Under His Cock-trol

Connor’s No-Homo Cocknosis Session

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #sub:male #brainwashing #cock_hypnosis #crying #cuckold #emotional_manipulation #foot_fetish #furry #hypnotic_amnesia #kink_education #m/m #masturbation #mindwipe #multiple_partners #obedience_training #personality_change #puppet #slur_usage #straight_to_gay #striptease #teacher_student_dynamic

All of the femsub scenes are in chapter 2. The first chapter is entirely m/m.

One day, an anthro dog named Connor was sitting down on one end of his living room couch, watching his favorite streaming series Barking Bake Off. Connor had become so engrossed with his large flat-screen TV, that he was suddenly startled when his anthro wolf roommate quickly burst through the front door, tossing whatever he was carrying across the couch.

The wolf, named Mitch, rudely snagged the TV remote right out of Connor’s hands. Before the dog could even possibly protest, Mitch had already pressed a button on the remote to turn on their Blu-Ray player. Connor picked up the DVD case that his roommate had carelessly thrown onto the couch and looked closely at the cover.

“Big Cat Tats 9?” Connor questioned out loud as he turned the case over in his hands to study the back cover. “I didn’t even know there were eight other movies. This has more sequels than the Alpha & Omega series, holy shit!”

Mitch then suddenly snatched the DVD case out of Connor’s hands, popping out the disc and inserting it into the DVD player. As Mitch was waiting for the film to load, he looked over at the couch and noticed Connor scowling at him.

“What‘s wrong?” Mitch asked his roommate in a faux-innocent tone.

“Look, I don’t mind if you want to watch something else, but you need to ask for my permission first.” Connor glared at Mitch as he selected the “play” option on the main menu screen. “And I don’t necessarily want you playing porn on my TV.”

Mitch plopped down on the other end of the couch across from his roommate as the porn movie began to play. “Why do you care if I wanna watch big cat titties for the rest of the night? You can always go do something else while I relieve myself from a long and tiring day. What, are you gay or something?”

Connor rolled his eyes over Mitch’s immature remark. “No Mitch, you know I have a girlfriend. I’m just worried what she would think if she caught me watching whatever porn movies you rent and bring over here.”

Mitch gave a dismissive wave with one of his hands. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry much about all that. I’m pretty sure your girlfriend has told me before that you do such a poor job of sexually pleasing her, so I doubt she’d care much if she saw you beating off to cat tits on TV.”

Mitch’s words, though spoken very casually, had thrown a harsh emotional punch right into Connor’s gut. His girlfriend, who was an anthro red panda named Kim, hadn’t really told him anything that indicated she was unsatisfied with their relationship, but not only was Mitch suggesting she wasn’t happy with him, he was also implying that she was mocking him behind his back over his supposed impotence.

Out of the corner of his eye, Connor noticed the unusual sight of Mitch unzipping his fly, before pulling his pants off of his legs and tossing them onto the ground in front of the couch. Mitch pulled his boxers down a little, exposing his throbbing, veiny cock in his roommate’s vision. He wrapped his fist around his erect cock and began slowly rubbing up and down his shaft as his eyes became glued to the screen.

Connor turned his face towards the other side of the couch to call out his roommate. “Ok, you’re gonna question me about being gay, and then decide to just whip out your wiener in front of my face? What, are you a hypocrite or something?”

Mitch was too tuned into the bouncing cat titties on screen to notice Connor questioning him. Connor was just about to repeat himself a little louder, but as he looked more closely towards Mitch masturbating himself, a funny feeling started buzzing through his brain.

Connor was slowly lifting his head up and gently lowering it down, in perfect tandem with Mitch rubbing his fist up and down his naked cock. His mind was trapped and bound within a complete daze, and if one were to look closely into the dog’s hypnotized & glassy eyes, they could see the outline of the wolf’s hard, meaty cock reflected within his pupils, subtly bobbing up and down in a hypnotic crescendo.

Mitch was staring back at his roommate for a little while, noticing that a trail of drool was escaping Connor’s lips and splashing onto his chest. “Uh… are you sure you’re not gay?”

“Nah… no homo…” Connor didn’t realize he was drawling out his response in a distant, dream-like voice.

“Hmmm… maybe you’re bi, then?”

“Nope, not at all.”

