
Welcome to Dominae

by BHFun

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #clothing #dom:male #humiliation #scifi #sub:female #growth #slavery

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Chapter Three - Welcome to Dominae

The Road to Red Rock

Catherine had no idea how long she had been trapped on the back of the motorcycle, and the blindfold in the visor of her helmet meant that she was clueless about where Hunter was taking her. She knew nothing about the planet's geography anyway, but she could have at least visually mapped their directions between the absurd diner and their next destination.

While she straddles the bike in darkness, her senses are heightened in other areas of her body. Her legs spread wide over the chassis of the vehicle, her feet cuffed and trapped in place. The motor's vibration reverberates throughout her bare legs and hones in on one spot. The engine's roar drowned out Catherine's muffled cries, uncomfortably biting on the giant ball invading her mouth. Those vibrations were buzzing incessantly against her bare pussy, a pussy that hadn't been touched for months. As much as Catherine attempted to fight against the unwanted sensations running through her body, she couldn't deny that it was making her humiliatingly hot.

Hunter made no effort to ride carefully either. Enjoying his newfound freedom after months locked up in a tiny prison cell and months traveling with his bitchy companion, he used this journey to let out some of his pent-up sourness, even if it added to the discomfort of his bound passenger.

Catherine usually had a great sense of time, but with her darkened vision and the unwanted pleasurable sensations running through her body, she had no idea how long they had been riding, but it felt like hours. In reality, it was only 45 minutes when Hunter cruised through the gritty streets of Red Rock, rolling towards the seedy district of Hell's Alley.

Catherine knew that they must be close to Hunter's intended destination. The bike had slowed, and the corners were sharper as if he were navigating a series of US-style blocks. Finally, the motorcycle slowed to a halt, and Catherine felt Hunter slip off from the vehicle, placing it on the kickstand. Catherine panted heavily while she waited for the convict to release her from the bike, but all she heard were his footsteps getting quieter and quieter. Was that bastard leaving her there?

"Umphherrr!" She tried to call out his name behind the huge gag preventing her from being coherent, but he either didn't hear her gagged please, or he decided to ignore her entirely. A few moments later, the bound captain held her breath, hearing multiple footsteps approaching her.

"This her?" She heard a man with a low-pitched, gravelly voice speak. She didn't recognize the voice, but his baritone caused her entire body to shudder, reminding her all the more that she was precariously bound on a public street. "Fuck, she is pretty. Not what I expected from your descriptions of her."

Then she heard that infuriatingly cocky laugh she had been forced to listen to for the last several months. The laugh made her struggle against her armcuffs, but if they didn't release the first 10 times she attempted it, it probably wouldn't work the fiftieth. "Yea, this one had been a royal pain in my ass all over the galaxy for the last 2 years," Hunter responds to the man before pushing the small button on the back of her helmet. Suddenly, the visor around her head cleared up and slid up into the helmet, and the strap keeping her gag in place released, withdrawing from her open mouth and receding into the helmet.

Catherine squinted when her vision became more evident, expecting the sun's blinding light, but the lighting appeared far dimmer wherever they were now. The captain wasn't sure if the sun had started to set or if it was the effect of this run-down urban neighborhood. She heard a sudden beep and felt her restraints instantly withdraw back into the bike, finally unbinding her. Looking ahead, she saw that Hunter had pressed something on the front dashboard.

Hunter offered his arm to help Catherine descend the bike, but she dismissively threw his arm aside, choosing to dismount on her own accord. Catherine was very much aware that she was completely naked on a city street. Fortunately, the street appeared empty, except for his hulking stranger facing her.

"Kitty, I would like to introduce you to a good friend of mine, Walter. Walter, meet Kit-""Catherine!" Captain Knight suddenly interrupted Hunter's introductions. "My damn name is Catherine. Are you going to explain yourself?! Who the fuck do you think you are, Hunter?" Catherine's voice was getting louder and more animated.

"Let's get both of you inside before you attract some unwanted attention. This district will not be as muted when the sun goes down." This Walter guy spoke before stepping towards a filthy-looking tower block. Hunter followed closely behind him without uttering a word to his female companion. Catherine wanted to argue and reassert her dominance, but the fact that she was naked next to two fully clothed men on a public sidewalk made it impossible to argue with his reasoning. She hurriedly followed behind the convicted criminal and stepped inside the building.

