Gentle Findom

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #consensual_kink #dom:female #f/m #pov:bottom #romantic #sub:male #findom #foot_fetish #furry #gentle_femdom #pendulum #praise_kink #spiral #spiral_eyes

An anthro german shepherd loves getting hypnotized and dominated by his wife into presenting her with a special offering every week.

An anthro german shepherd named Colin had obediently knelt to the ground at the feet of his wife, an anthro chihuahua named Princess, who was casually sitting back against the seat of her massive reclining chair as if it were her royal throne. The chihuahua playfully smirked as she saw her husband extend his face closer to her paws that she was posing for him on the floor, and giggled in delight as she felt Colin’s lips brushing against and kissing her toes.

“That tickles!” Princess giggled as she rummaged her hand inside of her purse that she was laying across her lap. When she found what she was looking for, she grabbed out a tube of red lipstick and popped off the top, and started waving the tip of her red lipstick in her hand back and forth, and soon all around like a hypnotic pendant. The chihuahua was chuckling when she saw her husband obediently following the trail of the hypnotic tube of lipstick she was twisting around in her hand.

“I must say that I truly appreciate your special offering you rewarded me during our previous worship session.” Princess giggled while pointing to a diamond-studded collar she was currently wearing around her neck. She turned the small tube around in her hand to apply a fresh coat of her ruby red lipstick on her lips, with her german shepherd hubby obediently tracing the arc of the lipstick with his eyes back and forth.

The chihuahua raised a finger to motion to her hypnotized husband to raise himself up further on his hands and knees, so that he could receive a sweet kiss from his wife on his forehead, which left a large red lipstick imprint over his fur. “I’m dying with anticipation over the latest offering my sweet, darling, obedient hubby is going to give me.”

Princess suddenly flicked her finger downwards, forcing her husband to crash back down onto the floor with a thud, and began profusely kissing all of her toes quicker than ever before. “Princess, you know how much I adore obeying your every command.” Colin was praising her in between his fervent kisses. “So I hope you adore my offering for you.”

Princess was affectionately stroking one of Colin’s cheeks using her toes, which made the german shepherd hiss out in pleasure while he felt his fluffy tail happily wagging uncontrollably. “Oh, I’m sure I’ll love whatever you’re going to offer me. You don’t need to worry about that at all, hun.” Princess sweetly cooed.

Colin sighed in relief as he stuck a hand inside one of his pockets and retrieved a small box. Princess stuck her tube of lipstick back in her purse and set it to the side so she could lower her hands closer to where Colin was kneeling, so that her husband could obediently place his offering down onto her waiting hands. Princess lifted up the box to more closely examine it, gasping in delight once she opened it to see what was inside.

“Oh, these sapphire earrings look so beautiful!” Princess happily squealed over her latest gift. “I’m gonna put them on right now!” The chihuahua pierced her ears with her new earrings, and then grabbed a small personal mirror out of her purse so she could admire herself while her husband continued kissing her paws.

Princess turned her mirror around in her hand so that it was facing Colin, and whistled to get him to stare at himself in the mirror. “Awww, look at how hypnotized my cute little hubby has become.” She teased her husband, who blushed in response when he realized how truly under her control he was, especially as he noticed how glazed and mindless his eyes appeared within the mirror.

“Thank you so much for such a wonderful gift, sweetie.” Princess cooed as she stuffed her lipstick and miniature mirror back into her purse. She leapt off of her chair, commanding her husband to stand up on his feet right in front of her so she could swing her purse back and forth in front of his eyes.

“I can’t wait for your next offering for me a week from now, honey.” The chihuahua leaned her face over to plant a sweet little kiss on one of Colin’s cheeks, while keeping him hypnotized by swinging her purse back and forth like a hypnotic pendant. The german shepherd’s cheeks were blushing from her kiss.

“Yes Princess, I can’t wait to be hypnotized by you into giving another offering again…” Colin trailed off as he obediently followed the movement of his wife’s swinging purse with his eyes back and forth.

Once a whole week had finally passed, Princess leaned back on her special reclining chair, while her loyal husband instantly plopped down right onto his belly on the floor at the foot of the chair, lifting himself up on his hands and knees to gaze adoringly towards his wife with a goofy yet sweet look on his face.

