Under His Cock-trol

Kim Comes to Visit

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #sub:male #brainwashing #cock_hypnosis #crying #cuckold #emotional_manipulation #foot_fetish #furry #hypnotic_amnesia #kink_education #m/m #masturbation #mindwipe #multiple_partners #obedience_training #personality_change #puppet #slur_usage #straight_to_gay #striptease #teacher_student_dynamic

The following morning, Connor woke up from his dream to find himself still lying on his side on the ground in his bedroom, drenched from head to toe in sweat. He sat up and started rubbing his groggy head.

Though he had been idolizing Mitch’s cock a lot lately, even he was getting surprised by how intense his feelings were becoming. But since it was only a dream, he decided not to think too hard about it. He got up off of the floor and put some casual clothes on, before he exited his bedroom to look for something to eat in the kitchen, with the majority of his odd dream having already escaped his mind.

Connor was sticking a bagel into the toaster when he noticed that Mitch was already up, talking to someone over his phone while he was sitting down at the kitchen table. Upon overhearing his conversation, he was able to piece together that Mitch was talking to Kim over the phone, so Connor figured that he was inviting her over for the day.

When the toasted bagel popped up, Connor grabbed it and spread a light layer of cream cheese over it on a small plate. However, instead of eating the bagel himself like he originally intended, he brought the plate over to where Mitch was sitting, gently pushing the plate in front of his chair.

“I made this just for you, master.” Connor gently whispered to Mitch, loud enough for Mitch to hear him over his conversation with Kim, but quiet enough so that he didn’t interrupt them.

Connor walked back to the kitchen, pulling an apron out of a drawer and putting it on over his body. Even though Mitch hadn’t even asked him, Connor started rummaging through the fridge to look for ingredients so he could make his roommate an elaborate meal for breakfast, gathering enough ingredients so that he made enough food for Kim to enjoy when she would arrive later.

Sometimes he would briefly stop cooking Mitch and Kim’s meals wondering why he was even doing it in the first place, but once he closed his eyes, he watched the hypnotic phantom image of Mitch waving his huge cock back and forth, dancing behind his eyelids. He immediately resumed cooking Mitch and Kim’s meals, finally understanding his purpose in life.

Several minutes later, Mitch cheerfully greeted Kim when she arrived at the front door, offering to let her sit next to him at the kitchen table. They both enjoyed watching Mitch’s new servant slaving away over a hot stove furiously cooking both of their meals. Connor was running back and forth from the kitchen all the way towards the table, and back again, placing plate after plate in front of the two until he had eventually placed an entire buffet of breakfast foods across the entire length of the table for Mitch and Kim to enjoy.

When Mitch and Kim were enjoying their meals while pleasantly conversing with each other, Connor had crawled under the table so that he could massage both of their paws while they ate. Kim was enjoying the paw rub so much that she wiggled her toes in response, prompting Connor to kiss all of her toes several times, which made her giggle out loud in delight.

While Kim was sighing out in pleasure, she noticed Mitch out of the corner of her eye grabbing out his phone from his pant pocket, scrolling to the photo app and holding the phone up closer to her face so she could see the screen more easily.

Mitch selected one of the more recent pictures he had taken the previous day, which was of Connor having planted a kiss on the head of his cock from right after he had poured his heart out about his feelings of inferiority. Kim was laughing over the picture that Mitch was showing her.

“This guy is so insecure over my bigger size, that he’s taken to worshipping my giant-ass cock to feel better about himself.” Mitch was laughing out loud alongside Kim. “And the best part is he kept repeatedly insisting that he’s straight.” Kim was laughing even harder over all of the personal details Mitch was leaking to her.

“Yeah, I think these pictures kinda disprove that.” Kim laughed while wiping a single tear from her eye. Mitch continued pulling up more pictures he took the previous day, depicting Connor resting his head on his cock like a pillow. “Oh my God! It looks like he wants to suck your dick while he sleeps!” She laughed even harder.

Mitch began explaining the next picture he had brought up, which depicted Connor worshipping his cock under the table, while an offscreen Mitch was holding up a huge wad of cash right in front of the camera lens. “I hypnotized Connor into believing he was eating out with us at a fancy restaurant, and convinced him to pay for a fake bill over meals he cooked for me!”

Ooh… You constantly lording your power over this freak is really starting to turn me on.” Kim let out an evil giggle. “I have no idea what I ever saw in this lowlife loser to begin with.”

