Merry Hoofmas

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #bondage #brainwashing #dom:male #multiple_partners #pov:bottom #sub:male #accidental_hypnosis #anal #bullying #christmas #foot_fetish #furry #hypnotic_screen #m/m #mindless #scent_control #spiral_eyes #straight_to_gay

Cupid wants Rudolph to massage his hooves for him after a tiring night of helping Santa deliver Christmas presents, though the scent of his sweaty hooves has an odd effect on Rudolph’s mind.

All the way up in the North Pole, Christmas had come and gone once again. Over by the reindeer stables near Santa’s workshop, Rudolph and Cupid were lounging down on the couch in Cupid’s pad, both winding down by watching some Rankin-Bass Christmas specials on Cupid’s TV.

They had recently helped Santa finish delivering Christmas presents to all of the good children around the world in a single night alongside the other reindeer, so they were both feeling very exhausted and were taking a much needed break. Cupid was complaining about how much his hooves were hurting, so he bent down to peel off the snow boots he had been wearing all day.

“Ohhh, that feels so much better now…” Cupid sighed as he waved his bare hooves in the air in front of him a few times to try to shake off the pain. “My hooves are hollerin’ over here!” Cupid re-positioned himself on his couch so that he was lying down on one end, gently setting his tired hooves down onto Rudolph’s lap. “Yo Rudolph, you mind helping a fellow reindeer out by rubbin’ my hooves for me?”

Rudolph was a bit annoyed by how Cupid had set down his hooves over his lap without warning nor respect for his personal space, so he didn’t feel particularly enthused about committing to the reindeer’s request. “Can’t you just rub your own hooves yourself? Why do I have to rub them for you?” Rudolph complained.

Cupid then lifted his hooves right in front of Rudolph’s red nose. “Oh, come on bro! I’m feelin’ too tired to rub my own hooves. Besides, I’ve been helpin’ out Santa for a lot longer than you have, so the least you could do is make yourself useful and give me a little massage.” Cupid waved his hooves a little in front of Rudolph’s nose, as if to emphasize his point.

Rudolph was about to tell Cupid off for repeatedly insisting on the hoof rub, wanting to tell him that he was also feeling extremely exhausted and wasn’t in the mood to massage another man’s hooves, but then Rudolph began to detect a scent emanating from Cupid’s hooves.

Unbeknownst to Rudolph, Cupid’s hooves had become very sweaty from wearing his snow boots all day and night, and his hooves had been practically marinating in his own hoof sweat the entire time they helped Santa deliver presents. Cupid waved his hooves in front of Rudolph’s nose a few more times to show how impatient he was in waiting for the hoof massage he believed he was owed, which only made the smell even more potent to Rudolph.

However, instead of being disgusted by the scent, Rudolph sensed the scent clouding up his entire mind, instantly making him feel extremely sleepy and docile. He was desperately trying to cling onto what he had wanted to tell Cupid, but failed when he felt Cupid’s hoof smell slowly sapping away all of his thoughts.

Rudolph felt like a massive cloud made entirely of Cupid’s hoof stink had formed inside of his head, casting above his brain that had now completely stilled so much, that his mind felt like it was completely frozen in time and at Cupid’s mercy. He felt the giant stink cloud burst like a balloon, with the pleasure center of his brain getting coated by several little droplets of Cupid’s hoof sweat.

His mind now fully hyper-focused on obeying Cupid’s request, Rudolph immediately took a tight hold of Cupid’s hooves in his own hands and began rubbing them, without a single other thought running through his head. Rudolph was firmly yet gently rubbing up and down the entire length of the other reindeer’s hooves, which elicited a moan of thanks from Cupid.

Ahhh that’s more like it… rubbing my hooves for me wasn’t so bad after all, huh?” Cupid teased while his eyes were closed, completely unaware that the smell of his hooves was sapping away all of Rudolph’s mental energy.

Rudolph struggled to even speak a tiny sentence through the thick haze of Cupid’s hoof smell that was repeatedly pumping stinky fumes in and out of his brain. “Yes, Master…” Rudolph continued perfectly pampering Cupid’s hooves, staring forwards at the TV, completely unable to register what was even happening on the screen.

