #control #D/s #dom:male #humiliation #magic #sub:female #clothing #f/m #goth #growth #transformation

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Chapter Three

The front door opened, and a loud masculine grunt could be heard from the living room as Lucian and Victor stepped inside. Lucian stepped into the lounge and was taken aback by the view before him. His housemate was relaxing on the sofa with his legs spread wide and his arms lazily held behind his head. Between his legs was a woman on her knees, bright fluorescent pink hair bobbing with determination on Wolf’s crotch.

“What the fuck?-” Lucian couldn’t help but call out, prompting his band leader to look up with a grin. The woman between Wolf’s legs also attempted to look up at the voice calling out, but Wolf quickly placed his hands on her head, keeping her on his firm member.

“Hey guys,” Wolf spoke nonchalantly to his friends. “Get yourself set up in the garage. We’re almost done.” Despite his request, his bandmates remained planted in position, watching on as Wolf placed his hand around the pigtail handlebars of the woman’s bright hair and pushed her head down tightly, growling a low baritone in pleasure, climaxing inside the unknown woman’s mouth.

Taking his time to finish in her mouth, Wolf eventually released the woman’s hair, allowing her to pull herself away from his cock. She instinctively wiped her mouth clean before rising to her high-heeled feet.

Lucian’s jaw almost dropped to the floor when the woman turned around and stared at him. The bright pink hair and lips were a total contradiction to Raven’s usual style, but the sluttily dressed girl approaching him was undeniably her. Her brightly painted lips looked huge, and the shiny PVC crop top and skirt were a million miles from her traditional baggy style. He finally managed to let out a word. “Raven…?”

Raven tottered past him, the click-clacking of her heels echoing throughout the room. “Let’s get this over with.” She spoke dismissively, not looking her friend in the eye, and walked towards the garage. Lucian turned his head back to Wolf, who gave him a knowing look. What the hell was going on? Lucian thought to himself.

“Come on, man, stop getting distracted!” Wolf reprimanded his bass player for the second time. Raven had still chosen to ignore her friend and continue practice. She hadn’t hissed back at the band leader once and seemed content with singing Wolf’s amended lyrics. The change in attitude and her dramatic new style made it difficult for Lucian to continue focusing on the session.

Before practice began, Wolf announced to the band that Mr Gomes had granted them a last-minute slot on the line-up at Thrashers tonight. After the last abysmal performance and Mr Gomes’ very public spat with their lead singer, Lucian was sure they would never be allowed to perform at the club again; this may be their last chance to impress.

Lucian attempted to keep himself from focusing on the altered lyrics escaping his friend’s lips. Previously, Raven would halt the practice and argue with Wolf over the slightest signal of traditionalism or anti-feminist message. However, today, Raven’s messaging was far more flirtatious, emphasizing using her body to get what she wants. It was like the band’s target audience deviated away from angsty teen women towards horny single men.

After running through their usual track listings, each song slightly more suggestive than Lucian remembered, they finally brought practice to an end. “Great session, guys. We’re going to rock tonight,” Wolf applauded before jumping from the makeshift stage. We’ll meet back here at 7 to load the van,” he instructed the others on his way out of the garage.

Raven was busy packing away her equipment when Lucian used the opportunity to check in on her. “Hey,” he casually greeted her, his bass guitar strewn over his shoulder. Raven didn’t even bother to acknowledge her friend standing beside her, continuing to dismantle her mic stand as though he wasn’t even there. “Can we talk?” He persists.

Raven took a moment to zip up her bag and then stared directly at her friend, finally making eye contact. Despite the angry fire in her eyes, her plump, brightly colored lips looked incredibly inviting, so much so that Lucian had to readjust his tight denim pants as he stared at them. Raven’s eyes shifted left and right before responding to his question, “Not here.”

Lucian looked around, perplexed. He saw Victor minding his own business, packing away his drumset. “Why not?” he replied to his newly pink-haired childhood friend. “What the hell is going on with you?” His tone was more urgent. Raven placed her hands on her hips, pausing momentarily as if trying to think of the correct words. Just as she parted her alluring lips, the garage door cracked open. “Raven, can I borrow you a moment?” Wolf’s voice rang out. To Lucian’s dismay, Raven didn’t retort, her body silently teetering away from her friend toward their arrogant band leader, leaving a baffled Lucian behind in the garage.

Later in the evening, Thrashers Rock Club had started to fill up. Lucian and the band were busy setting up their equipment on the large stage inside the small, dark venue, although there was still no sign of their lead singer, Raven. Wolf had told Lucian that Raven would join them at the club later.

