Happy Hypno Anniversary

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #bondage #brainwashing #dom:female #f/m #pov:bottom #sub:male #anniversary #consensual_kink #foot_fetish #furry #gentle_femdom #handjob #hypnotic_screen #pendulum #perfume #pov:top #romantic #spiral #spiral_eyes

An anthro poodle named Penelope hypnotizes her husband to buy her a special gift for their every anniversary.

It was nearing the first anniversary of an anthro poodle named Penelope and her husband, an anthro fennec fox named Neil, so the fox decided to ask his wife what kind of gift she wanted for their anniversary.

During the first year of their marriage, Neil had admitted to his wife that he was strongly into femdom hypnokink. The poodle was more than happy to help indulge in her husband’s kink, and she would often hypnotize him in bed. Penelope was fondly reminiscing about the time during the previous month she got down on all fours over Neil in bed, gently swaying her body to make her breasts swing back and forth like a hypnotic pendant in front of Neil’s increasingly dazed face.

Now that Neil was asking her what gift she wanted for their first anniversary, Penelope thought it would be fun to incorporate her husband’s hypnokink into the situation. She invited Neil to sit down next to her on their couch, pulling a rather fancy necklace she had bought a few months ago over her head, so she could hold it in her hand in front of her husband’s face.

Neil noticed the heart-shaped charm adorning the front of the necklace as his wife started swinging it back and forth near his eyes. The fox’s eyelids started drooping at the same time his eyes were darting left and right following the hypnotic movement of Penelope’s swinging necklace.

Once he began to look sufficiently tranced enough, the poodle stopped swinging the necklace so that she could start twirling one end from her hand instead. This caused the heart-shaped charm on the other end of the necklace to begin spinning around and around, fully captivating Neil’s attention as the light on the ceiling of the living room was reflecting off of the spinning charm, flashing and sparkling right into his heavily hypnotized eyes.

The poodle held out one of her fingers so that she could lightly trace the outline of the spinning heart charm. “You see this charm spinning and taking a tight hold of your mind, don’t you?” Penelope sweetly asked her husband.

“Yes, I do…” Neil droned out with a distant tone. “The charm on the end of your necklace is making me feel a little dizzy, but in kind of a good way.” The fennec fox blushed a bit over that admission.

The poodle sweetly chuckled over her husband’s answer. “And you were wanting to know what I would like for an anniversary gift, right?” Penelope cooed to the fox.

Neil continued transfixing his gaze on the spinning charm. “Yeah… yes I did…” The fox was beginning to feel really giddy from getting hypnotized by his wife.

Penelope spun the charm around with her finger a little faster, giggling when she saw her husband’s eyes light up with delight. “Well, I’d like another lovely necklace like this one I currently own, but with a different charm hanging off the end. Perhaps a charm shaped like a snowflake, or one shaped like a flower, or even…”

The poodle then suddenly swung her necklace closer to her husband’s face, until she could see the spinning heart-shaped charm reflected in Neil’s glassy eyes. “…a charm shaped like a spiral, just to make it that much more easy to hypnotize my cute little hubby.”

“Yes… a necklace with a spiral charm… that you could hypnotize me with… thank you for sharing what gift you would like…” Neil was affectionately moaning out in a monotone voice.

“Oh, you’re welcome sweetie.” Penelope giggled over how obedient her husband was acting and sounding. “Would you like to have some fun with me in bed while you are under a sleepy trance?” The poodle sweetly asked the fox.

“Yes Mistress, that sounds like so much fun…” Neil noticed that Penelope had already rose off of the couch and started walking towards the stairs, continuing to swing the heart-shaped charm from the necklace to captivate his mind. Neil robotically got up off of the couch and followed in his wife’s footsteps, with his arms stretched out in front of his body like a hypnotized zombie.

Once they entered their bedroom and stripped off their clothes, they both crawled into bed so that Penelope could have fun fucking her hypnotized husband into oblivion. A thought crossed the poodle’s mind that made her want to perform this kind of hypnosis session as a special annual treat for herself and Neil for their every anniversary.

2nd Anniversary

Penelope and Neil were both enjoying a couple glasses of wine while kicking back and relaxing on their couch. After about a half-hour of sharing a pleasant conversation, Neil decided to bring up the question of what gift his wife would like for their second anniversary that was coming up soon.

“Hmm… well, I was thinking it would be fun if I could hypnotize you, and embed the gift that I would like deeply inside your own mind, just like I did for our first anniversary. This could even be something we do every year, if you’d like.” A sly smile grew on the poodle’s face when she saw Neil’s growing bulge stretching out the crotch of his pants. “I know how much you love it whenever I hypnotize you, honey.”

