

by BHFun

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #clothing #dom:male #humiliation #scifi #sub:female #growth #slavery

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Chapter Nine - Lustex


Two Months Later

Hank Crane was sitting alone in the backseat of his luxury motor vehicle, tapping away on his communications device. Today marked the first day of his brand new business venture, and he had to ensure it all went smoothly.

Hank’s driver concentrated on the desert road ahead of him. They were venturing far out from the relative safety of the city of Red Rock and moving towards the wild desert of the Badlands. Very little of Dominae’s wildlife survived out here, and Hank enjoyed the ride in total silence. Well, almost total silence.

He grinned as he heard the lustful moans on the roof above him. The chubby businessman pressed a button on his door and chuckled as he witnessed the moans travel an octave higher.

Catherine was strapped to the roof of the car, her legs straddling over a slim, lightly cushioned box. The busty blond was completely naked, with her arms held tightly behind her in a black latex-styled armbinder. Her thighs and ankles were strapped together, keeping the captain firmly on her knees, helplessly being propped up on the roof of the vehicle. The incessant moans came from the mechanical dildo repetitively protruding from the straddled box and slipping in and out of Catherine’s bare pussy.

Hank had just sent the dildo into overdrive, and Catherine was subjected to her third orgasm of the trip. Nomads and wanderers stared at her as they drove past them on the sandy road. Catherine felt like a prized piece of meat that everyone wanted a piece of, but she had recently gotten used to that feeling.

The vehicle eventually arrived outside a large quarry, and a bald, dark-skinned man approached it. The driver exited the vehicle and opened Mr Crane’s door to assist the large businessman from his car.

Hank straightened his tailored suit and shook the approaching man’s hand. The dark-skinned man was Tyrone Caspa. He was the Quarry Manager of Crane Technologies Lustex Quarry, the largest lustex extraction operation on the planet, and it was going to make Hank the wealthiest man, not just on Dominae, but in the entire galaxy.

“How’s your progress?” Hank asked his employee for an update.

Tyrone smiled, “It’s tricky stuff to extract, but we are digging out a steady volume daily.” He glanced up and grinned at the naked woman being released from the roof of his boss’ car.

The rubbery material was undoubtedly challenging to extract. It only grew in the unique conditions of Dominae. Until recently, people had only managed to find miniature deposits of the material. However, Hank had discovered a sprawling underground deposit in the desert surroundings of the Badlands, and he knew he had struck gold. Lustex was unlike any other material known to man. The smooth texture was almost sentient in nature and had transformative properties that reacted to its owner’s desires. It was the perfect material for a planet such as Dominae.

Hank then turned his attention to the man standing beside his foreman. A timid, bespectacled man wearing a tailored black suit and holding a briefcase, Hank outstretched his hand. “You must be Jakka Black,” he said.

“Y-yes, that’s right,” Jakka replied, shaking the businessman’s hand. Jakka was Head of Acquisition for the Dominae central government. He had been tasked with discovering what Hank was building in the wilderness and striking a deal with him.

“Let’s head in, shall we?” Hank guided the men through the quarry gates towards the small site office. Catherine was pulled down from the vehicle’s roof, and a leash was clipped to her collar. The driver led the busty transformed captain inside the quarry site.

The three men sat around a desk, and Catherine obediently knelt by her Master’s feet. Hank noticed the government man stealing looks at the blond slave on her knees. Slaves were a dime a dozen on this planet, but Hank had built the before specimen, and she received plenty of attention when she was displayed in public. “Kitty, how about you play with yourself while the important men talk?”

Catherine immediately brought her well-manicured hand to her bald pussy and began to rub. The old Catherine was very much still buried inside the blond’s head, but she was locked away in a mental prison. Catherine was subjected to terrible torture at the hands of the control chip embedded in the base of her skull. Hiding away the headstrong, feminist parts of her and submitting to her ‘Master’s’ whims were the only way to survive her predicament.

