Poor Unfortunate Soles
by Hypnautical Nonsense
Coral’s age is in her early 20s in this story.
Far underneath a vast sea deep down, there existed an underwater kingdom named Aquaria, ruled over by a merman named King Marlin. Marlin had five daughters, one of whom was a pink-haired mermaid named Coral. Coral had a very strained relationship with her father, mostly because he didn’t approve of her love of human culture and didn’t want her visiting the human world.
The final straw was when King Marlin found out that his daughter had continued traveling back and forth from the human world bringing back several little trinkets she had found and collected, even after he had banished her from swimming up to the surface. He destroyed most of her collection in a fit of rage, and all he succeeded in doing was traumatizing his daughter and making her flee from him in tears.
Coral swam all the way towards a dark cave that was located just outside the kingdom of Aquaria. This cave was inhabited by a sea witch named Nerissa, who had been banished from the kingdom by King Marlin for practicing sea witchcraft long ago. Though Marlin had told his daughter to stay away from Nerissa as she was considered dangerous, Coral was so angry over her father’s actions, that she figured that he was probably wrong about her and decided to secretly pay her a visit.
Coral swam to the outskirts of the kingdom and sheepishly approached the dark cave, slowly swimming a few inches inside the long entrance. “Hello, is anyone in here?” Coral nervously asked, hearing her echoing voice bouncing against the inside walls of the cave.
From beyond the end of the cave’s entrance, Coral saw several long octopus-like tentacles slither into view. The ends of the tentacles kept repeatedly curling around and around, resembling little spirals spinning around in front of Coral’s face and drawing her in a little closer.
“Come in, come in.” A sultry voice was calling for her newest guest from within. “You are most certainly welcome here.”
Coral began mindlessly swimming closer to where the tentacles were spinning, feeling like she had virtually no control of her own body as Nerissa’s hypnotic tentacles were sucking her in further. When Coral reached where Nerissa’s tentacles were casting their spell, she suddenly felt two of her tentacles wrap around her body and pull her into a loving embrace.
“Don’t cry, darling.” The voluptuous sea witch used the tips of two of her other tentacles to wipe away Coral’s tears around and around her eyes. Coral obediently followed the movements of Nerissa’s tentacles with her eyes as she buried herself further into her chest. “Don’t cry, my sweet child.”
More of Coral’s tears were being wiped away by every little spin Nerissa’s tentacles stroked around her eyes, increasing her suggestibility bit by bit. She was already starting to feel surprisingly comforted by the sea witch. “Th-thanks.” Coral weakly stammered out. “I… I came here because…”
“Now, don’t tell me.” Nerissa interrupted her willing captive with a frustrated yet sympathetic tone in her voice. “Your daddy doesn’t approve of the things that bring you happiness.”
“H… how did you know?” Coral curiously asked.
“Because he banished me over what I love to do.” Nerissa gave a dismissive wave of one of her tentacles to emphasize how much she didn’t care for King Marlin. “He claims that he has all his subjects’ wellbeing in mind and does everything he can to protect them, and yet he won’t allow me to use my witchcraft to help others in need.”
“Well, I’m not entirely sure if my daddy is right about you, though he has told me before that you punish those who don’t meet your ridiculously high demands, by using your magic to transform merfolk into sea anemones as compensation.” Coral admitted.
“Why darling…” Nerissa held out a tentacle near Coral’s forehead. “Those are some pretty serious accusations that your father has made about me. I can assure you that none of them are true.” Nerissa lightly pushed on Coral’s forehead with her tentacle, making her slowly float around in the water in a circle. “Everything your daddy says about me is false.”
Nerissa began curling the tips of her other tentacles around like spirals, as she continued pushing Coral until she was floating upside down. Nerissa’s spirals were really getting hammered into Coral’s mind and making her extra compliant, especially with the blood rushing to her head. Nerissa soon used her free tentacle to push on Coral’s forehead until she was moved back into an upright position.
