An Epilogue - Chapter One
by BHFun
This was a commissioned epilogue. They involve entirely new characters, although some main characters return.
I release all of my stories for free eventually. If you would like to read the most recent chapters, please consider subscribing to my website here.
The Lawyer’s Downfall
Chapter One
“Eliza Moore, the twenty-year-old socialite and daughter of famed actor Richard Moore, has gone missing,” Phoebe lazily sat on her couch and rolled her eyes at the news of another attractive celebrity disappearing. “She was last seen at a charity ball in Pinnacle Heights on Thursday. Law enforcement sources have stated that they have no leads and are offering a $500,000 reward to anyone with information on Eliza’s whereabouts.”
Phoebe sighed at the law enforcement’s incompetence. The NNYPD used to be well-respected and feared. Now, they can’t even solve an obvious missing person case. Ever since the Dominae consulate opened in New York and started demonstrating their disgusting customs on Earth, the number of missing women had soared. Phoebe hoped her hard work would soon put an end to the backward society’s presence on her planet.
“In other news,” The newsreader continued. “The Dominae Experience, a brand new all-inclusive Dominae-themed hotel, will open this Monday. The hotel promises to deliver an authentic Dominae experience to its consenting guests and give them a taste of Dominae culture in a safe, controlled environment. I might make my way down there myself.”
“Argh!” Phoebe exclaimed as she switched the TV off in fury. Earth was the most progressive planet in the galaxy. How could her people allow barbaric, misogynistic practices to take place in their neighborhoods?
“Is the news upsetting you again, baby?” Phoebe’s girlfriend, Hannah, asked her partner condescendingly. Phoebe rolled her eyes at the comment. “Anyway, dinners ready.”
Phoebe took a deep breath, pushed the rim of her glasses back up her nose, and rose to her feet. She approached her redheaded girlfriend and gave her a loving kiss before she sat at the dining table. The brunette inhaled the delicious fragrance of her partner’s freshly prepared food and smiled.
“What did I do to deserve you?” She grinned before digging into the warm plate of food.
Hannah tried to keep the conversation going throughout dinner, but her brunette lover was clearly distracted. “Still thinking about the case?”
“No, well, yes,” Phoebe replied. They had a rule in their relationship to never talk about work at home, but Phoebe’s upcoming legal case was about to set a precedent, and it plagued every inch of her mind.
Ever since the Voluntary Female Slavery Act was passed almost two years ago, the number of female kidnappings had risen exponentially. Lawmakers worked overtime to reassure the public that only willing women would be subject to the law, and any slavery contract would be nullified if there were any signs of duress. In reality, it spawned an underground black market economy. However, law enforcement agencies and lawmakers refused to acknowledge the evidence before them.
Hannah comfortingly stroked her girlfriend’s back. “Don’t let it overwhelm you. Once your firm takes the fight to these assholes and wins the case, they’ll have nowhere to run.”
The redhead referred to a landmark lawsuit Phoebe’s firm, Shaw & Willis LLC, brought against the Dominae government. They had sued the foreign government on national security grounds. They hoped the case would shut down the embassy and return Earth back to its modern glory.
Despite being a first-year associate, the 24-year-old lawyer had been moved into the team. She was passionate about the circumstances of the case, and her boss, Mariana Shaw, decided to give her a chance.
Hannah kissed Phoebe’s cheek before taking her empty plate and placing them in the kitchen. “How about we forget about the washing up and head to bed.” She reapproached her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around the brunette’s neck. “I could think of a few ways to take your mind off things.” She winked,
Phoebe giggled. “You always say the sweetest things,” she teased. The lawyer stood up and followed her girlfriend into their bedroom. She was going to have some fun tonight.
“Those fucking spineless bastards!” After hearing the news, Mariana Shaw unprofessionally screamed at the start of the firm’s morning meeting. Phoebe tentatively took her seat. She had never seen her boss so fired up before.
“I’m sorry, Mariana,” Shane Willis, the other named partner, apologized. “But this is what my sources are telling me. Your case against the Dominae government will fail unless you present more solid evidence.”
“They are stealing women from the streets, from parties, from their beds,” Mariana exclaimed. “They will find the evidence if they just opened their damn eyes!”
“I know it’s not the news you wanted to hear,” the senior partner continued. “However, your case is against a foreign government. They won’t even consider a Guilty verdict unless you can prove wrongdoing without a shadow of a doubt.”
Mariana stood before the half-dozen lawyers dejectedly. She had spent the last 12 months on this case and wasn’t prepared to let it collapse.
“So, is that it?” Jeremy Loughlin, a senior partner, asked. “Is it over? We’re just going to give up?”
Mariana narrowed her eyes at the bald partner. “No. I will never give up. This is personal to me!” The controlling partner revealed.
“Personal?” Shane asked.
Mariana took a deep breath. “My sister is Lieutenant Nicola Shaw. She was captured by space raiders almost three years ago, and her capture led to the mission that ultimately brought Dominae to our shores.”
Phoebe gasped, along with the rest of the room. Ever since she met the fiery lawyer, Phoebe thought she looked familiar. Nicola Shaw and Captain Emma Henley’s faces were pasted all over news networks and tabloid papers when they were first taken. She had no idea she was working for the infamous Nicola Shaw’s sister.
“Wasn’t Lieutenant Shaw the first Earth citizen to volunteer herself into slavery?” An unknown associate at the back of the room asked.
Mariana’s eyes narrowed. Phoebe thought her boss was close to exploding. “Volunteer?” Mariana cried out. “Does it sound likely that a decorated Space Lieutenant would voluntarily enslave herself and choose to become a human cart pony?” She was seething.
“Well, she was taken by those raiders,” the male lawyer replied. “Perhaps it was Stockholm syndrome?”
“Get out!” Mariana screamed, prompting everyone to bolt up in their seats. The lawyer at the back of the room was frozen to the spot for a moment, but when it became clear how serious the named partner was, he rose to his feet and scurried out of the room.
After taking a moment to calm down, Mariana slapped a photograph on the display board at the front of the room. The photo depicted the exterior of a hotel under construction. Phoebe had seen an image of that very hotel on the news just last night.
“The Dominae government is about to open a hotel on the outskirts of the City,” Mariana explained. “They are touting it as the first authentic taste of Dominae culture to consenting couples. I have a source that believes they will be using it to transport kidnapped women to their embassy before shipping them back to their planet.”
“Do you truly think they are exporting Earth women back to their planet?” Phoebe finally spoke up.
Mariana stared at the young associate. “I am certain of it,” she spoke with conviction.
“So,” Shane Willis continued. “How is this going to help us?”
