Loaded Guns

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #dom:male #furry #m/m #pov:bottom #sub:male #tech_control #accidental_hypnosis #muscles #videogames

An anthro fox named Jake scores an interview with an indie game developer for his gaming blog, but the anthro wolf’s unconventional control scheme for his latest game proves to be hypnotic in Jake’s eyes.

An anthro red fox named Jake had managed to score an interview with a game developer for his indie game blog that he regularly wrote for, excited over the developer’s promise of creating a shooting game with an all-new innovative control scheme. Jake climbed into his car and drove away from his home, entering the address the developer had provided him into the map app on his phone so Jake wouldn’t get lost looking for the developer’s home.

The game developer, who was an anthro arctic wolf named Axel, cheerfully greeted the fox when he knocked on his door, leading him into a room in his house that he had converted into a small game-making studio.

“Well, this is where the magic happens.” Axel told Jake while showing the computer he was designing the game on. “Since the game I’m designing is a low-budget indie title, I do the bulk of the programming for the game, though my friends help out with a few other elements such as music and character designs.” Axel motioned for his interviewer to sit down on a nearby chair, while he himself took a seat on the chair at his computer desk.

Jake brought out his phone and opened up an audio recording app, to record their interview so he could write down a transcript of it later for his blog. “So, would you mind telling my readers a little bit about yourself?”

“Not at all!” Axel cheerfully exclaimed. “I’m a mostly one-man indie game developer with a few mildly successful demos that I’ve made in the past, and I’ve just started putting the finishing touches on my first full game.”

“Wow, that sounds really exciting! Could you show me a little preview of your game?” Jake eagerly asked.

“Of course. That’s largely why you came over to visit, correct?” Axel asked as he lightly spun around in his chair towards his laptop to open up the almost-finished build of his new game he was working on. While they were waiting for the game to load, the arctic wolf had grabbed a couple of small motion controllers off of the desk’s surface.

To Jake’s surprise, Axel tore off his shirt right in front of him and tossed it away to the side, before fastening the wrist straps of the controllers around his muscular biceps so that the controllers were laying across the veins. The main menu had finally appeared on the screen, displaying an isometric camera shot of an anthro wolf cowboy aiming a couple of pistols towards a bandit, with a few different text choices such as New Game and Options overlayed over the image. A large title in bold lettering read Loaded Guns near the top of the screen.

Jake noticed the small controllers wrapped around both of Axel’s tight biceps. “That’s really interesting. Is this that unique control scheme you were telling me about over the phone a few days ago?” Jake was hoping Axel wouldn’t notice the blush growing on his cheeks upon looking at his half-naked body.

“Sure is!” Axel admitted, suddenly flexing one of his biceps. The motion sensors of the  controller picked up on the force of Axel’s bicep flexing, causing a targeting reticle to appear on the screen highlighting the start option. Axel flexed the same bicep again, causing several virtual gunshots to fire all over the selection, beginning the game.

Jake noticed that the Loaded Guns game appeared to be some kind of rail shooter, with the cowboy character moving automatically down a linear path. Every time the player character approached an enemy bandit who was trying to block his path, Axel would flex one of his biceps and make the character on screen shoot the bandit with one of his pistols.

As more enemies kept spawning alongside the path the player character was automatically walking down, Axel started alternately flexing both of his biceps, causing the virtual cowboy to alternately shoot both of his pistols at all of the enemies crowding the path. Axel was pumping his biceps faster and faster when more enemies were spawning on the game screen quickly.

The longer Jake stared at Axel constantly flexing his biceps in order to play the game, the more he felt his mind sinking deeply into a pleasantly heavy trance, hyper-focused on every tight move his muscles made. He was even drooling a little out of the corner of his mouth when Axel started showing off sexier poses in front of him while continuing to flex, such as when he placed his hands on his hips and shot an enemy in its legs.

“So… ummm why are you… so hot er, I mean… what was your… inspiration for developing this game…” Jake was struggling to ask Axel coherent sentences for their interview due to how distracted and entranced he was getting over seeing the muscular wolf flex his body for him.

Jake noticed how great Axel was at multitasking, as he perfectly answered his question without missing a beat of his bicep-controlled game. “I’ve long desired to design a game that you can play while exercising, that isn’t just another fitness game.” Axel began explaining to Jake.

“A few years ago, I discovered a unique game named Let’s Tap, which is a Wii minigame collection where the player places a Wiimote face down on a cardboard box. By tapping on the box around the controller, the Wiimote’s motion sensors pick up on the vibrations coming from the box, allowing any gamer to play the game without pressing a single button.”

Axel flexed his biceps a few more times as the game loaded up the second stage, to Jake’s absolutely delirious delight. “So it got me thinking I could use my sick muscles to create a similar effect with these smaller motion controllers I’ve wrapped around my biceps, and after developing this game I’ve discovered that it’s been working like a dream!”

Axel flexed a couple more times to finish up the second stage, and paused the game by flexing both of his biceps at the exact same time once the third stage had finished loading. Axel turned his attention back to where Jake was sitting, chuckling when he saw Jake glassily staring forwards at him completely mindless, slowly slumping off of his chair.

Axel then hypnotically flexed his biceps near Jake’s face. “Well, if I can control my game so well with my flexing, I wonder if I could use my muscles to control you?” Axel mischievously smirked, before showing Jake one final flex that caused him to melt towards the ground like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day, who hissed out a very pleasured sigh in response.

Axel was towering over Jake’s body that was splayed out across the floor, looking down upon a noticeable bulge that was stretching out the crotch of the fox’s shorts. Growing a mischievous grin on his face, the wolf leaned down right over Jake’s body, taking notice of the smart phone that had fallen out of Jake’s pocket.

Axel picked up Jake’s smart phone off of the ground and pressed a button on the app to end the recording. “I’d better shut off this recording since our interview is about to become a little bit NSFW…” The wolf chuckled before flexing both of his biceps and even his pecs for good measure, increasing Jake’s sleepy suggestibility to even greater heights.

Axel’s sexy bicep and pec flexing poses were convincing Jake to peel off all of his clothes while he stared up in wonder at the wolf, so that he could expose his hardening cock to his new master. Suddenly, Axel began rapidly pumping his biceps one after the other, shooting several rounds of pleasurable mental bullets right into Jake’s brain, that instantly caused his own cock to shoot out several bullets of semen across the floor.

Axel stepped closer over to Jake’s exhausted body, leaning down to plant a small kiss on his cheek. “Can’t wait to see our interview get posted on your blog, babe.” The wolf added with a wink.

“Of course, master. Anything for you, master.” Jake let out a dazed moan of thanks.

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