Walter Crow's Apartment - Red Rock

Catherine Knight entered the old, derelict apartment as their new host, Walter Crow, held the door open for her and Hunter. The building itself was an unkempt monstrosity, falling into disrepair with leaks and mold in the hallways. While Walter's apartment was not much better, the four walls and ceiling at least did a much better job of keeping the outside elements at bay.

"Do you have any clothes in this dingy little apartment?" Catherine started with the direct question, looking around the room for signs of future technology or anything she could swipe to help her on her mission.

"Now, now, Kitty. No need for rudeness. Walter here is an old friend, and he is willing to help us," Hunter responded, provoking a cold snarl from Catherine in his direction. Walter simply laughed at the interaction, clearly amused by the squabbling pair. "Wow, it's been so long since I've seen a real-life Earth woman. It feels like I'm watching an old movie." Walter remarked before addressing Catherine's initial question. "Yes, I have something for you to wear. However, there are some things about this planet that you need to know before we go any further."

Catherine folded her arms over her exposed breasts while Hunter strolled over to the battered red couch in the middle of the main room, making himself comfortable. "Well, out with it then. What do I need to know? Do you know where Emma and Nicola are?"

Walter shook his head, giving the naked blond woman a quizzical look. "Am I supposed to know who they are?" He responded dismissively, moving on to his next point before she could expand on his question. "No. I need to teach you a lesson on Dominae culture and how to act if you want to survive long enough to see your friends again."

That final statement sounded ominous to Catherine's ears, but she looked directly at him undeterred. "I am a five-star Galactic Captain for the United Global Spaceforce. I scored a 9.8 on my sharpshooter assessment, and I speak 14 different languages. I know how to take care of myself."

Her boastful outburst elicited a chuckle from Walter. "I can see why you like this one, H." He spoke to his friend before redirecting his attention to the blond captain. "None of those attributes will help you over here. The only skills most folk around here will care about is what you can do with that mouth and pussy of yours." Catherine's eyebrows arched, taken aback by his direct, inappropriate language. Hunter then casually chimed in on the conversation, "And ass." Walter pointed at his pal as if he had just made a great point, "ass too, thanks H."

Catherine clenched her fists. She knew that Hunter was a degenerate and a murdering psychopath, but she was leading this mission, and she refused to be spoken like that by these two buffoons. "Just who the hell do you think you're talking to? I won't tolerate this kind of-" She started before Walter cut her off.

"See, this is exactly the kind of attitude that will get you in trouble. You need to understand you ain't on earth no more. Those precious dreams of feminist ideals you have over there don't apply here." Catherine could feel Walter's words dig directly into her ego. What kind of world did she stumble into, and how did this man know so much about Earth culture? "Look, I'll show you.." Walter picked up a small device and switched on a holographic television unit.

Catherine focused on the display and covered her mouth in horror. Walter switched from network to network, a news broadcast with a male newsreader reporting today's headlines with four naked women dancing in the background, a sitcom where an 18-year-old is unwrapping a bound and gagged woman for Christmas, a sports show where groups of nude women, tightly bound and gagged, dressed up as show ponies, are paraded around an obstacle course. The one thing all of these very different shows had in common was their objectification of women, and they were broadcast on TV like it was the most ordinary thing.

"You starting to get it now?" Walter asked, stepping closer to the shocked, clothe-less captain. "Most women on this planet don't enjoy the same freedoms that you are used to. Most are bought, sold, used, and abused, and that is just the way of life around here." The way of life? Catherine thought she might throw up. It is as though she went to bed and woke up in a nightmare. "If you take your current attitude out there in public, you will be collared and fucked before you finish your first sentence."

A million thoughts started running through Catherine's mind. If everything he was telling her was correct, and the evidence was clear on the holographic TV, she had landed in a far more dangerous situation than she would have ever predicted. She needed to be smart and not dive in with her usual reckless methods. "Fine, so we've landed in a hellhole. What do you suggest?" She tried to answer diplomatically, ignoring the fact that the large man continued to take glimpses of her breasts.

Hunter, who had been relaxing on the sofa and enjoying the exchange, suddenly rose to his feet as Walter laid out his plan. "While it's illegal just to take a free woman off the street and wrap a collar around her neck, good luck finding a cop who will listen to that complaint," he chuckled. "The safest way to navigate this planet and find your little friends is to have a guardian."

"A guardian?" Catherine asked quizzically. Hunter used this opportunity to implant himself into the conversation. "A guardian gives a woman a certain level of protection. He ensures her safety and makes sure that no one can touch her without permission." Without permission? Catherine despised the way that sentence was worded.