This little slip of Rudolph’s tongue immediately caught Cupid’s attention, who opened his eyes back up to look towards where Rudolph was sitting, noticing that he had a completely dazed and mindless look on his face. “Hey Rudolph, why’d you call me ‘master?’”

Rudolph was unable to answer him as his mind was still completely frozen, and all he could do was continue helplessly rubbing away at Cupid’s hooves. Cupid realized that Rudolph appeared to be nervously sweating from getting caught, even though the calm and dazed look on his face seemed to contradict this.

Cupid scooted his body closer to where Rudolph was sitting, and held out one of his hands in front of Rudolph’s face, gently waving it up and down. Cupid didn’t receive any kind of response from the other reindeer, he didn’t even blink.

Curious, Cupid pulled one of his hooves out of Rudolph’s hands and held it in front of his face, gently waving it up and down. Though Rudolph barely responded to this action much more, Cupid did notice that Rudolph’s eyes were subtly following his bobbing hoof up and down, and he was even taking little whiffs of his hoof using his nose.

Cupid continued hypnotically waving his stinky hoof in Rudolph’s face for a few more moments until he commanded him to return to rubbing his hooves. “Rudolph, I think you’re going to be rubbing my hooves a lot more often from now on, aren’t you?”

Rudolph could only respond by lightly nodding his head in agreement, never missing a beat of the hoof massage.

“How about you give my hooves some deeper sniffs?” Cupid teasingly asked.

Rudolph lifted Cupid’s hooves up to his face so he could sniff them more deeply, huffing his hoof fumes straight up his nostrils directly into his brain, further mentally binding him into Cupid’s control.

“Wouldn’t mind you giving my hooves a few kisses too.” Cupid mischievously chuckled.

Rudolph began planting several little kisses all over Cupid’s hooves in quick succession, shutting his eyes tightly so he could savor the smell of his sweaty hooves. Behind closed eyes, Rudolph imagined a heart-shaped bubble that was filled with the image of a girl reindeer he liked getting popped by one of Cupid’s hooves, with a new heart-shaped bubble getting formed around the hoof.

As Rudolph continued making out with Cupid’s hooves, Cupid was texting two of his other reindeer friends, named Dash and Don. He was inviting them over to his stable because he was really wanting to show off to them how obedient and docile Rudolph had recently become, and the other reindeer agreed to come over immediately because they wanted to test Rudolph out.

Several moments later, Dash and Don had come over to visit, and Cupid cheerfully greeted them. Rudolph had already begun waking back up from his deep trance now that he had stopped smelling Cupid’s hooves for a while, so he happily greeted the other reindeer too.

“Hey dude, isn’t Rudolph the guy you said falls under a docile spell whenever he smells your hooves?” Dash asked.

“Yeah, we wanna put Rudolph through his paces so we can make sure you’re not pulling our legs.” Don admitted.

“Ummm… what are you guys talking about?” Rudolph asked completely confused, having already forgotten that he was under a heavy trance earlier.

Cupid suddenly shoved his hooves towards Rudolph’s face and commanded him to sniff deeply. “We’re talking about this.” Cupid evilly chuckled as he saw Rudolph’s eyes roll back up in his head as he let out a little moan. When his eyes rolled back into their normal position, Rudolph immediately held onto Cupid’s hooves in his hands and began fervently rubbing them without a word.

Dash and Don were both amazed by what they were witnessing. “Whoa dude, you weren’t kidding. It’s almost as if your hooves have just sapped away his entire personality.” Dash let out an impressed whistle.

“Yeah, I agree. It looks like Rudolph’s been completely hypnotized by your hooves.” Don added.

Cupid was thoughtfully rubbing one of his hands across his own chin. He hadn’t considered that word before, though he soon realized that it seemed to perfectly fit the whole situation like a glove. “Hmm… he does seem to be quite hypnotized…”

Cupid quickly removed his hooves from Rudolph’s hands before turning his attention to the other reindeer. “Well, what do you say fellas? Wanna take Rudy here for a spin?”

Rudolph started slowly waking back up from his trance once more, holding his tired, groggy head in confusion. “Ugh what‘s going on?”

Dash hopped right onto the couch in between Cupid and Rudolph. “I wanna try!” He shouted out before shoving his own hooves right into Rudolph’s face. The red-nosed reindeer once again started falling under another sleepy spell, reaching out his hands to rub Dash’s hooves at his command.

