Sock It To Ya

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #f/m #femdom_hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:male #tech_control #conditioning #edging #foot_fetish #furry #hypno_chastity #orgasm_delay/denial #pain #pendulum #scent_control #torture

An anthro wolf named Eric signs up to be a product tester for a sock company, not realizing that they’ve recently collaborated with a mind control invention-making business.

An anthro wolf named Eric had signed up to be a product tester for a new sock brand named Sleepy Socks, after having replied to a social media post that was asking for any volunteers to test out a brand new kind of sock. After having parked his car in a small lot surrounding the headquarters of the company, he got out and walked into the main lobby, and sat down on a comfortable chair while he patiently waited to be called in for his appointment.

About fifteen minutes later, he was taken into a room that seemed similar to a doctor’s office, being led by a curvy anthro cat woman that he thought was extremely attractive, and an equally sexy anthro fox woman. They both motioned for him to sit down on a small comfortable bed in the room, the two women taking notice of how the wolf was already mindlessly staring at them with a completely dazed expression on his face.

The cat turned her face closer to her partner. “This guy practically looks like he’s under a deep sleep already. This is gonna be a snap!” Lyla emphasized her point by snapping her fingers, which immediately woke Eric up from his brief trance. The anthro fox, named Courtney, squeezed her arms around Eric’s waist until she buried his face in her chest and was making him stare down her deep, dark cleavage.

Courtney was giggling when she saw the wolf’s eyes take on a dazed look yet again, already slipping into another tiny temporary trance, which the fox and her cat co-worker both took as their cue to help bring their volunteered subject under a much deeper spell. “You ready to test out our latest sock product? If we get a high approval rating from you, we might start mass-producing it.”

Eric let out a dazed-sounding sigh as Lyla lovingly traced the curves of her thick body with a finger. “Yes I’m ready…”

Lyla took off one of her shoes, before pulling off one of her socks and holding it up in front of Eric’s face. Lyla’s sock was so smelly, that the wolf swore he could see green stink lines emanating from its heel, and then all of a sudden the rancid scent of the sock hit his nostrils like a freight. “We just need to get you into the right headspace first.” Lyla mischievously chuckled.

Before Eric could possibly yell at the cat to put her stinky sock away, Lyla began slowly waving the sock back and forth in front of his eyes, causing the stink lines to sway back and forth with the movement of the sock. Every few seconds she would wave a sock a little bit faster, which made the swinging sock look like a hypnotic pendant in Eric’s eyes.

Eric was desperately trying to muster up enough will power to yell at the cat to put her sock away, though as the cat continued waving the sock in the air, the wolf felt the smell of the sock assaulting his nostrils. The stench finally poured into his brain and took a strong stranglehold of it, immediately chipping away at his mental energy.

On one hand, Eric found the awful smell to be absolutely unbearable to the point it was making his eyes water. On the other hand, he found himself becoming strangely fascinated by the smell, taking deeper whiffs to get more of Lyla’s sock stink up his nose and piping straight into his brain.

Eric let out a yawn as he felt a huge wave of the sock stench settle over his brain like a warm, cozy blanket. Both Lyla and Courtney lightly pushed on his chest with their hands to force him to lay down over the length of the bed. Lyla gently cupped her stinky sock around the wolf’s nose and commanded him to breathe deeply. Eric finally drifted off into peaceful slumber as Lyla dug her sock a little harder into his face.

The wolf dreamt of the cat and the fox stripping off his clothes and aggressively rubbing up and down his hardening cock while repeatedly shoving all of their stinky socks in his face. The formerly horrible scent was getting mentally seared inside of his brain, forever being associated with the intense pleasure the girls were subjecting him to, feeling the sensation of a soft, sock-like object getting fitted over his erect cock.

Wakey wakey, sleepyhead

A pungent yet familiar scent was tingling over the tip of Eric’s nose, which woke him from his brief nap, slowly opening up his groggy eyes to find himself staring up at Lyla dangling her smelly sock right above his face. Not only did he still feel his entire mind being submerged under a deep trance, but the foul scent of the sock was now beginning to turn him on, forcing him to sport a massive erection that reminded him of the one he felt during his erotic dream.

