
Meeting The Locals

by BHFun

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #clothing #dom:male #humiliation #scifi #sub:female #growth #slavery

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Chapter Four - Meeting The Locals

Sal's Bar - Hell's Alley


Catherine couldn't believe how loud the stripper shoes she wore clacked on the cool, hard sidewalk as she followed her conniving partner. Hunter had attached a leash to her choker, and she soon found herself being led towards the dive bar as if a pimp was leading his whore to a client in some perverted pornographic fantasy.

"Remember, Kitty, you had better play the role if you want to get off this planet alive, along with your two little friends." Hunter reminded her when they reached the rusty green door of the bar. "You ready?"

Hunter never gave Catherine a chance to respond, opening the door with one hand and tugging her leash with the other. The force of the tug almost caused the captain to stumble over in the tall platform heels, but she managed to keep her footing as she was led inside.

The spattering of jovial masculine chatter inside the bar died down when the two off-worlders stepped through the door. Catherine had never felt so exposed and humiliated in her life, with over a dozen hungry eyes examining her bare chest and ridiculous outfit. Catherine felt more anguish when a tall, musclebound man slid out of his booth and stepped toward them. As he approached, Catherine figured the man must have been at least 7 feet tall, towering over her and her companion, even as she wore these trashy shoes.

The intimidating man stared down stoically at both of them, his eyes lingering on her exposed flesh. He then turned his head toward Hunter, "We don't allow common riff-raff in here." He commanded.

Hunter eyed the man up and down as if he were attempting to figure out how to de-escalate the situation. Eventually, he responded, "Then how the hell did they let you in?" Catherine gasped at the unexpected antagonistic response. Was he trying to get both of them killed?

The awkward tension in the air was thick as the two men stared at each other. Catherine looked around, noticing how everyone else was engrossed in the situation. She parted her lips, on the verge of attempting to tone down the heat herself, when out of nowhere, both men suddenly burst out laughing, embracing each other in a tight hug.

"Hunter! How long has it been? Five, six years?" the tall man bellowed, releasing his grip on Catherine's criminal companion. Has it been that long? Time flies, don't it? How you been, Gronk?" Catherine's eyes darted around the room once more. The other patrons seemed content with the interaction and returned to minding their business.

"Nice toy you got with you. She for sale?" Gronk laid his eyes back on Catherine's body, licking his chapped lips. Just feeling his eyes linger on her made the captain feel dirty, and she planned on speaking out to defend herself. Hunter quickly interjected as if he sensed Catherine was about to get them both in trouble. "No, not for sale. This one is all mine. Anyway, I think you owe me a beer."

The large man bellowed a hearty laugh before wrapping his arm over Hunter's shoulder. "Absolutely. Sal, two beers over here!" He called over at the bar before leading Hunter towards his empty booth. The leash tugged on Catherine's choker hard, and she was given no choice but to follow the two men like a lowly pet.

Both men slid into opposite sides of the booth, but Catherine stood there confused. Although the booth appeared large enough for two double seats, this booth only contained a single seat on either side. "Come on, sit down." Hunter looked up at her with his smug grin. When she looked back at him in puzzlement, he rephrased his suggestion. "Kitty, kneel beside me." Catherine's eyes narrowed as she realized exactly what he had done. That dull pain in the back of her head started to grow, slowly becoming more unbearable. Eventually, she had no choice but to kneel beside him inside the booth. "Good girl." He patronizingly praised her while patting her blond pigtailed head as if he were rewarding a dog.

As her bare ass rested against the spikes of her platform heels, Catherine was reminded all too well about her state of undress. That degrading sensation compounded when the barman approached the table, sliding two steins of beer over to both men before his eyes hungrily lingered down at the kneeling captain. She looks upwards and then immediately averts her gaze away from him. It made her sick; she was a decorated starship captain while he served drinks for a living, yet he stared at her like a prized piece of meat.

"So what you doing back here, Hunter?" Gronk bellowed after taking a long gulp of his beer. "Last I heard, you were gallivanting all across the galaxy, working for whoever had enough cash."

Hunter grinned, gratified that tales of his exploits had reached his home planet. "Yea, an' I made a pretty penny too." He chuckled before looking down at his topless companion. "I caught the attention of several space agencies around the system. This one here had been chasing me for months before I captured her." Catherine silently clenched her fists, desperate to speak out, but even in her humiliated state, she knew that challenging Hunter's story wouldn't end well for her.

Gronk leaned closer, clearly enjoying the story. "Wait, you're telling me this thing ain't from around here? Is she broken in? She looks tasty. She'd make you a small fortune at auction." Catherine couldn't stop herself from scowling at the large man opposite her, confirming that she was absolutely not broken in.