Mitch was getting a little annoyed, so he tried rubbing his hand a little harder over the length of his own thick shaft to hypnotize Connor into providing him a real answer. “Are you at least a little bit curious?”

“Not… one… bit…” Connor slowly emphasized every word upon closely watching his roommate’s hand stroke against his cock.

Mitch was rubbing his own chin back and forth with his free hand while continuing to masturbate himself, completely stumped. “Alright, I’ve got nuthin’. Why are you so fascinated by my cock if you’re completely straight then?”

“It’s because… because…” Connor was struggling to answer his roommate’s question, until Mitch rubbed his cock just a little bit harder, which immediately triggered Connor into spilling the beans.

“…because I’m starting to think that I can’t properly please my partner when my cock just simply doesn’t measure up to yours, and I’m worried that she might leave me or cheat on me if I can’t sexually please her anymore. You’ve always effortlessly had so many women worshipping the ground you walk on, and I feel like I’d be lucky if I get to even hang on to one. Your cock is so obviously superior to my own.”

Connor continued pouring out his heart at Mitch’s command, never realizing that he was being hypnotized into doing so. “To be perfectly honest, seeing how much bigger your cock is when compared to mine definitely crushed my self-esteem quite a bit, especially after you suggested that my girlfriend wasn’t happy in our relationship…”

Connor wiped a few tears from his eyes before continuing. “…but if you could take me under your wing… if I could learn from the master… if you could mold me into the perfect lover…”

Connor suddenly leaned down over the length of the couch on his hands and knees right in front of Mitch, bowing his head right down at the base of his exposed cock in a very worshipful pose.

“…Then I could find comfort, warmth, and perhaps even protection from the perfect specimen.”

Mitch was finding his roommate’s entire display to be incredibly odd, especially coming from someone who claimed he wasn’t attracted to men at all, yet he couldn’t deny that the perfect opportunity to take advantage of Connor’s insecurities had been perfectly gift-wrapped for him.

Connor noticed the wolf pointing a finger towards a spot on the ground right in front of the couch. “Well, if you’re going to kneel in front of me, I’d like you to do so in front of the couch.” Mitch commanded, and Connor instantly obeyed by taking up the same worshipful pose on the ground.

Mitch moved himself over to the center of the couch, gripping onto the shaft of his penis with a fist, and slowly began waving his massive cock back and forth like a hypnotic pendant. Connor obediently traced the arc of the wolf’s cock with his eyes back and forth, and he was also happily wagging his tail back and forth.

“My cock is your master. Repeat.”

“Your cock is my master.” Connor repeated back in a monotone voice.

“Your controller. Repeat.”

“My controller.”

“Your owner.”

“My owner.”

“Your king.”

“My king.” Connor sighed happily as he sank further down on his knees.

“My cock provides all of life’s answers. Kiss.” Mitch said in an almost rhythmic sounding chant.

“Your cock provides all of life’s answers.” Connor chanted back before placing a gentle, platonic kiss on the tip of the wolf’s penis.

“My cock’s commands must all be obeyed. Kiss, with your eyes closed.”

“Your cock’s commands must all be obeyed.” Connor obeyed his master’s command to the letter, not realizing that Mitch snapped a picture of him using his phone, while silently laughing to himself.

“My cock represents everything you wish to be.”

“Your cock represents everything I wish to be.” Mitch didn’t even have to remind Connor to kiss his cock this time.

“My cock will bring you and your partner closer together.” Mitch promised.

“Your cock will bring me and my partner closer together.” Connor lightly traced the veins of Mitch’s penis with his tongue.

“My cock is everything, you are nothing.”

“Your cock is everything, I am nothing.” Another kiss, another flash of the camera.

Mitch leaned over to gently run one of his hands through Connor’s brown hair when he noticed Connor beginning to cry again. “Don’t worry, I shall take you under my wing… teach you everything I know… my apprentice… my protege…” He gently soothed in Connor’s ear.

Tears were openly streaming down Connor’s face as he rained down several demure kisses over the entire length of Mitch’s cock. “Thank you… thank you…” Connor was happy that the massive cock that once haunted him so, was now providing him with the comfort he so desperately craved.

