Crash Course

by Hypnautical Nonsense

Tags: #brainwashing #dom:male #furry #personality_change #pov:bottom #sub:male #cock_hypnosis #CW:dubious_consent #hypnotic_screen #kink_education #subliminal_messages #teacher_student_dynamic

An anthro squirrel named Cody wants the ladies’ man Hugo to teach him some of his secrets in improving himself to better attract women, though Hugo has an unconventional way of teaching these lessons.

One day, an anthro squirrel named Cody came over to visit a close friend of his, an anthro white tiger named Hugo. Cody had noticed that Hugo was a real ladies’ man, constantly picking up women left and right who happily held onto his every word. The squirrel had struggled before to get any woman interested in him, so he was incredibly grateful that Hugo had kindly agreed to take him under his wing and teach him some pointers.

Cody whistled in a tone of impressed appreciation as Hugo gave him a brief tour of the inside of his house, marveling over how nice it all looked. It wasn’t like his friend lived in a super fancy mansion or anything, but he seemed to be pretty well off, especially since he was a very sharply dressed man who took excellent care after himself.

By comparison, though Cody didn’t live like a complete slob, he was rather messy, often only partially following through on his daily personal hygiene, and haphazardly throwing on whatever clothes he had lying about regardless of how old and worn they were.

Once Hugo had led the squirrel into his living room, Cody noticed that the white tiger had stuck a chair and a small table together, which resembled a classroom desk. The front of the makeshift desk was facing an old-fashioned projection screen that had decorated one of the walls of Hugo’s house.

Hugo motioned for Cody to pull out the chair and sit down at the desk, commanding him to fold his hands over the desk as that was the respectful and polite thing to do in front of his new teacher. Hugo walked over to the projector machine to arrange all of the slides he was going to show to his new student.

“Welcome to my perfectly planned and one-hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed crash course in etiquette.” Hugo started his lesson with a stern yet courteous tone of voice. “Today, you will learn everything there is to know about proper etiquette that you can use to woo whatever woman your heart desires.”

Hugo grabbed a nearby ruler in his hand that was sitting near the projector, slowly walking back over to where Cody was obediently sitting down with his hands folded across the desk. “I must warn you though, my lessons in etiquette can sometimes be very intense… demanding… grueling…”

Hugo suddenly slapped one end of his ruler on the desk just in front of Cody’s folded hands, the loud sound startling the squirrel, though he tried his hardest to keep his composure. “…and even a little mind melting at times.” Hugo finished his warning with a smirk on his face. “You sure you still want to go through with this?”

Cody gulped nervously, not entirely sure what he had gotten himself into. “Y…yes sir…” The anxious squirrel stammered. “I will do whatever it takes to learn from the master so I may one day find the love of my life, sir.”

The white tiger brushed a thick, manly hand throughout Cody’s red hair in a mock-loving way. “Good answer…” Hugo mischievously chuckled before walking back over to the projector. He grabbed a remote off of the tray that was also carrying the projector, turned himself around so he was directly facing his obedient student, and then clicked a big, red button.

At first, the slides that Hugo was subjecting Cody to started off fairly normally, depicting examples of proper etiquette such as how many times one must brush their teeth per day to keep up with proper oral hygiene, the proper dress code when taking someone out to eat at a fancy restaurant, and doing kind things for others like holding doors open for them and complimenting them on their appearances.

Even though Cody himself was currently not the greatest at following these examples of etiquette, he was grateful finding these lessons to be useful information for him to learn from. With that being said, the squirrel wasn’t entirely sure why Hugo had been hyping up his lessons with words such as “intense” or “grueling,” let alone his odd use of the term “mind melting.” If anything, these lessons were coming across as being a bit boring.

As if the white tiger had noticed that his student looked like he was getting bored by the repetitive nature of the slideshow, Hugo had temporarily turned off the projector so he could mix in an additional stack of slides into the machine. “Well now, I think my devoted student is ready to move onto the next phase of my lesson.” Hugo said while walking back over to where Cody was. “However, the next phase of my lesson can be quite… dizzying, though I have a way of helping you through it.”

Hugo pulled out a small box from one of his pockets and shook it over one of his palms, allowing two small toothpicks to fall into one of his hands. He held out the toothpicks closer towards Cody’s face so he could use them to hold up Cody’s eyelids so he couldn’t blink. “There, now no matter what happens, you won’t have to miss a single second of my slideshow.”

Cody was now beginning to realize that this whole situation was rather strange. “Umm… are you sure we have to do this?” The squirrel nervously asked the tiger.

“Of course.” Hugo confidently stated. “Besides, you agreed to do whatever it takes to learn my lessons in etiquette, remember?”

Cody gulped yet again. “That I did, sir.” He nervously admitted.

Hugo returned to the projector to turn it on and picked up the remote again. Facing his student once more, he began clicking on the red button several times, causing the slideshow to repeatedly display all of the slides of etiquette rules that Cody had previously seen in a constant loop.

Hugo began clicking the red button on the remote more rapidly now, causing the slides to cycle through even faster. Cody was paying rapt attention to the fast-moving slides, unable to block out Hugo’s words of wisdom due to the toothpicks that were forcibly holding up his eyelids. Cody leaned himself forwards over his desk so his mind could soak in every detail of every slide he was forced to endure.

Strangely, Cody could’ve sworn for a brief second he saw a slide of a big, veiny cock whiz by, which came and went so quickly that it was virtually subliminal. The cock he thought he might’ve seen mixed in with the other slides even appeared to have the same color as Hugo’s fur, though he brushed that thought aside, believing that there was no way he saw something like that.