“As I was, ugh, saying,” Jakka said, distracted by the gorgeous slave absently stroking her pussy. “Umm, the government is impressed with what you are doing out here.” The government shill wasn’t the best public speaker, and Catherine’s actions made it even more difficult for the bespectacled man to focus. “We are looking to form diplomatic relationships with nearby planets, and we believe what you have stumbled on will be key to opening trade negotiations.”

Hank grinned wider. He knew precisely why the government had sent the man over and how important the project was to them. However, he had seen many of his fellow businessmen have exciting ventures stolen by the government and were left with nothing to show for it. Hank was not prepared to allow that to happen to him. “I appreciate your interest, Jekka.”

“-It’s Jakka,” the government man corrected Hank.

“Yes, Jakka. But I will have to decline your request.” The government employee’s smile quickly dropped. “This is a private venture, and I don’t trust you vultures. You will only take this project from me if you pry it from my cold, dead hands.” Hank spoke with a slow, careful drawl, ensuring the Acquisition manager understood him.

“But-” Jakka began, but Hank signaled two musclebound men to step forward. “These gentlemen will see you out now. I suggest you leave willingly. They can be rather heavy-handed.”

The bespectacled man paused momentarily but was intelligent enough to know when to pick his fights. In a huff, he stood up. “We’ll be in touch,” he said, straightening his suit jacket and glancing one more time at the naked masturbating slave. The government employee stepped between the two quarry workers and left the office. The men followed him closely behind.

Once Jakka had left, Hank tilted back casually on his chair. “Now that’s been taken care of, let’s talk real business.” He grinned at his foreman. “How long before we can send enough Lustex to the factory for mass production?”

The ebony-skinned man chuckled. He enjoyed working with Hank. The businessman always meant business, and profit was his number one priority. “Give us another week to perfect our extraction techniques. It’s a tricky process, but we’re almost there.”

Hank clapped his hands in agreement. “Fantastic, I will direct the factory to stand ready.” He chuckled. “Now, onto more pressing matters. I am holding a special VIP party in Red Rock to celebrate this venture and appeal to further investors.” The businessman smiled. “You and your men are doing a fantastic job. I’d be delighted if you and ten of your best men would join us for the celebration.”

Tyrone smirked and stared at the masturbating beauty crying out on the edge of orgasm. She had been trained so efficiently that she found it impossible to orgasm anymore without her Master’s permission. “Will she be there?” He nodded in Catherine’s direction.

Hank laughed and stroked his slave’s platinum blond hair. “Of course,” he stated. “Kitty here goes everywhere with me.” He confirmed.

Tyrone grinned and nodded. “Then yes, we will see you there.” He shook his boss’ hand again, and the pair stood up.

Hank tugged Catherine’s leash, and she instantly stopped masturbating. “We won’t keep you any longer. We’ll see you tonight.” With that statement, Hank led Catherine out of the office, keeping her on all fours as she crawled closely behind him submissively.

That evening, the party was in full swing in the VIP room of the Gilded Cage.

“Ohh fuck, yes, Sir, fuck me harder.”

“So, as I was saying,” Hank said, his slave screaming in pleasure as she eagerly bounced on Tyrone Caspa’s cock nearby. The businessman noticed that his foreman couldn’t take his eyes off the beautiful slave earlier and knew exactly how to incentivize his quarry manager. He turned his attention back to the enthralled investors. “This special substance has transformative properties beyond your wildest imagination. It reacts to its owner’s intentions and implements them the best way it can.”

“Oh, my god. Fuck, Sir. You are so big!”

“You don’t look entirely convinced,” Hank replied to the men surrounding him. “Here, let me demonstrate.” Hank reached into his pocket and pulled out a glass test tube with a black, oily substance bubbling inside.

The man poured the rubbery material onto his right hand and squeezed it into a small ball.

“Fuck, yes, harder, Sir!”

With one fell swoop, Hank threw the small lustex ball in his slave’s screaming face, and it landed inside her wide-open mouth. Catherine’s eyes widened as the ball hit the back of her mouth, instantly expanding into a massive black ball, filling her entire mouth. Once the ball had occupied her orifice completely, shiny white lustex straps instantly formed and wrapped around her blond-haired head.