Neil felt a blush begin growing on his cheeks. “Yeah… I wanna get hypnotized by you every anniversary…”

“Well, if you would be so kind and shift your gaze down, I think you’ll find my answer.” Penelope began waving one of the sparkly red high heels she was wearing in little hypnotic circles as soon as Neil tilted his gaze to stare at her heels. As the fox continued staring at Penelope swinging her hypnotic heel around and around, Neil felt all of the shiny sparkles that were twinkling from her heel flashing in and out of his eyesight, and the sparkles were settling over his highly suggestible mind, further mentally binding him to his wife.

“Now that I’ve gotten your undivided attention, I would love to tell you that I would like a new pair of high heels for this year’s anniversary gift.” Penelope explained to her husband.

“Th-that sounds nice and all, but you already have a perfectly fine pair of heels that you’re wearing right now. Are you sure you don’t want something a little different?” Neil struggled to ask while he was getting hypnotized by Penelope waving her sparkly high heel around.

Penelope suddenly stopped swinging that heel so that she could begin swinging the other one, ensuring that she kept her husband trapped within a hypnotic daze. “Yes, I am aware I already own a killer pair of heels now, but I would love a new pair of blue high heels too.” The poodle explained to the fox as she brought out her phone, pulling up the online shop that was selling the heels she wanted, and showed it to Neil. “Aren’t these some of the prettiest heels you’ve ever seen?”

“Yes Mistress, I understand now. I’m sorry for questioning you earlier, Mistress. I promise it won’t happen again. Those heels do look really pretty.” Neil obediently apologized.

“Oh, it’s quite alright.” Penelope lightly chuckled. “I’m just glad that you agree with me over how beautiful those heels I want are.” The poodle suddenly stopped swinging her heel around like a hypnotic pendant, instead firmly setting her heel over Neil’s crotch as if she personally owned it. Penelope started lightly grinding the tip over her husband’s growing bulge, relishing the growing wet spot of pre-cum that was forming on the crotch of Neil’s pants.

“Looks like my sweet little fox is ready to play with my paws in our bed.” The poodle cooed to her increasingly-panting husband. Penelope hypnotically led Neil towards their bedroom, the fox leaping down onto his hands and knees and crawling towards the poodle’s hypnotically sparkling heels that were captivating him so.

After they got into bed, Neil was soon spurting out rope after rope of hot, sticky cum all over their bedsheets, after getting repeatedly probed in his asshole from Penelope’s big, wiggling toe. When he passed out onto the bed from blissful exhaustion, he dreamt all night about his wife hypnotizing him with a new pair of sparkly blue heels.

3rd Anniversary

When it was getting closer to Penelope and Neil’s third anniversary, the poodle had invited her husband to sit with her on their couch to discuss anniversary gift ideas once again. She quickly whipped out a bottle of perfume that was labeled “Hypnotic Mist,” lightly spraying it at the base of her throat and behind one of her ears.

The alluring scent of the perfume wafted its way over towards Neil’s face, who blissfully took a deep whiff of the incredibly pleasant smell. He shuddered in pleasure when he sensed the scent gently settling across his entire mind like a warm blanket, causing him to lie down across the entire length of the couch with a happy sigh, gently laying his head down on top of Penelope’s lap.

The poodle reached out a hand to gently stroke her fingers throughout the fox’s hair. “When I bought this perfume from the MCProducts online shop, I noticed that the description for the item described it as a ‘love potion.’ I’d say that’s a pretty accurate description just based on how my perfume is making you behave.” Penelope sweetly giggled towards her husband.

“But I was already madly in love with you.” Neil felt several butterflies in his stomach fly all the way over to his heart to make it beat faster and faster.

“Well, I guess you just simply fell in love with me even more than you already did.” The poodle mischievously chuckled towards the fox as she continued gently running her fingers through his hair, which made Neil sigh happily out loud.

Penelope lowered the bottle closer to where Neil was lying down so that he could see it better. “I’m running a little low of my favorite perfume, so if you’d be a good little hypnotized hubby for me, I’d love a new replacement bottle for our anniversary.”

Penelope sprayed out a few more wafts of the mind-controlling perfume, which instantly made Neil feel like his mind was fogging up with a thick cloud of blissful obedience. “Hold onto the scent of my perfume tightly in your memory, let it sear your mind and get imprinted on your very psyche, fantasize about being brought helplessly under my control with a few simple whiffs of the perfume that you must buy for me.”