“Everything my daddy says about you is false.” Coral obediently repeated in a mindless monotone.
Nerissa started twirling Coral around in another circle as she continued twisting and spiraling her tentacles. “And you completely trust me and believe anything I tell you.”
Coral’s entire body floated around in the water again until she was staring right into Nerissa’s face. “I completely trust you and believe anything you tell me.”
Coral’s body felt as light as a feather, to the point where Nerissa was able to only use the tip of her tentacle to twirl the mermaid’s body around with ease. “You love coming to me for comfort and warmth whenever you are feeling down.”
Coral felt so safe and secure under the sea witch’s control. “I love coming to you for comfort and warmth whenever I am feeling down.”
Nerissa planted a little kiss over Coral’s cheek making her blush, and then continued effortlessly twirling her body around in the water. “Honestly, I can’t understand why daddy banished you from Aquaria. I already want to do whatever you tell me to do!” Coral happily giggled.
Nerissa marveled over how easy it was to manipulate the mermaid. “I can’t understand it either. Your father treats others so unfairly.” Nerissa spun Coral back into an upright position and planted a small kiss on her other cheek. “So, what seems to be troubling you lately?”
It took Coral a little while to start answering Nerissa’s question, as getting constantly spun around in circles had really scrambled her mind. “Well, I’ve had a deep fascination with human culture for a long time, and I’ve been traveling up to the surface to collect little trinkets and things from the human world. But my daddy hates humans and doesn’t approve of my interests.”
Coral stopped her explanation for a moment to allow Nerissa to use her tentacles to wipe away a few more tears. “The tension between us got especially bad when he found out that I had wanted to become a human myself, and he destroyed all my beloved human souvenirs in anger.” Coral sadly sighed.
“My sisters have also been teasing me lately by saying that I only want to become a human because of a cute guy I fell for during one of my visits to the human world. But that’s not true.” Coral admitted to Nerissa. “I had already decided I wanted to become a human before meeting him anyways.”
Nerissa shot Coral a sympathetic look right before she began twirling her body around in the water again. “I’m very sorry to hear of your troubles. You don’t deserve to be treated like that at all. And besides…” Nerissa brushed her tentacle alongside Coral’s body to spin her around a little bit faster. “Guys are pretty cute, aren’t they?”
Nerissa pulled a giggling Coral back into an upright position. “Yeah, they sure are!”
Nerissa was swirling Coral’s body up, down, and all around. “And girls are pretty cute too, right?”
Coral thought about that for a moment. “Well, I suppose so. But Daddy told me th-“
Nerissa quickly shushed Coral by plugging up her mouth with the tip of a tentacle, and then lightly pushed on her face to spin her around again. “Forget about what your dad thinks! What’s more important is what you think.” Nerissa was spinning the tips of her spiraling tentacles a little bit faster now.
Coral saw all of Nerissa’s spirals racing in her eyes, and getting spun around in a constant loop was making her feel extra docile. “Yes, girls are pretty cute too.” She giggled.
Nerissa stopped spinning the mermaid for a moment and looked deeply into her eyes. Coral’s face looked so dizzy and dazed, that Nerissa could’ve sworn she saw spirals spinning around in Coral’s eyes. Nerissa smirked as she brought several of her tentacles closer to Coral’s body so she could put the rest of her plan into motion.
Nerissa used one tentacle to untie and remove Coral’s seashell bikini, and then slowly snaked another tentacle around Coral’s naked breasts in a figure eight-like pattern, and gave her chest a nice, firm squeeze. Coral had become so entranced by the sea witch, that she made absolutely no response to getting groped by her tentacle, aside from letting a pleasured grunt escape her lips.
Nerissa pushed her tentacle against Coral’s breasts hard enough to begin spinning her around in place again. She started repeatedly squeezing and squishing all of her free tentacles over every inch of Coral’s naked body as she spun her around, smacking all of the suckers on her tentacles against her skin.