Hunter laughed lightly, touching Catherine's shoulder as if to calm her, although his touch irritated her even further. "No, no, I ain't looking to sell. This one here is a prize, and I intend to enjoy her." Catherine knew he was playing a role, but Hunter's gleeful tone made her furious. "In fact, I am looking at settling down here on Dominae and building myself a collection of Earth-girls. I heard rumors of a raider camp creeping through town with a couple of Earth-girls looking to dispose of. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

Hunter's direct question spawned a raised eyebrow from Gronk, his posture straightening up, and his demeanor appeared severe. He took another long swig of his beer, emptying half the stein in one gulp. "Aye, I may have heard something, but that kinda information don't come free."

Despite her demeaning situation, Catherine felt a small sense of hope when she heard the man confirm that her two colleagues were close by. Perhaps Hunter wasn't totally useless after all. Hunter stroked his chin as if he was contemplating every possibility. "OK, Gronk. How much do you know, and what is your price?"

"I think I know exactly what you want to know. I know who is holding those bitches, I know where they are holding them, and I know exactly what they plan to do with them." Catherine's eyes widened when she heard him speak; how he was so casual in his labeling of her comrades as 'bitches’. She shuddered when Gronk's face suddenly turned toward her, running a tongue over his lower lip. "And my price? Not too much, but your bitch's lips look damn tasty. I've not had a warm mouth swallow my cock since my last slave was repossessed for unpaid taxes."

Catherine gasped. She had never been spoken about in such a disgusting, crass way, and she knew that she couldn't let that stand, no matter what freaky customs this planet demonstrated. "How dare yo-", "Kitty, don't speak until I give you permission." Hunter knew that Catherine was about to put them in a problematic situation and acted quickly to stop her in her tracks. She wanted to continue her tirade, but each time she opened her mouth, that unbearable sting in the back of her head returned with a vengeance. She immediately but silently shot a furious, scowling look at Hunter, who was grinning beside her. While he may have issued that command out of necessity, he was undoubtedly having fun with this new power dynamic.

Hunter turned his attention back to his old friend, scratching his chin as though he was seriously considering the offer. "That's a fair price, Gronk, but this bitch is still in training, and her teeth haven't been dulled yet. But I can offer you gold."

Gronk laughed at Hunter's response, leaning across the table and looking down at the silent kneeling captain. "I ain't interested in no gold! I've named my price, and I'll take my chances." He licked his lips, ogling the topless blond. "As soon as her pretty lips are wrapped around my frustrated cock, I'll tell you everything you want to know."

Hunter sighed in resignation, turning to look at a furious Catherine, shaking her head wildly at him. "I'm sorry, Kitty, but you know how much we need to find those women." Catherine looked up at him. A part of her considered bolting for the door and taking her chances alone, but then she heard those dreaded words. "Kitty, crawl under the table and give Gronk the best blowjob of his life."

Catherine let out an unintentional squeal when she heard his command. How could that criminal bastard order her to perform such a disgusting and degrading act? She continued to shake her head as the pain in the back of her skull grew, determined to fight through the pain and resist the power of the collar. Eventually, her eyesight started to blur, and the pain became so unbearable that she had no choice but to place her hands on the ground and crawl under the table.

As soon as she started crawling, the pain disappeared entirely, as if someone had pressed an off switch in her brain. The words of Hunter's command echoed through Catherine's mind, and she almost gagged when Gronk's thick veiny erection confronted her. As she prepared to wrap her lips around his shaft reluctantly, a command entered her mind to lick his balls. Catherine's eyes shot wide open, and the attempt to ignore the command reignited that familiar pain. Hunter had commanded her not just to give Gronk a blowjob but to give him the best blowjob of his life, and the collar intended to train Catherine in exactly how to accomplish the task.

Catherine whimpered in grossed-out disgust when her tongue slid along the swollen, sweaty balls of the man she had only just met less than an hour ago. The taste and aroma were overbearing, and each time she tried to withdraw, she felt the stinging sensation in the back of her head keep her in her place. A new command entered her head, and the captain found herself with no choice but to wrap her glossy pink lips around his balls, blowing on them as they filled her mouth. She tried her best not to wretch, endeavoring to keep her mind occupied with happier thoughts, but the collar commands entering her head kept bringing her back to the futile present.

After being commanded to run her tongue along the length of the thick shaft, she soon found herself teasing the tip of his cock with her lips. Much to Catherine's frustration, the table above her contained a weird soundproofing design, preventing her from listening in on any vital information the two men were discussing regarding her colleagues.

"Mmm, untrained, you say?" Gronk's tone appeared softer now that he was being pleasured. "She's a damn natural. You got a valuable one on your hands for sure." Hunter sniggered. If only his old friend knew the truth. "Ohh, yes, I'm aware of her value. Now, tell me what I want to know."