“Mmphh mrpppphh!” Catherine screamed out less coherently as she continued to ride the foreman’s cock, and the audience applauded the demonstration.

“Unfortunately, Kitty here is such a slut, that it can’t mute her entirely,” Hank joked, hearing his slave’s ecstatic moans and the investors laughed. Tyrone began a low groan of his own as the slave’s emphatic bouncing was too much to hold in, and he exploded inside her needy pussy.

The crowd paused momentarily as the foreman shot his load inside the gagged slave before eventually tossing her to the ground and discarding her. Catherine dropped at her Master’s feet.

“There are some side effects you need to be aware of,” Hank readdressed his audience. “The material is an invasive species. It survives by creating a need in its host.” Hank reached into his other pocket and pulled out a pair of white cotton panties. Those garments are common on Earth but far rarer on the harsher atmospheric planets.

The chubby businessman reached down and softly pressed the panties against his kneeling slave’s chest, just above the curve of her mammoth breasts. Catherine’s eyes widened, and her prominent lips parted in discomfort. She was visibly agitated but continued to obediently kneel before her Master.

“Kitty has been wearing Lustex exclusively for almost two months now, and you can see the distress she feels when she comes into contact with standard cotton.” Hank removed the panties from her skin, and Catherine immediately began to relax, although a faint red mark remained just above her chest. “Within hours of wearing my material, it alters your physiology to discourage you from wearing anything else. The longer you wear it, the harsher your body reacts, and we have no idea if the effects are reversible or not.”

The investors stared with concern before nodding in agreement. That was a side effect they were willing to accept. If anything, it would make the company more lucrative once slaves began wearing its products more regularly. “I love it,” one man remarked. “Men will start buying our products for their slaves, and before long, they will have no choice but to buy even more. It’s fantastic.”

“I agree,” one investor replied. “Me too,” came another response. Hank grinned as the VIP area began to excitedly chatter about the product and its possibilities. Meanwhile, Catherine obediently continued to kneel for her Master, the huge lustex ball gag making her jaw ache.

The investing group stood up as one and individually shook Hank’s hand. “This is very promising, Mr Crane,” one investor said. “We will be in touch to discuss the financing.” That was what Hank was waiting to hear. His smile widened, and he tightened his grip on the man’s hand.

“Absolutely, I can’t wait to see what we can build together,” Hank replied. He had always come from generational family wealth, but he would take the Crane name further than ever before. The investors scurried out of the VIP room, leaving Hank alone with his slave. Tyrone had gone with his loyal workmen as soon as he had emptied his load inside the gorgeous slut.

“Come on, Kitty,” Hank picked up Catherine’s leash and pulled her back onto all fours. “Time to get you home.” He grinned. He had always fantasized about having a slave from Earth, but he never dreamed he could make it a reality. However, his platinum blond, busty bimbo slave was proof that any dream can come true if you want it hard enough. He led his slave out of the exclusive club with that lingering thought.

Hank opened the door to his large mansion and guided Catherine closely behind him via her leash. He was in high spirits after the series of wins he had achieved today and looked forward to celebrating them with his busty slave. Catherine was starting to get used to being seen in public naked, but the sense of humiliation always lingered inside her, and she was glad to finally end up back in the privacy of her Master’s home.

The sixty-year-old businessman pulled his blond trophy into the lounge and collapsed on the comfortable leather sofa. He reached behind Catherine’s neck and clicked a clasp. Suddenly, the lustex ball gag began to recede, starting with the latex-styled straps, before shrinking until it was only a tiny ball in her mouth, allowing her to easily spit it out into her Master’s hand.

Hank gently stroked the back of the blond captain’s head endearingly and grinned at her. “I’m very proud of you, doll. You’ve taken to your training perfectly and have turned out far better than I ever could dream of.” He smiled. “You may be the best purchase I’ve ever made.”

His words caused Catherine to shudder; she wasn’t sure how much longer she could handle behaving like the perfect slave without losing herself. Her biggest hope of escape now lies with Hunter. Hunter was responsible for her father’s murder and was the man Catherine had dedicated most of her adult life to chasing down. It was ironic that her freedom rested in his hands.