Mitch finally brought up the final pictures he took the previous night of Connor masturbating on the floor in front of his own bed while Mitch faked having sex with Kim. “I hope you don’t mind, but I think your former boyfriend is gonna be dating his hand from now on.” Mitch chuckled to Kim.

Kim laughed in response. “Oh, I don’t mind at all.” She turned her head towards Mitch and gave him a flirtatious look on her face. “Besides, I’d much rather be with you now.” Kim began wrapping her arms around Mitch’s waist to pull him into a large embrace, and soon they were both making out with each other while getting their paws rubbed by Connor.

Connor had overheard everything, with Mitch and Kim’s words having made him feel completely betrayed and hurt, and yet he was simply too obedient to stop rubbing their paws. For reasons he couldn’t even explain to himself, the verbal tongue-lashings that Mitch and Kim were striking his heart with were beginning to turn him on as much as they were upsetting him, causing Connor to start sporting a large erection.

“Mitch, I… I thought you were training me so that I could be able to please my girlfriend and make her happy. This doesn’t really seem to be working out the way I thought it would…” Tears were beginning to stream down his face once more while he was individually rubbing each of Mitch’s toes.

“Nah… I’ve been secretly training you to become our cuckold!” Mitch laughed out loud over Connor’s misery. He pushed his paws forward so he could use his toes to wipe the tears from Connor’s eyes. “And besides, your girlfriend is feeling very pleased… she’s just pleased to be in a relationship with me and not you!”

Mitch could feel Connor crying his eyes out right into his toes like a handkerchief. “Hey now, don’t cry. When your girlfriend is so happy, you feel happy too, right?”  Mitch mockingly soothed his roommate.

Connor pushed his face further onto one of Mitch’s paws and began profusely sniffing his toes, and making sure to lap up all of the tears he had left on his toes off with his tongue. “Unfohhh…” Connor moaned. “Of course my master, controller, owner, and king all rolled up in one divine package.” Connor stuck one of Mitch’s big toes as well as one of Kim’s big toes in his mouth at the same time, and began rapidly sucking on them as Mitch and Kim deepened their big kiss with each other.

Later that night, Mitch and Kim were sitting next to each other on the couch watching some TV, with Mitch having his arm romantically wrapped around Kim’s back. Underneath both of their paws was Connor lying down on his hands and knees acting like a living ottoman for the couple, straining to hold his back up to support the weight of their paws.

During an ad break, Mitch and Kim decided to use the time to hold onto each other and loudly make out again. Thoughts of betrayal began creeping up into Connor’s mind again, and although he tried pushing these thoughts away by hyperfocusing his mind onto Mitch’s cock, it wasn’t enough to prevent his feelings of broken trust from fully overtaking his brain.

Since the TV show Mitch and Kim were watching was rather boring, they both soon fell asleep with their paws still resting on Connor’s back. Now that his mind was clear and he was no longer thinking about Mitch’s mind-bending cock, he used the situation as the perfect opportunity to make his escape.

He carefully crawled away from the couple’s paws, making sure to be extra careful to not wake them up. He slowly crept his way towards the front door as quietly as he possibly could, reaching out his hand to grasp onto the doorknob. He began turning it until he was stopped in his tracks when he heard a stern voice yell behind him, which scared him out of his mind.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” Mitch’s voice made Connor’s body freeze up in fear. After the dog found the courage within himself, Connor tried to stand up to Mitch without turning to face him.

“Somewhere far away from here… far away from assholes who treat me like garbage.” Connor began twisting the doorknob again so he could finally leave, but stopped himself once again when he heard the familiar sound of Mitch unzipping the fly of his pants.

Connor struggled to keep his focus on the doorknob that he was trying and failing to mentally command his fingers to turn, though a part of his mind felt like it was repeatedly convincing him to turn himself around to look at the familiar sight he had grown so accustomed to admiring over the past day.

Connor shut his eyes tight as he felt two sides of his brain engaging in a fierce battle of tug-of-war, with one side desperately urging him to continue turning the doorknob and bolting like heck, and the other side desperately urging him to give into his cravings and look the other way. To his surprise, he even started salivating over the thought of losing his train of thought from staring deeply into Mitch’s brainwashing cock.

Mitch’s voice managed to crack its way inside Connor’s inner turmoil. “C’mon Connor, I know you can’t resist my perfect specimen. We’ve been through this before. I know you’ll give in to your desire eventually, so you might as well stop trying to delay the inevitable.”

