Happy Birthdom

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #brainwashing #consensual_kink #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female #birthday #foot_fetish #foot_worship #hallucinations #romantic #spiral_eyes

Britney goes to the mall to buy her girlfriend Kelsey a special birthday gift, with a little persuasion from her hypnotic toes.

This story takes place during the events of my previous story Brainwashing Brain Freeze.

Britney entered through the front entrance of the mall, wanting to buy something special for her girlfriend Kelsey as her birthday was coming up soon. Britney walked throughout the food court towards the rest of the mall where all of the different small shops were.

Britney briefly considered taking a quick pit stop by the Slushy Spirals stand so she could buy herself a frozen cherry-flavored drink, but just as quickly changed her mind as she wanted to keep her focus on buying Kelsey a birthday gift. Besides, the booth appeared to be closed anyways as a giant metal gate had surrounded the front, so Britney moved past the food court and stepped right in front of the directory.

Britney felt a little embarrassed that she hadn’t even remembered what Kelsey had told her what kind of gifts she wanted for her birthday. She checked the Notes app on her phone to see if she had jotted some down, and was even more embarrassed when she couldn’t find any kind of list for birthday gift ideas.

Why wouldn’t I write something down as important as what my girlfriend wants for her birthday? Britney pondered to herself. She decided to take a closer look at the directory in front of her to study the large list of shops in the mall, hoping that reading the names of the stores would help jog her memory and make her remember what Kelsey had asked for her birthday.

Britney read the names of a lot of clothing stores at the mall, but she couldn’t recall her girlfriend asking her to buy her any clothes. She moved her finger across the directory until it was hovering over the name of a used video game store, Retro Rewind. Britney thought about buying a game for Kelsey as she knew she enjoyed collecting retro games, though she was pretty sure that she hadn’t asked for any games as Kelsey seemed to already own all of the old retro games she would want.

Britney felt her mind suddenly go stiff when she shifted her eyes over to a listing for a jewelry store. Though she was unable to explain this to herself, her mind had flashed back to last night when Kelsey made Britney kneel down on the ground in front of the couch cushion she was sitting on. She lowered her feet in front of Britney’s face and was repeatedly wiggling her plump, luscious toes near her eyes.

Kelsey had painted her toes with a white nail polish, and had painted vivid red spirals over her white toenails. She was wiggling all of her toes right in front of Britney’s eyes, giggling with delight over seeing Britney quickly shift her eyes back, forth, and all around trying to match up with the speed and movement of her toes, her face showing the first signs of a growing trance.

Now having gotten her girlfriend’s fully undivided attention, Kelsey started wiggling her toes even faster now, which added a spinning effect to the red painted spirals that felt extremely hypnotic from Britney’s point of view. Britney felt herself plunging straight into the centers of Kelsey’s spiraling toes the more she longingly stared at their wiggling movements, and could’ve sworn that she had developed spirals spinning around in her own eyes that matched perfectly with Kelsey’s painted toenails.

“Now that you have fully hypnotized and enslaved me with your gorgeous toes, what would you like for me to get you for your birthday, my queen?” Britney asked her girlfriend in an obedient monotone voice.

“I’m glad you asked!” Kelsey cheerfully exclaimed, and grabbed a paper list of birthday present ideas she wrote that was sitting next to her on the couch. She was prattling on about some of the gifts she was hoping for while quickly thumbing down her paper list. Kelsey commanded Britney to kiss and lick all of her toes as she continued moving down the list sharing some birthday ideas with her girlfriend.

“…but what I really want most for my birthd- ohhh… that feels great sweetie… don’t ever stop…” Kelsey interrupted herself by moaning out loud from her girlfriend furiously licking all of her toes. “Please don’t forget to lick in between my toes, babe.” She seethed through her teeth in pleasure.

“Do not worry, my queen.” Britney reassured her girlfriend. “Whatever you wish, I will always obey.” Britney stuck her tongue in between two of Kelsey’s toes.

After a single moan of thanks from Kelsey, she had regained enough of her senses so she could finish her sentence from earlier. “What I want most are those beautiful shiny toe rings we were looking at together in the jewelry store at the mall.” Kelsey hissed out in lust when she felt Britney gently exfoliating the dead skin off of her toes by lightly scraping her teeth against them. “Damn it, you’re so good to me…”

Britney lightly pinched one of Kelsey’s pinky toes in between two of her fingers, and began gently kneading and rolling her toe back and forth. “I remember those wonderful rings! I can’t wait to see how they look on these pretty little things!” Britney sealed her compliment with a kiss over Kelsey’s pinky toe, and then grabbed her left foot with both of her hands so she could openly admire how perfectly shaped it was.

“I bet I could use the shine emanating from those toe rings to hypnotize you even more deeply than ever before!” Kelsey happily sighed out loud as she felt Britney plant several more kisses across her toes.

Britney was lovingly caressing Kelsey’s left foot in her hands, smooching and leaving several lipstick imprints all over her girlfriend’s sole. “Should I be writing any of this down? I don’t want to forget any of your birthday gift ideas you’ve been sharing with me.”