“Looks like my hubby is chomping at the bit to get hypnotized by me yet again.” The chihuahua teasingly giggled down towards her husband, who happily wagged his bushy tail in response.

Princess reached her hand into her purse and pulled out a single nail file, slowly rubbing one tip of the file back and forth across the nails of one of her hands. The sound the file was making against her nails felt extremely soothing to Colin’s ears, reminding him of some of the relaxing ASMR videos that his wife had him listen to while deepening him under a trance.

Colin began sinking further down onto the floor once again as he continued listening to the sound of the file being dragged back and forth across Princess’ nails, as he stuck his tongue out in a silly way that emphasized how dazed his entire face appeared to be. Princess stopped using her file so she could point a finger towards where Colin was laying on the floor, lightly turning it around to motion for the german shepherd to turn over on his back.

Princess made a pulling motion with both of her hands that prompted her husband to grip onto the waist of his pants, who pulled off both his pants and his boxers in one fell swoop. Colin’s erect cock sprung up in the air, causing his wife to lower her paws upon his dick and begin gently stroking up and down his veiny shaft using only her toes.

Colin was panting and whining in pleasure from his wife’s impromptu footjob, so tuned into the wonderful feelings that were spreading across his entire body, that he didn’t even realize that his latest offering for his wife had fallen out of his pants pocket when he ripped them off. However, Princess immediately picked up on this, so she leaned over to grab the gift off of the ground to admire it.

“Oh, you got me a new smart watch!” Princess happily exclaimed as she turned it on with a press of a small button and wrapped it around one of her wrists. “Thank you so much! You really didn’t have to get this for me. My old smart watch still works perfectly fine.”

“Oh, I know.” Colin raised himself back up into a kneeling position, his wheezing voice displaying a hint of the intense pleasure he had been feeling a few moments ago. “But I really love buying you whatever your heart desires.” Colin admitted with a blush growing on his cheek. His wife had already downloaded an app for her smart phone, lightly turning her hand around so that the watch’s screen was directly facing her husband.

Colin realized that an animated red spiral was spinning around and around on the watch’s touch screen, and his wife was giving him a sweet smirk that was playing across her face. She lightly traced the spinning spiral with her finger against the touch screen, her touch causing the spiral to spin around faster with every twist of her finger.

As Colin stared further down into the center of the spiral, he obediently began rising up onto his feet when Princess gently placed her free hand underneath his chin and helped lift his face up so his eyes were perfectly transfixed to the spiral playing on the screen around the wrist of her other hand.

“Don’t my nails look so pretty?” Princess cooed as she gently placed her nail file back in her purse, briefly flashing her shiny nails in front of her husband’s mindless glazed-over eyes.

Yes they do look so pretty…” Colin moaned out loud when he felt Princess lovingly lightly scratching one of his cheeks with a single fingernail. She suddenly pulled her finger away from his cheek and quickly flicked it downwards, and Colin’s mind immediately took notice of his wife’s wordless command, so he leapt back onto his hands and knees on the ground at his wife’s feet.

Princess picked up her purse with a hand and lowered it in front of Colin’s head, who was busy repeatedly kissing all of her toes. Colin lifted up his face slightly to look at his wife’s purse, obediently following the motion of her swinging purse by shifting his eyes back and forth. The German shepherd began dragging his tongue back and forth across Princess’ bare paws in perfect tandem with her makeshift hypnotic pendant.

“Same spot, same time next week?” Princess sweetly asked her husband. “I can’t wait to see what kind of offering you have in store for me during our next session.” She added with a wink.

“Yes Princess. Same spot, same time next week, Princess. I always love obeying you Princess.” The German shepherd’s monotone voice soon transitioned into a pleasured sigh as he felt the chihuahua gently stroke her toes throughout his hair.

Another week had passed, and Colin began slowly approaching the reclining chair that Princess was laying down on, holding her offering in a small black box that he was hiding behind his back. He noticed that Princess had placed her paws on top of an ottoman she set up in front of the chair, and was delicately painting her toenails with a special kind of polish she had retrieved from her purse.