Connor finally managed to twist the knob all the way and started cracking the front door open, only to scream out as he was suddenly tackled by the wolf, and forcefully carried back to the couch. Connor was trying to thrash his way out of Mitch’s grasp, but was unsuccessful because Mitch’s muscular arms kept him pinned to his body.

Mitch noticed that all of the commotion had woken Kim up, who was rubbing her tired and groggy eyes. “Honey, what’s going on?”

“Get the rope!” Mitch yelled out at her as he held onto Connor’s flailing body tighter to keep him from breaking loose. Kim leapt off of the couch and quickly searched around the entire bottom floor of the house for some rope. When she found some, she ran back over to where Mitch was struggling to hold onto Connor and handed him the rope.

Mitch forcibly removed Connor’s clothes and tied up both of his arms and legs with the rope, and sat his body down on the floor in front of the couch. Mitch and Kim sat back down on the couch while Connor tried freeing himself from his rope restraints, but failed to budge a single inch.

Kim noticed that her new boyfriend was scrolling for something on his phone. “It looks like your slave is no longer under your mind control. Do you have a backup plan to re-assert your dominance over him?” Kim asked Mitch.

“Yeah, I figured some kind of disobedient outburst might happen, so I’ve set up a Plan B.” Mitch exclaimed to Kim as he found the video he was looking for. He was able to cast the video from his phone’s photo app onto the big-screen TV, and Connor’s eyes opened up wide when a video of Mitch’s massive cock showed up on the screen.

After a few seconds, Mitch in the video began thrusting his pelvis all around, causing his cock to begin spinning around and around all over the screen in a hypnotic fashion. Connor started screaming while desperately trying to rip off his rope restraints as he felt his mind begin helplessly falling under Mitch’s spell all over again.

It felt like after every several seconds that Mitch was waving his hypnotic penis around faster than ever, Connor was getting his thoughts getting scrambled around with every quick spin. His vision started narrowing until all he could see was Mitch’s hypnotic cock beckoning to him from behind the screen, and he felt his heart beating faster and faster as he started falling madly in (platonic?) love with his master and his glorious cock.

Connor quickly realized that “platonic” might’ve been the wrong choice of word to use now, as to his absolute surprise, he felt his cock tightening into an almost uncomfortable level of hardness, and saw his hardening cock rising up into the air, almost right across from Mitch’s penis on the TV screen. Despite how large Connor’s penis had grown, he thought he still looked puny compared to Mitch’s.

“Your… cock… is… everything… I… am… nothing…” Connor struggled as he felt the beginnings of an orgasm firing up inside of his penis like a volcano about to erupt, bubbling up inside him and oozing out globs of pre-cum out the tip of his dick.

Connor then realized that his fascination with Mitch’s cock wasn’t just mere admiration nor appreciation for an impressively huge member that he was envious of; his fascination was something that had evolved into full-blown lust.

This revelation nearly made Connor cum out loud, though he mentally prevented himself from blowing his load right away as he wanted to watch the whole brainwashing video to the end, not wanting to miss any opportunity to be taught more lessons of obedience by his mentor. He hoped he would be able to spend the rest of his life by Mitch’s side forever, as his permanently loyal apprentice.

Mitch noticed everything Connor was going through and laughed hard over it. “Oh my God! It looks like he’s barely holding on! He’s gonna blow his load any second now! Pretty funny, right Kim?” Mitch turned his attention back towards the red panda sitting next to him, but was completely surprised when he saw Kim’s blank face, staring towards the hypnotic screen in an absolute daze.

“Uh… Kim?” When Mitch didn’t receive any response from the spellbound woman, he tried waving his hand in front of her face to wake her up from her trance. “Yo Kim, you there?” Mitch pulled his hand away when Kim made no acknowledgment of his attempt to wake her up. She didn’t even blink.

Mitch leaned forward to look more closely into the red panda’s eyes, and noticed that the video of his waving, hypnotic cock was reflected in Kim’s glassy eyes, almost resembling spinning spirals whirling freely around in her eyes, bringing her further down under Mitch’s spell with every spin.

Mitch tried waking her back up by shaking one of her knees, though Kim wouldn’t budge an inch. When he noticed Kim open her mouth a bit and start mindlessly drooling a little over herself, Mitch grew a wicked smile over his face.

Mitch scooted himself a little closer to where Kim was sitting on the couch and began gently stroking her soft brunette hair with a hand. “Well now, I hope you weren’t expecting to have any kind of future with anyone else, because I fully intend to keep you trapped under my spell forever, never setting you free.”