Mitch scooted a little closer towards the edge of the couch seat to bring his hypnotic cock even closer to Connor’s face. “The more you stare deeply into the tip of my penis, the sleepier and drowsier you will feel, and the more you will drift off into peaceful slumber.”

When Mitch stopped hypnotically waving his cock, Connor used a hand to lightly squeeze it a few times as if he were fluffing a pillow, before gently placing his face down on top of his dick and shutting his eyes closed. Before he could fully drift off to sleep, Mitch forcefully opened up Connor’s eyes for him using a finger.

“While I can’t physically make your cock any bigger than it normally is, I am more than willing to teach you how to please your partner, and make her happy through other means starting tomorrow morning. Does that sound good?”

Mitch was waving his cock right in front of Connor’s drowsy eyes like a hypnotic spiral, who was obediently following every movement with his pupils spinning around and around in his eyes. “Yes, that sounds wonderful, my master. Your protege will obediently hang on to your every last word as if my life depends on it.”

After Mitch forcefully shut Connor’s eyes for him with a finger, he stroked his hand through the dog’s hair until he drifted off into sleep, his mouth snoring near Mitch’s penis. As Connor slept the night away dreaming of being taught by his master’s cock, Mitch continued snapping some more pictures of his roommmate.

When Connor came to a couple hours later, he was surprised to find himself sitting down on one edge of the couch, gently rubbing and kneading Mitch’s paws in his lap with his hands, who was relaxing on the other side of the couch with his eyes closed.

“Nice to see you, master!” Connor cheerfully greeted the wolf, who opened up his eyes to look upon the mindlessly obedient dog who was massaging his paws for him. “Why am I rubbing your paws for you?” Connor innocently asked his roommate. “Not that I mind one bit. Your paws are so soft.” He nearly squealed.

Mitch grumbled to himself trying to wrack his brain to remember what he was trying to do, until he suddenly remembered his plan. “This is the first step to get you back on track to pleasing your girlfriend. Many women I’ve spent time with in the past really enjoy a nice & soothing paw rub, so I wanted to use my own paws to help you practice some paw massaging techniques before the next time you see your girlfriend and offer to rub her paws for her.”

“That sounds fantastic, master! I will happily rub your paws for you.” Connor increased the speed of his thumbs he was rubbing around the soles of Mitch’s paws.

After a few moments of Mitch’s mind simmering in a quiet bliss from the massage, he commanded Connor to remove his hands from his paws, which he instantly obeyed. “The next step to making your partner’s paws feel like magic is to engage in a little paw worship.”

Mitch suddenly started wiggling all ten of his toes in front of Connor’s face. Connor was caught completely off guard by this, until the shape of Mitch’s toes began reminding him of something else.

Suddenly, Mitch’s wiggling toes started to resemble multiple copies of his massive cock head, pulsing and throbbing near Connor’s lips. “Go on, give them a kiss. Girls like it when you kiss their toes.”

Connor hesitated as he felt his self-confidence being shredded bit by bit, as it felt like the ten cocks he was imagining floating around his face were mocking him and laughing at him for being small in size. “Um… uh… I’m not so sure about that…”

“What‘s the matter, Connor? I thought you idolized my perfect specimen.” Mitch teased his roommate.

Connor’s pupils instantly shrunk to the size of tiny pinpricks as Mitch’s words had triggered his mind into falling under utter compliance towards his teacher. He puckered up his lips and brought them closer to one of Mitch’s big toes.

“Yes, I do idolize your cock so much.” Kiss

“No matter how lesser it may make me feel, I must find comfort from your cock so I can learn.” Kiss

“Your cock is as perfectly sculpted as a greek god’s.” Kiss

“Your cock helps me find my purpose in life.” Kiss

“Your cock is my guiding light.” Kiss

“Your cock is my king, and I am its humble servant.” Kiss

“Your cock teaches me right from wrong.” Kiss

“I will blindly believe everything you tell me to believe.” Kiss

“I will never disobey, especially as I remain under your sway.” Kiss

“I am nothing but a mere ball of clay, forever grateful to be personally molded by you into your perfectly loyal, devoted, and faithful slave.” Kiss

Connor decided to kiss all ten of Mitch’s toes again while showering him with more affectionate displays of verbal gratitude, before Mitch decided to reward him by cupping Connor’s nose with the soles of both of his paws. Connor felt his brain getting tied up in a nice little bow made out of Mitch’s paw odor, and the smell made him fall into a deep, peaceful slumber.