Kelsey pulled her left foot out of her girlfriend’s grasp, and then suddenly started wiggling all of her toes again. “Aw, don’t worry about it, babe.” She playfully smirked when she saw the red spirals return in Britney’s eyes. “I can always just use my brainwashing toes to mentally sear my commands inside of your mind so you never forget!”

Britney giggled in delight when she felt Kelsey’s hypnotic toenails wipe her brain clean until all that was left swimming around in her now-empty head was what her girlfriend wanted for her birthday. Kelsey stopped wiggling her toes so she could shove one of her big toes near Britney’s left eye, and started slowly wiping her big toe around and around Britney’s eye.

Kelsey mischievously giggled when she saw Britney’s mindless gaze following and trying to keep up with the pace of her wiggling toe. “You won’t consciously remember my requests for my birthday by tomorrow morning.” Kelsey dramatically intoned as if she were a stage magician.

“Yes, my queen.” Britney’s pupil was spinning in circles following the path of Kelsey’s big toe stroking around the outside of her left eye. “I will not consciously remember a thing.”

Kelsey pulled her big toe away from Britney’s eye, and then shoved her other foot closer towards Britney’s face so she could rub her other big toe around her right eye. “But whatever day you choose to go shopping for my birthday at the mall, my suggestions for gifts will instantly flood your mind again when you read the name of the jewelry store on the mall’s directory. Got that?”

Kelsey stuck both of her big toes in Britney’s mouth and spread them apart, forcibly curving both sides of her mouth until Britney was flashing her girlfriend a great big smile. Britney happily nodded her head up and down in response to Kelsey’s question while her toes were still stuck in her mouth.

Kelsey then popped her big toes right out of her girlfriend’s mouth. “Alright, just give both of these puppies a big goodnight kiss, and then we can crawl into bed together, babe.” Kelsey sweetly giggled when she felt Britney’s lips leave a lovingly long kiss on each big toe.

After she finished reminiscing about her girlfriend’s hypnosis session from the previous night, Britney realized that she was still staring at the mall’s directory. Hoping that no one had seen her randomly space out for such a long time, Britney vigorously shook her head before walking towards the location of the jewelry store.

Britney was getting really distracted by a scent that was emanating from the direction of the jewelry store, and after taking a few inquisitive whiffs of the air, she could’ve sworn that she was smelling Kelsey’s foot fumes. Britney thought to herself that this had to be impossible as her girlfriend was currently staying back at their house, so she figured that she must be imagining the scent from her daydream.

The imagined scent of Kelsey’s smelly feet was luring Britney closer to her destination, as if the smell had grabbed hold of her face and whisked her away like the visible scent of a freshly baked pie in a cartoon. Britney saw the entrance to the jewelry shop at a distant corner of the mall, and imagined her girlfriend sitting down on a stool near the entrance without wearing any shoes, and wiggling one of her big toes.

Come closer, babe… The imaginary Kelsey soothed out towards Britney, luring her towards the shop with her wiggling toe as if she were beckoning her with a single finger. In response, Britney slowly raised her arms in front of her body like a hypnotized zombie, and marched onwards towards the jewelry store in a sleepwalking pose.

Britney mindlessly walked past several booths that had been set up throughout the hallway, which were all trying to sell questionable merchandise such as bootleg Sonic and Among Us plushies. There was even a booth that was selling a knock-off of the Wii gaming system, and the person running the booth attempted to shove a motion-based game controller into the dazed woman’s hands, though Britney mindlessly shoved it away as she walked past the booth without uttering a single word.

Once Britney reached the entrance to the jewelry store, she greeted the imaginary Kelsey by kneeling down on the floor in front of her. Britney puckered up her lips to kiss all over Kelsey’s toes, though she was really just kissing the air in front of her face. She imagined Kelsey standing off of the stool to grab a nearby leash and a dog collar, and fastening the collar around her neck before clipping the leash onto it. Holding onto the other end of the leash, Kelsey led her girlfriend through the entrance of the jewelry store.

Britney obediently followed behind her queen until they both reached a large glass case in the middle of the store, and they both leaned down to look more closely at what was inside. After shifting her gaze to and fro a few times, Kelsey found what she was looking for and lightly tugged on the leash, pulling her girlfriend closer to where she was pointing.

“Wouldn’t those toe rings just look so lovely on my- how did you refer to my toes?” Kelsey seductively leaned closer to Britney with a sexy smirk on her face. “Pretty little things?” She teased.

“Y-yeah…” Britney trailed off in a dreamy voice. “Those rings would make your toes look even more beautiful than they already do…”

Britney was able to flag down an employee into opening up the glass case for her so she could buy the toe rings. The employee carried the rings over to the cash register, so Kelsey pulled on the leash to lead her girlfriend to the front of the store.

The woman at the cash register was scanning the barcode on the bottom of the small box that the toe rings were in, and when the price rang up, the woman had asked Britney for her card to pay for it. Britney grabbed out her wallet and reached inside to grab out her card, but was interrupted by the imaginary Kelsey suddenly pulling her leash to the right so she could point something else out to her.