Mitch planted a small kiss on the dazed red panda’s lips. “Sorry to betray you like this babe, but I’m not one to let a golden opportunity like this just slip through my fingers. Besides…” Mitch leaned his face even closer to Kim’s. “…you look so pretty when you’re being helplessly brainwashed by me into such an obedient state of mind.” He planted a larger kiss over Kim’s lips. “Love the way your vacant and glassy eyes look, babe.”

Kim developed a blush over her cheeks from her boyfriend’s compliment, and finally responded to him after all this time. “Thank you, master. I always want to remain under your control, forever.” The hypnotic penis on the TV screen was really turning her on now. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Mitch rose up off of the couch and tore off all of his clothes, exposing his massive naked cock to his girlfriend in the flesh, keeping Kim hypnotized by waving his huge member back and forth like a hypnotic pendant. “So, I take it you don’t mind if I were to brainwash you into marrying me, right?”

Kim sank down onto the sofa in a worshipful pose reminiscent of Connor’s when he was first hypnotized by Mitch. “I would love for you to use your hypnotizing cock to lead me down the aisle, on a leash held tightly by you, guiding me towards a life of mindless servitude.” Kim loved the feeling of her master’s hypnotic cock scrubbing her mind clean and re-filling them with dirtier, kinkier thoughts.

Mitch crawled back onto the couch and began swinging his cock back and forth directly in front of Kim’s face. “And you also don’t mind if I use my cock to permanently erase your entire personality from your mind, and rendering you as my helplessly hypnotized housewife, right?”

Kim was happily watching the arc of the wolf’s swinging penis by quickly shifting her eyes back and forth to match up with Mitch’s pace. “I would happily cook all of your meals, rub your shoulders, do all of the chores without complaint, and massage your paws every single night. All of the things a good little wifey should do for her husband.” She happily sighed out loud from admitting all of this to her future hubby.

Mitch began holding up his hands right above Kim’s head as if he were holding the strings of a marionette puppet, gently pulling his hands up into the air to mentally pull Kim’s thoughts into sitting up on the couch again. Once Kim was fully attentive with her hands demurely held together in her lap, Mitch pulled his hands up higher over Kim’s head.

“Now how about you give me a little striptease, my submissive little fuckpuppet.” Mitch chuckled evilly while Kim mindlessly pulled her shirt off of her chest and tossed it behind the couch, all in perfect tandem with Mitch’s puppeteering hands. He made a little wiggling motion with his fingers to motion to the red panda to unhook her bra. “Strip for me, my lovely!”

“Yes, Master…” Kim happily exclaimed in a monotone voice as she unhooked her bra and tossed it behind the couch, exposing her massive naked breasts for her new boyfriend to enjoy. After drinking in the sight of his half-naked girlfriend, Mitch made another pulling motion with his hands to convince Kim to remove her pants. “Strip!”

“Anything for you, master.” Kim sighed in amazement as she unbuttoned her pants and pulled them off, tossing them right on top of the accumulating pile of clothes behind the couch. She noticed her boyfriend wiggling his index fingers in such a way that indicated to her she needed to strip off her final piece of clothing; a pair of panties.”


Ooh, yes master!” Kim was shivering in pleasure from listening to Mitch’s booming, forceful voice. “I love it when you boss me around and keep me in line!” Kim immediately removed her soaking panties from her body and haphazardly tossed them overboard.

Mitch made a backwards pulling move with his puppeteering hands, mentally pulling on Kim’s brain until she was mindlessly crawling across the couch closer to where he was sitting. Mitch gently lowered his hands to command Kim to lower her head towards his crotch until she took his entire length inside of her open, waiting mouth.

Mitch then suddenly started aggressively pushing and pulling his hands up and down  repeatedly to puppeteer his girlfriend into quickly bobbing her mouth up and down over his cock, increasing the speed of his hands every several seconds to force Kim to suck on his cock faster and harder.

Ohhh… fuck me master! Brainwash me into becoming your cocksleeve!” Both Kim and Mitch’s sexy moans grabbed Connor’s attention, who managed to finally free himself of the rope restraints, tearing his gaze away from the hypnotic screen to study the equally hypnotic sight of Kim’s mouth rapidly bobbing up and down Mitch’s thick, hard cock.

Connor was mindlessly bobbing his head up and down, perfectly timed with Kim fellating Mitch’s dick with her mouth up and down. Connor thought back to all of the times in the previous day he had intimately kissed and even licked his roommate’s cock, wondering what it would be like to suck on the perfect specimen in his mouth like Kim was.