Mariana took a long moment to pause before revealing her motive. “I plan to pose as an interested patron and use my time there to gather concrete evidence of their criminal behavior.”
The room gasped, and Shane shook his head. “Absolutely not. I forbid it.”
The fiery brunette raised an eyebrow. “You can’t forbid it. I am the controlling partner in this firm, and I will do as I please.”
Shane folded his arms. “Exactly. You are in charge of this case. Your name is all over the court documents, and your face has been in the news on more than one occasion. If you step foot in that hotel, you may as well tell them exactly what you are there for.”
Mariana groaned. Her partner had a point. “So? What do you suggest then,” she asked him. “I will not sit by and let more innocent women go missing while the authorities sit on their hands!”
“I—I can do it,” Phoebe said. She wasn’t sure where her bout of courage came from, but seeing how much this case meant to her boss encouraged her to speak up. If she were to help crack this case, her career could sour to a level she never could have dreamed of.
“You?” Mariana questioned. “No way. It’s too dangerous and too important to send a first year.” Phoebe’s heart sank at the dismissive nature of her boss’ statement.
“I can do it,” Phoebe repeated. “I won’t let you down.”
Mariana narrowed her eyes. “I said no!”
“Hold on a minute, Mariana,” Shane interrupted. “It may not be such a bad idea. She is new to the firm, unlikely to be recognized, and seems just as determined as you are.”
The controlling partner sighed. Shane was right, although it left a bad taste in her mouth whenever she admitted it. “Okay, you can go,” she said. “However, they are only accepting heterosexual couples right now. You have a girlfriend, right?”
Phoebe paused momentarily until a new voice spoke up. “I can escort her.” The bespectacled associate turned around to find Callum Knox, a fifth-year associate, with his hand up. Phoebe hadn’t interacted with Callum much, but he seemed like a nice enough man with a sharp mind. She often wondered how he hadn’t earned a promotion in five years at the firm, but she knew Mariana’s penchant for prioritizing women likely had something to do with it.
“Is that alright with you, Phoebe?” Mariana asked the four-eyed associate.
Phoebe tentatively nodded her head in acceptance. She would have preferred to do it alone, but having backup wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Great,” Mariana spoke dryly. “I’ll set up the reservation and make the necessary financial arrangements. Good luck, you two, and bring back some juice evidence we can feast on.” She gave them a rare smile before declaring the meeting over and exiting the room.
“So,” Callum approached Phoebe as she rose to her feet. “How do you want to do this?”
“Well,” the first-year associate paused to think. “I’m ready to start immediately. Let’s hammer out a convincing backstory today, and we can start the mission immediately on Monday.”
Callum smiled. “I like the way you think.”
“I just need to let Hannah know what’s going on, and we can get started.” Phoebe slipped her communication device from her pocket.
As she began texting, Phoebe felt a hand on her shoulder. “Just be careful what you tell her. The less people know about our mission, the better.” Callum warned. “The more information you give her, the more dangerous it will be.”
Phoebe shuddered; she had never kept a secret from her girlfriend before. Fighting with her instincts, she eventually nodded. ‘Something important has come up at work. I’ll be gone for about a week. Love you.’ She texted her lover. Hannah knew how important this case was to Phoebe; she would understand.
“So, where do we begin?” Phoebe asked, slipping her device back into her pocket. Callum grinned as the two lawyers got to work.
It was opening day at the Dominae Experience, and Mr Rex waited patiently for the next round of guests. Rex Dixon was a wealthy businessman back in Dominae but found the economy had stagnated. He paid a considerable sum of money to immigrate to Earth. He launched his first venture after he saw how Earth people had embraced his home culture.
There was a chime above the entrance door, and a young couple walked arm in arm. Rex smiled. He still found Earth customs strange, especially when it came to romantic expressions.
“Good morning,” Callum said to the man. “My fiance and I have booked the experience for the week. Callum Knox.” Phoebe giggled and hugged her colleague closer. Now that she was in the lion’s den, she suddenly felt vulnerable.
“Excellent,” Rex said, eyeing up the bespectacled woman. She was strangely wearing a suit. Did she enjoy roleplay as a man? Rex thought to himself. “Ahh yes, Mr Knox and Miss Wexton. A 7-day experience. How nice it is to meet you. Do you mind telling me the occasion?”
Callum kissed his undercover colleague on the lips, and Phoebe tried her best not to gag. They had run through which intimate acts would be appropriate, and Phoebe knew she would need to tolerate a certain level of fake romanticism if they were going to pull this off.
“I finally stepped up the courage and asked this one to marry me, and amazingly, she said yes,” he grinned, giving Phoebe another kiss. “We wanted to experience a kinky thrill before the big day, and Phoebe suggested this place.”
The female lawyer felt a knot in her gut. The idea that she would suggest this place rather than her fake fiance felt even more humiliating, but she knew she couldn’t blow their cover and correct him.
“Excellent,” Rex smiled, placing two sets of documents on the tables. “You are obviously aware that we offer an all-immersive experience in this complex, including customs that may seem unusual or immoral to many Earth citizens. Please sign these forms to declare that you understand the rules and fully consent to the experience.”
Phoebe shuddered. She watched her colleague sign his name on the first document. “Perhaps we should read the document first,” she said. She was a lawyer, after all, and signing a thick document without reading the entirety of its contents never ended well.
Rex raised an eyebrow. It was the first time the woman had spoken since the couple entered the lobby. “Of course, Ma’am. That is your right.”
Phoebe began reading the lengthy contract, but halfway through, she resolved that she would be going through with the undercover mission no matter what the document said. It appeared to be a standard terms-of-use agreement anyway. She picked up the pen and signed her name along the dotted line.
The hotel owner smiled broadly. “Perfect. We shall get started,” he said before clicking his fingers. A man wearing blue scrubs and a white medical coat stepped out from a room behind the reception desk, holding a red ballgag trainer harness. The man approached the female lawyer.
Phoebe took a step back. “Uhmm, what is that?” she questioned urgently.
Rex chuckled. “Have you studied nothing of Dominae customs before you booked your stay?” He asked rhetorically. “It is customary for Dominae women to be gagged at all times, although that rule may be relaxed later in the week.”
The brunette woman bit her lower lip. She knew the experience wouldn’t be pleasant, but she figured she would have time to settle in before it all began. The idea of being unable to speak in a room full of men angered her. Despite her better instincts, she tentatively nodded, and the man approached her again.
