by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:male #furry #m/m #pov:bottom #sub:male #tech_control #femboy #foot_fetish

A thief attempts to rob a femboy’s house and accidentally activates his mind-controlling security system.

An anthro antelope named John was slowly driving his car down a small driveway that led to a fairly large house. John was a thief who had been keeping an eye on this house for quite some time, believing there must be some valuable items to steal, waiting for the perfect moment for the resident to leave long enough so that he could try to break in.

John hopped out of his car and approached the front door of the house while carrying all of the necessary tools he needed for a successful burglary. He grabbed out a device for picking locks and held it up towards the keyhole on the doorknob, until he soon realized that the door was entirely unlocked.

Holy shit! Whoever lives here totally forgot to lock the door! The thief exclaimed in his own head. This is gonna be easier than taking candy from a baby.

John slowly creaked the door open as quietly as he could just in case someone else was in the house, so that no one could hear him. Once he had fully entered the living room, John looked all around himself to take in all of the expensive stuff he had wanted to nab. He was frequently running out to his car and back into the house again, carrying several pricey items that were very valuable.

After having robbed several items he had wanted such as a large flat-screen TV, multiple game consoles, and a high-tech laptop, John stopped himself in his tracks when he noticed a strange spherical device that was situated on top of a table. When he approached the table to look more closely at the device, he realized that the bottom of the sphere had a little plate built into it to allow it to safely lay on the table without rolling off.

John was thinking about stealing this too despite not knowing what it was. He reached out a hand to grasp onto the sphere, accidentally clicking onto a small button that was located on top of the sphere. This caused a small panel located elsewhere on the sphere to open up, revealing what looked like a tiny laser pointer slowly and mechanically rising out of the newly-opened hole.

Suddenly, a massive form of light suddenly burst out of the hole, aiming right at the floor behind where John was standing. Startled, the robber suddenly turned around and noticed a hologram forming where the beam of light was aiming.

When the form of a holographic body had finished loading, John could see a virtual anthro femboy raccoon wearing a pleated skirt underneath a T-shirt that read Super Femboy World written in a Mario font. The raccoon was also wearing a dark-blue beanie atop his black hair.

John was utterly baffled by what he was witnessing, as he had no idea such advanced technology even existed. The holographic femboy then cleared his throat and began speaking to John as if he could see him.

“Hello, my name is Cale, and I am the resident who lives in this house.” The raccoon nonchalantly greeted the robber. “If you are watching this hologram, then that means you have activated a state-of-the-art security system that I’ve recently purchased from MCProducts’ online shop. This device has been programmed to play holographic videos I’ve taken of myself in advance that are meant to hypnotize whatever poor sap accidentally turns it on.”

Though John was more confused than anything, the holographic femboy’s use of the word ‘hypnotize’ made him feel a bit nervous, so he decided to survey his surroundings to look for anything else he might want to steal before hightailing it out of the house. However, John noticed something wiggling on the floor in the corner of his eye, so he shifted his gaze downwards to look at Cale wiggling the toes of one of his paws.

As soon as the antelope noticed that the femboy raccoon’s wiggling toes had their nails painted in a striking black color that perfectly matched his hair, John immediately felt a dizzy feeling wash over his brain as he gazed deeper towards Cale’s paw, which evolved into a full blown trance the longer he stared.

Cale had filmed the projected video in such a way to give the illusion that he could sense the burglar slipping under his spell. “What‘s the matter, sweetie? You seem distracted by my pretty little toes. Maybe if you stare at me wiggling my toes for just a little bit longer, you can fall under my hypnotic spell and kindly return everything you’ve stolen from me.” Cale teasingly told John as he began wiggling the toes on his other paw.

“Return… everything… I’ve stolen…” John was mindlessly drooling a bit out of the corner of his mouth the longer he stared into Cale’s beautiful black-painted toes, so he had to vigorously shake his head to break his mind out of a trance so he could focus on his goal. He noticed a jewelry box sitting on a counter near the kitchen, so he started running over to it so he could steal it, until he was suddenly stopped in his tracks by another hologram of the raccoon femboy.

“What’s the matter? Femboy got your tongue?” Cale teasingly asked. John turned his face to look back at the table and noticed that a second small panel on the sphere had opened up and was projecting a new hologram right in front of him. “C’mon, look back over at me now, honey.” The femboy’s sweet voice immediately penetrated the pleasure center of the robber’s mind, causing him to quickly spin back around on his feet to look right towards the raccoon.

“You know it’s very naughty to steal other people’s property, don’t you sweetie?” Cale lifted up one of his paws so he could wiggle his toes once more, causing John’s mind to instantly plunge into the deepest recesses of his sleepy spell.

“Yes… it’s very naughty to… steal from you…” John felt Cale’s sparkling toes blinking and flashing in his eyes.

“And you know what else is naughty? Thinking unbelievably dirty thoughts about having your way with a femboy’s paws.” Cale chuckled as he raised his paw further up into the air until his toes were brushing underneath John’s nose. “But sometimes being naughty can be a very good thing…”

Even though John couldn’t really feel the femboy’s toes under his nose as he was only a hologram, he still took a deep whiff of his toes and moaned out loud. When he felt a small amount of his own pre-cum soil the crotch of his pants, he suddenly woke back up from his trance and tried to run away from the hologram as fast as he could.