Coral was madly giggling as it felt like Nerissa was planting several little kisses all over her body. Nerissa stopped spinning her again and allowed her spirals to settle over Coral’s mind. Coral stood upright with a goofy, dazed smile plastered over her face. However, she soon started finally coming to her senses now that Nerissa had stopped spinning her in place.
Coral looked down at herself and gasped when she saw that she was completely naked in front of the sea witch. She awkwardly tried to cover her breasts with her hands. “Wh-what‘s going on?!” The mermaid stammered.
Nerissa lowered one of her tentacles in front of Coral’s face, revealing that she was holding onto her seashell bikini with the tip of her tentacle. “Looking for something?” Nerissa teasingly asked, right before she started waving the bikini back and forth like a hypnotic pendant.
“Yes, I am.” Coral answered the sea witch in a dreamy voice, while following the movement of the swinging bikini with her eyes. “I would like my bikini back now, please.”
“Of course, darling.” Nerissa suddenly slapped her tentacle against Coral’s breasts, snapping her bikini back in place. After using another tentacle to help tie her bikini back up, Nerissa gave Coral’s breasts a few more nice firm squeezes to make sure her bikini wouldn’t accidentally slip off.
“Thank you so much…” The mesmerized mermaid said in a distant, dazed voice.
“No need to thank me, honey.” Nerissa pressed her tentacle firmly enough against Coral’s chest to start spinning her around in circles again. “Just looking out for my sweet little mermaid.”
Coral felt at complete peace, as if her floating body was relaxing on a soft, underwater cloud. She thought to herself that if she could, she’d allow the sea witch to continue spinning her around in a perpetual loop, never letting her go nor setting her free again.
“So, what’s one of the most striking things about the humans you’ve seen up on dry land, that made you desperately want to become a human?” Nerissa sweetly asked the mermaid.
“Umm… I dunno, it’s kind of embarrassing to admit.” Coral sounded a little nervous.
“Oh, nonsense.” Nerissa used the tip of her tentacle to spin Coral around a little faster. “Nothing’s too embarrassing to admit to me. I promise I would never make fun of you for your interests.” Nerissa stopped spinning Coral again to allow her question to settle nicely inside the mermaid’s mesmerized mind.
The fog finally started to clear from Coral’s dazed mind. “Well, whenever I would swim up to the surface, I would always wind up by the seashore. I loved watching all of the humans combing the shore, especially getting to stare at their… umm…”
Nerissa was softly stroking a tentacle through Coral’s pink hair, lightly pushing against her scalp so she could spin her around a few more times. “Remember, you can tell me anything, darling.”
Coral blushed a little as all her memories came rushing back into her mind. “…stare at th-their… bare feet.” She barely squeaked out.
“So, it seems like the humans’ feet have caught your eye, then.” Nerissa playfully teased. “Sounds like a certain mermaid’s got a bit of a foot fetish.”
Coral was blushing a lot harder now. “Y-yeah… I like how they glide so effortlessly across the shore’s surface, I like seeing how the golden grains of sand decorate the areas in between their toes so beautifully. I especially love all the pretty colors that the humans paint their toenails with.” Coral was breathing a little faster from thinking about how much she loved the way the humans’ feet looked.
“I would love to get some feet of my own, maybe even fully become a human. I just wish daddy would understand how I feel.” Coral sadly sighed.
Nerissa rubbed underneath her chin with the tip of a tentacle back and forth deep in thought. “Well, you’ve come to the right sea witch! I’ll whip you up something real quick that will transform you into whatever your heart desires most.” Nerissa suddenly swam over to a large clam that she had rebuilt into a cabinet, that contained several glass bottles filled with tiny sea creatures, and quickly tossed the bottles behind her right into her large cauldron.
Nerissa swam over to her cauldron so she could start mixing all of the contents of her bottles together to create a magic potion. She took in a deep whiff of her concoction so she could show the mermaid what the effects of her potion would be like.