Mitch turned his face to look at Connor, and had a good laugh when he noticed Connor’s throbbing, leaky cock. “Not only have I stolen your girlfriend, but I’ve also brainwashed her into becoming my own personal cock-brained bimbo!” He let out a long, pleasured groan as he felt Kim leaving long licks up his shaft using her tongue. “When I’m through with her, she’s gonna completely forget that she was ever your girlfriend! Not that it should really matter to you anymore, as I’ve basically turned you gay.” Mitch laughed again.

Connor felt like crying, both from his eyes and out of the tip of his dick. He was furiously rubbing himself harder and faster watching his former girlfriend repeatedly pushing her entire mouth up and down the entire length of his master’s cock.

Mitch came up with what he thought was a hilarious idea, so he abruptly ended Kim’s blowjob by raising his puppeteering hands again, forcing Kim to lift her mouth off of her cock for the moment and rising back into a sitting position on the couch. The red panda seemed a little disappointed by this at first, until she saw Mitch spread out both of his arms until they formed a hugging motion, which caused Kim to feel a tugging sensation creep across her puppet brain that wouldn’t go away until she followed the movements of Mitch’s arms.

Kim spread out her arms in what looked like a loving kind of embrace towards Connor. Mitch leaned over to whisper a few sentences into Kim’s ear, pulling away so he could motion to Kim to start talking to Connor.

“Hey Connor, I’m really sorry over how I’ve been treating you so shitty lately. If you’re willing to forgive me, you can come over to me and give me a big hug so you can feel better.” Kim was sweetly speaking to Connor with a large smile on her face.

Connor was feeling a little skeptical about her sudden change in mood, but the more he stared into her sweet smile and what looked like a warm embrace, he decided that she seemed to be sincere with her apology, so he stopped jerking himself off and began walking towards the couch so he could wrap his arms around her.

As soon as Connor made contact with his former girlfriend, Mitch suddenly made a harsh shoving motion forwards with one of his hands, immediately causing Kim’s puppet mind to send a message to her left leg to suddenly kick it forward, kicking Connor as hard in his balls as she possibly could.

Connor instantly keeled over onto the ground below, hunched over while the quick kick in the balls from Kim’s paw caused him to immediately begin spurting out cum shot after cum shot onto the ground all around him, being forced to endure the most painful orgasm of his life.

Mitch was laughing hysterically over Connor’s misery, while Kim just continued staring forward with the same blank-looking smile plastered on her face, too mindless to comprehend what she had just done. Mitch got off of the couch and used his puppeteering hands to get Kim down on her hands and knees again, though this time he got back on the couch right behind her and stuck his large cock up her ass.

Mitch began aggressively pushing and pulling his cock out of Kim’s ass while she turned her attention back to the hypnotic video playing on the TV screen. She felt her whole body getting shaken left and right by his massive cock fucking her in and out, which only made the image of Mitch’s cock waving around and around in a spiral pattern on the screen look even more hypnotic than it already did.

When Mitch finally came inside of Kim’s ass, Kim felt her entire mind falling down a deep hypnotic spiral made entirely of her boyfriend’s cock, her cravings for his perfect specimen increasing with every tumble her mind made. When her mind softly thudded against the bottom of the spiral, she opened her eyes back open and realized that Mitch’s cock had softened up over time so that he was easily able to pull it out of her ass.

Mitch reached over to where the red panda was lying on the couch and gently brushed her brunette hair with a single hand. “That was a pretty intense brainwashing session you just went through. How are you feelin’, babe?”

Kim was rubbing her tired and groggy head. “Ohhh… I feel like the image of your hypnotic cock has been permanently burned inside of my brain. I can’t even think of anything other than your cock twirling throughout my mind.”

Mitch chuckled over her confession. “Well, that’s kind of the point, babe. That way I can keep you under my power.”

Kim giggled in response. “Yeah, that sounds kind of nice.” She then quickly realized that she forgot something pretty important. “Uh… Mitch, this is gonna be kind of embarrassing to admit, but do you remember what my name is?” She asked with an embarrassed blush playing out on her cheeks.

Mitch chuckled again before giving her a quick peck on her lips. “Your name is Kim. But I often like to refer to you as ‘Master’s Slave.’”

Master’s Slave.” Kim sighed out in a dreamy tone of voice. “I really love that name.”

Kim looked over at her ex-boyfriend sprawled out across the floor, who was holding one of his hands over his pained crotch. “Hey, who is that guy over there, and what the hell is he doing? Should I know who he is?” Kim already had her memories of Connor completely wiped from her brain because of Mitch’s hypnotic cock.