The large red ball was wedged between the woman’s teeth, forcing her jaw much wider than she ever expected. The man removed Phoebe’s glasses once the ball was settled into place. “Mmpp!” she spat out, but she was told that Dominae women did not need eyeglasses. The gag straps were adjusted to fit her perfectly, with a strap on either side of the ball meeting just above her nose and tracing over the top of her head. The straps all met in a complicated buckle behind her head. The unknown man clicked a devious padlock into place and handed the key to the hotel owner. The gag was fitted exceptionally tightly. Phoebe’s eyes widened when she saw the key in Rex’s hand. “Mmrpph unghh,” she tried to yell out.
“Uhmm, shouldn’t I have the key?” Callum asked. He was awestruck and couldn’t do anything but watch his intelligent colleague become subjected to a devious gag.
Rex chuckled. “I’m afraid not,” he replied. “We find that the experience is more immersive when there is no opportunity for release. We don’t want you giving in to temptation.” He winked at the man. Phoebe noticed the gesture and narrowed her eyes.
“Finally, we just need you both to hand in any communications devices you have on you.” The hotel owner suggested.
“Communications devices? Why?” Callum questioned. Handing in his devices would make the task far more difficult.
“It is part of the experience.” The older man explained. “For the next seven days, you are on Dominae. There will be no communication with anyone on Earth during that time. We don’t want to ruin the surprise for others, after all.”
Callum hesitated, but they’d come this far. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his communications device before his gagged partner did the same. Phoebe looked at her colleague worryingly, but he smiled back reassuringly. He had to admit that she looked pretty sexy with that gag in her mouth.
“Excellent,” Rex smiled. “Now here are you- oh wait..” He said before tapping away on the system. Callum opened his mouth to speak, but the hotel manager cut him off. “Congratulations. Your stay has been randomly upgraded to the deluxe suite.”
“That’s good, right?” Callum questioned nervously.
“Ohh, absolutely, Sir,” Rex beamed. “The suite itself is gorgeous, and many exclusive perks are included.”
“Perks?” The undercover lawyer asked.
“There is a welcome letter in your room explaining everything,” the manager told him. Rex clapped his hands together. I think that is everything. Here is your key. You will spend the evening together tonight before Phoebe starts her training tomorrow at 6 a.m. sharp. You will be reunited on Day 4. Dinner this evening is at 7. Please dress appropriately. Leave your bags; Gerald here will take care of them.”
Callum looked down at the key in his hand. The attached keyring was in the shape of a submissive woman on her knees looking down at the floor. He slipped the key into his pocket and led his silent undercover partner toward the elevators.
“Aghhhhh,” Phoebe cried out in frustration. She had spent the last fifteen minutes in the bathroom attempting to remove the padlock that kept her gag in place.
As she bit down on her gag in frustration, Callum was busy reading the welcome brochure laid out on the wide kingsized bed in the center of their luxury hotel suite. The pamphlet promised him exclusive spa treatments, all-inclusive drinks, and access to the stables and dungeons.
He studied the back of the brochure, which laid out the perks of having a deluxe suite. The couple had exclusive access to the Star Lounge, one therapy session for the man, and three complimentary enhancements for the woman. Callum raised an eyebrow. He wondered what they meant by enhancements but didn’t bring it up to the frustrated Phoebe. She had enough on her plate already. The leaflet also promised a complete makeover on Day 3. He thought Phoebe might enjoy actually being pampered.
There was a list of classes and activities Callum could attend over the next couple of days, or he could do as he wished during the training phase of the vacation. He figured it would be an excellent time for him to gain some intel while Phoebe was occupied with other tasks.
There was a knock at the door, and Callum rose from the bed to answer it. As he opened the door, no one was standing in the doorway, but his suitcase had been left with a note above it. The undercover lawyer read the note: ‘Mr Knox. Miss Wexton’s bag has been confiscated until the end of your stay. Please find all acceptable outfits already hanging in the provided closet.’ Callum raised an eyebrow; Phoebe was not going to like this.
As Callum and Phoebe entered the grand dining room, the conversational atmosphere paused as the occupants stared at the couple. Callum knew precisely why they were staring.
He was wearing a smart, tailored black and white three-piece suit with a black bow tie, but it was his partner’s outfit that raised concern.
Three other couples already sat at the centerpiece table. Two of the men wore suits, whereas one wore a more casual t-shirt and denim pants combination. The women wore tight latex-styled dresses. The dresses hugged every curve on the women’s bodies and severely restricted their movement. All the women wore a similar gag to Phoebe’s, although their gags were strangely all black, unlike the red ball she adorned.
However, Phoebe refused to participate in the humiliating dressing ritual. She was furious that the hotel had confiscated her bags and clung to the only sensible outfit she had left. She strutted into the dining hall wearing the same beige suit jacket and knee-length skirt she had entered the hotel in.
The undercover couple took their seat as Rex entered the room. He approached the head of the table. “Hello, and thank you for joining us at the Dominae Experience on opening night. I know this experience isn’t cheap, but we hope you find it enlightening.” He grinned until his eyes settled on the gagged Phoebe.
“Hmm,” Rex uttered. “It appears one of our guests didn’t read the memo before attending dinner.” He clicked his fingers. “Undress her, gentleman.” He directed the two white-cloaked men standing at the edge of the room.
“Mmphhh!?” Phoebe’s eyes widened, and she shook her head violently, pushing her seat back and standing up, ready to fend off the much stronger men.
Rex held his hand up, and the men stopped. “I see,” he said disappointingly. “It appears as though I misjudged you both. You are obviously not prepared for this experience. Despite signing the legal obligations, I will give you both one more opportunity to leave without penalty.” He narrowed his eyes. “However, if you decide to stay, you will obey the rules, and there will be no further opportunities to cut your stay short.”
The gagged brunette blushed. Everyone was staring at her. She glanced down at her sympathetic colleague and sighed. If she dropped out now, the mission would have failed before it even began. She solemnly nodded her head in Callum’s direction.
“We will stay,” Callum said. “Go ahead.” He lowered his head as if he couldn’t bear to watch what happened next. Rex nodded to both hotel employees, and they approached the undercover lawyer.
Phoebe soon undressed but didn’t end up wearing similar latex dresses as the other female patrons. A thick leather collar wrapped around her, restricting her head movement. Her arms were tightly and uncomfortably pinned behind her back in a black leather armbinder, and her legs were encased in knee-high 10” en pointe ballet heels. Each accessory was padlocked in place.
“Mmrpph,” she moaned out in humiliation. Phoebe’s C-cup breasts were entirely exposed, as was her neatly trimmed pussy. Callum suddenly saw his colleague in a new light. She had a sexy, well-toned, athletic body, and her skin was absent of any tattoos or piercings. He couldn’t believe she hid such a sexy body beneath those frumpy work outfits. The man shook his head. He shouldn’t be thinking about his colleague this way.