Hank kicked off his footwear and lifted his feet onto an accompanying rest. “How about you massage my tired feet with that pretty mouth of yours,” he grinned, wiggling his dirty toes.

Catherine groaned internally but displayed a pretty smile and crawled closer to her Master’s feet. The idea of placing her mouth on his dirty feet repulsed the busty blond captain, but this was her life now. She knew she had to comply if she wanted to escape the horrific torture the chip in her neck was capable of delivering.

She reluctantly placed her fat DSL lips over his toes and began sucking, using her tongue to lick and caress his feet. Catherine heard Hank groan in pleasure as her skillful tongue massaged and tickled his worn-out feet.

After torturously working on one bare foot, Catherine moved over to the other. Suddenly, a chill ran down her spine. The captain was unsure why, but the auror in the room had changed. She had spent years undertaking special ops training, and even in her dulled-down submissive state, she could sense that something big was about to go down.

Her Master had no such sixth sense, so he strung to his feet when an ear-piercing bang came through his front door, and multiple heavily armored men rushed into the living room. Catherine heard two distinct shots from a firearm. She witnessed her Master collapse to the floor beside her with two bullet holes in his forehead.

Everything progressed at a million miles an hour for the busty blond captain, and her brain struggled to process what had happened. Catherine began to hyperventilate as a masked, armed soldier approached her naked body. Was she about to discover the same fate?

The man crouched down to Catherine’s eye level and lifted his mask, and the captain’s heart began to flutter; it was Hunter. Before the woman could react, the bounty hunter plunged a syringe deep into Catherine’s neck and squeezed a substance into her bloodstream.

Catherine widened her big blue eyes, but Hunter pressed a finger to her lips and stroked her hair, “Shhh, shhh. Just let the anesthetic work. Everything is going to be alright; you’re safe now. Shhh.” He spoke smoothly. The captain wanted to ask so many questions, but the room began to spin around her, and Hunter’s face became distorted and vague. Eventually, she slumped into a deep sleep.

The unfamiliar sound of birds chirping in the distance was the first thing Catherine noticed when she drowsily began to awake. As her eyes fluttered open, she was in a bright, white, sterile room and lying peacefully on a wide, comfortable bed. She peered at the plastic tubes distributing nutrients to her arm; she was in a clinic.

The fog slowly dissipated from her mind, and her memories flooded back. She remembered the raid and that perverted asshole crashing to the floor, getting precisely what he deserved. Catherine’s eyes widened; she no longer considered him her Master. Her mind was vivid and awake.

She shifted to a seated position and groaned in displeasure as the heavy weight of her enhanced breasts sat high on her chest. She hadn’t been returned to her original form. She was completely naked, with a rubbery bed sheet keeping her modesty. As time continued, Catherine realized she was no longer on the backward planet Dominae. She was back on Earth.

She stared out of a nearby window and admired the green leaves attached to the trees outside, the small birds chirping away in their nest. Everything just seemed more colorful than Catherine remembered it.

“Ohh, Captain Knight, you’re awake!” A female doctor wearing sky-blue scrubs had walked past the pilot’s room and noticed her sitting up. “Welcome back,” she smiled and stepped into Catherine’s private recovery room.

“W- what happened?” Catherine’s voice was hoarse but still retained the high-pitched doll-like voice she had been given after Hank Crane had purchased her.

The doctor picked up a virtual display chart hanging at the end of the captain’s bed and scanned through it. “The details are classified above my pay grade, but you were extracted from Dominae and safely brought home by a highly specialized search and rescue team.”

Catherine felt a wave of serene relaxation run over her. It was over. “Unfortunately, the technology you were exposed to on that dreadful planet was like nothing we had ever seen before. It will take some time to change everything done to you.”

The captain groans, looking down at her obscene bare breasts. “What about Captain Henley and Lieutenant Shaw?” She inquired.