Gronk paused for a moment, experiencing Catherine's lips fully wrap around his shaft and tentatively pushing down. The man impatiently grabbed her ridiculous pigtails and pushed her down on his hard cock, holding her in position for a few moments before releasing her and allowing her to get back to work. Catherine tried to cry out, but his cock down her throat muffled her vocal cords. The captain had to react quickly to open up her throat and allow the sweaty cock to push all the way inside her. A solitary tear escaped her eyes when she was held in place as if his thick flesh was suffocating her, and she was relieved when he finally let go. Before she was able to withdraw from his cock, however, the command in her head instructed her to continue deepthroating his dick, and so she did.

"OK…" Gronk eventually spat out, "There are rumors a group of Obsidian Raiders picked up a couple of earthlings and are in town looking to sell." Hunter raised an eyebrow, which confirmed what he had already suspected. "But if you're looking to buy, you're outta luck." Gronk continues, "I hear they're being auctioned off in 4 days down at the Gilded Lounge. You ain't got no chance of getting in there."

Hunter grimaced. The Gilded Lounge was the most exclusive private members club in the city. Located in the wealthy Sapphire Quarter, there were only two means of gaining membership: making a substantial donation to the club or donating a highly prized slave to their auction block. Hunter knew his chances of gaining entry by either means were extremely slim.

Catherine was incredibly frustrated. The soundproofed table made it impossible for her to listen in on any crucial information being discussed above her, and the evil collar continued to instruct her on how to perform the perfect blowjob, punishing her relentlessly when she resisted. Twice she felt the large man's cock twitch as if he was approaching orgasm, and both times the collar had instructed her to slow down and keep him on the edge. She struggled to control her breathing each time the thick penis pushed deep down her throat, and she felt like she would never be able to cleanse her nostrils of the smell.

Gronk looked ahead blissfully; he hadn't experienced a blowjob this incredible in years. He leans his head forward, feeling those precious lips around the base of his cock, "You got a real pro here. If you want those bitches so much, she might just be your ticket to a lifetime membership." Hunter grinned. Crow always had impressive tech lying around, and that collar was a thing of genius. "She's something special, alright. But as I said, I'm looking to build a collection, and she's my centerpiece. I ain't looking to sell."

Catherine skillfully brought Gronk to the edge a third time. Still, to her surprise, the collar didn't instruct her to hold back on this occasion, instead commanding her to continue her pacy deepthroat as the cock swelled up further before exploding inside her waiting mouth. She prepared to withdraw, but the collar told her to continue pumping and swallow his cum. The captain's eyes widened, but her prior painful experiences of resistance kept her from disobeying the collar, and she tried her best to swallow the disgusting contents, even as it made her stomach turn.

"That's…. Too bad…" Hunter smiled when he heard Gronk's disjointed words. He had never seen that expression on his old friend's face, and Hunter knew that Catherine had brought him to climax. He chuckled, giving himself a moment to think back at the furious commanding captain that had captured and imprisoned him now on her knees with her tits out and her mouth filled with cum; that was proper retribution.

Catherine started to believe that this asshole's production would never end, but eventually, the stream of semen began to subside, and his cock started to soften in her warm mouth. When he had finished cumming, and she had swallowed every drop before removing the cock from her mouth, the collar then gave Catherine one final instruction; use your tongue to clean him. Hadn't the collar humiliated her enough? But when the pain in the back of her head slowly started to regenerate, she immediately slid her tongue over the tip of the softened cock. She shuddered at the taste on her tongue but soldiered on until the collar was satisfied with her progress.

Hunter leaned over the large table and shook his old friend's hand. "Thank you for the information, Gronk. It was invaluable as always." Gronk was still recovering from the intense fellatio he had just experienced and struggled to find the words in response, "N-no problem. If you need more information, I'd happily negotiate a price again." Hunter laughed at his friend's offer, "Ohh, I'm sure you will." He says before reaching down and speaking under the table, calling down to his humiliated partner. "Come on, Kitty, it's time to go."

Catherine crawled out from under the table and stood back up on her platform heels. Her cheeks blushed when she noticed a few lustful eyes watching her remove herself from under the table; this was truly the worst day of her life. Hunter slid out from the booth and took the leash dangling from Catherine's collar, and she shot him a furious look, realizing that she still could not speak.

"I'll give you permission to speak again after we find a hotel. I don't want you ruining our mission after receiving the information I just acquired." Hunter grinned; truthfully, he just enjoyed having that level of control over his former captor. "But first, I'm starving. There is a nice takeout restaurant just around the corner. All for me, of course; you just had your dinner." Catherine stared daggers back at him and clenched her fists again. When this was all said and done, she would make sure his life was a constant hell in jail back home. Hunter continued to grin as he led her out of the bar and back onto the dark, dirty streets of Red Rock.

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