Dash was lounging and relaxing from feeling Rudolph massage his tired hooves, until he was startled by Don rudely shoving him off of the couch so he could sit himself down in front of Rudolph. “Hey, you’ve been hogging that guy too long! You gotta give me a turn now!”

Don lifted up one of his hooves in front of Rudolph’s face, waving it around and around in little hypnotic circles, chuckling when he witnessed Rudolph helplessly following along with his glazed-over eyes. “Why don’t you give me a little shoulder rub, hmm?”

Don waited a few moments for his command to settle nicely over Rudolph’s mind, though he was surprised when Rudolph continued glassily staring forward at him without making a single move, so Don turned his attention back to Cupid. “How come this guy isn’t obeying my commands like he has with you and Dash?” Don complained.

“Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you guys something important. For some odd reason, Rudy here only responds to commands that involve hooves, such as rubbing them or kissing them. I kinda figured that out myself while I was waiting for you guys to arrive.” Cupid explained to the others.

“Well, I guess I’ll just take what I can get.” Don admitted before placing his hooves over Rudolph’s hands so that he could start rubbing them. When Dash got back up off of the ground, he shared a knowing smile to both Cupid and Don.

Dash crawled back onto the couch so that he, Cupid, and Don could jab all of their smelly hooves in and around Rudolph’s face, almost as if they were repeatedly stomping all over him to assert their dominance. The three reindeer were openly relishing in their control over Rudolph when they commanded him to get down on his hands and knees in front of the couch, stretching out their hooves in front of his prostrate body.

Cupid, Dash, and Don were all barking commands to Rudolph at once, causing Rudolph to leap around on his hands and knees rubbing, smelling, and kissing all of the reindeer’s hooves. Mental images of their hooves were fighting for a spot inside of the heart-shaped bubble within Rudolph’s imagination, until the hooves were all able to get along and share space with each other.

The reindeer’s hooves were pumping so many smelly fumes directly into Rudolph’s brain, that his thoughts completely slowed to a crawl and rendered him entirely motionless, laying flat on his chest on the floor with his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth in a goofy-looking way. He tried his best to obey one of the reindeer’s most recent commands to lick his hooves, but he only had enough mental capacity remaining to slowly plant a small kiss on the tip of his hoof.

Once Cupid realized there wasn’t enough space left in Rudolph’s hoof stink-filled head to accept any more commands at the moment, Cupid looked ahead at the TV screen and formed a deliciously evil idea in his mind. “Boys, I think I know what we could do to get this guy to obey our other commands.”

Cupid grabbed the nearby remote to turn off the Christmas special that was playing on his smart TV, and pressed a button to open up the YouTube app. While he was waiting for the app to load, Cupid bent over to grab Rudolph off the ground so he could force him down into a sitting position in front of the couch below his hooves. Rudolph perfectly complied by offering absolutely zero resistance, almost as if he were a living doll that lacked free will.

Once the app was loaded and the front page displayed on screen, Cupid used the arrows on the remote to find the search bar, and made a search for Christmas-themed hypnosis patterns. He was clicking through all of the different thumbnails, until a promising-looking video that featured a large snowflake in its thumbnail was highlighted, so he pressed the ok button on his remote to select it and start the video.

A large computer-animated snowflake was now perfectly displayed right in the center of the TV screen, quickly rotating around and around on an axis. Rudolph’s heavily mesmerized mind was growing even weaker every time the hypnotic snowflake rotated around on the screen, and all of the sparkles that were dancing and twinkling all over the spinning snowflake, he felt dancing and twinkling all over his own brain.

Cupid noticed Rudolph twitch slightly, as if he was weakly trying to escape and tear his gaze from the screen. In response, Cupid used the toes on his hooves to pull up on Rudolph’s eyelids to personally ensure that he couldn’t look away and was unable to blink, allowing the hypnotic pattern to penetrate every single inch of his brain.

Dash leaned himself off of the couch so he could study Rudolph’s face, noticing that his glazed-over eyes were perfectly reflecting the hypnotic pattern splayed across the TV screen, looking as if he had sparkling snowflakes spinning around in his eyes. Dash leaned back over towards Cupid to tell him what he had seen.