The doctor smiled softly. “I heard they returned on the same ship as yourself,” she said reassuringly. “Get some rest. Once you have fully recovered, you will meet with General Mitchell, and he can fill you in. Welcome back, Captain Knight, and thank you for your service.” The doctor saluted the recovering captain. Catherine smiled and nodded her acknowledgment; it was nice to be respected again.

The doctor exited the recovery room, and Catherine slid back into bed. She felt the rubbery sheet covering her with her fingers. It was a strange choice of sheet material for a clinic recovery room. She slowly rested her eyes and happily drifted back to sleep.

After a week of recovery, Catherine self-consciously sat in the General’s office, nervously sitting opposite her boss. She was pissed, but there was nothing she could do about it. Months of exposure to lustex had rendered Catherine deeply allergic to any other material. Even a simple pair of polyester socks brought the captain out in deeply itchy rashes.

They had transported a small amount of the dangerous material with them and fashioned some of it into a brand-new uniform for Catherine. It was humiliating, but it beat walking around naked.

The outfit was styled after her traditional blue space captain suit. She had the full four stripes of a captain adorned on her shoulders. The outfit formed a full-body suit but clung to her body entirely differently from her old uniform. She felt the rubbery material push up her mammoth breasts and press tightly against her waist. She was fortunate to be wearing pants again, although the material hugged her slit and asshole snugly, giving her a faint wedgy. Perhaps the most unnecessary and embarrassing feature was that the material covering the top half of her fully encased breasts was semi-transparent, showing off her mountainous cleavage even when covering her up.

The 6” blue lustex stiletto heels on her feet were impractical for an active service member. Still, the scientists informed her the lustex seemed to have a mind of its own and wouldn’t conform fully to their specifications, and it was a compromise she would need to deal with.

“Captain Knight, it’s great to have you back.” Catherine rose to her feet and placed her hand against her forehead in a salute of respect as General Mitchell entered his office. He carefully walked behind his desk and admired Catherine’s form a little longer than what would be deemed professional.

She was absolutely gorgeous, the general thought to himself. He had always had a love interest in Catherine’s mother, and it took him a long time to recover after she accepted Catherine’s father’s marriage proposal. Robert Mitchell had always treated the young captain like a surrogate daughter, but it was difficult to see her that way when she looked like a feminist’s worst nightmare. “At ease, Captain,” he told her, taking his own seat. Catherine relaxed and sat back down.

“I want to thank you for your sacrifice over the last few months. I know it has not been easy, and your selflessness has been noted.” He praised her. “You have shown tremendous commitment in the pursuit of rescuing your comrades.”

Catherine’s ears perked up at the mention of her colleagues. “Yes, Captain Henley and Lieutenant Shaw. Are they okay? Are they safe?” She asked urgently.

The General smiled and raised his hand to calm his subordinate down. “Don’t worry. Emma and Nicola have safely returned to Earth.” The doctor had told Catherine as much, but hearing it directly from the General’s mouth brought her some much-needed relief.

“As much as I appreciate the return of our service personnel, what you have accomplished goes far beyond a simple rescue mission. You have helped facilitate the greatest discovery for almost 100 years.” General Mitchell proudly beamed. Catherine stared at him quizzically, her plump lips parted in confusion.

“I don’t understand, Sir,” she squeaked out in her modifying high-pitched voice.

Robert briefly stared at Catherine’s chest before meeting her eyes again. “That material hugging you is the most advanced element in the known universe.” Catherine suddenly felt self-conscious. “Many believe it is a living organism, but several scientific experiments have confirmed that it is a simple element, impossible to mimic or replicate.”

Catherine wasn’t sure where this was going, “Not only does lustex possess incredible transformative properties, it also has advanced medicinal capabilities. We believe that it can regenerate aging cells and severely prolong life expectancy. These are huge breakthroughs.”

The captain was still confused until Robert confirmed her worst fears. “However, Dominae is the only planet we know to possess large deposits of this stuff, deposits of any size, really.”

“What are you trying to say, Sir?” Catherine asked firmly.

General Mitchell cleared his throat before continuing. “The Dominae Central Government has been attempting to expand their presence across the galaxy and open diplomatic relations.”

