

by BHFun

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #clothing #dom:male #humiliation #scifi #sub:female #growth #slavery

This story is F-sub/Bondage heavy. There are elements of mind control/body control in the story, but it is not the main focus.

I release all of my stories for free eventually. If you would like to read the most recent chapters, you can join my Patreon here.

Chapter 1 - Crashlanding


Present Day

UGS-17 Vulcan Stealthcraft

As the sirens rang throughout the tiny spacecraft, it was clear that this would not be a clean landing. Captain Catherine Knight looked through the cockpit window at the sight of Planet C-69, more commonly known as Planet Dominae, loomed larger and larger as her ship uncontrollably hurtled towards the surface.

“This would probably go much smoother if you had two pairs of hands over there, Kitty.” Her traveling companion and current prisoner, Hunter, smugly commented as he saw her frantically attempt to bring the ship under control.

The captain hissed back in his direction, “I have everything under control, and if you call me that name one more time, I am going to gag you!” She shouted. Hunter smirked with his infuriatingly charming grin before settling back into his seat; his wrists securely cuffed behind his backrest.

A few moments earlier, Catherine navigated her ship through the dense asteroid belt separating Dominae from the rest of the solar system, which is why so few had dared to explore this far out. She was a 5-star ranked captain, finishing top of her class at The Academy and receiving offers from every privately owned space corporation on Earth. She had completed over 100 successful missions at the tender age of 26 and had become the face of intergalactic travel back home. While she had effectively navigated through this asteroid belt in every simulation, one variable she never accounted for was Hunter, specifically his big antagonizing mouth. As Catherine swerves flawlessly around each asteroid, Hunter’s condescending commentary starts to wear her down. When she guides the ship through the worst of the cluster, she lets out a deep sigh of relief and allows herself to turn her head towards her companion. “Can you just give it a re-…” her retort is interrupted as a loud crashing boom is heard at the ship’s rear. The spacecraft had been hit by an errant asteroid, knocking out the main engine and tearing up the landing gear.

As Catherine works through every aspect of her training to bring her craft under control, she finally manages to stabilize the wings and avoid a free fall. She knew that without the main engine and landing gear, it would be a rocky introduction to the planet, but with the ship stabilized, she had a fighting shot at getting them to the surface safely. She fastens her seatbelt and braces herself for impact, trying to glide the vessel as smoothly as possible on the sandy surface. When the ship impacted the surface, Catherine felt her body being thrown about within the seat constraints until the spacecraft gradually stopped, and everything faded to black.

2 Weeks Earlier

United Global Spaceforce Headquarters - General Mitchell’s Office

“I don’t care how dangerous the mission is. They took two of our own, and we must get them back!” Captain Catherine Knight slammed her fists on the table before her to emphasize her point. With a slim frame and only measuring 5’2” in height, Catherine Knight may not seem like a daunting figure, but her sharp, direct tongue and flight record meant that she commanded attention in every room.

“While I respect your service to this corporation, Captain, you better remember who you are speaking to. Show some respect.” General Robert Mitchell snapped back at the captain standing in front of him.

Catherine wanted to continue the start of her tirade but held her breath for a moment and reset. Catherine was great at many things, but diplomacy was not one of them, and she knew it. However, this potential mission was too crucial for Catherine to let her ego and pride get in the way, and she needed to play things smart. “Apologies for my outburst, General, but I trust you know we can’t let this stand. Those damn raiders sabotaged one of our ships and took Captain Henley and Lieutenant Shaw with them. We must show them who they are messing with and get our crew back!”

“I know you were close with Captain Henley, but there is more at play than you realize. Our latest intel is that they have both been taken to Planet C-69.” Catherine’s face drops as the General gives her the latest information.

“Wait, you mean they’ve been sent to-.”

“Yes, Captain, our sources tell us they were sent to Dominae.” General Mitchell responds solemnly to the captain. Not much is known about the strange small planet on the solar system’s edge, which makes it all the more terrifying in an era where every corner of the galaxy has been explored. The self-heating core and insulating atmosphere make Dominae habitable despite being so far from the Sun. The stories about Dominae are often dismissed as fables designed to terrify children just before they go to bed, but the mystery surrounding the planet may hold more truth than fiction.