“Yes Mistress… I will buy you a new bottle of that hypnotic perfume for you… so you may more easily control my mind… control my body… control my very soul… forever

The poodle giggled over how obedient her husband was acting, deciding to begin slowly stripping off all of the fox’s clothes off of his body. Once she removed the boxers that Neil was wearing, his hard & veiny cock suddenly sprung out, perfectly prepared for his wife to use and enjoy however she saw fit.

Penelope tightly gripped a fist around the shaft of Neil’s thick hard cock, and began aggressively rubbing up and down the entire length of his penis. The fox felt globs of pre-cum oozing out the tip of his dick and splattering against his naked chest. Penelope giggled over her husband’s erotic reaction.

“Who knew my mind-melting perfume would transform my hubby into such a needy, leaky mess.” The poodle sweetly laughed as she continued stroking up and down the fox’s erect cock. “You are such a good boy for obediently following all of my commands. Tell me you’re my good boy now.”

“I’m a good boy, Mistress. I’m your good boy.” Neil proudly admitted, the wonderful scent of the perfume making his head spin.

Penelope was stroking up and down Neil’s dick so quickly, that he soon exploded all over her hand and onto himself. Penelope licked off all of the fox’s semen off of her hand with her tongue, using her other hand to coax Neil’s naked body while he drifted off into peaceful slumber.

“When you wake back up tomorrow morning, I want you to remember the name of the perfume you must buy for me for our anniversary… Hypnotic Mist” Penelope seductively whispered in her husband’s ear.

Mmm yes… I will remember… for our anniversary…” Neil shut his eyes tight while his head was still laying down over his wife’s lap as if it were a pillow, enjoying sexy dreams of Penelope twisting and turning his mesmerized mind with her brain-bending perfume.

4th Anniversary

Penelope and Neil were counting down the days until it finally reached their fourth anniversary since they first got married. However, instead of sitting next to each other on the couch to discuss anniversary gift ideas like they always did before, they both came up with the idea to have Penelope tie up Neil to a chair with rope, restraining his wrists and legs to the arms and legs of the chair.

Penelope turned the chair so that her husband was directly facing their TV screen, before grabbing her phone out of her pocket. She was browsing through her videos on her phone until she found the one she wanted to cast onto the TV. Over the past several weeks, Penelope had commissioned a friend who specialized in making animations of hypnotic spirals and patterns, to create a very special pattern she was about to subject her loyal husband to.

Penelope and Neil were roleplaying a scenario where the fox was playing the part of a secret agent, and the poodle was playing the role of a femme fatale-like villainess who had captured him and tied him up for her own pleasure. “Now that I’ve gotten you right where I want you, I’m going to do everything in my power to convince you to steal precious diamond rings for me and only me!” Penelope let out a sultry and seductive evil laugh towards Neil.

Neil was pretending to attempt to escape his rope restraints as part of their roleplay. “No! I’ll never steal anything for you!”

Penelope mischievously chuckled over her husband’s mock-escape attempt. “Oh, did I say convince? I meant helplessly hypnotize you until you want nothing more than to steal all of the diamond rings I could ever want.” The poodle finally cast the special video towards the TV screen, and Neil was made to watch the hypnotic pattern that his wife had been hyping up for quite some time.

A graphic of a large circle made entirely out of several diamonds appeared right in the center of the TV screen, and then the circle suddenly started moving in a clockwise direction. Every single sparkly diamond that made up the circle was spinning around and around in little circles in a counter-clockwise direction that all added up to a very dizzying effect.

Neil was rapidly falling further under the spell of the hypnotic diamonds the more he was forced to stare at them, his tired eyes drooping more heavily every second the large circle had finished another rotation around the screen. Penelope leaned down near the side of the chair so she could study her husband’s face more easily, giggling wildly when she saw the spinning sparkling diamonds reflected within the fox’s glazed-over eyes.

Pretty…diamonds…” Neil was moaning out in a heavily hypnotized daze.

“Looks like you’ve already heavily fallen under my power so quickly, honey.” The poodle let out a low honey-soaked evil chuckle towards her husband. “Those pretty shining diamonds make you want to steal all of the diamond rings that my heart desires, don’t they?”

Neil was pretending to try to resist his wife’s mind-twisting charm. “Nnn… no I’m not gonna… steal anything… for you…” The fox struggled through gritted teeth.

Penelope chuckled as she tapped a button on the screen on her phone to bring up a slider. “I’ve got to admit, you are resisting my control more heavily than I expected, but we’ll see how you still feel about that once I increase the hypnotic power of the diamonds.” Penelope dragged the slider across the right of her phone screen, making the circle of sparkling diamonds on the screen to start spinning around faster than ever before.