Catherine immediately opened her mouth, but the general cut her off. “Naturally, their backward, despicable treatment of women has made them a pariah across the system, and rightfully so.” His words put her at ease. However, she sensed a ‘but’ was coming. “But we need to look at the bigger picture. They have possession of an element that could advance our technology tenfold.”

“Sir, you can’t seriously be considering…” General Mitchell held up his hand and cut off his captain once more.

“Last week, we signed a diplomatic arrangement with the planet of Dominae. We have permitted them to build an embassy on our planet in return for an exclusive trade agreement. It is a win/win for both of us. It positions Dominae as a planet worth negotiating with and gives us access to the most mysterious element in the universe.” Robert Mitchell reasoned, but Catherine wasn’t having any of it.

“Sir, you don’t understand.” Catherine pleaded. “They have barbaric customs and zero respect for women. You can’t allow a culture like that to seep into our modern way of life. They deserve to stay isolated!” She couldn’t make her views any clearer.

Robert nodded sympathetically. “Yes, I am well aware of their culture, and we both know it has no place mixing with our own. However, these decisions have been made far above my pay grade.” He gave Catherine a moment to let it all sink in before he furthered his explanation. “Now, Dominae has built a large embassy completely a few miles north of here. All Dominae laws and customs will be fully embraced within the embassy’s walls.” Catherine shook her head. “Holders of a Dominae residence card will also be allowed to demonstrate certain customs outside those walls, but they must not involve, denigrate, or abuse Earth citizens at any time.” He stared into her big blue eyes. “It’s the best compromise.”

Catherine looked at her general with shock. How could he be okay with this after discovering what his subordinates had to endure on that terrible planet? “With all due respect, Sir, we are making a terrible mistake. These people are savages, and allowing them a presence on Earth is ridiculous and dangerous.” She wasn’t prepared to let this drop.

Robert nodded again. He was patient with his blond captain but stayed firm in his view. “Your objection has been noted, Captain,” he reassured her. “However, we have hand-selected Dominae’s first ambassador to Earth. He helped broker the trade agreement and was instrumental in bringing you home.” General Mitchell pressed a red button on his desk, alerting his secretary to send the ambassador in.

“No….” Catherine responded. There was only one man who could fit that description. She turned her head and watched in horror as her hated nemesis strolled into the room.

Hunter Reed had a huge grin on his goatee-bearded face. He was wearing a navy blue suit jacket and red tie. Catherine had seen the bounty hunter scrub up well before, but he now moved with an arrogant sense of self-importance to add to his swagger.

As the bounty hunter approached, Catherine stared at her boss with fury. “What is the meaning of this?” She screamed with her high-pitched melodic tone. “This man killed my father. He should be rotting in jail. We agreed he would be sent back when the mission had concluded!” Her hands were shaking.

Robert nodded, “I agree. That was the initial agreement, and if it were up to me, Ambassador Reed would be locked away to pay for his crimes. However, a condition of the trade agreement going ahead was granting Hunter immunity from his past crimes.” He lowered his head. “I’m sorry, Catherine.” He sounded sincere, a little too sincere.

“Sir?” Catherine asked, noticing the General’s demeanor slump in regret.

“The trade agreement hinged on one other condition,” General Mitchell added, “a condition that fills me with sorrow.” His words were ominous.

“What are you talking about, Sir?” Catherine couldn’t bear to look Hunter in the eyes, so she focused on the General. “What condition?”

“Kitty Chip Initiate,” Hunter commanded with conviction. Catherine slapped the back of her neck as she felt the hairs on her scalp tickle. She thought the chip had been removed.

“I’m sorry, Catherine,” Mitchell repeated. “Ambassador Reed requested a hand-picked personal assistant, which became a nonnegotiable stance.” He lowered his head regrettably. “You are Hunter’s new Personal Assistant.”

Catherine gasped and shook her bright blond-haired head. “Absolutely not, Sir. I am a decorated space pilot. I refuse…”

“Silence!” Hunter’s voice echoed around the room, and Catherine gasped, suddenly unable to make a noise, no matter how hard she tried to plead her case.