The robber ran past a smaller table, and the force in which he was running caused a large wad of cash sitting on the table to suddenly tumble towards the ground. John quickly turned himself back around about to leap towards the wad of cash on the floor, until he saw a paw suddenly step right over the same spot on the ground in a domineering way.

John looked up to see yet another hologram of Cale standing right in front of him, noticing that a third hole had slid open on the sphere with a beam of light protruding from it in the distance. John looked back down towards the floor, and from his perspective, it looked like the femboy was possessively clutching onto the wad of cash with his black-painted toes.

“If you want my money so badly, you’re gonna have to kiss my toes for it.” Cale teased the robber and wiggled his toes some more, which John responded to by leaping down towards the ground on his hands and knees in front of the paws and began planting several little kisses over the toes. Since he was only kissing a hologram, John’s lips were pretty much making out with the air.

The femboy raccoon began laughing hysterically over how much the robber was debasing himself in front of him, though it was his laughing that quickly broke John out of his trance long enough to grab the wad of cash off of the floor, and started running towards the front door to cut his losses and never return.

Before he could even reach the door to escape, a fourth hole on the security sphere slid open to reveal another beam of light aiming in front of the robber. Once the new hologram finished forming, John was surprised to see that this femboy clone looked like he had just stepped out of the shower.

“Oh, hello there!” The wet raccoon cheerfully greeted him, before lifting up one of his paws so he could wiggle his hypnotic black-painted toes. “My toes are pretty wet. Would you mind blowing on them for me, please?” Cale shoved his holographic paw closer towards John’s face.

His toe wiggling quickly entranced the robber into wanting to immediately obey his command, but as soon as he moved his mouth closer to blow on Cale’s toes to help dry them, he instantly fainted with a pleasured sigh from the faint yet fragrant smell of the femboy’s toes he imagined in his mind.

When he woke back up again from his toe-induced slumber still laying on the ground, John looked up to see several holographic raccoon femboys towering over him, all of whom had satisfied smug smiles growing across their faces. John soon realized there was a fifth hologram standing amongst the rest of the femboys and figured there must had been another hole that had opened up on the security sphere.

“Alright boys, time to lock and load. We’ve gotta bring out the big guns.” The femboy in the middle of the group told the others, before each raccoon held up a paw right above John’s head and began wiggling all of their black-painted toes.

John was desperately trying to pull himself off of the floor so that he could run away as fast as he could, but the combined hypnotic force of all of the holographic clones’ wiggling toes was heavily wearing on his mesmerized mind, rendering him unable to resist falling under the femboys’ spell.

Once all the raccoons noticed how sufficiently stupefied the robber had become, the raccoon in the middle decided to speak up for the rest of the group. “We want you to strip off all of your clothes and then roll over onto your stomach.” Cale commanded.

John immediately complied with the femboy’s demands, and once he had stripped himself completely nude, laid himself down on his stomach until his bare ass was pointing near where the femboys’ toes were wiggling in the air.

The raccoons all lowered their paws closer towards John’s butt, and even though they were all holograms that he couldn’t truly touch, John could’ve sworn he felt the femboys’ toenails repeatedly fingering his asshole, making him squirt out more pre-cum onto the floor.

“GAAH! Fuck me up my ass!” John screamed out, right before he came out loud all over the ground. Just as he was about to pass out once again, John heard all five of the holographic femboys giggling at him as he slowly shut his eyes tight.

When John opened his eyes once more, he saw only one of Cale towering above him, who had just recently entered his own house as the front door was wide open, carrying back in some of the stolen items John had tossed into his car. Cale looked down upon the dazed robber laying on the ground and grew a smug smile on his face.

“Well, it looks like my mind-controlling security sphere has claimed another robber’s mind for me to play with. It’s a good thing I always keep my front door unlocked whenever I’m gone, or else I wouldn’t have been able to build up my collection of hypnotized slaves!” Cale mischievously giggled as he moved one of his paws closer to John’s face to further hypnotize him by wiggling his black-painted toes.

John weakly reached out a hand to touch Cale’s paw, shocked at how he was actually holding onto a real, firm part of someone’s body instead of a hologram. He slowly lifted his upper body off of the ground to plant a gentle kiss on the raccoon’s big toe, soon enveloping his entire mouth over the toe to repeatedly suck on it until his cock became almost uncomfortably hard.

Cale reached down to lovingly stroke his hand alongside the entire length of John’s penis. “My, my. You sure are a big fella, aren’t ya.” Cale scooped both of his hands around John’s naked body and quickly raised him up off of the floor as if he were lighter than air. Cale walked over to his staircase and began carrying his new slave bridal-style up towards his bedroom.

“As an expert on robbing the minds of sexy thieves such as yourself, I think you’re going to get along just fine with all of the other mindless slaves I’ve collected in this room over the years.” Cale reached his face over to plant a quick kiss over John’s face, which made the antelope swoon in the femboy raccoon’s arms right before Cale opened the door to his bedroom, permanently sealing John’s fate as being his sex slave forever.


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