“I wouldn’t mind you getting me a gift card for my birthday, too.” Kelsey was whispering sweet nothings inside of Britney’s ear while seductively walking some of her fingers over one of Britney’s arms. Happy to oblige, Britney grabbed a gift card and asked the cashier to add it to the total cost.

Britney noticed that the cashier was giving her a bit of an odd look as she obviously couldn’t see her imaginary girlfriend who was leading her around on a leash, so she had to quickly come up with some kind of excuse to explain her odd behavior. “Oh, uh… I just kind of slipped a little bit… I’m kind of clumsy… I’ll be alright…” Britney tried to explain with an awkward smile on her face.

After Britney bought the toe rings and left the jewelry store, she started walking towards the exit of the mall while holding onto her imaginary girlfriend’s hand. “I can’t wait to get those beautiful shiny toe rings for my birthday!” Kelsey excitedly exclaimed.

“Isn’t the whole point of receiving a gift is that you don’t know what you’re getting until you open it on your birthday?” Britney teasingly asked.

Kelsey suddenly leaned in closer to Britney’s face so she could plant a huge kiss on her cheek, which was making her happily burn up bright red. “Ah, but you forget that I’m just a mere figment of your imagination. The real me is still patiently waiting back at our home for you to return.”

Britney was savoring Kelsey’s kiss by rubbing up and down her kissed cheek with a hand. “Your kisses sure feel real to me, though.”

Both Britney and Kelsey laughed as they walked closer to the exit. Britney noticed a young woman leaving the Slushy Spirals booth towards the exit, who had her arms stretched out in front of her body in a sleepwalking pose. Britney figured that the woman hadn’t gotten very much sleep lately to be drowsing around in a half-conscious state like that. Heh, I wouldn’t be caught dead wandering around in public like that. Britney thought to herself.

The day of Kelsey’s birthday had finally come, and Britney was finishing wrapping up her girlfriend’s gift in the bedroom while Kelsey patiently waited on the couch. After gently sticking a small bow onto the top of the wrapped-up box, Britney entered the living room and immediately crawled down onto her knees. She cupped her hands together and held them out in a worshipful pose, holding up her girlfriend’s present for her to grab.

Kelsey wasted no time in hypnotizing Britney again, quickly shoving her big toes near her face so she could begin gently rubbing her toes around and around Britney’s eyes. Kelsey took great delight in seeing Britney instantly plunging deep into another sleepy trance.

“Welcome back to the world of hypnosis…” Kelsey lovingly teased her hypnotized girlfriend.

“Th-thank you… my queen…” Britney stammered as she felt her cheeks blushing bright red, her reddening cheeks perfectly matching with the red spirals that were spinning around in her eyes. Kelsey plucked the present right out of Britney’s waiting hands and briefly inspected it, before tearing off the bow and the wrapping paper, and opening up the small box containing her gift.

Kelsey happily gasped when she saw what her girlfriend had bought her. “Thank you so much for this wonderful gift! I’ve been wanting these toe rings forever now! How’d you know I wanted these so much?” Kelsey teasingly asked her girlfriend with a knowing wink.

“Oh well, you know, a little toe told me…” Britney was giggling over her own bad pun, until Kelsey started wiggling her toes near her face again and deepening her trance.

“Anyone who makes a pun that awful deserves to be punished…” Kelsey mischievously chuckled.

Britney blushed even harder than ever before. “Hey, don’t threaten me with a good time!” She laughed.

Kelsey commanded Britney to strip off all of her clothes and then turn around on her knees so that her ass was facing the couch. Kelsey stretched out her legs and rested her bare feet on top of Britney’s naked back, and used her girlfriend like an ottoman. She was rubbing and stroking her feet and her toes all over Britney’s body, and was even tracing the outlines of Britney’s curvy body with her big toes. Kelsey lightly scraped Britney’s anus with her toenails and made her squeal in delight.

Kelsey was enjoying listening to her girlfriend’s mewls of pleasure as she grabbed out a Christmas list she had written up while Britney was shopping for her birthday. “How’s about you listen to what I would like for Christmas while I stomp all over your naked back with my feet?” Kelsey teasingly asked. “Christmas is coming up in a couple months, you know.”

Kelsey was repeatedly pressing her toes all over her girlfriend’s back. Britney continued kneeling on the ground acting as Kelsey’s ottoman, while Kelsey was brushing her toes throughout Britney’s black hair. Britney was giggling over how ticklish she felt from feeling her girlfriend’s toes exploring her entire head.

“Yes, my queen…” Britney repeatedly chanted every time Kelsey read out a Christmas gift she wanted from her massive list. Britney turned her body back around so she could gently squeeze a ring over each toe that she kissed. Kelsey happily wiggled her toes for her girlfriend, who got lost in the glimmering hypnotic lights of the toe rings, soaking in every Christmas gift Kelsey suggested for her to get.

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