“Then I will go to Dominae and bring them home.” Captain Knight responded with her usual matter-of-fact tone. She graduated from The Academy with Captain Emma Henley and Lieutenant Nicola Shaw and held both recruits in the highest regard. Captain Henley was Catherine’s Lieutenant until her recent promotion, and her first mission in charge of her very own spacecraft was supposed to be a piece of cake, at least until they were sabotaged.

“You will go? On your own? Do you even have a map of Dominae? Know their culture? Know how to blend in?” The General continued to bombard the brash captain with question after question, and the truth was that he was right: Catherine knew nothing about the planet that would help her find her comrades. She sighed before responding, “Well, what do you suggest then, General?”

“You are the most skilled pilot we have, Captain, and no one else will manage to navigate one of our ships through the asteroid zone, but if we send you on this mission, you will need a guide, someone who has stepped foot on the surface and knows all about the norms and cultures of the planet.” Catherine raised an eyebrow as the General spoke. Someone who has stepped foot on the surface of Dominae? No one on earth fits that description.

“But, Sir, I don’t understand. Where can we find-“ Catherine started to speak before the General cut her off. “We have found you a guide for the mission, Captain, but you are not going to like who we found…” he trails off before pressing a button embezzled into his desk. As soon as he pushed the button, the doors of his office slowly started to part, and Catherine’s jaw dropped when she saw the man on the other side of the door.

Hunter Reed used to be a galactic scavenger and bounty hunter, loyal to the highest bidder, and he didn’t care how many bodies he dropped to complete his missions. He was wanted on several planets for a shopping list of crimes, including the murder of Catherine’s father, General Jack Knight. He was eventually found hiding out on Saturn. While he managed to eliminate several of Catherine’s crew, they ultimately managed to apprehend him and bring him back to Earth to answer for his crimes. The vision of Hunter Reed murdering her father kept Catherine up most nights, and bringing him to justice had afforded her at least a little bit of peace, and she had hoped that she would never see that treacherous snake ever again.

But here he was, the tall, muscle-bound scavenger, dressed in his orange prison jumpsuit with his wrists cuffed in front of him, stepping forward and approaching both her and the lieutenant, with a prison guard on either side. “What-…” Catherine started to utter in bewilderment before Hunter abruptly interrupted her. “Hello Kitty, it’s so good to see you again.”

“Silence, prisoner!” General Mitchell could sense the growing angst on Catherine’s face and acted quickly to mute the convict in his presence. He then turned his attention to the perplexed captain. “Inmate Reed here was born on Planet Dominae. He spent half of his worthless existence on that planet, and he knows their politics and customs like the back of his hand. If we have any chance of getting Captain Henley and Lieutenant Shaw back, we will need this man’s help.” Catherine parted her full lips to retort, but the General cut her off. “This is not a scenario that any of us wanted, but inmate Reed here has agreed to travel with you and help bring our people home.”

“Over my dead bo-“

“I know this is a lot to take in, Captain.” The captain was once again interrupted by General Mitchell. “Do you think I want to send my best pilot into the unknown? We have looked for alternative solutions. We’ve assessed the risk. If you want to return Captain Henley and Lieutenant Shaw, this is our greatest chance!” The General’s tone was more insistent than his usual demeanor.

Catherine paused momentarily, her hands resting on the desk before her as she pondered the challenges ahead. Her bright blue eyes dared not turn and look at the criminal standing a few feet away from her, staring stoically at the respected General instead. She knew her options were limited and could not materialize an alternative solution. Still, something didn’t sit right with her. “How do you know this filth can be trusted? He is a criminal, a murderer…” She spoke that last word with extra venom, finally turning her head to face him. Hunter, for his part, didn’t change his expression, a confident grin on his face showing no signs of remorse. Catherine turned her head back towards General Mitchell, “…This man only has loyalty to himself. How can we trust him?”