With everything set up, the three young men settled for a drink at the bar until it was their time to play. All three wore a stereotypical dark ensemble, with Lucian and Victor adorning a plain black t-shirt with their band’s ‘Dark Obsession’ logo emblazoned in the middle. Wolf wore a tight-fitted, sleeveless black vest with the same logo decorating the front. They all wore skinny jeans, and Wolf wore a jet-black spiky choker around his neck. Wolf and Lucian both had dark eye makeup surrounding their eyes.

Lucian had attempted to bring up the subject of his childhood friend and ask Wolf what was going on with her and why she had sucked his cock this morning. However, his arrogant bandmate quickly cut down Lucian’s line of questioning and told him that she was a grown woman who could make her own decisions. The irony of his statement produced a sly grin from Wolf’s lips.

With the alcohol flowing, the crowd of less than 100 music fans started making their presence known. Wolf and the other two members were called up to the stage. Lucian was concerned that there was still no sign of Raven yet but followed along and headed toward his bass guitar onstage.

Lucian heard a riff from his lead guitarist band leader, eliciting a small cheer from the crowd. He looked over at Wolf in confusion; were they going to start without Raven? He then noticed Wolf staring directly at the club entrance with a broad smile on his face. Turning his head in that direction, Lucian gasped at the slutty sight walking towards them.

Raven’s new bright pink hair almost lit up the dark room, now falling loosely on either side of her face. Her small, slim frame was wrapped in an extremely tight black bustier, lifting whatever cleavage her modest chest could manage. A black frilly tutu skirt wrapped around her waist would reveal her PVC g-string if she ever bent over. Black holdup fishnet stockings ran up her legs, stopping along her midthigh, and 5” black patent boots with the thinnest stiletto heel truly sexualized her lower body. Spiky bracelets wrapped around her wrists, matching the thick black spiked collar around her neck.

As Raven approached the stage through the increasingly animated audience, he could get a good view of her face, a face designed for sex. The foundation was pale, contrasting the rest of her body, and her eyelashes curved almost impossibly from her eyelids. Her cheeks were colored with a deep pink blush, positioned to give the appearance of higher cheekbones, and the septum piercing hanging from her nose glistened against the stage lights.

Despite the rest of her appearance, her mouth caught everyone’s attention, including Lucian’s. He stared at his friend with befuddlement as she ascended the stage steps. Her lips still looked as plumped up and huge as he remembered them during practice, and they were still colored a bright, glossy, kissable pink. It was the item wedged between her lips that elicited his confusion, however, as a large black glossy ball filled her mouth, and a thin black strap wrapped around her face and under her hair, keeping it wedged in place.

Raven hated the feeling of perverted eyes on her, and she often dressed down to actively avert the stares. She now looked like a kinky gothic sex doll designed solely to attract as much attention as possible, and Lucian couldn’t deny that it turned him on.

Lucian noticed a brief glare from his childhood friend directed at the smirking lead guitarist before she approached him and turned toward the crowd. Wolf winked at Lucian and reached out to unbuckle the strap holding Raven’s large gag in place. He loosened the thin belt and popped the glossy black gag from her mouth, placing it in his pocket.

Raven didn’t react as if this was all completely normal and headed to her microphone,  turning her attention to the crowd. A group of young men had risen from their tables and stood as close to the stage as they could, something Lucian had never witnessed during their previous performances.

Another strum from the band leader indicated it was time to start the set. Lucian tried to put all the confusion behind him and focus on his performance. Even though the music was essentially the same as previous sets they’d performed, the crowd was really getting into it and responded positively to Raven’s slutty, altered lyrics. Raven suggestively pranced around the stage, moving effortlessly in her tall heels, and the venue started filling up with a male-dominated audience.

Towards the end of the set, Wolf launched into one of his lengthy solos. Raven sensually strutted towards the stage steps, striding between the crowd. Lucian stepped forward with concern and fascination but stopped in his tracks as the pink-haired singer approached a table in the front row. She lustfully bent over the table, giving everyone a view of her displayed asscheeks and took a shot of the unknown substance resting on the table. The scantily clad goth strutted towards the man sitting at the table, straddling his lap before her fleshy lips gave him a long kiss on the mouth. She stood up and winked at his female companion, who looked less than pleased, before returning to the stage.

By the end of their set, the venue was filled up. Lucian noticed the man Raven had kissed earlier, and his girlfriend, had disappeared, but Thrashers was filled with rowdy, applauding fans clambering to get a view of the stage. As Dark Obsession played through their encore performance, Lucian had never felt such an electric atmosphere inside the club, either on stage or working behind the bar. The audience was vibing with every lyric, every solo, every clack of Raven’s heels. Lucian had no idea what kind of hold Wolf held over his friend, but if it evoked this reaction, could it really be all that bad?