Hugo stopped clicking the button to leave the screen hanging on a slide depicting an image of a man and a woman who had recently arrived at someone’s house for a party. The woman was wearing a large coat, and a large coat rack was situated near the two. Hugo walked back over to Cody’s desk with remote in hand, leaning over him so he could begin testing him.

“Alright, time for a pop quiz. If you were the man in this photograph, what would you do?” Hugo asked his student.

“I would politely remove the coat from the woman and place it upon the coat rack, sir.” Cody answered his teacher in a monotone voice. “Your cock knows all.” Cody subconsciously added, having already forgotten as soon as he said it.

Hugo was playfully ruffling his free hand through Cody’s red hair. “Good boy, you’re already learning so fast.” Hugo was happy that he slipped in those slides he took of his own massive cock, as he wanted to subliminally insert a symbol of what he considered to be a good source of male confidence directly into Cody’s highly suggestible mind, giving him something to aspire to.

Cody happily leaned more into Hugo’s affectionate touch, enjoying the feeling of Hugo’s fingers softly stroking his hair. “Thank you, sir. I love to learn from the best.”

“Ready for another pop quiz, my forever faithful student?” Hugo asked while gently stroking the back of Cody’s head.

Cody was absolutely loving Hugo’s tender caresses. (Though in just a platonic way. He  desperately thought to himself.) “You can teach me all day and all night long, sir.” If Cody could close his eyes to savor Hugo’s touch and sigh contently, he would.

Hugo began rapidly pressing down on the remote’s red button again, quicker than ever before. Cody was even beginning to enjoy the feeling of the fast-moving slideshow scrambling his mind with every slide he saw. He even thought he might’ve seen another slide of Hugo’s cock slipped in there, and he even briefly saw some kind of message inscribed in the photo.

Hugo stopped the slideshow on a photo depicting a man and a woman eating at a table in a fancy five-star restaurant, with a waiter standing nearby. “Alright, if you were the man dating that woman in the photo, what would you do?”

“I would offer to pay for our meals, but never insist on having to pay for it all myself, sir. I would also reward our waiter with a very generous tip.” Cody confidently stated in a monotone voice. “Your cock makes me want to better myself.”

“Good boy, another excellent answer.” Hugo affectionately rubbed Cody’s chin with his free hand, who was beaming with pride from the praise. “You are already well on your way to transforming into such a gentleman after our session is completed.”

Hugo clicked the button a few more times until the slideshow landed on a photo showing a woman wearing a pair of sparkly blue high heels. “Your partner just purchased a new pair of high heels, and is posing them for you and asking for your opinion on them. What would you do?”

“I would compliment her on her purchase and how wonderful they look on her, no matter what, sir.” Cody’s hands were still perfectly folded over his desk as he absorbed everything his teacher was telling him. “Your cock keeps me firmly planted under your thumb.”

A slide appeared showcasing a photo of a man and a woman just about to enter through the door of a building. “I would hold the door open for the woman, sir.” The squirrel answered. “Your cock keeps me from going astray.”

A slide appeared displaying a photo of a man and a woman standing across from each other, deep in conversation. “I would keep good eye contact with the woman and listen to everything she has to say, and not stare at her tits, unless she wants me to do that, sir.” Cody admitted. “Your cock teaches me everything you know.”

A few more clicks of the button and some more pop quizzes later, Hugo decided that he had taught his student enough rules about etiquette for the moment, so he finally removed the toothpicks that were holding up Cody’s eyes, allowing him to finally blink again.

However, Cody wanted to continue staring in amazement towards the projection screen, as unbeknownst to the white tiger, a slide displaying a photo that Hugo took of himself sitting down in the nude with his cock out at full mast was proudly shown on the projection screen. Hugo looked a little bit nervous, as he never intended for Cody to see these subliminal slides in full. “Uh… er, I can explain…”

Cody mindlessly lifted himself off of the desk and walked in front of it, immediately falling to his hands and knees in front of the projection screen, with the image of Hugo’s massive cock towering over his entire body. Cody was trembling in a mix of awe and even fear, so he pushed himself forwards and crawled right up to the screen.

Cody had become so entranced, that he imagined he was in the presence of the real Hugo rather than just simply a picture of him. “Th…thank you… for teaching me everything I need to know…”

Cody placed a small kiss on the base of the shaft in the video, which immediately began to melt away his fears and become a bit more open to express himself. “I hope this small humble token of my gratitude is thanks enough for everything you’ve done for me, but if it isn’t…”

Cody gently kissed the image of Hugo’s penis again. “This is for helping me to improve and better myself.” He planted a kiss over his balls. “This is for helping to teach me important lessons in life.” The squirrel lifted himself up a bit to plant a kiss over the tip. “This is for helping me to learn how to be a better lover and partner.”

“Uhh… you do realize you’re making out with an image of my dick, right?” Hugo asked with a confused voice. While he certainly wanted to use the subliminal messages to help inspire his student, he wasn’t quite expecting this kind of a reaction.

Cody was repeatedly kissing the projection screen over where Hugo’s cock was. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for showing me the light!” He happily shouted in between kisses. “Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help teach me and mold me! I will forever be indebted to you as your obediently faithful student, your humble apprentice.”

Hugo started to step out of his living room. “Alright, I’ll just leave you two lovers alone for right now and let you work out some stuff.”

Cody didn’t even realize that Hugo had left, as he was far too hyper-focused on showering his wonderful teacher with the biggest words of worship he could possibly muster.

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