“Bet you can’t guess what I got you this week.” Colin teased with a mischievous chuckle.

Princess finished painting her toenails and set the vial of polish back in her purse, before dramatically rubbing one of her hands back and forth underneath her chin as she thought about her husband’s challenge. “Hmmm… you are just about to reward me with your latest offering when I told you in advance that I would be painting my toenails today. I wonder what your gift could possibly be?” The chihuahua giggled.

Princess shoved the ottoman out of the way so she could lower her paws towards the ground, and began wiggling all of her toes. The longer Colin stared down at her wiggling toes, he realized that his wife had painted her toenails with a striking black nail polish, but had also painted red spirals over the black nail polish.

Every time Princess wiggled her toes, the red painted spirals on her toes appeared to dance and spin around in front of Colin’s eyes. Upon noticing how dizzy and dazed her husband’s face looked being forced to obediently watch the hypnotic movements of her toes, she pointed one of her big toes towards the floor. “Kneel for me, hubby.”

“Yes Princess.” Colin automatically fell onto his hands and knees with a light thud, crawling closer towards his wife’s paws. He shoved his face closer to her toes so he could stare more intently into the red painted spirals that were adorning her toenails, allowing himself to become further entranced the more his wife wiggled her toes for him.

After being exposed to her hypnotic toes after a long enough time, Princess noticed that her husband had red spirals spinning around and around in his eyes, perfectly matched with the spirals she had painted over her toenails. The chihuahua pushed one of her paws a little bit forward to trace hypnotic circles around one of Colin’s eyes using one of her big toes.

“I’ve always known you to take quite a liking to my paws, but this is a little much even for you.” Princess giggled over how her husband was acting, continuing to trace around his eye with her big toe. The pupil in Colin’s eye began following the movement of Princess’ toe, spinning around faster to the point that it practically blended in with the spiral in his eye.

“I love your paws, Princess. I love your toes, Princess. I love you, Princess.” Colin repeatedly chanted as his wife began rubbing her other big toe around his other eye. She pulled that toe away so she could place it under the german shepherd’s chin, and began lovingly rubbing the spot with her toe. “Who’s my good boy, honey?” Princess cooed to him.

The german shepherd suddenly shot up on all fours and began excitedly running around in several little circles. “I’m your good boy, Princess!” Colin was happily panting.

Princess sweetly giggled. “Though I do love seeing how happy I can make you, I do believe it is time for you to give me your latest offering. Sit!” The chihuahua pointed towards the ground with a big toe after issuing her command.

“Yes Princess!” Colin obediently exclaimed, dropping down onto the floor in a sitting position once again and picking up the small black box that had tumbled on the ground a few moments ago. Colin crawled forwards on his knees closer to his wife’s paws and opened the small box, revealing a shiny toe ring that was adorned with a beautiful diamond.

“Ummm… I really hope you like this gift…” Colin had a bit of a nervous blush growing on his cheeks. “I know you don’t own any toe rings, so I wasn’t really sure if you’d like this, but I thought that since you love to show off your paws and paint your toes, I-“

Princess quickly cut him off by leaning over towards where her husband was sitting on the floor to wrap her arms around him in a huge embrace. “I don’t just like this gift, I love it! Thank you so much!” The chihuahua planted several little kisses all over the german shepherd’s face, leaving several lipstick imprints on every inch.

Colin was sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth in a dazed-looking yet cute way, and the red spirals in his eyes had transformed into red hearts. “Awww… you’re welcome, darling.” Colin squeezed the ring onto one of his wife’s toes, and gently planted a kiss on the tip of the diamond.

Princess had commanded Colin to remove all of his clothes and then kneel back down in front of her paws again, who more than happily obliged. Princess gently placed a paw upon Colin’s erect cock, scrunching her toes around the tip of his dick. She started rubbing her toes harder up and down the entire length of his shaft, earning several grateful grunts and groans from her husband.

When Colin finally came out loud from his wife’s loving touches, he fell onto his back with a dazed yet pleasured look on his face, longingly staring up at his beautiful wife who was sitting down upon her royal throne where she rightfully belonged. Princess lowered her purse so that she was holding it just above her husband’s face, and began gently swinging it back and forth, taking great delight in watching Colin’s glazed-over eyes moving back and forth in tandem with the hypnotic pendant.