“Nah, he’s nobody important or anything.” Mitch dismissed as he wrapped one of his arms around Kim’s back. “Now, how’s about you make me some dinner, babe?”

“Um… what’s dinner?” Kim felt embarrassed again.

Mitch laughed over Kim’s question. “Heh, I guess my mind-melting cock did an even bigger number on your brain than I initially realized. Ah well, it’ll be fun to refill your empty mind with new thoughts and new truths.”

“New truths like how to be your unquestionably loyal slave?!” Kim excitedly exclaimed, while the mental image of Mitch’s hypnotic cock was buzzing through her brain and making her drool a bit.

“Oh, yes. There shall be so many wonderful re-teachings in those veins.” Mitch moved his lips to one of Kim’s ears to whisper what he wanted her to cook for him. Kim robotically rose off of the couch, and felt Mitch lightly spank her ass with a hand, which prompted her to slowly march forwards the doorway to the kitchen in a mindless daze with her arms stretched out in front of her body.

“I shall always please my master. I shall always obey my master.” Kim repeatedly said in a monotone voice, with the intent to cook her boyfriend dinner while still completely naked.

After she disappeared into the kitchen, Mitch got off of the couch and walked over to where Connor was still on the ground. “Sorry you weren’t able to have any fun with my cock this time, but look at the bright side, you get to enjoy the leftovers!”

Mitch bent over closer to where Connor was, while holding on to his flaccid penis in his hand. “Here’s your dinner for tonight!” Mitch teased as he wiped his cum-soaked cock across Connor’s face like a convenient cum-rag, making sure to coat every inch with the excess cum that didn’t make it into Kim’s ass. “Eat up, faggot!” Mitch cruelly laughed as he strutted into the kitchen planning to grope Kim’s naked tits while she cooked him dinner.

As the pain in his crotch started to dissipate, Connor stuck out his tongue and began lapping off all the globs of cum that Mitch had smeared over his face. “My master… my controller… my owner… my king…” Connor licked up the last of Mitch’s cum. “I… I love you…”

Shortly after Mitch had brought both Connor and Kim under his sway, he had ordered a slutty french maid outfit for Connor to wear whenever Mitch wanted him to clean up the house and perform all sorts of manual labor on his hands and knees. Mitch would always laugh whenever Connor got an erection around him, because every time he got hard it would stretch out the thin apron he was wearing.

One day, Connor was scrubbing one of the floors on his knees while using a sponge, looking at his own reflection through a small puddle of soapy water that was forming on the floor, admiring how sexy the french maid outfit tightly clinging on to his body made him feel. When he resumed his work, he noticed the reflection of Mitch sneaking up behind him from within the puddle.

Connor got really excited when he saw Mitch unzipping his pants, letting his massive cock hang out until Connor got a perfect view of it reflected in the puddle. “Hey buddy, it looks like you missed a spot there.” Mitch teasingly said to Connor as he pointed to where his cock’s reflection was.

Connor saw his own face light up as he dove towards the reflection of Mitch’s cock in the puddle, repeatedly kissing the reflection while getting his lips wet from the soapy water. The wolf chuckled from the dog’s blind obedience towards his cock before walking over to the couch where Kim was waiting for him.

The red panda was wearing a revealing blue polka-dot dress that heavily emphasized her long, shapely legs as well as her deep cleavage, looking like a helplessly hypnotized housewife in Mitch’s eyes. She had prepared a bowl of popcorn that she was holding onto between her legs as Mitch sat next to her on the couch.

Kim handed Mitch the popcorn bowl before turning her body slightly so that she could start softly rubbing Mitch’s shoulders while he watched a movie on the TV screen, popping several pieces of popcorn in his mouth. Every time he chewed and swallowed a small handful of popcorn, Mitch would moan out in pleasure from feeling Kim’s fingers gently working out the knots in his tired shoulders.

That night, Kim had cooked Mitch a nice home-cooked meal that he was eating on the couch, while Connor and Kim were both kneeling on the floor in front massaging his paws and kissing his toes, still wearing the same sexy outfits that Mitch had made them wear earlier. They would alternate rising up off of their knees to steal a quick kiss from his erect cock, before kneeling back down to continue rubbing his paws at Mitch’s command.

It was right then and there Connor realized Mitch had kept his promise that his cock would bring him and his partner closer together; they would just remain together as Mitch’s slaves, forever under his cock-trol.


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