Walter interjected as if to add context that Hunter conveniently left out, "Taking H here as your guardian will be by far the safest way to navigate this world and not end up at some breeding farm, but there is something you need to be aware of." Walter paused, his facial expression sterner than before, "It's highly illegal for a woman to disobey her guardian in public. Whatever he commands of her out there must be followed, or the consequences are not worth considering."

Catherine tried to comprehend the significance of this information. Was he implying that if she agreed to have that murderous criminal as her guardian, she would have to trust him entirely and obey him in public, or else she could be arrested? She hated this goddamn planet. "Of course, you can always leave here and take your chances getting home alone. I look forward to visiting you at the breeding farm." Walter drove home the limited choice that she was faced with.

Catherine thought for a moment. The two men didn't interject, allowing her to consider the consequences of her next decision. When it came down to it, there was only one realistic choice to make. "Okay, I'll do it. I will let Hunter pose as my guardian in public."

She heard the loud smack of Hunter's hands clapping together, narrowing her eyes in annoyance at his glee. He stepped forward, standing next to his old friend, looking the naked Catherine up and down. "Fantastic!" Hunter exclaimed, "Now there is a bar across the street I used to run around in. The clientèle is not the most refined, but if anyone knows of space raiders smuggling Earth women into the city, we'll find them there."

A brief moment of hope glinted in Catherine's eyes when Hunter spoke about the bar. Finally, the man had something worthwhile to say. If anyone could lead Catherine to the whereabouts of her colleagues or the raiding bastards that took them, she needed to speak with them. "Great, let's go!" Catherine said with too much enthusiasm until Hunter stood between her and the door.

Hunter chuckled, eying the captain up and down. "I like your eagerness, and as much as I love looking at that body, you're a little under-dressed." Catherine paused and then re-covered herself up in horror. She had been undressed for such a length of time that she had completely forgotten about it. She had almost volunteered to head outside completely buck nude.

Walter grinned at her horrified expression. It was great seeing a real-life Earth girl again. "I have an auto-dresser in my bedroom over there. It's not the latest model, but it will get the job done. Just step inside, and the machine will do the work for you."

Auto-dresser? Catherine had never heard of such technology, but if it was going to give her something to wear, who was she to argue? She turned around and headed for Walter's bedroom; the overwhelming, repugnant stench of sex filled the air of the room, and it almost made her gag. Attempting to hold her nose, Captain Knight headed for the ominous 7' tall machine in the corner of the room. She moved over to the machine and stepped her bare body inside, immediately causing the device to light up and the door of the dresser to slam shut after her.

"Welcome. Please state your name." The machine spoke in a soothing female voice. Catherine was alarmed at the sudden audio but grinned at the technology. "Catherine Knight." She responded. "Female voice detected. Obtaining permissions from primary user." The voice sounded slightly more urgent than before when four sudden robotic appendages withdrew from the machine and reached down to her wrists and ankles. Before Catherine could react or fight back, they clasped tightly and pulled back, forcing her arms high above her head and spreading her legs wide. "What the fuck?!" Catherine screamed out, attempting to resist the solid mechanical arms.

"Permission granted. Awaiting parameters…" Who the hell was the machine awaiting parameters from? Catherine already had a good idea who that was, but it didn't weaken her sudden sense of dread. Catherine shouted out both the men's names, but the soundproofed machine made sure that her pleas were confined inside.

Approximately 10 minutes after she last heard the machine's audio, it spoke up again. "Parameters complete. Dirt detected, initiating cleansing mode." Catherine listened to the menacing whirring of the machine getting to work, with yet more mechanical arms slipping out from the confines of the chamber. Catherine attempted to maneuver her body to avoid the roaming claws and gasped when a powerful burst of warm water started shooting from above her. Trapped in her spread position, she was soaked; her hair was drenched, and her body glistened with the reflection of the freshwater.

The maniacal claws suddenly converted into soft, soapy sponges, and they started to thoroughly scrub her body, each arm focusing on a different part of her body. While it was nice to be rid of the grit and grime that she had accumulated since the horrific crash, she felt violated by the manner in which she was cleaned. Eventually, one more claw descended and latched onto her chin, pulling it down and forcing her to open her mouth. She was helpless to resist the toothbrush invading her mouth and diligently brushing each individual tooth.

Once it felt like her entire body had been scrubbed raw, the spongy appendages withdrew back into the machine, and an intense heat attacked her from all angles, drying her blond hair and naked body. As imposing as the entire experience felt, Catherine actually felt pretty good about being clean again. She was feeling good until she heard that robotic voice again. "Unauthorized hair detected. Selecting primary user's preferred extraction method. Laser removal."

