Kissy Face

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #f/f #pov:bottom #romantic #spiral #sub:female #tech_control #forced_kissing #straight_to_gay

Anna and Jenna attempt to film a POV video on a hypnotic tunnel of love at their local amusement park.

Two young women named Anna and Jenna had recently finished filming themselves riding a green-colored steel roller coaster named The Swamp Scorcher at their local amusement park. Once they walked out of the exit of the ride, they were both searching around the park looking for an attraction they hadn’t filmed themselves riding yet, until Anna pointed a finger towards an enclosed boat ride.

When the two women approached the ride’s queue line, Jenna noticed a sign near the top of the ride building that read Kissy Face in the middle, with the ride’s name being surrounded by several drawings of faces that were covered by several lipstick marks. “Hold up a minute, is this ride some kind of tunnel of love or something?” Jenna asked her friend.

“Yeah, I think so.” Anna admitted. “I’m sure this ride probably isn’t anything special, but I kind of want to film ourselves on this as it’s the only ride left in this park that we haven’t ridden yet.”

“I dunno…” Jenna pondered out loud. “Wouldn’t it be kind of weird for us to go on a ride that is clearly meant for romantic couples? Once we upload these videos to our YouTube channel, I’m a little nervous we’re gonna receive a bunch of invasive comments from trolls about our relationship.”

“Aw, you don’t need to worry about that.” Anna tried to reassure her friend. “If anyone tries to say anything weird about us, I’ll just block them.”

Jenna conceded, and the two friends squeezed themselves into the queue line waiting to take a ride on the attraction. Fortunately, the line wasn’t very long, and before they even knew it, the ride operator had quickly boarded them both onto a boat that led them through a pair of double doors that opened to reveal the inside of the ride.

The boat floated through the water-filled track as Anna started filming their ride-through of the attraction’s first room. Fake geysers of water made entirely of a clear, hard plastic were rising and falling out of a couple holes in the ground surrounding the track.

On top of each plastic geyser was a large pink heart spinning around and around. The longer the girls stared at the spinning hearts, the more they felt a sleepy sensation taking over their minds that was making them more lethargic, as their boat carried them along the water-filled path towards the next room of the ride.

Since they moved past the previous room pretty quickly, Anna and Jenna had already began waking up from their trances with no memories of what happened in the previous room. Anna hadn’t even realized that she had put her phone back in her pocket and stopped recording. Both her and Jenna noticed something out of the corner of their vision towards the ceiling, so they lifted their faces up to look.

The two girls noticed an animatronic robot resembling Cupid jutting out of a wall near the corner of the ceiling, aiming a heart-tipped arrow down towards their boat. The animatronic’s hands were pulling back on a bow and arrow, but instead of shooting the arrow at the boat, the heart on its pointy tip opened up and sprayed out a pink mist that floated down to the girls and entered their nostrils.

After Anna and Jenna coughed and sputtered from the unexpected effect, they felt a funny feeling worming through both of their brains when they looked back at each other, profusely blushing from the sight. Anna and Jenna shyly turned away from each other, though they both returned quick peeks while they felt their hearts fluttering.

The boat then made a turn on a corner of the track and entered the final room, which resembled a long hallway adorned with multiple television screens on both walls. As the boat slithered down the snake-like path, Anna and Jenna noticed a closed heart-shaped door situated at the end of the path, with an animated spiral projected across the door spinning around and around.

The pink mind-controlling mist that Anna and Jenna were sprayed with in the previous room made both of their minds extra suggestible, and as the boat crept closer towards the spinning spiral at the end of the track, they felt their minds plunge deeper into blissful, romantic trances.

Anna and Jenna looked to their left and right at all of the television screens surrounding them, helplessly watching several scenes from public domain films and cartoons depicting characters kissing each other, with the hypnotic spiral in the corner of their vision keeping their eyes glued to the screens.

When Anna and Jenna finally pried their eyes away from the screens, they looked deep into each other’s eyes with blushes growing on their cheeks, leaning closer to each other to kiss on the lips. They kept at this romantic pose as the heart-shaped door opened up to reveal the exit outside.

As the boat travelled along the water-filled track outside of the ride towards the loading area, Anna and Jenna continued kissing each other on the lips as the other park goers who were walking near the ride loudly cheered them on. Every time the two girls tried pulling their faces away, their lips would immediately mash together as if there was a gravitational pull keeping their lips locked with each other.

When the boat slowed to a stop at the loading station, the ride operator was forced to help Anna and Jenna out of the boat as they were too busy kissing each other to notice that their ride had finished. Once on their feet, the two girls stumbled out of the exit of the amusement park, struggling to find their car in the parking lot as they were unable to pull their lips away from each other.

Once they found their car and stopped kissing each other long enough to climb inside, Anna pulled out her phone to skim through the Ride POV videos she had taken earlier in the day that she intended to upload to her and Jenna’s YouTube channel.

When she reviewed the POV video she had filmed on the Kissy Face ride, she was shocked to find out that the video cut off as soon as their boat approached the spinning hearts in the first room of the ride. Anna decided that she and her friend Jenna would have to return to the amusement park another day to film a complete ride-through of the attraction.

When Anna started up the car so she could drive herself and her friend back to their homes, she and Jenna quickly leaned over to each other to plant a small kiss on the lips. They immediately pulled away with shocked looks on their faces.

“Erm… let’s just pretend that never happened, ok?” Anna had an embarrassed look on her face.

“Ditto.” Jenna retorted.

Anna and Jenna then kissed each other on their lips again as Anna was backing up her car from the parking spot, right before getting loudly honked at from another driver she had almost hit.

“Never mind. I think I’ve fallen in love with you.” Anna admitted.

“Me too.”

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