“I would hate to sound like I’m being a burden after you got me such a wonderful and special present, but I can’t wait to see what your offering for me the following week will be like.” Princess sweetly chuckled over how easily hypnotizable her hubby was.

“You would never be a burden, Princess.” Colin admitted in a monotone voice. “I love showering you with special gifts every week, Princess.”

“Oh, thank you so much sweetie…” Princess decided to reward her husband by moving her toes closer to his face and began wiggling them all over again. When Colin finally passed out in pleasure with an aroused gasp, he dreamt of nothing but red spirals spinning around and around in a black void.

It had been a whole week since the special toe ring that Colin had gifted his wife. He was struggling to figure out a gift that he felt could top the previous week’s, until he found something at a nice clothing store that he felt Princess would really appreciate.

The gift was big enough that the german shepherd decided to package it up in some leftover birthday wrapping paper. When he carried the present into the living room of their house, he was already being hypnotically lured into the center of the room by his wife on her throne, who had retrieved a black pen from her purse that she was waving around in a hypnotic figure-eight pattern, with the tip of the pen pointed directly at his face.

“You can just set my present down by my paws and lay down in front of my magnificence.” Princess chuckled as she watched her husband lower his gift onto the floor by her paws, before laying down on his stomach right in front of where his wife was sitting, with his arms stretched out in front of his body.

When Colin puckered up his lips to place several demure kisses all over Princess’ toes, he soon realized that she still had red spirals painted all over her toenails. Although she wasn’t currently wiggling her toes to give off the illusion that the hypnotic spirals were spinning, just merely looking at the spirals was sending a deliciously hypnotic tingle up Colin’s spine, and made him shiver out loud in lust.

Princess put the pen back in her purse and set it aside, picking up her husband’s latest offering for her and setting it on her lap while she enjoyed feeling Colin’s tongue swirling around all of her toes. She tore off the wrapping paper and opened up the cardboard box, happily gasping over the gift she was now holding in her hands.

“I love this new purple robe you got for me! It’s so soft!” Princess happily exclaimed while hugging her new gift against her chest. “My old purple robe is getting pretty worn out these days, so this is pretty much perfect timing!”

Princess suddenly stood up off of her chair, and stripped off all of her clothes in one fell swoop. Colin’s jaw practically hit the ground as he drank in the sight of his naked wife, his face looking nearly as dazed as whenever she hypnotized him. The chihuahua fit her new robe over her shapely body and leisurely took her place back on her throne once more, gently patting one of her knees to motion to her husband to lay his head down upon her lap.

Once Colin knelt closer to where Princess was sitting and gently laid his head upon his wife’s lap like he was told, he happily sighed when he felt the chihuahua gently stroking her fingers through his hair. She slightly lifted off part of her robe with a hand to expose one of her bare breasts to her husband, who lifted up his face to drool over the sight.

“You’ve been awarding me so many special offerings lately, that I’ve been thinking about wanting to award you with a special offering of my own.” Princess petted her husband’s head a few more times. “So how about you lift your head up here so you can suck on my tit to your heart’s content.” The chihuahua sweetly laughed when she saw the german shepherd’s face happily light up as if it were Christmas Day. “I know how much of a tit man you are.”

Colin did as he was told and soon wrapped his lips around Princess’s exposed nipple, gently sucking on it until his wife motioned to him to suck harder like the eager puppy she knew he could be like. Colin felt his wife’s lips bristling against one of his ears so she could whisper to him.

“I’ve always known that cats love drinking milk, but I had no idea that a dog could enjoy drinking milk just as much.” Princess humorously teased her husband in a sweet-sounding tone of voice. Colin removed his lips from his wife’s nipple with an audible pop so he could answer her.

“I could suck on your breasts all night long…” Colin drawled out in an almost drunk-sounding voice, with a small trail of his wife’s breast milk running down his chin. Colin stuck his mouth back onto Princess’s nipple again to continue sucking. Every time he felt Princess give him loving head pats and whisper in his ear what a good boy he was, Colin would shudder in pleasure just a bit more heavily.

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