The meals soon arrived, and Phoebe’s bound position required Callum to feed her. The women’s ball gags were swiftly replaced by matching ring gags, with Phoebe adorning the red gag and the others wearing black. The staff were well trained and sharp. None of the women had a chance to speak before they were stuck wearing their new humiliating gag.
Callum looked around the room at the other couples. Two of the women appeared joyous to be there. There must actually be women on Earth who find this kind of lifestyle exciting. The other woman looked nervous, perhaps more anxious than Phoebe. He smiled and dug into his colleague’s food before bringing it to her mouth.
Phoebe almost gagged as the stenchy slop slid along her tongue. “Aghh.” Her eyes widened, and she stared at her colleague humiliatingly feeding her.
Rex could see the women were struggling. “All women are required to finish their dinner,” he told the group. “It is made of a special authentic Dominae recipe. It may take some time to get used to the taste, but it will be served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I believe your Earth dogs eat a recipe quite similar.” Two male guests laughed at Rex’s joke, but Callum stayed quiet. He didn’t want to upset Phoebe more than she already was.
The lawyer fed his colleague as best he could while allowing his gourmet salmon meal to go cold. Eventually, Phoebe had swallowed the last of the slop without vomiting, and one of the orderlies promptly replaced her ring gag with the ball.
As Callum was halfway through his meal, Rex stood up and clinked his glass. “I have one more special announcement before leaving you to enjoy your evening.” He grinned wider. “As this is opening week, we have invited a couple of special guests to help assist you in accepting the Dominae culture. May I welcome Deputy Director for the United Global Spaceforce, Jake Mitchell!”
There was a smattering of applause as the deputy director entered the room, but the clapping grew louder when the men and women saw the woman trailing behind him. Jake was holding a pink leash attached to a think pink choker. The words’ Kitty’ were emblazoned across the front of the collar in sparkly block capital font.
The blond former captain stepped forward perfectly in her bright pink ballet boots. Pink fishnet stockings decorated her shapely legs, and a pair of pink panties, accompanied by thick vibrating dildos in her pussy and ass her covering her crotch. The words’ Dumb Cunt’ were openly displayed above her covered pussy. Her waist was impossibly thin, and her breasts were impossibly round and gravity-defying. Her nipples adorned thick silver rings and were attached to each other with a short chain.
Kitty’s hands were cuffed behind her back, leaving her huge tits proudly on display. Her face was caked in heavy makeup, including the tattooed candy pink-colored lips. Callum couldn’t believe how huge her lips looked in real life. She was wearing a pink ring gag, wedging her mouth painfully open.
Jake turned to his slave wife and firmly squeezed her left tit. Kitty had been used to Jake manhandling her in public over the last 18 months, but she had never gotten used to it.
“Thank you for the warm reception,” he smiled broadly. We look forward to meeting you all throughout your stay.” He looked at his bimbofied slave, and Kitty glanced down in humiliation. “As you all know, Kitty was the first Earth woman to volunteer herself into slavery, and we have never looked back. If it wasn’t for Kitty’s heroics on Dominae, we may have never negotiated a diplomatic relationship with the distant planet.”
Phoebe bit into her ball gag. It was true. If Catherine Knight never stepped foot on Dominae, none of this would have happened, and the women of Earth would have been safe. As far as Phoebe was concerned, the former captain was a traitor to her nation.
Jake sat beside the hotel owner, with Kitty promptly sliding to her knees. The Deputy Director wasted no time in putting Kitty’s mouth to work, unbuckling his pants and sliding his cock between her wide-open, extremely plump lips.
As the dinner ended, Rex rose to his feet once more. “What a lovely dinner. I must say that all four of our female guests look wonderful this evening.” Rex’s eyes lingered on Phoebe’s exposed tits as he commented. “You may return to your rooms in your own time and enjoy your final night together before the training begins.” He smiled. “Remember, you will be reunited on Day 4. Some would say that is when the real training begins.” Rex chuckled at his own remark before leaving the group alone to finish the evening.
Callum gently closed the suite door behind them as he and Phoebe reentered their room. They had left before the evening had ended. Phoebe was visibly embarrassed about having her C-cup breasts exposed for everyone to leer at, and Callum felt uncomfortable chatting with couples who had far more interest in this stuff than he did. He knew he would need to open up eventually if he was ever going to find incriminating evidence. Still, there was plenty of time for that.
“Mrpph mphhhh!” the gagged brunette unintelligibly called out and helplessly wriggled her tightly bound arms.
“I already told you,” Callum sighed as he approached her from behind and attempted to tug on the armbinder’s padlock for the tenth time. “They’ve locked all the accessories, but I don’t have any keys. Perhaps this wasn’t a great idea after all.”
Phoebe bit into her large gag and stormed off in frustration. The sharp en pointe position of her feet unsteadily lost balance, and the undercover lawyer fell face first into the luxury kingsized bed.
“Good idea,” Callum said, acting like his partner willingly slid onto the bed. We should get some sleep. I have a feeling things won’t be getting any easier.” Phoebe’s eyes widened as Callum approached the bed. Surely he wasn’t planning on sharing the bed with her?
Rather than sliding into bed with her, Callum pulled the bound and gagged brunette further along the bed, ensuring her head was comfortably pressed against the pillow, before gently sliding the duvet over her naked, helpless body.
“I’ll sleep on the sofa tonight. You’re going to have it harder than I will this week,” he offered. “It makes sense that you get the bed.” His voice was soft and sympathetic. Phoebe hated her current state, but at least she seemed to have chosen the right partner for the job. Her current bound situation just solidified her resolve to take these bastards down.
Callum smiled before switching off the light and settling on the wide sofa. He noticed his partner tossing and turning on the bed, attempting to find a comfortable position with her arms pinned behind her back and her feet arched downward. He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep. Tomorrow would be when the real mission begins.
Callum’s eyes shot open, but the man squinted as he stared up at the bright artificial ceiling light. Didn’t he turn the lights off last night? After stretching off the morning cobwebs, he rose from the couch and ignored the mild back pain his sofa sleeping had caused.
Glancing at the luxury bed where he had expected to find his attractive undercover partner, his eyes widened in horror as he saw it was professionally made and empty. Where had Phoebe gone? Callum knew she couldn’t have gotten far on her own in those ridiculous heels and without the use of her hands. Before he ran to check the bathroom, the black-haired associate spotted a note on the writing desk he had never seen before. He tentatively approached the desk and began reading the letter.
‘Dear Mr Knox. Your slave has been taken to begin her training. Your presence was not required, so we chose not to wake you. You will be reunited with your loved one on Thursday morning. In the meantime, please enjoy the grounds and everything this facility has to offer. Kind regards, Mr Rex.’