What? Were they going to remove her hair? What kind of sick joke was this? She struggled fiercely against the heavy claws, but escaping the contraption was futile. It didn't take long for Catherine to realize that she needn't have worried about losing the hair on her head, with another metal claw holding a silver object approaching her crotch. "Oh fuck…" Catherine shot out before the pen lit up and shot a beam across the patches of hair above her vagina.

Catherine screamed out in vain as the laser pen surgically removed each and every dark blond strand from her pubic area, leaving her utterly bald below the scalp. Catherine had always thought that women who groom themselves so humiliatingly had way too much time on their hands and needed to find better hobbies. The idea that she was now just as perfectly groomed against her own wishes felt like an ultimate violation.

Catherine soon discovered that the violation had only begun, with the soothing female voice declaring, "Hair removal complete. Assembling chosen outfit."

The first sensation Catherine felt did not fill her with confidence; she suddenly felt pressure behind her, pushing against the bud of her asshole. "What the fu-" She started to exclaim "Gah!" Yelping out, the object twisting and moving ever closer inside her ass. She had never experienced anything in her ass before, and the unwanted experience felt totally foreign. Soon the silver princess buttplug was sucked inside, nestling deep inside her asshole. Catherine could feel it inside her, shaking her ass, doing nothing to dislodge the anal invader. Despite its small size, the plug felt huge inside her.

The automated arms spreading her legs then sprang to action. Lifting and twisting her legs in whichever way they required. She could feel the machine dressing her in some kind of stocking, but her mouth gaped open when she looked down and witnessed the bright pink fishnet stockings on her legs, covered from her toes up to her upper thighs. Staring down in horror, she saw that the machine was in the process of attaching impractical pink 7" stiletto heels with a 4" platform. They were fitting her with stripper heels! With an ominous click, she gasped when she saw the small padlocks over the straps, locking them in.

The mechanical arms finally slipped one more garment over her legs before returning her to her spread-legs position, her body suddenly appearing much taller with the new heels on her feet. That final garment was her new panties, which could barely be described as clothing. The tiny g-string barely covered her newly bald pussy with a tiny pvc patch at the front; three tiny strings wrapped around her waist and under her crotch to keep it in place, one of the strings firmly nestled between her buttcheeks. Anyone looking at her from behind would easily be able to recognize the pink jewel of the buttplug inside her.

The machine started focusing on her upper body, and Catherine felt a sturdy material wrap around her waist. Trying to look past her breasts, she could see the bright pink and black garment but could not work out its purpose. It didn't take long for her to figure out exactly what type of garment she was being forced into, the machine zipping her up and her waist crushing inwards with each pull. The bastards had constrained her into a damn corset. Required to take short, shallow breaths to control her breathing, Catherine suddenly heard another click as the corset was locked. The heavily boned pink corset, with black trimming, emphasized the feminine curves of her body that she had tried to hide throughout her career and rest just under her chest, leaving her C-cup breasts wholly exposed.

"Outfit assembled successfully. Attaching user-requested accessory." Her outfit was most definitely not assembled. She had no idea what she looked like but imagined it wasn't far from an outrageous stripper. She was suddenly brought back to reality when a leather choker was wrapped around her bare neck, pulling tightly until it was snug and then clicking into place. It was a pink choker with a black band through the center and an unusual-looking LCD display at the front.

User-requested accessory applied. Performing beautification within user-requested parameters." Catherine was getting sick of that softly spoken voice, speaking as though all of this was totally normal. She didn't like the sound of the next step and attempted to shake her head about it, but it was soon held in place by a large metal brace, making it impossible for Catherine to move her head even a single inch.

Catherine could only stand in her forced position and watch a series of smaller claws, holding various pieces of equipment, headed toward her face. She felt a sharp tugging and pulling at her blond hair, something pinching at her eyebrows, an appliance grip on her eyelashes, various instruments rubbing against her lips and cheeks. She was forced to endure the attack on her face for over 5 minutes until the tiny claws eventually started withdrawing back into the machine's skeleton. However, the large brace stayed put, keeping her head in place when the machine spoke again.

"User-defined beautification complete. Applying sealant." Sealant? Catherine didn't even have time to comprehend that sentence before a silvery label-less canister descended from the ceiling of the machine, directly spraying her in the face with an unknown substance. Catherine did her best to keep her eyes and mouth closed during the ordeal.

"Sealant applied. Beautification is permanent until unsealant is applied." Catherine had no idea what she looked like, but the word 'permanent' rang through her ears like a death sentence. What had those bastards done?