All four band members bowed to the audience after their encore performances, the three male band members congratulating each other. As Lucian turned to applaud Raven, he noticed her standing at the edge of the stage, her right hand holding her pink hair and her glossy, luscious lips parted wide. He watched the band leader approach her from behind and withdraw the sizeable black ball gag from his pocket, pushing it between her waiting lips. Wolf wrapped the straps around her head and tightened the buckle, the gagged goth’s eyes widening when he tugged the straps again to ensure the gag was clasped as tight as possible.

Lucian’s own mouth opened as he prepared to ask Wolf what was going on between him and Raven, but the leader tossed his van keys at the bass guitarist before he could speak. “You two can load up the van. We’ll see you at home.” Wolf smirked widely, turning back to his gagged lead singer. “Follow me.” He directed her before leading her off the stage and towards the back.

Raven bit down on the large gag invading her mouth, her heeled feet struggling to keep up with the conniving asshole of a man leading her away from the main floor. Tottering through a narrow corridor, Wolf stopped her in front of a closed black door. He knocked three times on the door before timidly opening it and stepping inside, pulling Raven in with him.

Raven felt the blood drain from her face when she saw the man sitting comfortably on a large desk chair, his feet on the accompanying desk. Joe Gomes was slowly applauding them as they entered his office and slowly approached him. He eventually took his feet off the table and pointed to the two chairs on the opposite side of the desk. “What a great performance tonight. Please, take a seat.” He offered with his traditional slick Latino accent.

Wolf directed Raven toward one of the chairs and sat her down. He moved behind her and started removing the gag in her mouth until Gomes stopped him. “No, leave it in. She looks good like that.” He grinned, and Wolf stepped back, leaving the gag in place. “Yes, of course, Sir,” Wolf responded with reverence.

“Unnphh!” Raven’s eyes narrowed, and she groaned, scowling at her former boss and newly seated band leader. She lifted a hand to remove the gag herself, but an apparent invisible force field prevented her from getting close to the buckle. She hadn’t received permission to remove the gag, after all.

“I have to admit, Zane,” Joe addressed the man, using his real first name, “When you told me that you had this fiery little one under your control, I thought you were spewing out some perverted adolescent fantasy.” He chuckled, triumphantly ogling the gagged gothic beauty in front of him. “This one had been a thorn in my side for some time; I almost had to cancel the opening of my new gentleman’s club.”

Raven glared at the business owner despite her inability to speak. She witnessed the man reach into his desk drawer, pull out a small bundle of papers held together with a binder clip, and slam it down on the desk in front of her. “I’m a man true to my word,” he continued speaking to Wolf. “Have her sign and abide by this contract, and I’ll take you and your band to the top.”

Raven looked over at a beaming Wolf with alarm. What was he talking about? Whatever was in that contract, she had no intention of signing anything. “Raven…” her arrogant band leader started, and the pink-haired goth shook her head wildly, knowing precisely what was coming. “…Sign the contract immediately. Tonight, you will read every clause in the contract, and you will be unable to break it.”

“Nnnphhh!” she yelled in a muffled plea, but her resistance was futile. She stared at her own hand as it picked up the nearby pen as though she was a passenger in her own body and scribbled her signature on each page. With each scrawl on the paper, she felt control over her own life slip away more and more, and that power suddenly transferred to the chauvinistic piece of shit sitting opposite her.

Joe Gomes triumphantly took the contract from her possession and slid across an identical copy for her to read later. “Fantastic. Now, only one thing remains before our agreement is sealed.” Gomes uttered, looking expectantly at Wolf.

Confused, Raven also looked over at Gomes, who bowed his head as if he was reluctant to do what was asked. Eventually, he sighed and turned his attention back to Raven. “Raven, I relinquish my control over you. You are no longer required to obey my commands. However, all previous commands will remain in place.”

Raven felt a shudder flow through her body, reminiscent of the moment Wolf originally made his wish, and she knew he no longer had control over her. Her relief was overshadowed by the dread at the contract she had signed. Before he removed his control, Wolf had commanded her to obey every clause in that contract, and she had no idea what was in it. Gomes clapped his hands together and rose from his seat, a wide smirk pasted over his face.

“Very good. I am going to make you famous, girl. Very famous.” He leaned in and spoke ominously at the helplessly gagged woman. “Wolf and I are heading for a drink to celebrate. Be a good girl and read through that contract. Once you’ve finished, you can ungag yourself and join us.” He winks at her before directing Wolf out of his chair and wrapping his arm around his shoulder. Gomes led Wolf out of the room and left Raven to read the contract and discover her fate.


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