The general didn’t respond immediately, as if he was carefully selecting his following words. His eyes darted toward the cuffed bounty hunter when he eventually replied. "Since Inmate Reed has been in our custody, we have discovered much information that he would rather not be exposed. While this intel is highly classified, and I cannot go into more detail with you, Captain, I assure you that Hunter here will provide us with his utmost cooperation. Isn’t that right, inmate?"

"On my honor, General," Catherine grunted visibly at the criminal's words. She knew this man had no honor, and his word could not be trusted. However, she did trust General Mitchell, who was highly decorated, and his leadership feats were famous across the galaxy. If General Mitchell vouched that Reed would cooperate, it must be true. Captain Knight lowered her head in resignation. "Okay, General, let's do it. How long do I have to prepare?"

“Well, therein lies the issue, Captain. Our intel is extremely time-sensitive, and every minute counts if we want to bring our crew home. There is a 2-man Vulcan Stealthcraft already awaiting you at the Spaceport. These guards will escort you and the prisoner to the craft, and then you will be on your own, Captain.” General Mitchell spoke matter-of-factly before rising from his chair and saluting the young captain. Captain Knight straightened her back and returned the salute before turning 180 degrees and walking out of his office, not even acknowledging Hunter Reed, who was being led out behind her.

Catherine marched out of the General’s office and past the curvy figure of the General’s personal assistant, Sandy. In an environment where women hide every aspect of their sexuality, Sandy stands in stark contrast. Her long, voluminous, platinum blond hair could light up a dark room, and her slim, curvy body was highlighted even further by the large, round, surgically enhanced breasts sitting high on her chest. Her makeup was impeccably done, with her pouty lips colored with a bright shimmering red, her sparkling green eyes decorated with glittery eyeshadow, and her cheeks showing a permanent rose blush. Sandy’s impressive figure was barely covered in a white skin-tight sleeveless PVC minidress, and her feet were encased in 5” tall patent white stiletto heels. Sandy had been General Mitchell’s assistant for over 20 years, and her age was starting to show despite the surgical attempts to cover it up. Catherine barely acknowledged the human-sized Barbie doll as she marched toward her mission.

Present Day

Planet Dominae

Captain Catherine Knight slowly opened her eyes, her head throbbing with pain. The bright sun assaulted her vision as she blinked, forcing her to squint. She groaned and tried to sit up, only to feel a sharp pain shoot through her left arm. She winced and looked down, seeing that her arm was twisted at an unnatural angle. Confused and disoriented, she looked around, trying to make sense of her surroundings. Amongst the debris of her ship, she located the main medic box a few feet from where she was thrown. Using her good arm, she crawls through the sand towards the box, flicking it open to reveal its contents. One of the recovery stimpacks had already been taken, leaving one remaining in the box. Catherine pulls the stimpack from its container and jabs the needle in her damaged arm, releasing its contents inside of her. Almost immediately, the pain started to dull, her arm contorted back into its correct position, her headache began to vanish, and within 2 minutes, she felt completely fine, without a scratch on her body.

With her body recovered, she suddenly remembered what she was doing there. She looks over at the wreckage to spot two empty seats. Frantically scanning around, she looks for her prisoner-turned-guide. Had he grasped his first opportunity to escape? Just as Catherine had stood up to inspect the wreckage of her ship, she noticed a silhouette nearby. Slowly approaching the figure of the man, she sees him observing a settlement in the distance. Hunter Reed started speaking without turning to face her, sensing her proximity. “Come now, Kitty, the local cops will be all over this crash site before nightfall, and you don’t want to be here when they show up.” He then starts walking towards the settlement before waiting for a response.

Catherine clenched her fists at his misuse of her name again, but she knew this was not the time to pick a fight. Reluctantly, she followed the convicted criminal towards the town. Captain Knight didn’t know what challenges she would face on this planet, but she was sure she would face them head-on and rescue her comrades from their fate.

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