"Outfit applied successfully. Thank you for using our Novatech Auto-Closet, Version 2.0," the voice soothingly said. The claws keeping her arms, legs, and head in place suddenly released her and withdrew back inside the machine, and the door opened.

Catherine stumbled out of the closet, forgetting about the tall stripper shoes now attached to her feet. She was greeted by Hunter and Walter, both with undeniable shit-eating grins on their faces. Hunter had also changed out of his battered blue space suit while she was in the closet, although she would have much preferred to be wearing his chosen outfit: a simple casual black T-shirt and ripped blue jeans, with a black leather jacket completing the look. Catherine folded her arms over her own exposed breasts, trying to retain some modesty.

"I don't think you have ever looked this good, Kitty." Hunter teased her, his arms folded, looking her up and down like a piece of meat. Everything from the platform heels to the fishnet stockings, the tiny g-string, and the tightly boned corset screamed sex, not to mention the buttplug wedged between her ass cheeks. And that is before you even reach the face. Her lips now looked prominent on her face, with a bright shade of glossy pink covering them, making them look bigger and forever pouty somehow. Her cheeks showed a permanent natural blue, and her eyelashes were long, luscious, and midnight black. Her blond hair was now humiliatingly tugged into two tall twintails, with a pink hairband on each side keeping them in place.

"What the hell did you two do now?!" She demanded with gritted teeth. She may have agreed to let Hunter become her fake guardian, but there was no need to dress her up like some common prostitute. "Just giving you an outfit, like you requested," Hunter responded smugly before lifting his arm and tapping a watch on his wrist. Was he wearing that before? "Now, this may sting for a moment." He warned before pressing one more button, and there was a sudden sharp sting in the back of Catherine's neck, just behind the choker. She heard a beep, and the LCD panel on her choker lit up. Catherine had no idea what was written on the display, but whatever it was caused both men to laugh heartily.

"Now, Kitty, just remind me for a moment. What is your name?" Hunter asked. Catherine knew he had some ulterior motive, but she would never pass up the opportunity to remind him of her real name. "My name is Cath- Its Ca-. My name is Ca— Aghhh, why can't I say my damn name?" No matter how much she tried, she couldn't get the word out; it was as if her tongue became incredibly heavy when she started uttering the name.

"You can say your name. You just have to think a little harder about what your name might be." He winked at her, infuriating her further. What was he talking about? What game was he playing, and then like a ton of bricks, it hit her. Catherine clenched her fists before speaking, "My name is Kitty." Her heavily made-up eyes narrow when she watches both bawl out laughing. "You sonofabitch! I am going to fucking kill you after all this!" Catherine screamed out.

Hunter eventually managed to hold himself together to address the pink-clad captain again. "Okay, okay. We have to fix just one more thing, and we can head to the bar. Kitty, place your arms behind your back."

Catherine was still reeling from being unable to say her own name, and she barely registered the command he gave her. She was soon brought back to the present when a dull pain started appearing in the back of her head, getting more and more prominent with each moment. Hunter's command started replaying in his head, and she tried to shake it off, but the command remained, and the pain intensified. Eventually, Catherine could take the pain no longer and slipped her arms from her breasts, wrapping them behind her back and leaving her chest completely exposed. "You fucker! What am I doing?!" Catherine retorted.

Hunter and Walter both nodded to each other with a knowing grin before Hunter answered Catherine's question. "Well, doll, I know exactly what you're like. You are a fighter, and your mouth often gets you into trouble. No matter how hard you try, it'll only be a matter of time before you're arrested and packaged off if you're left to your own decisions. This device is connected to your collar. The wearer can issue you a command using the codeword 'Kitty.' You can choose to disobey the command, but I hear the pain can become quite severe. I promise to only use it publicly as your guardian."

Catherine could then move her arms from behind her without any painful repercussions. She brings a hand up to the choker around her neck, horrified that such a small piece of equipment can create so much pain.

Hunter then started heading for the door back to the living room. "Now it's getting late. I suggest we head to the bar now and start tracking down your friends. That is unless you're starting to like it here." Hunter grinned, turning to watch Catherine's reaction.

Catherine shook her head. She could think of nothing worse than being seen in public in this outfit, but she needed to get started finding her colleagues. The sooner Catherine found and rescued them, the sooner they could all get off this awful, backward planet. Wordlessly, she followed Hunter towards the front door, her heels clicking loudly on the solid wood floor.

End of Chapter 3

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