Callum gasped. They sneaked into his room while he was asleep and stole Phoebe from his clutches. How did he not wake? Didn’t Phoebe scream and thrash as she was taken? He didn’t have time to harbor on hypotheticals, and his stomach was rumbling. Callum had a shower and dressed before heading to the dining room for breakfast. It was time to ask some questions.
Callum entered the dining room and glanced around. The three male guests from the evening before were already tucking into their breakfasts, but the women they had accompanied were noticeably absent. There were no women in the room at all, except for the two naked and gagged serving girls topping up the guests’ drinks.
The associate lawyer sat beside an older gentleman in his fifties, and a serving girl tottered over in her heelless ballet boots and carefully poured a glass of orange juice for the man. ‘I could get used to this,’ Callum thought to himself.
“Morning, I’m Giles,” the man beside Callum spoke with a thick British accent. “This place is great, isn’t it?” He stated joyously.
“Yeah,” Callum responded. “It’s really something. I’m Callum.” The pair shook hands after they introduced themselves. “What brought you to the hotel?” The serving slave placed a plate of delicious pancakes in front of the lawyer.
Giles grinned widely. “Ohh, Tina absolutely loves losing control,” he said, referring to his wife. “She’s always been enthralled by Dominae culture, and when this opportunity arose, I knew she would want to be one of the first to test out the experience.”
Callum smiled and nodded before tucking into his breakfast. It seemed strange to him that women who grew up in such an egalitarian society would have any interest in losing control after their ancestors fought so hard to grant them the rights they enjoy today. “How about you?” Giles added. “This all seems a little new to you. I saw the scene your partner made last night, after all.”
The undercover lawyer glanced down. He knew her antics the night before would be questioned, and he knew he would need to adjust their backstory because of it. “Well, truthfully,” he paused. “Phoebe and I have just got engaged. We work for a major news publication and our boss needed some volunteers to review the new talk of the town.” He noticed Giles lean in with interest. “I thought it would be a fun trip before our wedding, although Phoebe wasn’t so keen.” He figured that story would help see him through the week.
“Wow,” Giles replied. “That’s great. You have a real keeper if she agreed to all this for you. And your employer is lucky to have you both.”
“Thanks,” Callum said before finishing his pancakes and taking a large gulp of the orange juice.
“Well, just relax and enjoy the week,” the older man suggested. This place isn’t cheap, but if your boss is paying, you may as well have some fun with it.”
Callum nodded. Although the man didn’t know the whole story, he was right. Callum needed to find as much incriminating evidence as possible before the week was through. Still, it didn’t mean he couldn’t have some fun along the way. He softly bit his lower lip and wondered how Phoebe was enjoying her morning.
“Aghhhh,” Phoebe cried out as the small zapper attached to her exposed clit buzzed again, and she pushed the rubber phallus down her throat further to stop the agony.
Although the armbinder had been removed, she was still wearing ballet heels, and she wore spherical mittens, rendering her hands useless. Leather straps were wrapped around her arms and legs, keeping her appendages folded, making it impossible for her to walk or stretch out. A red ring gag was forced into her mouth, and a chain was attached to a thick rubber posture collar around her neck. The chain connected to the wall, ensuring Phoebe couldn’t separate herself too far from her current position.
“One more strike for slave number 4,” Jimmy, the fierce trainer, echoed behind her. He hadn’t referred to her real name since she woke up in her new predicament. As far as the trainer was concerned, she was just slave number 4.
“This is how we teach our slaves how to deepthroat properly and get rid of that pesky gag reflex on Dominae,” the man spoke to the gagged bimbo beside him. “Not every man can afford a special control collar like your owners, so we have to do it the old-fashioned way.”
Phoebe could hear the man’s voice and knew he was talking to Kitty, the former pilot she used to admire fervently. Her body’s natural instincts got the better of her, and she gagged once more, pulling herself away from the dildo as much as possible. The moment her nose left the sensor, Phoebe cried out in pain as another round of shocks buzzed against her pussy. After a second of agonizing shocks, Phoebe opened her throat up again and pressed her nose firmly against the sensor.
“And another strike for slave 4,” Jimmy shook his head. “Kitty, you’re up.”
“Mmphh!” Phoebe heard a sudden yelp from the transformed bimbo behind her. Did she also receive a shock? Before she had time to question what Jimmy meant, Phoebe felt a soft hand firmly grip the back of her head and push the undercover lawyer further against the wall, forcing the thick phallus deeper down her throat.
Jimmy flicked a switch, and the opaque wall ahead of Phoebe suddenly converted into a floor-to-ceiling mirror. The brunette’s eyesight wasn’t excellent since having her glasses confiscated the day before. Still, she saw her own face clearly enough, with her mouth forced helplessly open and the thick plastic cock filling her mouth and throat.
Notably, she witnessed the infamous bimbo slave behind her. Kitty was wearing a large pink ball gag. What Phoebe didn’t realize was the ball extended into a phallic shape and was permanently pushed deep down the former pilot’s throat.
As Phoebe stared closer in an attempt to distract herself from the huge fake cock in her throat, she noticed a sense of regret and empathy in the bimbo’s eyes. Was there still a modicum of the other Catherine inside her head? Had Phoebe judged the former feminist captain too quickly?
Her distraction was only brief, however, as the mirror once again transformed. This time, it converted into a digital screen, displaying multiple random colors in quick succession. In the center of the screen, she could barely make out some of the phrases.
‘Master Callum is my Master.’
Phoebe would have scoffed at the thought if she didn’t have a throat full of cock. Callum was definitely not her Master. The idea repulsed her. She thought back to her girlfriend and how hilarious this story would become six months from now.
‘I am Master’s slave.’
Man, they are really trying, Phoebe thought. Kitty held Phoebe’s head in place, and she was forced to stare at the words.
‘I obey my Master.’
How long would this take?
‘Master Callum is my Master.’
The words repeated, and Phoebe rolled her eyes. She had better receive a mighty promotion and bonus when she returned to the office, she thought. The blond bimbo kept the brunette’s head in place as the words cycled through again.
“Wow, this is insane!” Callum exclaimed.
After breakfast, Callum and Giles began to explore the complex and found their way inside the sports betting lounge. The site was much larger than Callum anticipated, and the hotel promised he would never find a dull moment during his stay.
The pair were staring at multiple screens displaying ponygirl races. The feeds were being streamed directly from the planet of Dominae, and they were live. Well, they were almost live.
“How do they stream the feed back to Earth so quickly?” Callum inquired.
Giles laughed. “They don’t,” he replied directly. “These races took place yesterday. It takes about 24 hours for the communication feed to travel back to Earth.”