When Connor woke up once again and reopened his eyes, he found himself sitting down at his table near the kitchen. He looked over at the other side of the table, and saw Mitch finishing up a meal he was eating off of a plate, who had set up a chair right next to him that he had taped a picture of Kim’s face to.

Connor was a bit confused about what his next lesson was all about, and before he could possibly process everything that was happening in his mind, he noticed Mitch slowly pushing a small piece of paper across the table towards him.

Connor lifted up the paper in front of his face, and even though the piece of paper was completely blank, he suddenly imagined himself and Mitch sitting down at a table right in the center of a fancy, expensive restaurant, and could see a pricey bill within his mind’s eye reflected on the bottom of the paper.

Connor lowered the piece of paper back onto the table and looked at Mitch’s face. “Would you mind paying for me and my partner’s meals tonight?” He asked Connor in a faux-innocent sounding tone.

Connor was looking a little nervous as he was looking over the imaginary bill once more. “Well, I don’t mind, I guess… but I haven’t even gotten to eat anything. And even so, this bill seems awfully expensive. Perhaps we could split the bill, or something…”

Mitch then suddenly reached down under the table to grab onto something. Connor had a sneaking suspicion of what was occurring under the table, so he tried ignoring his urges to immediately go look down.

Mitch realized what Connor was trying to do, so he decided to openly tease him over it. “Go on, take a little peek under the table. If you don’t, how else do you expect me to be able to teach your next lesson?”

Connor couldn’t take the anticipation anymore, so he quickly shoved his entire head under the table, and saw that Mitch had opened up the fly of his pants, exposing his massive, veiny cock for him to admire.

Staring at his roommate’s penis was beginning to bring all of Connor’s insecurities back to his mind, but as soon as the wolf gripped his cock with a fist and began hypnotically waving it back and forth,  his insecurities instantly melted away, feeling his mind getting enveloped in a warm hug from the musk that was emanating from Mitch’s cock.

What initially felt like harsh whip lashings against his self-esteem soon transformed into sweet gentle kisses that filled Connor’s heart with pure, platonic joy. Connor climbed down onto his knees under the table and crawled over to where Mitch was sitting, looking up towards the head of his penis in absolute awe, as if he were staring at the 8th wonder of the world.

“What do you wish to teach me, my king?” Connor asked in an obedient-sounding monotone, though he was more asking Mitch’s cock, rather than Mitch himself.

“I wish to teach you how wonderful it feels to pay for me and my partner’s meals, no matter how expensive. No matter if you even got anything to eat yourself. You must always pay the entire bill whenever we eat out.” Mitch pulled back on his dick slightly, letting go and allowing his massive cock to bob up and down.

“Forever. Always. I will obey.” Connor’s glassy eyes followed the movement of Mitch’s hypnotic cock, before leaning over to plant a small kiss over the tip.

Connor grabbed a large wad of cash from his wallet, that equaled the amount he read on the imaginary receipt, and plopped it right into the wolf’s hands. Mitch was excitedly counting all the money he was just handed as he felt another kiss against the head of his cock.

“I am so sorry for my disobedient behavior a few minutes ago, master.” Connor wiped some tears from his eyes before planting a demure kiss across the center of Mitch’s shaft. “It won’t happen again.” He kissed his cock again. “I hope you’ll be willing to forgive me, master.”

Mitch was stuffing all of Connor’s cash inside his own wallet. “Oh yeah, sure thing.” He was barely paying attention to Connor. “It’s all basically water under the bridge now. You’ve passed your lesson with flying colors since you’ve pleased your girlfriend by paying for our meals.”

Connor suddenly buried his face over Mitch’s entire cock, happy tears freely flowing from his eyes, and flowing down his master’s cock. “Thank you for your forgiveness, master! Thank you!” Connor was practically clearing out his entire mind once he started huffing all of the musk stemming from Mitch’s cock.

Connor had made himself so mindless, that he didn’t notice Mitch had shoved his phone under the table to snap several pictures of him.

“I will patiently wait for your perfect specimen to teach me the next lesson in pleasing my partner.” Connor wondered what words of wisdom that Mitch’s cock would pass down onto him to treasure.