Nerissa looked down at herself and noticed that her two front tentacles had already begun transforming into human legs with a foot attached to each. She swam over to and above where Coral was floating in the water, holding out one of her brand new feet over Coral’s head and pointing her big toe right in front of the mermaid’s eyes.
Nerissa started slowly waving her foot back and forth, to make her big toe wiggle in front of Coral’s face like a hypnotic pendant. Her toenails had magically been painted in a bright red color, which had really caught Coral’s attention as red was her favorite color. Coral was following every little wiggle of Nerissa’s toe with her eyes back and forth, wearing a completely dazed smile across her face.
Nerissa noticed that Coral seemed like she had wanted to kiss her feet, though was hesitating to act on her urges. “Now don’t tell me that your daddy has told a sweet young woman like yourself that she can’t kiss another woman’s toes.” Nerissa teased the mermaid.
“I… guess not…” Coral awkwardly answered with a growing blush on her cheeks. She puckered up her lips closer to the tip of Nerissa’s big toe, constantly debating with herself within her own mind if she should take the plunge or not.
“C’mon, it won’t bite.” Nerissa mischievously chuckled over Coral’s shyness. Coral shut her eyes tight and suddenly lunged herself forwards, quickly planting the tiniest kiss imaginable over Nerissa’s big toe.
Coral opened her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of her lips tingling with excitement from the kiss, so she puckered up her lips and kissed Nerissa’s big toe again, this time keeping her eyes wide open. The increasingly happy mermaid soon started making out with Nerissa’s toe for a longer period of time, even wrapping her lips around her toe so she could french kiss it.
Nerissa pulled her big toe out of Coral’s mouth with a wet, audible pop. Nerissa pressed her toe underneath Coral’s chin and lightly pushed up, lifting the mermaid’s smiling face until she was staring right at the sole of Nerissa’s other foot. “There’s more to love about feet than just the toes, dear.”
Feeling far more confident than ever before, Coral began repeatedly planting several kisses using her plump red lips all over every inch of Nerissa’s sole. Coral started rubbing her face against the sea witch’s soft sole as if she were cuddling it. However, thoughts of home and the possibility of her dad searching for her were racing through her mind and abruptly broke her free of Nerissa’s trance, so she tried swimming away from Nerissa.
“Oh, wow… would you look at the time. I really oughta be heading home now.” Coral nervously said as she turned towards the cave’s exit with panic settling in her voice, regretting ever having visited the sea witch to begin with.
“Oh, you aren’t going anywhere, darling.” Nerissa soothed in a sultry and yet deeply sinister tone of voice, which stopped Coral dead in her tracks and made her nervously gulp. Nerissa lifted up one of her tentacles up to her lips so she could loudly whistle.
Two large eels appeared out of a crevice and slithered towards Nerissa, who pointed a tentacle towards where Coral was. The two eels slowly swam over to the mermaid and tightly wrapped both of their thin, long bodies around her waist, tying both of their tails together over Coral’s back until she was unable to easily swim away from the sea witch.
Coral was desperately trying to squirm herself out of the eels’ tight grasp, but was unable to budge a single inch. “Let me go right now! I can’t believe I trusted you. Daddy was right about you after all!” Coral defiantly shouted at the sea witch.
Nerissa swam back over to Coral and used one of her tentacles to pinch the mermaid’s cheek, and forcefully turned her entire body around until she was facing her cauldron. “Hmm… I suppose he was.” Nerissa was holding onto a crab with one of her tentacles, and gently placed the crab on top of Coral’s pink hair.
Nerissa whistled again, which prompted the crab to reach down with its claws and forcefully pull up on Coral’s eyelids, until it was impossible for her to close her eyes. She felt Nerissa lightly twirl one of her tentacles through a strand of her pink hair. “It just pains me to see such a beautiful young woman such as yourself openly repress a part of who you are, and I simply want to help you open up and embrace your sexuality.”
Nerissa swam back over to her cauldron and swirled several of her tentacles around her magical mixture, conjuring up a large oval screen-like form floating right above the cauldron, its border made out of a purple smoke that was emanating out the top of the cauldron.