The hand clutching the sock began lifting it up further in the air, forcing the wolf to crawl up into a sitting position on the bed so he could continue taking deep whiffs of the arousal-building scent. As Lyla continued swinging the sock like a pendant in front of Eric’s face, Courtney gently placed one of her hands on the back of Eric’s head and tilted it down, making the naked wolf look at his own crotch.

It was then that he realized he was wearing some kind of phallic sock-like object made of cotton that had been perfectly fitted over his cock, with the sight of this rousing him from his trance. “Wh-what’s this” Eric barely squeaked out.

Lyla was slowly rubbing the tip of the wolf’s sock-covered cock with a single finger back and forth, while using her other hand to press her smelly sock harder into Eric’s face. Eric felt his already erect cock grow even harder than before, and saw it stretching out the fabric of the phallic sock he was wearing.

Lyla felt a little burst of pre-cum staining the end of the phallic sock and coating her finger, so she delicately licked the tip of her finger with her tongue, before retrieving a remote control with a single red knob in its center from below the bed. “This is the product you’re going to be testing for us, sweetie.” Lyla mischievously chuckled as she gripped the sides of the knob between her thumb and index finger.

“You see, our company Sleepy Socks has recently decided to collaborate with another company named MCProducts to invent a brand new kind of sock that can take intense control of any person with a large cock, such as yourself.” Lyla emphasized with a playful tug of the wolf’s socked dick, which oozed out more pre-cum. “I better turn the knob on this device before you leave a big mess!”

The cat harshly twisted the red knob all the way to the left, causing the phallic sock to instantly begin tightening itself over Eric’s cock, as if it were a vacuum sealer sucking the air out of a plastic bag. The tensing sock had prevented the wolf from cumming out a big load, which made him whine out loud in need.

Both Lyla and Courtney were rubbing their stinky socks all over Eric’s face, which made him sense wave after wave of arousal pouring over nearly every inch of his body thanks to their hypnotic conditioning of him while he slept. However, the phallic sock was tightening around and squeezing his cock so much, none of his arousal was reaching his deflating and now-flaccid dick.

The girls were laughing evilly over erotically tormenting their test subject like that, only relenting a little to give him a short break after he was yelling at them both to stop. The cat turned the knob to the right, causing the phallic sock to expand back into its normal shape. Eric was using one of his fists to rub the pain away from his crushed cock, before lifting up his face to glare at the two girls.

“I didn’t sign up to be sexually harassed like this!” Eric yelled at the two as he continued rubbing the pain away. Lyla lifted her sock in front of Eric’s eyes once more to swing it left and right, causing the wolf’s angry expression to quickly melt into one of blank servitude.

“Well, you should’ve read the fine print, then.” Lyla smugly told her captive wolf, wildly giggling when she noticed that her stinky sock fumes were causing Eric’s cock to grow again. “We can’t have that now, can we?” She laughed maniacally as she turned the knob all the way to the left again.

The wolf practically keeled over in pain, falling over onto his side on the bed. He desperately tried tearing off the phallic sock so he could run away and report the girls to the police, but no matter how hard he tried to pry it off with his fingers, it wouldn’t budge an inch.

After a few moments of allowing Eric to writhe around in pain, Lyla turned the knob to the right out of mock-pity for her subject, causing the sock to loosen its death grip around the wolf’s cock. She and Courtney both leered over Eric’s body sprawled out across the table, who was breathing heavily from being subjected to the girls’ erotic torture of him.

Ohhh you poor thing…” Courtney chuckled to Eric. “Why don’t you let Lyla and I make your cock feel better for you?” Courtney temporarily removed the phallic sock from the wolf’s dick, but before he could try to leap off of the bed, the two girls used their hands to pin him to the mattress.

The two girls then lowered both of their heads towards Eric’s crotch, planting several kisses all over his penis. Courtney was focusing her kisses on the wolf’s balls and the shaft, while Lyla was planting kisses over the tip of the wolf’s cock. Eric was groaning in pleasure as he felt the girls’ kisses making his pained cock feel a little better.

“There. Did our cock kissies make the pain go away?” Lyla asked the wolf with a mockingly sweet voice, which was betrayed by an evil-sounding tone hidden underneath.