Mitch tucked his cock back inside of his pants and rose up from the table. “Fortunately for you, my cock only has one more lesson it must teach you before you’re finally ready to please your partner to the fullest potential.” Mitch peeled the picture of Connor’s girlfriend Kim off of the chair, before Connor crawled out from under the table, still on his hands and knees in a worshipful pose.

Mitch leaned down towards Connor’s prostrate body, firmly gripping his chin with a free hand and pulling Connor up on his feet. Connor appeared to still be mentally trapped in a daze, so Mitch whispered his next command directly into his ear.

“My cock wishes for you to follow in my footsteps, until we reach your room. Got that, my forever faithful student?”

“Yes, my loving mentor. I shall always obey you until the day I die.” Connor meant every word he said.

Connor obediently followed right behind Mitch as he approached the stairs, with his arms stretched out in front of his body like a hypnotized zombie. My master.

Connor slowly followed the wolf up the staircase. My controller.

Both Mitch and Connor stepped inside the doorway to Connor’s bedroom. My owner.

Mitch sat right down on the middle of Connor’s bed and stuck the picture of Connor’s red panda girlfriend on the front of a pillow, before pointing towards a spot on the ground at the foot of the bed for his slave to obediently get down on his knees, so he could receive the final lesson.

“My king.” Connor spoke out loud as he instantly sank to his hands and knees. “Perched upon his royal throne where he belongs.”

Mitch chuckled over his slave’s blatant servitude. “Why, thank you.”

Connor lowered his head respectfully towards the ground. “You are welcome, my king. You deserve nothing less than the most overt displays of praise and adoration that I could possibly muster.” He raised his head again to stare deeply at Mitch’s crotch as he opened up the fly and fished out his giant member.

“Is my student finally ready to learn his final lesson on Graduation Day?” Mitch asked as he grabbed his cock once more, hypnotically swinging it back and forth in front of Connor’s face.

Connor instantly sat down on his butt and folded his hands in his lap as if he were sitting straight up in a school seat. “Yes teacher.” He cheerfully answered.

After Mitch stared at Connor’s face until he became sufficiently stupefied enough, he grabbed the pillow and brought it closer to him until he had one arm wrapped around it. From Connor’s hypnotized point-of-view, it looked like Mitch was holding onto his girlfriend Kim close to himself.

“Both of you look great together, especially with your muscular arm wrapped around my girlfriend.” Connor honestly admitted to Mitch.

Mitch gave out a small laugh over Connor’s confession. “I’m glad you agree! We do look pretty sweet together, don’t we? You don’t mind, do you?” He teasingly questioned Connor.

Connor nervously gulped a bit as his insecurities briefly crossed his mind, but those feelings just as quickly dissipated when Mitch tugged at his cock once more. “No, I do not mind at all. If this pleases Kim, who am I to argue? Besides, she deserves to be with the man with the bigger and better cock.” Connor happily sighed out.

“For your final lesson, I’m gonna make out with your girlfriend on top of your bed, and you’re going to jerk yourself off on the ground. This is going to be how you sexually release yourself from now on.” Mitch lied down across the bed with the pillow in his arms and pretended to kiss it, while silently laughing to himself when he heard Connor rip off his clothes, furiously beating himself off at the foot of the bed.

Mitch crawled up to the front of the mattress, and upon noticing Connor masturbating himself while his back was turned, grabbed out his phone to secretly snap several more pictures of him.

“Aw yeah, this is gonna be perfect for what I have planned for him.” Mitch let out a quiet evil chuckle to himself.

Connor screamed out an explosive orgasm when he overheard Mitch pretending to speak for the fake Kim, boasting about how Mitch’s cock was so much more satisfying and pleasing when compared to Connor’s tiny dick. Right before he was about to pass out from pleasured exhaustion, Mitch hopped off of the mattress and lowered his head to whisper in Connor’s ear.

“You no longer need me to teach you anymore, my now-former student. You’ve learned everything there is to possibly know about pleasing your girlfriend. And now you can dream about your graduation ceremony throughout the night. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

Mmm…” Connor let out a little moan as he felt Mitch gently ruffling his hair with a hand, turning his head slightly to cuddle his hand like a pillow. “That does sound nice, master…” He happily sighed as he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

When Connor next opened his eyes, he found himself standing right in the middle of a massive dreamscape field, with a bright blue sky hanging high above his head. Connor looked off into the distance and could vaguely make out the outline of something massive, which seemed to be almost hypnotically pulling him towards the end of the field, slowly walking towards the end in a sleepwalk-like trance with his arms stretched out in front of his body.