Callum raised an eyebrow. “If these races happened yesterday, how can you bet on them?” He looked confused. “If the result is already decided, couldn’t someone just cheat and make a boatload of cash?”
The older man shook his head and patted Callum on the back. “Do you understand how far away Dominae is?” He asked rhetorically. “This is a secure high-speed communications line. It would take most citizens at least three days to send a message to Earth. This is as close to live as it comes.”
Callum nodded. The graying-dark-haired gentleman appeared to know a lot about Dominae and their culture. “The race is about to begin,” Giles added.
Callum heard the starting gun, and twelve heavily modified women trotted out of the stalls, each dragging a cart behind them.
The lawyer had seen images of the ponygirls that belonged to the Dominae embassy on the news. They often trotted down the public roads of New New York when the ambassador had meetings to attend, but these Dominae ponies were something else altogether.
Each girl was heavily decorated with piercings and tattoos, and the Lustex harness did nothing to cover their busty bodies. They each wore extreme heelless hooves and yet were able to trot at ease with a pace faster than Callum could even jog.
Although Callum disapproved of how these people treated their women, he couldn’t deny his excitement as he watched the sexy women race each other.
Cosmetic surgeries such as breast and lip enhancements had begun to surge in popularity again since Dominae made its presence known on Earth. Artificial objectifying procedures had all but disappeared since the massive feminist push of the early 21st century. There was a large emphasis on women taking control of their lives and thinking about their own futures rather than prioritizing their partners, and cosmetic surgeons took the most significant hit. The idea of voluntarily enhancing yourself was still a taboo subject on Earth, but Callum had noticed the apparent uptick.
Callum cheered and got excited as his selection was leading the race. The betting slip had an abundance of information that the lawyer didn’t understand, so he chose the girl to whom he was attracted the most. She had stunning bright blond hair and artificial tits so perfectly round they could probably be used as soccer balls if they weren’t attached to her body. Callum would never admit it to a girlfriend, but he had a secret desire for huge breasts and stunning blonds.
Unfortunately, the blond started to fall back on the final straight, having exerted too much energy at the start of the race. Her rider whipped her back rapidly, but she fell too far behind, and a petite redhead stormed ahead for the win.
“Yes!” Giles screamed. “See, you need to read the form guide before betting. She was going to win.” He smirked before taking his winning bet slip to the pretty, gagged cashier. Callum laughed and waited for the older man to return.
“So, have you seen the ponygirls in the stables?” Giles asked his new friend.
Callum raised an eyebrow. “Wait, they have ponygirls here on site?” He questioned.
Giles chuckled and patted Callum on the back. “Of course. We can go check them out in the morning if you like.” The pair stepped out of the betting lounge.
“Yes, that sounds great,” Callum replied. He knew he needed to start gathering information, but the opportunity to witness real-life human ponies was too good to pass up.
“Great,” Giles settled it. “Let’s head to dinner and start the morning at the stables.”
Callum nodded in agreement, and the two men headed back to the dining room.
“Mphh mumphhh!” Phoebe cried out in her ball gag. She had spent the entire day with phallic objects probing every orifice on her body. She was desperate to head back to the hotel suite.
However, her torment wasn’t complete just yet. After being forced to eat the same disgusting slop as last night, only this time she was required to eat out of a pet bowl with her arms and legs bound, she was led into the slave sleeping quarters section of the hotel.
The orderly impatiently tugged the undercover brunette’s leash, prompting her to stumble forward. She had gotten better at tottering on the extreme ballet boots, and she didn’t fall over this time. However, her calves were killing her, and she yearned for the extreme footwear to come off.
The lawyer’s armbinder had returned, and her body remained naked except for a leather harness that decorated her upper body, tracing the curve of her mid-sized breasts and propping them up to give them a more inviting appearance.
The bound woman was forced into a small, featureless room with nothing but a small metal cage lying in the center. The orderly tugged the red leash downward, dropping the brunette to her knees with a painful thud.
The hotel employee slid the leash through the cage bars and pulled carefully, forcing Phoebe to shuffle toward the confined space. The brunette attempted to pull back in defiance, but her bound state was no match for the orderly’s strength, and she soon found herself trapped inside the 3’ tall cramped space. The man unleashed her and locked the cage door shut, leaving the brunette with no chance to escape.
“This is where you’ll sleep tonight, slave four,” he commanded. “But your lessons are never complete.”
Phoebe bit on her gag and raised an eyebrow. What the hell did he mean? Without warning, she felt an object press against her exposed pussy, before another pushed against her ass. After the torture she had been subjected to earlier, it didn’t take much effort for the phallic toys to slide inside both holes, much to her dismay.
“Your Master may wake up in the middle of the night wanting a quick fuck,” the man stated. “You need to be prepared to be ready for sex at all times.” His words were disgusting. How can anyone have these viewpoints?
The man switched the light off, and the dildo inside her pussy began pulsing in and out of her. “Either of these plugs will activate at random times throughout the evening. Try to get as much sleep as you can. You have another big day tomorrow.” He laughed before opening the door and leaving Phoebe alone, trapped inside the cage.
The bound lawyer tried to loosen the armbinder, but the padlocked leather firmly stayed in place. She had no choice but to withstand the pulsing plugs fucking her throughout the night. After ten minutes, the pussy plug stopped, but the dildo in her ass commenced a short while later. Phoebe gasped. This was going to be a long night.
The following day, Callum enjoyed breakfast alone. He took a casual, breezy morning stroll along the vast open wooded space at the back of the grounds. He often worked 50 hours a week in the big city, and paid vacation leave was hard for an associate to come by. Although he had a critical mission to complete, he saw no harm in enjoying the tranquil charm of the resort as he worked.
Through the trees, Callum smiled as he saw the large wooded structures with two men waiting outside.
The undercover journalist continued walking and approached Giles at their designated meeting spot. He was surprised to find Mr Rex accompanying the guest. “Ahh, good morning, Mr Knox,” Rex said. “I trust you are enjoying your stay.”
Callum nodded and shook the hotel owner’s hand. “I am,” he replied. He needed to keep up his excited act for the mission, although he wasn’t exactly lying either. “I’m surprised to see you here.”
Rex smiled. “I always tend to the ponies first thing in the morning, and Giles mentioned that you’d both enjoy a tour.” Callum nodded his head. “Well, follow me,” Rex grinned before leading the two men into the stables.
Callum’s jaw dropped as he stared in awe at the six women harnessed in individual stalls inside the shed. They were all leashed to a post, forcing them on their feet and restricting their movements. The undercover lawyer also noticed the three naked slavegirls tending to the stables, cleaning up the previous day’s waste, and filling up the ponies’ troughs.