“I didn’t want to resort to this, but you’ve left me no choice. I must subject you to a bit of a stronger… reeducation, my sweet child.” Nerissa waited until she saw an image of a woman’s foot appear within the large oval, and swam back over to the captive mermaid so she could be right by her side.
Several images of women’s feet were rapidly flicking one after the other within the magical screen, as if it were a fast-moving slideshow. The crab used its claws to pull up Coral’s eyelids even harder to ensure she wouldn’t miss a single second of the slideshow, as the multiple images of women’s sexy feet were racing past her wide-open eyes.
Coral was doing everything she could to try to break free of the eel’s restraints, to no avail. “L-let go of me!” Coral continued shouting. “Stop trying to brainwash me!”
Nerissa was slowly stroking up and down one of Coral’s cheeks with a tentacle. “Oh honey, a little bit of brainwashing never hurt anybody. I promise this will be all over soon, baby girl. I just need you to stare at a few more pretty pictures for me, so you may be reborn as a human like you want to be so badly.” Nerissa kissed Coral’s cheek.
Coral was screaming as all the images of women’s feet she was forced to watch were cycling through all over again even faster than ever before, to the point that the slideshow was beaming all the pictures subliminally into the mermaid’s mind and burning them into her memory forever. Nerissa swam over to another part of her cave to pull out some seaweed, and then squeezed the tip of her tentacle around the seaweed to bunch it together into a round shape.
Nerissa swam back over to her captive mermaid, and shoved the wad of seaweed into Coral’s mouth as if it were a ball gag, to muffle Coral’s loud screaming. “Hush now, child.” The sea witch lightly scolded in the mermaid’s ear. “We don’t want your screams to alert your father into finding you.” She mischievously chuckled.
The large variety of images of women’s feet depicting them pointing their sexy toes with red-painted toenails, were drilling right into Coral’s mesmerized mind, making her forget all about how she was being held captive by the sea witch. Coral was beginning to get turned on as she kept daydreaming about getting to worship all of the human women’s feet she desired up on dry land. She even thought about other women getting to worship her once she would grow a pair of feet of her own.
Nerissa puckered up her lips near one of Coral’s ears so she could whisper inside of it. “You’re holding up so well, darling. In a moment, I’m going to free you and complete your process of being reborn as a human.” Nerissa let the slideshow of images of women’s feet cycle through one last time.
The sea witch used a tentacle to whistle again, and the crab removed its claws from Coral’s eyes and hopped off onto the sea floor. The eels untied themselves and swam away from the mermaid’s waist. Coral was still so dazed from the slideshow that Nerissa had forced her to endure, that she was simply mindlessly and slowly bobbing up and down in the water. She had no desire to even think about trying to escape the sea witch any longer.
Nerissa then swam over to her cauldron and waved a couple of her tentacles around the oval of fumes hovering above that was screening the slideshow. The images suddenly vanished as the purple smoke started to spiral around in a very hypnotic fashion. Nerissa began waving the tip of a tentacle towards herself, beckoning the mermaid to swim closer to her as if she were luring her with a single finger.
Coral then slowly swam over to the sea witch until she came to a stop right in front of her cauldron. Nerissa took in another deep whiff of the cauldron’s magical fumes in order to complete her own transformation into a human. “Are you ready to finally shed your life as a mermaid and be reborn as a human, my dear?” The sea witch asked Coral.
Coral sensed the hypnotic spiraling fumes swirling around her face, heavily deepening her trance. “I’m more ready than I’ve ever been.” Coral answered back in as excited of a voice as her mindless monotone would allow.
“Breathe deeply, darling.” Nerissa cooed, before puckering up her lips and blowing over the fumes. The purple smoke immediately sprayed right into Coral’s face, causing her to cough and stutter. She sensed a strange feeling surging throughout her entire body, starting from her head and traveling all the way down to the tip of her mermaid tail.