Cupid whispered some instructions into Dash and Don’s ears, who both nodded in silent approval. The two reindeer crawled down onto the ground on both sides of Rudolph, carefully pulling his pants down his legs and then slowly peeling off his boxers. They rose up a bit so they could grasp onto Rudolph’s shirt, motioning for Cupid to remove his hooves from pulling up on Rudolph’s eyelids, so they could pull Rudolph’s shirt up and over his head.

Dash and Don were just about to pull off the tank top that Rudolph was wearing under his shirt, though Cupid prevented them from doing so. Cupid lowered his hooves in front of Rudolph’s face again, so that he could use them to pull up on Rudolph’s eyelids even tighter than ever before, to make sure that the brainwashing snowflake pattern on the screen would get permanently embedded into Rudolph’s mind.

Once the video was nearing its end, Cupid had Dash and Don crawl onto the ground again, before removing his hooves from Rudolph’s face once more. This time, the two reindeer grabbed onto both sides of Rudolph’s near-naked body and hoisted him up in the air. While they were doing this, Cupid stripped off his own pants and his boxers so that his massive cock broke free of its prison.

Dash and Don lifted Rudolph’s still body up onto Cupid’s lap, until his butt was touching the tip of Cupid’s penis. The two reindeer pushed down on Rudolph’s shoulders using their hands, impaling him by squeezing him down over the entire length of Cupid’s rock-hard cock.

Rudolph’s brain was getting so fried from both the hypnotic pattern that was finishing up on the screen, and the combined scents of the other reindeer’s hooves, that he had made absolutely no response to the erotic display that the others were forcing him to perform aside from letting out a few low grunts from feeling his ass take in the entirety of Cupid’s dick.

Cupid motioned for Dash to grab him some nearby reins that were lying down on a nearby table. Cupid then started fastening the harness over Rudolph’s face, harshly pulling back on the reins to force the mindless reindeer to repeatedly bounce up and down on his massive cock.

Cupid leaned his face towards one of Rudolph’s ears to whisper inside of it. “Rudolph, you are going to feel more docile and more obedient towards me and the other reindeer every time your ass squeezes up and down my cock.”

More…docile…more…obedient…” Rudolph was finally able to slowly speak out, albeit he struggled heavily to do so under the hypnotic haze that was shrouding his entire mind.

“Not only will you continue worshipping our hooves and the ground we trot on, you will also be serving me and the rest of the boys in other ways.” Cupid began explaining, before being interrupted by Dash. “Yeah, and you’ll even be giving us full-body massages whenever we want them, allowing us to rest and relax after a long, tiring day as we enjoy you slaving over our bodies.”

“You’ll constantly fetch us snacks and beer all at our command.” Don added. “And you’re gonna love every second of being bossed around by us.”

“I love being… bossed around…” Rudolph moaned from getting his ass impaled over Cupid’s rod over and over again.

Cupid was repeatedly shaking the reins that were tied to Rudolph to make his ass hop all over his lap, like some kind of twisted Christmas sleigh. “You will become our personal maid, always cleaning up after our messes in our rooms, always wearing a sexy french maid outfit for our amusement.” He evilly chuckled.

Dash interjected once more. “You’ll use your feather duster to dust and polish our massive, meaty cocks for us.” He started before Don interrupted to finish Dash’s command. “And then we’ll use our glorious cocks to repeatedly ram you up your ass as much as our hearts desire, even while you work on our chores for us.”

Especially while you work on our chores for us.” Cupid slightly corrected, right before he finally came out a massive load right up Rudolph’s ass, which in turn made Rudolph’s hard cock explode in pleasure as well. Once they both came back down from their orgasmic highs, Cupid’s increasingly-flaccid dick had deflated enough so that Rudolph could mindlessly slide off of it, tumbling towards the floor below at the other reindeer’s hooves.

Once Cupid, Dash, and Don all got themselves perfectly seated over the couch, they lifted up all of their hooves before slamming them down over Rudolph’s back as if they were claiming their newly-won trophy, making him grunt from the harsh impact. From then on, Rudolph fully understood his new purpose in life; to serve superior reindeer all day every day, to allow his every thought and every waking moment of his life to be controlled by their smelly, sexy hooves.

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