“Don’t mind the slaves. They’re just cleaning the stables,” Rex said as he walked along the open walkway down the center of the stable. “You’re welcome to pet the animals if you wish.”
Callum held back a laugh at Rex’s comment. The hotel owner truly saw these girls as less than human. He wondered if they all volunteered their service like Kitty had. He approached one of the pony girls, a pretty green-haired woman with a high ponytail. She wore an uncomfortable bit in her mouth, with blinders restricting her eyesight. She didn’t wear an elaborate harness like most of the Dominae ponygirls he saw racing yesterday. Instead, a thin black strap ran between her exposed, pierced breasts until it reached her crotch and ran up along her back. The straps helped keep uncomfortable dildos firmly inside her orifices.
Callum reached forward to pet the girl until he jolted in surprise as a loud crash was heard in the next stall. He peered over, and his eyes widened at the sight before him. A black-haired woman with defiant fury in her brown eyes kicked her hooved foot against the side of the stall once more. Her arms were held behind her back with a special armbinder, keeping them in a reverse prayer position. Her sexy tits were an obviously fake E cup, with a red harness propping them up further. Unlike the other ponies, she was wearing a muzzle rather than a simple bit gag. Her outfit was also entirely red instead of the traditional black.
“Be careful with that one,” Rex warned. “She’s a biter.”
Despite her anger, it wasn’t her defiant attitude that grabbed Callum’s attention; it was her striking resemblance to someone he knew. The shape of her face, the light-sapping dark hair, that same rebellious look. This was undoubtedly Nicola Shaw, the former space lieutenant and Mariana Shaw’s sister.
Rex stood beside the shocked lawyer. “This one belonged to the Dominae embassy until she almost bit the finger off of a State diplomat,” he grinned. “They sold her to me at a discount. I don’t mind, though. I enjoy dealing with difficult animals.”
Callum was too dumbfounded to speak. The entire reason this mission was personal to his boss and led to him and Phoebe accepting the mission was standing directly before him, with her plastic tits exposed. Muzzled, bound, and trapped in a stable.
Meanwhile, Giles was petting a pretty blond ponygirl. He turned and walked over to the pair. “Well, I think I’m gonna head off for a massage,” Giles said. “Thanks for the tour, Rex.” He shook the hotel owner’s hand before nodding at Callum. “See you at dinner tonight,” he grinned, leaving the pair in the stable.
Callum began walking toward the barn doors before Rex stopped him. “Now that we’re alone, we have something to discuss.” His words tied a knot in Callum’s stomach. Had the Dominae man figured out why they were really there?
“Oh?” Callum questioned.
“Yes,” Rex began walking alongside the undercover lawyer until they were outside. “As deluxe suite guests, you can take advantage of three complimentary modifications for your slave. One of those procedures will occur tonight, with the others completed on Day 4 and Day 6.” He smiled. “We need you to select the first procedure.”
Callum softly bit his lower lip. “Uhmm,” he wasn’t sure what to say to avoid offending his host. “That’s okay. I think my slave is perfect the way she is. You don’t need to waste your time and resources on any procedures.”
The older man gently chuckled, “I don’t think you understand,” he clarified. “The complimentary procedures are included in the package, and they’ll happen whether you choose them or not.”
Callum felt a shudder down his spine. Surely the man wasn’t serious? Rex pulled a small pamphlet from his inside pocket and handed it to the undercover lawyer. “You’ll find the full list of modifications we offer in this catalog.” Callum stared down at the paper. “Have a look through them and let us know your selection. You have an hour to decide before we choose for you.”
Rex patted Callum on the back and headed back to the hotel manor. Callum glanced down at the range of options, and his eyes widened in horror at the vast array of choices available. He didn’t want to subject Phoebe to a procedure she didn’t consent to. However, if he didn’t, the hotel would act instead. So he was doing her a favor by making the selection instead, right?
“This is disgusting. Have you never cleaned before?” Jimmy, the demanding orderly in charge of Phoebe’s training, scolded her as she was bent over a horizontal pole, receiving her fifteenth smack at the hands of Kitty.
In Phoebe’s defense, she had never been tasked with cleaning a dirty room while being forced to wear excruciating ballet boots, her elbows cuffed and connected by a small chain to restrict her arm movements, and two mammoth plugs inside her lower orifices vibrating at intermittent intervals. She also had more than an old-fashioned feather duster when cleaning her own apartment.
“Mpphhhh!” Phoebe cried out again as the bimbofied Kitty delivered another scathing blow to her bare backside. The scenario was so surreal to the brunette associate lawyer that she wondered if she was actually inside a nightmare.
Kitty, formerly Captain Catherine Knight, a woman Phoebe had always looked up to, was delivering a severe punishment after the lawyer failed her last cleaning task.
Phoebe and Kitty, as well as the other slaves in training, were dressed alike. Phoebe wore a latex-styled red French maid dress with a keyhole design, allowing her bare C-cup breasts to display freely. She wore a white and red maid cap and a white apron along the front of the dress. Red and white frilly wrist and ankle cuffs and a frilly choker completed the look. She still adorned the vicious red ballet boots she had been wearing since the opening evening.
Kitty wore the same outfit, except with a pink and white design and 7” platform stripper heels rather than the strict menaces on Phoebe’s feet. Kitty appeared apprehensive at delivering Phoebe’s punishment at first, but she seemed to be getting into it more with each strike.
“Mmpphhh!” Phoebe cried out again, her ass was red and tender.
“Twenty,” Jimmy grinned. “Good work, Kitty.”
“Ughhhh,” Kitty’s knees clenched together as the former captain felt an overwhelming burst of pleasure after being congratulated on her disciplining efforts.
“Now, let’s try again, shall we?” Jimmy asked before detaching Phoebe from the horizontal pole and pulling her dress back down. Phoebe couldn’t wait for this week to end. She just hoped that Callum had better luck finding incriminating evidence than she was.
“This is gonna be fun,” Giles beamed as he watched the two women stare at each other inside the circular cage. “Slave wrestling is the most popular sport on Dominae. I can’t wait until it becomes legal on Earth.”
Callum raised an eyebrow. This event wasn’t legal on Earth? Perhaps that was something he could use in his report. “So, how does it work?” Callum asked his new friend.
“Ohh, it’s simple.” The two women were entirely naked except for the ball gags wedged in their mouths and padlocked in place. An attractive black woman with black Afro hair wore a yellow gag, corresponding to the yellow corner from which she started. A diminutive East Asian woman wore a blue gag matching her blue corner. “They will wrestle until one of them is tightly hogtied with the provided rope. The loser will be raffled off to one of us for the evening.” Callum raised an eyebrow. This was crazy.