“Y-you caused…this pain…to begin with…” Eric struggled to moan out.

“Hmm… true.” Lyla chuckled while fitting the phallic sock back over Eric’s hardening cock. She pushed her stinky sock closer towards his face again, and even though the foul scent made his face scrunch up, the smell was also making him incredibly aroused thanks to his hypnotic conditioning, causing his cock to become even more erect than ever before.

“Well, I hope you enjoyed our sweet kisses, because it’s time to return to our regularly scheduled erotic tormenting, you naughty boy you.” Lyla smirked as she twisted the remote’s knob all the way to the left once more, taking delight in listening to Eric’s pained yelps from his failed orgasm.

After only a few seconds, Lyla quickly turned the knob to the right, and the phallic sock softened around Eric’s cock. He was given no time to react as Lyla had just as quickly twisted the knob to the left, making the wolf yelp out as he felt the sock tighten around his dick again.

“We control your mind!” Courtney exclaimed in a teasing voice while petting the wolf’s mane. She shoved one of her smelly socks into Eric’s face, his hypnotic conditioning causing a wave of arousal to ripple throughout his entire body, everywhere except for his dick that the sock was currently crushing.

Lyla turned the knob to the right again to loosen up the sock around Eric’s cock, right before quickly twisting it to the left and making it impossible for the wolf to breathe out even the tiniest sigh of relief. “We control your orgasms!” She excitedly yelled out as yet another one of Eric’s potential orgasms was ruined.

Courtney was repeatedly swiveling one of her hands back and forth in front of Eric’s face, making her stinky sock dangle in front of the wolf’s eyes. She suddenly started pulling the sock away from his face, forcing Eric onto his hands and knees so he could crawl towards the rancid yet fascinating scent. “We control your destiny!”

Both Lyla and Courtney had commanded Eric to crawl down onto the floor on his back, and then lowered their hands towards his face to rub their stinky, sweaty socks all over his nose. They even started stomping all over his naked body with their bare paws, which smelled even worse than their socks. “We control every waking moment of your life!” The two girls chorused together.

The combined scents of the girls’ socks and paws were building up Eric’s arousal all over again, though since his pleasure couldn’t freely flow into his tightened-up dick, everything was making his head feel like it was spinning. Noticing this, Lyla mercifully twisted the knob to the right, releasing the phallic sock’s tight control over Eric’s cock.

Now with his arousal having full access to travel to his penis, Eric finally and loudly came out loud, squirting out multiple cum shots that hit the end of the inside of the sock, which quickly became completely coated with his semen.

Before he passed out in post-orgasmic bliss, Eric felt Lyla and Courtney continue to brush his face with their socks and paws, his heart tingling with delight every time they called him a good boy or a good test subject for them. When their smelly foot fumes finally lulled him back into sleep, Eric dreamt of wildly worshipping their sweaty paws with his tongue.

When the wolf finally came to after he woke up from his foot-induced slumber, he found himself on his hands and knees on the floor acting like a bench for his new mistresses to sit upon. Lyla was sitting on his upper back gently stroking her fingers through his hair, while Courtney was sitting upon his lower back brushing her fingers through his fluffy tail.

Eric was struggling to hold up the weight of both of his mistresses, but the scent of their socked paws traveled up into his nostrils and made him extra determined to be obedient, so he mustered up all of his will power to continue supporting his mistress’ combined weights without collapsing to the ground.

“Well, it looks like the experiment was a rousing success!” Lyla beamed to Courtney.

“Don’t you mean an arousing success?” Courtney giggled over her own pun.

Lyla laughed out loud over that response. “I guess it could be both! I can’t wait to report our findings to MCProducts and continue collaborating with them for the foreseeable future!”

Courtney suddenly slapped Eric over his ass. “Hear that? You’re gonna be testing a lot more products for us in the future, and we’re gonna use these tests to train you into becoming our perfectly obedient sock slave and paw slave. Doesn’t that sound nice?” The fox soothed away the pain she had caused by gently stroking her hand across Eric’s butt cheeks.

“Yes mistress. That sounds wonderful, mistress.” Eric admitted in a monotone, his cock swelling harder the more he sniffed his mistresses’ paws.

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