“Unfortunately, your pilot’s license has been revoked. I am going to require your Identification card returned.” General Mitchell said solemnly.

Catherine shook her head silently. “Hand the general your identification card,” she heard Hunter demand. She couldn’t prevent her hands from following her nemesis’ instructions, reaching for her prized Identification badge and sliding it along the table towards Mitchell.

General Mitchell picked up the card and stared at it for a moment. The fiery, feminist stare Catherine was known for was staring back at him in the portrait photo. It was incredible how far she had fallen. The General took a pair of scissors and snapped the white ID card in half.

Mitchell reached into his desk, pulled out a new identification card with a light blue background, and slid it toward his former captain. “In order to complete your new duties, Miss Knight, you have been granted honorary Dominae citizenship by the newly formed United Republic of Dominae.”

Catherine stared at the card in horror. It was a Dominae citizenship card. Her modified face was staring back at her, heavily made up with bright pink lips, and her blond hair separated into pigtails. She had a shocked expression on her face. Catherine turned her attention to the text. ‘Name: Kitten Cocksucker’. She glared at her former boss. She tried to retort, but she hadn’t been permitted to speak. The card labeled her gender as ‘Bitch’, and her occupation as ‘Personal Suckretary to Dominae’s Ambassador to Earth’. The card listed her hair color, eye color, and chest size and even labeled her BJ skills as ‘A-.’

Catherine slammed her fist on the table and stood up. She wasn’t prepared to indulge in their sick sense of humor. “Stand to attention,” Hunter commanded, and Catherine felt her muscles move of their own accord. Rather than the typical salute a captain would give her superior, the busty blond found herself cupping her F-cup breasts, and a dumb, wide smile spread across her full lips.

Hunter winked at the General before tapping a command on his wrist device. In an instant, Catherine’s lustex space uniform began to shift and remold itself. Within moments, the blond was wearing a short-sleeved white lustex blouse, tightly hugging her curves and cinching her waist even further. There was a keyhole opening around her chest, keeping her fake tits fully exposed and on display.

Her lower half had morphed into a shiny candy pink knee-length hobble skirt, tightly pushing against her knees and forcing her to keep her legs daintily close together. Her 6” stilettos had expanded and formed full 10” pink ballet heels. A slim pink lustex choker wrapped around her neck and spelled out ‘KITTEN’, identical to the picture in her new ID photo.

The material didn’t stop there. The lustex slid along her face and settled on her lips, coating her plump cocksuckers in a glossy, bright pink shade. It looked as though her lips were made of rubber. Her eyelids had a similar pink shade. Finally, her hair was split into two tall juvenile pigtails. She had fully transformed into Hunter’s ideal bimbo secretary.

“The transformative properties are just incredible,” Mitchell reasoned, staring at his helpless former subordinate being subjected to the lustex covering her body. “I wish there were another way, Miss Cocksucker,” Robert addressed Catherine with her ‘new’ name. His comment elicited a chuckle from Hunter. “However, there is more at stake here than you realize. I thank you for your service to your planet.” He saluted the pink bimbo silently presenting her tits before him.

Hunter grinned and shook the General’s hand. “I look forward to working with you, General Mitchell,” the former bounty hunter said reverently before turning his attention to Catherine. “Come now, Kitty, it’s time to head home.” He grinned.

Catherine was able to stop holding up her breasts, but only to helplessly follow her hated new boss. She silently followed him out of the large office and toward her new fate.

Catherine struggled to keep up with the new Dominae ambassador in her extreme ballet heels, but her training back on the terrible planet was paying dividends. They stepped through the corridor, and Catherine found herself at the receiving end of multiple repulsed stares. Most Earth citizens had never seen a woman degrade herself so openly outside of the bedroom, and the planet had anti-exposure laws to keep everyone decent in public. However, as an honorary citizen of Dominae, those laws no longer apply to her, and she couldn’t be arrested for looking like a 21st-century sex doll.