All of a sudden, Coral felt her tail magically spitting into two, with both ends transforming into human legs with soft, tender feet attached to the ends. Coral looked down at herself so she could marvel over how beautiful her brand new feet were. She was so entranced by her own new transformation, that she didn’t even notice Nerissa swooping her right into her newly-transformed arms.
Nerissa lovingly held onto Coral in her arms as she used her remaining tentacles to swim out of her sea cave and up towards the surface, pressing Coral’s face against her massive chest. “We better get a move on before we both fully transform into humans, dear.” Nerissa was sweetly stroking one of her hands through Coral’s pink hair. “We won’t be able to breathe under the sea anymore.”
Meanwhile, King Marlin was investigating the outside entrance to the sea cave, as he had heard his daughter’s screams coming from that direction, and he was desperately searching for his daughter once he realized she went missing. He was just about to swim through the entrance to the cave and look for Coral, but was then suddenly stopped in his tracks when Nerissa quickly swam out of her cave holding onto his daughter in her arms.
King Marlin was frozen in fear as he watched Nerissa kidnap Coral and bring her up all the way to the surface. “Wait, Coral! No!” He screamed out.
Nerissa looked down at King Marlin, whose appearance was getting smaller and smaller in her eyes as she swam further up. “You’re too late, old man!” The sea witch cackled wickedly. “Your daughter is going to remain by my side forever!”
As soon as Coral emerged from the surface, she realized that she couldn’t find Nerissa anywhere near her. She was frantically searching all around her, until she heard a loud whistle coming all the way from the seashore. Coral turned her gaze towards the source of the sound, and her jaw nearly dropped when she saw a gorgeous voluptuous woman perched upon a large rock on the shore.
When the woman started flexing and wiggling her toes over the edge of the rock, her red-painted toenails brightly flashed in Coral’s eyes and completely entranced her. Coral instantly recognized that the woman was Nerissa, having fully transformed into a human. Coral looked down at herself and saw that she had brand new human legs with beautiful feet under the water.
Coral swam along the surface of the water towards the rock until the water got more shallow, allowing her to touch the sand beneath her toes and start sprinting towards Nerissa. As soon as she reached the newly-turned human, Coral immediately started kissing all of Nerissa’s toes, happily moaning as she sucked each digit.
“Thank you for transforming me into a human! Thank you so much!” Coral showered the sea witch with gratitude in between kissing her toes.
“Oh, it’s the least I could do for my sweet little human.” Nerissa felt her heart jumping with joy from sensing Coral’s lips and tongue dancing across all of her toes. Nerissa pulled her toes out of Coral’s mouth, and then moved her feet until she was shoving her soles near Coral’s face. “Now, why don’t you leave some sweet kisses against my soles, dear?”
Coral happily obeyed the sea witch’s command, attentively listening to Nerissa’s giggles upon feeling her ticklish lips brushing against the soles of her feet. Coral closed her eyes and lost herself in the pleasant scent of Nerissa’s feet as she rested her nose against one of her soles, until Nerissa reached down and grasped onto one of her wrists, and pulled the surprised woman out of the water and right onto the top of the rock next to her.
Nerissa then hopped off of the rock and stood in the shallow water in front of where Coral was sitting. She slowly grabbed onto Coral’s left leg and lifted it up until her foot had been raised right up to her lips. Nerissa leaned her face in closer and puckered up her lips, planting several little kisses over all of Coral’s toes.
“Now that you have feet just like I do, you can enjoy how good it feels getting your feet worshipped by others too.” Nerissa lifted up Coral’s other leg so she could drag her tongue down the length of the sole of her other foot. “Doesn’t that sound nice, darling?”
“Oh yeah…” Coral orgasmically moaned out in pleasure from the sensation of Nerissa’s cool tongue gliding across her skin. “This feels so good…”
Coral happily sighed as she thought about how great living as a human alongside Nerissa would be, getting lost in the joy of worshipping each other’s feet.