The poodle looked more closely into her husband’s face again and saw the sparkling diamonds spinning around even faster in his hypnotized eyes, making several quick little rotations around his pupils. “Well now, it looks like you were unable to resist falling under my sleepy spell after all. Your face looks so heavily mesmerized.” Penelope teased.

“I’m… still… not… hypno…tized…” Neil was desperately trying to convince both his wife and himself.

“Oh, don’t you start trying to deny that!” Penelope laughed out loud. “When I stare into your dazed eyes, I can see all those sparkling diamonds helplessly spinning around and around your pupils, almost resembling little hypnotic spirals.” The poodle leaned her face so closely towards Neil’s own, their noses were practically touching each other, before she planted a light kiss against the fox’s lips.

“You’re not just hypnotized darling… you’re brainwashed

Neil immediately began passionately kissing his wife over her lips, as best as he could since his arms and legs were still restrained and he couldn’t hold her around her waist, so Penelope decided to wrap her arms around her husband’s tied-up body to give him easier access to her lush lips.

Penelope lifted one finger in front of Neil’s face. “Wouldn’t a beautiful sparkly diamond ring just look so lovely resting on my finger?” The poodle teasingly asked her husband.

“Yeah… it would look so lovely…” Neil answered his wife in a dazed tone of voice.

“I’m happy you agree.” Penelope raised a second finger. “Could you possibly get me two diamond rings?” She mischievously giggled.

“Of course, Mistress. Whatever your heart desires, I will happily obey.” Neil cheerfully told her.

Penelope lifted one more finger. “Perhaps even three diamond rings?” She giggled before lowering her lips to one of Neil’s ears. “But only if you can afford all that, of course.” She briefly broke character to remind her husband that this was all just for fun.

Unf” Neil moaned as he felt his cock becoming more erect. “I don’t think that will be a problem, Mistress…”

Penelope reached towards Neil’s pants so she could unzip his fly and pull them down off of his legs. When she stripped his boxers off of his body, Neil’s hard, veiny cock immediately sprung to attention. The poodle licked her lips, lowering her face towards her husband’s crotch to engulf her entire mouth around his massive member.

Neil continued watching the dazzling display on the TV screen as he was moaning and groaning over feeling his wife’s tongue licking every inch of his hard cock. The heavy trance he was feeling from being made to watch the hypnotic pattern, combined with the sensations of Penelope’s mouth over his dick, was making him feel extremely horny.

Penelope popped her mouth off of Neil’s cock with a loud pop so that she could speak to him again. “Remember to get me all of those precious diamond rings for me… for your mistress… for our anniversary” She seductively whispered to her husband.

Penelope sensed that her husband was just about to burst, so she quickly returned her mouth over Neil’s cock and felt him squirt out a ton of cum down her throat. After he was done, the poodle removed her mouth once more from his cock, getting back up on her feet so that she could untie the rope restraints that were forcing Neil to the chair.

Neil felt so pleasurably exhausted from cumming down his wife’s throat, that his tired body instantly began slumping towards the floor until he completely collapsed into a delicious pool. Penelope knelt towards Neil’s body sprawled out on the floor so she could cradle him in her arms.

“I will remember… to get you those diamond rings… just for you… mistress” Neil dozed off into a peaceful slumber in his wife’s arms.

On the day of their fourth anniversary, Penelope was lounging on a large, comfy chair in their living room. Neil entered the room holding a small box, walking closer to where his wife was sitting down. The fox climbed down onto his hands and knees, gently placing the box upon his back. He humbly offered the gift to the poodle as if she were a queen sitting upon her throne.

Penelope reached down to grab the small box off of her husband’s back, opening it up and being delighted by the sight of three sparkling, shining diamond rings. She stuck all three of her new rings on one of her hands, holding her hand in front of her face to openly admire her anniversary gift.

When Penelope noticed that her husband was still obediently lying down on his hands and knees, her mind was suddenly stricken by a great idea. She pulled a diamond ring off of one of her fingers, and then fit it over one of her toes. She shoved her paw closer to Neil’s face and commanded him to repeatedly kiss her toe.

“Happy anniversary, Mistress.” Neil told his wife while making out with her toe. Penelope giggled over feeling her husband’s lips tickling her toe, so she decided to gently stroke her paw throughout Neil’s hair as a way of thanking him for his passionate obedience.

“Thank you, sweetie.” The poodle cooed to the fox. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” Neil hissed out in pleasure from feeling his wife gently stroking his hair with her paw.

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