“You may speak now,” Hunter told his newest employee, glancing at her exposed chest and how they barely jiggled despite their lack of support. “Mr Crane really has good taste. It’s a shame what happened to him.”

“You sneaky, conniving, disgusting little snake, Sir!” Catherine screamed out. Her eyes widened when she noticed how easily she called him Sir despite wanting to rip his head off. “You will pay for this, Sir. Mark my words. I will make you pay!”

Hunter chuckled at Catherine’s futile fighting words and shook his head. “That’s cute,” he said condescendingly. “You remind me a lot of your father. He was an arrogant fool and never knew when he was beaten.” Hunter twisted the knife in further.

“Don’t you dare mention my father, Sir!” She squealed back.

Hunter laughed and tossed Catherine a miniature ball of lustex, which she instinctively caught. “I’m tired of hearing your voice now, Kitten. Place that in your mouth.” He instructed as they headed towards the exit of the UGS building.

Before Catherine interpreted his command, her hand had already pushed the tiny ball inside her mouth. The moment the lustex made contact with her tongue, it began to expand and fill her mouth. Black straps protruded from the ball and wrapped tightly around her head, fixing a large black ball gag between her pretty, plump pink lips. “Mrpphh!” Catherine protested too late.

Hunter grinned, “Much better. If only I had that in my possession when we first met,” he laughed. “Now, our chariot awaits.” He commented, leading Catherine outside.

Catherine stepped outside, noticing the cool New York breeze brushing against her bare tits. She immediately found judgmental stares from the men and women walking past. However, Catherine was not the center of attention. Looking ahead, her blue eyes widened in horror at what she saw.

A black and gold royal-styled carriage waited for the couple on the road in front of the sprawling UGS headquarters, but no horses were attached. Instead, two women were bound and strapped to the front of the carriage, and Catherine recognized them immediately.

The two women wore matching latex-styled harnesses, exposing their breasts and showing off their hooped nipple piercings. A chain ran through each hoop and connected the two women together. They wore a black head harness, blinders narrowing their peripheral vision, and a rubbery bit slipped between their teeth.

Captain Emma Henley’s fiery red hair slipped through a hole in her head harness and flowed in a tall ponytail. Lieutenant Nicola Shaw’s raven-black hair was presented in a matching hairstyle.

Both women wore thick lustex posture collars. Their Dominae Citizenship ID cards were attached to the collar, meaning they couldn’t be arrested for indecent exposure. A fat lustex buttplug filled their assholes, with a long horse tail protruding from their tailbone; Emma’s was red, and Nicola’s was black.

Shiny black restrictive armbinders held their arms back and tightly together. The lustex constantly pressed against their elbows, attempting to push them together, and gave no slack once they relented. Their feet were encased in specialized ponygirl hooves, allowing each trot to elicit a clip-clop. Their heels were propped up but received no support, forcing them to keep themselves on their tiptoes.

Hunter approached his two ponies and stroked Nicola’s mane, prompting her to snort and clop her feet in protest. Catherine stood in awe. Her former colleague hated her situation, but her movements were unlike anything she had ever seen; she acted just like a real pony.

Catherine was close enough to examine the ponygirls’ displayed ID cards. Emma was identified as Ginger now, and Nicola was called Princess. They were labeled Transport Ponies and even given BJ grades like Catherine. Nicola was given an F grade, labeling her a biter.

“Come, Kitty,” Hunter commanded his new gagged assistant, and she complied. He handed the stagecoach driver a tip before entering the carriage and sitting beside his reluctant, busty employee.

Hunter nodded to the driver before flicking Catherine’s exposed right nipple. “Mmrpphh!” she protested but was in no position to resist him.

Hunter laughed, “Perhaps we should get these decorated. Celebrate your new Dominae citizenship.” Catherine’s eyes widened, and the carriage began to move. Everyone on the streets stared in shock at the two ponygirls carefully pulling the Dominae carriage down the road. The citizens would need to get used to this, Hunter thought to himself, leaning back and relaxing. Things have turned out pretty well, he chuckled as the coach made its way to the new Dominae embassy building.

End of Chapter Nine

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