As the bell rang, the Asian woman immediately turned and ran toward the cage railings and began to shake the metal material, crying out in her gag. Her opponent grabbed her by her dark hair and threw her to the ground. “That one doesn’t seem to want to participate,” Callum suggested.
“Neither of them do,” Giles laughed. “Rumor has it they both got into financial trouble with the Truman cartel and were sold to the hotel to pay their debts.” Callum gasped. “In Dominae, women compete in this sport after committing heinous crimes to avoid the death penalty. I heard the hotel is trying to create the sport as authentically as possible.”
“The death penalty?” Callum’s eyes widened. “These women won’t-?”
Giles chuckled again. “No, the loser won’t be sentenced to death. But I’m pretty sure neither of them asked to be there.”
Callum watched the women fight as his mind raced a million miles an hour. This may have been the opening he needed. Perhaps he should have recorded this interaction.
The wrestling match was entirely one-sided, with the Asian woman focused on escaping more than facing her opponent. She was tightly trussed up within five minutes. The black woman triumphantly tightened the final piece of rope, forcing her opponent to arch her back painfully as her toes almost reached her head. The four male guests and various male orderlies cheered as the winner placed her foot on her defeated opponent and raised her arms in the air.
As the men celebrate, a naked slavegirl handed each one a raffle ticket. “It’s time to find you a Master for the evening,” Rex declared as he entered the cage, grinning at the defeated slave. Callum glanced down at his raffle number; this place was crazy.
After a long day of training, Phoebe tottered behind an unknown orderly as he guided her back toward the slave quarters. She felt sore all over, and it was only her first full day in this damn place. What alarmed Phoebe more was how much easier it felt strutting in the excruciating heels, and it had only been 36 hours.
“Mmphh,” she murmured out as the masked orderly led the undercover lawyer through the slave quarters and into the medical department. Had he taken a wrong turn?
With her armbinder tightly fastened behind her, Phoebe had no leverage to fight against the man’s strength. She soon found herself in a small, sterile white room with a chair in the center, eerily similar to a dentist’s chair.
“Good evening, slave number four,” a gray-haired man wearing a white doctor’s coat and a surgical mask entered the room behind them. Phoebe looked around in panic. She had no idea what was going on.
“Your Master has selected your first treatment,” he told her. “Aren’t you a lucky girl?” Phoebe certainly didn’t feel lucky. Did he say her Master selected her treatment? There was no way Callum had any say in this. She trusted him.
“Please, take a seat,” he requested, although his tone of voice sounded more commanding than a regular request.
Phoebe stared back at the door before attempting to make a run for it. Her hindered footwear and the overpowering strength of the orderly made her easy prey, and he soon had her fixed to the chair. Her legs were strapped to the chair, and her bound arms were slipped into a hole at the back of the chair, fastening them in place. A strap was secured across the brunette’s forehead to ensure she didn’t thrash about.
“Mumpph mnoooo!” She cried out. She had to be in a bad dream.
The doctor looked down at his notes. “Your Master has good taste,” he teased. “Once this procedure is over, you’ll be transported to the salon for your all-inclusive makeover.” He smiled at her as though he was delivering good news, but the despair in her gut just grew larger.
Phoebe helplessly tried to thrash about, but her secured position made any significant movement impossible. The doctor approached her and plunged a syringe into her neck. “This will keep you out of it for a few hours.”
The undercover lawyer attempted to fight the effects of the drugs, but her vision blurred further with every passing second, and her head felt dizzy and disoriented. Eventually, Phoebe succumbed to the drugs and closed her eyes, swiftly falling into darkness.
Callum slowly awoke in his large kingsized bed and immediately noticed the thumping ache coursing through his head. After the fourth tequila shot, the undercover lawyer couldn’t remember much about the previous night. Glancing down, he noticed that he was entirely naked.
The man felt a ruffle beside him, and his eyes widened at the sight of a tightly bound and gagged Asian woman hogtied on his bed. “Ohh, fuck,” he exclaimed as the events of the evening slowly started to return to him. He had won the raffle. At first, he declined the prize, but after giving in to constant peer pressure, he accepted the defeated hogtied slave.
The woman looked back at him pleadingly but had long given up on pleading with her muffled voice. He wondered whether he should untie her, but he figured allowing a slave to roam the grounds freely would get him in a lot of trouble.
Callum thought back to his conversation with the hotel owner. “Once you are done with her, slide her back down the slave ejection chute in your room,” Rex had said.
Callum noticed the chute at the far end of the suite. He couldn’t possibly throw a human being down there, could he?
Suddenly, there was a knock at his door, and Callum panicked. He picked up the small woman and approached the ejection chute. “Mphh mrpphhh!” she cried out in defiance. Still, Callum took no notice and placed her inside the chute entrance before pressing a button on the wall and watching her disappear down the dark passageway.
There was a second knock. Callum quickly slid on a pair of yesterday’s boxer shorts he found on the floor and stepped towards the door. He had slept in, and it was already 10 am. Had he missed an important event?
Carefully peering open the door, Callum’s jaw dropped at the sight before him. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but he didn’t anticipate the gift in front of him. It took him a brief second to recognize her, but the woman standing in the doorway was undoubtedly his law partner, Phoebe.
Her glossy brunette hair was long gone and had been replaced with silky, straight platinum blond locks. Her blue eyes sparkled in the artificial corridor light. Callum wasn’t sure if they had done anything to her eyes or if it was just the effects of the heavily painted cat-lines eyes, painted with various shades of red eyeshadow.
Her lips were bright red. They looked slightly larger, but that was due to how her lips were lined and painted, giving her a prominent cupid bow appearance. Strangely, his partner wasn’t gagged. Instead, a large red ball gag hung loosely around her neck. She wore a tight red collar, labeling her as ‘Slave 4’. She wore the same padlocked bright red ballet boots as when he last saw her. Her hands were uncuffed and free, although her fingernails had been extended and were colored a glossy bright red.
However, what drew his eyes the most were the huge, round, basketball-shaped mounds of flesh sitting high on his partner’s chest. He didn’t exactly know how big G-cup breasts were when he made the selection, but staring at them now, he figured he may have gone a little too large.
The pair stared back at each other briefly, lips parted in shock and awe. This was not how he expected to see Phoebe the next time he saw her. With Callum standing dumbfounded, Phoebe eventually parted her ungagged mouth to speak.
“Uhmm. I think we made a mistake, Master.”
Her eyes widened at her own choice of words. They just slipped out, and she couldn’t hold them back. Perhaps this mission wasn’t such a great idea.
End of Chapter One