As Connor lumbered his way nearer to his destination, he could finally make out what was hypnotically pulling him forwards in an entranced daze, and he gasped out loud from the sight.

Sitting right at the end of the grassy field, was an enormous skyscraper-sized version of Mitch’s cock, towering high over Connor’s entire body and stretching up into the heavens above. Even the dark shadow that was being cast by Mitch’s cock had completely engulfed the entire area where Connor was standing, making him feel as small as a mouse.

Connor could hear the distant echoing voice of his roommate from all the way up in the clouds. “Kneel.”

Connor’s jaw had practically hit the ground upon drinking in the massive sight before him and started panting, slowly craning his entire head up until he could see the top of Mitch’s cock practically puncturing the clouds, while his panting was becoming increasingly rapid from the awe-inspiring sight.

Connor revered Mitch’s cock so much that it almost literally took his breath away, and had already completely forgotten about the command that his teacher had bestowed onto him. Mitch realized that he must speak a little louder in order to break through Connor’s stupor and make a large impact on his mind.

“I said kneel.” Mitch’s deep voice traveled fast all the way down his cock towards the ground below and reverberated throughout Connor’s entire brain.

“Yes, my king.” Connor instantly fell right onto his knees with a loud thump on the ground, and started crawling through the grass on his hands and knees towards the shaft. Though Mitch’s kaiju-sized penis had initially intimidated Connor, even scared him a little, Mitch’s deep voice was now reverberating throughout his heart, spurring him forwards on his hands and knees with the desire to shower Mitch with all of the gratitude he could possibly muster.

“I’m sorry for not obeying your command right away. I’m so, so sorry.” Connor was peppering the base of Mitch’s cock with several little apologetic kisses in the hopes of keeping the wolf happy. “I swear I wasn’t trying to ignore you. I was just so awestruck by your massive cock’s raw masculine beauty, that it rendered me completely speechless… and a little mindless too.” Connor quietly added with a little blush growing on his cheeks.

Connor returned to leaving several more apologetic kisses across his penis. “I only hope these humble apologies are enough for you to forgive me.” Connor dragged his tongue a few inches up Mitch’s shaft.

“Hey, don’t worry about it, Connor. I understand.” Connor, upon hearing his master’s soothing words, instantly started relaxing more on his hands and knees. “I’m actually really proud of you.”

Connor lifted up his face, with happy tears now streaming from his eyes. “Really?” He barely squeaked out.

“Yes, of course. You passed all of my tests with flying colors, and now you can incorporate everything you’ve learned into properly pleasing your girlfriend.”

Connor buried his face right into Mitch’s shaft, his happy tears now trailing down the wolf’s cock. “Thank you! Thank you…” Connor began pouring his heart out again. “I used to feel so worthless and inferior when I first saw your cock, making me feel not good enough… your cock silently judging me…”

Connor had to briefly stop himself as bad memories started flooding back in his mind, until he planted a single, solitary kiss on Mitch’s cock, which instantly melted the bad memories away. “But now that you’ve taught me your ways, now that your perfect specimen has become my guiding light…”

Connor planted another worshipful kiss.

“I’ve finally come to accept that I am beneath you… I love being beneath you…”

Connor craned his head all the way back so he could stare deeply towards the top of Mitch’s cock with pleading eyes. “Even though you are done teaching me, I still wish to remain deeply in servitude to you. I am completely lost without you and your cock showing me the way, and should my obedience ever start to waver, I would love for you to re-mold me into however you see fit, to show me right from wrong.”

Connor noticed a tiny speck of dirt stuck to Mitch’s shaft, so he licked his own thumb and lovingly wiped the spot away, openly admiring how pristine Mitch’s cock was. “I want you to make every choice for me regarding my love life… how I date… engagement… marriage… growing old with the love of my life… I want to remain under your control… forever…”

Connor lowered his head so close towards the grass that his forehead was lightly tapping the base of Mitch’s penis. “And ever…”

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